tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 12, 2021 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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daetz. >> we appreciate your time and have a >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, matthew mcconaughey. kathryn hahn. and music from rhye. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hi, thanks. hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching on another very chilly day almost everywhere but here. snow is on the ground. more than 17 inches in new york city. in chicago, there was about a foot of snow. and this almost feels like life is getting back to normal. people snowboarding behind cars. people snowboarding behind minivans and trucks. there were people sledding. this person got a free ride on the bus. that is now the safest way to use public transportation. you couldn't tell because the face was blurred out, but that was oprah.
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[ laughter ] that's right. we can have a lot more snow on the way, at least according to punxsutawney phil. you know he keeps saying that every day in this pandemic feels like groundhog day? well, today it really did. [ laughter ] and i know groundhog day doesn't actually repeat itself, that's the movie, not the day. but just in case, i hired a belgian waffle truck to park outside my house this morning. i figure if i'm living the day over and over again, why not start it off with waffles? [ laughter and applause ] because of covid, they had a virtual yanking of the animal from its home this year. an event that was highlighted by a weirdly tender moment, between the president of the groundhog club and phil. >> this one? is it this one? okay. okay! oh, you -- you're beautiful today. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's weird. imagine how insane that must have looked like from the groundhog's point of view.
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oh, boy, here comes the tophat crew again. poor punxsutawney phil. then when they did finally pull him out, he was forced to listen to a poem. >> there did i see a perfect shadow cast of me. six more weeks of winter there will be. >> jimmy: why are they cheering for that? i don't know. [ laughter ] six more weeks of zoom school. that was going down at gobbler's knob today. i don't get groundhog day. last year's festivities shattered records, crowd-wise. 40,000 people showed up. double the number from the year before. which i don't understand at all. if i wanted to see a fat rodent hiding in a hole, i'd go to mar-a-lago. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] no drums. we've got to get you a drum set. >> guillermo: yes, tomorrow. >> jimmy: and the timing of this event looking back is very suspicious. think about this. on february 2nd of last year, we had zero reported deaths from covid. wasn't even a thing. most of the news that day was
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about the super bowl. but then, a month and a half later, the whole country was on lockdown. exactly six weeks, to the day, after groundhog day! look what happened. but who could have known? who, on february 2nd, 2020, could possibly predict what would happen in six weeks? that [ bleep ] groundhog, that's who! [ laughter and applause ] and he didn't tell us! maybe the virus comes from groundhogs. maybe we just got infected again today. why do people listen to q and not me? [ laughter ] mitch mcconnell emerged from his shell yesterday to distance himself from congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. the senate minority leader called her out for latching on to, quote, looney lies and conspiracy theories. even though he didn't mention her name, he suggested that people like her are a cancer on the party that is distracting republicans from the important work of blocking covid relief to
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millions of americans who need it. [ laughter ] mcconnell is one of only a handful of republicans to speak out against this woman. i don't know why this surprises me, but it does. house democrats are saying that if republicans don't strip greene of her committee assignments, they will. and republicans are like, "um, great. wouldja mind? we're not gonna do it, these people are crazy." [ laughter ] greene is, of course, now trying to make money off her terribleness. she tweeted "democrats are trying to expel me from congress. help me raise $50,000 today and send a message." what message? i am crazy and careless with money? [ laughter ] klan mom spent the whole day today asking for money. and people gave it to her. she's up to nearly $100,000 now. even though today we saw videos from a year ago, in which she encouraged others to surround and break into the capitol to make members of congress "cower in fear," and she called david hogg, the teenager whose classmates were killed at parkland, a coward and "idiot" who was "trained like a dog."
