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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 9, 2021 7:00am-8:58am PST

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can you even buy a uc davis sweatshirt for $75? >> that's not good morning, america. vaccination nation. the glimmer of hope across the country. eransow topping the numberated of those infected with coronavirus. the cdc issuing new guidelines for those fully vaccinated. how you can safely reunite with friends and family without wearing masks. and the key question, when can vaccinated grandparents see their grandchildren without the risks? when it comes to travel, why the agency is saying not so fast as concerns grow over scenes like this. spring breakers packing into bars and restaurants, no masks in sight. delay in the trial of former minneapolis officer derek
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chauvin accused of killing george floyd. the argument over the decision to reinstate a third degree murder charge. we hear from floyd's sister as his family seeks justice. >> nobody would ever forget his name. nobody. massive deal. the house expected to send that almost $2 trillion covid relief bill to president biden's desk this week. when those stimulus checks could be in the mail. urgent investigation. a 20-year-old college sophomore dies after an alleged hazing incident reportedly involving alcohol. this morning, the newly released 911 call. >> did you give him two rescue breaths? >> yes. >> and the search for answers. crisis for the crown. buckingham palace still silent after that bombshell interview with harry and meghan accusing the palace of racism. the queen holds emergency talks with princes charles and william as we hear more from the couple. harry describes the environment
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inside the palace as toxic. >> when you're head of the firm, there is people around you that give you advice. >> okay. >> and what has also made me sad is some of that advice has been really bad. >> overnight a clip from meghan on losing the basic right to balance. >> it's about boundaries and it's about respect. they created a false narrative. >> coping with the betrayal from her own father. >> i mean, i look at archie. i think about this child and i go, i can't imagine -- genuinely imagine can't doing anything to intentionally cause pain to my child. i can't. i can't imagine it. >> plus, the new photo of the three as they prepare to become a party of four. good morning, america. great to be with you on this busy tuesday morning. right to the latest on the coronavirus emergency. more americans are now fully vaccinated than have been infected with the virus. >> at least 60 million americans have received one
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that's more than 23% of the adult u.s. population. >> and now more hope is on the way with all that progress. the cdc saying fully vaccinated people can gather without masks. eva pilgrim joins us with more. she's at hackensack university medical center which has seen more covid cases than any other hospital there in new jersey. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it was exactly a year ago the governor here in new jersey declared a state of emergency. this hospital, as you said, treated more covid patients than any other hospital in the state. one of those patients is expected to come back today to say thank you to the doctors and nurses who saved his life. this morning, a glimmer of hope for those who have received the covid-19 vaccine. the cdc issuing new guidelines saying fully vaccinated people can gather in small groups, indoors, without wearing masks.
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>> sounds optimistic and like we're heading in the right direction. >> if you and a friend or you and a family member are vaccinated you can have dinner together. you can visit your grandparents if you have been vaccinated and they have too. >> reporter: the new guidelines allowing for families to finally see each other after a year apart. the cdc even saying vaccinated grandparents can hug family members that aren't vaccinated as long as they're not high risk for covid. >> we'll be able to see our new grand baby and actually hold her for the first time. >> reporter: but when it comes to travel, the cdc saying not so fast. >> in terms of travel, h every time there is a surge in travel we have a surge in cases in this country. >> reporter: as concerns grow over spring breakers in places like florida. parked clubs in ft. lauderdale, not a mask in sight. wyoming becoming the sixth state
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to announce they're lifting their mask mandate. 11 other states have no statewide mask rules and two more are planning to lift them next month and new concern as texas prepares to lift its mask mandate and fully re-open this week. a new report finding the more contagious uk variant is widespread in houston's waste water. the city's chief medical officer saying it's actively spreading in our city. today the governor in new jersey is expecting to sign a bill marking the day as covid-19 heros day. george? >> eva, thanks very much. let's bring in dr. ashish jha, the dean of brown university medical school. dr. jha, thanks for joining us. this guidance for grandparents, a lot of families have not been target over the last year. now it is possible if there are vaccinations in place. >> yeah, good morning, george. thanks for having me on. it is. it is wonderful news. my parents were vaccinated, have not seen my kids in a year. it is really good news and i think the cdc got this one right. vaccinated grandparents can
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visit as long as the kids are low risk and the parents are low risk. they can get together in person without masks and social distancing. >> any cautions when they get together? >> you know, as long as you're keeping it pretty small i think it's fine. i wouldn't get a large group together, multiple families. that's when it stars getting risky but other than that as long as people are being careful and have been, i think you can get together pretty normally. >> what about vaccinated people, what can they do with people who have recovered from covid? >> a good question. we are still learning. i think if people -- we think immunity lasts for at least 9 to 12 months after recovery. so you can -- i think it's reasonable to say you can treat people who recovered similar to vaccinated, but we know less about that. >> and how about the travel guidelines? the cdc chose not to change the travel guidelines, at least not yet. >> yeah, george, i think that's right. the reason is there are a lot of high-rispeop w have not been vacnad and the more
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we travel the more we see it spread. so my take is probably four to six weeks from now the majority of high-risk people should have been vaccinated. at that time a lot of this stuff becomes a lot safer. >> same thing for bars, restaurants, basically re-opening, old on for another month or so? >> yeah, look, there are a lot of folks who are older, people with chronic diseases. let them get vaccinated and i think it will happen in the next month or so. then we can begin to relax these restrictions and get our lives back. >> dr. jha, thank you for your time this morning. michael? we turn now to the murder trial of derek chauvin, the former minneapolis police officer charged with the killing of george floyd. jury selection was delayed as attorneys battled over charges in the case and are set to resume as we hear from floyd's sister. alex perez is outside the courthouse in minneapolis as the
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city braces for more demonstrations. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, this is day two of proceedings but things have essentially been in a holding pattern. the judge is hoping they can get started with jury selection later today. this morning, all eyes on minneapolis and the trial of derek chauvin, the former cop accused of killing george floyd. [ crowd chanting ] outside demonstrators turning out to support the floyd family monday. >> long journey. blood, sweat and tears, but we will get justice. >> reporter: floyd's sister bridgett headed inside. because of the pandemic only one family member allowed in the courtroom. before jury selection could even start -- >> we sent all the jurors home. >> reporter: a delay. the parties sparring over the judge considering reinstating a third degree murder charge. >> they'll be making a decision about something that we don't know what the exact charges will
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be yet. fighting to have this third degree murder charge readded. why is that? >> you do want as many options as possible, as many theories of your case that the jury can be looking at and accepting as a reason to convict the defendant. >> reporter: chauvin who was seen kneeling on floyd for more than nine minutes, in the courtroom taking notes. he's pleaded not guilty to second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. with the jury selection process possibly beginning today bridgett floyd says the family remains focussed on one thing. >> justice. justice. justice. that's what's important and nobody would ever forget his name, nobody. >> reporter: now, because of the pandemic, jurors will be interviewed one at a time. once the process begins the judge hopes to interview as many as 14 potential jurors a day
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until the jury is filled. robin? >> we have much more on that. alex, thank you. for more we're joined by abc's chief legal analyst dan abrams. always good to see you. as alex asked in his piece, why are prosecutors pushing so hard for these third degree murder charges? >> because they want to make sure they get a murder conviction and second degree murder is harder to prove than third degree murder. the reason is because for second degree murder, even for this what's called unintentional murder you still need to show that there was the intent to commit an assault. meaning beyond the scope of his police work. you're also going to have to show the cause of death. remember, the medical examiner listed three reason, the incident itself, drug use and underlying medical conditions. so what prosecutors are concerned about is that maybe some of the jurors, all of the jurors, whatever the case might not be willing to go for second degree murder and prosecutors don't want a sentence as low as four to five years if there was a manslaughter conviction.
