tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 12, 2020 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, ellen pompeo. and chris stapleton. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: thank you. hi, there. thank you very much. i'm jimmy, the host of the show. thank you for watching. we have a lot of dumb stuff going on here tonight. [ laughter ] behind the scenes. but thanks for joining us for day nine of "squattergate," or "reality is starting to peek through the windows of the white house." the president might be going down with the ship but many of the rats are putting their little bathing suits on. amid increasing skepticism that their boss will be able to pull another rabbit out of his maga hat. one reason trump's advisors are so worried he might not be able
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to win is because he lost. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and those don't go together. but i'll tell you something. there's no room for pessimism in the white house. racyism, sexism, yes, but no pessimism. [ laughter ] the big orange guy is said to be feeling blue. "poutus" is reportedly dejected and fuming. and soon he's going to understand what it feels like to be evicted from your home in the middle of a pandemic. [ laughter ] we got a brief glimpse of the president yet yesterday at arlington national cemetery, but he hasn't spoken in public since a week ago. this was the president's schedule today. 12:30, he had lunch with the vice president. and that was that. [ laughter ] does he know that he's still president for two more months? or is he just hiding? boy, i would have loved to have been at that lunch. what do you think they talked about? mike pence knows what's up. he's sitting there going, yes, sir, we'll be here for four more years for sure.
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it's like going to your grandpa in the nursing home, mistakes you for one of his army buddies, you just go with it. [ laughter ] i'm not sure why but i looked at the president's twitter profile today. remember when donald trump used to follow 45 people because he's the 45th president? look at how many people mike pence is following in right now. zoom in there, 47. trump 45, biden 46, pence 47. you sneaky mom, you. [ laughter ] i don't know, maybe he'll run against trump next time. trump has been floating the idea that he'd run again in 2024. and 2028. and 2032. every election for the rest of our lives, we'll have a donald trump in it. we're never getting rid of this guy. like herpes and the mcrib, he'll just keep coming back. [ laughter and applause ] they say trump is watching more tv than usual. he's been lashing out at fox
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news of all places ever since they called arizona for joe biden last week. this morning he launched a full-frontal twitter assault on fox, retweeting things like, fox news is dead. quite right, they've been a disaster since the election day. clearly corrupt media. hey old fox news lovers, go to newsmax, last least they're trying to be honest. yeah, last least they are. [ laughter ] trump is encouraging his supporters to switch allegiance to these pure propaganda outlets where they'll never have to be bothered by anything that even resembles a fact ever again. it seems obvious he's planning to either start his own media platform or more likely partner with one of these low-rent wingnut factories who love him already. but in the meantime his children are trying to cheer him up. ivanka tweeted, breaking, president trump and senate republicans win alaska overwhelmingly and by a massive 20-point spread, put ak in the
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books for real donald trump. if you put ak in the books, donald trump will never find it [ laughter ] because he doesn't -- but the tweeter toddler did find it. he found it on twitter. he wrote, it took long enough, what is taking north carolina so long? are they looking for more ballots to fix that one also? now with a recount we will win georgia also. pennsylvania and michigan wouldn't let our poll wokkers and into counting rooms, illegal. to recap, if trump wins the state, it was fair, no problem. if he doesn't, it was fraud, we need a recount. the win in alaska earned him three electoral votes. not enough to win the presidency. i think i have an idea that can make everyone happy. i know my ideas to make everyone happy never seem to make everyone happy. [ laughter ] follow me on this one. why don't we just make him president of alaska? he'd love it. [ cheers and applause ] it even sounds like the names of his wives ask daughters. melania, ivana, ivanka, alaska.
