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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 2, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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appreciate your time. stay tuned, jimmy kimmel, sir charles. good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live!” 8 tonight, charles barkley, mads mikkelsen, and music from davido. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: well, hi there, that's me. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for listening. if you're not listening, thanks for staring. this is kind of interesting, speaking of listening, they did a study, you know those people who do studies? they did another one and they found that only about 2% of conversations end when both people want them to end. kind of like sex. right, guillermo? >> right, jimmy, right, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: researchers at harvard said that 66% of the people they studied wished their conversation ended before it did. they also found that, during a
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boring story, people say, “wow, that's crazy,” on average, 28 times. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: wow, that's crazy. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: how dare you? did you break into your weed stash before the show? >> guillermo: a little bit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think the lockdown has spoiled us. it's a lot harder to get out of a conversation when you can't just press a button that says “leave.” i love pressing leave. “leave and leave.” on zoom. my favorite things of 2021. [ laughter ] in other unwanted conversation news, a third woman has now come forward with allegations of inappropriate conduct by new york governor andrew cuomo. this one happened at a wedding in 2019. governor cuomo approached a woman he'd never met, she says they chatted briefly, he put his hands on her bare lower back,
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she pulled his hands away which she thought would be a hint. but just moved them to her cheeks and asked if he could kiss her. and the craziest part is there's a photo of it. very rarely does a wedding photographer capture anything interesting at all, but this one did. [ laughter ] that's the photo. there it is. he's either asking to kiss her or telling her, “i know it was you, fredo. you broke my heart.” [ laughter ] i can't believe we have a picture of this. this is how mysteries in an olsen twins movie end. [ laughter ] this is now how real life goes. and, of course, the folks at the “new york post” had fun with it. “handsy andy” was the headline. this comes on the heels of two former aides, also young women, who accused the governor of sexual harassment in the workplace. in the span of one month, andrew cuomo has somehow done the impossible. he made bill deblasio the second most-hated politician in new york. [ laughter ] a year ago everyone was in love with andrew cuomo, like, literally in love. even the items available on etsy have changed. they went from, “future mrs. cuomo.”
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"st. andrew cuomo." “i'm a cuomosexual.” “shh, i'm watching cuomo.” to -- “arrest cuomo.” “andrew the grandma slayer cuomo.” “impeach cuomo.” and “wipe your feet here.” [ laughter ] you know it's serious when the etsy community gets involved. [ laughter ] even some democrats are calling for cuomo to resign. lindsey graham, this is good, lindsey told sean hannity the democrats should apply the “republican model” to andrew cuomo. which i guess means they should make him president? i don't know, how does that work? [ laughter and applause ] another politician who had a great fall is mitt romney. senator romney suffered a literal fall while playing with his grandkids. he got knocked unconscious and had to be hospitalized. the doctors told mitt he shouldn't be skateboarding, but the dude just loves to thrash, i guess. [ laughter ] the fall was particularly concerning because of all the republicans in the senate romney is one of the few who still has
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some of his spine. but he is okay and back to work. hey, you know how trump world and his cohorts were trying to spread the idea that the rioters who stormed the capitol were actually antifa in disguise? as his supporters? well, the director of the fbi testified before the senate today and said there is no evidence of that. not only that, it has become more obvious that the insurrectionists were reacting to the words of donald trump. because the majority of them have no connection to extremist groups or even to each other. they studied the arrest records. the research showed, among other things, that men who stormed the capitol outnumbered the women, six to one, which is why it's so hard to date at these things. [ laughter ] it was a real sausage insurrection. [ applause ] but it is kind of sad. these people, they're not the brightest. they came to washington to try to save america.
