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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 3, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, daisy ridley, justice smith, and music from ashe and finneas. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hello. wow, that's me, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show, thank you for watching. thank you for joining us on what was, i have to admit, an unproductive day here at work. we were very distracted by this deep fake family tree technology. have you seen this? the website my heritage came up with something they call "deep nostalgia." you upload an old photograph usually of a long-deceased family member and it brings them to life, it animates their face. i tried it with my great grandfather. pasquale cioffi. born in the 1800s.
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you can see where i got my face. [ laughter ] it's unsettling. this technology, it's a great way to see what your ancestors would have looked like shortly after having a stroke. [ laughter ] it's not just for dead people. we did one for guillermo. [ laughter ] guillermo, this is what it would look like if youdrank dayquil and nyquil at the same time. [ laughter and applause ] >> guillermo: that's weird. >> jimmy: it's weird, right? >> guillermo: very weird. >> jimmy: security forces are on high alert at the capitol tonight thanks to a qanon prophecy that says tomorrow is the day donald trump will return to the white house. triumphantly. march 4th is the date on which they used to inaugurate presidents a hundred years ago and the theory some of these q-anuts are spreading around is that tomorrow will be some kind of awakening. emperor palpateenyhands will strike back. just like he was supposed to on january 6th. how many more times are these people gonna prepare for a victory that doesn't come? i don't know who "q" is but he's definitely a clippers fan. [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] make no mistake, i'll bet anything on it, donald trump will not be in the white house tomorrow. he'll be at mar-a-lago, berating the maid for only leaving one mcnugget on his pillow. [ laughter ] dave weigel from "the washington post" came up with something funny. he caught up with a guy who has a different date for trump in mind. he wrote, met ken, who informed me trump is still in command of the military and trump will be inaugurated again on march 20th. biden is acting as president as a ruse while the pope and others are rounded up. [ laughter ] biden is in on this too? ken -- i would like to be with ken on march 21st. the day after his prophecy doesn't come true. you can always trust a man wearing the flag as clothes. [ laughter ] meanwhile, there was another return to form. as many of the republicans who initially denounced the president for his despicable
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acts on and leading up to january 6th now and are try and get back in his good graces. nikki haley, kevin mccarthy, lindsey graham. the one who was actually in danger, mike pence, has officially surrendered his testicles. the former vice poodle wrote an op-ed in which he said among other things, that the election was "marked by significant voting irregularities." he cited multiple claims of voter fraud, no proof, of course but multiple claims. pence has been exiled to siberia after refusing to interfere with the election results. after he didn't do what trump told him to do. so now he wants back in. who is he writing this for? i mean, what good does this do? he knows trump can't read. [ laughter ] he found that out when they tried playing bananagrams on air force one. [ laughter ] reading is not a thing he does. the supposed goal of the op-ed was to denounce hr-1, the voting reform bill that passed in the house today. he called it an "unconstitutional power grab" by democrats. gee, i wonder where they got that idea? [ laughter ] mike pence is like if c-3po
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worked at the men's wearhouse. [ laughter ] meanwhile, republicans are doing all they can to make it harder for minorities to vote. did you know one of the reasons democrats did so well in georgia was because of a push called "souls to the polls"? this was a thing that encouraged black voters to vote after church on sunday. it massively increased turnout for voters. so what did republicans pass in the georgia house? a bill that limits voting on sundays. you can't make this up. i mean, well, it's the lord's day, we can't have people exercising their constitutional right to vote on that day! but we will keep the golf courses open. right? yes, okay, good. [ laughter ] over at amazon, the company not the jungle, not only is jeff bezos out, so is their new logo for their app. they have a new logo for their app, you may have noticed it on your phone. they had to change it because -- well, you'll see. >> amazon has changed its new app logo after critics claimed it resembled hitler's facial