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very nice lady, really nice. [ laughter ] greene says she has spoken to donald trump on the phone and has his full support. they are even planning to get together soon. oh-oh, look out, melania, she's coming for your guy. [ laughter ] by the way, i know she likes to spread conspiracy theories, but has anyone ever seen marjorie taylor greene and jonathan taylor thomas in the same room at the same time? [ laughter and applause ] no? because they're the same person. [ laughter ] last week the mypillow guy, mike lindell, who i'm loving more and more each day, was banned from twitter. after he was banned his account was pulled. he decided to fire off tweets from the mypillow company account which is not allowed, once you're banned from twitter, you can't just use another account. now the mypillow account is banned too. if he's not careful, mike could be getting the boot from newsmax, one of the outlets that sold the bogus story that the voting machines were rigged. now they're worried they might get sued.
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tonight when mike lindell was on, trying to rehash these crazy claims he keeps making that trump actually won the election and he has evidence about the machines, they wanted none of it. >> mine was taken down because we have all the election problems with these machines, we have 100% proof -- >> newsmax accepts the results as legal and final. we wanted to talk to you about cancel culture, if you will. we don't want to relitigate the -- >> wait, wait, wait, wait. >> mike, we understand where you are, so let me ask you this. do you think that this should be temporary, because it appears to be permanent, could you make an argument that it is temporary? >> what? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: i know he used to smoke crack. maybe now he's eating it? i don't know. [ laughter ] you know it's bad when newsmax is like "dial it down, buddy." and that wasn't even the nuttiest part of the interview. this was. >> would you make an argument this could be a temporary
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banning rather than permanent? >> no, i wanted it to be permanent, because you know what? because i'm reviewing all the evidence on friday of all the election fraud of these machines, so i'm sorry if you think it's not -- >> okay, mike, can i ask our producers, can we get out of here, please? i don't want to have to keep going over this. >> actually, mike -- >> newsmax has not been age to verify any of though the allegations that you are -- >> everybody hold on a second. mike, hold on one second. let's talk a little bit about -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: what's happening is bob went home. has anyone looked into correlation between mypillow and qanon? maybe there's something in those pillows that makes people go insane. your head's on it for eight hours every night, the guy who invented them was on crack. who knows? they might be stuffed with mothballs and thermometer mercury. [ laughter ]
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donald trump's new-new lawyers today, released their response to the impeachment charges they will defend him against in the senate next week. and this is great. on the very first page of their first legal filing, they wrote, "to the honorable members of the unites states senate." they misspelled "united states." and we're off! [ laughter ] this is incredible too. you know how much ivanka and jared made last year? jared and ivanka reported a combined income for 2020 of between $23 million and $121 million. which raises a number of important questions like, for what? [ laughter ] and, what is between 23 and 121 million, can we narrow that down to an eight-figure window, please? [ laughter ] and this is actually down from what they made last year. last year they made more. we have two department store mannequins who are supposed to be government employees making more than $250 million over the last two years. but where's hunter?
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[ laughter ] you know trump doesn't like this, right? you know he -- the only thing more embarrassing than losing the election is having his son-in-law make more money than he does. [ laughter ] this was the other financial bombshell today. jeff bezos announced that he is stepping down as ceo of amazon. he will officially leave at some point this summer, or by thursday, if you order using prime. [ laughter ] this announcement seems to have come out of the blue, but it didn't. you may have seen this. two days ago, the headline "toys "r" us closed its last two u.s. stores." i guess jeff saw that and said, my work here is done. [ laughter ] now he will transition from being the executive chair -- or the ceo to the executive chair of the amazon board. which would give him more time to focus on his other projects, like his blue origin spaceship company, and acquiring enough kryptonite to kill superman. [ laughter ] did you see the altercation at the lakers -- did you watch the
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lakers game last night? >> guillermo: no, jimmy, i did not. >> jimmy: the lakers beat the hawks in atlanta and lebron got into it with one of their fans. >> we've got a lot of jawing going on, front row, look at that. now security is getting involved. and the security is actually -- i mean, the referees are actually telling the security, they may want to usher somebody out of the building. this lady -- wow. well, she's pointing like that one meme with the lady and the cat? >> jimmy: yeah, so that woman and her husband were ejected from the game. turns out her name is julianna carlos. after the game, julianna took to social media to defend herself. >> i'm minding my own business, drinking my [ muted ], having fun. all of a sudden, lebron says something to my husband. and i see this and i go -- i stand up and say, don't you [ bleep ] talk to my husband.