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that's what they thought they were doing. they were sold a bill of goods, and now they're paying the price for it. like the people who bought insta-pots. [ laughter ] investigators have been looking for patterns and connections, and i may have stumbled onto something they can use. at least two of those who were charged list their profession as “dating coach.” samuel fisher and patrick alonzo stedman no relation to oprah i'm sure, help coach dating. stedman, who posted a video of himself sitting in nancy pelosi's office, has some good suggestions. like "make a girl think of herself like a piece of meat that you can easily replace with another.” which is sweet. [ laughter ] and the other guy is quite the ass-anova too. he used the name “brad holiday”" he encourages men to hang posters of pinup girls on your wall to “keep your mind focused on your goal of becoming successful with women.”
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yeah. let me tell you something about women, they love when it you decorate your apartment like it's a middle school treehouse. [ laughter ] things seems to be looking up vaccine-wise. president biden today corrected his original promise that every american who wants one would have access to the vaccine by july. now he says we're on track to have enough by the end of may. and that's great news because i haven't been to lake havasu in a year. [ laughter ] now the big challenge is shipping the vaccines and making sure they don't get stolen. there are fears that criminals could try to pull off some kind of heist. which would be a great plot for the new robert pattinson batman movie. mr. freeze steals all the vaccines and no one can do anything because he's the only one that can keep them cold enough. [ laughter ] still high? >> guillermo: a little bit, a little bit, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mentioned last week there was a diplomatic dispute between the u.s. -- i feel like -- you know sometimes your
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kid gets a gerbil, you look over and it's just sitting there looking at you? [ laughter ] >> guillermo: no, no, i'm listening to your conversation. >> jimmy: that's what the gerbil says too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this will interest you. remember last week i was talking about how the u.s. state department, the people in the state department, the chinese were putting the q-tip up their butts for the covid testing? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] so now -- you know, china denied it. they claimed it was a misunderstanding, but now japan is asking china to stop using it on them too. [ laughter ] apparently they've been doing to it the japanese, they say this test has caused great psychological pain to those who were subjectd to it. china has now violated so many people they may have to start running for governor of new york. [ applause ] by the way, i learned this today, i didn't know this. there's a popular prank among japanese teenagers. something called “kancho,” where
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they poke a finger into the butt of an unsuspecting person. it's also popular in korea where they built a statue to -- i don't know, celebrate it? but i hope it doesn't come here. but it's coming here, right? first k-pop, now prostate exams on the street. guillermo, should we be the first americans to try this? >> guillermo: can i think about it? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, you think about it. we could be pioneers, you know. the governor of texas announced today that he is lifting their statewide mask mandate. as of march 10th, texans will no longer be required to wear face coverings in public. from there on, the only people wearing masks in texas will be the lone ranger and the chainsaw massacre guy. [ laughter ] meanwhile, the world health organization has finally issued a recommendation as to whether or not hydroxychloroquine should be used to prevent or treat covid-19. and the recommendation is it should not. they found the drug has “no meaningful effect” on covid. which is weird because that would mean president trump was
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wrong! ♪ dum dum dum ♪ trump talked a lot about hydroxychloroquine. people thought maybe he was selling that, do you remember that? he talked about it so much i had to learn how to spell hydroxychloroquine. by the way, when trump got the coronavirus, know what drug he didn't take? hydroxychloroquine. and this is funny, the state of oklahoma, after he was talking about it, they're trying now to return $2 million worth of unused doses of this drug, which they bought using taxpayer money, to show donald trump how very much he means to them. so now the state is stuck with a warehouse full of malaria medicine. it's medicine for malaria. and the oklahoma board of tourism is trying to make it a selling point. >> imagine a place that is home to over 200 lakes and has 55,000 miles of shoreline.
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a place where you can pursue your wildest dreams. a place where 1.2 million unused doses of hydroxychloroquine collect dust in a warehouse. a place where innovators thrive. and where we have a [ bleep ] of unwanted medicine. so whether you're craving excitement and wonder, or you've got a high-grade fever brought on by african mosquito bites, oklahoma has it all. call us today for a free travel guide. and call your doctor if you experience moderate to severe diarrhea as a result of taking all the expired hydroxychloroquine your heart desires. oklahoma -- we got piles and piles of pills. come eat them. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i'd go check it out. while many of us are still worried about covid and climate change, tucker carlson is worrying on another level. tucker right now is worried about our testicles.
