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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 16, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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>> thank you for joirnining from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. i'm assuming you are awake. on yet another day of electile dysfunction in washington dc. this is day 13 of "squattergate." president donald is still in denial, still refusing to cooperate. he spent the weekend rage-tweeting about how the election was rigged. but i feel like he may be coming around. last night he tweeted that he won the election in all caps. but this morning he backed off a little bit. he tweeted that he won in lowercase. that's as close as trump is gonna get to making a concession speech.
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he's like a kid slowly realizing nobody's coming to his birthday party. we should never have given him that diet coke button! this had to put a little crinkle in his tin foil hat. the department of homeland security's cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency -- this is one of trump's own cabinet agencies, put out a statement debunking his claims of widespread fraud. they wrote, "the november 3rd election was the most secure in american history." and then they took another dig at the boss baby, "while we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should, too." and how did the president react to that statement of reassurance from his own government agency? "most fraudulent election in history!" so everything's going great. if donald trump gets any more embarrassing, we're gonna have
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to start calling him donald junior. i wonder if he really even believes any of this garbage? he says it was "rigged." he says everything is rigged. when donald trump says something is rigged, you can rest assured that it probably is not. we are running against a rigged race. some of the voting was rigged. the game was rigged. our country is rigged. the economy is rigged. republican system is was rigged. hillary clinton was rigged. the media is rigged. these polls are rigged. the whole deal is rigged. the banks are rigged. the process is rigged. i think my side was rigged. it's a rigged everything. the whole deal is rigged, folks. rigged, rigged, rigged, rigged. i call plenty of things in the country, rigged.
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>> jimmy: it is going to take the president some time to digest this loss. here's how it will go, these are the trump stages of grief in ten parts. first up, denial. >> we were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election. >> jimmy: then, anger. >> joe biden is a criminal, and he has been a criminal for a long time. and you are a criminal and the media for not reporting it. >> jimmy: after anger comes blame. >> this is a horrible thing that the united states supreme court has done to our country. i will say it and i say it loud and i say it proud. >> jimmy: then delusion. >> i see thousands of ballots. right? unsolicited ballots being given out by the millions and dumped in dumpsters. >> jimmy: litigation. >> there's tremendous litigation going on. >> jimmy: discombobulation. >> if people wanted their bal t
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ballots in, thernd have gotten them in for a long time. >> jimmy: more delusion. >> >> jimmy: incoherence. i can tell you stories about lady gaga, i know a lot of stories, lady gaga, and john bon jovi, every time i see him he kisses my ass. >> jimmy: hallucination. >> ding, ding, ding, bong, bong, bong, >> jimmy: and finally, acceptance. >> this is china's fault. >>. >> as closes you can get. >> jimmy: now bend over and take it like a man getting spanked with a rolled-up magazine. it's just going to take time. four more years and he'll be over it. and it may take his supporters longer than that. there was a rally on saturday in washington, the "million" maga march. they were about 985,000 short of a million, but don't say that to white house press secretary
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kasey macaroni, who did what trump press secretaries are expected to do. she added a few zeros to it. "amazing! more than one million marchers for president @realdonaldtrump descend on the swamp in support. best base in political history. we love you guys!" even sean spicer was like "that number seems a little high." local authorities estimated the size of the crowd at around ten thousand. but bear in mind, in fairness to kayleigh, if you ask her how old she is, she holds up her fingers and says "this many." the president did not speak at the rally, but he did drive through the crowd to give a tiny little thumbs up on his way to the golf club he would never allow any of the people he drove past to join. i think i have an idea to solve this. i have other ideas to solve and i know they have had not solved it. but here's another one.