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[ laughter ] he'd for sure be the tannest person there. he'd like that. think of plenty of wide-open spaces to build big ugly buildings and put their name on them. donnie jr. would have a lot of endangered species to shoot. and he could marry sarah palin. she's like a melania who likes you, think about it. [ applause ] you'd be surrounded by people who agree with you. you'll be able to see russia from your house. it's everything you could dream. let's make him first president of the last frontier, alaska. it's big, it's white, it's melting down, and it has lots of crabs, just like donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: let's do it, yeah! >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. apparently trump's eldest spawn are at odds right now about how daddy should proceed. they say jared and ivanka would like him to play it cool. whereas djtj and eric want him to blow it up. ivanka is said to be concerned a fight to stay in office could
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tarnish her father's legacy. i was expecting a bigger laugh there. [ laughter ] her father's legacy is going to be a rusted half-finished section of wall on the border of arizona. [ laughter ] ivanka's also worried that -- [ applause ] it could hurt the family business. the boys realize the main reason he's raising money to fight this fraud is to line his own pockets. come on, ivanka, you get that, this is trump 101 right here. they say the last time the kids argued like this was when they fought over who got to shoot their injured polo pony. [ laughter ] but i have to say, what a neat little microcosm of america, that trump's actions are even tearing his own family apart. that seems just to me. there's also belated discord among members of trump's own party now. republicans have begun to ever so slightly remove their lips from his rectum. [ laughter ] several prominent gop senators, including sure caddie lindsey
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graham, have finally admitted joe biden should be getting the classified intelligence briefings that are usually shared with the president-elect, for reasons of national security. team trump has blocked biden's access to those briefings. and the state department is refusing to even hand over the messages biden has been getting from other world leaders. they're like, uh, sorry, there's no one here named joe biden, but i mean, he can't come to the phone right now. the important thing is, even as his electoral hopes fade, donald trump still has the support of his family and select hollywood elites like tv hercules kevin sorbel and tv chachi scott baio who got an exciting retweet from trump today, thank you, scott, and stay tuned, you are terrific. this was the tweet the president appreciated from scott baio so much. fun times at michael's, trump is still your president. you can see there a bunch of flag emojis with a photo of the
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words trump still your president spelled out in decorative candles at michael's. [ laughter ] for scott baio's sake, i hope he didn't spend the day at michael's rearranging those himself. [ laughter ] that's too much. also, can we please not politicize michael's? crafting is my escape from all of this. [ laughter ] where does it end? don't make me go to joann to retaliate with a no may larkky needlepoint, on okay? [ laughter ] did you know they changed it from joann's fabrics to joann? now you know. the pope congratulated joe biden today. so maybe he knows something. otherwise, trump's new legal strategy is to try to stop states from certifying the results of the election. which is just -- this would be like if jimmy butler was still sitting alone in the nba bubble hoping the refs overturned game six. team trump set up another voter fraud hotline number that you can call to report voter fraud.
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i mentioned the other night the last one got a lot of prank calls. but please let's not put them through that again. [ laughter ] please, do not call this number. [ cheers and applause ] 202-499-4921. and engage in shenanigans. if you have something dumb to say, do not say it after calling 202-499-4921. it's not right. it was inappropriate. and operators are standing by. [ laughter ] we learned today that yet another member of trump's inner circle has tested positive for the coronavirus. this time, corey lewandowski. and i'm told that corey feels almost as awful as he is. [ laughter ] covid-19 has now overtaken chlamydia as the disease you're most likely to catch from donald trump. [ laughter ] lewandowski was at rudy giuliani's four seasons landscaping event on saturday. he was right there with him. how has rudy not gotten covid?
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somebody needs to find out which animal's blood he's drinking midnight on halloween. [ laughter ] it might have the vaccine it in. this would be exciting for trump, when he eventually goes home, kicking and screaming, to florida. they're building america's first regional hub for flying cars. so finally we'll be able to get a dui flying over a cracker barrel. [ laughter ] they say that within five years, you'll be able to travel from orlando to tampa in 30 minutes. why anyone would need to do that, i don't know. [ laughter ] but if you want to, you can. this seems like a bad idea. according to the department of highway safety, florida is the second-worst state in the nation for distracted driving accidents. how long you think it will be before someone is texting behind the wheel and flies into the epcot center? i guess we'll find out. a car? you understand this is a car that takes to the sky without the hassle of airport security, from the state that trained the 9/11 hijackers to fly. [ laughter ]
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no, that's not a joke, that's really happening. [ laughter ] this has been a crazy week. sometimes it feels like we're living in tents in a depressing cable tv drama like "succession." other times it's funny. all this back and forth over who won the election feels more like a sitcom than real life. two men who are equally determined to occupy this white house. a situation none of us have ever experienced before. we figured, why not make it a show? >> on november 3rd, president donald trump was asked to removed himself from his place of residence. that request came from the american people. deep down, he knew they were right. but a crippling fear of inadequacy would never allow him to acknowledge defeat. >> we did win this election. >> incoming president joe biden took up residence on january 20th, he found his desk occupied by a sloppy orange goblin. >> excuse me. >> let's do that over, he's coughing in the middle of my answer. >> donald trump is a disaster.