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he looked to me and goes, shut the [ bleep ] down, bitch. don't call me a bitch, you shut the [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. all of a sudden i'm getting kicked out. excuse me i, i have courtside seats that i paid for, [ bleep ] you, lebron, [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], you're going to let a 25-year-old girl intimidate you during a game? bye, bitch. >> jimmy: wait, did she say 25? [ laughter ] i didn't know they'd been making those dolls for 25 years. [ laughter ] after the game, lebron tweets this. "courtside karen was mad, mad." and that was it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he won again. i like courtside karen. like barbies, one for every occasion. courtside karen. dog walker karen, malibu karen. sunday, you probably know, is super bowl sunday. the cdc issued their recommendation for having super bowl parties. they recommend that you don't have them. [ laughter ]
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here in l.a. county, same thing, they're warning super bowl parties could be superspreader events that kick start the virus again, like christmas and thanksgiving did. you know, if you stay home, you're almost guaranteed to win your super bowl squares pool. [ laughter ] it's expected to be a close game. kansas city is a 3.5 point favorite. tampa bay has tom brady, and there will be many picks made, some by humans, some by animals. this is something we look forward to every year. we found a pair of dogs in eugene, oregon, two pugs named ella and petunia. not only have ella and petunia correctly picked the winner of the super bowl five years in a row. they predicted that the dodgers would win the world series, the nba finals, and most recently, the presidential election. so we reached out again to their owners, leon and pat. leon and pat agreed to let their prognosticating pugs make a pick. and now, all the way from eugene, oregon, please welcome ella and petunia! [ cheers and applause ]
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hi, ella and petunia, thanks for joining us again. it's jimmy. i was wondering if i could get your pick for the super bowl. guys? we're all very interested. &-p the picks in the past. [ laughter ] you know? do you have a -- all right. well. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i think we'll focus on the over/under. we have a great show for you tonight. kathryn hahn is with us. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from rhye. and we'll be back with matthew mcconaughey!
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everyone's crunching! what's crunching? simply unwrap crunch and eat crunch. 100% milk chocolate and crispy rice. crunching makes me extreme. crunching made our breakup easy! i'm in the friendzone! anyone can do it, even anyone. i'm looking for my client. i'm his accountant. i'm i'm so! hey! -hey man, you're here! you don't trust me here in vegas, do you? uh, well... i thought we had a breakthrough with the volkswagen. -we did, yeah! we broke through. that's the volkswagen?! -that's the cross sport. wow. -seatbelts! please just tell me where we're going. introducing new extra charged coffee at dunkin'.
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♪i used to be feening for 'em, dreaming♪ ♪in the classroom.♪ ♪four years later, and my racks blue.♪ ♪and my whole team is seeing green like♪ ♪"yo, she acts too!"♪ ♪and the whole world is conversating 'bout♪ ♪your waistline.♪ ♪and mental health days make you guilty, 'cause♪ ♪you waist time.♪ ♪got a story but i don't know how to pace it.♪ ♪ya, got balencies in the bathroom.♪ ♪starving for affection, someone meet me in♪ ♪the backroom.♪ ♪i'm not insane, it's been a minute.♪ ♪but if we talking 'bout a game,♪ ♪i know i'm 'bout to win it.♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. my cat really needs me right now. y'know, i'm trying to be less popular these days. now? i use differin gel. take the 90-day challenge now and you'll get consistently clear skin too. do things differin. and you'll get consistently clear skcheez-it snap'd.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, welcome back to the show. tonight, from the new marvel series "wandavision" on disney plus, kathryn hahn is with us. [ cheers and applause ] she is great. later, this is his album. it's called "home." music from rhye. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, magic johnson and jenny slate will join us, with music from ashneeko. please join us for that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest has an oscar, a golden globe, a book on "the new york times" bestseller list, and this weekend his first-ever super bowl commercial for doritos.