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features. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, well, there he is. "we're out of vanilla extract, let me just click on hitler here." imagine how crazy the person who drew this went when he heard this? that's not hitler! hitler didn't have a half smile! hitler really made an impression. he really did. here's another one. in england they are i guess in the name of something, they're rebranding human milk. >> uk health officials are instructing nurses to say "chest milk" instead of "breast milk." the guidelines state it's part of an effort to be more inclusive. >> jimmy: well, that should keep fox news going for another week. [ laughter ] you know what i'd like right now? a tall glass of chest milk. i get it from my chest nuts. [ laughter ] i roast them on the open fire. it's really a delicious thing. the cdc is handing out
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guidelines for those who've been vaccinated to transition back to normal life. they say it's only a matter of time before we're all dreading having to go to our friends' homes for dinner again. [ laughter ] if you are under age 65 and not an essential worker, it seems the best way to get the vaccine right now is to move to north carolina. >> in just three weeks, people who have certain high-risk medical conditions are eligible to get the vaccine. current and former smokers are included in that group. anyone who has smoked at least 100 cigarettes in the past. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what, like everyone? [ laughter ] that's five packs of cigarettes, 100. my aunt chippy smokes that in a day! [ laughter ] what kind of a message is this? if you want the vaccine you've got to smoke a hundred cigarettes and that's that? i don't know. [ laughter ] people are going to great lengths to get this vaccine. there are even reports of young people dressing up like senior citizens to jump the line. in fact, yesterday here in l.a., two people were caught trying to do that. so we reached out to the alleged perpetrators, who, for the
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record, maintain their innocence. and they are joining us now from their room at the sunny d senior center. say hello to harvey and miriam greenberg. [ cheers and applause ] hello, mr. and mrs. greenburg, how are you? >> what? >> jimmy: i said, how are you? i said, how are you? >> how am i? >> jimmy: yes! how are you? >> terrible! the punks at dodger stadium wouldn't give us the vaccine! >> and my sciatica is acting up! oy vey! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sorry to hear that but you do look very young. how old are you? >> 200. >> and 50! >> jimmy: 250? that is old. what year were you born? >> we don't know. >> jimmy: you don't know what year you were born? >> no! we don't. >> we're so old, we forgot. >>ht so drop it, you little [ bleep ]! [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: i'm just trying to make sure. >> you're just trying to bust our nuts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, i'm not trying to bust your -- i'm not -- >> why are you busting our nuts? >> jimmy: i'm not! >> in my day, we had respect for our elders! >> in my day, if we wanted an apple, we had to climb a tree! >> jimmy: all right, i think we have it. thank you, harvey and miriam. i appreciate your time. >> what? >> what? >> jimmy: they have never mind. old people, you know? [ applause ] the hearing goes, guillermo, one of the first things to go. >> guillermo: yeah, for sure. >> jimmy: we're coming up on a year of this now. and a lot has changed since march of last year. and so as we approach 12 months of lockdown, we thought it wise to look back at what was going on one year ago this week in "this week in covid history." >> this week in covid history! it's the first week of march. double jacksons. that's 2020 to you. the world has a mysterious
