tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 12, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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beil, we appreciate your time. right now "jimmy kimmel live." have a good weekend. good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- sacha baron cohen, wesley snipes, and music from charlotte lawrence. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, thank you, hi. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show and i welcome you to it. we are coming to you from our headquarters in hollywood on what was thankfully an uneventful day in washington, d.c. today was supposed to be a big one for the aluminum foil hat crowd. march 4th was the day trump would return to power. return to glory. i woke up this morning, said to my wife "is he president again?" she said, "no, he's not." [ laughter ] they screwed up again. i never thought i'd say this, but i'm starting to not trust my qanon message boards. [ laughter ] donald trump was not re-inaugurated as the prophecy foretold.
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he was not sworn in. he did not order the military to capture the pope. he did take his pills without the nurse having to wrap them in salami today, so that was good. [ laughter ] otherwise, we didn't hear a peep out of him. the police were on high alert outside the capitol because of threats, fears of the kind of violence we saw on january 6th. the house even canceled their session today out of an abundance of caution. this was the scene on capitol hill. kind of a fun "north korea vibe" going. [ laughter ] why is it that the people who claim to love our country the most are also the ones who threaten to blow it up? these conspiracy aficionados picked the date march 4th because it is the date on which presidents used to be inaugurated in the olden times. which is so random. march 4th is also the anniversary of the first people's choice awards. [ laughter ] and the people chose joe biden, so i don't know, get off the q and call your children, they're worried about you. [ laughter ] even though none of these predictions ever come true, they keep coming.
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in fact, now they're stealing plots from nicholas cage movies. >> there are a few things they believe. the first thing was that it's not really biden, and like the movie "face/off," it's really president trump. the reason president biden is always wearing a mask isn't because of covid-19, it's because they haven't synced up the mouth yet, between the facial mask of biden and how president trump is imitating biden. >> jimmy: yeah, that makes sense if you think about it, he is good at imitations. [ laughter ] even for crazy people, i mean, okay, let's assume that this is correct. let's assume donald trump is indeed wearing a mask that looks like joe biden with a little blue mask on top of it. to hide his mouth. let's take a leap off that bridge and go along with that being true. how do you explain the fact that he's tucking in that extra 112 pounds? [ laughter ] is there a magic set of spanx i don't know about? if there is, i would like to know about them.
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[ laughter ] here's all you need to know. remember the guy dressed up with horns on his head during the attack on the capitol? the qanon "shaman"? the one whose mother complained that the prison wasn't serving him organic meals? his name is jacob chansley. he sat for an interview with cbs from incarceration. according to him, we have it all wrong. >> my actions were not an attack on this country, that is incorrect. that is inaccurate. entirely. >> how would you describe them? >> my actions on january 6th, how would i describe them? i sang a song. and that's a part of shamanism. it's about creating positive vibrations in a sacred chamber. i stopped somebody from stealing muffins out of the break room. >> jimmy: he literally stopped the steal of muffins. [ laughter ] of muffins. go ahead and pee on chuck schumer's chair, god's sake, don't touch the muffins. it's funny, now that you see him, you understand why he wore the headdress. [ laughter ] he's bald. he's a prematurely bald man.
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who lives with his mother and calls himself a shaman. if i was him, that would be my defense. "your honor, i'm a prematurely bald man who lives with his mother and calls himself a shaman. haven't i suffered enough?" [ laughter ] and while his story about being on muffin patrol was cute, cbs followed up with some facts about what he had on him. >> while he was protecting muffins he had a flagpole with a spear point at the end that prosecutors say was a weapon. he wrote a note to mike pence saying "justice is coming." clearly the shaman contains multitudes. >> jimmy: clearly. [ laughter ] poor mike pence. did you know he works at a mattress store now? [ laughter ] true. he sells sealy posturepedics at a mattress warehouse in ft. wayne, indiana. donald trump is said to be plotting his political future. and the rumor is he's in the market for a new running mate. which is funny. trump thinking pence is the problem is like hitler blaming his german shepherd for losing world war ii. [ laughter ] trump is reportedly thinking about picking a woman, or a
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person of color as a running mate. that's going to be a tough choice. who do you go with? diamond? or silk? [ laughter ] trump advisor jason miller called the reports "fake news." he said "no such conversations are happening. the president is still entirely focused on whining about losing in 2020." [ laughter ] trump should just go without a running mate. or even better, he should make it into a show. >> 24 candidates, one highly coveted position. who will be the next vp? >> that's a pretty tough question. >> the daughter. the second-favorite son. the third-favorite son. hee-haw hawley. papa john. the ghost of rush limbaugh. this pile of old wet socks. a haunted mannequin. rudy. a mypillow with a moustache. miss venezuela 2003. "celebrity veepprentice." thursdays at 8:00 followed by an all-new "how i met mother."