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please say hello to the uno and only matthew mcconaughey. [ cheers and applause ] >> good to see you, kimmie. how you doing, sir? >> jimmy: how you doing? i get the hat already, green lights just like your book. >> green lights, and a covid cut, i'm not cutting until i can get out there and covid is gone, who knows how long, hope i'm not tripping over it before it is. >> jimmy: when was the last time you had a haircut? >> about 12 months ago. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? my hair would be down to my knees if i hadn't had a haircut for 12 months. >> i'm working on it. >> jimmy: speaking of months, you were on our show right when your book came out. the book went right to number one. it debuted number one in the "new york times" bestseller list. 14 weeks ago, it's still -- it's now number two on "the new york times" bestseller list. [ cheers and applause ] >> thankfully. right behind obama. trying to catch obama, it's a pretty good spot to be. >> jimmy: you are behind obama. that's not fair, really, because obama never woke up after doing peyote in a cage with a mountain lion, and you did.
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[ laughter ] >> i didn't read -- i read that he -- i didn't read any story in his book about waking up in that mountain lion cage. >> jimmy: maybe he's saving for part two. are you working on a part two? >> somewhat, yeah. you know, being on the tour now, talking about the book for 14 weeks, some of the ideas that i presented in "green lights" are not crystallizing. what's the next one going to be? i don't want to recook the souffle with a "green lights part 2" but i have an idea for the next book will be about, yeah. >> jimmy: i have an idea for the book. i should probably pitch this to you privately, but i'm going to pitch it now. >> let's hear it. >> jimmy: the next book, i write a chapter as you. >> yes. >> jimmy: but we don't tell anybody, and we swear never to tell anyone which one it is. but i'll write some story like, the time i circumcised willie nelson on the top a mountain or something like that. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and leave it to the readers to figure out what is the fake item in the book. >> then on that subject, i'll
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come on your show, but i'll interview you about that chapter. >> jimmy: perfect. >> they'll really be wondering who's coming and going. >> jimmy: i like this a lot. [ applause ] it's my own idea but i like it. >> i like it. >> jimmy: you're talking about doing a lot of interviews about the book and learning from them. i wonder what you learned from this particular television appearance and promotion, roll the tape. >> look at who drew mcintyre can celebrate tonight. joining us live in the wwe thunder dome, take a look there, that is one of the biggest stars in hollywood, a huge wwe fan. >> all right, all right, all right! >> matthew mcconaughey with his two sons. >> matthew mcconaughey, a huge fan of drew mcintyre. i'm sure he was a little upset mcintyre lost the wwe championship. >> ha ha, yes. >> jimmy: i bet the boys liked that, huh? >> oh, they did. i've taken them to see some live shows here in austin. and it's a gas, man. the shows are fun. it's wonderfully corny. that group, everyone that runs wwe, they are so doggone
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friendly and family oriented. they treated us wonderfully. i've been a wrestling fan since i was 8. >> jimmy: who's your all-time favorite wrestler? >> hacksaw jim duggin, come out with the two by four, baby. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a wrestling name, hacksaw jim duggin. what's drew mcintyre? sounds like one of the new kids on the block or something. [ laughter ] he needs a new name. you should help him come up with a nickname. i know you -- you're co-owner of a professional soccer team in austin, what is the name of the team? >> austin fc. >> jimmy: austin fc. [ applause ] we have lafc out here. >> yeah, we are the fighting verdes, sir. >> jimmy: the fighting verdes. >> professional soccer coming to austin, the international game of soccer is coming to austin. now we're having fun doing this. how are we going to bring austin to soccer? >> jimmy: well, it's a funny thing, because you know,
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everyone's kid plays soccer, really. you watch the game, and for some reason, it's never -- you never reach that kind of popularity viewing-wise as football or even baseball or basketball here. >> yeah, i think it will, though. look, we've got -- world cup's coming. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> to america. we're going to be hosting. the world game is going to be on our front porch in 2026. that's going to be huge. until then, i mean, look. we've just got to be putting a better product on the pitch. mls soccer has got to be a little better product so you're going to get more viewership. i don't know if it's going to get past football, basketball. but it's hovering right around just outside of hockey and baseball. it's on its way up. youth soccer, you see it all over the place, kids are playing soccer more than they ever were. >> jimmy: are the kids excited about you being part owner about a soccer team? >> hell, yeah. they don't give a damn about their dad has an owner's suite. they want to be on the pitch, front rows. they don't care about nice seats up top, they want to be on the field.
