tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 27, 2021 11:35pm-12:36am PST
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all of us, thank you pour watching. it is coming down in the sierra. good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, naomi watts. leslie odom jr. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hi, everyone. thank you. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thank you for joining us on a very special day. 50 years ago today, a build a bear workshop exploded next to a tequila factory and a beautiful baby boy was born. tonight we celebrate hymim. where is our birthday boy? oh my gosh. [ cheers and applause ] oh wow. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: happy, uh -- cincuentanera. is that what it is? >> guillermo: that's what it is. >> jimmy: oh, boy. how much have you had to drink today? >> guillermo: six, seven, eight. >> jimmy: oh, boy. we've been showering our friend with love and tequila all day long today. >> guillermo: yes! >> jimmy: guillermo was born in 1971, the same year mark wahlberg, ewan mcgregor, and jon hamm were born. he's a big part of what might be the hunkiest year in human history. [ cheers and applause ] and of course, not just here in los angeles. people have been celebrating the birth of guillermo all around the world. in washington, d.c. they had a fireworks showttd ur new president and first lady. in london the pubs were full of revelers. in mexico, locals were doing donuts in the streets. to celebrate their hometown hero.
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they erected a statue of guillermo in baghdad, in north korea, they had a military parade. celebrating guillermo's birth. in germany, they had a gothic rave. in india, there was a parade of elephants. and in china, they had a special ceremony celebrating guillermo's legendary virility. [ laughter ] you can see everyone loves you, guillermo. >> guillermo: thank you! >> jimmy: from the minute we set eyes on you. >> guillermo: i love you too, guys. >> jimmy: do you remember the first time you were on the show? >> guillermo: yeah, yes. >> jimmy: you were -- we actually looked it up. this is from february of 2005. which was right after the michael jackson trial. there were a bunch of tell-all books about michael jackson coming out. one of them was written by the dancer in "the way you make me feel" video, she wrote a book about michael called "the way he made me feel we did a
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with guillermo, who at the time was our parking lot security guard, he played the role of the guy who did catering for that video. >> i did it in the book "the way i make my meal." it's a real thriller. buy the book. [ applause ] >> yes, we utilize the people who work on the show, that was guillermo, he is works in the parking lot. >> jimmy: what happened to the other guy? >> i think he went back to mexico. >> jimmy: what a journey. do you ever go back to the parking lot and take it all in? >> guillermo: once in a while. >> jimmy: once in a while. we have a big surprise for you later. >> guillermo: all right, cool. >> jimmy: you know what it is? >> guillermo: no idea, i cannot wait. >> jimmy: get dressed up, will you? [ laughter ] oh, boy. not to ruin your birthday, but today also, they had -- this is
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an annual thing, it's the unveiling of the doomsday clock, it supposedly tells us how close we are to the end world. who decided we need this? can't we hit the snooze button on the doomsday clock this year? anyway, they say we are “100 seconds to midnight.” which means nothing. i don't know. i watch this every year. it's always underwhelming. it's two nerds pulling a black sheet off of eleven dollars worth of foam core. i mean, come on. if you really want to get people's attention to let them know the world's going to end, give it some effort. get michael bay involved. let michael bay blow up one of the polar ice caps while vin diesel dives away from it in slow motion. that's how you get people to watch. or if you don't have a $100 million budget, do something fun like this. >> today the bulletin of the atomic scientists leaves the doomsday clock unchanged. it is 100 seconds to midnight. ♪ we are dead we are dead it's
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an existential dread ♪ >> jimmy: understand? get the kids involved, do something. the message isn't getting through. people under 25 don't know how to read a clock, okay? [ laughter ] this is interesting. you know who the highest paid employee of the u.s. government is? dr. fauci is number one, for real. dr. fauci makes more than the president. he made $434,000 last year. and, of course, some people are angry, they're criticizing, which is crazy. first of all, he's a doctor. that's what doctors make. you want a discount doctor in there? [ laughter ] and secondly, he's trying to stop a pandemic. he's not out playing golf with his beeper off. so i'm okay with dr. fauci earning half of what kevin from “the office” makes doing videos on cameo every year. [ laughter ] this is something i'd like to get dr. fauci's take on. in china, they are rolling out a new and supposedly more effective covid test. instead of swabbing your nose, this one goes in through the nostril in your butt. [ laughter ] it is an anal swab.
