tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 24, 2021 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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your time. right now on jimmy kimmel live, seth rogan, have a >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, seth rogen, patrick schwarzenegger, and music from daddy yankee. and now jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: thank you very much. oh, hi. thanks, thanks. hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thank you for joining us on "international women's day." a day on which we celebrate the many achievements of women around the world by watching "the bachelor" and gossiping about the queen. [ laughter ] that's what we were doing around here today. did you see the interview last night? oprah returned with meghan and harry. in what will surely go down in history as the most shocking gender reveal party of all time. [ laughter ] at least 17 million americans watched. only the super bowl and the season premiere of "the
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equalizer" featuring another queen, latifah, had more viewers this year. [ laughter ] that's huge. if only there was a way these oprah specials could vaccinate people too. it would be amazing. it was a riveting two hours. i had no interest in watching this, like none. then my wife put it on and i was like, "wait, rewind that! what did he -- what? this prince charles is an animal!" did you watch it, guillermo? >> no, i did not watch it. >> jimmy: you did not, all right. everyone thinks marrying a prince is like a fairy tale. turns out, it's not. meghan markle said that when she joined the royal family they took away her passport, driver's license, and keys. "welcome to the royal family. please remove your belt and get ready for a cavity search." [ laughter ] and her husband harry made a number of startling accusations. the governor of new york, andrew cuomo, vigorously denied all of them. [ laughter ] just out of reflex. meghan said that at one point things got so bad, she went to hr at buckingham palace for help and they refused to help, it's funny that the royal palace has
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hr and that it's just as unhelpful as hr everyplace else. [ laughter ] they also told oprah they have been cut off financially. oprah was like, "sorry, i already gave out all my cars." i can't help you. [ laughter ] meghan claims she was silenced during her time in the uk and after watching this last night, i have to say i believe it. >> it was a conversation with you -- >> with harry. >> about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially, and what that would mean or look like. >> ohh. and you're not going to tell me who had the conversation? >> i was a bit shocked. >> jimmy: maybe it was that old lady right there! [ laughter and applause ] for reasons that have yet to be explained, megan told oprah that the palace decided before baby archie was born, that he wouldn't be prince. that he wouldn't be entitled to royal protection. and that they were concerned about how white the kid might not be.
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>> so we had in tandem the conversation of, he won't be given security, not going to be given a title. and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. >> what? >> jimmy: boy, no one delivers a "what" like oprah. [ laughter ] who can blame her? imagine after centuries of inbreeding all of a sudden these people are concerned about the color of a baby's skin? [ laughter ] prince charles has the ears of a basset hound! they're worried about the skin, and by the way they should hope the kid looks more like meghan than harry. [ applause ] no offense, but he kind of looks like the guy who played screech. may he rest in peace. [ laughter ] anyway, oprah promised shocking revelations last night and not only did she deliver them, no one was more shocked by what was shocking than oprah was. >> what? what? what? hold up. hold up, wait a minute.
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wow. whoo. hm. oh. ahh! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i thought meghan and harry came across well, they seemed very genuine but there was one part of the interview that did not ring true to me. when oprah asked if they've seen a certain netflix show. >> i'm thinking because i watch "the crown," okay? i watch "the crown." do you all watch "the crown"? >> i've watched some of it. >> we've watched some of it. >> jimmy: all right no one watches some of "the crown." [ laughter ] once you start "the crown," you finish "the crown." you're hooked! harry said racism was a big part of their decision to leave. which you know things are bad at buckingham palace if they came to america to get away from racism. [ laughter ] that's like trying to get some peace and quiet at chuck e. cheese. the reaction in the uk was fierce. "megxile." "fights camera action!" "queen: duty and family unite us." "that's public service for you, harry and meghan. not a self-serving tv chat with oprah." a lot of brits are pissed.
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but harry and meghan live here now and america loves them. we love them, right? do we love them? [ cheers and applause ] we do? okay. i never know for sure what we love. one of the interesting side stories was people trying to figure out where they did the interview. at the top of the show oprah said it was the home of a mutual friend. >> i just want to make it clear to everybody that even though we're neighbors, i'm down the road, you're up the road. >> yeah, this isn't my house, this isn't your house. >> yeah, we're using a friend's house, they have a very nice -- >> beautiful. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it was my house that day. afterwards we went in the pool. we made s'mores in the microwave. it was great. [ laughter ] the other big news over the weekend, the senate saturday passed president biden's $1.9 trillion covid relief package. every republican voted against the bill. but it wasn't enough. the democrats prevailed and soon hundreds of millions of americans will get a $1,400 stimulus check.