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they want to fight for murder and it's interesting because they're the ones going to the higher court saying, wait, let's hold off here until we've got this all resolved. it's not just they're saying we need to get third degree reinstated. they're saying we want to sort it out so the defense hasn't an argument later to appeal and say, wait, they messed up at the beginning of the case. >> you alluded to this a little bit. go further. what will the defense be? >> yeah, i think you're going to see two things. i think number one you will see them argue cause of death. you'll hear them say that the cause of death very well may have been drug use and underlying medical conditions rather than the incident itself. i think you're also going to hear them argue on this question of intentional assault that he was -- even if you think he went too far still acting within the scope of his police work and those are the two key arguments
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and i think that the case will come down to that. >> as you know high stakes, high profile case. how difficult is it going to be to seat a jury? >> it's going to be a long process. it's going to be a harder process, a much harder process than it would be typically. they're doing a number of phases. first they're doing a questionnaire to eliminate any people that couldn't make it on to the jury. then they're doing individual questioning, not the way you typically do it with a box full of jurors and ask one a question here and there. the concern is one could taint another. so they're questioning jurors js individually which is why this is also going to take so long. then each side gets an opportunity to challenge jurors, et cetera. so the process is definitely going to take a few weeks. you don't need people who don't know anything about the case. you need people who are ready, willing and able to objectively look at the evidence and come to
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a verdict. >> thank you, dan. we'll be coming to you in the weeks ahead. george? let's go to washington and president biden is going with the $2 trillion relief package and checks should roll out later this month after he signs the legislation. mary bruce has the latest. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. one last hurdle here before the massive $1.9 trillion stimulus bill reaches the president's desk later this week. the house is now likely to vote tomorrow morning and while progressive democrats have voiced concerns about the changes made though this bill like stripping that $15 million minimum wage hike it is expected to pass. the bill includes those $1,400 checks to most making up to $75,000 a year, and those making $80,000 a year will get a payment. it also extends unemployment benefits to $300 a week and includes millions of dollars for vaccines, school re-opening and state and local governments.
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>> president biden is set to give his first primetime address to the nation after that. >> reporter: yes, george. it's a big moment for him. first primetime address marking the one-year anniversary of the coronavirus shutdown that has changed virtually every aspect of americans' lives. we are told he's going to address the suffering and honor the lives lost and urging americans to do their part to fight the virus so we can finally get back to some sense of normal. >> as dr. jha says, we are getting close. mary bruce, thanks very much. michael? now to that investigation into a suspected hazing death in ohio. a 20-year-old college student dying after a frat party where apparently large amounts of alcohol were involved. we're now hearing what happened on a 911 call and must warn you it is upsetting. will reeve has the story. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, michael. you can hear people saying the hail mary in the background of that call and the young man's family are looking for answers about what happened while calls
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for the fraternity's expulsion continue to grow. this morning a 20-year-old college student has died after an alleged hazing incident at an off-campus fraternity party. a 911 dispatcher guiding a caller through cpr. >> did you give him two rescue breaths? yes. >> reporter: some heard praying in the background. >> okay, are you starting the compressions again? >> yep. >> okay, one, two, three. >> reporter: stone foltz, a sophomore at bowling green state university in ohio was injured at the event last week in an incident reportedly involving alcohol. he was rushed to a nearby hospital and then air lifted to another as friends went to say good-bye. >> my stomach twisted just to see someone that you love so much and fun. it's the hardest thing you'll go through. >> reporter: an attorney for the family calling it a tragedy releasing a statement saying in part, investigations involving hazing are complex and take
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time, but the foltz family will eventually know the truth. bowling green in a statement of its own saying the school shares in his family and friends' sorrow and made counseling available. the phi kappa alpha fraternity says it will look for permanent suspension of the chapter as well as expulsion of all chapter members. this coming as funeral services were held for another college student, adam oaks, a freshman who died at virginia commonwealth university late last month. his family sharing their pain with "gma" last month. >> we want people to see that what happened can happen to anybody if we don't fix the system. >> reporter: stone foltz's family says they are donating their son's organs so others may have a chance at life. there is a protest planned for today at bowling green where demonstrators are demanding the expulsion of that fraternity,
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accountability from administrators and are looking for reporting incidents of harassment or hazing. michael? >> our hearts go out to the family. thank you so much. we turn to that four-yea ds cooy -- p >> the name or the $160 million? >> the $160 million. i know his name. he suffered that bad injury last year and his season was cut short, but now he's getting paid. show me the money. highest signing bonus in nfl history, $66 million. a record 75 million due in year one. celebrated with his brother tad. did you see this tweet, his brother? when your little brother gets the call, let's go, time to win the dallas cowboys a super bowl. you thinking of coming out of retirement? >> i am so happy when these
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guys, next generation, i made my money and was more than the previous but it does make me wish i were younger. y, bradys making of money at 40. what do you pay a 49-year-old? let me know. i walked off the field. i didn't limp. i still got something left in the tank. >> i did set you up for this. >> welcome to the universal wish, michael. we have a lot coming up including the latest on that royal interview. the palace is still silent, but prince charles is making an appearance and find out if he responds. first let's go to ginger. >> reporter: you know, george, casper, wyoming hit a record high of 66. now in a winter storm warning but not before we enjoy the warmth. washington, 71. your local weather in 30 seconds. first this sponsored by target.
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good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. get ready for wintery showers today and tomorrow, rain, thunderstorm with lightning, hail, graupel and even snow down to 3,000 feet. once we get past that, we have chilly mornings thursday and friday, but warmer afternoons. today, 52 to 58 and tonight we'll fall back into the upper 30s to mid-40s with our heaviest we'll be right back.heaviest we'll be right back.