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only on newsmax. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i would watch that. i think we're focusing on the wrong thing. never mind his running mate. the real question is, who is going to be donald trump's cell mate in 2024? [ applause ] i vote for r. kelly. joe biden has only been president for six weeks, but that doesn't matter to republicans, who have been frothing at the mouth to pounce. senator john barrasso of wyoming stopped by his local kinko's to print something out to give our new president a grade on one hell of a curve. >> if you were to grade joe biden's abilities to keep his promises of opening schools, joe biden's report card, he deserves an "f." and it's a well-deserved grade for him. because he promised that he would have the schools open all across america within 100 days. and he's failed. and we're halfway there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait. how can you fail if we're halfway there? [ laughter ] okay, kids! time's halfway, pencils down! [ laughter ]
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and by the way, he's been president for 43 days. is 43 half of 100? give yourself an "f" too. [ cheers and applause ] yesterday, joe biden referred to the dangerous and dumb decision by the governors of texas and mississippi to lift their mask mandates. he called it "neanderthal thinking" and that did not go over well with the neanderthal. >> how do you respond to the president's unification message of calling you and other governors a neanderthal? >> two things, brian. first, it obviously is not the type of thing that a president should be saying. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: huh. you think these guys even hear themselves anymore? [ laughter ] oh, there's the governor making a handshake agreement on the type of things presidents should be saying. [ laughter ] you don't call people neanderthals, you call them crooked and crazy like a gentleman does. [ laughter ] now that more of the vaccine is on the way, some states are
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loosening up about 16% of the population of the country has been vaccinated. they're currently pumping out about 2 million shots a day. including the single shot vaccine from johnson & johnson, who released this chart yesterday highlighting the effectiveness of their vaccine. [ laughter ] how does that get by anyone? for me, the shape of a penis is the first thing i see. [ laughter ] "what is that, a penis?" "no, it's a flashlight." okay, that's why it's lighting up, all right, i see. [ laughter ] i should be a consultant for that sort of thing. hey, we have a very good show for you tonight. maybe even a great one. keep everything crossed. moments from now, we will be joined by an international man of mystery and double golden globe winner on sunday, sacha baron cohen. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from charlotte lawrence. and from "coming 2 america," wesley snipes will visit for the first time. [ cheers and applause ] "coming 2 america," of course, is the long-awaited sequel to "coming one america." [ laughter ]
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and whenever a major motion picture is released, we release our in-house movie critic, yehya. yehya loves movies and stars, and here he is now with a brand-new review. >> action! today i talk about the movie "come 2 american today." the man guy in the movie is the idi murphy. and he come all the way from africa. >> we are going back to america. >> oh hell no, your majesty! >> come on! >> actually, idi murphy, i saw him like 1980 for the movie "beverly cop." the first. he's like comedian. every time he say [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. very funny guy. he do the -- also the movie, i love it, "48 hour." and the guy, nick nolte, he's the cop, he look like homeless now, i don't know. that's the guy in the movie, the
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assistant for idi murphy, arsuto health, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! the guy, mirkin crazy, he's in that movie also, he's in the tv show saturday alive." the guy, he do a lot of good movie, he do the good movie, like dracula, i take the blood, he got power. that's our movie for wesley snip. he make sex with white woman. i think she gave him fever. the one with the glasses is names jims adam jones. he's the king. he's also with what's his name, kevin custard. the one with the baseball? he took the "star wars," the dark beater. i'll tell you something, i am your father. >> no! >> "uganda forever."
