tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 19, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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your time. on jimmy kimmel, casey affleck. we will ♪ ba da ba ba da ba ba da ba ♪ ♪ jimmy kimmel live ♪ >> back at home! >> jimmy: hi, there. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for joining me, at the end of the final full day, of the presidency, of donald jennifer trump. it's the end of an error. right now trump is packing up his golf clubs, barron, and all the fake melanias too. i'm not sure what to feel right now. it feels like the night before your wedding and your divorce. all rolled up into one. in just 13 hours, donald trump will be shoveling loaded potato skins into his mouth by the pool at mar-a-lago and mike pence will be off battling gays in space.
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trump spent his last day on the job, and he spent it just like every other, watching people talk about him on tv and screening eric's calls. trying to figure out which filing cabinet melania's hiding in. and he gave a farewell speech. youtube allowed him to release a poorly constructed, boastful, heavily-edited speech, in which he wished the incoming administration luck, but never mentioned joe biden by name. he thinks if he doesn't say his name, he won't appear. like he's beetlejoe or something. other than that, this was again, trump's official schedule for the day. "president trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. he will make many calls and have many meetings." i'm going to miss that. i love this fairy tale that he works hard. even though he has done literally nothing other than trying to overturn the election over the last two months. i mean, like nothing. over at fox news, they're still pumping that sweet, sweet smoke up the man's ass. >> you know, they'll criticize
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president trump, but no one can argue he is a worker. he doesn't drink alcohol, he stays up late at night, he watches every show. >> jimmy: he's watching every show, is watching every show work? if so, netflix owes me a lot of money. you know who else stays up late, doesn't drink alcohol, and watches every show? my 6-year-old. donald trump does not work hard. in his speech, he said "we did what we came here to do, and so much more." but did we? let's check that out. as we wrap up the final hours of this interminable presidency, let's go through the campaign promises he made four very long years ago. when he was running for president, trump promised to repeal obamacare and replace it with something much better. no repeal. he failed on that, thank god, and he never even presented a plan to replace it. "f" is his grade. trump promised to build a wall, an impenetrable wall, and have mexico pay for it!
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our border with mexico spans almost 2,000 miles, he built 40 miles of easily climbable wall. and we paid for it. "f." he said he would "invest $550 billion in infrastructure and create an infrastructure fund." nope and nope. "f." he relentlessly criticized obama for playing golf and said "i won't have time to play golf. i'll be in the white house working my ass off." while in office, donald trump spent 298 days at a golf course, at a cost of $144 million. so "f-u." trump promised he'd "bring back manufacturing." not much action there, though he did sell a lot of hats and mypillows. so i give him a d-plus. trump said, i will "make no cuts to social security." he tried to make cuts, but the senate didn't pass them. but in fairness to him, he did try to take money from old people, so let's give him a "c." trump said many times he'd appoint a special prosecutor to
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hess gate hillary clinton, "f." he promised to "close the parts of the internet where isis is." i'll give him some credit for that. he did get kicked off twitter and facebook, and he got parler shut down. let's give him a b-plus just to be nice. and while this wasn't a campaign promise, he said about covid, "we have it totally under control, it's going to disappear one day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear." that was last february. since then, 400,000 americans have disappeared. "f." now, he did keep his promises to defund planned parenthood and remove the u.s. from the paris climate accord. so give him an a-hole for that. oh and the space force! don't forget. he created the space force. and hopefully, tomorrow, at noon tomorrow, he will board a space force craft, and rocket to mars, never to be seen or heard from again. so trump leaves office with a grade point average of f-plus and a string of lies that will never be broken. and also a bunch of questionable pardons. trump is expected to issue about 100 pardons tonight.
