tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 10, 2020 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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gillian anderson is next. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, gillian anderson. emanuel acho. music from ty dolla sign. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hi, everyone. thank you. i'm jimmy, the host. thank you for joining us on another weird day in america. here's a question. we sure donald trump isn't just stuck in a white house bathtub, too embarrassed to call for help? [ laughter ] the potus refused to go-tus. he still won't concede to joe biden, and by all accounts he has no plans to do so any time soon. it's very strange. we're basically ignoring the president of the united states like he's a crazy guy on a subway platform. he's ranting and rave and we just raise the volume on our
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airpods and hope he doesn't shove us into an oncoming train. [ laughter ] even with all this tension, trump has not lost his sense of humor. for instance, this morning he tweeted, "we will win." [ laughter ] which is funny. we have a reality show host who will not accept reality. how pleased with himself is vladimir putin right now? that 2 million rubles or whatever he put into interfering in the election in 2016? what a payoff. might be the greatest investment of all time. it's like he hit the destroy america lotto. republicans are handling the president with kid gloves, because those are the only gloves that fit him. [ laughter ] i have to say, i'm less disgusted with our toddler-in-chief throwing his oatmeal than i am at the republican congress going along with this. the baby is right that oatmeal should go on the wall, he's within his rights to throw it on the wall. we need to let the process of
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oatmeal-flinging play out. [ laughter ] only a handful of prominent republicans have acknowledged biden's victory. secretary of state mike pompeo today -- i don't know what trump has on this guy. he's going to have a hard time unwedging that big head of his from inside trump's bottom. >> is the state department currently preparing to engage with the biden transition team, if not, at what point does a delay hamper a smooth transition or pose a risk to national security? >> there will be a smooth transition to a second trump administration. >> jimmy: can you say that again without breathing so heavily this time? attorney general bill barr has ordered the justice department to look into allegations of voter fraud. to be clear, there have been no credible allegations of fraud that would affect the outcome of the election in any of the states. none. this is happening at out of purchase spite. trump is like the guy who plays 20 plays of "achy breaky heart" on the juke house before he leaves the diner. ignore the biden transition
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team, they won't even sign the paperwork to get it going. there's a trump appointee who has to sign off, and so far, she's refusing to do so. her name is emily murphy. that's emily. you can call her karen if you like. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i have to say, put emily back up there for a second. i love when it we meet a new character in the last season of a show, you know? [ laughter ] this is just ridiculous. i think i have a solution to make everyone happy. all right. here's the deal. president trump, we're going to let you be president again. we're going to let you stay for another term. but you have to do it in yoga pants, okay? all four years. not under the clothes, not under the suit. any time you have a meeting, you welcome the prime minister of tonga into the oval office, you do it in lululemon yoga pants. if we ever catch you not wearing them, you have to leave. think about it, you have an hour to respond. boy would i love to be a fly in
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trump's dipping sauce right now. what is going on in that white house? hi, dad? it's jared. ivanka's husband. you put me in charge of peace in the middle east? anyway, the kids are wondering about where they're going to go to school next semester. you think we'll be here or back in new york? then he gets hit with a can of diet coke. trump hasn't spoken in public since thursday. this was his official schedule today. his official schedule was, no schedule, no public events scheduled. this is yesterday. no public events scheduled. he did do one thing over the weekend, he took a two-day golf trip. there is a big event this weekend coming up but it's not clear whether or not trump will attend. they're throwing him an "i'm not fired" festival called the march for trump, to stop the steal. and spread the virus, of course. they're using this whole recount thing to raise money. team trump has sent about 150 fund-raising emails this week
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asking for help with this effort to invalidate the election. if you read the fine print it says 60% of contributions will be sent to the campaign's general election account to pay off the debt they have. basically, at this point, any money you give to trump goes towards paying kimberly guilfoyle's dry bar bill. [ laughter ] let's break down what they're -- trump owes $420 million to god knows who, we don't know. 62% of the money goes there. another 9% goes to melania's renegotiated prenuptial agreement. 7% to men's shapewear. 14% to djtj's allowance if they do their chores. anything that's left over, mc b mcribs. [ laughter ] trump launched his own political action committee, allegedly to help raise money for republican candidates. the only pac donald trump should be involved with right now is packing up his [ bleep ] and moving it to mar-a-lago. [ cheers and applause ]