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>> he was always known as a dummy, and now he's a dummy and a half. >> can two old men live together in the white house without driving each other crazy? >> will you shut up, man? >> listen, this is a fraud. >> "the fraud couple." thursdays at 9:30 on abc. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, i didn't know we got it. i mean, the couples don't get any odder than that, do they? we got a good show for you tonight. chris stapleton is with us. [ cheers and applause ] he's going to chat and sing. we'll be right back with ellen pompeo from "grey's anatomy" so stick around! ♪ ♪
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(vo) command hooks are easy to apply and remove cleanly so you can go all out this holiday. command. do. no harm. chef claes insists on fresh neclean ingredients. the richest cheeses and a mouth-watering sauce. so when chef claes makes a pizza, he doesn't just make a pizza. he makes a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera.
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laso you can enjoy it even ifst you're sensitive. se. yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit! whoa! someone please help! of course. you're tenacious, i'll give you that! it's ok, i'm ok... [heavy breathing] where are you? coming! let's do this! yeaahh! it's on!! woooo! whoa... [heavy breathing] rated rp to t. let's be honest. quitting smoking is hard. like, quitting every monday hard.
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coming up to chat and play us a great song from his new album "starting over," chris stapleton is with us. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we've got a lot of shows. ryan phillippe, goldie hawn, alison brie, david cross, alex winter, kristen stewart, mike tyson who is fighting again. we will reveal the identity of and have a visit from "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. [ cheers and applause ] and music from g-eazy featuring blackbear, wallows, bee-ba-doo-bee, and zac brown band. so please join us for all that. [ cheers and applause ] all right. for 15 years our first guest has worn blue scrubs and a nametag that says "grey." this season she and her fellow doctors take on romantic entanglements and covid-19 on "grey's anatomy" thursdays at 9:00 here on abc. please welcome ellen pompeo. [ cheers and applause ] hello, ellen. well, i'm glad to see you conscious. because -- and before we get into this, i would like to warn
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anyone who has not seen the episode of "grey's anatomy" tonight, who might be particularly fond of the show, to maybe plug your ears and close your eyes for like the next, i don't know, nine minutes. because ellen, something weird happened at the end of the episode tonight. >> it did. >> jimmy: it really did. >> was it good this. >> jimmy: yes, it is great. and i'm going to show what happened tonight. but i want to set it up first because we can't share the whole episode. but on the show, your character, who's working very hard because of covid-19, exhaustion, we presume, collapses in the parking lot. you're laying there. some people start to see you. they try something. it doesn't work. to get you to come back to life. we don't know. and then we go to this mysterious scene. roll the tape. ♪ ♪
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>> meredith! >> jimmy: yes, mcdreamy returns, and maybe a mcdream? maybe meredith died? maybe that was the gateway to heaven and next week you'll suddenly wake up with someone's hands compressing your chest? we don't know. will you tell us? just go ahead and tell us. [ laughter ] you can't tell us, all right. do you know? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. were you at work today? >> no. >> jimmy: no. were you at work yesterday? >> yes. >> jimmy: oh, okay, good. then you're alive. [ laughter ] or, or maybe you've a ghost haunting the hospital? or maybe you're in a coma or something like that? wouldn't that be -- would you like that if you got to be just in a coma and sleep for like half a season? >> huh? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe i hit on it there, i don't know.
