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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 1, 2021 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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rest of your evening. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- melissa mccarthy and octavia spencer. nasim pedrad. clayton kershaw. and music from fitz featuring bryce vine. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, thank you. hi, i am jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. happy pranksgiving to one and all. today is the first day of may. today is april fools' day. historians believe that april fools' day dates all the way back to 1582. to france where people would put paper fish on each other's backs, and call them "april fish." guillermo, turn around. yeah. i put one on your back a minute ago. >> guillermo: oh, you did?
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: you see how funny that is? >> guillermo: yeah, wow. >> jimmy: let me tell you, the french are hilarious. they really are. [ laughter ] at mar-a-lago today, donald trump played a very cruel prank on his son, eric. he opened his arms and pretended he was going to hug him. [ laughter ] remember last year when trump promised the coronavirus would disappear by easter? that was a good one. [ laughter ] that was maybe the best one ever. april fools' is too easy this year. all you have to do is sneeze. and you've won. [ laughter ] this is not a prank, or maybe it is, who knows? russia says they've developed a covid vaccine for animals. it's called "karnivak-kov." it was developed for pets and farm animals. they give them one shot. with this. and they're done. [ laughter ] you know, pets can get the coronavirus. the worst thing about getting covid for dogs is they try to smell each other's butts. nothing. [ laughter ] they can't.
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you know who tested positive for covid? old lipstick on a pitbull herself, sarah palin. palin has announced that she and two of her kids contracted the virus. how, she doesn't know. sarah palin lives in alaska. you almost have to try to catch covid in alaska. it's easier to catch a bald eagle than covid in alaska. [ laughter ] palin is encouraging others to wear masks. which is rich because at the beginning of this, back in may, she visited a beauty salon in texas to support the owner who went to jail because she refused to shut her business down. she said it was her constitutional right to endanger her community. but now that sarah has herself been bitten by the bug, she pch. i love that these people only believe in science when it happens to them. [ laughter ] they only acknowledge that covid is real after they get covid. that's like saying, "now that i have been mauled by a bear personally, i realize that their claws and teeth are very sharp." [ laughter ] but good or her for speaking out. finally.
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corona isn't the only transmissible disease we need to worry about. oxford university is said to be hard at work on a vaccine for what they call "super gonorrhea." back in 2018, a british man vacationing in southeast asia contracted what has been described as the "worst ever" case of gonorrhea. god only knows how he got it, [ laughter ] but he did, and now it's spreading. the hope is that a vaccine to stop it will be ready in time for the next season of "bachelor in paradise." [ laughter ] keep your fingers crossed. easter is now just a few days away which means it's time for jesus and peeps! [ cheers and applause ] these peeps. you know, it used to be -- there were yellow peeps in the shape of little chicks and that was it. then they started making them in the shape of bunnies. which do not peep. by the way. chicks peep, bunnies don't, unless you step on them. [ laughter ] but apparently the new shapes and colors caught on, because this is what is now available.
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you see here. we've got chocolate pudding peeps. we have root beer float peeps. we have blue raspberry peeps. we have sour watermelon. cotton candy. all kinds of crap. this is what it looks like at cvs. [ laughter ] the store's gone all peeps. there's also peeps cereal, which if you read it you see it's marshmallow-flavored cereal with marshmallows. [ laughter ] artificially flavored. it's like a roast beef-flavored sandwich with beef. [ laughter ] what are these? oh, sugar-free peeps. it would be funny if this was just an empty little container. [ laughter ] that's not where it ends. there are a whole host of peeps products on the market now. we came up with a game in time for easter. i'm going to ask/force our staff and our audience to play the game. it's called "real or fake peeps?" [ cheers and applause ] tell me if this is real or fake.