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thank you. thank you for your support over the years. >> guillermo: thank you, yeah! >> jimmy: meanwhile, while the president has gone missing, many are asking for the first time everywhere is mike pence? [ laughter ] well, mike pence, he planned, he was supposed to go on vacation tonight. to florida. that's right. as the country's breaking records for most new cases of covid in a single day, the head of the task force was headed to a beach with mother and a one-piece to enjoy a virgin pina colada, which is also his secret service nickname. [ laughter ] i don't know why but i have the idea of mike pence on vacation in florida. i wonder if he could even get a tan. he seems like -- he might be like an untoastable slice of white bread. after a lot of criticism, he canceled the trip. his office said he has to stay in washington in case the president needs to kick him or something. so don't worry, mike, you have plenty of time off ahead. trump has been trying to make himself feel better during this
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difficult time by firing people. yesterday he fired the secretary of defense. and we learned that he gave chief scientists behind the government's reports on climate change the ax on friday. so climate problem solved, i guess. [ laughter ] you can't say he's not consistent. if we don't test for covid, there's no covid. if we don't report on climate change, the climate doesn't change. now hand me my unfiltered cigarettes and stuff a roll of as business toes in my pants. [ laughter ] trump has named the new acting director of the u.s. global change research program as sharpie pen in a lab coat. so congratulations to him. by the way, i don't know who did this. but if you go to, the website? this is what pops up. [ laughter ] trump's wikipedia page. [ cheers and applause ] i don't know. that's got to be hillary, right? [ laughter ] you know, there's been so much excellent coverage of politics over the past week or so. but i want to congratulate
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especially the gang over at msnbc who unwittingly provided us with tonight's "award for excellence in recording." >> how the trump administration is handling the transition with the incoming biden team, or not handling it we should say, to a certain extent. this time it involves our intelligence community. kim what have you learned, sir? >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> okay. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: it was his day to pick the kids up at school. in other troubling news, earlier tonight on abc we broke in a new bachelorette. it's weird. the bachelorette had a more peaceful transition of power than the presidency. last week, clare left the show after one date with dale. they got engaged. so tonight the bachelor-elect,
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tayshia, took the reins. they added four new guys for tayshia. one in particular, a guy named spencer, ruffled some feathers. i'm not exactly sure why but the other guys do not like him at all. >> i see guys like you ary day. it's rough enough in my particular area, when we come across guys like you, we call you lunch meat, okay, because you like to talk a lot of [ bleep ]. i know you're the new guy. if i'm off base, you can let me know. if i am on base, you don't want to [ bleep ] with me, we can go. >> okay, noted. >> jimmy: wow. that is a lot of sexual energy there, isn't it? [ laughter ] i bet those two wind up together, i really do. guillermo, 50 bucks, riley and spencer action you want it? >> guillermo: yeah, sure. it's going to be spencer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: chris harrison had a surprise sit-down tonight. they brought dale and clare back. and my favorite part of the interview is when we found out dale didn't even have clare's
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phone number until after they were engaged. that's true love. i hope this works out for them, but -- it won't. [ laughter ] and all of a sudden now chris harrison has turned into a pushy mother-in-law. >> what is next for you guys? move in together, wedding? what's up? >> i think, you know -- obviously -- >> babies. >> really, like we've -- >> dale, you just skipped right over that. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, he sure did. oh-oh. let's look at that reaction again. >> babies. >> uh -- >> jimmy: run, dale, run. i think the answer he was looking for was "dancing with the stars," but you didn't give it. the stars are still dancing, by the way, even though covid cases are going up almost everywhere. they're still doing the cha cha chat. we've seen a spike here in california. our governor, gavin newsom, says the rise in cases is obviously sob
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sobering. i would argue the opposite the, everyone i know is drinking more than ever. [ laughter ] [ applause ] they say up to 15% of these new cases ar result of outdoor dining, which was supposed to be safe. i guess it's not that safe. some states are allowing indoor dining, which is definitely not safe. and some restaurants aren't taking any precautions at all. >> if you want a safe, socially distanced dining experience -- then take your ppe somewhere else, snowflake! [ bleep ]. no masks, just fun. unwashed karaoke microphone. dig into our wuhan hot wings. have a heaping helping of room-temperature oysters. [ bleep ] ruckers. if germs were for real we'd be able to see them, because of course it is.