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fever. cough-cough! olympic fever! a few months until the summer games. but wait! the scientists are at it again, reporting covid-19 has a death rate of 3.4%. president trump says differently. >> i think 3.4% is a false number, i would say the number is way under 1%. this is just my hunch. >> oh, what a funky hunch! and how does the financial sector think we should rank this? >> maybe we'd be better off if we gave it to everybody and then in a month it would be over. because the mortality rate of this probably isn't going to be any different if we did it that way. >> strong words, you're definitely not a moron. meanwhile, trump works hard on a vaccine. >> you take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that would have an impact on corona? >> no. >> oh, well. >> a lot of people are staying in our country, they're shopping and using our hotels in this country. from that standpoint, i think
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probably it is a positive impact. >> hooray for trump hotels! says dancing democrat tom steyer. a political figure america is sure to never forget. this has been "this week in covid history!" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, yeah. fun to look back. the other public health crisis we are in the middle of is what doctors are calling a "baby bust." birth rates are down and researchers are warning that by the end of the century, we could have more tv shows than people. [ laughter ] why this is a problem, i'm not sure. is there anyone out there going, i wish the zoo was more crowded. [ laughter ] ten years ago, wasn't everyone screaming about overpopulation? that was the big thing in the '70s. now they're saying we aren't having enough kids. how many kids do you have, guillermo? >> guillermo: one. >> jimmy: see? >> guillermo: yes. >> jimmy: you need to have more kids. >> guillermo: that's what i keep telling my wife all the time. >> jimmy: you do? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: what does she say? did you tell her that the future of the world depends on it? >> guillermo: i do, but she say
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"no way." >> jimmy: is it possible she just doesn't want to make love to you? >> guillermo: no, we make love. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you do? >> guillermo: love is not the problem, jimmy. >> jimmy: that is not? >> guillermo: no. she just don't want no more kids. >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] how oftoften, do you mind me asking? >> guillermo: two times a week. >> jimmy: is it scheduled? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: comes out of nowhere? >> guillermo: just come out of me. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right. that's a good graphic turn. >> guillermo: go put the kid to sleep! >> jimmy: hold on, i'm just going to try to imagine it. [ laughter ] i can't. i can't see it, no. >> guillermo: no? >> jimmy: no. >> guillermo: nothing? >> jimmy: no, it's like imagining a teletubby having sex. >> guillermo: oh my god, i have a lot of love to give. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i've always said that. how much love do you have to give? >> guillermo: a lot, from here all the way to the -- >> jimmy: what does it make you feel like? >> guillermo: great, fantastic. >> jimmy: no, you know our joke. how much love do you have to give? >> guillermo: oh, yeah, i feel like i'm going to explode, too much love. i have too much love. >> jimmy: i made a mistake going to you, and i apologize. >> guillermo: that's okay. [ laughter and applause. >> jimmy: i don't know why we went there. >> guillermo: keep going with the monologue. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anyway. we're not having babies. he feels like he's about to explode. >> guillermo: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this has been exacerbated by, you know, the higher cost of living. women focusing on careers instead of motherhood. the invention of the iphone. the dead of barry white. all of these things have played a role. [ laughter ] now they're looking for new ways to market the idea of parenthood to a skeptical generation.
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>> you loved baby yoda, baby groot, baby peanut. now there's a cuter baby in town, baby person. your instagram followers will go omg! open your birthing canal and let the "likes" pour in. baby person isn't just cute, it's multi functional, bringing you a broad set of functions like alarm clock. [ baby crying ] food processor. and roomba. but don't take our word for it. just ask this satisfied customer. [ baby screaming ] >> this is real life, this is mom life. >> get your baby person today. >> are you okay? >> baby person, from your friends at uterus. >> paid for by united states department of health and human services. [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right. well, you know, it's fun to have a kid. dress them up like a lobster, there's nothing they can do. we have a very good show tonight.