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what i say more? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. look who's here? it's yehya, everybody. >> i love you! >> jimmy: i haven't seen you in so long, yehya. all right. come give me covid for a second. are we allowed to hug? we'll do one of these. i love you, god bless you, yehya. >> i love you! like this? picture with you? >> jimmy: you want to take a picture? >> i'm going soon. >> jimmy: the show's on -- okay, that's a good one. [ laughter ] >> thank you, jimmy! >> jimmy: thank you, yehya, thank you. yehya, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] all right, who wants prizes? [ cheers and applause ] we don't have any prizes. [ laughter ] but it is thursday night which means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, there he is. look at that. hi, jim. i heard you were great. in fact, i hated the [ bleep ]
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out of you. i want to [ bleep ] other people, i can name them too. >> john boyega, small [ bleep ]. >> i never [ bleep ]ed anyone inappropriately. >> senator manchin has been clear that he is [ bleep ]ed a big [ bleep ]. he believes it should meet the moment. >> like slapping you in the face with a [ bleep ]. i think it's going to wake people up. >> cold pizza and [ bleep ] sounds fantastic. >> looks like he's going to take a page out of the celtic warrior's playbook! >> to jimmy kimmel i say [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. i hope that ends up on "unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a good one for you tonight. wesley snipes is with us, charlotte lawrence is with us. be right back with sacha baron cohen! i'll be observing your safe-driving abilities. play your cards right,
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and you could be in for a tasty discount. [ clicks pen] let's roll. hey, check it out. one time i tripped on the sidewalk over here. [ heavy-metal music playing ] -[ snoring ] -and a high of 89 degrees. [ electronic music playing ] ooh! ooh! who just gives away wood? the snapshot app from progressive rewards you for driving safe and driving less. there's an app? -[ chuckles ] beth. -save money with progressive. [ tires screech ] well, that came out of nowhere. kinder bueno? woooooow. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer and creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno.
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♪...will always love you♪ ♪i will always...♪ if there was a world championship for this... i'd be a sports legend. i'd be a household name. but there isn't. and i wouldn't do anything different if there was. nutro feed clean™ it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. (engine revs) ♪ ♪ to conquer any route. to know exhilaration is just the beginning. what starts with an invitation... ...becomes an experience. the invitation is always open... ...but the offers only last through march 31st. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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♪ there's never a bad time to enjoy my newest sauced & loaded curly fries. try triple cheddar or spicy pepper jack, both topped with slow-smoked bacon. only at jack in the box. ♪ there's never a bad time to enjoy my newest sauced & loaded curly fries. try triple cheddar or spicy pepper jack, both topped with slow-smoked bacon. ♪ get both, only at jack in the box.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: tonight, from "coming 2 america," the one and only wesley snipes is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, her ep is called "charlotte." music from a very talented new artist, charlotte lawrence. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we've got new shows with seth rogen, kevin bacon, vanessa kirby, patrick schwarzenegger, with music from daddy yankee, niko moon, daya and adam duritz, too. adam will be part of a one-year coronavirus anniversary show we are doing a week from tonight. joel mchale and secretary of transportation pete buttigieg, who hosted he was the host, i don't know if you remember, the last show we did in front of a regular studio audience, before we all got locked up.