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[ bleep ] ruckers. no shirt no mask no problem. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a good show. emanuel acho is here. music from kentucky dollar sign. we'll be right back with gillian anderson! this is panera's new chef claes. chef claes insists on fresh clean ingredients. the richest cheeses and a mouth-watering sauce. so when chef claes makes a pizza, he doesn't just make a pizza. he makes a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera. turning black friday into deals for days. starting wednesday 11/11 score deals like $149 lenovo ideapad 3 and get them at our new deals pickup. let's end the year saving bigger. ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight, this is his new book. it is called "uncomfortable conversations with a black man," emmanuel acho is here on his birthday. he turns 30 today. guillermo, quick, go bake a cake. >> guillermo: okay, i'll go in the commercials. >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] your they take awhile to cook. you can't just -- >> guillermo: can we do postmate? >> jimmy: yeah, we can do
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postmates. then later, this is his album, cleverly titled "featuring ty dolla sign." ty dolla sign is with us. [ applause ] tomorrow night, dr. phil mcgraw and john king from cnn will be with us, with music from maren morris. so please join us for that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is an emmy and golden globe-winning actor known around the globe as fbi agent dana scully from "the x-files." her latest redheaded role is that of british prime minister margaret thatcher, in the new season of "the crown." >> three, two, one. thank you. >> the way those men patronize me, lecture me. squires and grandees. >> upper-class bastards. >> and our ideas, the solutions to the problems this country faces, so unimaginative,
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cautious. wit. >> jimmy: the crown" premieres sunday on netflix. please welcome gillian anderson. hi, gillian. >> hi. >> jimmy: i'm already giving you the emmy for this. it is unbelievable to see you playing margaret thatcher. i mean, it's crazy. i mean, i know you. i've seen you in many things. >> we go way back. >> jimmy: all of a sudden you're margaret thatcher. have you called president-elect bide ton congratulate him yet? have you made that official -- >> not yet, not yet. >> jimmy: how are people -- you know, obviously this is the only story happening here in the united states. is it a huge story there in the uk too? >> what? >> jimmy: the election. >> the american election? >> jimmy: you may have answered it, yeah. the american election. yeah. >> yeah, no. people who are distancing in the streets just like they were in
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the u.s. >> jimmy: oh, wow, how about that. [ applause ] had you ever seen anything like that before? >> no. not in my entire 163 years. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: when donald trump was elected, were you in london and were people dancing then? >> no, i think they were being photoshoped in front of the mall, weren't they? [ laughter ] i didn't see them dancing. >> gillian -- your accent has really -- you've really absorbed a lot of an english accent. >> well, my original accent was english. i mean, that was my very first accent was speaking like an english child. i was an english child until i moved to grand rapids, michigan. >> jimmy: yeah, but we want you to be like us. [ laughter ] we want you to be one of ours. >> okay, jimmy. >> jimmy: boy that margaret
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thatcher. you really -- i mean, that is crazy. are you good at imitations in general? is that something you do regularly? >> no. >> jimmy: no? >> no, no. i never try stuff. because i always fail. >> jimmy: well, you didn't fail here. >> you know, it took a lot of research, a lot of practice. and a wig or two. >> jimmy: yeah. your man friend, peter morgan, is the creator of "the crown." i assume he wrote this part with you in mind for it? >> no. >> jimmy: he didn't? really? >> no. she existed in history prior to -- >> jimmy: no, no, no. [ laughter ] boy, wouldn't that be an x-file, if somehow he had this planned from way back then. >> no, no no. he didn't -- no, no. i mean, obviously she was already going to be a part of this particular season. and at some point he asked -- i don't know whether he was looking at pictures of her and kind of did a double-take?