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okay? this is peeps hand sanitizer. real or fake? that's the real thing and i'm going to use that as well, okay. this is peeps pringles. this is fake, yeah. this is a fake, right? fake, yeah. but it will be real by the end of probably the month. these are peeps-flavored strawberry and chocolate marshmallow milk. that is real, yeah. peeps yoplait. that's not real, that's fake. everyone who said real is fired. [ laughter ] this is peeps crest. yes, of course that's fake. this is peeps twinkies. real or fake? they are -- i don't actually know. they're fake? yeah. peeps pepsi. no, this is real. and how they did not call this
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pee peepsi, i have no idea. [ applause ] for those who like a little kick, peeps white claw. [ laughter ] fake. and these peeps crocs. are these peeps crocs a thing? no, they are real. and they are a crime against humanity. [ laughter ] guillermo, try them on, these are for you, enjoy. one last item. peeps truck nuts. [ laughter and applause ] yes? gary, one hour. one of our writers, gary. those will be hanging from the ball hitch of his honda crv. [ laughter ] baseball is back. a new season is officially under way. you can't beat opening day sitting in a 33% capacity ballpark, stuffing a hot dog into your n95, mustard all over
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the mask, the whole deal. the mets and nationals had to push their game because at least five players on the nationals tested positive or were in quarantine. the league is adhering to covid guidelines for the time being. the crowds are limited and all second basemen and left fielders will be cardboard cutouts. [ laughter ] the soon to be former cleveland indians played today. they lost to the tigers. that team is expected to get a new name sometime next year. but effective immediately, fans at progressive field in cleveland will no longer be allowed to paint their faces red or wear headdresses at the game. the team put out a statement that says, headdresses and face paint styled in a way that references or appropriates american indian cultures and traditions will not be permitted unless you ar full-blooded descendent of the lakota, in which case, thanks for being a fan, go tribe, oops, sorry, we're not calling the team tribe anymore, thank you for being a fan, whoops, sorry, we promise
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we'll change the name soon. [ applause ] our local dodgers here in los angeles are the reigning world series champs. [ cheers and applause ] they won the world series, which is exciting. dodgers had their opener today against the colorado rockies. and ahead of the game our very own guillermo, who -- oh, wow, that's a good look for you. >> guillermo: yeah, they're comfortable, i like them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you like them? you think you'll wear them on easter? >> guillermo: yes, of course. >> jimmy: are those edible? what are they made out of, those peeps? give them a little squeeze. >> guillermo: no, they're not edible. >>. >> jimmy: they're not? eat one innanyway. don't eat it, that was a joke. [ laughter ] guillermo journeyed to dodger stadium to have a socially distanced chart with tonight's starter clayton kershaw. [ applause ] >> guillermo: hi, i'm here at
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dodgers stadium with the world series champion clayton kershaw. hi, clayton. >> what? i can't hear you. >> guillermo: i said -- [ sirens ] >> guillermo: oh. i said, thank you for joining me for this social distant interview! >> yeah, no problem, glad to be here. >> guillermo: which one you like better? peanuts or crackers? >> you mean crackerjacks? >> guillermo: crackers -- jacks, yeah. [ laughter ] >> i prefer peanuts. >> guillermo: yeah, me too, i love peanuts. >> cool. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: this is a very important question. why i cannot buy beer in the ninth inning? >> you know, i think -- it might have something to do with driving, guillermo. i'll look into that. >> guillermo: great, thank you.
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i have a picture to show you. tell me what were you thinking in this picture? >> hold on, let me grab something. oh. yeah, i'm thinking that thing's pretty cool. >> guillermo: good answer. are you ready for a softball question? >> i think so. >> guillermo: i brought a softball. >> okay, are you going to throw it to me? >> guillermo: yeah. arggh! >> next question. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: knock knock. >> who's there? >> guillermo: mookie betts. >> mookie betts who? >> guillermo: mookie betts bet me $20 i wouldn't tell this joke. you get it? >> i think so. i mean, not really. but yeah. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: one more question, clayton. >> okay, one more.