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>> last year, hearing about a health crisis, a pandemic, but there are a lot of health crises. this may be the biggest one. falling testosterone levels which have completely reshaped our society. falling sperm counts, which may make it impossible to continue the human race. [ laughter ] why is this happening? probably because of chemicals in our environment. according to one scientist, sperm counts in the western world have dropped 59% between 1973 and 2011. at this pace, sperm counts will reach zero by 2045. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? wow. that is some math you're doing. listen dude, if you need sperm, i can get you sperm. [ laughter ] i got a guy. tucker carlson. always comes up with something. of all the sperm in his father's sac, i can't believe he was the fastest one. [ laughter ] this had to put a dent in old tuck's nuts. [ laughter ] today, in case you didn't know, is dr. seuss' birthday. dr. seuss was born 117 years ago today. and to honor this special day, dr. seuss enterprises annouced
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that six of his books will no longer be published because they contain racist and insensitive imagery. i love that there's something called dr. seuss enterprises. how great would it be to work there? and not only are they pulling some books out of print, they are also tweaking some of the others to make them more inclusive. for instance, “the cat in the problematic headdress.” [ laughter ] “how the grinch appropriated native american culture.” “hop on pop, with his consent.” “horton hears a they.” “horton hears a misogynist joke and reports it to h.r.” [ laughter ] “there's a wocket in my ethically sustainable sourced pocket.” “no eggs or ham.” that's a vegan thing, i guess. and “yertle the gender-fluid turtle.” and other stories. this is how trump gets re-elected, by the way. cancel dr. seuss, cancel abe lincoln, melt down mr. potato head's private parts
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and throw them at the muppets. that is his path to victory. the next time around. you know dr. seuss' birthday is also “read across america day.” they came up with it to honor him. but now the nea wants nothing to do with dr. seuss. but they still want us to read on his birthday, i think. i'm not sure. i don't know. what i do know is that americans have been holed up at home for almost a year now, and i wonder how much of that time they spent reading. not reading twitter or dms on instagram, reading books. so we went on the street and conducted an unscientific survey. we asked people passing by our studio to name a book, any book, and this is how that went. >> can you name a book? >> um -- i don't read that much. >> can you name a book? >> uh -- oh gosh -- i got so many of them on my mind. >> can you name a book? >> geez, on the spot, i can't.
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>> can you name a book? >> oh, no, that's a bad one. what's one of the ones they make you read in high school? uh -- 470-something? >> can you name a book? >> uh -- uh, "i love food"? >> is that a book? >> yes? >> what is it about? >> food? >> what was the last book you read? >> the last book i read? i think it was a comic book. i think it was "the infinity gauntlet series." >> is a comic book a book? >> it has "book" in the name. >> when was the last time you read a book? >> um -- not in my college life, ever. >> you went through college not reading a single book? >> no. no, ma'am. >> what was the last book you read? >> um -- the last book i read was -- "sometimes god has a
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kid's face." >> when did you read that? >> um -- i have it in my, like -- i haven't really read it that much, but you know. but -- i'm really, like, reading it. some of it. >> how high are you now? >> a little high. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: guillermo, i think we found you a friend. >> guillermo: yeah! >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. mads mikkelsen is with us. we have music from davido, and we'll be right back with the great charles barkley, so stick around! ♪ ♪
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♪ from the makers of blue moon, comes lightsky. an extraordinary citrus wheat. brewed with real tangerine peel. only 95 calories. welcome to the light side of the moon. the 5g google pixel is amazing at streaming videos. for example, take this stream here. see how smooth it is. just a smoooooth 5g stream. the 5g google pixel. from $499 facing collagen that's all hype? new olay collagen peptide 24 with derm recommended peptides. hydrates better than the $400 cream. for visibly firmer skin. olay. face anything. at panera, when we make a pizza... we don't just “make a pizza.”