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remember when trump sent out stimulus checks and delayed the process because he wanted his signature on them? as if grandpa sent you birthday money? [ laughter ] i wonder if biden will do that? what do we think? no? no. the cdc today released guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated. they say fully vaccinated people can gather indoors in small groups, without masks or social distancing. and if you're a vaccinated senior citizen and you meet another vaccinated senior citizen, the cdc says you can really go to town on each other sexually. [ cheers and applause ] lick each other's doorknobs. go wild. speaking of doorknobs donald trump may still be the face of the republican party, but he doesn't want them to use his name. he sent a cease and desist letter to the rnc and the republican committees for the house and senate, ordering them to stop using his name and likeness to raise money. trump hates it when other people use his name. especially don jr.
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[ laughter ] that one he really hates. he wants the money to himself. isn't that great? it's like "dirty rotten scoundrels." remember that one? "those are my suckers! go get your own suckers!" [ laughter ] there was an unusual summit on saturday. pope francis visited the top shiite cleric of iraq to send a message of peace between catholic and muslim worlds, and boy were they excited to see each other. [ laughter ] looks like the waiting room at the urologist's office. [ laughter ] i'm guessing those two did not watch "the bachelor" tonight. it was fantasy suite night. tonight on "the bachelor." matt's first date was with michelle where they were instructed to literally butter each other up. >> this is really good for your skin. >> i smell like -- >> melt the butter down. apply the butter. oh, yeah. there it is. >> that's just the release of the stress. made sure to cover all of matt's surfaces. >> jimmy: somewhere in georgia,
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paula deen just got a little tingle. [ laughter ] little tingle. this is the magical part of the season where the women profess their love to matt and then matt says nothing. like this. >> i really am so in love with you. >> jimmy: okay, that was bree. this was michelle. >> it feels right to say it so i'm going to say it. i love you. >> jimmy: and then it was rachel's turn. >> i'm, like, head over heels for you, i'm like completely in love with you. >> in fairness, rachel said it after matt said that he loves her. so it's over, then, right? he said he loves rachel, let's wrap it up. rachel happens to be the one my wife picked to win, so this was a promising sign. but the problem for matt is it seems he can see a life with all
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the women. >> waking up next to michelle in the morning, not hard to see a life with her. i can see a life with bree after this. just thinking about what life would look like with rachel. everyone who's here, i could see being in my life. >> what? [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: how many wives does he have? so now it's down to rachel and michelle. and we'll find out who he'll spend the next six to eight weeks of his life with next monday night. [ laughter ] on "the bachelor". did you know they're making a new movie "space jam" movie? on thursday warner brothers released a promotional image for the sequel to "space jam" starring lebron james. and one of the characters from the original movie, lola bunny, who was kind of a jessica rabbit type. very curvy. all of a sudden is not curvy at all. the director of the new "space jam" said he wanted to make the character more kid-friendly, which makes sense, it's a kid's
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movie. [ laughter ] so he evened her out, and some people are, believe it or not upset about this, they say it's another example of the entertainment industry being overly pc. one guy in particular is leading this protest. and he's joining us now to talk about why. he's the editor of the conservative blog "the daily rage," ken reynolds. [ applause ] hello, ken. >> hi. hi. glad to be here. hopefully i make it through this without getting taken out by hollywood's "woken dagger" squad. >> jimmy: okay, well, now, i understand you're upset about the new "space jam" movie. >> i'm not upset, i'm outraged! >> jimmy: okay, why? why are you outraged? >> it's political correctness gone mad! the loony left is going through all our beloved childhood characters with a sanctimonious magnifying glass and now, the producers of "space jam" have decided lola bunny can't be sexy anymore! it's the final straw! >> jimmy: i'm sorry, what? can't be what? >> it's the final straw. >> jimmy: no, i said what about
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the bunny being sexy anymore? >> you're damn right she is a sexy bunny, lola bunny, okay? look at her. she was a sassy rabbit with legs for days and a butt that wouldn't quit. all right? now look what they've done to her! looks like she coaches volleyball at a women's college! the libs cancelled my lola's sweet, lumpy rack! >> jimmy: i'm sorry, are you saying you're sexually attracted to a cartoon rabbit? >> not anymore, i'm not! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: don't you think that's a little weird? >> no, not at all. look, when i was 8 years old, "space jam" came out. for me, and for every red-blooded american man of my generation, watching that smokin' hot bunny dribble a basketball was a key part of my sexual awakening. >> jimmy: are you sure that's something you want to share on television? >> excuse me, i thought you liberals were supposed to be sex positive? now i'm crazy because i want to see a cartoon rabbit with juicy
