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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 11, 2021 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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us, thanks for joining us. right . ♪ >> badaba, badaba, badaba "jimmy kimmel live." back at home. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. a special shout-out to those of you watching from other countries on youtube. enjoying our comeuppance from afar. oh, i know you are! and i don't blame you. we had it coming. here in the "united" states. we are on chapter 11 of donald trump's presidency. yes, somehow, he's still president. but with only nine days left in office, trump could very well make history, becoming the first u.s. president to get impeached twice. democrats intend to charge trump
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with "incitement of insurrection." the plan, according to speaker pelosi, is to give mike pence one last chance to invoke the 25th amendment, and if he doesn't, which he won't, they'll move to impeach on wednesday. pence has reportedly said privately that he'd consider invoking the 25th if trump becomes "more unstable." more unstable? that's like noah saying, "if this rain gets any worse, i might have to build an ark." there is bad blood in the west wing right now. trump had reportedly still not checked on pence, who his mob wanted to hang when they stormed the capitol. they wanted to hang his vice president and trump is like "thank you. we love you. what's for lunch?" potus and v-potus had not spoken since wednesday. they finally met at the white house today. according to the official report, "the two had a good conversation, discussing the week ahead and reflecting on the last four years of the administration's work and accomplishments." right. i'm sure that's exactly how it went.
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things have gotten so tense, between them trump has started calling pence "melania." and melania, she's something else too. this morning, melania trump finally issued a statement, expressing her sympathy for the real victim of the events of last week, melania trump. "i am disappointed and disheartened with what happened last week. i find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me, from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda." well, i have no idea what salacious gossip she's talking about, but now i'm definitely gonna google it to find out. during the insurrection, melania was reportedly doing a photo shoot for a coffee table book about furniture in the white house. she kept the shoot going as these nuts were kicking in doors at the capitol. because she wants her book to be best. but melania says this is the time for healing, not division.
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that's a talking point a lot of these complicit republicans are spewing now. and hey, i'm all for healing, but before we heal, we need to make sure the surgery is finished. there's still a large cancerous tumor that needs to be removed. many have noticed that melania's statement appeared to copy the wording of an earlier speech she gave at the republican national convention in august. this is what she said then. "the common thread in all of these challenging situations is the unwavering resolve to help one another." and this was today. "the common thread in all of these challenging situations is american's unwavering resolve to help one another." so at least now she's only plagiarizing herself. that's progress, right? in congress, republicans are doing everything they can to stave off another impeachment vote. they do not want to go on the record for this one. several of them are saying nine days isn't enough time to hold impeachment hearings. and they've got a point.
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usually when the senate tries to ram something through that quickly, it's a conservative supreme court justice. the house will vote to impeach on wednesday, but the senate might not have a trial for months. and some, like senator roy blunt of missouri, think there's no need to impeach trump because he'll probably never, ever do anything like this again. right. next time, he'll stick his head >> are republican leaders going to hold him accountable. >> well i think the president should be very careful over the next ten days that his behavior is what you expect from the leader of the greatest country in the world. now my personal view is the president touched the hot stove on wednesday and unlikely to touch it again. >> jimmy: right, yeah, next time he's go focus stick his head in the microwave. he's unlikely to touch it again. right. that's how toddlers do it.
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personally, i don't think we should impeach the president twice. i think we should impeach him three times. just to make sure it sticks. and while we're discussing the 25th amendment, how about dusting off number 14? that's the one that says "no person shall hold any office" if, as a member of congress, they "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." aid or comfort to the enemies thereof -- you mean like josh hawley? the senator from missouri, giving the universal "aid and comfort" sign to the friendly folks who killed a police officer trying to get to nancy pelosi's post-its? like that? if only someone had warned us how donald trump would react to losing an election. if only someone had seen this coming. >> he lost the iowa caucus he lost the if republican primary was against him and trump university gets sued for fraud and racketeering he claims the court system and federal judge is rigged against him.