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and 80% of chinese people say they refuse to use it. [ laughter ] they don't want it. i don't know why, i don't know about you, but i for one welcome the chinese anal swab. in fact, guillermo, guess what i got you for your birthday? >> guillermo: i don't want it either! [ applause ] >> jimmy: they're saying that the science shows that the swabs are more accurate than other forms of swab. the only trick is finding the right position to hang your butt out the window of your car. [ laughter ] we already have a complicated relationship with china, now they want us to do anal? i don't think so. [ laughter ] in north korea, even though they claim to have no coronavirus at all, they have reportedly started conducting human vaccine trials using research they hacked from other countries. always reassuring to hear the words “north korea” and “human trials” in the same sentence. here in the united states,
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presbyteri president biden is promising to vaccinate 100 million americans per, 1 million americans per day, and he's doing everything he can to raise awareness and enthusiasm for those reluctant to get the shot. >> shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot. you have to have two, two shots. shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shots shots shots shot, shot, shot, shot. >> it's lmfaold. [ laughter ] meanwhile, it's being reported that mike pence, after leaving washington, has no place to live. he and his wife have supposedly been crashing with friends back home in indiana. which has got to be awkward. “listen, mr. vice president, we deeply respect and appreciate your service, but would you mind folding up the couch? the kids want to watch “the masked singer.” [ laughter ] one theory is that the pences are moving around because they've beeath i wonder what mike wl of presidt.toe
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morning"? [ laughter ] maybe open a bakery that only makes heterosexual wedding cakes? [ laughter ] meanwhile, a certain texas senator cruz is hoping everyone will forget about his little coup d'ted a few weeks back. and with the vice poodle out of town, trump's ass-kissing torch has been passed. >> the democrats are demonstrating a lot of hypocrisy right now. they're demonstrating anger and rage. they hate donald j. trump and they're engaging in an act that i think is petty, i think it is retribution, i think it is vindictive, i think it's a waste of time. so to coin a phrase, i think it's time to move on. >> jimmy: if you agree with senator cruise, go to and donate as much money as you can. i love that, the "lock her up" gang says it's time to move on. move on like a bitch is how we move on. [ laughter ] back to our man of the hour, guillermo. you are a great guy, guillermo, you're a good friend.
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sometimes when i invite you over, you don't show up. [ laughter ] but other than that, you're aces. overall, you've brought a lot of joy to a lot of us over the years. also over the years, guillermo has become famous for providing shots of tequila to celebrities on red carpets. even other shows now do this. >> guillermo: that's right, jimmy. >> jimmy: they've stole then idea from you, guillermo. >> i cannot believe it. >> jimmy: celebrities look for you when they're on the red carpet? >> for me. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. because you've given so many shots to so many of hollywood's biggest names, they wanted to give some back. in honor of your fabulous 50, we got some of your favorites together for a star-studded 50-shot salute. >> hello? oh -- oh my -- i was just going to come over to your house with my two oil shots because a little birdie told me it was your 50th. i love you, happy birthday. how many bitches are doing two
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shots? i bet only me. >> guillermo, happy birthday. >> bottoms up, happy birthday, guillermo. >> here's to you, big g! >> i'd say you don't look 50, but you've looked 50 since fifth grade when you grew your moustache, happy birthday. >> from one to another. >> cheers. >> happy birthday, guillermo. i got my tequila, i got my onion slice. >> bonjourno! [ bleep ]. >> salud! >> guillermo, happy, happy birthday. >> guillermo, happy birthday. oh! oat milk. >> happy birthday, guillermo.