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>> guillermo: which dodger has the best scent? >> which dodger has the best what, now? >> guillermo: which dodger has the best scent? >> the best sex? [ laughter ] is that what he asked? >> guillermo: you know what? i'm going to call you. >> okay, call me. call me. hello? >> guillermo: clayton. which dodger has the best scent? you know which one smell the best? >> bruise dar gogaderrol. he smells good all the time. >> guillermo: okay. >> is this interview over? >> guillermo: can we do a long-distance hug? >> i'd love that. >> guillermo: all right, hold on. ♪ ♪ >> that's so nice, thank you. >> guillermo: that was so good, clayton. >> i bet it was. thanks for doing that, man.
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>> guillermo: i love you, man! thank you, clayton! back to you, jimmy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well done. good to see. i'm ready to go to a game. >> guillermo: me too, i'm ready, yeah. >> jimmy: thanks to clayton kershaw. and one more thing before we keep going. it's thursday night, which means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is time for "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> it's tuesday, march 30th. and we are about to [ bleep ] your [ bleep ]. >> i have one question for you, are we going to see your [ bleep ] tonight? >> what's not traveling is a giant [ bleep ] stuck in the middle of the suez canal. >> you and i [ bleep ], about two years ago, your wife was there and i brought a friend of mine. >> today he [ bleep ]ed himself. >> i've got another [ bleep ] story. i promise i care more about dons but this was incredible. >> were you being censored?
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> . [ long beep ] >> the entire room was [ bleep ] after [ bleep ], one after the other. >> there's no one that [ bleep ]s my father as well as i do. i [ bleep ] him late at night. i can't tell you how many times we are together. >> somebody step up and [ bleep ] my ass! [ bleep ] me! >> i cannot wait to [ bleep ] a 50-year-old man, i've never done it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. we got a great show for you tonight. nasim pedrad is here. music from fitz featuring bryce vine. and we'll be right back with melissa mccarthy and octavia spencer!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. tonight from the new show "chad" on pbs, nasim pedrad is here. [ cheers and applause ] that is a very funny show. later tonight, a new solo album, it's called "head up high." fitz with bryce vine. [ cheers and applause ] next week, next week, we've got new shows with mark wahlberg, luke bryan, katey sagal, david alan greer, romany malco, topher grace, ray romano, and hunter biden, with music from nessa barrett and jayden featuring travis barker, all time low, and the wallflowers. [ cheers and applause ] so please join us for all that. our first guests tonight are two very talented actors who are good friends on-screen and off-screen. they play superheroes in the new movie "thunder force." it premieres next friday on netflix. please welcome melissa mccarthy and octavia spencer.
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[ cheers and applause ] hello, ladies. >> hello. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: how are you? [ cheers and applause ] now listen, if you're allegedly such good friends, why aren't you together? why are you separated? [ laughter ] >> this is when we talk about our feud. >> jimmy: i see, oh, good. let's start one right now. yeah, i feel like i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room right now. melissa, you are in australia, right? >> yep. i'm in australia, out by byron bay. >> jimmy: how are things there? i heard they don't even have the virus in australia, that is true? >> you know, we have -- i've been here like nine months, and i feel guilty saying it, but it's been completely covid free. there's just been a few cases, literally like this week, and like they shut everything down, became hot spots. but we're talking about like four cases. >> jimmy: miraculous. >> it got out of brisbane. but everybody shut down everything. like the second one case happened it was like, shut it
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all down. and then, you know. they track everything, like within minutes. >> jimmy: so you're saying they're better than we are? [ laughter ] >> oh! yeah, sorry. but we suck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: octavia, you're stuck back here with us, right? >> yeah. i'm in the land of covid. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how long have you seen each other? >> 25 years. >> god. over -- yeah. >> jimmy: 25 years. >> 25. >> jimmy: how often do you actually see each other? >> well -- >> when we're home, a lot. but the problem is, like for a while -- it was seeming weird. we were literally doing this -- like as i -- we live in -- we're neighbors. as i was coming home, like i'm going to be home saturday. she's like, i'm leaving friday night. it was like someone was planning specifically to keep us apart. so getting to like finally work together was like a dream, because i'm like, i haven't had her for three months at one time