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wow. that's something, though, huh? i mean, first of all -- by the way, whenever i go unconscious, i also have hallucinations about patrick dempsey. [ laughter ] it's a very weird thing. so that one hit me pretty hard. >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's so fun. it was so fun. because we know that we're -- you know, that people are going to freak out. and we all know 2020 has been a really song, ugly road, and we were so happy just to be able to film these scenes and know how much joy it was going to bring people was really -- we definitely had a ball. >> jimmy: yeah, i didn't think we'd ever see patrick on the show again. i want to ask you this. let's say, it's a hypothetical, of course -- let's say since he left the show, patrick had put on, like, 80 pounds. he was really fat. [ laughter ] do you think you would still have done this? like would it be like, here,
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hey, here i am on the beach, i've been eating! [ laughter ] >> no, probably not. >> jimmy: you would not have. well, i think that's honest. >> it wouldn't have the impact with the fans, you know. the girls want to see mcdreamy being mcdreamy. >> jimmy: right. we do. i mean -- they do. [ laughter ] very interesting. boy, you really -- that one came out of nowhere, didn't it? i'm so curious. i'd love to know all the backstory on that whole thing. i'd love to know how the call was made. i want to know -- if it's going to pick up from here? maybe -- it's kind of like "lost" really in a way. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you've doubled with "lost" territory here. >> yes, 17 seasons we've dabbled with everything there is to dabble. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not since mcsteamy fractured his penis have we seen anything that shocking on the show. remember that one where you carried a penis around the whole
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episode? >> yes, yes. there was a big fight -- i may be butchering the story but there was a big fight. because with standards of practices, which i'm sure you deal with on occasion. >> jimmy: yes. >> you know, you can say penis. but you couldn't say vagina at the time. >> jimmy: what? >> and that's why -- oh, yeah, no. i'm getting it right, my memory's better than i think sometimes. so that's where the term have a jay jay came from. shonda made up va jay jay. because standards and practices would not let my character say have a 89 that. i don't know if it was my character. wouldn't let us say vagina. the argument was, we said penis in that episode 97 times. you can say penis 97 times but you can't say vagina? they were like, yep, that's it, you can't say have a 89 that. she came up with va jay jay. >> jimmy: i feel i'm hearing a superhero origin story right
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now. [ laughter ] this is incredible. >> yeah. >> jimmy: abc standards and practices to blame for the word va jay jay? >> exactly. [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow, that's crazy. well, i'm glad we moved past that time, that restrictive time. now the president says it on a bus, you know? >> right. >> jimmy: you -- is it now -- you're doing the show. by the way, what a convenient thing to be doing. a medical show during this time when everybody needs to be wearing masks to work. it works out great for you guys. not so great for everybody else. but do you ever have trouble like distinguishing who are the actors, and like do you ever accidentally start acting with a lighting guy who's wearing his mask on the show? [ laughter ] >> no, but i'll tell you, i've been wearing a mask working for 17 seasons and i'm still here, look how good i look, i'm fine. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you do look good, you are fine. you've not been sick? >> no. >> jimmy: how's the family
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doing? how are chris and the kids holding up during this quarantine? >> well, you know, they're -- they're doing very well. and you've had a part in part of our quarantine, whether you realize it or not. there's been a couple of instances where the ghost of jimmy kimmel has sort of been around. >> jimmy: oh, really? in what way? >> well, remember that paint ball gun you bought chris? >> jimmy: yes, i do. >> yeah. >> jimmy: coyotes coming into your yard, right? >> yeah, but he doesn't wait for the coyotes. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> he passes the time with this paint ball gun. >> jimmy: in your yard? >> everywhere, jimmy. everywhere. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, good, i like that. it's a good warning to the coyotes not to come into the yard. >> there's just pink splatters all over the place. what's that? what's on the ceiling? what's on the floor? it's just everywhere. and then he, you know -- he gets very macho about it. he walks around the house with
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the gun. it's quite ridiculous. "friend jimmy gave me this." invite us over for pizza. never mind. >> jimmy: i'm glad he's using it, most people don't use the gifts i give them. [ laughter ] so i'm tickled pink spots to hear that, to be honest with you. >> i made pastatina a bunch of times too. >> jimmy: this is a recipe -- it's really an italian -- i'm sure you probably had this growing up, italian families feed the babies pastina, these tiny little stars, almost like italian baby food but it's pasta. usually you put butter in it and give it to the kids. my daughter calls it pastatina. i came up with, you're making pastatina, i love that. >> yes, it's on your instagram. >> jimmy: wow, look at that, guillermo. i'm like rachael ray over here. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: that's good, yes, good job. >> jimmy: and you say i have no other talents. >> guillermo: no, you do, you
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have a lot of talents. >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. [ laughter ] the kids like it? do they like the pastatina? >> they do, they love it. quarantine was a bit tough with the pastatina, chris making the pizza, i was making cakes, whew. almost ended up like, you know, patrick dempsey could have with the extra 60 pounds. >> jimmy: i know. you wouldn't have been allowed on the show. we're going to take a break. when we come back, i have something -- i've happened upon something that i think you're going to be concerned about. and i would like to remedy it when we come back. ellen pompeo is with us from "grey's anatomy." we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by the samsung galaxy watch 3, manage your life in style. to learn more, visit we want to see what's never been seen. hear what's never been heard.