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little hoof s i can suck? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, first of all, it's "hooves", not "hoofs." and secondly, rabbits don't have hoof -- hooves, but more importantly, this movie is for kids. why does the female rabbit need to be sexy? >> the rabbit needs to be sexy because -- because this is all that i have! okay? nothing else arouses me! not even close, i'm only horny for bunnies! >> jimmy: you know ken, i don't think this is about cancel culture at all. i think this is about your own sexual kinks. you should probably talk to a therapist about this. >> if i wanted a therapist, i wouldn't have thrown a chair at my therapist. okay? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, so what do you want then? are you asking the studio to redraw the movie? to change it? >> we're not asking, we're demanding, me and a group of patriots are heading down to the warner brothers lot today to launch a boycott against "space jam" until they agree to put that rabbit's big natural jugs back in the cartoon kids movie where they belong. >> jimmy: oh, okay, well.
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by the way, you spelled "rabbits" wrong, it's got two bs. >> i spell it with one "b." for boner! >> jimmy: thank you. that's ken reynolds. by the way, ken, what happened to your eye? >> oh, this? >> jimmy: yeah. >> let's just say i'm not welcome in pet smart any more. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. thank you. ken reynolds. [ cheers and applause ] that's ken reynolds, guillermo. >> funny guy. >> jimmy: all right, we got a good show, patrick schwarzenegger is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from daddy yankee. and we'll be right back with seth rogen. this is hal. this is hal's heart. it's been broken. and put back together. this is hal's relief, knowing he's covered by medicare from blue cross blue shield. and with coverage you can trust, backed by over 80 years of healthcare expertise,
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mr. bublé, you can't keep breaking in here. bubly just came out with bubly bounce. a little kick of caffeine exactly what i need to fix these. yeah, bublé bouncé. no calories. no sweeteners. just a kick of caffeine. get your spring on at ross. yes! with brand-name looks at prices that say it's on. yeah, it is! get this season's styles for you... ...and you... and you... with the best bargains ever... ross. yes for less!
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so you went to ross and saved big on shoes? oh, yeah! and snagged “yes, please” brands at “no way” prices. hurry in for fresh styles for the whole fam... ...and say cheers to spring with the best bargains ever... at ross. yes for less! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back to the show. tonight from the new movie "moxie," patrick schwarzenegger is here.
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[ cheers and applause ] then, later, one of the biggest names in music, daddy yankee. [ cheers and applause ] can we call him daddy? you can see daddy tonight and again tomorrow morning on "gma," so set your alarm for daddy now. [ laughter ] this week, we've got new shows with kevin bacon, jesse tyler ferguson, vanessa kirby, and travon free with music from niko moon and daya. and on thursday night, we have a special one year coronavirus anniversary show with joel mchale, secretary of transportation pete buttigieg, and adam duritz, too. so please join us [ cheers and r all the festivities. our first guest is a very funny actor, writer, director, producer, a talented ceramist and a budding gwyneth paltrow too. starting thursday, you can order "recreational products" from his new company houseplant at please welcome seth rogen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome. >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you? good to see you. you're even starting to dress like a guy who does ceramics and sells weed. >> i got dressed today and i was like how do i dress now? i don't know. i don't know now who conduct myself out in the world. literally, i had a small crisis as i was getting dressed, like, i don't know how i dress any more. i wear pajamas, i can't wear that on the show, i don't think. >> jimmy: it's like mr. rogers got high. [ laughter ] >> might have, yeah. i've been slowly working towards this the whole time. yeah. i've arrived at this. >> jimmy: did you watch meghan and harry last night? >> i did. i get mistaken for harry every blue moon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i could see that. >> being jewish that would not be acceptable. [ laughter ] so i like to know what's going