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the area is closed right now. more on that as we
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welcome back. let's take a look at what's going on with future radar. waves of showers and thunderstorms from this 1, light storm, on our storm impact scale. brief downpours, gusty winds. we wake up to a couple of inches if not more by tomorrow morning. we're going to have one wave move through right now into the midmorning hours and another one is going to move through as we nto the evening hours and it gets heavier into the overnight hours. the heaviest of the rain is still ahead of us. coming up, the latest on the royal interview bombshell and the new details about what's happening behind closed doors with the queen. another update in 30 minutes.
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we use fresh, clean ingredients... to make a masterpiece. order our new pepperoni and four cheese flatbread pizzas for delivery or pickup today. panera. ♪ we are young ♪ ♪ heartache to heartache ♪ ♪ we stand ♪ welcome back to "gma." that's pat benatar's "love is a battlefield" and jennifer garner is getting us pumped up for tuesday. a fun scene from "13 going on 30." we all kind of felt that way at 13. >> so many fans watching that movie again. we're excited to catch up with jennifer this morning who is going to join us live. that's coming up in our second hour for "yes day." >> yes, always a ray of sunshine when jennifer garner drops by here.
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but first we're going to have the top headlines we're following right now including the latest on the fight against the pandemic. the cdc releasing new guidelines for how fully vaccinated people can safely reunite with friends and family but the agency is still suggesting to avoid travel. also right now, jury selection in the george floyd murder trial set to resume this morning. the first day delayed as attorneys battled over charges and prosecutors want to add a third degree murder charge. and take a look at this torrential flash flooding. this was in hawaii damaging a number of homes. the maui fire department received numerous calls for help by people trapped. ginger will have much more on the ongoing flash flood threat this morning. we'll move to the royal bombshell. the royal family still silent more than 24 hours after that meghan and harry interview splashed headlines across great britain like this in "the guardian," palace in crisis following devastating racist claim. james longman is at buckingham palace with the latest.
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good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, george. the full interview aired here last night and more than 12 million people tuned in. there's been a huge outcry about those comments allegedly made about the color of archie's skin. people asking just who in the royal family could have made them. the palace, though, does have its supporters. people saying these claims are perhaps unsubstantiated. the crown in crisis this morning, buckingham palace still silent two days after that bombshell interview with meghan and harry accusing the palace of racism inside its walls. >> he won't be given security. he's not going to be a given a title and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. >> what? >> reporter: sources close to prince charles saying that the future king feels let down about the allegations in the interview adding the prince is proud of the diversity of this country and believes the diversity of
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modern britain is its greatest strength. when asked directly about the interview, prince charles remained silent. >> can i ask what you thought of the interview? >> reporter: overnight new sound from the duchess telling oprah people are entitled to privacy. >> i think everyone has a basic right to privacy, basic, right? and we're not talking about anything that anybody else wouldn't expect. >> reporter: the palace planning its response, in meetings all day yesterday. >> the monarchy has for so long developed this is a as little as possible public approach and never complain, never explain. but i don't see that working here and i think there is a need to provide some kind of clarity here. >> reporter: kate who meghan criticized directly spotted driving through london on monday while neither meghan nor harry named names harry told her the
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comments about the baby's skin were not made by either of his grandparents. >> can you tell us what the question was? >> no, i'm not comfortable with sharing that. but that was right at the beginning, right? >> like what will the baby look like? >> yeah, what will the kids look like. >> reporter: in new clips, harry says last year when he briefly returned to the uk that his grandmother, the queen, wanted to see him. >> my grandmother said the moment you land come out -- come up to sandringham. we'd love to have a chat. the moment we land i got a message from my private secretary fiona at the time cutting and pasting a message from her, pass on to the duke and duchess of sussex that they cannot come to norfolk. the queen is busy, she's busy all week. >> doesn't the queen get to do what the queen wants to do? >> no. when you're head of the firm, there is people around you that
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give you advice. >> okay. >> what has also made me very sad, is some of the advice has been really bad. >> reporter: harry describing the environment inside as toxic you. >> you mentioned earlier, harry, you were hurt that there's been no acknowledgment that this was different because of race. do you think there ever will be and will that make a difference to you? >> yeah, it would make a huge difference. it's talked about across the world, yet the very people that don't want to see it or can't see it choose not to see it. >> does your father think it's a toxic environment, relationship with -- >> he's had to make peace with it. >> reporter: meghan says the british tabloids moved in on her father, thomas markle and says he eventually started working for them. >> did it feel like betrayal when you found your father was working with the tabloids?
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>> i said we won't be able to protect our kids one day and i just need you to tell me and if you tell me the truth, we can help and he wasn't able to do that. >> reporter: we also, of course, heard that meghan and harry are expecting a little girl. this new photograph was released to the young family. archie being cradled on meghan's baby bump taken by friend and father with the caption what wonderful news to celebrate international women's day. that was yesterday. welcome to the girl dad club. michael? >> james, thank you so much. let's bring in chris ship, royal editor of itv news in london.rt op-ed that you wrote. you said harry and meghan loaded up a plane and dropped bomb after heavy bomb on buckingham palace. >> well, good morning, michael. when it in fish finished airing here it was about 3:00 in the morning.
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i was paralyzed. there was so much there. first it was about kate. i thought that was big. then it was the baby's skin color. whoa, i thought. then there were claims about racism and harry's relationship with his father. meghan saying she was on the george verge of committing you know, i literally didn't know what to do and, you know, it's not -- >> you spoke about some claims that we know that last week the palace announced they'll investigate the claims of bullying within the palace walls. do you think they'll investigate these claims by harry and meghan? >> look, i think there's a big job of work for the palace's human resources department as you rightly say, last week we heard there was an actual complaint filed against meghan by staff who alleged bullying tactics and now we've got meghan saying she went to the palace human resources department and said, i am on the verge of a breakdown. i need some help and they said to her, actually we can't help you because you're not a paid employee.