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>> jimmy: speaking of on the field, you've got the super bowl, the doritos commercial which we're going to show -- i was fortunate enough -- >> costarring, sir. >> jimmy: fortunate enough to be a part of that with you. who are you rooting for? everybody gives picks and the picks don't mean much. who do you want to win the super bowl? you've got chiefs and buccaneers in it. >> the incredible subplot story that's going on in front of our eyes that has already become more magnificent than most everyone even imagined is tom brady leading the buccaneers to a super bowl win. >> jimmy: it's crazy. >> just getting them to the playoffs, that was one. his old team doesn't make it. winning the nfc championship. do what? that's enough. he's not going to do that -- he did that. now he's in the super bowl, what? exceeded expectations all the way. 43 years young. do we believe it? is he going to prove to us that you should believe in how incredible and awesome someone actually can be at something for how long? >> jimmy: you know tom brady at
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all, have you met him? >> i met him. i did an interview with him in "interview" magazine about nine years ago, 2012. i remember a few things he said that were very cool. i said, tom brady, who is tom brady? what does tom brady do on the field when tom brady is his best as a quarterback? he immediately said, anticipation. what do you mean? he goes, when the ball's snapped in my hand, before i've even taken a step back into the pocket, i already know if it's a completed pass, if it's a first down, what the next play's going to be. it's anticipation. the game moves so slow, i see where it's going. i said, tom brady at his worst, what does tom brady do at his worst? he goes, we're up 28-3, i got a down-and-out pattern in the third quarter, and right before i release it, i hesitate in my mind and say, oh, if you miss it, miss it to the outside so it can be incomplete. that's when i throw an interception. >> jimmy: interesting. very interesting. i feel like i have that ability that things slow down when i eat. [ laughter ] like when i see the various courses come in. appetizers come and i know, you know -- i position myself near
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the dressing. >> yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i guess what i'm saying is i have a lot in common with tom brady. [ laughter ] >> i've always said that, you and tom. >> jimmy: matthew mcconaughey is with us. he's got a doritos commercial coming up, i am in it with him. we'll show that when we come back, we'll be right back. >> dicky: next week on all-new episodes of "jimmy kimmel live" -- in some places they tax flatulence. the kind that comes from cows. if you're 100 in new mexico you'll pay no state taxes now. in hawaii there's a credit for maintaining an exceptional tree.
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does having visitors on my rental property get me anything? absolutely, a deduction on upkeep. ♪we're tax experts♪ ♪spreading expertise across the land.♪ intuit turbotax live. ♪ ♪ ♪spreading expertise across ♪ ♪ land.♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. i feel bad for kicking your seat on purpose i'm sorry for mansplaining. that's when a man... i know what it is. we should have just told you it's a boy. i wish you didn't have to hear all that.
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sorry i called you karen. but, that's my name sorry your name is karen. i promise i will not eat any more of your friends. really? k, it might happen one more time. the 5g google pixel is amazing at streaming videos. for example, take this stream here. see how smooth it is? just a smoooooth 5g stream. the 5g google pixel from $499
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♪ ♪ we have the power to harness california's abundant solar and wind energy, but it's not available all day long. use less energy from 4 to 9 pm for a cleaner california. it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but, can it help keep me asleep?