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in like ever. >> jimmy: and octavia, you said you're neighbors. how close neighbors are you? like right down the block from each other? >> well, we used to be. if i sit in my backyard and threw a pecan, i could hit her house. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you do that a lot? were there pecans flying over? [ laughter ] >> that's why i moved. [ laughter ] that's why i had to move. >> jimmy: and then -- so then you moved, melissa. octavia, you moved? you followed melissa into her neighborhood? >> i moved to where she used to live. and then now i -- it's a three-minute drive. >> jimmy: i see. so did you like -- were you like podding together or whatever? i guess, melissa, you've been gone most of the time, huh? >> i've been gone a bunch, but she would bring -- octavia would bring over her little chair and come in the gate with her drink. and we would have our own snacks and we'd have cocktails in the
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driveway. and then at a certain point, it would end. am i right? >> well, we'd have to go to the bathroom. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see, okay. you let nature decide when the party was over. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i like the idea of you wonder down the street with a cocktail in your hand, octavia? >> well, yes, it was -- you know. sealed. >> jimmy: sealed, okay. >> closed. not really a cocktail, a mocktail. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know what she drinks? she drinks a weird thing that she likes to call sangria, which it's not. it's diet coke -- it's no tea, it's octavia timber. [ laughter ] it's cheap red wine, specifically. diet coke. any fruit in the house. and a splash of soda water. it's not delicious. >> i love it. >> it's not delicious. [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: you're saying you're able to get that all sealed up, huh? how about that. octavia, have you been going to the house while melissa has been in australia? >> well, when melissa's not in town, i get to spend some time, you know, with her parents. >> jimmy: oh, right, melissa, your mom and dad come for part of the year every year, right? >> yeah, they're there for a big part of the year, which i love. it is sometimes awkward, though. because there's times where i'll call -- like if i'm not working that day, i'll call my dad. he's like, oh, we just had the most wonderful breakfast with octavia. i'm like -- i'm four houses away, did you think about calling me? he's like, i did not. i didn't. [ laughter ] i was like, dad! my mom's like, she was wonderful! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you talk about melissa the whole time? what do you talk about with melissa's parents? >> we just catch up, you know. they're such amazing people.
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we catch up. we talk about melissa and margie when they were kids and all kinds of good stories. they tell me about how they grew up. it was just -- we have a lot of fun. >> jimmy: i see, i see. you know, today -- i know, melissa, maybe it's tomorrow where you are, but it's april fools' day here. i assume that goes on in australia. did either of you do or suffer anything foolish today? >> well, yes. but it wasn't april fools related. it's just my own chain spiral. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: because melissa, you did something to your friend octavia during the shooting of this movie, "thunder force," that -- before we see this, tell us what you did. >> okay, so we were -- we're like, okay, we're superheroes, we need a super-cool car. we pick this purple lamborghini, it's completely ridiculous. then we were like, here's the
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action thing, we're going to get in. neither one of us has ever been in a lamborghini. when we went to jump in and peel out in it we realized, it's like 3 1/2 inches off the ground, and you have to go in on an angle, like you have to stiffen your body and go in like a corpse. it's crazy. so i may have -- when we were shooting it for the first time, i had the transpo guys lower her seat even more. [ laughter ] so it's literally -- like she's trying to get in, in her super suit and it's like a quarter of an inch off the ground, but she's got to lay back while she slides in. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: fortunately -- >> she couldn't get out. >> jimmy: let's take a look at that and enjoy together, here we go. >> oh, lord. >> yes, girl. [ applause ] >> jimmy: octavia, i don't know