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i mean how can it be that the system can't help someone who is the wife of a senior royal but it could help someone if it was a paid employee at the palace? none of it makes sense and that's why the palace has to sort of look at its inner workings and decide what went wrong. >> that was pretty shocking. we've seen the headlines in the uk papers. what's the reaction of the british people been to this? >> well, we're a bit behind you. obviously the news yesterday here, the news cycle was dominated by this in every single television channel, radio station, et cetera. but the program didn't actually air here in the uk on itv last night. we just found out in the last hour or so that 12 million people here watched it at its peak. for the country the size of ours of about 60, 65 million that's a lot of people watching one tv program. so i think actually the palace is probably also going to gauge not just what the international reaction is going to be and i don't think necessarily that's
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favorable particularly in the u.s., you'll know better than i. they also want to know what's the reaction here in the uk to what meghan had to say to oprah. >> yeah, a lot of us are waiting for that reaction. chris ship, thank you so much for your time. appreciate you. and we'll have more on the meghan and harry -- on meghan and harry coming up in our next hour including how to overcome the stigma of mental health and ask for help. >> don't be afraid to ask for help. you're right about that, michael. coming up next our worst flu fears thankfully not coming true. why cases dropped this year even as, you know, in the middle of covid and what we can learn going forward. come on back. of covid and what we can learn going forward. come on back. ♪ at edward jones, our 19,000 financial advisors listen and work with you to create personalized investment strategies to help you get back to drafting dreams
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receive a chargepoint home flex charger or a $500 pulic charging credit. see your volvo retailer for details. we are back now with flu season after fears of a possible twindemic, the cdc is reporting a huge drop in deaths. can we continue to do that going forward? steve osunsami is outside the cdc there in atlanta for us. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. people here at the cdc who keep track of these things say they can't remember seeing a flu season this slow. the latest report on the flu in this country is a revelation. since the fall of last year, only 193 americans have needed to be hospitalized for the flu. compare that to what the flu looked like in america this time last year with the purple and
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dark red areas showing areas of high flu activity. here's what the flu looks like now. the flu has nearly disappeared. last cold season it killed 195 children in this country. this cold season, just one. >> it's hard to remember now but the 2019/2020 winter flu season was a very bad one. and, in fact, i just looked at the numbers from our hospital and for january and february of 2020 we had i think over 2,700 positive flu tests by this point in the year and this year we have had zero, none. >> reporter: the death and fear from covid has changed everything. scientists believe that the mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing and, yes, the flu vaccine have helped kill the disease. >> no one really expected that our mitigation measures were going to erase the flu this year and it shows that by taking some precautions, you could really
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potentially protect a lot of people from the flu. >> reporter: people are also more interested and getting the flu vaccine. so far this cold season 193 million americans have gotten the flu vaccine, not the covid vaccine, the flu vaccine. that's a record, george. the highest ever in a cold season, george. >> okay, steve, thanks very much. let's bring in dr. jen ashton for more. i remember so many days we warned about this twindemic coming. it didn't happen. why? >> finally good news in the world of public health. if you look at this and pick it apart into two components, there's the way the virus behaves and now again talking about the influenza virus and there's the way humans behave and it's probably a combination of the two. but in medicine and public health we always want to prepare for the worst and hope for the best and certainly this was the best news we could have asked for. >> looking ahead, do we have to worry now about flu coming back with a vengeance next year
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because our immunity is down because so few people had it this year? >> i don't think it's so much that, george, but every year it's unpredictable and in speaking to infectious disease specialist, the thinking is probably that the flu will continue to be a threat, how much we don't know and covid down the road hopefully and likely will become endemic and not pandemic meaning we'll just learn to live with it. >> good to have encouraging news. jen ashton, thanks very much. robin? >> it does feel good. coming up, our "play of the day." you do not want to miss it. come on back.
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♪ 'cause we are warriors ♪ perfect song for our "play of the day" and the entire community that came out to celebrate a brave little boy. 5-year-old aidan just completed three years of chemo treatment and the good folks of columbus, ohio decided to give him a surprise parade. all the cars showed up, the fire engines. mom says she was hoping for a short drive-by and she never imagined so many people would rally around her son. she's forever grateful for their love and support, and they have our love and support here at "gma" as well. congratulations to aidan. >> oh. think about three of that little boy's five years, chemo
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treatment and he's going strong. look at that family. like that. >> awesome. great little tough little fella. coming up, we have the wonderful jennifer garner. she's going to join us live. they're out there. look to the families. the communities. every small town, city and schoolyard. and know that they will endure. because in this country, we build with something stronger than brick or steel. we build with each other. ♪ ♪ mr. bublé, you can't keep breaking in here. bubly just came out with bubly bounce. a little kick of caffeine exactly what i need to fix these. yeah, bublé bouncé. no calories. no sweeteners. just a kick of caffeine. i think the sketchy website i bought this turtle from stole all of my info. ooh, have you looked on the bright side?
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"good morning america" is sponsored by jardiance.
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>> announcer: building a better bay area for a safe and secure future. this is abc7 news. good morning. i'm reggie aqui. in berkeley, parents have until thursday to decide if they want to send their kids to in-person learning. parents will choose either five days on campus or distance learning from the rest of the school year. students will go back on march 29th, third to fifth graders will return on april 12th. hello, mike. >> say hello to showers. even some downpours. you can see some yellow moving around american canyon in nap here'sradar, what we're going to have are
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wintery showers. the snow level down to 3 though feet and accumulating snow on hamilton. coming up, some of the most popular doctors on social media answering top questions they're asked. we'll have another update in 30 minutes and you can find us want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? with xfinity mobile, you can. how about saving hundreds on the new samsung galaxy s21 ultra 5g?
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what? i was an 80's kid. it only gets better when you switch and save with geico. >> vaccination nation. the number of fully vaccinated americans now tops the number of those infected with the coronavirus. as the cdc is out with new guidelines for fully vaccinated people. how you can safely reunite with friends and family. a delay in the trial of former minneapolis officer derek chauvin accused of killing george floyd. before jury selection begins, both sides arguing over the decision to reinstate a tdeeer . demonstrators turning out to support the floyd family. crisis for the crown. on the heels of meghan's bombshell revelations. >> so were you thinking of
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harming yourself, were you having suicidal thoughts? >> yes. this was very, very clear. >> wow. >> very clear and very scary. >> and the stunning confession from harry. >> i guess i was ashamed of admitting it to them. >> this morning, dealing with the shame surround mental health and asking for help when you need it most. face-to-face. the emotional night for "bachelor" matt james. why he's forgiving his father with just one week until the final rose. ♪ they got the beat ♪ and get ready. >> who's ready for yes day? >> we're ready. jennifer garner is joining us live and you know what, she's saying -- >> good morning, america. ♪ we certainly cannot wait to catch up with jennifer garner. that's coming up. also this moe todocs.