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you with me on this guillermo? >> i'm with you. here's what we do. we tell trump he's going to "re-sign" the presidency. we hand him a piece of paper. it says, "i, donald j. trump hereby re-sign as president of the united states effective immediately." we give him a big-fat sharpie and let him go to town. once that thing is notarized, we put him in a sack and ship him right back to mar-a-lago. trump is desperate for a win right now. he took a victory lap today after the very good news that another covid vaccine is on the way. writing, "another vaccine just announced. this time by moderna, 95% effective. for those great 'historians,' please remember that these great discoveries,which will end the china plague, all took place on my watch!" don't worry. we will make sure that no one ever forgets what took place on your watch. with the virus hitting all-time highs, trump's new top
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coronavirus advisor, scott atlas, urged people in michigan to "rise up" against safety measures. "yeah! down with safety!" but the fact that we have two viable vaccines is great news. this morning i was actually fantasizing about being on an elevator with people. guillermo, which vaccine are you into, pfizer or moderna? pfizer. >> you like pfizer, huh? >> yeah, yeah. >> what is it about the pfizer that you like? >> i don't know, defense the first one that came. >> it is the first one? >> yeah. >> it's the original, it's like coca-cola and pepsi. coke's the real thing. >> exactly. >> how do you like it? >> well, i still prefer the first one. >> you still prefer the first one. who's name you cannot remember now? >> faster, pfizer!
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pfizer! >> the first one. >> f-f-pfizer. >> i have one more question. do you know how to do a cartwheel? >> no, no. i don't know how to do a cartwheel, i'm too fat. i don't know. >> you never do a front cartwheel? >> i don't know, but one of my good writers over here -- >> you are have writers? >> yeah. daniel -- >> wait a minute, the words you say, are being provided to you by writers? >> yeah, yeah. >> i made a decision, i made it last weekend it was reaffirmed for me. i want to be -- i am 53, and it seems like the right time. and you and i -- >> then let's try it. you go ahead and go ahead and give it a try. i want to learn. i want to get an olympian to teach you. >> okay. i will give it a try. >> give it a try. >> are we going to have time?
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>> yeah, we have time? >> it's a cartwheel, how long can it take? >> remember, i don't know how. [ bleep ] this time. >> let's go over here so i can see what's happening. go ahead. >> that was actually really good. >> oh, my god, that was terrible. >> what were we talking about? oh, trump, yeah, what else? team trump is 1 for 24 in court right now, wasting our money trying desperately to convince a judge, at this point any judge, that there was voter fraud. multiple cases were dismissed and withdrawn today. because they have no evidence. the odds are piling up against trump, but when you're the
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underdog, who do you go to for an unexpected win? that's right, none other than rudy. >> every ballot they could see had biden's name on it. nobody else, not even another democrat. why does that happen? it happens because you know you are behind. dominion notifies you and you call off the counting and you start doing ballots like this. you can't, you can't do the down ticket. that's why you have biden and no down ticket because they had enough time to get biden's name in. "it's true, i read about it on a jpeg on facebook." looks like somebody treated himself to a new pinky ring! and while you may be wondering why donald trump would put his legal fate in the hands of the only person who is more out of it than he is. the reason may be as simple as this commercial that runs
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opposite mypillow on fox news. looking for a lawyer who doesn't give a -- calmed the notorious rudy g, rudy giuliani and associates. 555 am i a mess? maybe. something is wrong! call me at 555- -- i will answer the phone. i always answer the phone. i have a scab on my income that i keep picking and rudy giuliani and associates. i have no associates they quit weeks ampth remember this? what happened to me. call now. >> call, now. >> jimmy: fun fact, did you know rudy giuliani is the only vampire who loves garlic? he even smells like it! what a confusing time it is to be alive. especially if you're a parent. kids know more about what's going on than we think they do. last night on "60 minutes," president obama was talking about trump refusing to concede,
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he said "we would never accept behavior like that from our own kids if they lost." and that's true. so what are the lessons our children have learned from this president known as trump? some of them are these. ♪ cheating is okay. >> lie. always lie. >> never tell the truth. >> if somebody disagrees with you, they are a loser. >> cheat on your stocks. >> cheat on your taxes. >> being attractive and rich is most important. >> don't follow the rules. >> never apologize. ever. >> apologies are for losers. >> don't help sick people. >> don't help poor people. >> never take responsibility for anything. blame everyone else. >> don't exercise. >> stare in to an eclipse. >> fried chicken is good for you? >> call people names. >> sleepy.