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>> yo, guillermo, happy birthday, my friend! >> happy salud, guillermo. >> i don't drink tequila. >> guillermo, i haven't had a drink in 30 years, plus i'm on a bit of medication so i shouldn't be doing this, but this is for you, buddy, happy 50th. i love everyone! >> ah, 50. >> to guillermo, may the force be with you always. [ speaking spanish ] >> salud! >> guillermo! the guardians of the galy here ar flying to thor -- i think that might beerpy hi one's for you. >> happy 50th, guillermo. [ bleep ].
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[ speaking spanish ] >> i'm doing a dry january, so i can't do a shot of tequila. so -- in lieu, i've decided to be healthy and drink a raw egg. this is for you, guillermo. very excited for you. happy 50th, my friend. aah! disgusting. >> welcome to the club, guillermo. happy 50th! >> happy birthday, guillermo. it's water. >> happy birthday, dude. >> ah, that's the stuff, guillermo. >> guillermo, happy birthday! d! >> happy birthday. [ speaking spanish ]
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>> compadre, salud. >> happy birthday from your boy snoop dogg. i'm not going to take a shot because i don't drink. but -- [ applause ] for your 50th. you got to smoke 50 [ bleep ] blunts. happy birthday, guillermo. [ speaking spanish ] >> guillermo, happy 50th. >> happy birthday, guillermo! >> guillermo, i love you more than jimmy does. >> happy birthday, guillermo! >> happy birthday, guillermo! >> happy birthday, guillermo! mother's balls! >> there's nobody else i would do that for.
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i'm going to be so [ bleep ] faced and it's 2:00 in the afternoon. >> happy birthday, guillermo. [ applause ] sorry the guy you work for is such a [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, well. that was great until the end. >> guillermo: wow! >> jimmy: happy birthday, amigo. >> guillermo: thank you, thank you! >> jimmy: we've got a good show for you tonight. from the movie “one night in miami,” leslie odom jr. is with us. and we'll be right back with naomi watts. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ when you drive this smooth, you save with allstate
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the future of auto insurance is here you've never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today how did kellogg's combine crunchy oat clusters with a touch of honey... plump, juicy raisins and tasty fiber eal? with a touch of honey... it took a lot of bran-storming. get it? kellogg's raisin bran crunch. two scoops of delicious. ♪ontiun
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is with us. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, michelle 5er and george lopez will join us with music from arlo parks. please join us tomorrow too. our first guest tonight is an oscar-nominated actor whom you know from many great films. for her latest she returns to her homeland in "penguin bloom." it's on netflix now. please welcome, naomi watts. >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm all right, jimmy, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. your lipstick matches guillermo's dress, which is really nice of you. >> happy birthday, guillermo. that is a beautiful dress. >> guillermo: thank you very much, thank you. >> jimmy: not just a beautiful dress but the wearer, of course, is quite lovely. >> you're owning that, you're owning it. >> jimmy: naomi, what did you do for your 50th birthday? we've had to have a little covid birthday with not much in the way of celebration here for guillermo. >> yeah, i had a big one. it was very different to how birthdays are going now.