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>> don't say that three times too fast. they'll have the answers to some of the most asked questions to from skin solutions to women's health and new spin on pain relief from dr. remix. but we start with the latest on the fight against the pandemic. 60 million americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine. that's more than 23% of our adult population. more americans are now fully vaccinated than have been infected with covid. eva pilgrim is back with more including new guidelines from the cdc for fully vaccinated people. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, george. it was a year ago today that the governor here in new jersey declared a state of mj. this hospital you see behind me one of the ones that's treated the most patients in this state. and one of those patients is coming back today to say thank you to the doctors and nurses who saved his life. this morning, a glimmer of hope for those who have received covid-19 vaccine. the cdc issuing new guidelines saying fully vaccinated people
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can gather in small groups indoors without wearing masks. >> if you and a friend or you and a family member are both vaccinated you can have dinner together. you can visit your grandparents. if you have been vaccinated and they have been too. >> reporter: the new guidelines allowing for families to finally see each other after a year apart. the cdc even saying vaccinated grandparents can visit and hug family members that aren't vaccinated as long as they are not high risk for covid. >> we're going to be able to see our grandbaby and actually hold her for the first time. >> reporter: but not all has -- guidance has been updated. george talked to dr. ashish jha about travel guidelines earlier. >> how about the travel guidelines? the cdc chose not to change them at least not yet. >> the reason is there are a lot of high-risk people out there who have still not been vaccinated and the more we travel the more we tend to see this virus spread so my take is
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probably four to six weeks from now a majority of high-risk people should have been vaccinated and at that time this becomes a lot safer. >> reporter: some good news on the vaccine front. a study just out finding the pfizer vaccine stands up well against the brazilian variant, robin. >> all right, thank you so much. we're going to turn now to the murder trial of derek chauvin. the former minneapolis officer charged with killing george floyd. jury selection was delayed monday as attorneys battled over charges and we go back to alex perez with more. good morning again, alex. >> reporter: hey, good morning, once again, robin. we were expecting jury selection to begin yesterday but because of those ongoing appeals, the process has been delayed. now, this is the first criminal trial to be broadcast live from here in minnesota. in court, attorneys and the judge spaging over a court of appeals ruling that the judge needs to reconsider reinstating a third degree murder charge in addition to the second degree murder and second degree manslaughter charges derek
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chauvin is facing. now, chauvin is the former cop seen kneeling on floyd's neck for more than nine minutes and he's pleaded not guilty. now, it will depend on those ongoing appeals but the judge says he hopes to get that jury selection under way today. george. >> thanks very much. coming up, new questions surround mental health after megan and harry's bombshell interview. how to get support if you need it. plus, paging the tiktok docs. the popular docs joining us live about skin care, how to break bad posture. >> who are they? >> the tiktok docs. >> and jennifer garner, going to join us live. we'll be right back. m t ene unou ouson haausm his future became my focus. lavender baths always calmed him. so we turned bath time into a business.
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and building it with my son has been my dream job. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at what if i told you the best place to begin is within. with collagen, that supports our body from the inside, out. because when we feel supported from within (whir of treadmill, foot impact + heavy breathing) our confidence comes from way deeper. it's within us. the sleep app helps me establish a bedtime routine ♪(faint ambient music)♪ by silencing my phone (sleepily) and setting the mood. ♪
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♪ ooh, i'm blinded by the light ♪ a shot of the new york streets and welcome back to "gma," everybody. >> time for "pop news" with lara and riva. good morning. >> hello, hello, robin. we're going to start with one of the best oscar campaigns we think we've ever seen. it's for the eurovision movie. the story of fire sag ya starring will ferrell and rachel mcadams. now that icelandic town wants that song to be nominated for best original song so they're starting their own ot heart. ♪ welcome to my hometown, the most beautiful town in the
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world. yes, at the moment i'm the only one but i read in the newspaper that one night coming soon i'm really excited. the people here are very excited. even the fishermen are dreaming >> t >>hey're so cute. that tiny town of 2300 people in northern iceland wants that oscar writing in their youtube video caption, it's unlikely a village this size has started its own oscar campaign. please mention it to your friends in the academy. check out this video. it's so adorable. stay tuned for the oscar nominations. they'll be announced right here on "gma" on march 15th.
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go! and with award season well under way, the star of the movie "minari" has already won our hearts and an award. watch 8-year-old alan kim accept his critics choice award for best young actor on sunday night. >> first of all i'd like to thank the critics who voted and my family. oh, my goodness. i'm sorry. hopefully i'll be in other movies. it's a dream -- it's not a dream -- >> it's not a dream. alan, it's not a dream. it really happened. in his first acting role ever his performance has been called one that will steal your heart. the movie is wonderful about a korean family who moves from california to embark on a new life in rural arkansas. it's been doing really well as well. it's won the golden globe award
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for best forei le film and nominate the for the screen actors guild award for outstanding performance by a cast and he might get the chance for another speech. the oscars will air on abc on april 25th. and we move on now to a blast from the recent past. i remember covering this so well. "fifty shades of grey" that all of my friends claim they never read yet so many became best-sellers. very interesting phenomenon. well, this morning, the author announcing another one is coming. her sixth and final book in the "fifty shades" series on the way, it's the last of the trilogy, the secondary trilogy written from the perspective of the male protagonist titled "freed." living in his head was exhausting, she said, but i got to explore aspects of his life.
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"fifty shades freed." there's my very well-rounded "pop news" for you. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. never read -- tongue firmly planted in cheek. two.r read -- alreaded numb >> thank you, lara. >> thanks, lara. we're going to move on now to our cover story. the focus on mental health following meghan markle's revelation that she contemplated suicide and didn't get the help she needed. maggie rulli has more. >> reporter: good morning. in that interview meghan made a point to remind people that no matter how perfect your life may seem on the outside we never know what real struggles people are dealing with on the inside. this morning, the shock of meghan markle's mental health struggle while in the royal family still reverberating around the globe. >> so were you thinking of harming yourself, were you
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having suicidal thoughts? >> yes, this was very, very clear. >> wow. >> very clear and very scary. i just didn't want to be alive anymore. >> reporter: just as surprising this revelation from harry. >> did you tell other people in the family, i need to get help for her. we need help for her. >> that's just not a conversation that would be had. >> why? >> i guess i was ashamed of admitting it to them. >> he used the word ashamed and only he knows what that means. i can surmise that as a partner and as a husband he wants to protect his wife. >> reporter: harry's admissions all the more stunning because for years he's been a strong advocate for mental health opening up about his own struggles especially the deep talking about it. >> yeah. >> for the first 28 years of my life never talked about it. >> reporter: in 2016 harry
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wi his bth prince william and sister-in-lao raise awareness for mental health focusing on suicide prevention and bullying. >> mental health is just as important as physical health. >> reporter: the trio seen here in happier times making a series of videos. >> we can all play our parts by talking and listening to each other and helping each other find support. >> reporter: despite harry's awareness advocacy his more recent shaky relationship could have been a factor on staying silent. >> when you have a situation you need to talk about something that's difficult and you feel like you have family members who can listen nonjudgmentally, unconditionally, it certainly makes it easier to talk. >> reporter: many point out that harry's feeling of shame shows how there is still a stigma attached to mental illness. >> we have a ways to go to be more accepting of people so that everyone will feel like they can speak out and get the help and support they need. >> reporter: this interview has certainly started a conversation about mental health around the world even here in england, the country typically known for its
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stiff upper lip, many are now hoping the fact that this couple was so open about sharing their struggles that it could empower other young people to do the very same. george. >> we can certainly hope so. thanks very much. if you're struggling with thoughts of suicide or worried about a friend or loved one help is available. call the national suicide preve. the number is on our screen. they will give you free confidential support 24 hours a day 7 days a week and you can also find resources on mental health to help those who struggle on our website. lara. george, we want to turn now to an emotional night for the bachelor, matt james. he confronted his past and sat down for a very tough conversation with his own father before moving forward with his future. overnight, matt jamie opening up about a special relationship he wants to mend before getting down on one knee. >> there's a conversation i need to have. and that's with my dad. >> reporter: in last night's
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episode the bachelor engaging in a tough conversation with his estranged father manny james. matt addressing issues that arose during his childhood including his dad's absence and infidelity. >> when i needed you, you weren't there to have those conversations. you started other families. >> reporter: the talk at times becoming tense between fatd so >> i hate to stop you, though. i didn't have that either. my father was killed when i was 5, matt. so, yeah, i'm going to take some of that blame of being not showing up as a father figure much as it's supposed to be but do you know what i went through? >> reporter: both men at a certain point even moved to tears. >> i remember growing up, you coming around every now and then, drop off some shoes, buy us pizza.