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the same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. ellen pompeo is with us. she either died or passed out or had a dream or something earlier tonight on "grey's anatomy," she won't tell us, but something definitely happened. ellen, do you ever google yourself? >> no. >> jimmy: you never do, okay. well -- i google you a lot. [ laughter ] and by the way, happy birthday a couple days ago to you. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're welcome. [ applause ] so i have your wikipedia page here. have you ever looked through your wikipedia page? >> no, but i've seen that photo. >> jimmy: yeah, that one, all
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right. but i'm going to go down to another one. because that's a good photo. then we have this photo. >> what's it say? >> jimmy: which is also -- you know, it's -- it's a good photo. but why -- is it only two photos on this thing and they chose one where you're either super high or your eyes are just kind of closed. >> first of all, that's not a good photo. >> jimmy: yeah, well. >> am i with a cardboard cutout of katie? >> jimmy: yeah, looks like you're with a cardboard cutout of katherine heigl, either that or something weird happened to her, we don't know. [ laughter ] >> that is so weird and random. that must be from a premiere of that movie or something? >> jimmy: i happen to know it's from the premiere of "27 dresses" in 2008. [ laughter ] >> right, yeah. that was the promo for that. >> jimmy: yeah, so we have to change this, right? to something else. >> okay, can we? please do, who's in charge of
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wikipedia? [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: it's complicated. the world is in charge of wikipedia. there's no particular person in charge. it's like a community of people who can make edits. but we have -- we contacted wikipedia to figure out how to do this. what we're going to do is we're going to change that photo to this photo of us together. [ cheers and applause ] and that is not a cardboard cutout. although it could easily be. and then we will see, i guess, if it takes or whatever. >> thank you, jimmy, i really appreciate that. >> jimmy: right. no problem at all. it was totally free. thank you, ellen. ellen pompeo. watch to see what the hell happens next week. "grey's anatomy" thursday nights, 9:00 on abc. we'll be right back! ♪ ♪ hello hello ♪ there he go, my baby never answers in the room ♪
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. >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. chris stapleton is on the way. first, it's thursday night. that means it's time to bleep and blur the biggest tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is this week's "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> when they say we need to unify, that means everybody [ bleep ] down your throat. >> it's time to put away the horse rhetoric, lower the temperature.