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bubly just came out with bubly bounce. a little kick of caffeine exactly what i need to fix these. yeah, bublé bouncé. no calories. no sweeteners. just a kick of caffeine. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. no calories. no sweeteners. (engine revs) ♪ ♪ to conquer any route. to know exhilaration is just the beginning. what starts with an invitation... ...becomes an experience. the invitation is always open... ...but the offers only last through march 31st. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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let us take you to a place you've been craving. where the aroma of authenticity turns into the scent of home. and the warmth of friends and family is in every bite. here, there's a story behind every meal. with cacique, you'll be inspired to add your own flair. so you can tell a story of your own. cacique.your auténtico awaits. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: tonight-from the movie
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“another round,” mads mikkelsen is with us. then later, a very talented nigerian-american from this, the “coming 2 america” soundtrack, music from davido. [ cheers and applause ] who do we have tomorrow night? tomorrow night, daisy ridley and justice smith will join us with music from ashe featuring finneas. and on thursday, sacha baron cohen, wesley snipes, and music from charlotte lawrence. so please, please join us for that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a hall-of-fame basketball player, a hall-of-fame broadcaster, and one of the funniest guys on tv. starting thursday night, he and his tnt colleagues are subjects of a new, four-part documentary called “the inside story.” please welcome charles barkley. [ cheers and applause ] >> what's up, brother? >> jimmy: good to see you, how are you? >> always good, man, thanks for having me are i love doing your show. >> jimmy: i love having you. you know you're my favorite? i hope you know thafshlgts it's either me or shaq and you know
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he sucks. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: does anyone call you char-bar? has that ever been said? >> hell although! hell no! apr [ laughter ] i hate charlie too. >> jimmy: you don't like charlie. >> you call me charles or call me chuck, but i hate charlie, and i don't know that name you just made up, char-bar. >> jimmy: char-bar. >> ridiculous. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i hope it doesn't catch on, i really hope. mr. barkley, if that's okay, this is a big weekend for you. usually it would be because of the nba all-star game. but this is a big weekend for you because your daughter's getting married this weekend, correct? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. you know, jimmy, my only child, the most important thing in my life, is getting married saturday. i'm so excited for her and my future son-in-law. and i'm just excited for her. because this is her special day. both of us will be the only one,
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too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: don't say that at the toast. >> hey, hey, listen. i promised her this. this got to work, this is the only one i'm paying for. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you look thin, by the way, have you been getting in shape because of the wedding? >> yeah. you know, i been really working out hard, because apparently they got to pick me up in a chair. >> jimmy: what? oh, is her fiance jewish? >> yes. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> and listen -- i need all jewish people on deck, brother. [ laughter ] [ applause ] because hey, i can only get so skinny by saturday, man. [ laughter ] i can only get so skinny. but i ate. it's like i'm in a -- all hands on deck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they don't know what they're getting into. that's something else. you're going to be part of that tradition. do you have -- you know, i was -- i don't know if you know
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this. i was a wedding deejay in phoenix, arizona, which i believe is where this is all going on. so if you have any questions about anything, i can probably help you. do you? >> well, i wish i'd have known that. you probably would have gave me a cheaper deal on the deejay, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i would have done it for nothing. you know -- >> it's not too late! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's not too late? i'll be out there. do you have like a father-daughter dance planned? did you think ahead as far as what song you will may for that? >> yeah, i did. you know, i want to give a shout-out to people who watch me and ernie's podcast called "a team steam room." great songs. stevie wonder, luther vandross. but i came up -- i'm going to do zach brown, "the man who loves you the most." >> jimmy: that's a good one. >> i do, i love the words of it. but we settled on zach brown, "the man who loves you the
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most." i can't wait to dance with her on her wedding night. >> jimmy: are you a good dancer? >> no. [ laughter ] i'm an awful dancer. you know, jimmy, i been busy. i ain't have time to learn how to dance. i been busy being charles barkley for the last 40 years. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: is your future son-in-law -- oh, did he ask you for your -- for her hand in marriage? did he ask for your blessing? >> he did. you know, and i hadn't heard about that before. and i got really emotional. like i say -- i'd heard better before, but it was nerve-racking. you're like -- um, yes? and the family, how is the family? are they people you feel you can hang out with? >> i love his family. they are amazing people. they've been living in long island for a long time.