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i didn't need any shoes. i didn't need any pizza. i needed a dad. >> i'm sorry i hurt you, son. >> i forgive you. i'm not holding grudges against those things. i just want us to move forward and. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> reporter: matt later tweeted about it saying all i hope is that people watch that conversation with nuance, care and also an understanding that there are real systemic issues at play. and be sure to tune in for the big "bachelor" finale and the "after the final rose" special monday 8:00,7:00 central right here on abc. right now though, let's go to ginger. and, lara, the data has arrived, texas, mississippi, a
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couple of states along the gulf coast are going, yeah, i know this but february was the coldest for the entire united states in more than 30 years and so we wanted to show you some of the pictures just to recap, right? six of the states had their top ten coldest februarys and had record snow cover at one point. also, good to note because when these type of pictures come in people go, well, what about global warming? well, not only does one cold blast or a month of it not negate global warping or climate that is changing, but it actually can be a symptom. good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. get ready for wintery showers today and tomorrow, rain, thunderstorm with lightning, hail, graupel and even snow down to 3,000 feet. once we get past that, we have chilly mornings thursday and friday, but warmer afternoons. today, 52 to 58 and tonight we'll fall back into the upper 30s to mid-40s with our heaviest
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now to our series "the influencers," professionals who offer their expertise for free. this morning, we're paging some of the most popular doctors on tiktok who give us medical information without the large bill. they're joining us live in just a moment but first, let's take a closer look-alike. a trip to the doctor may look different from telehealth to tiktok patients are finding new ways to get professional medical advice. >> let's talk about things that can cause facial redness. >> doctok has more than 37 million views. meet three doctors who are giving out free tips to millions of followers. dr. mamina turegano, a board-certified dermatologist from dark circles. >> the skin is definitely more thin and delicate compared to the rest.
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>> reporter: to maskne. four ingredients. dr. staci tanouye, board-certified ob/gyn creating a space for her 1.3 million followers' private questions. >> you know what the biggest women's health myth on tiktok is? >> reporter: and dr. jordan estrada. a chiropractor putting a new spin on pain relief. >> hurt your elbow? >> reporter: known to his 2.3 million followers as dr. remix. he's dropping new tips almost daily. ♪ i'll show you how to fix it ♪ ♪ shoulders back and down, chest up, tuck your chin in ♪ >> reporter: now these doctors are answering your most asked questions. joining us now dermatologist mamina turegano whose motto is healing your skin goes way beyond prescriptions, dr. staci tanouye's motto, empowering you to learn and love your body,
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and dr. jordan estrada, pain relief is just one song away. welcome to all three of you. really appreciate you being with us this morning. and dr. mamina, this is one of the most asked questions you're getting asked. what skin care product should we use at every age? >> a basic anti-aging skin care routine, everyone we recommend using a cleanser, moisturizer and a sunscreen. now, as you get into your 20s consider adding a retinol and vitamin c serums, then dark circles so we recommend an eye cream in your 30s and products with peptides and can stimulate collagen production and regularly exfoliate. now, as you get into your 40s, we see more wrinkling so in addition to everything we mentioned also adding in growth factors. these can stimulate more
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collagen production in the skin. then as you get into your 50s and above, in addition to wrinkling it can start to get more dry, so consider adding in heavier moisturizers. >> great advice. i'm all over that. thank you so much. now a question for dr. tanouye from stephanie in new orleans. let's listen up. >> i am just out of my first trimester and i'm feeling a little isolated with this pregnancy versus my last because i'm unable to get in to the doctor until a little bit longer and also no baby showers, fun social events, any tips or tricks for not feeling as isolated? >> hi, stephanie, thank you so much for your question. i think this past year has been particularly difficult for new moms. we can try to stay connected as much as possible to friends and family. in addition, all those online support groups that we've always had, a lot have gone virtual
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with face-to-face peer counseling which is helpful and get outside. exercise, fresh air and meeting friends and your mom support gr. >>re now, chiropractor doctor, jordan estrada, dr. remix, we hear, doc, you have suggestions to deal with neck and back pain that are just music to our ears. >> yes, it's true. i get a ton of questions on neck pain or back pain where most of these people are on their phones or computer all day so posture or ergonomics may contribute to these things so i'm going to help you all out in the form of rap. here we go. ♪ got bad posture yeah, i'm a chiro ♪ ♪ i'll show you how to fix it ♪ ♪ shoulders back and down and chest up tuck your chin in ♪ ♪ and hold it i'm a chiro, let's talk about your setup ♪ ♪ monitor at eye level keep your head up pillow behind to give your back love, keep your feet
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flat arms rested don't shrug ♪ ♪ a stand-up desk may help some but don't forget to make time to get your stretches done ♪ ♪ i'm a chiro ♪ >> and i'm a patient. way to go. i'm all straight now. thank you so much. really appreciate all three of you for your advice this morning. thanks for joining us. everyone, self-help is important but experts remind us if you are having a medical concern please make an appointment with a doctor either via telehealth or in person. don't forget that. coming up, jennifer garner joins us live. ♪ put your back -- >> shoulders back ♪
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>> announcer: building a better by area for a safe and secure future. this is abc7 news. good morning. i'm kumasi aaron from "abc7 mornings." two counties could be moving into the red tier today, alameda and solano counties are in the purple tier. it will include limited indoor dining, gyms and movie theaters can reopen. the announcement from the state is expected to come later today. check out the light to moderate showers, even a few downpours people have told me about on social media. we're going to have more of those on the way as you look at future radar. it will continue through tomorrow. snow level down to 3,000 feet.