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i went to morocco, actually, with a great group of friends. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> yeah. we had lots of speeches, lots of roasting. i love a good roast. >> jimmy: oh, do you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i think that's a good quality. you can take a joke at your expense. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: okay, good. >> it's very british. i mean, sure you can balance it. i had my kids -- well, i didn't put them up to it. but my kids read nice poems, which felt nice. >> jimmy: that's good. >> yeah. and -- and then, yeah, the speeches the next night were just total roasting. all my friends just shredded me. which was great. >> jimmy: were the kids there to hear the shredding happen? >> oh, yeah, they loved it. they loved it. >> jimmy: yeah. what could be better than that, really? and you had a big dinner or party or something like that? >> yeah. we had a party, lots of -- it was -- everyone dressed up, lots
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of festivities. and yeah, i mean -- great food. but actually, they went home and had a bout of massive food poisoning for about the next ten days. >> jimmy: everyone did? >> everyone. i got one phone call after another saying, i can't believe this is happening, it's still carrying on. >> jimmy: at any point did you think about saying to them, well, that's what you get for making fun of me, and hanging up the phone? [ laughter ] >> exactly. >> jimmy: all right, so you didn't get food poisoning, that's good, right, guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: as far as we know. where have you been hunkering down, naomi? >> i'm in new york city right now, yeah. >> jimmy: i see. the kids are in zoom school or something like that? >> yep. they're doing hybrid now. a couple of days a week. but mostly zoom. >> jimmy: interesting. and a hybrid. i guess, what, they put part of
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the kids in school for part of the week, then part of the -- the rest of the kids in for the rest of the week? >> yeah, little pods. >> jimmy: are you helpful when it comes to homework? >> um -- not really. >> jimmy: no? >> i'm not really good. >> jimmy: what was your best subject in school in seventh and eighth grade? >> probably like french or english. terrible at math. terrible at most -- most of it, actually. >> jimmy: because i know you have, what, 12 and 13-year-old kids, i thought i might run some questions by you to see how good you are at homeschool. okay? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: all right. >> i've already failed. i'm sure i'm going to fail this. >> jimmy: all right. >> this is not good. i can tell. i know their homework, how difficult it is. >> jimmy: if you get them all right, there's a beautiful red dress in it for you. [ laughter ] all right? here we go. naomi, what figure of speech directly compares two unlike
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things often using the words like or as? >> what figure of speech directly compares two unlike things often using the words like or as? are we on a timer? >> jimmy: no timer. but if you want to give up, you can. that is a -- simile is what we were looking for. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: all right. you're off to a bad start. [ laughter ] on the periodic table of elements, what is the chemical symbol for potassium? potassium. >> this is bad. >> jimmy: i bet your kids know this one. here's some multiple choice. po, k, ps, pa? >> pa, "d"? >> jimmy: that is incorrect, it is "k." it's kind of a trick question. >> oh my god, this is terrible. >> jimmy: you're not going to make it to high school. >> no. well.
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>> jimmy: what type of charge do electrons carry? negative, positive, no charge, both charges? >> i -- this is a guess. d, both charges? >> jimmy: no, no, no. >> positive? >> jimmy: wow. you sure you went to school? [ laughter ] >> no. i'm not sure. >> jimmy: all right. one more. and this one's going to be hard because i know you're not originally from here. list the three branches of government in the united states. i'll give you the first two. executive. legislative. and? guillermo, you took your citizenship test. >> yeah, i'm not from here either. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: naomi, did you say judicial? >> yes! >> jimmy: that's absolutely right! [ cheers and applause ] all right. >> i'm going back to school, i promise, i promise the good people. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. naomi watts is with us. we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of “jimmy kimmel live” are brought to you by mercari. your marketplace for buying and selling almost anything. find us at or on the app stores. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ these fudge brownie m&m's are really fudgey
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i'm okay, it's fine. is she fine? >> let's play! >> hey! >> you can do it! >> hey!on! [ naomi walks? "penguin bloom" which is on netflix right now. did we lose naomi? there she is. i thought maybe you quit after the test. [ laughter ] >> i should have. >> jimmy: so -- >> as i said before, i don't mind roasting, i don't mind egg on my face.