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>> nasty. >> crazy. >> lazy. >> low iq. >> little. >> weirdo. >> ugly. >> loser. >> pocahontas. >> call a winner a cheater if you lose. >> don't let anybody talk. >> interrupt people. >> people who are different are -- keep interrupting, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. >> hire rudy giuliani. >> and don't forget to interrupt. >> he is an inspiration to all of us. >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. david cross is with us. we've got music from wallows. and we'll be right back with ryan phillippe.
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and, to pace yourself! >>i drink him got the whole fam rockin' ♪ hejingle jam-mays ♪olidays ♪ ♪ our 18th time watchin' love actual-lay ♪ ♪ we gon' have the best holiday here at old nav-ay ♪ shop jingle jammies from head to toe to tail. we holiday. only at old navy and let's be honest. quitting smoking is hard. like, quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so try making it smaller, and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette. starting small can lead to something big. did you get a streusel-topped blueberry muffin because it's a special day? or is it a special day because you got a streusel-topped blueberry muffin? meet the new bakery sweets at mcdonald's ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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>> jimmy: welcome back. tonight, a very funny and dare i say subversive man, david cross is with us. then later, their ep is called "remote" music from wallows. this week, we've got new shows with goldie hawn, alison brie, alex winter. we'll have a visit from people magazine's sexiest man alive, whose identity has not yet been revealed. we'll have music from g-eazy featuring blackbear, bee-ba-doo-bee, and zac brown band. and on thursday, president barack obama. you know that guy, right? you know our first guest from those things we used to go to called "movies." his latest is a tv show. he plays private investigator cody hoyt in the new tv show "big sky." it premieres tomorrow night on abc.
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please welcome ryan phillippe. snet ♪ please, how's it going? >> it's going good. you know, it's actually nice to see anyone these days. >> jimmy: i know, it is. when people say nice to see you, you cannot help but feel "you" means humanity. >> yeah, yeah, get out of the house. >> jimmy: have you been getting out of the house or staying? >> i was working in vancouver doing big sky. i went through the early days of the quarantine and stayed in the house and did everything and then i needed to hit the road, jimmy. >> jimmy: by yourself? >> yeah. >> jimmy: where did you go? >> i went on a country.
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i'm from delaware who is having a moment right now. >> jimmy: i have news, neither of you were there already, he was the vice president before this. >> i know, i know, but i have a, i'm from delaware. i have a small beachhouse there and i kept thinking about how badly i wanted to be there had. >> jimmy: oh. >> and this idea of driving across country in an electric vehicle which, you know, four years ago was not a possibility. that got me so excited. i hopped in the tesla, and i allowed it to dictate my path. you want to hit the super chargers. if you don't hit the super chargers you will sit for a long time. >> jimmy: i found out the wrong way. we miscalculated and i tell you a sneaky thing they do. on the super charger, if you put your destination in the car, it will only give you enough super charge to get you to the
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destination. >> i know, you are holding your breath the last few miles and you are seeing it tick down to under 5%. >> jimmy: and the result is you end up in a nonsuper charger, in my case, a parking lot of a walmart store. >> yeah, they are not always in the best place. >> jimmy: it would give you one mile every 40 minutes, or something like that. i don't know if you are like this -- if i see someone's cell phone is not fully charged, i will just grab it and plug it in. >> yeah there's a term for this. range anxiety. >> jimmy: really? >> it's a tesla driver known term, you have range anxiety. >> jimmy: i may have to be hospitalized for it, and i can't get in for it. >> i let the tesla dictate my path. if i had to go out of the way to get to a super charger that was
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okay. time is irrelevant. it doesn't mean anything anymore. so, you know, and also, i really wanted to try out the camping mode. do you know about camping mode? >> jimmy: i have read about it, yeah. >> so camping mode keeps your climate controlled all night if you have enough charge and you can put on netflix, at some point in my journey i was like, i have to try out the camping mode. >> jimmy: you can put netflix on in the car? >> yeah, you curl up in couch with big screen. so, on the way across country. i did stop, i was determined to have one night in the vehicle. i wanted on to try that out. but i was really tired and needed to shower a couple of times and i went to the holiday inn, these were the days where things were just opening up. so the guidelines and protocols of checking in were over the
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top. you walked in and everything was covered in plastic. to check in at the check-in counter i had to yell to the woman because she is behind a couple of panes and the stand here thing was eight feet away from her. i had to throw the credit card like a chinese star to get it to h her. no go in the room, from the remote, to buttons on the bathroom, everything is covered in plastic. it was very odd. but i made my way across country, and i figured out a way to hack the self drive. >> jimmy: oh, on the at the time la, the self driving feature, does it work? i have not tried it. >> i went hours without touching the wheel. >> jimmy: really? >> jimmy i took off my shoes. i had multiple screens on the windshield so i can facetime with my kids and friends. >> jimmy: how did it go?