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and he was reportedly calling people to give them the news, the people he pardoned. he loves this so much. he has a "pardon hardon" right now. one notable name who has been angling for a pardon, is joe exotic, aka the tiger king. why he thinks trump would pardon him, i have no idea. but team tiger spared no expense, preparing for his possible release. >> we've delivered everything that i wanted to do on this project. i am absolutely confident that we are going to receive the pardon tomorrow. we've got hair, makeup, wardrobe. trust me, anything you can think of, we have it, including a doctor, and also a mental health expert. >> jimmy: now they get him a mental health expert. when he was in the cage with the tiger or singing about carole baskin killing her husband, there was no mental health care to be found. but i have to hand it to them, they really put together an exit fit for a king. >> they also have a limo ready to pick him up from the prison in ft. worth, texas, and take
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him to a secure location. >> joe's biggest thing is he can't wait to get out, as you can imagine. and he doesn't want anyone to see him until his hair's done. >> jimmy: is it sad that the only thing i want in life now is to see joe exotic without his hair done? the thinking currently is trump will not pardon himself or his children. his lawyers begged him not to try to pardon himself, because they felt it would get him into deeper legal trouble. so they gave him one of those "get out of jail free" cards from monopoly, and told him it was real. worked like a charm. looking back, i wonder if this was all worth it to him? six years ago, we were all perfectly fine to let him keep bumbling around new york, pretending to be a billionaire. he could have been hosting golf tournaments, making tgi fridays commercials, playing this role he created of the wealthy tycoon. could have bought a couple of new helicopters, a couple new wives, and we would have all rolled our eyes and been like, oh, that's donald trump. he probably would've landed a sweet gig as the cranky tv judge, on some hooded celebrity pie eating competition. that's where donald trump
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belonged. but now, most of the country despises him, most of the world despises him. we found out he pays no taxes, he has no money, he is likely to face criminal charges in new york. nobody will do business with him. can't host a golf tournament, can't even operate a carousel in his hometown anymore. his wife hates him, his kids are screwed, he's got to hole up in that cheesecake factory with a golf course in florida he lives in for the rest of his life. he won't be able to invite centerfolds up to his office, and he'll be generally thought of as the worst president in the history of the united states. so was it worth it? for him, it probably was. but now it's over. could you imagine if obama didn't go to trump's inauguration? we would never have heard the end of it. instead of being gracious, trump is throwing himself a send-off party at joint base andrews. during a pandemic. of course. and he's so desperate for this party to be big, they're letting people bring up to five guests.
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i've never even heard of a "plus five." it's like they're planning a bar mitzvah for the least popular boy in hebrew school. this tells you all you need to know about the trouble they're having with the guest list. they're inviting people that trump fired. like john kelly. anthony scaramucci got an invite, he said no. you know who else won't be there? mike pence. the vice poodle is planning to attend biden's inauguration, and according to his team, it would be too complicated logistically for him to go to both events. so he's going to the inauguration. instead of trump's going-away party. pence posted several photos of his time in office today, none of them with trump. you think they'll ever see each other again? i doubt it. how does pence even leave it with trump? does he write him a letter? do they wave in the hallway? maybe he texts him a poop emoji? i don't know. either way, this is not how trump wanted to go out. he was planning a procession and a flyover. instead, he got an insurrection and a combover. meanwhile, the biden
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administration today announced his administration's ethics plan. the plan is to have ethics. so that's a step in the right direction. i'm interested to see how the rest of the world handles this. it's like when your friend breaks up with a boyfriend you you didn't like. you want to say, good, i'm glad you broke up with that psycho. but you don't, because you're afraid they might get back together. in happier news, tiffany trump announced her engagement on, of all days, today. she posted the news on social media. because unlike most of her family, she still can. and apparently the engagement happened at the white house. one thing about this family, they really know how to read the room. i love to imagine this guy, her fiancé, going into trump's office to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage and trump says "which daughter?" "tiffany." "oh, not now, i'm pardoning lil wayne." by the way, before we seal him back up in his coffin for a while, i want to mention, just to put another cherry on this