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>> guillermo: on thursday, yes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> guillermo: i remember. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know our first guest by many names. ali, bruno, borat, sometimes litigant. last week, he won two golden globes for his movie "borat subsequent moviefilm," and he's currently nominated for both s.a.g. and critics' choice awards for playing abbie hoffman in aaron sorkin's "the trial of the chicago 7." >> suddenly every freak in chicago is mobilized. they got hated! we got to march down to the police station! overcome the cops and the illinois national guard and free tom hayden! we couldn't find our way out of the park. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "the trial of the chicago 7" is on netflix now. please welcome sacha baron cohen. [ cheers and applause ] hey how are you? >> jimmy, how are you, mate? >> jimmy: congratulations. i saw you winning golden globes, very well earned. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: as everybody knows, it was a virtual type of situation where you were in a room with
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the other nominees. did you talk to the other people, were you chatting with them? >> i did. they did that beforehand, we were all wishing each other luck. then, actually, after i'd won both of them, they put me back in the room with the other nominees. >> jimmy: oh, no. [ laughter ] >> and it was incredibly awkward. and i was just saying, listen, guys, we're all -- we're all winners! [ laughter ] but they hated me, they hated me. >> jimmy: you know, if they had any sense of humor they would have stuck rudy giuliani in that room with you. [ laughter ] did he send anything? did he send you flowers or an edible arrangement? >> he sent a huge box of condoms. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how responsible. how very responsible. so you're nominated now for s.a.g. and a critics' choice award, correct? >> yeah. >> jimmy: critics' choice award for "trial of chicago 7" which is, by the way, great. you did a great job in that
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movie. [ cheers and applause ] i really enjoyed that movie. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i wonder, like how much did you know about abbie hoffman, being a foreigner to this country, before you took on this role? >> i've actually known about him and admired him since the age of 20. i learned about him at university. and then when steven spielberg made the first incarnation of this movie, about 13 years ago, i was cheeky enough to call him up and said, listen, can i audition? and steven said -- first he goes, who are you? [ laughter ] he said, listen, i'm concerned that you may -- you won't be able to get the accent. he sent me his dialect coach. he said, learn this two-minute speech by abbie. so every night for two weeks we recorded on a cd -- this is hows
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it started off terribly. i was like a cockney doing abbie hoffman, doing this boston accent. by the end of two weeks i kind of perfected it. the dialect coach said, use take 28, give that to spielberg. i told my assistant at the time, all right, take take 28, put on it on a cd, give to it mr. spielberg. the next day i meet with steven at his late mother's kosher restaurant on pico boulevard. he goes, sacha, i got the cd, thank you very much for doing that. he said, listen. i've got to be completely honest, the first 10 takes were not very good. [ laughter ] but by take 27, 28, you nailed it, you got the part. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he actually listened to all of those takes? >> it's unbelievable. that's why it's steven spielberg. he's just a geek. he works harder than any other director. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, he listened to 28 takes for a movie he didn't even wind up making. [ laughter ]
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>> exactly. >> jimmy: that assistant is doing what now? >> believe it or not, she's actually producing -- >> jimmy: i had a feeling. >> -- oscar-nominated movies. >> jimmy: i had a feeling that was the case, i really did. >> in hollywood, you fall upwards. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's funny, "borat" and "chicago 7" came out about a month apart, is that correct? >> they came out seven days apart. >> jimmy: seven days apart. how much time was there in between making those movies? >> so we actually -- we were shooting "borat." and then this second incarnation of "chicago 7" happened with aaron sorkin. i was like, i have to make "chicago 7." and i shot down "borat" the movie and went to chicago and started filming but didn't tell aaron or any of the other cast what i was doing. because we had to keep "borat" completely secret. >> jimmy: you wanted to keep it quiet from them, it wasn't that you were worried that there
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would be some concern that you had to stay in character or something like that? you just didn't want them to know? >> yeah, no, the problem with "borat" was if word had got out, the movie would have ended. >> jimmy: right, right. >> it was a little weird. there was one scene where i'm playing abbie and i'm storming the democratic national convention. and i knew that three months later, i was going to be playing borat breaking into cpac. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. >> obviously when i did it the second time, i was wearing a prosthetic head that looked like donald trump. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i heard that, and i wonder if this is true, that you sometimes will wear a different pair of underwear, a pair of underwear that feels right for the character that you're playing. >> yeah. that's basically it. so every character i play, everything they've got on them is authentic to that character. so borat wears my late father's string underpants.