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there was a time he didn't get an emmy for his tv program for three years in a row and started shooting the emmy's were against him. this is a mindset. this is how donald thinks. >> she's smart. that ladsy should run for president. you know what? maybe we should give him an emmy. maybe we need to entice him out of office. do you think he'd resign if hbo offered him the part of samantha in the new "sex and the city?" it's worth a try. a lot of his cabinet and staff has resigned. but some of them are standing by their man during this very sensitive time for him emotionally. >> with the social media crack down does he feel emasculated as heads out of office. >> look, i wouldn't say emasculated the most masculine person to hold presidency is the president of the united states. >> jimmy: right, he's so masculine sometimes i'm not able to stand up. i mean, have you seen him dance to "ymca?" where do these guys come from? and why can't i find one of them to work for me?
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at one point on friday, trump is reported to have yelled "i am not going to resign!" he's planning to spend his last week on the job, taking a victory lap to celebrate his imagined accomplishments. he's headed to the border tomorrow to show off some of that wall mexico never paid for. and in the meantime, his official schedule is robust. "president trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. he will make many calls and have many meetings." that's what i say when my kids knock on the bathroom door. "i have many calls and meetings in here!" according to the fbi armed protests are being planned at the capital of all 50 states from january 16th to inauguration day and fbi reports that the "insane clown posse" grabbers may storm the u.s. capitol too. we've been getting more details about the storm trumpers, some have been arrested and some brought along a plus one. including this guy. infamously pictured in
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paramilitary gear, he showed up with a bunch of zip ties and his mom. i guess he needed someone to drive him home. my god. i'd be so embarrassed if my mom saw me with an insurrection. remember the good old days when norman bates and his mother never left the motel? but you know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the treason. the magavengers were in full force at twitter headquarters today, on behalf of their dear misleader. it's been unusually quiet over the past few days because donald trump has been banned from twitter. permanently. which, i have to say, the only thing scarier than donald trump tweeting is donald trump not tweeting. it was a way for us to know where he was, like when they put a bell on a cow. trump's account was suspended on friday, so he tried to tweet from the official @potus account instead. and they stopped that too. many in trumpland believe that it's wrong to encourage a corporation to ban someone for their political statements. which, oh wait, who was the guy who told the nfl to ban the players who kneeled? was that donald trump?
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i guess that was different. trump has been suspended from twitter, instagram, facebook, and even snapchat. but don't worry, mr. president, there are still plenty of apps you do have access to. you still have spotify to drown out the sound of millions of people cheering as you leave. you still have petfinder, since you're on the outs with mike pence. you have cameo. which will soon be your primary source of income. you can still play among us, a game where everyone accuses each other of being against them, you'd love it. you can play pokemon go. you and don junior can hunt pikachus together. and when no one else wants you, don't forget, there's always your old friend, the domino's pizza tracker. not only did trump get banned from twitter, google, apple, and amazon removed the parler app from their platforms. parler is where all the right wingers gather to post qanonense and misspell the word "parlor." and no one was more upset about parler going away than a sneaky little congressman named devin nunes. >> but it's more than just the
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financial aspect to that. republicans have no way to communicate. i have 3 million followers on parler. tonight, i will no longer be able to communicate with those people. >> jimmy: i mean, other than being on fox news right now, how will i communicate with like-minded singles? why does devin nunes always look like he's about to cry? trumpers are complaining bitterly that they're being "silenced." in fact, they won't shut up about it! on their three propaganda television networks, on a thousand conservative radio shows, and all over the internet, they are screaming about being silenced. they won't be silent about being silenced! and of all the things donald trump has to be upset about over the past few days, impeachment, the 25th amendment, the twitter ban, this is the one that is reported to have bothered him the most. the pga last night decided not to host the 2022 pga championship at his golf course in new jersey, and they have no plans to stage the british open at his turnberry course in