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what -- will you retaliate for this? >> oh, i'm going to bide my time, she's too good. she's too good. >> jimmy: maybe you seduce melissa's father when you're over to the house. [ laughter ] destroy her parents' marriage, you know? that could be fun. >> no! >> jimmy: is that too much? okay, i always go too far. [ laughter ] melissa mccarthy and octavia spencer are with us. the movie is called "thunder force." we'll be right back to take a look at that. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by moderna. go to to find out how mrna is changing everything. ♪ ♪ see? it's on. before, the rain would bring me down. how ya like me now, rain? before, you had to be awake to make a difference. before it can change the world,
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oh my god, here we go. >> hammer, it is time to go on the offensive. >> i know what i'm going to do. >> what are you doing? >> i'm going to kangaroo his ass. >> i don't think it's a good idea. >> i know, it's a great idea. >> we've got a situation here. >> handle it, kenny! >> g'day, mate! >> that went better than i thought. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is melissa mccarthy, octavia spencer, ben falcone, and jason bateman in "thunder force" which premieres a week from tomorrow on netflix. i have a couple of questions. first of all, for those that don't know, melissa, ben falcone, who was holding the gun, is your husband. >> yes. >> jimmy: is it more fun to fight with him in the movies than in real life? [ laughter ] >> yeah. because we don't -- i usually
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don't push off of him and go through the ceiling often at home, yeah. and every time he's like -- every time he pitches something i'm like, oh -- what if you're the guy that i punch? >> jimmy: yeah. >> why is that always the request? i don't mean it in that way. but he went through everything we've done together. he goes, every time, there's six different people, and i'm always like, oh, what if you're bob, who i punch right in the gut? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jason bateman is -- we couldn't see it in that clip. but we have a still photograph, i believe. jason has crab claws for arms. >> yes. >> jimmy: did jason know when he signed on for this film that he would have crab claws for arms? >> first of all, when ben wrote it he was like, huh, i'm going to make bateman wear big crab arms. [ laughter ] the entire thing was just to screw with bateman. he goes -- he was like, i'm sure
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netflix -- even when they're like, hey, we want to do this, like amazing. then we both just sat there and ben's like, we thought you were going to say, you've got to lose the crab thing, that's crazy. then every call after that they were like, are you not going to tell us who is the crab? next thing in a model meeting, they were carving these things. the first day when bateman walked in, ben's like, i can quit the business now, i have your arm stuffed into sweaty crab legs. mwah! >> jimmy: and the crab legs themselves, they look very uncomfortable. >> i hope they were. [ laughter ] i hope they really were. he would try to -- it's like -- you know bateman. but when he was casually being like, hey, what's up? doing stuff like that. [ laughter ] and we had something where i do -- i perhaps end up kissing
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or licking a part of it. and they were really hard. they have those nodules. at one point he really got me. and he just loved it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, he did. >> son of a bitch. >> jimmy: ben was the big winner, really, in this prank. he got everybody. >> yeah, got everybody. >> jimmy: the premise of the movie is -- it starts out you're young women, you're kids, friends. and then, well -- it's based on a true story. octavia, tell us a little bit about the plot here. >> well, it's a world where super villains reign supreme. and these two childhood friends find themselves reunited when one of them comes up with the technology that gives them superpowers. >> jimmy: that gives them superpowers. then you guys get to, because you're making this movie yourselves, unlike most comic book movies, do you get to decide what your costumes are going to look like?
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>> yes, which was both terrifying and exciting. >> jimmy: yeah. i bet. >> because we went to -- we went to iron head, which is like -- that's the place, that's where, like -- they're unbelievable at what they do. other people can't do it. it's not just like a normal thing for a seamstress or a tailor to even make. so you have to go in there, and it's very intimidating. you have to go in, it's like 5,000 cameras and they body scan you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it takes 2 seconds. you walk in, stand there, it's done. i am technology poison. i'm asked to leave the room when people's laptops don't work. and i walked in. as my foot went over the threshold, i heard somebody go, "oh my god! oh my god!" what's happening? they're like -- the whole machine has shut down, it's never happened before in eight years. they're like, you walked into the room and the whole machine went down. so i'm standing there -- just get a visual.