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banana split of hypocrisy we've been force-fed for the last four years, it turns out, after flying around the country screaming about the evils of provisional ballots for the last ten months, rudy giuliani, voted with, you guessed it! a provisional ballot. isn't that something? the irony is thicker than the grecian formula oozing from his pores. it will be interesting to see what rudy does next. it will be interesting to see what any of them do next. they say that outgoing trump staffers are having trouble finding jobs. according to one former west wing official, no one wants to touch them, they're toxic. so now that their time in the white house is over, the question is, what will these people do? fortunately, i am in possession one magic crystal ball. i bought it on etsy. it's really a good one, too. now let's find out what the
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future holds for members of the trump administration. there we are. that is white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. kayleigh will go back to her old job, working as a wax figure of paris hilton at madame tussauds in orlando, florida. rudy giuliani signs on as foreman at total seasons landscaping, where he's later fired after a homeowner catches him masturbating in a shrub. former press secretary sarah huckabee sanders, 14-1 fighting, her only loss to a juvenile elephant who was forced to swim to shore. white house adviser stephen miller wrote and stars in a one-man show called "if hitler was bald" which he performs at demolition derbies throughout south dakota. former housing and urban development secretary ben carson can now be found asleep in his car for the foreseeable future. former counselor to the
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president, kellyanne conway, returned to the white house where she scares crows out of the rose garden. former press secretary sean spicer found work as cmo of fur fest, the world's third-largest furry convention taking place june 14th in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. after the divorce, first lady melania trump changed her last name and married kid rock at the bottom of a gravel quarry in livonia, michigan. eric trump tried to create an ebay account to sell napkins his father wiped his mouth with but gave up when he was untable to come up with an original username. don jr. became a safari guide in over africa where he was torn apart by baboons. his girlfriend, kimberly guilfoyle, did not attend the funeral. daughter ivanka trump went on to be miss january in the bikini
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calendar. after the supplied with jared she moved to ransom, missouri, where she's married to a donald trump impersonator. the day jared kushner was set to be arrested, he fled to switzerland, where according to local legend he roams the woods at night, calling for teenagers to murder their parents in their sleep. former vice president mike pence hijacked a space rocket and blasted off to a planet where he's worshipped for his translucent night skin. as for former president donald trump, the night of the inauguration he was visited by three votes who convinced him to abandon his plans to run again in 2024, and donald j. trump was better than his word. he became as good a friend, a good an ex-president, as good a man as the city knew. to little marco rubio he became like a father. from then on it was said of old orange belly that he learned how to keep election day in his
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heart all year round. god bless us, every one. nah, i'm just screwing around. trump died of gout in guantanamo. he will be missed. we have a good show for you tonight. congressman adam schiff is with us. we have music from jack harlow. we'll be right back with casey affleck, so stick around. it's either the assurance of a 165-point certification process. or it isn't. it's either testing an array of advanced safety systems. or it isn't. it's either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty. or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. or it isn't. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event. now through march 1st. shop online or drop by your local dealer today.
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tomorrow night, john oliver and charles p. pierce from "esquire" will join us to celebrate inauguration day, with music from ashley mcbryde. and on thursday, allison janney, dana bash from cnn, and music from best coast. please join us tomorrow and the next day, and then going forth. our first guest is an oscar and golden globe-winning actor, a writer, director, and one of the three most famous caseys ever. his new movie "our friend" opens in select theaters and premieres friday on demand. please welcome casey affleck. hello, casey. >> hello, sir, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm good, how are you? what are you doing? >> nice place to see you. how are things? >> jimmy: it's nice to see you too. i see me in you right now. i see me behind your head there. what's going on there? >> oh, this is -- this is just my wall of here rows back here. people who -- you know these guys, king, lincoln,
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shakespeare, james kimmel, frederick douglas, kimmel, my kids, that's you, that's a young jimmy kimmel right there. this is people who -- people i look up to. >> jimmy: oh, that's very nice. i'm so -- i'm like four times as popular as lincoln in your house, i guess. >> well, we all get to put somebody up, and the kids put one up of you each. >> jimmy: how's everything going? what's going on with the kids? are they in your house? are you watching them? are you locked down with them? they're teenagers now, right? >> am i supposed to be watching them? yeah they're teenagers. we're here -- we're doing okay. i mean, you know. things could be worse. i know everyone else is very productive with their hobbies and their work and learning how to do things. but we're just -- i find we're trying to get through the days and we're having a pretty good time. we've been mostly inside, like a lot of people. but we have -- i got a chance to get them out of the house.