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[ laughter ] and abbie hoffman had these great '60s hemp underpants. and bruno has a g-string. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that an idea -- >> you never know where it's going to go, a bit like my last time with you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that something that you picked up from another actor, or is this something that you decided to do? >> no, i basically went to a borat interview, somebody asked me to remove my trousers at one point, and they noticed i was wearing the wrong underpants. and it killed the interview. from then on, i've gone full daniel day lewis when it comes to underwear. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i like that. [ applause ] you did borat for us in 2018, right around the time of the midterm elections. how long had it been before that? >> so i hadn't really done anything -- the only time borat existed after the first movie was on this show.
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i came on once during trump's campaign for election where i -- borat was saying that trump was a sacha baron cohen character. >> jimmy: right, right. >> then you brought me on for the midterms. weirdly enough, the next day -- i know it seemed that borat would be impossible to do in the real world. next day in the writers room, we were writing a different movie, i was like, hold on. borat works with real people, we did it on jimmy's show, is there a movie we could get out in time for the election? about 15 minutes later, we had an idea. three days later we set it up in the studio. >> jimmy: wow. that is unbelievable. >> so i thank you, but you're not going to get a card. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: yes, would it have been nice if you thanked me in the golden globes speech? yes, it would have. [ laughter ] but we have this. all right, sacha baron cohen is with us. his movies are "the trial of the chicago 7" and" borat."
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we'll be right back with sacha. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by instacart. get same-day delivery on st. patrick's day food and drinks. download the app and take $25 off your first order with coe "shamrock 25." get access to their food? we needed to make sure that, if they couldn't get to the food, the food would come to them. we can deliver for food banks and schools. amazon knows how to do that. i helped deliver 12 million meals to families in need. that's the power of having a company like amazon behind me. ♪ ♪ now here we go ♪ ♪ i can't help it if i'm poppin' see them watch like ♪ ♪ who that girl ♪ ♪ it's outrageous how this flavour got em shook like ♪ ♪ hold up ♪ ♪ work work work it out ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wesley snipes and music from charlotte lawrence are coming up. we are back with sacha baron cohen. i have to say, i watch and you know i love the first "borat" movie, i love the second "borat" movie. while it does look scary at times, is it fun to be borat? >> jimmy, i'm not here to talk about fun. it was important to make this film. and i really wanted to expose the hypocrisy. >> jimmy: oh. [ phone ringing ] >> those using power to get ahead, criminality. hello? hang on. what's up? yeah, i've got astrazeneca, got
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pfizer -- [ laughter ] what do you want? yeah? okay. yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah. venmo is fine, yeah. okay, great. >> jimmy: did i hear you -- did i hear you correctly? was that bono? >> no, no, a different bono. chance bono. [ laughter ] the movie exemplifies that those using power to get ahead use their criminality, using their positions -- >> jimmy: right. >> -- for self-enrichment -- [ phone ringing ] >> jimmy: wow. >> tom? which one? hanks or holland? cruise? >> jimmy: tom cruise? >> you don't need me, mate, you're old enough to get it legally. [ laughter ] well, i thought they were immune. >> jimmy: hang on, wait? i don't mean to pry, are you selling vaccines? >> stay out of this, kimmel, right? [ laughter ] look after that pretty face of yours.
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there's no vaccine for broken legs. >> jimmy: oh, okay. [ laughter ] all right, well -- um -- >> anyway. where were we? the challenge with, you know, sat tire -- [ phone buzzing ] the satire of the whole -- >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] >> hello? hello? yeah, kanye? yo, yo, yo. i can get you johnson & johnson. no, no. no, not dakota and dawn. [ laughter ] what, you only need one? i've got you down for six. >> jimmy: six? >> oh, sorry, i hadn't heard. [ laughter ] sorry, all right. go ahead. and don't drive for six hours. if only tiger had listened to me. ciao. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, i have to say -- i mean, i don't want to jump to conclusions. it seems like you're selling vaccines to celebrities, sacha? >> jimmy, jimmy. keep it moving.