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lightning and hail a possibility with these downpours. temperatures only in the 50s. much
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hey, bay area, "live with kelly and ryan" is coming up. >> we'll chat with jennifer garner, plus pet socialization tips for happy pets week. >> that's at 9:00 on abc7. we'll have another news update in about 30 minutes. you can find the latest on our news app and at
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let's take a look outside from our exploratorium camera. really beautiful this morning. maybe wet roads out there if you're heading out. the news continues now with "good morning, america." ♪ bring it on home u heard the man, welcome back to "gma" here in times square. we have one of our all-time favorite guests joining us, jennifer garner, you know her. she is an actress, business woman, activist. now she's breaking all the rules in this wonderful new movie, it's called "yes day." ladies and gentlemen, give it up for jennifer garner back here on "gma." and the crowd goes mild. good morning. good morning, give it up. >> hi, you guys. >> it's always good -- we always enjoy having you with us. you have so much going on as always. can i just say how wonderful it
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is to see you with your co-star again from "13 going on 30," mark ruffalo. in a adam project on netflix. what's it like being reunited? >> it was -- it was wonderful. there was just this -- we were playing a married couple and we just had this instant comfort and obviously there's just such a connection and a warmth. it was actually a really beautiful experience to revisit that relationship. >> you know, you posted a selfie with your other co-star judy greer. is there any talk of a sequel and what would your character be doing at this point? >> what would she be doing? i think -- i mean i think -- i hope she would still be whimsical and have a little bit of fun. she would have to still have some 13-year-old in her. but, oh, gosh, i have to go back and watch this movie. it's so fun. [ laughter ] and we saw each other right before i saw mark so i was able
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to kind of pass messages back and forth. it was really fun. do you think -- is "poise" still going? is it all online? what's happening? >> let's talk about "yes day." not just a movie. it's actually one of your family traditions. so the kids make all the rules for one day. you have to say yes to anything. >> well, you set up some ground rules obviously, george. [ laughter ] you know, there are a couple of rules. you can't like get anything in the future. you can't pierce your ears, get a dog, things like that so, of course, that would be the go to. and then i always have my own personal rule that you can't eat so much junk that you feel sick because that ruins the day, which is kind of a downer because it's a lot about eating, and then, but, yeah, it's just a fun -- it's not about money. it's not about spending money. it's about spending the day together and the thing that my kids love the most is that starting early in the morning,
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i don't work out. i don't do anything else. i only focus on them and anything they ask for i say top priority, yes, i'll do it right away and they just think it's funny. >> it sounds fantastic. you play a mom who had her first yes day and got a makeover from her daughter. let's take a look. >> nice job. >> thank you. > what's that? >> we made a list of our five big asks. for the day to be a success, we have to make it through all five to make it a success. >> i love a list. >> number one -- >> is that korean? >> breakfast surprise. >> we got to change first, right? >> no. >> katie. >> right? >> nope on a rope. >> oh, boy, so much fun. but you do some wild things in this movie. you go through a car wh i heard the amusement park is where you really had to push yourself. >> oh, it really is.
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hi, michael. yes, of course, i'm a producer of this movie. you would think that i will put things in there that i love but what did i -- singing in front of people which i'm terrified of doing but nothing scares me more than riding huge roller coasters. we went to magic mountain and i can't even watch. i'm sweating. i lost my cool completely. i did not stay in character. i cried. but and we got off the roller coaster and the director miguel whom i adore said to me i'm so sorry, you do need to do this again and i said -- i have to take a walk. i'll be back. >> we need it from a different angle. can you do it one more time with feeling this time. there's so much feeling to this movie, jennifer. you said after being at home a lot of us for almost a year now you referred to it as a breath of fresh air. what did you mean by that?
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>> this movie is all about yes. it is all about just saying yes to your family, saying yes to time together. yes to yourselves as moms that we lose ourselves in how, you know, you can kind of feel rigid because you're just trying to keep everyone on track and get the right lunch and the right lunch box and people to soccer, ballet or on zoom for school, whatever it is, and so you just find yourself say nope, nope, nope without even thinking about it, and letting go of all that for a day is liberating and it's really fun just speaking from experience and all of this, of course, comes from amy krouse rosenthal's beautiful children's book, "yes day," so it's just a beautiful family tradition. but, of course, because i have a teenager, this movie also really addresses the yeses that come with letting your kids grow up. >> which is a tough thing to do. we want to throw back to the young jennifer right now.
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i think we have a photo. there she is. >> oh. >> so what she have asked for on yes day? >> oh, my gosh. well, she would have worn overalls. and also look at her, what a peanut that kid is. going to see a broadway musical, which, of course, is too big for yes day but we're pretending, right? being with -- maybe walking around the mall and having junk food and definitely ice cream. >> definitely ice cream. yes to that. >> that's on my list. >> and yes to those dimples even back then. precious photo. thank you, thank you, thank you and thanks netflix. thank them for us as wi'm not k. >> anniversary of the big year of no.
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march 12th, so please have fun. it is such a snuggly fun family movie to watch together. >> it certainly is. thank you, jen and "yes day" releases on netflix globally this friday and, jen, you helped us with our own "gma" yes day challenge. so this friday, we have some parents who took our challenge and wait until you see the wishes they granted for their kids. don't you love that? coming up how movie, sports stars and spike lee helped create the sneakerhead. >> this is lawrence blackman and >> this is lawrence blackman and this is my main man mi california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones, - (phone ringing) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. call or visit
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they said it couldn't be done... but you managed to pack a record 1.1 trillion transistors into this chip. whoo! yeah! oh, hi. i invested in invesco qqq.
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a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100, like you. you don't have to be circuit design engineer to help push progress forward. can i hold the chip? become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq. ♪ now california phones offers free devices and accessoriest of innovation for your mobile phone.q. like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. - ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program call or visit
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we are back with a look at "soul of a nation." it examines that music and spike lee has played in the phenomenon. former nfl star domonique foxworth brings us the story, good morning, domonique. >> i'm a star. i appreciate that. sneakers are a status symbol and form of personal expression, a lot like a car but cheaper. everything about you communicates something about the wearer from the brand to the colors, to even the creases above the toes. here's a look at their unique power and impact. >> let me tell you about a shoe game in the black community. we don't play. >> everybody wants to put their best foot forward. soy r the wordplay but w
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all want to do it. >> whatever we want to wear everybody else will wear. we are the makers of the culture. >> i think i have about 90 pairs. >> if i had to guess, probably around 400, but i wouldn't consider myself a sneakerhead. my friends probably say different. >> you wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for my adidas song. there would not be a sneaker culture as we understand it if those three brothers did not make that song. >> when they started wearing them, everybody started wearing them. ♪ >> we can talk about sneaker culture but not without talking about michael jordan. or those jordan/spike lee commercials. >> this is something that you cannot do. >> i don't want to say he created it but he certainly transformed it. >> let me repeat myself. can, can't. >> you get a pair of jordan, that's it. your first pair, can't tell you nothing. ♪
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♪ stomping in my ♪ >> nelly song, air force one and wore the air force ones. >> air force ones, that was the greatest. only $79. >> got to be the shoes. >> it's got to be the shoes. >> it's got to be the shoes. >> money, it's got to be the shoe, shoes, shoes. >> tonight's episode is going to be so much fun. here are a pair of my favorite shoes, the jordan 11s, the concords. i brought a pair right after i got drafted by the broncos and i remember going to a youth center to teach a writing group there. none of the kids gave a damn i played for the broncos but plenty wanted to talk about my shoes and side note about that season we were 13-3. we -- one of the three losses was to michael's giants. >> michael, play nice. >> what, oh, i thought he expected something different. i'm sorry. >> we got lucky.