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we took a road trip this summer, drove around the country a little bit, which is something we like to do. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that was fun. >> jimmy: when you say we like to do this, i want to put up a photograph of the boys with you. this is a picture -- where is this? is this the grand canyon? what's going on here? >> that's not the grand canyon, that's called the red rim canyon. i guess you got that off of social media. yeah. i mean, you know. they don't look that happy. i mean, look, they're teenagers. they don't really want to be in the house with me. i thought it would be good to get them out. but i think they might have felt that being stuck in a car for two weeks with me was out of the frying pan, into the fire. but you know. try. >> jimmy: it's a weird thing. i don't know when it happens, at what age, but there's an age at which sightseeing becomes interesting. and below it -- i just remember so many times being in the back seat and my parents would be like, oh! look at that mountain! and i'd be like, yeah, all right, who cares? and now i'm the one telling my
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kids to look at the mountain, and they're telling me, who cares? >> yeah, well -- i think part of what it is, once you start being the driver, you care a little bit more for some weird reason. my older one, he drives. i'm resting in the seat next to him. he starts pointing out the mountains to me. >> jimmy: is that what it is? so on a road trip you let your son drive the car? >> not much. >> jimmy: not much, yeah. that's very trusting, yeah. so -- okay, so you're keeping busy there. you know, i don't know if you know this. but the room i'm in right now, do you recognize it at all? >> no. >> jimmy: we watched the patriots win the super bowl in this room. >> is that right? >> jimmy: yeah, and i said we -- >> all i recognize is that little corner. >> jimmy: you and your brother were here and the patriots -- and tom brady was the quarterback for the patriots at that time. >> that's right. you follow football. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. now tom brady, it's a weird thing, the patriots are not in
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the super bowl, like at all, like i mean -- even in the playoffs. it seems that they're terrible now. and yet tom brady has continued on -- i don't know if you know this, he's on another team now. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i was wondering if you were aware of that and what your feelings are on that. >> that's funny. i'm a patriots fan. i remain a patriots fan. but i love tom and i'm always going to root for him. i like watching him play. i think it was time for a change. it seemed like it was good for everyone. sometimes you've got to -- you want to grow in a new way, you have to go to a new place and do it. but he's the goat. the other thing is that the patriots can still win. not this season. but they don't need to have the goat to win. you know, the team that wins is not the team with the best players. >> jimmy: right. but when you say it worked out the best for everybody, you realize that it did not in any
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way work out well for the patriots? >> this is a building year. give it time, give it time. >> jimmy: i gotcha, all right. well listen, the movie, by the way, i watched the movie last night. oh my god, what a heart-wrenching film and story this is. and a true story, too, which makes it even -- there's something about the story being true that really makes it stick with you. it's you, dakota johnson, who happens to be my next-door neighbor, by the way. she can probably hear us right now. and jason segel taking on a somewhat serious role, but hu humorous as well. are you attracted to sad movies, to movies about heartbreak? >> i don't know. i mean -- they might be the only movies that will cast me, you
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know? i end up -- i've ended up in some of them. but this is a movie, it is sort of lighthearted even though it is about a family in a crisis. it has some -- there's some sadness in it. but it's also very funny. jason segel's always very funny, dakota's incredibly charming, there are other people in it, nate benton from "hamilton." there are a lot of people other than me, so it won't just be a downer, it will also be something you'll enjoy. but this is really actually kind of an uplifting movie, despite. >> jimmy: yes, i agree. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you -- last time you were on the show, i think you brought me -- you made me something. you made me a bat. a wooden mat bat that you milled. is it correct to say you milled this bat? >> i don't know if that's the word you would use. i put it on a machine and carved it up, yeah. >> jimmy: are you still woodworking? are you still that? >> i've stopped woodworking.
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in part it's because the wood shop is closed during the pandemic. also because i put a lot of time into making that bat for you and i brought it over and it was pretty clear that you weren't at all impressed. >> jimmy: what? >> it was a little dishearten disheartening. i guess looking at the wood behind you, i feel pretty good about my work. >> jimmy: well, that's just -- those are logs. they haven't been formed. >> no, you worked on those. those aren't logs, you worked it. >> jimmy: no, they're logs, for real. you want to see one? hold on, let me get a log. people do ask about them a lot. look. they're just logs. >> yeah. but my bat looked better than that, i don't care what they are. >> jimmy: because these are in their raw tree form. they grew like this. it didn't require any manpower. >> someone had to work on those. >> jimmy: yeah, you're right, they did cut them, all right.