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scotland things have turned berry fast on donald trump. trump was said to be "gutted" by this. you know, usually when trump loses a golf tournament, it's because chicken nugget grease kept causing the club to slip out of his hands. the president has not spoken publicly about covid, which is killing more than three thousand americans a day since december 9 more than a month! three thousand people a day is a lot for a fake virus manufactured by the democrats and china to topple trump. and this is interesting. someone on twitter noticed an unusual trend. "there are angry ladies all over yankee candle's site reporting that none of the candles they just got had any smell at all. i wonder if they're feeling a little hot, and nothing has much taste for the last couple days too." in other words, maybe the reason they can't smell the candles is because they have covid. and don't know it. a harvard psychology research assistant picked up on this and compiled data from amazon of reviews left in 2020 about scented candles, and here's what she found: reviews of candles remained
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virtually unchanged for about three years, but then, when the first cases of covid hit the u.s., that's the red line on this chart, they nosedived! for comparison, she compiled the reviews of scented candles versus unscented candles on amazon this year. the unscented candles are in orange, the scented are in blue, and you can see, blue took a massive hit. these reviews aren't just bad reviews, they're snarky and aggressive too. this one is called "what is wrong with this company?" "i exchanged an unscented santa's cookies for this highly-rated sold-out yet also highly unscented apple pumpkin. face palm. what in the lack of quality control why don't any of these yankee candles actually have any fragrance? this is ridiculous!" here's another one: "disappointing this year. the quality of the scent is gone." yeah, maybe. or you have the coronavirus! there are lots of reviews like this. i became curious about what the people at yankee candles, the company, think about all this. so we got in contact with them, and joining us now is their vice president of scent and fragrance, kyle admussen.
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hello, kyle. how are you? kyle? kyle! >> oh, hey there, jimmy! i was just adding a few more slices to our banana nut bread mix candle. >> jimmy: you put real banana bread in those? >> heck yes, we do. you should see me trying to cram a pumpkin in here for our "autumn gathering" line! it's very difficult. but you know what they say, make candles in a blender and you'll never work a day in your life! >> jimmy: i don't think i've heard anyone say that before ever. >> that's because you're not a cool guy who makes candles. >> jimmy: very true. hey, i wanted to talk to you about some of the negative reviews you guys have been getting lately. >> oh, gosh. >> jimmy: yeah, i've noticed. >> what a bunch of chuckleheads! >> jimmy: yeah. wow. watch the language kyle, we're on tv. >> i'm sorry, it's just these covid-positive pinheads are
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really starting to pee-me off! >> jimmy: oh, so you do think there might be a connection between covid and customers saying your candles have lost their scent? >> well, the heck yes i do! you think i don't know how to make champaca blossom? we've been using the same gosh darn recipe for 51 years! but suddenly, these dum-dums wander into a mall in south dakota without a mask and they come out crying to me "your candles don't smell as good!" boo [ bleep ] hoo! >> jimmy: it does seem suspicious. it seems odd, doesn't it? >> i mean look, you always get a few complaints this time of year from these pickle brains who say, "i've been to the bahamas, and the breezes don't smell like that,", you know, you can't put a breeze in a blender, you just got to do your best. but this year, it's just nuts. listen to this bozo. "something is wrong with the candles i bought. the balsam and cedar has no scent at all!
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i used to use them from one christmas to the next, but this year, something is wrong." oh, really? when did you write this? november 29th? okay, is that right after thanksgiving? did ya maybe invite a bunch of your stupid family over to cough all over your turkey, turkey?! >> jimmy: right. now, kyle, i get that you're angry. >> you're [ bleep ] damn right i'm angry! i didn't spend six years at the beeswax academy getting a masters in chandlery so our consumer rating could get all cucked up by these, busybodies. they can suck my wick! >> jimmy: kyle, relax, you need to calm down a little. >> you're right. you're right. i actually do need to calm down a little bit. i'm going to enjoy a little bit of this. >> jimmy: what's that? >> that's angel's wings, my all-time favorite. >> jimmy: angel's wings sounds nice. what's in that one? >> angel dust. >> jimmy: the hallucinogenic
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pcp? >> i feel greeeaaat >> jimmy: well, i guess that answers -- >> you! i knew it was you. >> jimmy: you did? kyle, are you okay? >> you, beelzebub is thy name! >> jimmy: no, no, my name is jimmy. >> satan, i shall snuff thee like a jar of midnight jasmine! >> jimmy: okay, well, thanks kyle. be careful with that thing. that's all right, thanks kyle. we have a good show for you tonight. from cnn, jake tapper is with us. we have music from queen naija. and we'll be right back with milo ventimiglia. so stick around.