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justice smith is here in person. we've got music from ashe and finneas. and we'll be right back with daisy ridley. so stick around! ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪ ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today. never run dry of... allstate killer attitude. or hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost. the #1 hyaluronic acid moisturizer delivers 2x the hydration for supple, bouncy skin. neutrogena®.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. tonight from the new hbo max series "generation," justice smith will join us. what a good name that is. justice smith. then later not one, but two talented singer-songwriters. their new song together is called "till forever falls apart" music from ashe and finneas. [ cheers and applause ] oh, we have a good one tomorrow. sacha baron cohen and wesley snipes will join us with music from charlotte lawrence. [ cheers and applause ] please join us too. our first guest tonight is an
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intergalactic movie star whose new film takes place in a world without women, it's called "chaos walking." it costars tom hol left-hand side, it opens friday. please say hello to daisy ridley. [ cheers and applause ] hi, daisy. >> hi, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm good, how are you? >> i'm okay, thanks. >> jimmy: thanks for being with us. you're in london, right? >> i am. and it's 12:30-something, so it's late for me. >> jimmy: late for you. are you a night owl in general or no? >> i mean, this is late for me to be up, but i often lay awake at night like this. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> unable to sleep. >> jimmy: how many nights a week do you lay awake? >> at least two. >> jimmy: oh, at least two. well, that's not too bad. are you worrying about things? what's going on, tell me. [ laughter ] >> well, my sister said to me it's because i have a lot of thoughts a the night, so i should take the energy down. so my new thing is i tap my feet
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together. >> jimmy: oh, like 60 times to try to bring the energy down to my feet, which works. >> jimmy: it does? >> yeah. >> jimmy: if you tap your feet together 60 times it will get you to sleep? >> well, then i, like, envisage the energy go out my feet. it worked for two weeks, it did work for a bit. it worked-ish. >> jimmy: that's not a bad tip, i guess, it's worth trying. i wonder how many people tonight will be tapping their feet together as a result of you doing that. [ laughter ] most of the people watching right now are only watching because they can't sleep. [ laughter ] it's my job -- i am their foot tapping, really in a way. and you're in a hotel, right? >> i am. >> jimmy: you are. >> it's so nice, working somewhere that isn't home, it's wonderful. >> jimmy: you like being in a hotel? >> yeah. i mean, i left the house, i got here, i get to do this. >> jimmy: oh, did you feel cooped up after being locked down for however long you've
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been locked down? >> i mean, not so much. t just feels -- well, i don't know exactly, i haven't really been doing much at all. it felt nice to leave the house. it felt like i made a journey in order to do this. it felt good, yeah. >> jimmy: we've had a few of our co-workers at the show working from home who we had to bring them in because we're worried they were going to have a full mental breakdown if they remained at home. [ laughter ] they have really no reason to be here, other than that. [ laughter ] and they know who they are. [ laughter and applause ] daisy, i heard, and i'm very interested in this and why you did it and what exactly it is that you did. but i heard that you learned something over this past year. >> hm. >> jimmy: you took classes and learned something serious? >> yeah. i did a course to become a doula. >> jimmy: a baby coach, a birth coach? how would you describe it?
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>> would say a doula is there to support the mom. a lot of it's about baby, and obviously we want baby to be healthy and happy. it's really to support the -- actually, the parents. but yeah. >> jimmy: doula is a job that was invented because men are basically worthless when it comes to the whole -- [ laughter ] -- baby coming out situation? >> no. no. a doula is essentially like -- you know, in the eons of time that have gone by, women have been surrounding other women in order to facilitate birth and stuff like that. so it's really like an ancient practice. >> jimmy: and why did you decide to learn how to do this? is this like when daniel day lewis became a cobbler? [ laughter ] is this a role for you? >> yeah, no -- a friend of mine got pregnant, and i found the whole thing to be very, very beautiful. and actually, one of the hair dressers i work with in l.a. was pregnant when i was working with her, doing "star wars" press, and i found it to be very beautiful.
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my friend went on this course, and there was a spare space, and it was wonderful. was it six weeks? zooming with a wonderful group of women. it was great. >> jimmy: and now will you work as a doula? like will you be someone's doula? >> i mean, honestly, after the act you just showed of why people should have kids i'm like, no. [ laughter ] i mean, it would -- i would be interested to, but it's not going to be my new career path, no. >> jimmy: it's not going to be your career, but you would do it for like a couple of people, a select -- hey, maybe you could be wonder woman's doula, she's having a baby. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: that would be awesome. >> it would be awesome. >> jimmy: "star wars," wonder woman, doula, baby, hymen, the whole thing. [ laughter ] >> yeah, that's what everybody would like to see, me doula'ing for her. >> jimmy: what is the thing that hit you as the most significant, meaningful piece of information that you learned in that class?