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if you want to keep your legs moving. all right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. all right. >> the challenge -- the challenge with satire is -- >> jimmy: oh, we're back -- >> honey, honey, ruffalo's outside. here's the cash. [ laughter ] >> all right, okay, what does he want? >> two pfizers, a moderna -- and an oatly. >> he wants an oatly? what's the name, sacha baron postmates? all right. >> jimmy: what is happening? >> whoa. >> jimmy: are you selling -- you said -- are you selling vaccines to mark ruffalo? >> leave it, jimmy! >> jimmy: all right, i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> isla, you look higher than don jr. have you been drinking vaccines? how many have you had? >> two, i've had two! >> how many? >> 15! >> jimmy: oh my god. you know, this is -- well, besides -- i think this is illegal, but it seems like you should be focusing on your oscar campaign. you're nominated for awards, you're nominated for s.a.g. awards. it seems you should be focused
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on the oscars right now, right? >> this is my oscar campaign. [ laughter ] jimmy. put it this way. none of the hollywood foreign press are catching covid any time soon. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i see. >> open up! >> what? >> what? right, right -- >> jimmy: what's going on? >> it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. >> get out! >> all right, we got it, we're good. >> we're going, jimmy! >> see you, kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, that's quite a bit of money. >> no, so you know, the thing is -- they're just such wonderful actors. we have to -- >> jimmy: where are you going? what's happening? >> you know, eddie redmayne who's won an oscar -- >> jimmy: yeah, he was very good in that film. did you and eddie get along? >> i mean -- uh -- yeah, sure. aaron sorkin.
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every -- every word is a -- i've got -- the cdc have got a tank? >> jimmy: uh-huh? are you driving right now? [ sirens ] >> yeah, yeah, it's fine, it's fine, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah? >> yeah, everything about sorkin's mastery of language, he's the modern-day shakespeare and hitchcock -- oh god -- [ bleep ] -- [ sirens ] >> jimmy: it looks to me like you're being chased by the police, sacha. [ applause ] it seems -- i don't know -- >> no, no, i'm absolutely fine. it's really about inhabiting the character. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so many wonderful stars -- >> jimmy: yeah. you're on the local news also. i don't know if you're aware of this, sacha. >> wonderful. are they talking about the globes? >> jimmy: no, they're actually following your car with a helicopter right now. the police are -- it looks like -- oh no!
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oh my god, are you -- sacha, are you okay? ow, playing two charrs -- [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: oh my gosh. 5g or he can forget the second - dose of pfizer! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i should probably let you go. it looks like you're real busy there right now. sacha baron cohen -- >> thank you to the hollywood foreign press again. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: "the trial of the chicago 7" is on netflix, "borat" is on amazon prime. [ cheers and applause ] wesley snipes will be with us when we come back. thank you, sacha! ♪ tay keith ♪ and there you have it: mcdonald's new crispy chicken sandwich. from the makers of the world's most-stolen fries. the juicy chicken sandwich... from the place that offers extra napkins for a reason.
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the tender chicken sandwich... from the creators of a sandwich phenomenon. so you won't just be biting into a chicken sandwich, you'll be biting into mcdonald's new crispy, juicy, tender chicken sandwich. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ need a hand? crispy, juicy, tender chicken sandwich. no no, it's all- ♪ ♪ glad? (radio dj) ...and through downtown it's all glad it's better than all good, it's- ♪ all glad, ♪ ♪ it's all glad ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. sweetarts a candy that's just one thing? when i have sweetarts ropes bites? that are sweet and tart?!? why wouldn't i want both??? shhhhhhhweeetarts. sweetarts. be both. when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. i need to spend more time... with my cat. i am just soo busy... busy bee. there's a raccoon outside of my door... and it's... a alpha.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. wow, what a ride that was, huh? >> guillermo: it was crazy! >> jimmy: music from charlotte lawrence is on the way. more than 30 years ago, our next guest auditioned for, but did not get a role in the original "coming to america" but his long journey to zamunda is complete. he plays a fierce african warlord with a deep and abiding love of dance in "coming 2 america," it is on amazon prime video right now. please welcome wesley snipes. [ cheers and applause ] hey, how you doing? >> what's up, jimmy? >> jimmy: it's great to have you. >> great to be had, great to be had. >> jimmy: i've always wanted to have you on the show. boy, it's been a long time.