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>> it was like a super slow first class. >> jimmy: tell me what this is, this is a terrible idea to tell anyone how you did it, how did you do it? >> it's easily searchable on u youtu youtube, but i will say, there was nobody on the road. height of the pandemic. the straight highs across texas, oklahoma, and i did not see anybody for miles so i got super comfortable. i was reclined. like i said, i was chilling. yeah. >> jimmy: do you put a pair of gloves on the wheel so it feels like there's hands there or what do you do? >> a -- a -- adequately weighted water bottle does the trick. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> you tuck it in the corner of the wheel. >> jimmy: imagine that is how you die. imagine. yeah, they found an evian bottle, you don't want to know where they found it. apparently he was laying on his
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stomach. >> so i realize this was a couple of days in the journey, i'm getting close to delaware, i have to try out the camping thin. so i go online in a charging session and i'm looking at the koa spots. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> and i didn't find one that was, you know, reasonably reachable with my range. again. so, i started researching where are you allowed to sleep safely when you are on the road? walmart. >> jimmy: that's right. i know this. >> walmart is a haven for drivers. anyone, if you are in danger or driving a truck, you are allowed to legally park and sleep in a walmart parking lot. >> jimmy: most of them, yeah, rvs, they will let you park in the walmart parking lot. >> yeah, and so jimmy, that's what i the did. i got to a walmart somewhere in virginia. >> jimmy: wow. >> and they had a tesla charger and i put on camping mode and i curled up and i spent the last night of my journey a -- >> jimmy: the stars are really
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just like us. it's remarkable. >> i'm very much a man of the people. very much. very much. >> jimmy: how old are your kids now? >> 17, 20 and 9. >> jimmy: oh, oh, so, are -- are you still allowed to hang out with them or is it -- >> you know, you should have them on and ask them. no, i think they like me. my son and i have a very, very close relationship and we do a lot of road trips together. >> jimmy: he is 17? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: where do you go with him and are you sleeping behind the wheel while -- >> no, by the way. disclaimer i was the only person in that vehicle, so i would never do that. >> jimmy: it's too late for any disclaim ers. you let us down. we were already on a bad path in the country. now there's no one literally at the wheel anymore. >> doesn't the it feel like that? >> jimmy: yeah, it does. you encapsulated the country right there. >> in the past few years, deacon and i have gone, we did a road
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trip to jeyellow stone. we went to north dakota and yellow stone and tokyo and kioto recently and most recently for his 17th birthday. i didn't tell him where we were going. i am like, i'm going to pick you up from mom's and go on a have a celebration -- i said we are going to joshua tree and contact aliens. >> jimmy: that's the middle of the desert here in california. >> so i rented an alien filmed air bnb. are you familiar with dr. stephen greer. >> jimmy: i am not. >> there's been a couple of documentaries about him. he is a ufohogist, i don't know if that is where his doctrate comes from and he has an app called the contact app. it's called c-5, and there's meant to be the steps that you take to conjure up interaction
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with alien life. and i have seen videos of people that went out with him and something appears in the sky. i mean, i have seen it. demi lovato went out. >> jimmy: well, that settles it for me. wait a minute, are you saying demi lovato, really? >> so, so, we he go out to joshua tree. >> jimmy: let's go and do this with him by the way. we will do cart wheels the whole time. >> dude, i would go. you me, stephen greer. >> jimmy: i would absolutely do it. yes. >> i'm sure he would be down. >> jimmy: did you contact any aliens aliens? >> no, we spent the day rock climbing and i dropped on him the reason that we were there. i was like, we are going to contact aliens. he was in to it. i think it's a family thing. my dad was of in to aliens and the prospect of alien life. >> jimmy: did he ever see