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absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me come out swinging? you got this. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. don't miss our presidents day weekend special. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed, . plus, 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. kathryn hahn and music from rhye coming up. we are here with our old pal matthew mcconaughey. you started your career, your professional career, in
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advertising, correct? >> yes. >> jimmy: yes. >> i did, actually, jimmy. i was advertising and selling tuxedos for al's formalwear, sir. >> jimmy: al's formalwear. i feel every town has an al's formalwear, right? >> right next to the olan mills photography shop. >> jimmy: that is right on, yeah. that's like -- yeah. and just across from the mall that has the chess king. >> and spencer's. >> jimmy: and spencer gifts, that's right. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. >> jimmy: what did you do for al's? >> well, i posed in a beautiful tuxedo. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> very nice and coifed. looked over the camera, as if i didn't know the camera was on me, as olan mills would not let you do. had my hand over the cummerbund, had my hand there posted, was looking across the horizon, i guess looking like, you got a prom coming up or go to the
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ball, maybe you should call al's and wear this tux. [ laughter ] i don't know how many tuxes we sold. i do know, unlike today, if i do one of those ads, i usually say, hey, i'm taking the tux home. >> jimmy: right. >> al didn't let me take that tux home, i had to take that tux off, hand it back, i never had a tux. >> jimmy: i wonder who the next guy to wear matthew mcconaughey's tuxedo was, probably some 17-year-old who lost his virginity in it later. [ laughter ] then did you continue modeling? was that something that you did much of? >> you know, i -- right after that, after al's, my modeling career kind of took off. >> jimmy: oh. >> it was a hand modeling career, actually. >> jimmy: for real? >> i had an agent -- yes. >> jimmy: you do have nice hands. why do you have nice hands? that's ridiculous, that's enough. [ laughter ] >> what the hell's up with that, right? i get this agent, dawn adams in austin, texas. i'm sitting there talking to her about maybe getting acting jobs,
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modeling gigs, whatever. she goes, you have nice hands. i go, thank you. she goes, quit biting your nails, i might be able to get you a nice hand modeling job. i quit biting my nails that day, 1989. the vanity and commerce possibilities of my hand with unchewed nails excited me quite a bit. i've gotten two hand modeling jobs and gotten paid just over $300 for both of them in the last 29 years. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: nice. well. yeah. you could be the allstate guy, you know? this could be another thing for you. i don't know if you remember this, but this super bowl commercial that we did is not the first commercial we've done together. >> v-u-l-c-a-n. >> what is it? >> vulcan. >> come out of your house, come see us, vulcan video. if you do not, you're out of your vulcan mind. >> if you do not, you will die.
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>> may the force be with you. >> that's a different movie. >> you're right. i'm talking about this move. vulcan video. >> vulcan video! anything else would be illogical! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> if i remember correctly -- vulcan bought two 60-second spots in the super bowl that year. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. and as a result, i think they just went out of business. sadly, they did just go out of business. but that was fun. this will be our second super bowl -- or second commercial together. i would love to be in the back seat of those lincoln commercials, i'll tell you that. [ laughter ] i don't know if you're still doing those. i feel if you kept cutting to me in the back, i could add some stuff to it. >> you're back there writing that next chapter we're going to plug in my book, that we're going to get on your show, i'm going to interview you on that, they're going to wonder who's coming and going. all of a sudden you're in the driver's seat looking in the rear-view mirror, i'm in the back seat, you're in the back seat -- i like it. >> jimmy: i love it.
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[ cheers and applause ] i know you don't, but i think of us as a team. [ laughter ] all right. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: so let's take a look at our latest collaboration. you will see this on super bowl sunday, and you're also going to see it now. this is a doritos 3d crunch super bowl commercial. >> lately, i just haven't been feeling quite like myself. life used to feel -- fuller. >> matthew? ♪ i want to break free ♪ >> matthew? >> some days are harder than others. ♪ i want to break free ♪ >> no, no, no! >> it's like i used to be on solid ground. >> please welcome matthew mcconaughey! did you drive here? or did you travel by fax? ♪ i want to break free ♪ >> there's got to be a way to get back. ♪ i want to break free ♪
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♪ this time i know it's for real ♪ ♪ i've fallen in love god knows god knows i want ♪ [ laughter ] >> doritos, now in 3d. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: matthew, well done. matthew mcconaughey. thank you for making me a part of your life. it's good to see you. we'll be back. >> just keep doing it, jimmy, appreciate it. see you next time, sir. >> jimmy: we'll be back with kathryn hahn. thanks, matthew.