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i'm in a nude capezio, which that's wonderful. [ laughter ] yeah, enjoy that. it's a bunch of people i don't know. they're like, we're going to have to shoot it manually. >> jimmy: oh, great. >> which means some poor girl has to come out and be like, click, click, click -- it takes 35 minutes as i'm standing there. i'm like, oh, great. how are those photos going? [ laughter ] it took like 35, 40 minutes instead of 2 seconds. >> jimmy: this is what happens to people who lower their friends' car seats and who put their other friends in crab arms. it's called karma. [ laughter ] sometimes karma happens before the crimes. also, since it is -- i want to say, since it is april fools' day, okay dactavia, we're going digitally remove that photograph of president biden behind you and replace it with donald trump and not explain it to anybody. >> ah, what?
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, we're going to, sorry. it's april fools' day. "thunder force" appears a week from tomorrow on netflix. thank you, ladies. octavia spencer, melissa mccarthy. we'll be right back with nasim pedrad. [ crowd cheering ] [ engine revving ] [ race light countdown ] ♪ ♪ when you save money with allstate you feel like you're winning. safe drivers save 40% saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today. ♪ seaster eggcitement you'is in the air!ds.
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>> jimmy: music from fitz is on the way. you know our next guest from five seasons of "saturday night live," and now she has a show of her own. on tuesdays. she plays a teenaged boy on the very funny new show "chad." it premieres tuesday on tbs. please welcome nasim pedrad. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. how you doing? >> i'm doing great. hi, guillermo. >> guillermo: hi, how are you? >> very excited. >> jimmy: thank you for being here in person. >> of course. thanks for giving me a reason to shower and exit my front door. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you for showering. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i watched your show and it is so funny. >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: it is such a strange show. and so good. i really think it's a fantastic show. and i'll tell you, i would drive by your billboard on sunset boulevard every night on my way home from work, like what the hell is this? who is that?
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what's going on here? >> what is going on, yeah, that should be the slogan, "what is going on?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so much so, i looked it up and watched the trailer, i have to find out what's going on, i'd see it every night. sure enough, i watched the whole show, and it's really very funny. >> oh, thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: besides playing a boy, which you are not, you draw on your own background. you're not from this country originally. >> that's right, yes. >> jimmy: although you did grow up here. >> i did. all my memories are from here. i was born in iran and moved here when i was 3. >> jimmy: on your own, too, no parents involved. [ laughter ] >> no, just booked that ticket. >> jimmy: really a go-getter. >> wheels up. >> jimmy: you lived in orange county? >> i grew up in orange county. >> jimmy: did you have a typical orange county upbringing? >> yeah, you know, i really -- my parents were amazing. i did all the normal things. i was in karate. i actually am, thanks to my father, a second degree black belt in tae kwon do. [ cheers and applause ]
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i should immediately add that i retired in the fifth grade. [ laughter ] i loved it, though. i loved it. i loved my instructor, mr. hamilton. >> jimmy: what kind of a name is that? >> he's still in my life, he still e-mails me. hi, mr. hamilton. >> jimmy: mr. hamilton's a tough guy. >> he is. and, i mean -- this all started from my father really being convinced that i would be kidnapped as a child. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> that's why i was in tae kwon do. >> jimmy: really? he figured you'd be able to fight the attackers off? >> yeah, like he thought -- like oh, if i put her in tae kwon do, she can protect herself and learn self-defense. great in theory. has any small child been abducted and karate'd their way to freedom? [ laughter ] is that a thing? >> jimmy: i don't think so. >> no. >> jimmy: have you had any practical use for your martial arts skills? >> no, it has absolutely not come in handy at all. [ laughter ] and also, i spent so much of my
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childhood breaking boards and learning spin kicks. and not once was someone like, oh, if you're kidnapped, also scream. just scream. [ laughter ] louder than you've ever -- try running. run in any direction. choose life. >> jimmy: so that's your advice? >> yeah. >> jimmy: learn to scream and run. >> more practical i think, yeah. >> jimmy: did you -- do your parents, are they traditional as far as iranian things go? like do they know april fools' day? >> oh no. >> jimmy: is that something that goes on? >> my sweet immigrant parents can't wrap their head around april fools' day, much less any other holiday, growing up. as an immigrant kid you're explaining things to them. i was a normal kid, april fools', played pranks on our friends. my dad would be like, you lied to him? [ laughter ] this good friend of yours, chris kugel, you lied to his face? [ laughter ] how can this man ever trust you