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anything? >> my mom and he claimed they did. >> jimmy: that's their way of saying they smoked weed. >> it was the 70s. >> jimmy: speaking of "the big sky," ryan philippe is with us, we will be right back. this is panera's new chef claes. chef claes insists on fresh clean ingredients. the richest cheeses and a mouth-watering sauce. so when chef claes makes a pizza, he doesn't just make a pizza. he makes a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera. where inspiration lines there's athe go for giving gifts so thoughtful, you'll outdo the elves. if you want a christmas you'll always remember,
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this is the place to spend less, and gift better. t.j. maxx, marshalls, and homegoods. ((cat 2) flook at that!! (cat 1) it's made with real farm-raised chicken! (cat 2) i gotta get my paws on that! (cat 1) it's friskies farm favorites! (cat 2) the winning farm-ula. (woman vo) feed their fantasy. ♪ friskies (cat 1) look! friskies ocean favorites! yum! ythey customize yours lcar insurance. so you only pay for what you need. wow. that will save me lots of money. this game's boring. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. you're con the clock,the go, and on your way. hang on a second. what's the rush? know the speed limit, go the speed limit, and slow the fast down. go safely, california. . . . i had hiv, it was difficult for . . . . . . me to accept.
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take a quick break,ite, jump on a quick call. next time you take a quick trip, how about this? take a second, take your time, and slow the fast down. go safely, california. 1200 missing women, all in
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the last two years. most of them last seen in truck stops. >> there's a lot of truck stops along the way. >> the church membership include longhaul truckers? that he is a faction of truckers mixed up in sex trafficking. >> really? >> how do you feel about driving up there? >> to the church, now? >> you got kids, rick? >> say no more. >> jimmy: "big sky" premieres tomorrow at 10 on abc. from david e lee, did -- >> pickett fences. on and on, the guy has an incredible track record. >> jimmy: can i tell you something, when i heard you played a private investigator, that pleased me. in the '70s, and '80s, every fourth actor was a private
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investors. you name it. >> to the extent that i thought about wanting to be a private n investigator because of that. >> jimmy: you do not realize that you will be sitting across the street from a hooker's apartment trying to catch a cheating husband all day. >> acting is better. >> jimmy: acting is really better. although, you in the walmart parking lot is not far off from what these people do. >> a little method there. >> jimmy: i wanted to ask you about your tweets. first, tell me what's the process as far as tweeting goes? will you? do you have any rules that you set for yourself? >> i have no rules outside of trying to make people laugh and not taking any of it too seriously. >> jimmy: okay. now -- >> very -- >> jimmy: that is correct. and i -- so i wanted to play a game in which you tell me whether this is something that you tweeted or kanye west tweeted. okay. here we go. there's no emoji for a tire?
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is that ryan or kanye? >> that's me. >> jimmy: that is ryan. correct. [ cheers and applause ] >> and i'm not wrong. >> jimmy: there isn't, huh? >> no. >> jimmy: weird, just want to watch whale videos and hear whale sounds, what stage of quarantine is this? ryan or kanye? >> that is ryan, i love whales. >> jimmy: you do not have to clap after each one. he is not really accomplishing anything. >> but i do love whales. >> jimmy: sometimes i get emotional over fonts. ryan or kanye? >> that would be mr. west. >> jimmy: that is kanye. that is correct. now you can clap. [ cheers and applause ] the only thing the humans ever game me was all this baggage. ryan or kanye? >> i think that is both of us. >> jimmy: sounds like -- >> no i'm going to take ownership for that. >> jimmy: that is you, that is correct. i wish i could run across a beach in to my own arms.