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you know. and went, oh! i think you could do this. but we have a similar nose, we kind of do. similar nose. similar hooded eyes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> anyway, so he asked if i thought that i could. and i thought that i could. >> jimmy: did you know for sure -- >> sure. >> jimmy: were you positive that you could? i could see that causing a real problem in your relationship. >> i was pretty certain. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and then did you guys -- did you like work on it at home? or did you surprise [ bleep ]? >> no, oh no. i mean, there were other seasons where he had spoken to me about, you know, scripts and scenes and run stuff by me over the years and stuff. you know, i'm quite opinionated. we've kind of got used to that. then for some reason in this season, from the very beginning,
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he wasn't talking to me about it anymore. he didn't want my opinion. >> jimmy: i see. >> about the season. and then -- so, you know, we decided that, you know -- when i was going to start filming, that he didn't get to ask me or make comments about my performance either, if i wasn't going to be able to talk to him about his scripts. >> jimmy: ah. >> but then we started rehearsal, which rehearsal was more like a table read, more than rehearsal. kind of a table read, there was a lot of script changes and stuff. i hadn't really let her out of the bag yet. >> jimmy: yes? >> i hadn't exposed her to more than the voice guide that i was working with. it was the second day of rehearsal that we were doing it, and i was quite shy. and -- you know, there were other actors in the room, stuff like that. they were performing, you know, up to par.
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and then we took a break, like a lunch break, walking away. and i was like, these aren't really -- this isn't really rehearsal, it's like a table read, you guys are changing the script all over the place, i don't feel comfortable to necessarily, you know -- he's like, well, we're all wondering where she is. when she's going to show up. well -- okay. she's coming. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: boy. >> yeah. i guess i'm a much shyer actor than i realized. >> jimmy: he must have been so relieved when you started and it sounded great. i mean, it really must have been a huge weight off of his shoulders. >> yeah, yes. >> jimmy: i have a photograph here i want to ask you about. you met the real queen. when did this happen? [ laughter ] >> well, can you see -- do you see that thing that is draped over the queen's shoulder? >> jimmy: the black piece of fabric? >> yeah, the piece of fabric.
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so that piece of fabric is attached to the gentleman behind the queen. it's around his neck. as she's exiting to go and present the trophies to the polo players, like in harry potter, this thing from his neck is going around like this. and it wraps itself around her, her neck, as she's walking down the stairs. i had this image of it decapitating her, or you know, yanking her backwards. but you notice that i don't actually do anything. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no. >> like reach out and try and save her life. >> jimmy: you didn't even unfold your hands, yeah. >> no. useless in a crisis. >> jimmy: that is a great photo. gillian, we're going to take a break. more with gillian anderson. it's the middle of the night for her. we'll be right back.
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>> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by the samsung galaxy watch 3. manage your life in style. to learn more, visit [spoon clinking in mug] the bulleit frontier fund is making a commitment to help bartenders keep doing what they do best. [spoon clinking in glass] let's keep our bartenders pouring. [spoon clinking in glass] chef claes insists on fresh neclean ingredients.
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the richest cheeses and a mouth-watering sauce. so when chef claes makes a pizza, he doesn't just make a pizza. he makes a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera. it's following your passion to bto the very top... ...and setting the standard by which all who follow, will be measured. tequila herradura, the world's most gold medal awarded tequila.