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these fudge brownie m&m's are really fyes they are. to put a fudge brownie center in an m&m's is... genius! i know. i was going to say hard! why won't you... ughhhh... ahhh! why won't you go in... fudge brownie m&m's. -yes. -the answer is no. i can help new homeowners not become their parents. -kee-on-oh... -nope. -co-ee-noah. -no. -joaquin. -no. it just takes practice. give it a shot. [ grunts, exhales deeply ] -did you hear that? -yeah. it's a constant battle. we're gonna open a pdf. who's next? progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. no fussin', no cussin', and no -- i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx.
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don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at you can't claim that because it's inanimate! people ask me what sort of person should become a celebrity accountant. and, i tell them, "nobody should." hey, buddy. what's the damage? i bought it! the waterfall? nope! a new volkswagen. a volkswagen?! i think we're having a breakthrough here! welcome to caesar's palace. thank you. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ (beeping sound) ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. tonight, from "the lead" on cnn, jake tapper is with us. we have much to discuss. then later, her album is called "misunderstood." music from queen naija. this week, we've got new shows with guests including bryan cranston, kyra sedgwick, carrie coon, with music from jp sax, beach bunny, and foo fighters too. so please join us. our first guest tonight plays the most popular dead person on tv. he is a three-time emmy nominee who never once asked for a recount. "this is us" airs tuesday nights on nbc. please welcome milo ventimiglia. hi milo, how are you. >> what's up, jimmy, how are you, good to see you. >> jimmy: welcome to my home, how's everything. >> things are good, welcome to my office. >> jimmy: thanks for having us. i don't want to start on a sad note but noticed over the weekend you posted a great photograph of tommy lasorda who passed away on friday, fellow
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american and long-time dodgers great shot tommy showing everybody how to slide into home plate. did you ever meet tommy? >> i never was so lucky to meet him but he is one of the longest individuals with the organization. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> with the dodgers themselves, i think out of anybody else affiliated with the organization. >> jimmy: and you think he's the only one who had his own diet plan. you are probably too young to remember his slim fast commercials. >> jimmy: oh, you do. >> yeah. i didn't partake in them but i do remember them. >> jimmy: you do remember the diet shakes. during the season premiere of "this is us" in october happened to be up against game six, final game of the dodgers in the world series. i thought it was kind of funny because the whole cast was tweeting about "this is us" and you were tweeting about the game.
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>> i mean, it's kind of to be expected. i got a whole theory about live tweeting during the show. i don't do it because if you're like this always all of a sudden you're doing this, not watching the show. when it came to the premiere, you know, our friend foegeleman he tweets, i was like no, man, go dodgers. i was watching the game knowing i would could catch up on the show otherwise. we got three numbers, plus seven numbers, doesn't matter. >> plus you were in it on top of that. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: we have a photo from the super bowl couple years ago when it was on nbc, you guys had the big show afterwards, there you are meeting joe and dr. biden the new president-elect, a kordsing to some. -- according to some. was that the first time you met
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him? >> that was the first and only time i met him. it was an episode for us where jack dies. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i remember standing around and mandy glanced over and goes oh, my god, jill and dr. biden are here and escorting us through the events of the day they're like would you like to meet them, everybody's like, yes of corsi and found out later on he and his wife watch the show, they were familiar with the show and they knew about us. it was a big moment, it was an exciting moment, hey, here's someone who could ultimately get elected and of course he did. >> jimmy: and also vice president of the united states. is he like the biggest person you ever met who was a viewer of the show? >> i mean he's right up there with oprah. >> jimmy: oh, no he's not, she's
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above him, until next week she's still on top. >> totally. oprah i finally met her at an emmy award that you were hosting and my whole cast met her and talked about how great she was, i was like she's two rows down, ten seats over, excuse me, i'm going to walk over and meet her, i wake down and see her talking to somebody, it's the moment where they're like back on in one minute, get to your seats, this person walks away i say, excuse me miss winfrey, she turns to me and exhales this calm breath, be patient with this dude who you have no idea who they are and she's looking at me like she has no idea who i am, i say i'm milo ventimiglia, i play jack on "this is us" she grabbed my hand and said soy -- yes you do. yes you do.