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on in his life in case i have to pretend to be him. jmy: he woul here sooner. >> no kidding. but no, if they want weed, hit me up, now that they're here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can i tell you something? >> they could use it. >> jimmy: i think they could use a lot of it. >> they got a lot of stress from where they're coming from. >> jimmy: sounds like they do. >> a stressful existence. >> jimmy: maybe that's why they're here. >> and they're always smoking hash with tobacco in the uk so i get why they're out of there. >> jimmy: they don't have a lot of marijuana in the uk. >> no, it's a disaster. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: it's a humanitarian crisis. >> out of all of the things, that's what i thought, the worst thing. no, i won't even joke about it. >> jimmy: i wonder why that is? tradition or what? >> i don't know. i honestly don't know. >> jimmy: you could dominate that market, i mean, really. >> one day, i would love to sell weed to the people of the united kingdom. [ laughter ] one day, that would be great. >> jimmy: you started -- i think
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the last time you were on our show you just launched in canada. >> yes. >> jimmy: and now you launched in the united states >> yes. >> jimmy: and maybe the uk is next. >> one day. we're sitting such a weird distance -- i don't know how loud to talk. am i talking to loud? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you ever worried about that? let's be honest. >> i never have, i feel like i'm too loud. >> jimmy: no you're not, we expect nothing less from you. >> you have the first mouth and nostrils i've seen in real life in a very long time. it's really weird. they're the first facial holes i've seen in person in a long time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you've been staying in? >> yeah, i stay in, yeah. >> jimmy: just generally? >> the whole time i stay in, yeah. the world has acclimatized to my lifestyle. >> jimmy: do you find it interesting how excited people are about your ceramic work? >> i am fascinated.
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yeah. honestly, it's a wonderful thing. i'm glad i was able to capture so much -- so many people's attention and the people seem genuinely proud of me. i've made so many movies, nobody seemed proud of me afterwards. [ laughter ] that has never been the sense i've gotten from my audience is like, we're proud of you for this. it's more like, why did you do this to us? but yeah. people seem genuinely proud of me. which is very nice. >> jimmy: yeah, there's something interesting. >> i really love ceramics and i found i can express myself through ceramics. >> jimmy: and you're really good at it, did you know you'd be good at it? >> no i'm bad at almost everything i try, was a real surprise. >> jimmy: i'm curious, your interest in ceramics, how you've tied it into house plants, if that was a plan or it just so happened to go together? >> no, it was very organic. [ laughter ]
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come on, i haven't left the house in a while, i don't know what's funny anymore. yeah, i was working on house plant already. and i also started doing ceramics, and i smoke weed all day, every day. and wanted an ashtray that functioned in a way i thought a ashtray should. i don't like to clean them often. i wanted a deep reservoir to fit the ash in. and i like a little bed to kind of rest, you know, rest it on, you know. >> jimmy: a nice box, there you go. >> it has a nice box. >> jimmy: why is this ashtray the perfect ashtray? >> because it's been developed by someone who probably put more thought into ashtrays than anyone. >> jimmy: in the world. >> that will you come across. >> jimmy: that makes sense. >> yeah, i really -- to me, having a -- >> jimmy: oh, nice. >> yeah, it has a little vase. to me, having a nice setup to smoke with really made me feel less that i was doing something
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illicit and doing something that was very normal. and i think that's also something that people who smoke weed want. >> jimmy: so the joint goes there. >> it could. >> jimmy: what goes there? >> ashtray could go there or another ashtray if you have friends over. >> jimmy: i see. very clever. and the vase is for flowers? >> the vase is for flowers because i like flowers, i think flowers are pretty. and i thought, like, if you're putting it on your side table, it's like your little setup, you know. >> jimmy: your little set with a flower. >> the ashtray set by 7th, the least-creative name for anything in the history of things. >> jimmy: it's descriptive though and it really works. i would suggest maybe you come up with a different box so people can buy this for their unsuspecting mom and she'll think she just got a nice coffee, espresso sipper or something like that. >> get a good drink out of it, yeah. >> jimmy: something special for mother's day. >> for sure. a lot of mothers smoke weed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah, and a lot of
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them eat it now, too. that's very popular thing going on. you've also come up with your own -- it's not ceramic, it's metal. >> it's a table lighter and the lid is an ashtray. >> jimmy: everything's an ashtray. >> everything could be an ashtray. that's what i found. that's what i've learned throughout my life. i lose my lighters more than anything. me and my wife constantly fight about it so i was like, let's make something so people never lose the lighter. >> jimmy bli: hroohe tm. sasonti [ laughter ] >> exactly. >> jimmy: so i don't accidentally put it in my pocket. >> it's a wonderful thing for >> jimmy: yeah, like everyone who smokes pot loses their lighters. >> they do. i don't know where they go. i wish i did. i steal other people's lighters just to lose them. if you have a lighter i will take it and make it vanish. >> jimmy: what a money saver this is, too. >> that could be the last lighter you ever purchase.