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it's following your passion to bto the very top... ...and setting the standard by which all who follow, will be measured. tequila herradura, the world's most gold medal awarded tequila. if anyone tries to describe an encounter with them, they sound like a lunatic. >> i see no reason anyone would think you crazy if you describe this meeting of ours. >> you're feeling very sleepy. very relaxed. >> alex trebek?
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the game show host? >> mulder didn't say that it was alex trebek. it was just someone that looks incredibly like him. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is a great clip from a great show, "the x-files." alex trebek. he only had a moment there but he was really good. >> he was really good. academy award good. >> jimmy: what do you remember about that particular episode? you got charles nelson riley, jesse "the body" ventura, you and david. i mean, that's something else. >> i remember doing scenes with charles nelson riley. i remember the scenes in the office. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's the own place i was, in the office, right? >> jimmy: yeah, you were in the office a lot. do you remember the whole -- have you ever sat down and rewatched "the x-files," the series itself? >> not exactly. i mean, i've watched some
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episodes with a couple of my kids over the years. >> jimmy: it's kind of cool. there's some actors who are now famous that weren't at the time, who are on the show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: jack black was on the show. >> bryan cranston. >> jimmy: bryan cranston had a great episode. >> bryan cranston was in an episode where he had to drive, if he stopped driving his brain would explode. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: vince gilligan, who went on to create "breaking bad," and i assume -- >> wrote that episode. >> jimmy: how they got to know each other, maybe. a lot of television history. i thought it would be fun. "the x-files" was a crazy show. there's a lot of crazy plot lines. i thought it might be fun to go through some of them. you tell me if these are real plot lines from "the x-files" or some we made up. yes? >> oh, boy. >> jimmy: it's the middle of the night, what the hell. >> i'll try. go on, hit me. hit me, jimmy. >> jimmy: gillian, genetic mutant haunts the sewer and
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hides in a toilet. >> oh, definitely, we did that. >> jimmy: real, right, very good. [ laughter ] scully is attacked by a baby with adult-like strength. >> no. >> jimmy: no, that did not happen, you are correct. mulder and scully investigate the claims of a woman whose parrot has been bothed by the ghost of adolf hitler. >> no. >> jimmy: that did not happen, you are correct. [ applause ] >> i'm good. >> jimmy: a teenager -- you are good. a teenager who controls insects realizes he's half insect, just like his mom. >> no. >> jimmy: yeah, that did happen, that was an episode. >> no! >> jimmy: yes. >> is it? what was it called? >> jimmy: it was called "lord of the flies." aaron paul was in that episode. >> no, he was not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't want to fight with you. but i'm just telling you what i
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have on the card. >> aaron paul was on "the x-files"? >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] you should see it sometime, it was a great show. [ laughter and applause ] >> did i do my scenes with him? >> jimmy: what's that? >> did i do any scenes with him? >> jimmy: i don't think so but i haven't seen it for a longtime, i don't have the whole thing. all right. mulder and scully think they've traveled back in time only to find out they woke up drunk in an amish community. >> yes. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] >> but we did go to amish land. >> jimmy: yes. mulder and scully investigate a little murder, but mistakenly end up at four seasons total landscaping. [ laughter ] >> it sounds so familiar to me. >> jimmy: thank you very much for being with us. gillian anderson. [ cheers and applause ]
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she is on season 4 of "the crown." it premieres sunday on netflix. thanks again. we'll be back with emmanuel acho. >> can i sleep now? can i go to bed? >> jimmy: you can definitely go to bed. we'll send you a prize, all right? thanks, gillian, good night. [ cheers and applause ] as america grows and grows. the number of farmers shrinks and shrinks though the bungers work doesn't get any easier. or the day any shorter it does get a helping hand. because mcdonald's sources from farms like theirs to keep your family fed. so we're not only feeding communities. we're helping grow them. ♪ less oral steroids. taking my treatment at home. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur.