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before they said get back to your seat. >> jimmy: you're blocking the camera. we'll take a break, milo ventimiglia with us, tuesday nights "this is us" we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ smooth driving pays off. ♪ with allstate, the safer you drive the more you save. ♪ you never been in better hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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we are back, jake tapper is on the way, we're here with milo ventimiglia. milo is in his office in his home. his show of course is "this is us" on tuesday nights on nbc. you guys have shot and now you've paused and hopefully
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you'll go back to work very soon. >> hopefully, that's the plan. the numbers in l.a. were daunting and scary, and i think studios were trying to participate in keeping things down. at the same time i feel like we're some of the safer groups being tested all the time but we'll go back when it's right to go back. >> jimmy: you directed an episode this season, correct? >> last season. last season. >> jimmy: oh, last season. >> the season before i directed, yeah, yeah. it was myself and justin hartly both directed. >> jimmy: did you enjoy doing that. is it something you really wanted to do? >> i loved it. i actually started directing at 25 doing interstitial campaigns for the wb network. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah yeah yeah. i was brought in to draw up this one set they didn't have anybody to do it, they used all the footage so they brought me in to direct the whole campaign when i was 25. >> jimmy:er you directing celebrities and actors.
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>> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: like who? >> think about 25, 30 years ago, think of anybody that was on the last two years of the wb network. one of the bigger guys that passed through the stage was steve harvey. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> would come on the wb network at the time. here i am, 25-year-old me, looking like i'm 14, so i wear a suit and tie because i feel i need to dress it up a bit, be more professional, and steve harvey walks on stage with about ten people and says isn't this some effing bull crap, explicit, i'm thinking oh, god what i have got myself into. my first assistant director says mr. harvey said this is our director, he goes you're young aren't you, i said yes, sir, i am, i'll get you out of here in five minutes. i end up having the cameras
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break in the middle of filming him, sorry, i'll get you out of here in like six minutes. i understand you're busy. he just kind of goes off to the back the stage, not near his ten people with him, publicist and people and all that, and he just kind of sits there and we're waiting for the cameras to get fixed i start talking to him, i'm so sorry, he goes, nah, it's cool, it's cool, he goes how old are you, i go, 25, he goes you're directing these? you're directing? i go,s yeah, i've always wanted to do it. i always wanted to do it. he goes man that's impressive i said yeah but look at you with the radio show and tv show all that, how do you do all that. we had a very real conversation about what you give to the business and what you're creating for others. that conversation sent me in the direction on the producing, directing, build, create
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opportunities for my friend, all this stuff. >> jimmy: wow, i would love a touching reunion with you and steve on celebrity "family feud" would be a beautiful thing. >> could you imagine >> jimmy: yeah get your dad in there very good to see you milo. "this is us" tuesday on nbc. we'll be back with jake tapper. happy howie's dog treats. we make all natural dog treats and we're growing really fast. so fast, we were maxing out production. that's why i chose the spark cash card from capital one. cause i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. last year i redeemed $21,000 in cash back... seriously, $21,000. which i used for new equipment, so we can feed even more dogs. thanks to my spark card, we're in over 4,000 stores across the country. what's in your wallet?