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and it's going to be a welcome addition to my family. >> jimmy: who is paying for the wedding? >> that would be me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's you. that tradition is real tough, isn't it? >> well, you know -- i gave her a choice. she could be stupid and use all the money on the wedding, or she could get a really nice wedding gift. and she chose -- cheaper wedding and a really nice gift. so she did a really good job. >> jimmy: that's smart. [ applause ] speaking of gifts -- so you got -- are your guys, they can't come to the wedding, right? because they're your co-workers, they're working this weekend. >> yeah, they got the all-star game. shout-out to my boys at tnt sunday night. we got the australill-star game slam dunk, the three-point shooting contest. but other than ernie, i'm not going to miss anybody. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: will shaq and ernie and kenny be expected to send
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gifts to your daughter for her wedding? >> ernie, yes. the other two haven't mentioned it, jimmy. but you know what? i'm not going to mention to them, but ernie's all class. he's already did his thing. but kenny and shaq have not mentioned it at all. >> jimmy: they haven't? >> no. >> jimmy: they say you have like a year after the wedding to send the gift. will you give them that much time, or expected to happen on the wedding day? >> kenny and shaq ain't sent a gift by now, i'm expecting nothing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. who would give more, kenny or shaq? >> shaq if they decided to give a gift. kenny is a cheap -- kenny has mastered the science of going to the bathroom when the check is coming. [ laughter ] got it down to an exact science. >> jimmy: i am so excited to see this documentary about you guys. i love your interaction. you got it -- it's four
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documentaries, one is about you, one's about kenny, one's about ernie, one's about shaq. yours is the longest, are you aware of that? >> i did not know that. well, wait. it's a four part, it's not individually about each one of us, i don't think. >> jimmy: i think each part of it focuses on one of you. >> well, let me tell you something. if one -- ernie's been there 30 years, ken has been there 25, i've been there 20. this is my 20th year. shaq been there about 10, i think. it's the best decision i made in my life, jimmy. >> jimmy: really? >> i mean, i mean, working with those guys. it's so much fun, going to work. i mean, number one, getting to watch the best basketball players in the world all the time is pretty special. but to go to work and have fun with those guys. and you know, when i took the job, ernie asked me how long i was going to be there. i said, three years then move on to bigger and better things. nothing bigger and better came
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along. that's why i'm stuck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: charles barkley is with us. "the inside story" premieres thursday night on tnt. we'll be right back with charles. >> portions of “jimmy kimmel live” are brought to you by crown royal in partnership with “coming 2 america,” honoring black heritage month and black royalty all year round. ♪ the ecg app lets me take an ecg without needing an appointment or a fancy machine or even needing to move a muscle because if i want to take an electrocardiogram ♪ i'm going to take an electrocardiogram right here right now ♪ ♪ ♪ (music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ (end) four, five, turn, kick.
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we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be, we'll keep bringing you a faster, more secure, and more amazing internet. xfinity. the future of awesome.
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the favorite folks on the call-in shows have been vocal of criticism of you for doing this.