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>> that is kanye. >> jimmy: that's so kanye. man, ninjas are kind of cool, i just don't know any personally. >> is that me? >> jimmy: that was kanye. that was not you. is it called content because none of us are content? >> that pearl of wisdom came from right up here. >> jimmy: all right, one more. room service, ugh, i hate it when i order fruit and i can taste the other food they can cut with the same knife, beef flavored pineapples. >> i'm going can kanye. >> jimmy: yeah, that is kanye. you know yourself well. the show is called "big sky," it premiered tomorrow night, eighte10:00,
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on abc. we will be right back with david cross. with the coverage of 5g nationwide. and, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. the fastest 5g in the world. it will change your phone and how businesses do everything. i'm proud, because we didn't build it the easy way, we built it right. this is the 5g america's been waiting for. only from verizon. ♪ ♪ ♪ shower your pets with gifts and goodies. this week at petsmart. get a $10 petsmart bonus card when you spend $50 or more. and enjoy free same-day delivery on powered by doordash. let the season of spoiling begin. petsmart.
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and now, it's time to find out, what is your nickname. >> when i was in high school, i did a very bad injury with my knee, i split it in half and have metal in it, and so my schoolmates from that day on referred to me as peg leg or peggy sue or peggy van percy. as long as it had peggy in it
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. our next guest is a very funny man. you know him from "arrested development," "mr. show," and now as a butterfly hunter who goes deep into the forests of the pacific northwest in "the dark divide." it's available now on vod, please welcome david cross. >> jimmy: hey, david, hello, how are you doing? >> good, hi. >> jimmy: you know what i was thinking about you, and you are -- i have not seen you since you became a father. congratulations on had that. it's been a -- >> that's right, it's intentional for legal purposes. yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: how are you going that? are you good at it? >> yeah, i think so. i think i'm good, so far, so good. you know, she is, on the other side of 3-1/2, so, she is
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whatever, three months away from being four. so, you know, i haven't spoken to her in english. i just do gibberish and see what that creates. it's an experiment. you know, we will find out in a couple of years how it works. and -- >> jimmy: i like that. >> all right. no, i am bringing her up as a very, very strict orthodox jew, i'm not, nobody else in the family is, just her. >> jimmy: you know what's weird, it would work. it would work, wouldn't it? does she know what dad and mom, the do for a living? is she aware of what you do? >> yes and no, she knows the the things that we do. she doesn't have a full grasp on
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it. i actually, when she was oh, gosh, i guess 2, 1-1/2 2-year-old. she was on the tour bus with me, and she came out on stage one time. i was at the montreal just for laughs festival and i didn't know she was going to come out. my wife arranged it. and i'm not -- i'm closing my set and i'm doing like an encore and i hear people behind me, like 2,000 people going, awe! and it -- you know, didn't make any sense and i look over and she -- that's the i'll never forget that moment as long as i live and she came out and i held her up and i tried to get her -- i have one of the -- what is the looney tunes thing with the bullfrog that sings and the guy discovers it. >> jimmy: yeah, right, right. >> it was like that. i was like, oh, do the thing and she just stood there. but it was adorable. >> jimmy: it's funny, when the kids come out, you want them to
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not cry and to like it but you don't want them to like it too. >> no i wanted herr eto cry, th was what i was trying to get her to do. there's big money in kids crying. you go watch tv the. there's tons of money in it. >> jimmy: so i heard, yes. the, your movie is called the dark divide, and i watched it today and it's very enjoyable to watch. really, an unusual movie and your acting is great in it and you are alone for a lot of the movie and a lot of the movie you are not saying anything at all. can did that take some getting used to? >> i mean, it was, it was kind of nice to do. i will tell you though, you know, the scene, it's towards the beginning where i'm in the gas station and i'm trying to get directions and buy the map? that was one of the last things we shot and i was so starved to just talk to somebody and play and improvise and have a scene with dialog.