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and that means it's time for me to show you some of the most fascinating items i store in my car. it's time for "trunk junk." here we go. ♪ so anyway, this -- [ heavy breathing ] >> jimmy: guillermo what are you doing? >> guillermo: i'm about to work out. >> jimmy: right now? i'm trying to do "trunk junk." >> guillermo: i know and god bless you for doing that, but i can't wait. now that i have the new samsung galaxy watch3, i can take control of my health anywhere, right from my wrist. look! prepare, jimmy. it's going to be worth it, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay. >> wow. this is a good ecg reading. now it is time to get jack. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? it's time to get what? >> guillermo: jack. >> jimmy: jacked? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: all right. jack. ♪ >> jimmy: wow.
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what a physical specimen. that was backwards. >> guillermo: i'm pumped now! >> jimmy: what does your galaxy watch3 say now? >> guillermo: it say, good job, it's time to cool down. >> jimmy: oh. >> jimmy: wow, guillermo. it would appear that not only does the galaxy watch3 look good, it has cutting-edge health and wellness features to help you meet your goals. you cooled down yet? >> guillermo: not yet. i'll let you know. >> jimmy: okay, thank you. >> dicky: the samsung galaxy watch3. manage your life and style. to learn more about the gaction watch3, visit pen! hey. think you're managing your moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease? laxy watch3, visit but e. i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so, i talked to my doctor and learned... humira is for people who still have
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with a black man." please welcome emmanuel acho. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i mean, it's your birthday for god's sake. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: happy birthday. >> thank you, my friend, thank you. >> jimmy: 30th birthday. >> 30. quite the way to celebrate it, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. do you have any other plans or is this it? >> this is -- how can you have plans that top this? jimmy kimmel is asking me on his show, do you have any other plans? this is my plan. >> jimmy: i don't know, you can go home and try to blow out candles through a mask. you know, something fun like that. boy, what a story this is. you started making these videos. these great videos. people start passing them around. and somehow the video makes its way to oprah winfrey. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then she contacts you? is that correct? >> yeah. true story. i get a call from oprah's right-hand woman. and she's like, hey, oprah wants
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to talk to you, are you free today? i'm like, am i free? for oprah? of course i'm free! [ laughter ] so we get on this facetime call. she's like, okay it has to be facetime, i just need 45 minutes. i said, of my time? duh. oprah asked me one question. the question she asks all her guests. emanuel, i love what you do, but tell me this, what is your intention? i said simply, oprah, i want to change the world, and i want to be a bridge for racial reconciliation, and i think i can. and she said, i love that. and i said, yeah, i'm currently trying to figure out what to do. i'm trying to write a book. and she said, oh, books? i love books. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she does love books, she's in a club with them. >> exactly, she does have her own club, book club. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] and so after that we partnered immediately. of all the teammates i've had playing professional sports, she's definitely up there as one of the greatest teammates. >> jimmy: i would hope she's at the top. [ cheers and applause ]
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i mean, come on now. who would even rival her as far as your teammates go? >> honestly, when you play on teams with large men, you're always mindful of who you offend. in the event, yeah, she's the best teammate i've ever had. there might be some 6'4" defensive tackle that calls me when i leave, what did you say, acho? >> jimmy: i think even he would understand when it comes to oprah. you get the call from oprah. at any point did you think in might be a prank? >> so get this. before oprah ever called me, i got another from another no caller i.d. number, and it's matthew mcconaughey. i pick it up, saturday morning, eating my cheerios. i pick it up. "acho, mcconaughey here." stop playing with me, teddy! "no, mcconaughey, matthew mcconaughey, i want to have a conversation with you." he'd seen my first episode. six days later he called me, i want to have a conversation. i said, mcconaughey, i'm doing