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again? i'm like, no, it's a full thing here, i'm the normal one in this conversation. >> jimmy: trying to explain groundhog day? >> oh my god. >> jimmy: completely out of the question, yeah. >> in our culture, a couple of days before persian new year, we have a tradition where we straight up jump over four feet of fire while reciting a chant. so i had to explain that to my american friends. i struggled. >> jimmy: four feet this way, not this way? >> it goes this way. you get a real head start. >> jimmy: i would hope so. [ laughter ] is that how shishkabob was inve invented? [ laughter ] >> oh my god, that would be amazing. if you're running fast enough you don't feel yourself fully engulfed in flames, yeah. >> jimmy: why did you decide with this show to play a, what, 14-year-old boy? >> 14-year-old boy, yeah. i mean, i love writing about adolescents. my adolescence was very awkward. i made a show about a boy who has a very awkward adolescence.
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i, you know -- he was born doone, but he changes his name to chad. i was unsuccessful change my name to nikki. i had a campaign going on for a while, yeah. >> jimmy: nikki? >> i would go to amusement parks and it really pissed me off i couldn't find a key chain with my name on it. >> jimmy: can't find any of that stuff, starbucks would be a problem. >> everything. my parents were like, nasim's cool. it means "cool breeze." i'm like, it's not cool everybody calls me nissan. [ laughter ] you know, the car no one's excited about, that's what people call me. even to this day, my very own iphone that i'm constantly typing my name into, it always wants to auto correct nasim to one of two things. base in, or naziism. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think you want to go with basin, yeah. >> oh my god, i've fired off so
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many emails like, great catching up with you soon, talk to you soon, naziism. [ laughter ] you've seen my name before. >> jimmy: i own you! >> i'm not trying to touch on naziism, ever. >> jimmy: you play this 14-year-old kid, chad. then the other kids, not that you're a kid, but you're playing a kid, are actually kids? >> yes. >> jimmy: whereas you are not a kid. >> that is correct. >> jimmy: which has got to be a little bit strange when you're on set, being a kid with kids when you're not a kid. >> yeah. when you're filming it doesn't feel strange. because i'm playing a character. we're all 14. we're in the moment. we're on the same page. then the director yells cut, and then it just really hits you. [ laughter ] you're a 39-year-old woman trying to connect to a 14-year-old boy. >> jimmy: do you try to connect with them? >> oh my god, not anymore. it's just so crazy. [ laughter ] they're actual kids. and tiktok and i'm like, you p - guys, i think my landscape
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architect is a pathological liar. [ laughter ] they're like, what? [ applause ] they're like, we don't understand how to engage with you. >> jimmy: do some of that tae kwon do, they'll think you're cool. the show is super funny, "chad" premieres next tuesday on tbs. nasim pedrad, thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] be back with fitz! >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> jimmy: oh, hi. i'm dr. jimmy. i'm here to answer your questions about the covid vaccine and mrna science. this technology could be a real game changer. let's go to hollywood boulevad to talk to real-life people. hello, sir, what's your name? >> my name is chules, what is in mrna vaccine? >> jimmy: that's a very good question, chules. mrna vaccine doesn't introduce a virus to your body, it provides a blueprint for your immune
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system to produce antibodies to protect us from getting infected with the real virus. >> oh, okay. thank you, dr. jimmy! >> jimmy: you're welcome, chules. next question? >> howdy, my name is cowboy. i want to know, how did they come out with this technology so fast? >> jimmy: that's like the village people out there. well, cowboy, coming up with the tech wasn't easy, but scientists and researchers have been studying mrna applications for over a decade. that research they've been doing shared years off the development process, and the global scientific community came together like never before to share information and data. >> wow, that's amazing. thank you, dr. jimmy. >> jimmy: you're welcome, cowboy. i believe we have time for one more question. yes? >> hello, my name is grandma. i have a question. >> jimmy: go ahead, yes? >> where can i learn more about mrna? >> jimmy: well, grandma, you can go to for all the info your heart desires. >> one last question.