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i had been in the woods at that point like for 14 days. so it came out in that aspect. i mean, it was like i was on speed and just hyped and excited like a little kid just to talk to people. >> jimmy: it's the way everyone feels now, i think, probably. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> well the movie is certainly the timing could not have been better you know, for a movie like this to come out and give people a 90 minute respite from the horrors in the world, you know, to actually go out in the woods. with me. in my underwear. >> jimmy: it's a ridiculous movie to explain, not just in your underwear, but nude, thank you for that david. >> full on nude, you can get a digital descrambler and see the real deal if you want. >> jimmy: one of the crazy things and i watch it like four times in a row trying to figure out if it's real or not. correct me if i'm wrong, it does appear to be real, an owl lands
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on your head. >> oh, yeah, yeah, that was real. the owl, we had came up from georgia, i don't know why you cannot get one from the pacific northwest. first of all, a owl is a heavy dense creature. >> jimmy: interesting, i would not guess that it was heavy had. >> it was heavy hand i didn't know until i shot the thing and there's padding under my hat, but it's still, the talons really did scratch me and cut me open, even though there's that much thick of padding underneath the hat. the owl also, it's an owl. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it does not play by our rules. it's rude. very unprofessional. but, they were trying to get it to, you know, fly from the branch to land on my head, and
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the way they did that was with frozen dead mice. so, the wranglers are about, you know, 20 yards or ten yards away, something like that, off in the woods and they are off camera. it was a big wide shot. and they are throwing frozen dead mice at me to get the owl but also they are trying to hit had my chest but they would hit my face, dead frozen mice just like a lot of that. and then eventually the owl -- >> jimmy: wae have a clip, let' look at the owl descending and landing. now, i know this is based on a real guy, and a real story.
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did that really happen to him? >> the owl. >> jimmy: yeah. >> no, that is hollywood magic, jimmy. don't mean to spoil it for everyone. >> jimmy: a little frozen rodent magic. it's good, it's called "the dark divide" on vod and other digital platforms. david cross everybody. we will be right back with music from wallows. ♪
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there's no bad time to start at amazon... ♪ i like the flexibility. it also allows for picking up shifts. safety comes first, speed comes second. safety. safety. safety. we're making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. it makes me very happy. ♪
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♪ the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by mercedes benz. >> jimmy: i want to thank ryan phillippe and david cross, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first their ep is called "remote." with the songs, "virtual aerobics" and "are you bored yet," wallows! ♪ ♪ hey there safe travels read it i unravel simple words that might kill me ♪
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♪ let's spend the night doing some virtual aerobics hey watch my grapevine ♪ ♪ and my side kick i'm not too good but i try my best work hard no matter ♪ ♪ what happens next want to dress in what makes you like me i'll probably overwear ♪ ♪ these nikes i'll clean 'em off when they get a scuff tell me when you think ♪ ♪ they've had enough there's no color in san francisco you laughed and said ♪ ♪ just look around you being here for the first time with you it lets me see it ♪ ♪ totally new yeah you called me out like that like that ♪ ♪ yeah you made me blush like that like that only been here one night ♪ ♪ leaving doesn't feel right we could live a life like that ♪ ♪ like that i love how you move like that i love how you ♪
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♪ kiss like when we aren't together all of the weather i'll get to your side like ♪ ♪ that let's spend the night doing some virtual aerobics hey, watch my grapevine ♪ ♪ and my side kick i'm not too good but i try my best work hard no matter ♪ ♪ what happens next want to dress in what makes you like me i'll probably overwear ♪ ♪ these nikes i'll clean 'em off when they get a scuff tell me when you ♪ ♪ think they've had enough ♪ ♪ ♪ 'cause we could stay at home or watch the sunset but i can't help from ♪ ♪ asking are you bored yet and if you're feeling lonely you should tell me before this ends up ♪ ♪ as another memory will you tell the truth so i don't have to lie
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will you tell the truth ♪ ♪ so i don't have to lie ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, protesting a transition of power. defiant die-hards of donald trump. >> usa. >> rallying behind the president. >> what president trump is doing right now is legal. >> refusing to concede to joe biden. the president elect now pleading for unity. how the highstakes standoff may put the covid-19 roll out at risk. >> more people may die if we don't coordinator. >> plus, michael j fox on his darkest moment, how he bounced back and reclaimed his life. >> there's gratitude. >> and the healing power of love, pulling one man from the brink of covid. >> announcer: "nightline," will be right back. . now roomba vacuums exactly where you need it.


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