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>> jimmy: well, it's very good of you. and this movie is, well, really it's moving, it is true also. it's especially moving because it is based on a true story about a real family. i'll let you actually explain the story. since you're in it. >> yeah. it's a beautiful story about a family that was in crisis, basically coming undone after a horrific accident that took place in thailand on their vacation. and the woman i play is grieving the loss of half of her use of her body. and she's unable to cope, basically, living in a private hell and still having to be a mother and wife. and she's about, you know -- she really basically wants to end her life. but finds a way to start recovery through finding this beautiful little baby bird
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that's wing is broken, and through healing that bird, she's able to escape her own private hell that she's swimming around with in her mind every day. and she -- yeah, the family comes together and reunites. >> jimmy: the bird is not a penguin. the bird is a magpie, correct? >> right. >> jimmy: have you worked with animals before? i mean, like a bird? a magpie, kind of nasty animals, aren't they? >> yes, that's right. have you ever had a bad experience with a magpie? >> jimmy: no, but i see them on youtube, kind of swooping at people's heads. >> yeah. they're very aggressive. it happened to me, actually. i was riding when i was a teenager through the forest. i guess some of the -- there must have been some nesting going on. and, yeah, we were galloping through. and along came these birds from every direction, trying to bomb us. it's called swooping. it was terrifying. and my friend knew what was
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going on, and he said, just do this. then i was like, i'm not an experienced horse rider, i'm going to buck my horse, it's going to shy and run off. so it was quite traumatic. >> jimmy: were you able to find tame magpie to work with? i assume there was more than one? >> yes, we had to switch them out, like when you're working with babies and they get tired and grumpy. so yeah, we had several birds in play. but they're very trainable, because they're actually really intelligent animals. >> jimmy: what can you train a magpie to do? >> lots of things, turns out. they can pull a tea bag out of a tea cup. they can sit on the carrot grater while you grate your carrots. sit on your head. >> jimmy: wow. did you like having a magpie on your head? >> i did. you know, the first day -- and i
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was walking in, feeling a bit nervous about, you know, getting close with these birds. and they also eat worms. and they like the live, wrigley ones as well. they dart around your body and you're getting close thinking, i hope it doesn't peck my eyes out. eventually it got to my head. it got comfy. you know, quite relaxed. and then ended up doing its business. >> jimmy: oh, on your head? [ laughter ] >> on my head, yeah. >> jimmy: have you ever experienced that with a costar before? [ laughter ] >> no, no. not to this point, no. and hopefully not -- yeah, yeah. i felt the warmth and it actually trickled down my face. >> jimmy: that's not what you think of when you hear "feel the warmth." [ laughter ] that is lovely. well, don't let anybody say you didn't suffer for your art. a magpie crapped on your head.
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>> yeah, yeah. it was a good ice breaker. >> jimmy: yes, it sounds like it. it's a beautiful movie, it's called "penguin bloom." it is available on netflix right now. naomi watts. thanks, naomi. [ cheers and applause ] appreciate it. be back with leslie odom jr. okay i've got your w-2s just a few more questions. who's that? that's dave, a free turbotax live tax expert. why do you need a tax expert? i've always done those for you. my taxes are different since i moved out. besides, dave's advice is free and i can file for free. hey dave, if my son still eats my food does that make him a dependant? haha haha, no. file a simple return for free now with advice from a turbotax live expert. can coors put a refreshing big game commercial... file a simple return for fr in your dreams?ce ♪ ♪ i saw some mountians. buy a pack of coors light. get a pack of coors seltzer. and try it for yourself at
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hi, there. our next guest is a grammy and tony award winner with a phenomenal singing voice, both in the shower and out. he plays legendary sam cooke in "one night in miami." watch it now on amazon prime video. say hello to leslie odom jr. hello, lessee. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: how you doing? >> all things considered, i'm doing all right, how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing all right. an interesting thing happened today. regularly we'll ask our celebrity guests to read manner tweets. this is a thing we do on the show, read a mean tweet about yourself, we wanted you to be a part of that. we did a lot of research and found there are no mean tweets about you. [ laughter ] none. and you killed hamilton [ cheers and applause ] of course, now thamean tweets a. [ laughter ] >> yes, people are going to work hard to prove you wrong, yes.
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>> jimmy: i primed for next time you're on the show. i heard you're expecting a baby very soon? >> yeah, we got a little boy coming in march. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations, very nice. so you have a daughter, right? how old is your daughter? >> we have a 3 1/2-year-old, who's tired of looking at our stupid faces. >> jimmy: gotcha. >> she's ready to be back with her friends. we have a 3 1/2-year-old, then this new one comes soon. >> jimmy: have you thought about, since you are a junior, making your new son the third, leslie odom iii? >> leslie odom junior junior? no, i haven't thought about that. >> jimmy: oh. >> i'm not super interested in that. >> jimmy: you're not, okay. when you were a kid, did you have a nickname so that you and your dad knew which one, which leslie, your mom was yelling at? [ laughter ] >> i did have a nickname. i can't believe i'm going to tell you this. i had a nickname.