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>> jimmy: these you could buy anywhere? >> buy from our website, >> jimmy: anywhere you live, you can buy them? >> all across america, you can buy them. >> jimmy: you can only buy your cannabis products in california? >> only available in california, yeah. >> jimmy: do you grow all this weed or collect it and get the best ones? >> we curate strains which is the move the fun thing i've done in my entire life. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you and who? >> me and my partner evan. >> jimmy: your writing partner. >> yeah, i should make that -- at this point it goes far beyond writing. >> jimmy: sure. >> i met at a bar mitzvah class when i was 12, we wrote "pineapple express," made everything together, founded this weed company together. yeah, in order to find the strains we needed to smoke tons of different strains of weed and we'd go on little friend dates to try out the effects of the strains. we'd be like let's smoke this weed, have dinner and see a movie together.
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smoke this weed, write for three hours, see how that goes. >> jimmy: you evaluate it each time. >> yeah we have a rigorous process of getting super duper high and doing [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and how may i ask is that different from any other time you and evan hang out? >> we realized it was not at all different. [ laughter ] we had note pads, other than that, yeah, it was very similar. but, like, i smoke weed all day every day. it is 100% intrinsic to my functionality and my life. and so that was really something we wanted to take into consideration, like, how do i function on this weed, can i smoke it all day and go about my life and job? that's what we were looking for. >> jimmy: did you find that, you know, i have a number of questions. >> go for it. >> jimmy: like you're a scientist now. >> it's true. it's not the most funny thing to talk about but i love talking about it more than anything. >> jimmy: we'll be right back
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with meghan, harry and seth rogen. ♪ ♪ it's a wishlist on wheels. a choice that requires no explanation. it's where safe and daring seamlessly intersect. it's understated, yet over-delivers. it is truly the mercedes-benz of sports sedans. lease the 2021 c 300 sedan for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. ♪ ♪
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four, five, turn, kick. both topped with slow-smoked bacon. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be,
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, we are back with seth rogen, patrick schwarzenegger and music from daddy yankee are coming up. seth has a website >> i do. >> jimmy: did somebody own that url before you did? >> somebody did but we got it shockingly easy. >> jimmy: did they know what you were up to? >> we got it, yes. they would not have sold it as inexpensive as they did if they knew. i'm not proud, it's just what happened. we ripped those [ bleep ] off. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: obviously they weren't making any money with it. >> it was dormant. there was nothing there. if you went to, it was like a godaddy page. >> jimmy: you watered it and brought it to life. >> just like a house plant. >> jimmy: you talked about how
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you and evan would try these different strains. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you find that they affect you guys the same? or is each one different for each person? >> we found they're mostly the same for us. but everyone's brain is a little different. some people's brains are very different. i'm not a scientist. [ laughter ] yeah, but we found we were generally on the same page as for which strains affected us in different ways. >> jimmy: you didn't the have any disagreements? did anything just zonk you both out? >> yeah, and sometimes that's exactly what we were going for. it was great, yeah. our indica really will zonk you out, that was a desired effect. >> jimmy: did you write the descriptions you came up with for each strain? >> yeah, we named them as well. when we came up with pineapple
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express it was a joke and then it became a strain of weed after the film. but it's based on a weather system which hits the pacific northwest, which we're from. we named all of our strains on weather systems as an homage to ourselves. [ laughter ] a super arrogant thing to do, but yes. to honor ourselves and the work we did, we named our strains after weather systems. >> jimmy: what are some of the names of the strains? >> there's pancake ice, which is a weather system, a great name for weed, or a rapper. diablo wind, also good name for weed and rapper. they're kind of interchangeable, i'd say. and pink moon, our indica, which is a weather system. >> jimmy: pink moon is a weather system? >> a meteorological event. >> jimmy: it's randomly named? >> pink moon is indica, a nighttime energy, a nighttime
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vibe to it. >> jimmy: you guys are hysterical. [ laughter ] >> we truly like -- there was a point i was embarrassed how much thought i put into weed, but i've embraced it. i fully just -- but it is an amount of thought that would humiliate a lot of people, i can truly say. >> jimmy: like, are you high right now? >> yeah, i'm high all the time. [ applause ] >> jimmy: and it doesn't stop working for you? doesn't wear off? >> i mean, i will keep smoking weed throughout the day to make sure to keep going. but no, i've never smoked a joint and had it be like, that just didn't work. that would be terrible. like a twilight zone episode. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: will you be selling edibles and that sort of thing? >> we hope to one day. we sell beverages in canada but canada, their infrastructure is far more institutionalized. so you can kind of recreate an effect more consistently with edibles. whereas in america, they're not quite there yet. and edibles, i've had very scattershot experiences. >> jimmy: you have? >> i guess you would say, yeah. >> jimmy: bad experiences?