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it in four days, that would be cool. he said, "let's do it tomorrow." mcconaughey wants to do it tomorrow, we do it tomorrow. that's how episode 2 came to pass. mcconaughey calls me before oprah called me. oprah called me from a no caller i.d. number. roger goodell calls me from the no caller i.d. number. what is it? i've learned to pick them up, though. >> jimmy: i'm going to get your number and call you with various, "bill gates on the line." >> please don't, please don't. >> jimmy: okay, i won't. now you wind up partnering with oprah. she liked your intention. thank god. imagine if you told her your intention, i want to change the world, racial rec sister ation? she's like, nah, had enough of that. did you gush or play it cool with oprah? >> i played it cool because it was cool. for me this has never been about me. i do my first episode, 25 million views in three days. that was not supposed to happen. >> jimmy: you would expecting just a little bit? >> i'm speaking from my heart. i shot this with my best friend,
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an olympic gold medalist, a wedding videographer in an i'll-white room. i'm not expecting to go viral, i'm just expecting to emote other people. next thing you know, 25 million views. when oprah calls me, i was in the moment. it wasn't time to be starstruck. it wasn't time to think about myself. i was like, okay, let's keep going, what can we do? >> jimmy: happening fast. >> everything's happening fast, and now i'm here. [ cheers and applause ] i'm still in the moment. >> jimmy: instead of stuck at fox sports with my cousin sal all day. [ laughter ] >> i love cousin sal. >> jimmy: your family came to america from nigeria. >> right. >> jimmy: you grew up in texas. >> yeah. >> jimmy: in a nigerian-american family. did you keep the nigerian traditions as a kid? like eat the foods and all that sort of thing? >> jimmy, it's impossible not to keep nigerian traditions. in a nigerian household, you must be a doctor. you must be a lawyer. you must be an engineer. right? like playing football is not --
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>> jimmy: not on the list? >> not on the checklist of things to, do right? you get a doctorate degree, okay, what's next? >> jimmy: really, wow. >> nigeriaen household, gas super -- i went to a predominantly white private school. i was supposed to be a national merit scholar. 6'2", 240, okay, i'll play football. the beautiful part of nigerian culture is i had to learn white culture because i was immersed in white cull. then immersed in black culture. there's a color issue but there's a culture issue, let's address all of them. >> jimmy: isn't that interesting that you learned about black culture as an adult playing football. is football -- in the world of football, are people closer -- of various races closer together? or are they -- is it the same? >> it's a really good question. let me take you back. 2014. i'm playing for the philadelphia eagles. i walk into the training table
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at 1 novacare ra way where the facility is. 53 players on the team. all the white players are sitting together. all the black players are sitting together, minus one player. one black mixed offensive lineman is sitting with the white players. there was one white defensive back sitting with the black players. i stopped and i said, it is 2014. segregation has been outlawed for 60 years. but we've all unintentionally but subconsciously segregated you're own ways. to really get to the root of this issue, the reason as a football team you can look beyond your differences -- religion, racial, et cetera -- is because you're all fighting a common enemy, the opponent. whoever your playing that sunday, that saturday if you're in college. whereas in life, in america, we haven't all yet chosen to fight that common enemy. right? systemic injustice, oppression, racial discrimination. we haven't yet realized, it's us versus oppression. it's not black versus white. it's not white versus black. it's us versus oppression and
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discrimination. >> jimmy: the title of your book is "uncomfortable conversations with a black man." it's good, you say, to have uncomfortable conversation? i'm happy to hear that, because all of my conversations are uncomfortable. >> are they? [ laughter ] honestly, i'm pretty comfortable, this is the most comfortable conversation i've had in about four months. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, good, good. >> it is the title because i say this. everything in life that is worth something is birthed through discomfort. you think about labor pains and what a woman goes through to birth a beautiful child. might be our next hero, might be our next pulitzer prize winner, whatever the case might be. football where i come from, you go through grueling train is camps. that's uncomfortable but you try to win the super bowl. if we want to accomplish anything in life, we've got to get uncomfortable. i'll say this, it's only uncomfortable until you do it. i moved to los angeles from austin, texas. waking up at 5:00 a.m. was uncomfortable at first, but you start to do it and it's not as uncomfortable.