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we got lucky. believe me. >> looks like a great piece. thank you very much. catch "soul of a nation" right here on abc tonight. tonight's episode will feature a special performance from h.e.r. ginger. >> yes, and everybody's basking in the spring warmth east of the rockies but on the pacific northwest down into california to bridgeport you have winter weather advisories. any of the snow levels below good morning. grab your wet weather clear, we have waves of showers and thunderstorms today with brief down powers, gusty winds and temperatures in the low to what did you say, michael strahan is h he owns it. hey, we have one of the year's most buzzed about young adult
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novels, "firekeeper's daughter." it is a mesmerizing page turner about a native teen who witnesses a shocking tragedy, puts her life on the line to find the truth and save her community. joining us now is the author, angeline boulley. good morning to you. i've been looking forward to speaking with you. this -- ten years in the making. 18 years old. how did you come up with the idea back then? >> oh, my goodness. 18 years old, senior in high school. my friend who attended a different school said, there's a new guy and he seems like he's your type and intrigued i asked about him and, you know, after a few weeks she said, oh, he's -- he doesn't play sports. he hangs out with the stoners and then at the end -- towards the end of the school year she said there was this huge drug bust and this new guy was an undercover officer and i
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remember thinking, what if i had been in classes with him? what if we liked each other and then the spark that really started the story was, what if it wasn't that he liked me but that he needed my help? and so it was like, why would an undercover investigation need the help of this ordinary girl? >> indigenous nancy drew. that's how you describe this book, isn't it? >> yes, yes, it is. >> and tell us a little about your childhood. >> well, growing up i loved mysteries and thrillers and when i was 18 i read a story that featured a native main character, a native american main character. representation in literature for children and teens is so important and so when my kids were preteen, my daughter in particular, i was like, i'm
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going to write the indigenous nancy drew thriller that i wished i could have read as a teen. >> you have such a beautiful family. we're looking at the picture right now. i know how incredibly proud they are of you. so it is set to head to the smreen already, the obamas' production company higher ground is going to make it into an adapted tv series, so who is your dream cast for the tv series? >> oh, my gosh. so there's an actor named forrest goodluck and i'm actually friends with his mother and i think that he is phenomenal. he was in "the revenant" with leonardo dicaprio. i love him and there's an actress named devery jacobs and i think she's the perfect lily. i can see that attitude but as far as daunis goes, she's out
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there, she's out there and we just haven't met her yet. >> but we have met you and i want to quickly get this in because you tweeted something that i want people to hear. dear aspiring writer, my great idea came at 18 then three kids, a career, life, i started writing at 44, signed with an agent at 54, optioned film rights to the obamas at 55. never give up. what helped you to never give up? >> it was a belief that this story was bigger than me and that if i worked hard, worked on improving my craft, kept at it, kept at it, that someday it was going to be in book stores. and it's that unwavering belief that this story needs to be out there. >> and thank you for putting it out there. we appreciate it and thank you for your example. anyosouc
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>>r'dauger ip ille everywhere m and you can r right now on coming up, daddy yankee. going to get our dance on. ♪ like, seeing my mom. it's unthinkable to me that i can't see her and i can't hug her. not being able to hug is just like
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somebody has to tie me down. touching someone to say i love you, to hug you... those are the things that i miss. ♪ ♪
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we are so excited to be back now with daddy yankee. he's about to perform his latest hit, "problema" for us which is trending on tiktok but first want to chat a little bit and thank you for joining us this morning. we know the pandemic, it changed a lot of things, but has it affected your music? >> i mean i've been working out and just focusing on my health and losing weight. now i'm getting back to music this year. >> i got to say you're looking good, man. it had no affected your swag. the sunglasses on in the morning, i love it. >> thank you, thank you, michael. thank you for giving me the opportunity to showcase my new
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song, my new single "problema." >> you know, you put it out there. it's trending. it's everywhere. congratulations. we're going to get right to it. here's daddy yankee with "problema." ♪ ♪ fire, ready ♪ ♪ come on ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ singing in foreign language ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ ♪
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[ singing in foreign language ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] ♪ ♪ angu ♪ ♪ ♪
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are you managing your diabetes... ...using fingersticks? with the new freestyle libre 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, one-second scan. and now with optional alarms, you can choose to be notified if you go too high or too low. and for those who qualify, the freestyle libre 2 system is now covered by medicare. ask your doctor for a prescription. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at freestyle libre 2 dot u.s. ♪
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our thanks to daddy yankee for that performance. have a great day. our thanks to daddy yankee for that performance. have a great day.
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many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, clinanaphylaxis,u're allwhich isevere.ent. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help.
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>> announcer: building a better bay area for a safe and secure future. this is abc7 news. good morning. i'm kumasi aaron from "abc7 mornings." happening today, hazard pay could be coming to some san francisco frontline workers. the board of supervisors will vote on a proposal to give an extra $5 an hour to people working at grocery and retail stores with pharmacies. supervisors are expected to pass this bill. they join other cities like oakland and berkeley who have similar pandemic pay boosts. the first wave of many showers and potential thunderstorms, just about to act in the next hour or so. many more are lined up behind this not only today but also tomorrow and the snow level down to around 3,000 feet. it's going to be a chilly one. temperatures in the 50s. watch out for downpours.
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wake up tomorrow, look to hamilton, it should be covered in snow. now it's time for "live with kelly and ryan." we'll be back at 11:00 for "midday live." hope to see you then. have a good morning. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the new film, "yes day," the always fun jennifer garner. and socialization lessons for your pup as we continue "live's happy pet's week." plus, our "good news story of the day" involves a dog and f tst. all next on "live!" ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ speed two oh, yes. let's hear it. >> kelly: living the dream. >> ryan: that's right. >> ryan: thank you. >> kelly: calm down. it's tuesday after all.
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>> ryan: good morning, kelly ripa. >> kelly: good morning, rya


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