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check out this one. long hair, loves to hike and plays frisbee... what is he, a labrador? (laughing) so, should i meet him? you're not that adventurous. yes i am! try me. ok... ...jump into that lake. i'll do it. let's all do it! i'm in. this is crazy! (laughing) you coming? seriously? it is way too comfortable in here. the all-new sienna. toyota. let's go places. when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. i actually am... writing a novel. y'know, i'm trying to be less popular these days. now? i use differin gel. take the 90-day challenge now and you'll get consistently clear skin too. do things differin. allow us to reintroduce the right amount of spicy... lightly breaded in spicy tempura, made with a blend of aged cayenne. if you're meeting for the first time, lucky you.
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home flex charger or a $500 public charging credit. see your volvo retailer for details. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. music from rhye is on the way. our next guest plays a wacky, nosy, and possibly even supernatural tv neighbor on the weirdest show on tv, marvel's "wandavision," new episodes come out fridays on disney plus. please welcome kathryn hahn. [ cheers and applause ] hi, kathryn. how are you? >> i'm so okay, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing good. do you know matthew mcconaughey at all? >> i did my first movie with matthew mcconaughey, "how to lose a guy in 10 days." that was my first film. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> i know. >> jimmy: that's right, kate hudson. did you hang out or one of those deals where you didn't have a ton of interaction? >> no, we did hang out.
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i remember being so blown away. it was the first star-stars that i was ever around. and i remember we went -- there was some like -- all of us hung out by some lake, it was so gorgeous. we shot it in toronto. and i remember, you know, we had pasta, it was like everybody hanging out. these people were so beautiful. i'd never seen real-life people that beautiful, you know, in real life before. [ laughter ] like a human. i remember we were all supposed to change into our bathing suits. and i came downstairs and kate was like, you can go get changed into your bathing suit now. and i was like, oh, this -- this is my bathing suit. she'd never seen a tankini before, i guess. that was what i had brought, something called a tankini. >> jimmy: what is that, exactly? describe the tankini. >> okay, i love a tankini. it's a bikini, but just with a little bit more coverage. basically you have a strip of skin between the top and the
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bottom. and there are a lot of string bikinis, i guess, around that particular party, and i had a very sensible land's end, probably, tankini. [ laughter ] which i loved. i'm from the midwest, guys, what are you going to do? >> jimmy: yeah. was matthew wearing a string bikini at this party? >> what if he was wearing a tankini? [ laughter ] i also remember being very proud of the fact that i was in a part in the oeuvre of matthew mcconaughey, which is so brilliant. being so grateful to be a part of his movies. few movies in which he always seemed to be, in my mind or my memory, eating shellfish with his fingers with a plastic bib on so sexily. [ laughter ] see what i mean? always kind of like -- [ laughter ] plastic bib on, breaking open shellfish. >> jimmy: he doesn't bite his nails because his hands are too beautiful, so that's how he
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keeps his fingertips moist. [ laughter ] >> he's so beautiful, forget it. >> jimmy: kathryn, what can you tell us, what are you legally allowed to tell us about your character on "wanda vision"? go ahead. >> i can tell you that she's a nosey neighbor. >> jimmy: that's it? >> that's all -- i can say that over and over and over again. >> jimmy: is she -- is agnes, your character, the villain or sometime villain, sometimes not villain, agatha harkness in disguise? we have the clue that people keep pointing to, that you both have that -- it's not identical by any means, but you both do have an oval-shaped piece of jewelry at your neck. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you just -- are you rejoining us? did you just run to the kitchen? >> excuse me, i'm sorry, i was having a sip of my pimm's cup. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: do you like to see people's theories?