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>> always fun to be on your show. >> jimmy: good, here we are. >> hallelujah. >> jimmy: everything good? >> yeah, i'm doing great, everything's going wonderfully, you know. i'm out here in los angeles handling business. ask sacha how them vaccines working i got through him, you know what i'm saying? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's got a number of cell phones, i'll give you one of the numbers. >> no, no, no, he got my number already, we be good, we be good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mentioned in the introduction that you were, you know -- you auditioned for the role that eventually went to eric la salle. how many call-backs did you get for that part? i'm sorry if you're just finding out about this. >> oh, man. yeah, every time i hear that it irks me so bad. [ laughter ] yeah, i think maybe four, five auditions. me, eric la salle, my friend at the time. [ laughter ] at the time. and another -- i think we ended up working on "new jack city."
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went back for a number of auditions. i thought i had it locked in there, jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> then came up with a big "l." >> jimmy: you know what? that "l" has turned into a -- two have turned into a "w." [ cheers and applause ] >> pew pew pew pew pew! >> jimmy: by the way, you were fantastic in "dolomite" also. [ cheers and applause ] it's so great to see you and eddie together. how long have you known eddie murphy? >> i don't know, maybe since 1989? '88? '88, '89, going back all the way that far. all of us were hanging out in new york, all new yorkers. we were all hanging out in those days. >> jimmy: where would you hang out? would you go somewhere? >> downtown, yeah. >> jimmy: somebody's house? >> downtown. a lot of great clubs in those days. >> jimmy: wow.
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>> then there was also the midtown, china club thing. you know. rick james talked about that enough so i'm going to leave that alone. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he did, yeah. were you there with those guys when rick was hanging out? >> oh, man. i wasn't there, who told you that? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: crazy. >> i wasn't nowhere near that, man. >> jimmy: didn't eddie move to l.a. around that time? around the end of the '80s, beginning of l.a.? you don't know? >> i didn't get an invite. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you guys hang out with stevie wonder, which is -- i mean, who's better to hang out with than stevie wonder? >> oh, stevie wonder is the grand master. stevie wonder is the absolute grand master. you are blessed any time you can get to stand next to, near, by, look at, stevie wonder the great. >> jimmy: i did an event with stevie wonder once. and he was so funny. he was one of the funniest -- it was one of the funniest nights of my life. i did not realize how funny he is.
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>> oh, yeah, stevie wonder is very funny. he'll greet you in different accents depending where he thinks you're from. he'll greet you from that. from boston, did you pahk the cahr yet? you know, from the bronx, sup? sup? it's like that, stevie? you gangster like that? oh, okay. >> jimmy: what do you and stevie talk about, in typical conversation, what are the subjects? >> martial arts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: for real? >> yeah. >> jimmy: he's a fan of martial arts? >> no, stevie wonder is a grand master martial artist. that's why i call him "fingertips." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i thought it was because of the piano. it's not? >> no, no, no, he laid them aside. there used to be a japanese guy, zato ichi? this is zato stevie. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you being serious? does stevie wonder participate in the martial arts? >> jimmy, let me give you some
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words of advice. stevie wonder will kick your ass. [ laughter ] [ applause ] trying to help you, man. i'm telling you right now, stevie wonder will kick you in. >> jimmy: you are very accomplished in that area. have you ever sparred with him or whatever you call it where you get in and move around? >> uh -- no. i can't say, jimmy. i got stevie right here, man, he won't let me speak on that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you and woody harrelson still pals? >> i hate that guy. [ laughter ] i mean, i can't -- if i see another woody harrelson movie? >> jimmy: now that i definitely don't believe. because i do -- >> i love him so much. me love him like cooked food, man, like cooked food me love the whitey, that's it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: woody is a very competitive person, have you experienced that side of him? >> most definitely.