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>> that we -- that women know how to bring children into the earth, and a lot of time -- onto the earth. a lot of the time people are told to do this, that, and the other. but instinctually, we know what to do. >> jimmy: you know what to do, of course, that makes perfect sense, because here we are, yeah. you are also going to be -- and this is a show that is popular here in the united states, but i know that it's is a super, super popular show in the uk. "the great britain bakeoff." >> yes. >> jimmy: you ar contestant on this show. >> yes. >> jimmy: now usually -- [ cheers and applause ] i don't know if you're familiar. over here in the united states, when a big star goes on a reality show, it's because things have gone wrong. [ laughter ] they need money. maybe they committed a crime, need image rehab. maybe they worked in the trump administration. [ laughter ] something like that. necessitates a reality show. but you've done -- none of those things have happened to you, you
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just love baking? >> i love the show. >> jimmy: you love the show. >> the two things i've done," ruthless drag race" and "great britain bakeoff," my favorite shows, i love them and want to be part of it. >> jimmy: are you a good baker? i would imagine these people are top-notch when it comes to baking. >> i thought i was a good baker. i was asked if i had experience. i said, yeah, i'm going to be one of the more experienced ones. then it just -- uh, without giving too much away, it just went downhill. from basically the word go. i thought, oh. okay. >> jimmy: you crumbled under pressure? is that what happened? [ laughter ] >> the thing is i didn't crumble, it's just everything i thought was good wasn't good. >> jimmy: oh. who told you it wasn't good? did you think it wasn't good or did the judges say it wasn't good? >> i thought it was amazing. [ laughter ] i was like -- don't know why you're being so harsh. >> jimmy: how do you know it wasn't good? maybe it was good, maybe they
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were wrong. >> maybe they were. they both -- i know they're bakers and chefs for a living. but i was like, maybe i'm somewhere else. maybe i'm on another plane with my baking. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you think it's possible that they were judging you extra harshly because they don't want you to also be good at what they're good at? because they're not movie stars and they wanted to bring you down a peg? you know what i'm saying? >> i think that's a good way to think about things. >> jimmy: yeah. >> maybe. maybe i was great and they were just like, not today. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what donald trump says to himself every night as he goes to sleep. at mar-a-lago. oh, also, when we come back, i want to ask you about -- you had a tiff with ted cruz, one of our esteemed senators here in the united states. daisy ridley is with us, "chaos walking" is her movie. real be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by crown royal in celebration of
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don't freak out, don't freak out -- >> what did we just fly through? >> we're going die, we're going to die! >> what did you say? >> i didn't say anything. she heard that? what's up there?
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ahh! oh my god, i'm going to die! what's happening, what is this? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is daisy ridley, back in a spaceship in the movie "chaos walking." tell us what was happening and explain -- i like the idea of the purple mist. if you would, explain that to us. >> so -- viola, who i play, and a group of people, are going to a new world where people have been. they think it's metropolized, they think it's a liveable place. they go through this noise. it only happens to men. it sounds so strange. men, with audio-visual around themselves. this clip of men basically freaking out, it doesn't happen to women. >> jimmy: i see. tom holland is your costar in this movie. >> yes. >> jimmy: is tom spider-man? does he change into spider-man?