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[ bleep ] each other again. [ bleep ] each other again. >> but this is the important part for joe biden politically. in an evenly divided country. will it work? we'll see. he can argue, i [ bleep ] that, i [ bleep ] that, i [ bleep ] that, he can argue, i [ bleep ] that, i [ bleep ] that. that is a big deal. >> do the hosts that sing together stick together? i'm going to [ bleep ] reba. >> i can't wait. >> they're not going to ask any questions in the media, i've had [ bleep ], [ bleep ] all day. >> do you think they're going to be happy [ bleep ]ing [ bleep ] in aventura? no. >> thank you, senator, i know you know something about shovel is [ bleep ], i've seen you do that. >> name something you'd hate about being married to king kong. >> [ bleep ] too big. >> if turtles had [ bleep ], i'd be licking mine. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we'll be right back with chris stapleton! ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. our next guest as country music singer and songwriter with five grammys, seven acms, and ten cma awards. this is his new album, it's called "starting over." it just came out about ten minutes ago. from nashville, please welcome chris stapleton! [ cheers and applause ] hello, chris. >> hey, jimmy, how are you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, how are you doing? you know what -- >> i'm -- >> jimmy: sorry, go ahead, i assume you're doing okay. >> i'm good. my wife told me not -- it's hard with this remote thing not to interrupt, latency or something. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i i did the very thing my wife told me not to do just now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it was my fault, i assure you. i also want to say that your hair is so lustrous. a lot of us in quarantine have really become a mess. but you started out kind of a mess, and now -- [ laughter ] no, you look good, you do. what kind of conditioner are you
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using? >> i look the same. >> jimmy: first of all, thank you very much for doing the show tonight. and i want to tell you a little backstory. i love chris stapleton. i love his music. and i saw that his album was coming out on november 13th, which happens to be my birthday. and so i texted him saying, thank you for this beautiful gift. then chris was nice enough to offer to play on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] so when it's technically november 13th, after midnight, and i appreciate that. thanks very much. this would have been the worst birthday ever without that. [ laughter ] chris, you were on the awards show last night with your wife, morgan. >> yes. >> jimmy: what a great song. what a fantastic song. and great performance that was. a lot of people were sick. a lot of the performers were unable to attend. how did that come together last
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night? >> well, i mean, we actually pretaped our part of it. we were even -- because some of the people got sick, we were kind of a fill-in for one of the acts that couldn't make it. so, you know, they had all kinds of protocols in place. safe as we can do things, you know. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but it was -- it was really -- that's the first thing that we've tried to kind of go out in the world and do. >> jimmy: five years ago this week, it was a very different story. five years ago, you performed at the cmas with justin timberlake. and that really put justin on the map. [ laughter ] >> well, i was trying to help him out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did help him in a big way. did your life change enormously after that performance? >> i think that would be probably the understatement of the millennium. it was drastic, yeah. sold-out shows, you know. people -- dudes driving from north carolina into my driveway to say hi to me.
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just weird, odd things i've never had to deal with, you know. >> jimmy: it changed for the better and the worse. and that was morgan, your wife's idea, correct? >> absolutely, yeah. well, i'm kind of a -- you know, i don't want to bother anybody. i know, you know, folks sometimes -- my wife is very good at pushing me to get, well, you know, you should do this, you should call such and such, ask them for a favor. and so i called justin and asked him for a favor. hey, man -- we'd been kind of looking for something to do, you know, together anyway. and i say, hey, man, would you have any interest in doing this thing with me? and he was gracious enough to come and do that. and the rest is history, i guess. >> jimmy: it was one of those award show performances that you kind of always remember. i remember watching it, and i really wasn't familiar with your work. i was like, who is this guy? he's fantastic. and i bought your album immediately after that. and now you've become the chris
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stapleton we all know and love. [ cheers and applause ] and not just in the world of music. i didn't know this. another show that i'm very, very fond of is "game of thrones." you were on -- was it the second or third to last episode of "game of thrones"? >> you know, i'm not sure what it -- whatever the episode was with the big battle that they had, 70 nights of night shoots, the really expensive battle that they had in the last season. i was in that. >> jimmy: you were in that. explain what in that means. >> well, it's a very short definition of in that. i was an extra sort of laying in the dirt. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: when did you shoot this? >> in belfast, northern ireland. >> jimmy: so you went to northern ireland. >> correct. >> jimmy: did they call you and ask you to do this? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you asked them if you could do it? >> yeah. i tasked, you know -- one of my
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managers, clay hunt, with kind of -- i often give him things that i think are impossible tasks. [ laughter ] as a joke -- honestly, i said, hey, man, i'd like to be on "game of thrones." because i knew it was the last season. there had been a few people who were much, much more famous than i am to get in on the show and have bit parts, you know. like, i want to do that even if i'm going over there, just laying in the dirt. and so they agreed to let me come do that. >> jimmy: let's take a look at this classic scene from "game of thrones." okay, i didn't see you at all. [ laughter ] but let's see you do it again. we've enhanced it so that we can see. chris stapleton, go ahead. >> jimmy: there you are. there you are. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> that's it. >> jimmy: how long was that flight to northern ireland? [ laughter ] >> i have no idea. it was a longtime. >> jimmy: did you even see yourself when you watched the episode? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. >> no, it was completely deflating. in some ways. because i was watching it, i was excited. we watched the whole episode. watched the part we thought i was going to be in. we even went back to watched it several times. my wife finally caught the glimpse. >> jimmy: she's got a very good eye. did you meet any of the stars while you were there? any of the big actors on the show? >> yeah. the guy that was the night king. really weird, he was -- got to be back in the green room waiting to do our big part. [ laughter ] and the night king, vlad was his name, he was laying -- kind of laying sprawled out on the couch. they had all this like dessert
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trays with all these really dainty-looking -- he's in full costume, he has the whole bit on. he's kind of on ebay buying something on his phone. [ laughter ] eating desserts. it was very -- kind of strange, you know, thing to have the curtain pulled back on. because he's this terrifying character on the show. >> jimmy: chris, i want to ask you about the album. i got it yesterday, i've been listening to it, and it's so great. and there's a song called "watch you burn" on the album. tell us what that song is about. >> well, that song was, you know -- it was a reactionary song to -- there was a mass shooting at a country festival in las vegas. you're from vegas, right? >> jimmy: yes, yes. >> right. and -- yeah, it was -- you know, it was a very kind of angry moment for me, you know. i hate to see all that kind of stuff going around the world. and i carried that around in my pocket lyrically for awhile.