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anyway. i don't want to dwell on that. thanks for the bat. i'm surprised that you're not at trump's going-away party tonight. i would have thought that you would be there. did you not get invited? >> yeah, i wasn't invited. what a -- what a -- what a thing, huh, man? my god. it's sad. i've seen those pictures from when -- preparing for the inauguration, you know. this is a historic moment and it's marked like large metal barriers instead of confetti and celebration, you know? it's kind of -- >> jimmy: i know. it is -- it's not the way it should be. but i think there's certainly cause for celebration. and i think that if somebody told us, hey, listen, you know what? biden's going to get inaugurated, but we're not going to have much of a party and there are going to be a lot of troops and a lot of metal bars. we'd say, okay, we can deal with that. that's how i'm looking at it, i guess. i'm sick of talking about donald
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trump. >> i like that. i mean, yes, and along those lines, i'll say that people look back on these years and they will forget how awful it was. i think they will just see the progress was made, it wasn't pretty, but that it happened. you know. they will remember the promise of the silver lining, not the dark cloud we all felt. >> jimmy: i hope so. i think so. i think probably we have a tendency as human beings to remember the good stuff, right? >> not me. but i think other people are going to remember it that way. also, somebody said -- someone said, democracy doesn't have to have beautiful results, because democracy itself is beautiful. and this has been the perfect example of that. it's been ugly, it's been painful. but i think that, you know, the fact that everyone is so involved, once things stop being so incredibly hostile, that we're going to have taken like
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three steps in the right direction. >> jimmy: i hope you're right, casey affleck. thanks for being with us. the movie is called "our friend." it is premiering in select theeters which you probably can't go to, but you can get on it demand friday. thanks, casey. be back with congressman adam schiff! ah, great, the show's starting. urgh. come on, just trust me. oh, trust you. like with the dollar oysters? i don't think those were oysters. you survived, so... wait, we can't go that way. watch this, they'll think we're vip. wow, he does think we're vip. and backstage! trust me now? i never doubted you. i did for a second, but that's gone now, i trust you. the all-new sienna. toyota. let's go places. go pro at subway® for double the protein on footlong subs and the new protein bowls. and if you want to go pro like marshawn, don't let anything get in your way. here we go! yeah, appreciate you, man!
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need of intelligence than we are right now. please welcome the chairman of the house intelligence committee and our local congressman, too, the honorable adam schiff. hello, honorable adam schiff. is it okay to call you adam or should we go with congressman? i guess congressman. >> adam sounds great, thank you. >> jimmy: good to see you, how are you? >> i'm good. you know, all things considered. doing just fine. healthy and hoping to stay that way. >> jimmy: are you feeling like you're going to miss donald trump? are you a little bit wistful right now? >> i am not the least bit wistful. in fact, i think along with the rest of the country, just not being bombarded with his tweets every day has been the greatest improvement to all of our mental health. so i can't wait for the moment that he's gone. it just can't come quick enough. >> jimmy: this is interesting, how much he seems to have disappeared since he's been taken off social media. i mean, it really made a -- i didn't think -- i thought he'd
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still figure out ways to get in our faces, and he hasn't. >> you know, you're absolutely right. i thought he would as well. but he's -- i think a combination of lost that big platform on social media, but also gone into seclusion. you know, i think he still can't get over that he is leaving office as a big loser, and really doesn't want to be seen. so fine, good riddance. you know, i can't wait for the biden administration to begin and for us to be able to turn the page on this ugly chapter. >> jimmy: yeah. it ended in a very ugly fashion. you were in the capitol when the animals attacked. i would imagine that was a scary experience? >> it was. you know, i was very focused on what i was doing. the speaker had asked me and several of my colleagues to lead the opposition to this challenge to the electors and i was thinking about, what am i going to say, how am i going to rebut
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the arguments the others were making? i looked up and saw the speaker was gone from the chair, then the police came immediately back in and got our number two, steny hoyer, out of the chamber. and i remember going up to jim mcgovern, a colleague from massachusetts, who was asked to step in for the speaker and preside. i went up to him and i said, thank god we finally have someone disposable in the speaker's chair. i still didn't know how serious the situation was. but then we have these successive announcements by capitol police that there were intruders, rioters in the building, we needed to get gas masks out. one of my new colleagues picked up one of these posts with a hand sanitizer attached to it to use as a club. and i didn't recognize the member, and i said, how long have you been here? and he said, 72 hours. and i said, what? he said, i just got elected. not knowing what else to say i said, well, it's not always like this.