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[ laughter ] >> no, he does do a bit of climbing, though. he does do a good bit of climbing. >> jimmy: tom speaks with an american accent, you speak with your accent in this movie. how did you decide that, and also, how is your american accent? >> i've been taking accent classes. >> jimmy: you take a lot of classes, yeah. >> with the dialect coach that works with tom, he's amazing. >> jimmy: oh, all right. what are the hardest words to get right? >> "little" is quite hard because of the ts. other people can go great american accents are going to be like, oh my gosh, it's so basic. "what" is quite hard, it's like "but" but "duh," a lazy sound. >> jimmy: that's us, uh-huh. [ laughter ] things like "can't" because it's quite over -- yeah, it's tricky. >> jimmy: you say "caunt." >> right. >> jimmy: one british guy here is curling up into a ball. [ laughter ]
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i didn't say a bad word, i said caunt. [ laughter and applause ] he's wearing a mask, and another mask, and -- yeah. [ laughter ] so "can't" is hard. and "little." you pronounce it probably the way it's supposed to be pronounced. >> little. >> jimmy: what was the other one? >> "what." >> jimmy: what, oh. it sounded good, you're doing good so far with it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: speaking of caunt, ted cruz. [ laughter ] [ applause ] he's a senator. i don't know how much you keep up with what's going on over here. but it seems like you might have an inkling. because ted cruz tweeted, after gina carano, actor in "the mandalorian," probably everybody who cares knows she was removed from the show, she said something, i don't even remember what it was. ted cruz was upset and he wrote,
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texan gina carano broke barriers in the "star wars" universe not a princess, not a victim, not some emotionally tortured jedi. she played a woman who kicked ass and who girls looked up to. and now this emotionally tortured jedi obviously was a shot at your character. >> hm. >> jimmy: and you responded. >> i did. >> jimmy: with the words? put those up on the screen. i am very happy to be an emotionally tortured jedi who doesn't leave their state when it's having a terrible time. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and then ted had nothing left to say, did he? >> hm. >> jimmy: did you think twice before getting involved in that? >> what was weird was, i had no idea. and i was doing interviews. somebody goes, oh did you hear what ted cruz said? i was like, ted cruz is talking about me? like what? so they sent it. and i responded. i couldn't remember what i said,
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because you know you have that hot, pounding thing of, oh my god, why is he saying about me? i responded, i couldn't remember what he said. then we entered the interview and i said, oh i said something about american politics, oh my god, what have i done? i get a text from j.j., josh gad, and an email from lynn, head of marketing, "badass." [ applause ] >>jimmy: you don't have to worry about it with ted cruz. obviously democrats don't like ted cruz, but republicans also don't like ted cruz. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i will tell you, he's going to be very excited that rae mentioned his name tonight. [ laughter ] he'll be tapping his feet together like a seal tonight. thank you for being with us. "chaos walking" opens in theaters friday. daisy ridley, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] be right back with justice smith.
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>> jimmy: hello again. welcome back to our program. justice smith and music from ashe and finneas are on the way. that's going to be good. are you excited for that, guillermo? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy. ♪ >> jimmy: why are you dressed like that? >> guillermo: the costume department gave it to me. >> jimmy: no, no. why are you dressed like that, guillermo? >> guillermo: the props department gave it to me? >> jimmy: read the cue cards. >> guillermo: oh, i am dressed like this because i am a king! >> jimmy: that's right, you are a king. a hard-working, generous king
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who deserves a royal drink. >> guillermo: you are correct, my loyal servant. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how about this beautiful, limited edition crown royal pack, designed by award-winning costume designer ruth e. carter? >> guillermo: wow! i love ruth e. carter. >> jimmy: you do? >> guillermo: yes, i do. she is my favorite award-winning costume designer! >> jimmy: oh, well then, would you like me to pour you a glass, your majesty? >> guillermo: yes! filleth my chalice. >> jimmy: your what? >> guillermo: my chalice. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: your what? >> my fancy cup. [ applause ] >> jimmy: fill your fancy cup? as you wish, my liege. there you go. >> guillermo: and now it is time for the royal sponge bath. remove my robes! >> jimmy: oh.