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. music from queen naija is on the way. if you think you've had enough of donald trump, our next guest probably has you beat. he delivers the not-fake news every weekday on his show "the lead" on cnn, please welcome jake tapper. hi, jake, how are you. >> hey jimmy, how are you buddy? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, how are things in washington, okay, or is everyone frazzled. >> pretty bad. it's pretty horrible. yeah. i know i was supposed to be on to the show wednesday and i apologize for that. >> jimmy: yes. >> i don't know how much of the
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news you get out there in los angeles but president trump and his team decided to incite a u.s. attack on the capitol that resulted in at least five deaths so i was unable to break away. >> jimmy: that's more important to you than chit chatting with me, see, we get all our news on tmz here so we don't pay attention to that kind of stuff. by the way, congratulations, i know they doubled the length of "the lead" to two hour from one hour. do you get paid twice as much now? >> damn it, i told my agent. no, i don't. but i will say on a serious note that it has been great working for cnn. i joined cnn in 2013, it's been great the whole time, but especially during this year where we had a president who was working so hard to make truth and facts and decency into partisan issues and we saw last
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week the, perhaps inevitable result of that. it's been nice to be at a news network where we could call it as it is, i know that i have friends at other news organization where they have been restrained. it's been great under the leadership of jeff zucker and working with people like wolf blitzer and dana bash to tell the american people what's actually going on. >> jimmy: yeah i noticed, i think i've been watching your show almost every day since 2013, correct me if i'm wrong, but over the past four years you have become progressively become madder and madder and madder, yes? >> ha ha. you know how you look at a picture of john f. kennedy in 1960 or at the end of his president. or obama. or george wrks w.
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they've aged so much more. usually a presidency will age a president ten years in four. i was looking at a clip of me on your show when i started at cnn and i looked a hundred years younger. my hair's now so gray and have a face like a catcher's mitt, covering this president has definitely aged me. and yeah, i'm madder. how could you not be. he has been -- i know you r i watch you, and, like the things he's said and done have culminated in a terrific yorist a culminated in a terrorists attack on the capitol in which five have been killed. he and his party have been sharing the lies,
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there's nothing partisan about this. this isn't taking a position against terrorist attack on the capitol, it isn't partisan, it's imperically horrible and now we're in a situation where we hope he doesn't do anything else in the remaining week. >> jimmy: senator roy blunt believes he has learned his lesson. >> i saw that. he's touched a hot stove and learned it. i'm not sure -- he could not have been talking about donald trump, right, he must have been talking about baron, some other trump, definitely not one of the adult trumps. >> jimmy: jake, do you think with impeachment with basically a week left to go in his
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presidency is the right way to go? and do you think that is a sufficient and necessary punishment for this president? . >> i don't have a position whether or not he should be impeached or whatever that's for politicians to do and me to cover, but i will say, there has to be is some sort of reckoning, consequence, not just for president trump but for everybody who was part of this. i mean, two-thirds of the house republicans voted to commit sedition to over turn the election after the terrorist attack when there was blood on the ground when you had it house majority leader like carthy and others spreading these lies, and brooks saying patriots need to kick some ass before the rally, i mean, if there's not
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consequences, if the republican party doesn't reckon with this in a real way i worry we're just at the beginning of this chapter, not the end. >> jimmy: yeah speaking of the beginning, we learned today that the fbi has information that says there will be armed protests at all of the capitols in all of the states in the country, including washington, d.c., i mean, are you surprised that you are even surprised by anything any more? i mean, did you see any of this coming on wednesday morning when you woke up? >> i mean, i suspected it would be violent. i had been talking to security at cnn about how january 6th was a day that president trump had circled on the calendar and told his supporters to come to washington to protest the steal, obviously nothing is being stolen, except for, you know, computers and lecturns from the