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and i remember one of my other colleagues, sean patrick maloney, as we walked out he pointed to this republican member with the post, with the hand sanitizer attached, and he said, well, either that guy's really concerned over his safety or he's just really dedicated to hand hygiene. but it was -- it was awful. surreal. >> jimmy: and of all the people in there, you have to be aware of the fact that you are one of the more recognizable faces when it comes to the anti-trump movement. and it probably wouldn't have been great if they'd found you. luckily they didn't find you. you guys were corralled into a room together. in that room where you were with republicans, some of whom may have contributed to what happened, was there animosity? was there bonding? what was it like in there? >> you know, it's interesting
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you mention that it would not have been a good thing for the mobsters to get ahold of me. a number of republicans, as we are rushing out of the chambers, said to me -- because we could literally see glass breaking as the rioters were smashing the glass doors to get into the chamber. a number of republicans said to me, you can't let them see you. we can talk to these people, we know these people, but you can't let them see you. my initial reaction was to be touched they were concerned for my safety. a moment later i thought to myself, no, wade a sect. if these guys hadn't been pushing the president's lies the last four years, i wouldn't have had to worry about my security, nobody would have to worry about their security. when we did get to that secure space, there was a lot of animosity. you know, on the part of many of us, towards our republican colleagues that had brought such ruin on our house. who even then, standing around with no masks on, just adding to
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the miserable circumstances. but then to go right back to the floor hours later and pick up where they left off, propagating the big lie. and these members, jimmy, they know it's a big lie. unlike some of those insurrectionists who believe the president's lies, they know they were lying to the american people, these members. and that's just unforgivable, what they brought down on this country. we came very close last week to losing our democracy. and not just because of the insurrectionists, but because if millions of people hadn't defied efforts to disenfranchise them and go to vote, if others hadn't done their duty, local elections officials, and played it by the book, if secretaries of state, like in georgia, hadn't done their job, if judges hadn't done their job, donald trump would have succeeded in overturning a democratic election and put us on the fast train to
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dictatorship. we came very close to losing something very precious. >> jimmy: congressman adam schiff is with us. we'll be right back. >> dicky: thanks to the miracle of the internet, you can appear on a late night talk show without leaving your house or putting on wants. go to to sign up and you could be on "jimmy kimmel live." woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, ♪ ♪ yeah, that's all me ♪ ♪ nothing and me ♪ ♪ go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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what are the odds, if left in office, he will continue trying to cheat? i will tell you. 100%. not 5%, not 10%, even 50%, but 100%. >> jimmy: that is congressman adam schiff. you were right. is it hard not to tell everything "i told you so"? when you specifically, on television, said 100%. which i wonder, even as you were saying those words, did you think maybe it would be 99% and not 100%? did you really know it was 100%? >> i felt pretty confident it was 100%. we've known who this guy is from day one. and there was no camouflaging it. donald trump never tried to hide his depravity, his lack of ethics, his lack of character, his willingness to cheat by any
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means. so, you know, this adds to the tragedy, jimmy, because it was so eminently predictable and foreseeable. this didn't have to happen. if more of those senators had found the courage, as mitt romney did, to live up to their oath -- they didn't dispute the president's guilt. they just didn't have the courage to act on their conviction. and it's been ruinous for us that they didn't. >> jimmy: i have to say, i think the case you made in the first impeachment trial was even stronger, more clear-cut, than this one. were you encouraged by mitch mcconnell's words today, where he really put blame squarely on the president for what happened? >> well, he is certainly speaking like someone who recognizes the president's guilt and what he did is an impeachable offense. but nonetheless, there is some ambiguity in his words. and i can't remember exactly his phrasing. but he didn't use the word "incitement."