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>> you think i give a flying [ bleep ] what people on the radio call-in shows say? i really don't give a [ bleep ] what the people on the call-in shows -- >> i'm just asking a question. >> i'm just giving an answer. >> you can't say flying [ bleep ]. >> i really don't give a f-f what they think. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: charles barkley in philadelphia many years ago. do you remember the subject, do you remember what you why so annoyed? >> i don't. it was so long ago, i don't even remember. >> jimmy: i'll tell you what it was. >> what was it? >> jimmy: you wanted to wear number 32 to honor your friend magic johnson. and some were saying that you shouldn't wear 32 because it had been retired, and you were not happy about it. >> well, you know -- it pissed me off. you know, i just had -- me and ernie just had magic on the podcast. when he announced he was hiv positive, you know, we didn't know a lot about hiv back then. and i can't believe they got mad at me. i asked to call billy
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cunningham. i asked billy before i went public with it, and billy said, that would be an awesome tribute to magic. and i can't believe people -- jimmy. i cannot -- i cannot believe people got mad about that. >> jimmy: it's crazy, yeah. >> it was awesome. >> jimmy: billy cunningham had 32, and he said, yeah, go ahead, of course you should do that. but, you know. we've learned a lot. i remember a lot of players didn't want to play with magic at that time. >> yeah. and thank goodness i wasn't one of those guys. >> jimmy: yeah. >> because -- let me tell you something. magic johnson and larry bird are the two most important people in nba history. if it wasn't for those guys, the nba wouldn't be what it is today. obviously michael jordan took it to another level. but i'm old enough to remember, before magic johnson and larry bird got to the nba, the league was too black, too many drugs, it wasn't making any money. so when these guys all talk about who made the league, it was larry bird and magic
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johnson. and i wanted to do something special for magic, because what him and larry did, we can't even put into words to say thank you enough. >> jimmy: will you be part of magic's documentary? >> i am. i'm really excited about that. but you know -- i remember the first time i saw -- magic, that's my first recollection of march madness. but i tell people this. hey, i love lebron, kobe, tim duncan, patrick, all those guys. the two most important figures are magic johnson, larry bird. i told him it would be an honor and privilege to be part of the documentary. >> jimmy: one of the things that i think is -- i love watching your show. you know that. and not just for the basketball at each other and the things that you say are not things that you really hear on television. and i thought it might be fun to play a game. these are things that you have said, words that have come out of your mouth.
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i'm going to read these quotes to you. you tell me if you can remember who you said them about, okay? [ laughter ] >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. it's called "who'd i say that about with charles barkley." [ cheers and applause ] all right, the first one is the blank were the only organization in the nba who could find black guys who couldn't play. [ laughter ] >> the new york knicks. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: it was your old team, the 76ers, you said about that. [ laughter ] >> oh. >> jimmy: we'll try another. he's the worst member of the boy band who doesn't realize he's standing next to timberlake. when the girls are throwing panties at his head, he's going to get hit by some drive-by panties but they're meant for timberlake. [ laughter ] >> that's my good friend, draymond green. >> jimmy: draymond green is correct. [ applause ] i would love to see his fat ass get eaten by a shark.
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>> rick mahorn. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: shaquille o'neal is the answer to that question. blank must have pictures of his boss' wife having sex with a monkey. >> jerry kraus. >> jimmy: that's jerry kraus, that's right, former general manager of the bulls. blank can't even jump high enough to touch the rim unless they put a big mac on it. [ laughter ] >> mike jamisky. >> your former teammate oliver miller. he steps on the scale and it says, one at a time please. [ laughter ] >> that's got to be oliver miller. >> jimmy: that's shaquille o'neal. if god is so great, how come he didn't give you a better jump shot? who did you say that to? [ laughter ]
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>> um -- kenny smith. >> jimmy: a.c. green. one more. and you better quit yelling at me, karen. >> oh, that's shaquille. >> jimmy: schihaquille o'neal. [ laughter and applause. >> jimmy: i hope you have a great time at your daughter's wedding. thank you for being with us. give her our best. "the inside story" premiers on tnt. charles barkley, good to see you. be back with mads mikkelsen! think you're managing your moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease? i did. until i realized something was my symptoms were keeping me from being there for him. so, i talked to my doctor and learned... humira is for people who still have uc or crohn's symptoms after trying other medications. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last,