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>> i had one experience at the golden globes years ago that was pretty bad. [ laughter ] yeah. the thing with edibles is you -- there's been times where i've thought i was fine, but i was not. and that's what's scary about edibles is you don't even know what they're doing to you. i was at the golden globes, which are a nightmare. so i ate a weed -- [ laughter ] i had a weed lollipop throughout the show. i thought in my head, i'm really high but i'm keeping it together. that was what i kept thinking in my head, like man, this thing is [ bleep ] me up but i'm looking and acting totally normal. then the show ended and i went to an after party. and i saw bryan cranston, who i don't know that well. but i saw him. the first thing he said to me was, "are you okay?" [ laughter ] and -- which is an alarming question to be asked when you think you are okay. [ laughter ] like, if you bump into something and are hurt, someone's like,
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are you okay? like, no, thank you, i'm okay. but if you think you're doing good and someone looks at you very scared and says, "are you okay?" it will really bring you back to earth. >> jimmy: like that guy's walter white. >> yeah, that guy's seeing things. if i'm alarming to walter white, i must have been [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and he said, "are you okay?" and i turned around and left. [ laughter ] and i literally, i walked out of the hotel and got in my car and went home. i was like, no -- if you're asking me, the answer is no, i'm not okay, i'm getting the [ bleep ] out of here. >> jimmy: well, congratulations. i know this say big thing for you. starting thursday you can order house plant products at marijuana magnate seth rogen, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with patrick schwarzenegger.
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>> jimmy: how's it going? did rogen give you any samples backstage? >> i was trying to sniff him out, i couldn't find him. >> jimmy: is that something you're interested in? >> in marijuana? >> jimmy: yes. >> no. i used to be like him, actually. >> jimmy: really? >> yes, you wasn't doing pots and pans and all that weird stuff but i used to smoke every -- every day. >> jimmy: pots and pans would be a great name for a high movie review show. >> right? [ laughter ] that's what i should do, but i used to -- i used to, to the point i couldn't do anything without smoking. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. and then we went to easter brunch one day, and i was high. and my dad sits down next to me, and he said, are you high? and i said, yes. and he said why would you ever want to be high?
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you have the best life in the world. why would you ever want to take something out of your life, take you out of your life? >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i never smoked since. >> jimmy: really? wow. wait a minute. [ applause ] >> five years. >> jimmy: what kind of pot was that, the pot that makes you listen to your dad. [ laughter ] >> it was a little bit of a bad trip situation for that day. then yeah, i don't know. >> jimmy: they ought to start pumping that through the schools. >> exactly. >> jimmy: politics in your family obviously on both sides. >> correct. >> jimmy: why did you decide you wanted to be an actor? >> yeah, one day i was sitting next to my dad once again, we were watching "hercules in new york," one of his first films, had a gap in his teeth this big, couldn't speak a lick of english, and he was so bad and i was like, wow, you are this successful and you were this bad in this movie? i'm giving acting a shot.