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>> guillermo: who's the servant? >> jimmy: i'll be back. >> the crown royal "coming 2 america" limited-edition pack is available for purchase in limited supply in select markets. you can watch "coming 2 america" on amazon prime video on march 5th.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. music from ashe and finneas is on the way. just a few years into his career, our next guest has already worked alongside jeff goldblum, chris pratt, and the superstar known as pikachu. his new series "generation" premieres march 11th on hbo max. please say hello to justice smith. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? welcome, welcome. how's it going? >> pretty good. >> jimmy: i like that suit. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's like old-timey. >> it's very '90s, i feel, very vintage. >> jimmy: yeah, maybe even like '40s i would say. >> oh, yeah, with the pants. >> jimmy: you could wear suspenders with that and get away with it, no problem. >> i should have. >> jimmy: justice smith is a great name, you got lucky. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> your mom or dad, whose idea
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was that? >> my mom, she thought it was funny. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, both my parents are singers. she wanted to be a singer too. she wanted to name me something unique like water, or wood, or something like that. i'm happy she didn't name me wood. [ laughter ] but she was like, oh, i'm going to name him justice, so that way when he becomes a singer and the audience is waiting for him they'll chant "we want justice!" yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait, when you were born, was your crying so melodic that she method, oh, yeah, this one's a singer? >> this is when i was in her belly. >> jimmy: in, yeah, wow. how about that. how many siblings do you have? >> eight. >> jimmy: you've got a lot. did she think they were going to be singers? >> no, they're all from my dad, my dad gets around. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really. my dad goes nowhere, he's in the yard. [ laughter ] your twitter bio, speaking your dad, says -- i think it's
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funny -- human person, actor, not will smith's son. [ laughter ] is this an issue that you have to deal with? >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: people think you're will smith's son? >> yeah, there was this video essay i saw where someone was like, justice smith, he's banking off of nepotism, he didn't work for anything he has. who do they think my father is? i realized it was will smith. >> jimmy: does it happen to you in real life or just online? >> yeah, there was this -- i feel funny. there was this incident with this driver driving me, like this fashion event or something in new york. he was like, yeah, i just drove your dad the other day. i was like, that's crazy, what was my dad doing in new york? he's like, he's a great guy, a really good guy. yeah, my dad is a great guy, that makes sense. slowly but surely he thought my dad was will smith. then i didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you didn't? >> i was like, "yeah, he's been in a great of great movies."
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>> jimmy: did you feel you had to tip him for? >> yeah, no. >> jimmy: you didn't. have you met will smith? >> yes. >> jimmy: does he know about this? >> he does not. i worked with his son jaden on the show, "the get down." i don't normally get starstruck but i got starstruck with him. when i get starstruck, i act like i don't care, i act indifferent. he was like, hey. came into rehearsals. hey, great job on the rehearsal. i was like, yeah, yeah. i looked away. i'm like, what am i doing? >> jimmy: you kicked yourself afterward. >> yeah, but he was so nice. he came up again to say -- he was so kind. >> jimmy: did you tell him what was going through your head, why you acted like that? >> no, when i make misakes -- >> jimmy: ignore them? that's the way to go. make a mistake, bury your head in the sand, don't ever apologize, ever. >> no, no. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> i'm from anaheim, california. >> jimmy: anaheim. so everybody asks you if you worked at disneyland. >> yeah, no, i didn't work -- i didn't work at disneyland.
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i think i got rejected. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. i wanted to be one of the character actors. like i always wanted to be an actor, so i wanted to do something even as a summer job as an actor. but they didn't have any slots. i ended up bootleg disneyland, knott's berry farm. [ laughter and applause ] i love knott's berry farm. >> jimmy: i do too. you know, it's funny. i haven't been there since i was a kid. but i do remember enjoying it. now that you say it, yeah, it's kind of like -- like one of the things, yeah, buy some jelly at the gift shop, right? >> yeah, yeah. their theme is pioneers and cowboys. >> jimmy: yeah, all the stuff that maybe you're interested in for one year of your life. >> yeah. >> jimmy: from 7 to 8 1/2, then that's it. >> exactly that, exactly that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what did you do there at knot's? >> again, there was no character slots. all the character actors there are pioneers and cowboys and -- white people. [ laughter ]
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so i'm like, okay, cool. >> jimmy: they're known for their white people. >> yeah, they really are. >> jimmy: a wonderful crop of white people. [ laughter ] >> yes. so i took tickets at the front. >> jimmy: did you let your friends in for free? >> no, i didnt have any friends at that time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, no. you're describing a very sad and tumultuous childhood. >> yeah, i was 16. i was very lonely. you know what's really funny? you mentioned my name before, because you did an interview with elle fanning for "all the right places." >> jimmy: yeah. >> that i did with her. she mentioned me. and you said, oh, that's a really great name, sounds like he should have a posse or something. >> jimmy: yes. >> justice smith and posse. >> jimmy: okay, yeah. >> i don't have a posse. i'm still very lau[ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's interesting. you're playing a high school student. now all that time you spent comprehendless, now you have people who at least have to pretend to be your friend. >> yeah, full circle, i love that.