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: davido is on the way. our next guest is a very talented actor who's been everything from bond villain to cannibal to destroyer of the death star. his next project is "the inside story," available thursday digitally. how are you? [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm in london doing a film. >> jimmy: that is where you live? >> no, copenhagen. >> jimmy: i was looking through your credits. you play advil lan in james bond, play advil lan in -- played hannibal lecter, you played a villain in dr. strange, you were in the spongebob movie,
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villain. [ laughter ] to what do you attribute this villainy? are you an evil person? >> yeah, it's either that -- i can come up with a lot of excuses but i blame it on the funny accent, to be honest. [ laughter ] >> the accent. you're from denmark. >> i'm danish. it used to be the russians. then it was the germans. then it was the brits for a while. then it's just, for some odd reason, it's become the danes. i'll take it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who have never done anything to us, it's weird. >> a tiny bit, the vikings did go to america, but that was before you guys, though. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, idon't even know about that. [ laughter ] >> now you do. >> jimmy: see, we're finally learning something. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were in rihanna's video. you were the bad guy. [ laughter ] "benef "bchlt ich "bitch better have my money." >> i was the bi did. ch. >> jimmy: how did that happen,
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how did you come took rihanna's bitch? >> no idea. i got a phone call from my agent, do you want to do that rihanna thingy? yeah, who is this rihanna? i don't know a lot about pop culture. i asked my kids. they were just over the moon, so i got brownie points there. i think that's the first time my son wanted to go with me on a movie set. >> jimmy: really? >> i didn't let him. >> jimmy: why didn't you let him? now that i think about that video, i know why you didn't let your son come. [ laughter ] >> that's one of the reasons. i think he had a crush on her, and that would be a little too tricky. >> jimmy: i see. you were worried he might run away with rihanna. [ laughter ] >> yeah. i had a small fear of that, yeah. or vice versa, you never know. >> jimmy: pop culture is not your thing, you're not up on what's happening? >> not a lot. i know a lot about sports. i do recognize people who are doing sports. i recognize their faces, sometimes also their names.
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but no, actors and singers, not so much. >> jimmy: another round. i love the idea, it's based on -- well, you explain it better than i. it's based on -- would you call it a theory? or is it an idea, a joke? >> it's a theory, it's an idea. he did write a paper about it, like too little alcohol in our blood. if we only had, say, two glasses of wine in our bloodstream, everything would be easier. we would be in a zone. we would hit that bull's-eye every time and conversations would lift. so the theory is good. i like it. >> jimmy: specifically, it's a norwegian psychiatrist, he suggested that humans are born with a .05% blood-alcohol deficiency and should drink steadily throughout the day. >> yeah. >> jimmy: to elevate it to a normal level. [ laughter ] >> yes, exactly. >> jimmy: have you tested this theory? >> i mean, not throughout the entire life. but i mean, for the film,
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wanted to see what would happen. this guy starts out at .05. then they turn up the volume, .08, then .1, so forth. we tried some of the levels. and that was pretty fun. the next day when you watch the video, you can go, ah, now i see the difference. [ laughter ] your hands start doing strange things. the lisp that you didn't think you have is coming up again. >> jimmy: playing drunk as an actor, is it better to be drunk or is that a no-no? >> it's kind of a no-no. if you want to have dialogue with the director, it's not going to happen. no, we did the boot camp. then we watched the videos. then we watched a lot of youtube. for some strange reason it's always the russians to get hammered. [ laughter ] we watched that for the extreme drunk episodes. they fall on their faces all the
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time and they love to shoot themselves. >> jimmy: drinking is a bit part of danish culture, right? >> yeah. i think it's in the dna somehow with all the nordic countries. it's why it's cold, i guess. >> jimmy: when do you start drinking? at what age? >> like me? >> jimmy: like in general in the country, or you, yeah. >> i think the first official beer i had in a cup, i was 13. but very important thing, you could get away with that if you had your older brother with you and the older brother promised to drag you back home. [ laughter ] i'm not sure we can get away with that anymore. those days are over. >> jimmy: well, congratulations on the nomination. the movie is called "another round." it is on digital and on demand now. mads mikkelsen. thanks for staying up so late, mads, appreciate it. we'll be right back with music from davido! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. with the perfect top of sweet cold foam. for a velvety smoothness you can't top, a taste you can't top, and a feeling that just can't be topped. ♪ sip into a medium chocolate stout cold brew or classic cold brew with sweet cold foam for $3. order ahead plus earn rewards. america runs on dunkin' hmmm... where to go today? order ahead plus earn rewards. la? vegas? no, the desert. let's listen to this. louder. take these guys? i mean, there's room. maybe next time, fellas. now we're talking. alright. let's. go.