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in a lot of situations. >> jimmy: really? okay. >> yeah. you know, we used to play chess on "white men can't jump." and stalled the production. of course we thought when they said five minutes, it meant five minutes. our five minutes was 50 minutes. we were intensely into the game. no, woody will compete on everything and everything with everybody. handstands, backflips, running from here to there, jokes, you name it. he will definitely compete. >> jimmy: who would typically win your competitions? >> jimmy. what kind of question is this? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm wondering. the answer may well be -- >> me. moi, jimmo. moi, jimmo. >> jimmy: i heard -- first of all, people might think this is a joke but it's true, break dancing is going to be part of the olympic games. >> break dancing? that's right, the breakers rock, baby, that's right! beat boys rule the world. >> jimmy: you are involved in bringing attention to this, right? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: you were a break dancer as a kid? >> that's correct.
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early, my early days when i first started, back in the bronx, in the early -- when the bronx was burning in the '70s. '76. '75, '76, '77, '78. yeah, man, i was on concrete. i learned how to flip on concrete. i learned how to spin on concrete. >> jimmy: this is before people knew what break dancing was. >> that's correct. >> jimmy: most people think of the early '80s. >> that's correct. >> jimmy: you carried around a piece of cardboard and that sort of thing? >> no, no, we had a crew, man. the bronx was burning, there was plenty of cardboard in there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: after this weekend -- >> hey, the goal is to elevate the art form. it's the first american art form that has ever been inducted into the olympics. >> jimmy: is that right? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, man. believe. >> jimmy: this is going to be a good olympics, i can tell you right now. >> what we're going to do is expand it. put an olympic training center there in the bronx. also make the bronx a sanctuary. >> jimmy: i love that idea. >> absolutely necessary.
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we'll heal the world. we'll heal the community. we'll get in shape at the same time. let me tell you something, any time you want to step into the ring, let's get it on, baby. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i'm more a popper and a locker, but -- yeah, i would love to. >> what's up, jimmy, what's up? what's up, jimmy? >> jimmy: this won't mean a whole lot to anybody until they see the movie. monday everybody will be talking to you about this. but your character, general easy, in "coming 2 america," you make a spectacular dance entrance every time you enter a room. and that is, i mean -- was that the plan going into this movie? >> beat boys rule the world, man. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] beat boys rule the world. >> jimmy: well, the movie came out great. you are fantastic in it. it's "coming 2 america." we've been waiting for it. it is available right at this very moment on amazon prime video. wesley snipes, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] thanks, wesley.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: this is her debut ep. called "charlotte," it will be available in moments, but first, with the song "talk you down," charlotte lawrence. ♪ ♪ you're saying that you can't speak but you're talkin isn't it ironic ♪ ♪ you're saying that there's no way i can stop it but i ain't gonna drop it, yeah ♪ ♪ in this moment oh it's only in your mind all i know is baby, what's yours is mine ♪ ♪ irrational fears are calling irrational tears are falling ♪ ♪ baby i swear, i promise that i will talk you down ♪
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♪ make believe while you're walking making no sense you're talking ♪ ♪ baby i swear i'm on it that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ you think that i might leave if you're breaking well let me break it to you ♪ ♪ you'd have to do more damage than panic like i would ever lose you ah ah ♪ ♪ in this moment oh it's only in your mind all i know is baby, what's yours is mine ♪ ♪ irrational fears are calling irrational tears are falling ♪ ♪ baby i swear, i promise that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ make believe while you're walking making no sense you're talking ♪ ♪ baby i swear, i'm on it that i will talk you down ♪
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♪ talk you down talk you down talk you down that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ talk you down talk you down talk you down that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ you think that i might leave if you're breaking well let me break it to you ♪ ♪ irrational fears are calling irrational tears are falling ♪ ♪ baby i swear, i promise that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ make believe while you're walking making no sense you're talking ♪ ♪ baby i swear, i'm on it that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ talk you down talk you down talk you down that i will talk you down ♪ ♪ talk you down talk you down talk you down that i will talk you down ♪
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