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got together with mike hamilton to do some songwriting. i brought that out, he and i kind of hashed it out, got to what we thought was an appropriate way to talk about that. >> jimmy: there's some anger on the album. you write and sing about dulling the pain with alcohol, with smoke. then we have the song "starting over." and the title of the album. why is it called "starting over"? >> well -- we named the record kind of after we had finished the record and sequenced it and all those things. and then it was kind of, you know -- shows canceled, pandemic, all that kind of stuff. so it happened to be sequenced as the first song on the record, a song called "starting over." we named the record, i think in hopes that we'd actually get to start over. >> jimmy: yeah. >> in a hopeful sort of way, i think. >> jimmy: also did they cancel the photo shoot for the album cover? [ laughter ]
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>> we did. we did, we were trying to come up with a -- what was going to be done. and we wereee like, what is the most rudimentary kind of -- like just listen to the music thing we can do? well, nothing. my wife had a typewriter sitting there, she typed out these lines, i wrote the title and my name on it, and that became the artwork. >> jimmy: all right. well, the album's great. the song is great. you're great. thank you for being with us tonight. when we come back, music from chris stapleton! we'll be right back. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. surprise! ahhh! yes! i love it!
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yep! get the gifts you love... yesss! ... for everyone on your list. you've got the holidays, and we've got you... with all the gift for less. at ross. yes for less! >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank ellen pompeo, apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, this is his album "starting over" with the title track, chris stapleton! ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ well the road rolls out like a welcome mat to a better place than the one we're at ♪ ♪ and i ain't got no kinda plan but i've had all of this town i can stand ♪ ♪ and i got friends out on the coast we can jump in the water and see what floats ♪ ♪ we've been savin' for a rainy day let's beat the storm and be on our way ♪
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♪ and it don't matter to me wherever we are is where i wanna be ♪ ♪ and honey for once in our life let's take our chances and roll the dice ♪ ♪ i can be your lucky penny you can be my four-leaf clover starting over ♪ ♪ ♪ this might not be an easy time there's rivers to cross and hills to climb ♪ ♪ some days we might fall apart and some nights might feel cold and dark ♪ ♪ but nobody wins afraid of losin'
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and the hard roads are the ones worth choosin' ♪ ♪ someday we'll look back and smile and know it was worth every mile ♪ ♪ and it don't matter to me wherever we are is where i wanna be ♪ ♪ and honey for once in our life let's take our chances and roll the dice ♪ ♪ i can be your lucky penny you can be my four-leaf clover starting over starting over ♪ ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, the seismic shift in a new swing state in the south. >> we won georgia in 2020. >> with georgia's presidential vote under audit. the runoffs that could change the future of the senate. >> gone are the days where young people are sitting on the sidelines. we want to be in the game. plus with a vaccine on the way -- >> the cavalry is coming. >> we're with the virus hunters on the front lines. >> this is absolutely insane. >> looking for clues and cures. and brown girl magic. for these girls, a veep they can recognize. >> i see a vice president that looks like me. struggling to clean tough messes with wipes? try mr. clean magic eraser sheets.
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