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these conversations are only uncomfortable until you continue to have them. then all of a sudden they're second nature. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you've got a lot of well-meaning people, a lot of well-meaning white people specifically, who come to you, asking you -- because i think people are confused. you know, i think there's a perception that the proper way to say is african-american. don't call somebody black. then somebody says, well, no, you're not including a lot of different people if you say african-american, and black is the preferred term. so you've got a bunch of confused white people and you're here to help us. >> yes. [ laughter ] what i say this is. i'll put it in story form. after oprah and i had been communicating i sent her an email, do you want me to call you oprah, o, your majesty? what do you want me to call you? and she said, emanuel, oprah is fine. because if you don't know what to call somebody, you can't say you're really friends. when people say, emanuel ak-ko?
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no, auch-cho. if you can't pronounce my name, we're not really friends. "black" is safer than "african-american" because black is an adjective describing skin color, like "white" is an adjective describing skin color. "people" is a noun, "black" is describing that group of people. that is safer. but in american, saying "black" has become awkward. like -- you black? you wait for the backlash. i just think that we all have to get more comfortable with one another. i'll end by saying this. proximity, it breeds care. distance, it breeds fear. and the problem is, people that don't look like each other, don't sound like each other, they're not close enough with each other. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] because of covid, we can't get any closer. but i'll tell you, if it wasn't
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>> jimmy: thanks to gillian and emmanuel. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, this is his album, "featuring ty dolla sign" with the song, "nothing like your exes." ty dolla sign! ♪ jimmy kimmel we back ♪ i'm nothin' like your exes nothin' like your exes he ain't tell you that ♪ ♪ you sexy lock it down if you let me i'm nothin' like your exes ooh yeah ♪ ♪ nothin' like your exes nothin' like your exes see that you pull up alone all in the club ♪ ♪ with no panties on you ain't gotta check your phone he don't know what ♪ ♪ he got at home we both know that he a clown tell by how you walkin' ♪ ♪ he don't you down don't you hear my talkin' baby love me now ♪
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♪ i can put you in dream house star island star island ooh yeah ♪ ♪ now you say he ain't your boyfriend you just vibin' i can put you in an ap ♪ dip you in the cc flowers on your necklace ♪ ♪ ooh yeah in waikiki girl i ain't nothin' nothin' like your exes nothin' like your exes ♪ ♪ he ain't tell you that you sexy lock it down if you let me i'm nothin' like your exes ♪ ♪ ooh yeah nothin' like your exes nothin' like your exes tell 'em you ain't ♪ ♪ get the message say you in the hills and it ain't no reception funny how you ♪ ♪ got him stressin' ig post got the little boy pressure ♪ ♪ usually i don't say these ♪ but tonight i'm a hero hit it 'til you dozin' off got you wakin' up in the big dream house ♪ ♪ star island
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now you say he ain't your boyfriend you just vibin' ♪ ♪ i can put you in an ap keep you in the cc flowers on your necklace in waikiki ♪ ♪ girl i ain't nothin' nothin' like your exes nothin' like your exes he ain't tell you ♪ ♪ that you sexy lock it down if you let me i'm nothin' like your exes ooh yeah ♪ ♪ nothin' like your exes nothin' like your exes nothin' like your nothin' like your exes ♪ ♪ ooh-oh he ain't tell you that you sexy lock it down ♪ ♪ lock it down nothin' like your nothin' like your exes he ain't tell you ♪ ♪ that you sexy ♪ nothing like your exes
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, virus rising. the record number of cases in america's newest covid hot spot, on the border. nurses overwhelmed and overworked. >> you know, we're human. our emotions get to us. it's just hard to see. >> our big box stores compounding the problem? how a new vaccine may provide hope. plus transition turmoil. team trump digging in, spreading baseless claims of election fraud, refusing to acknowledge joe biden as the president elect. >> there will be a smooth transition to a second trump administration. >> how biden responded. >>
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