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>> dicky: the “jimmy kimmel live” concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: greetings from hollywood. it's time for some music. with songs from the “coming 2 america” soundtrack and his own album, “a better time,” davido. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ speroach beat be the bang bang biggie biggie heavy heavy ♪ ♪ baby do you want me biggie biggie heavy heavy baby do you want me ♪ before my liver start to fail ♪ ♪ you're the one i need oh yeah before cassava start to hail ♪ ♪ and if i ever leave make water carry me go yeah far away far away ♪ ♪ so i am looking for a sister chioma my lover she get the dollar ♪
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♪ she wear designer so i am looking for a sister chioma my lover oh ♪ ♪ she get the dollar she wear designer yeah ♪ ♪ she say give me assurance i give my baby assurance i give my baby ♪ ♪ lifetime insurance assurance assurance i give my baby assurance ♪ ♪ i give my baby lifetime insurance ♪ >> and with no further ado, i take you straight into jowo off the better time album by africa's baddest. we call him obio, you call him davido. sit back, relax and enjoy. let's get it. ♪ jo jowo my baby jo jowo my baby jo jowo jowo ♪
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♪ one time three for the two person born you ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ tell 'em tell 'em ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ calm down calm down for only you come on come on ♪ ♪ many many man they try to whine you i no really mind they just they whiney ♪ ♪ many many girl they try to whine me baby no go whine them just they whiney ♪ ♪ many many man they try to whine you but i no really mind they just they whiney ♪ ♪ so me say jowo look into my see o baby will you be my wife oh baby baby ♪ ♪ look into my eye see oh baby will you be my wife oh baby baby ♪
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♪ jo jowo my baby jo jowo my baby jo jowo jowo ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ many many man they try to whine you but i no really mind they just they whiney ♪ ♪ many many girl they try to whine me baby no go whine them just they whiney ♪ ♪ many many man they try to whine you but i no really mind they just they whiney ♪ ♪ many many girl they try to whine me baby no go whine them just they whiney ♪ ♪ so me say jowoy be wife oh baby baby ♪ ♪ jo jowo my baby jo jowo my baby jo jowo jowo ♪ ♪ you can be my wife oh baby ♪
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♪ jo jowo my baby jo jowo my baby jo jowo jowo ♪ ♪ jo jowo my baby jo jowo my baby jo jowo jowo ♪
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12:36 am
this commercial is now over. logo. three. no nonsense. just common sense. >> jimmy: i want to thank charles barkley, mads mikkelsen, and davido. apologies to matt damon. guiller guillermo, anyone you want to thank? >> guillermo: magic johnson. >> jimmy: magic johnson. "nightline" is next. good night, thanks for watching!
12:37 am
how does a country heal the wounds of centuries-old pain? from slavery to generations of stolen wealth. black americans across this country grappling with the questions of restitution that goes beyond an apology. now the launch of a historic abc news series, "soul of a nation." we share the stories of the black community front and center. and tonight the push for reparations. in evanston, illinois, we're on the ground in the first areside onl legislative responseeconci in the black community is reparations. >> hoping to reclaim wealth denied by racist policies. >> will you apply for reparations? >> i will.
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>> why? >> bec


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