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do you go online and read what they think is going on with your character in the show? >> not often, because i do not really have access -- i only yesterday bought my first -- this is the truth, yesterday i got my first computer, ever. >> jimmy: what? >> and i don't have any social media. you're looking at somebody really off the grid. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i can tell, by your cabin. yeah, yeah. what? and that homemade sun tea you're drinking. hold on a second. >> i love a sun tea. >> jimmy: you never, ever had a computer before? >> i did, my husband gave me his old one once, then i was like, i don't know, why do i need it? i love a hard copy. i need my highlighter, i want a pencil. i just -- if you have it on your phone, i always figured -- but i have basically a computer intervention, where my kids and my husband were like, mom. kathryn.
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you need to get a computer. you cannot be bothering us with this nonsense anymore. you have to. >> jimmy: yes. >> so i had to have like a tutorial. this is all brand-new to me because i'd been doing it on an ipad. >> jimmy: oh my goodness. well, first of all, welcome to the 21st century. [ laughter ] secondly -- >> i don't like it. >> jimmy: you know my wife, molly. my wife molly and i had an argument, i don't know if we'd call it an argument, we had a heated discussion the other day about whether or not in an emergency situation, she claims she could lift me and up carry me out of the house like a fireman. and i don't believe it, because i am 70-something pounds heavier than she is. so what i was wondering, and we asked you if you thought you might want to give this a try. do you think you could lift your husband, ethan? >> i think i could. i mean, i think i could give it a try, let's just say that. >> jimmy: is ethan nearby? is he under the bed? >> sandler!
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i'll give it a try. >> jimmy: okay, good, this would be great. now i want to say, this is not -- and ethan, you know, he looks strong. i was looking at pictures of him today. >> oh! you were? >> jimmy: i was. hey, ethan, how are you doing? >> i'm great, how are you? >> jimmy: thank you for being a part of this. this is not just lift him like one inch off the ground. i'd like to -- i just need to see the bottom of his feet in order for this to count, okay? >> okay. you guys will see now that i am really just definitely wearing jeans and no shoes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, right. we know your secrets. >> this is going to be a big deal? >> no, we might let a fart out, we apologize. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ethan, you can't help, either. you know like when the kids are asleep in the car, you have to carry them up? it has to be like that. >> okay. ready? >> yeah. >> jimmy: here we go. >> got it! aahh!
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: well. we do see the bottoms of his feet. >> wait, hold on! >> jimmy: okay, give it another try. >> ready? one more try. >> jimmy: yes, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i feel like you got a little help, but that's good enough. kathryn hahn and ethan, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] thank you. thank you both. now do us a favor -- >> your back, though, for real, is it okay? >> jimmy: jump on the bed and make love. [ laughter ] "wandavision" is on disney plus every friday. we'll be back with music from rhye! do we really need a sign to live, laugh, and love? -yes. -the answer is no. i can help new homeowners not become their parents. -kee-on-oh... -nope. -co-ee-noah. -no. -joaquin. -no. it just takes practice. give it a shot. [ grunts, exhales deeply ] -did you hear that? -yeah.
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♪ ♪ ♪ breaking waves making waves hmmm oh i need it turn around really slow ♪ ♪ breathe some air take in time hold around your neckline oh i love moving slow ♪ ♪ we're in the wrong season you're keeping tabs on my flaws ♪ ♪ a slower pace babe is the way that i love all i need ♪ ♪ can't be like him just cause a little black rain ♪ ♪ really slow whoo just give me something just cause a little black rain ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, a whirlwind romance. >> it was a constant shower of flowers and gifts. we went to london, we went to mexico, russia, the bahamas twice, greece. >> i love you, my love. >> love you. >> swept off her feet by a starn surgeon. >> the george clooney type of feel, sexy. >> a wedding fit for loyalty. >> john legend was going to be playing during the ceremony. the beckhams. the obamas. >> but when the fairytale came crashing down, how far did his web of lies go? >> if we don't do anything, a lot of people will die. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or...
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