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my parents, my family still calls me this. it's a nickname. but my whole family calls me fez. >> jimmy: fez like the hat the shriners wear? >> like the little hat the shriners wear. [ laughter ] why fez? because it founds like fezlie? >> you're asking me? i didn't come up with the name. i think so, yeah, i think it was a riff, a baby talk riff on fezlie. yeah, it's weird. >> jimmy: were you fuzzy when you were a baby? maybe that worked in the equation there. >> i had a -- there was a -- the security guard in our apartment building, he called me fuzz. you know, he turned fez into fuzz. >> jimmy: i see. you -- boy, i was reading about you today. i didn't realize how young you were when you made your broadway debut. i saw you in "hamilton," i think that's where most people obviously know you from.
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you started -- how old were you when you started on broadway? >> jimmy, i was 17 when i went into "rent" on broadway. >> jimmy: wow. >> i felt like i'd won the super bowl or something at 17 years old. it was my wildest dream, literally, and it came true. >> jimmy: so you were -- were you in the theater program in high school at that time? >> i was. i was in the theater program. and honestly, i didn't anticipate being in tv or movies or any of that stuff. i mean, i really -- i didn't want to be in show business. i wanted to be in "rent," you know? >> jimmy: really, wow, wow. >> yeah. when it happened a years arr-crisis.ou i had to think of what i wanted to do next. that really was my wildest dream. >> jimmy: so then you moved to new york. did you go by yourself? or did you -- were your parents with you? >> my grandparents lived in new york. they lived in jamaica, queens, which -- may as well be jamaica
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was an hour and a half commute on the train. you know, because you take the "e" to the last stop, which is local. then you take -- i took like a bus or one of those $2 vans to their house. so it was, you know -- you got to want it. >> jimmy: yeah, really. i mean, that's interesting. did you ever find yourself on the train or in the van with people who had just seen the show? >> um -- i never had a experience. >> jimmy: okay. >> people from jamaica, queens, weren't too interested in the fact that i was doing a broadway show, i don't think. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and then what was the next big show you did after that, when that was done? >> oh. after that one, of faith" which they're not all "hamilton," let me let you know. i did -- "leap of faith" ran 23 shows on broadway, 2 1/2 weeks. >> jimmy: wow.
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>> then "hamilton." >> jimmy: and then right to "hamilton," wow, really. [ cheers and applause ] >> just like that. >> jimmy: that's very crazy. that's a hot. you went to college in the middle, i assume? >> i did. i went to college with a buddy of yours, josh gad and i were in the same class. josh groban was in our class. >> jimmy: were you in the all-josh class? [ laughter ] >> yes. >> jimmy: you went to the josh school, i forget, they do let a fez in every once in a while. [ laughter ] surrounded by joshs. really, you made it out, that's remarkable. >> i know. >> jimmy: by the way, you're so great. i have to tell you, i didn't even realize it was you until about like a third of the way through the movie. i'm watching this "one night in miami." i was like, oh, wait, oh, that's leslie! my wife looked at me like i was stupid. [ laughter ] you really, i mean -- first of all, i happen to love sam
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you acting, your singing aring, you sound just like him. let's show a clip from the movie. ♪ ooh aah ♪ let me hear you! ♪ ooh aah ♪ ♪ you got it you got it ♪ sound so good yeah aah yeah that's the sound of the man working on the chain ♪ ♪ ooh aah ♪ ♪ that's the sound of the man working on the chain gang ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's so good. did you know beforehand that you could sing and sound just like sam cook? >> oh my god, no. i mean, i had done my fair share of trying to sound like sam cook in the shower, you know. in my car. but i was -- they knocked me for a loop. when i got the gig, these recording sessions started