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[ laughter and applause. >> jimmy: seemed easy? >> no, i mean, that's -- yeah, but i really grew up going on set with him, i fell in love with it. it's been a really fun journey. >> jimmy: did you ever have regular jobs? >> i did. >> jimmy: what did you do? >> i had my own pizza joint called blaze pizza. >> jimmy: that's your place? >> yeah, i sold it, it's gone. it's not done, it's still operating, but i'm out of it. but for a few years a was making the pies for the people. i used to work for rick caruso at the grove. >> jimmy: the grove is a local mall here, a really nice mall. >> a really high-end, upscale mall, and i did everything there. i did valet, security, property walks, lease management tours. i have a really funny story. one time, i was on, so rick k at a different area of the grove so you understand every little part of the grove is what makes the grove so amazing. >> jimmy: i see. >> and i was a security guard
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for the week, meanwhile, i had my own security guard for me because my dad was governor. right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait a minute, so you're doing security and you have security. >> exactly. [ laughter ] so i'm like a 15-year-old kid with an earpiece and like, a suit jacket. and i'm like, okay. i show up for work. they're like, okay, you're security for paris hilton today. she's got a book tour, she's coming to the grove, she's going to be signing autographs. i'm like, okay, i know paris, but okay. so she gets out of the car. paris has a security guard that used to work for my dad. [ laughter ] i show up to greet paris, she's like, patrick? what are you doing? i'm your security guard for the day. >> jimmy: wow, that sounds like a movie, like something you ought to write up. >> it's great. it's fun. >> jimmy: what a weird place to grow up.
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it's funny. it's got to be weird. your parents are famous to begin with. you got donkeys running around the house, tiny horses, but i grew up in las vegas and never realized it was a strange thing to do until people said oh, wow, you grew up in vegas. you're like, oh, yeah, conan is my dad. >> yeah. he's got this weird three-fourths through life crisis where he has a donkey and a pony. >> jimmy: yeah, i know that, he showed me pictures of that. >> a massive 200-pound husky and a 3-pound yorkshire terrier. [ laughter ] he's this massive guy in his huge chair with the little yorkshire terrier on his knee. it's an odd dynamic. >> jimmy: that is crazy. now you did this movie with amy poehler which is pretty great. did you know amy beforehand? >> i actually didn't. i never met her until we were in the audition room. >> jimmy: chris pratt, your
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brother-in-law, you were on "parks and recreation," did you ask him to put in a word for you? >> i didn't. i don't know if i would have been comfortable doing that. i probably should have but i'll keep that iou for the future. >> jimmy: it seemed to have worked out okay. >> it did. yes. >> jimmy: as far as covid goes, do you move back in with your parents? >> i did. >> jimmy: you moved back? >> yeah. that was another odd dynamic. it was me, my girlfriend and my mom. >> jimmy: really, in the same house? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how long since you had lived together? >> since high school. >> jimmy: since high school. and you play a high school student in this movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so it's almost as if you were preparing for that. >> i did a lot of method. so i moved back home with my mom. i actually went back to school. i went back to high school for a year and a half to really study this character. so yeah. >> jimmy: you're serious, you're not kidding around at all? >> not at all. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the movie is called "moxie." it's on netflix now.
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congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: patrick schwarzenegger, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with music from daddy yankee. (sigh) mr. bublé? not again... just fixing a little typo, gladys. oh, what's this? bublé bounce?! yeah. a little caffeine, no calories. it's great. a kick of caffeine just what i needed to fix all these. would you pronounce it bounce or bouncé? yeah, bublé bouncé. that's not how it's pronounced. no calories. no sweeteners. just a kick of caffeine. up at 2:00am again? tonight, try pure zzzs all night. no calories. no sweeteners. unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. i feel bad for kicking your seat on purpose. we should have just told you it's a boy. i wish you didn't have to hear all that. i promise i will not eat any more of your friends. really?
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the most common side effect was diarrhea. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about your risk of hiv... ...and if descovy for prep is right for you. get help paying for descovy for prep. learn more at how did kellogg's combine crunchy oat clusters with a touch of honey... plump, juicy raisins and tasty fiber into one delicious cereal? it took a lot of bran-storming. get it?
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kellogg's raisin bran crunch. two scoops of delicious. the new samsung galaxy s21 this looks different. get it? it is. show me. just hit record! see that? you're filming in 8k. that's cinema quality. so... you can pull photos straight from video. impressive. but will it last the whole trip? you'll have battery all day. and then more. (horn beeps) this is different. told you. ♪ ♪
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