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are you a real doctor? >> jimmy: no, i am not. are you a real grandma? >> no. i am guillermo! >> jimmy: oh, guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] you got us again. >> dicky: go to to find out how mrna is changing everything. sponsored by moderna.
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i'm not sure if there's anything i can say to my family members to convince them to take the covid-19 vaccine. i'm not even sure if i'm convinced. hi darius, i think that people respond more to what we do than what we say. so after looking at all the data and the science about these vaccines, i got the vaccine. and i made sure my mom and dad got the vaccine. because these vaccines are safe. ♪ ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: that was fun. i want to thank melissa mccarthy, octavia spencer, that sell pedrad, clayton kershaw. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. first, his debut album is "head up high." congratulations at hollywood high school across the street from us, with help from bryce vine, fitz! ♪ ♪ take out that old bottle of champagne find a reason to celebrate right now ♪ ♪ roll out that red carpet get up babe walk it like you ain't never been knocked down ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ rain on my parade go ahead
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throw me off my game holding that trophy ♪ ♪ above me in a stadium full of empty seats little late but i'm here ♪ ♪ saying congratulations to the face in the mirror saying congratulations imma turn the world ♪ ♪ into a celebration if you don't want to say it to me ♪ ♪ i'm going to say it to myself congratulations ♪ ♪ ♪ spent a long time on a long line coming up was a long climb ♪ ♪ skating by like a long grind and you did it all with a flat tire ♪ ♪ but you pulled through go you this calls for a good mood strong drink and ♪ ♪ a couple brews clase azul make it two feel like i got paid ♪ ♪ sunny sky, no rain breaking bad like i'm cranston throwing fitz ♪ ♪ to this anthem little late but i'm here saying congratulations to the face in the mirror ♪ ♪ saying congratulations imma turn the world
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into a celebration if you don't want to ♪ ♪ say it to me i'm going to say it to myself congratulations all right all right all right ♪ ♪ for all the times you've been low but you've kept your head up had to make it on your own ♪ ♪ so you made your own luck missed that off ramp to that glory road got turned around ♪ ♪ but i can hear them saying it now little late but i'm here saying ♪ ♪ congratulations to the face in the mirror saying congratulations imma turn the world ♪ ♪ into a celebration if you don't want to say it to me i'm going to say ♪ ♪ it to myself congratulations oh yeah yeah yeah congratulations ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah congratulations to you ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah congratulations ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, emotional testimony in the trial of a former cop charged with killing george floyd. >> it was an adventure, always, with him. >> new video before the deadly police encounter. >> if i would have just not tooken the bill, this could have been avoided. >> the lawyer fighting for floyd's family and so many others on a crusade for racial justice. >> the court of public opinion is far more powerful in some instances than the court of law. plus the queen of gospel. a bio-pic of mahalia jackson. ♪ humble roots, to the front row of history. >> tell them about the dream, martin. >> a star sings a new note.


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