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showing up on my calendar like two weeks after i got hired. and i called my team, what are these recording sessions for? s coo f. you have tod and i ou imagine that they would want somebody to sing -- because we saw ronnie we've seen brilliant actors take on people with signature voices and lip synch and we buy it. i couldn't believe they wanted me to sing it too. >> jimmy: well, you know, you are a pretty good singer. [ laughter ] it makes sense. speaking of singing, well, when we come back, you are going -- you have a song that is from the soundtrack. this is a song you wrote. what is the name of the song that we're going to hear? >> yes, sir. the song is called "speak now." >> jimmy: "speak now" from "one night in miami" is on amazon prime video. really great movie. you did a fantastic job. when we come back, we'll hear a song, an original song from leslie odom jr. we'll be right back.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: all right, i think you're going to like this. this is from the "one night in miami" soundtrack. with the song "speak now," [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ listen listen while the storm in your heart is raging ♪ ♪ listen listen listen listen ♪ ♪ listen to the echoes of martyrs praying listen ♪ ♪ listen listen
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listen brothers and sisters ♪ ♪ listen listen listen i swear we'll ♪ ♪ never find our way to where we're going all alone don't take your eyes off the road ♪ ♪ can you hear the bells ring out? speak now speak now ♪ ♪ can you hear the angels cry out speak now speak now ♪ ♪ listen listen to the message of hope
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in the whispers of ghosts ♪ ♪ listen listen listen for the children will grow ♪ ♪ on the seeds that we sow they listen they listen listen ♪ ♪ brothers and sisters listen listen i swear we'll never find ♪ ♪ our way to where we're going all alone don't take your eyes off the road ♪ ♪ can you hear the bells ring out? speak now speak now ♪
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last year guillermo came to my wedding. halfway through i was looking for him, only to find out he had left early for a j. lo concert. >> i went on a work trip with guillermo, he asked if he could borrow my computer on the flight home. this is what he had posted at my new facebook status. "is incredible how much gas i have tonight." >> in the studio i'd see guillermo every day at craft services. i'd be eating breakfast. one day he puts his hand on my shoulder and goes, lewis, you have such big muscles, but -- you eat so much. >> the whole show was in vegas and we went out to celebrate my birthday, a bunch of the staff and crew. guillermo definitely led the charge in tequila drinking. endedpste ires singing. ♪ la bamba ♪ >> andnd the night face down next to slot machines. happy birthday, guillermo! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: do you remember that night? >> guillermo: yeah, i do. >> jimmy: you do remember that night. >> guillermo: oh my god. >> jimmy: what's the plan for tonight? i know we can't do anything. we can't have a party. you're going home? >> guillermo: i just -- i hope i make it home. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i hope you make it home too. don't wear this dress home, your son may never recover from it. >> guillermo: no, i'm going to give this to one of the writers, danny. >> jimmy: that would be nice, give that to danny. will your wife think that's a sexy outfit? >> guillermo: i don't think so. >> jimmy: you don't think so, okay. will your wife make love to you tonight? >> guillermo: oh, yeah, for sure, yes. [ laughter ] no question, yes. >> jimmy: all right. some people think you may not quite make it. [ laughter ] happy birthday, guillermo. >> guillermo: thank you, jimmy, i love you, too. >> jimmy: i love you too. thanks to naomi watts and leslie odom jr. apologies to matt damon.
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"nightline" is next. thanks for watching. see you tomorrow night. this is "nightline." >> tonight, scrambling to survive the pandemic. >> i have to file for bankruptcy because i hadilies struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table. >> you know what a pantry is? >> uh-uh. >> a pantry is a special place where people who need food kilogram get food for free. >> when the newest round of government relief can't come soon enough. >> thank you. plus, class pass? should teachers move to the front of the vaccine line? lesson number one, how to safely reopen schools without risking lives. >> nobody should have to die for their job. teachers need support and protection.
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