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capitol by the maga terrorists. i had an idea things could get ugly but didn't know how ugly, but now looking back it does feel like the natural culmination of the trump presidency in so many ways, i mean, this is why we were so upset and so we all objected, people in the news media to these lies, not because we cared about joe biden's feelings, but because we worry that somebody would act. people have acted on these deranged conspiracy theories before. it's just that in this situation, the finger prints were much clearer from trump when he says you got to be tough and his son says we're going to come after you and rudy says trial by combat, all these people, including these far-right groups
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that trump has been playing footsies with for five or six years converge on the capitol. i didn't see it coming but in retrospect it does feel this is what we were all worried about, just couldn't put it to word, couldn't imagine what it would be. and now you have the fbi warning about maga terrorists because that's what armed protesters going into capitols are, they're terrorists, because they're trying to terrorize you, that's the definition for political reasons. >> jimmy: right. >> and donald trump hasn't said a word about it. he hasn't said don't do it. we need a peaceful transfer of power, too late for that, by the way. he hasn't said please stand down, stay with your families, be safe. of the five people that were killed last week, four of them were protesters for him, and the fifth, the cop, was a supporter of his but not a terrorist, he was trying to protect the
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capitol. he's putting his own people in jeopardy. >> jimmy: he doesn't care about peoplelele whose name is not do trump, even the other person with donald trump in his name, he doesn't care about, let's be honest. >> i don't care about don jr., but i said the other day on the air, he doesn't care about the cop, he hasn't said anything about officer brian sicknick the 42-year-old new jersey veteran who served on the capitol police officer since 2008 was a trump supporter and was killed defending the capitol. he doesn't care about him. what did donald trump say that day? he said to the terrorist -- nothing about brian sicknick, he still hasn't, but he said to the terrorists after the attack we love you, you're very
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special. it's not fun to say to the american people the president sides with the terrorists and not the terrorized, even about some who were terriforized and officer sicknick were supporters of his. >> jimmy: whoever wrote this mini series is a genius and i'm glad you're here putting it into context for us every day. someone should remind the president to lower the flag to half staff when a capitol police officer is killed because of your words. . thanks for being with us, jake, jake tapper with two hours now on cnn. at 4:00 p.m. eastern.
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we'll be right back with music from queen naija.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank andy daly, milo ventimiglia, and jake tapper, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, her album is called
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"misunderstood." with a little help from lil durk, queen naija! ♪ ♪ two weeks ago said you wanted to leave after arguing we made love in the sheets ♪ ♪ and when i'm alone those words ring in my head i wonder if you really meant what you said ♪ ♪ i wonder do you really love me do you really really wanna be here ♪ ♪ or do you tolerate me dreaming somewhere else and only sleep here ♪ ♪ cause i don't wanna be with someone who don't really wanna be here ♪ ♪ so if you didn't mean it then you prolly never should repeat it ♪ ♪ oh say what you mean and mean what you say
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say what you mean and mean what you say ♪ ♪ love works better that way oh say what you mean and mean what you say ♪ ♪ oooh, say what you mean and mean what you say love works better that way ♪ ♪ love works better better, better love works better better, better ♪ ♪ love works better love works love works better that way ♪ ♪ love me good love me good
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♪ ♪ love me good love me good and lie to me ♪ ♪ don't want broken promises don't want apologies long as you don't see nobody that i hang with ♪ ♪ they don't understand our arrangement ♪ ♪ all this love all this love waitin just for you just for you ♪ ♪ so don't pass it up cause you'll regret it too you'll regret it too ♪ ♪ all this love all this love waitin just for you
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just for you ♪ ♪ so don't pass it up cause you'll regret it too don't lie to me ♪ broken promises ♪ don't want broken promises don't want apologies i don't wanna be the one complainin ♪ ♪ long as you don't see nobody
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tonight president trump on the verge of second impeachment, for inciting zblook president trump is impeached again will be the first to ever be impeached twice. >> and fresh fall out from office hail the hero is why split decision by one officer may have helped to save lives and bracing for second wave of violence. what the fbi is warning tonight. this special edition of "nightline" will be right back. . do it! run your dishwasher with cascade platinum.


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