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>> jimmy: is it at all weird going back to high school? or does it just seem like an acting job? >> it's weird going back. i go back to high school a lot because i do a lot of ya -- i play 17 all the time. when you play 17, you kind of -- insecurities come up that you thought you've already gotten rid of. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, looking in the mirror, why does my face look like that? why do i dress like this? stupid things that you feel you got over. yeah. it all kind of -- >> jimmy: do you feel like you have to get a super-close shave? i notice you have a little shadow there. >> yeah, this is my super-close shave. i'm very much a 17-year-old with a 5:00 shadow. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you know. there's a lot of 17-year-olds with active glands. >> there you go. >> jimmy: it's very good to meet you. you've got to get yourself a posse. i bet you could get one no problem. >> i appreciate that. >> jimmy: and a horse and a lasso or something. >> right? >> jimmy: the show is called "generation." it premieres march 11th on hbo max. justice smith. good superhero name, too.
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be right back with music from ashe and finneas! >> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: so many people to thank. daisy ridley, justice smith, i guess that's all of them. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, from malibu, california with their song "till forever falls apart" ashe and finneas! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ out on our own dreaming in a world that we both know is out of our control ♪ ♪ but if life hits the fan we're not alone 'cause you got me and you know ♪ ♪ that i've got you and i know
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if the tide takes california ♪ ♪ i'm so glad i got to hold you and if the sky falls from heaven above ♪ ♪ oh i know i had the best time falling into love we've been living on a fault line ♪ ♪ and for a while you were all mine i'd spend a lifetime giving you my heart ♪ ♪ i swear that i'll be yours forever till forever falls apart ♪ ♪ till forever falls apart ♪ ♪ so this is it that's how it ends i guess there's nothing more romantic than dying ♪ ♪ with your friends
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and i'm not sorry for myself i wouldn't want to spend ♪ ♪ a minute loving anybody else 'cause you got me and you know ♪ ♪ that i've got you and i know if the tide takes california i'm so glad ♪ ♪ i got to hold you and if the sky falls from heaven above oh i know i had the best ♪ ♪ time falling into love we've been living on a fault line and for a while you ♪ ♪ were all mine i'd spend a lifetime giving you my heart i swear that i'll ♪ ♪ be yours forever
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till forever falls apart ♪ ♪ till forever falls apart ♪ ♪ we never had it from the start till dead do us part ♪ ♪ if the tide takes california i'm so glad i ♪ ♪ got to know you and if the sky falls from heaven above oh i know i had the best ♪ ♪ time falling into love ♪ ♪ we've been living on a fault line and for a while ♪ ♪ you were all mine i'd spend a lifetime giving you my heart i swear that ♪ ♪ i'll be yours forever till forever falls apart ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, the border battle for the american dream. a surge of migrants seeking asylum and left in limbo. now the biden administration under fire, urging patience. >> we are not saying don't come. we are saying, don't come now. >> but with desperation mounting, will help come in time? plus dumpster fire. a con man behind the biggest scam on the beach. >> did you knowingly con the investors to get their backing? >> what dylan mcfarlane learned behind bars after dreams of a music festival backfired. and the furry friend at your service. up at 2:00am again?


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