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he did talk about the president's responsibility in terms of mobilizing that mob. but i think he still left himself some room. i have to hope and pray that he will do his constitutional duty, because i think as mitch mcconnell goes, many other republican senators will go. but we felt it vitally important in the house that we do our job. and i'm grateful that we had ten republicans willing to do theirs. it certainly doesn't excuse all the enablement that those ten, as well as hundreds of others in the gop, have committed over the last four years. but nonetheless, a very important step of accountability to impeach this president again. and i hope and pray that he's convicted, because jimmy, if it was 100% likelihood that he would seek to cheat again in the last election, it is also 100% likely that if he runs again in four years and we allow him to do so, he will seek to cheat in
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that election as well. >> jimmy: do you think president trump will go to prison? do you think there's a chance that will happen? >> there's certainly a chance. i don't know how to gauge the odds. the justice department is going to have very difficult decisions to make, and i have a lot of confidence judge garland will make them with the greatest integrity. there's already an indictment that's been written by the southern district of new york in which donald trump is individual number one, and organized and direct campaign of fraud scheme, the same one michael cohen went to prison for. so there are those issues even separate and apart from his incitement of violence at the capitol. but there are also others around the president who have i think criminal as well as civil exposure. where that will all end up, i don't know. but why think there's a need for account ability. that yes, we need to heal. yes, we need to bring about unity. and there needs to be
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reconciliation. but there can't be reconciliation without accountability, without truth, without justice. >> jimmy: well, you know, we thank you for how seriously you take your job. it seems that many in the house don't. and that i know that you do, and i know that you work very hard. and thanks for everything you've done to keep this guy in check. whether successful or not, you did a lot, i think. and it makes us feel good to know that we have somebody in congress who is actually intelligent working in the intelligence committee. so thank you, congressman schiff. i appreciate you being with us. i hope joe biden doesn't come up with a mean nickname for you. that would be totally out of line. and thanks for being with us. we'll be right back with jack harlow. ♪ ♪
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here i am at my table. with my logs. our musical guest tonight is from kentucky, just like the chicken. his album is called, "that's what they all say." with the song "route 66," joined by e-s-t gee, jack harlow! ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm from kentucky but this ain't no dixie chicks this is not route 66 she step out ♪ ♪ take like fifty flicks i'm way too selective with the folks that i get mixy with ♪ ♪ she said that's a lie, boy you a thot, thot, thot just left out the city ♪ ♪ it was hot, hot, hot think they with me but they not, not, not i just cannot stop ♪ ♪ i'm 'bout to buy my bro a drop she came to kick it with her friends ♪ ♪ they takin' shots, shots, shots i'm a hot shot ♪ met her at the club and i took her to the casa get bread nonstop know my name ♪ ♪ ring a bell like raja from the city like rondo, rajon but i'm from the ♪ ♪ white side like hassan way too fly but i'm not trying had y'all's fun but ♪ ♪ it's my time chain go bling
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i ain't talking 'bout hotline ♪ ♪ young and i got time but i finally got one it's about time make the whole city shine ♪ ♪ every time that i shine let me know now if you not down 'cause you left ♪ ♪ and you not 'round need a julep and a hot brown go 'head ♪ ♪ let that top down i'm from kentucky but this ain't no dixie chicks this is not route 66 ♪ ♪ she step out take like fifty flicks i'm way too selective with the folks that i ♪ ♪ get mixy with she said that's a lie, boy you a thot, thot, thot ♪ ♪ just left out the city it was hot, hot, hot think they with me but they not, not, not ♪ ♪ i just cannot stop i'm 'bout to buy my bro a drop she came to kick it ♪ ♪ with her friends they takin' shots, shots, shots yeah, white gold over ♪ ♪ my chrome hearts ten bands sloppy i ain't got no card i don't feel nothing ♪ ♪ for the most part fat boy drive this like a go-kart slide through ♪ ♪ the opp blocks shooting out blow darts i been rich before i signed ♪ ♪ shirt cost five wear it one time she don't slurp get out my ride ♪ ♪ run my city yocaask my opps love my thots with mouths like mops ♪ ♪ shirt off chains on in a drop i spent twenty g's for a clock ♪ ♪ put a bentley gt in my mouth we don't sell cds out this house ♪
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♪ still got bark bark in now like what's a drought drought, drought ♪ ♪ i'm from kentucky but this ain't no dixie chicks this is not route 66 she step out ♪ ♪ take like fifty flicks i'm way too selective with the folks that i get mixy with ♪ ♪ she said that's a lie, boy you a thot, thot, thot just left out the city ♪ ♪ it was hot, hot, hot think they with me but they not, not, not i just cannot stop ♪ ♪ i'm 'bout to buy my bro a drop she came to kick it with her friends ♪ ♪ they takin' shots, shots, shots ♪ ♪ ♪
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tonight, less than one day left in the twitter presidency. >> if we had a fair press in this country, there's nothing i'd rather do than get rid of my whole twitter account. >> how the social media platform defined the trump administration. those once on the inside now speaking out. >> the president is spinning the big lie that this was not a free and fair election, that it was a stolen election. >> to sit there and celebrate the success of this pandemic, the response was just shocking. plus a new day for america. >> in our family, the values we share, the character we strive for, the way we view the world, it all comes from home. it all comes from delaware. >> joe biden and kamala harris on the eve of an historic event that will look unlike anything
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