tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 2, 2021 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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i'm ama >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- kevin bacon. travon free. and music from daya. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching. thanks for joining us at our home away from work from home. let's hear it for dogs, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] some weird stuff goes on here before the show. [ laughter ] i have some interesting health news to report. there is a great way to get the vaccine, anybody can get it, all you have to do is move to alaska. as of last night, alaska became the first state to offer the vaccine to every resident over the age of 16.
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which, of all places, the one state where everyone is already socially distant. [ laughter ] people move to alaska just to be six feet apart. but they had a big leg up on everyone else, first because the population is low, and secondly, the vaccines don't go bad when your whole state is a freezer. [ laughter ] so, good for them. on the opposite end of the pandemic spectrum, texas is opening their lungs up to all the covid you can breathe. texas today lifted their state-wide mask mandate. governor greg abbott said he was lifting the mandate against the advice of his own health experts because "businesses and families in texas have the freedom to determine their own destiny." unless, of course, you're a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant. then we will decide for you. [ laughter and applause ] at the capitol in austin, they declared "transmission accomplished." [ laughter ] this is so ridiculous. this decision, it almost makes you suspect florida was involved somehow. [ laughter ]
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this is the way new variants rear their ugly heads. and why it's so difficult to wear a mask in public, i have no idea. i mean, if texans have the freedom to determine their own destiny, by this logic, shouldn't smoking be okay indoors too? what's the difference? oh, i know, smoke smells. and covid doesn't. [ laughter ] this was the scene in austin today, where the bars are right back at it. >> today is the day texas businesses can reopen to full capacity. people are already taking advantage. take a look at this video from earlier this morning. >> jimmy: this morning? [ laughter ] they couldn't wait 'til night? they had to go this morning? the folks at fox were up bright and early this morning too to capture the mood at a local diner in mckinney, texas. this is one of the things they do on fox news. they send a guy with a microphone to bother white people while they eat. >> right now in texas these businesses can save themselves. let me show you what 100% capacity looks like. this is freedom right here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really?
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to me it looks like a bunch of people waiting for biscuits and gravy, but okay. [ laughter ] why is this something to celebrate? 528,000 of our fellow americans are dead. from covid. millions are out of work. the house today passed the president's $1.9 trillion covid relief bill. it will provide aid to millions, it will cut the poverty rate for children in half, it will give americans more access to health care and boost the vaccination rate. so naturally, republicans are against it. no republicans voted for the bill in the house or the senate. even though more than 70% of americans support it. the only other bill 70% of americans support is murray. [ laughter ] it's very rare to have that, but republicans in congress can't support it because democrats in congress do support it. if a meteor was hurtling toward earth and chuck schumer said "we've got to stop it," mitch mcconnell would be like "no, we don't." [ laughter ] "could lead to socialism." now that the covid relief package is coming, the next
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fight will be over voting rights. hr-1 passed in the house last week. this is a bill that would expand voting rights and reform redistricting laws. republicans in the senate don't like that, because it limits their ability to prevent poor people from voting, and no one is more upset about it than utah senator mike lee. >> everything about this bill is rotten to the core. this is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the devil is not in hell writing bills. the devil is at mar-a-lago eating fried chicken. [ applause ] we are approaching one year of the lockdown now, which we are going to commemorate tomorrow night. we have our first and hopefully only corona-versary special tomorrow night. [ laughter ] with joel mchale, with pete buttigieg, secretary of transportation. [ cheers and applause ] music from adam duritz from counting crows. [ cheers and applause ] we've been looking back at what was going on when the pandemic began, and we dug something up. one year ago tonight, right
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before the stay-at-home orders hit, we went out on the street and asked people passing by our studio to tell us what they knew about this new coronavirus. and this is what they said on march 10th of last year. >> we're out here talking to people about the coronavirus. >> oh, okay, yeah. >> so what do you know? >> i know that it's bad. >> i know it's new. um -- i don't know if you can drink soup and it will go away, it seems to be very popular. >> what do you know about the coronavirus? >> first time i'm hearing about it, explain it to me. >> explain it to me. >> i don't know nothing about a coronavirus, what does it do? >> what do you know about the coronavirus? >> we've been giving that shot to our cattle for years, coronavirus vaccine for cattle, it's been around forever. if you ate cattle cubes when you were a kid and licked salt, you're safe. >> how many people have the coronavirus? >> like a million? i don't know, but a lot. >> i know it makes you cough and
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it's kind of like pneumonia. >> how is it different from pneumonia? >> i don't know. that's just what my dad said. >> what are you going to stock up on? >> uh -- i like wine and toilet paper. [ laughter ] and soap. >> do you think that we should be scared? >> if you're nasty, you should be. if you're not washing your hands, taking care of yourself, being clean, not covering your mouth when you cough and sneeze, if you're letting that flow out in the air, then you should be scared. because i got a roommate, he never covers his cough. i got to call him out, "boy, cover your mouth." i have to get on him. >> can you tell us what you know about the coronavirus? >> i'm not too worried about it, the president said it's going to go away, it's not that critical a deal. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you know, he's right. donald trump crawled out of his hole today. he put out a doozy of a statement on his official letterhead. "i hope everyone remembers when
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they're getting the covid-19 often referred to as the china virus vaccine, that if i wasn't president you wouldn't be getting that beautiful shot for five years at best and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. i hope everyone remembers." [ laughter ] do you remember him, guillermo? >> guillermo: yeah, he's [ bleep ] crazy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. here in l.a., kids could be back in school for real next month. right now the plan is for schools to be open by mid-april. and then i guess shut down again in may is usually how it goes. [ laughter ] this will be welcome news for parents, for kids, for bullies who have been short of nerd lunch money for almost a year now. [ laughter ] remote learning is the best we can do, i guess. and i believe that children are our -- what, guillermo? >> guillermo: our future. >> jimmy: that's right. [ cheers and applause ] we did something fun, got in touch with a school in my hometown of las vegas. ellis elementary school.
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where they were gracious enough to let me be a substitute teacher for a fourth grade class. ♪ welcome back kotter ♪ >> all right, mute yourselves. i have a very important announcement to make. i have an emergency and i have to go, but i have a very great substitute that's going to take over class. and i will see you on monday, bye! >> bye! >> bye, ms. ojeda. hello, children. i'm mr. kotter, how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: i know it's respect week, right? is this respect week? let's start respect week by going around the class, say something nice about me, okay? we'll start with chase. chase, go ahead. >> um -- you have a beautiful afro. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you, chase. kyle? >> nice tie. >> jimmy: oh, thanks. mason what do you like about me? >> i like your name. >> jimmy: thank you, i like your name. i also love that generic
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"football" photograph you have hanging in your room. [ laughter ] keno? >> you look very handsome. >> jimmy: thank you. you live in las vegas and your parents named you keno? >> it's keano. >> jimmy: okay, all right. tell that to the people at the casino. mykeda? >> i like the clock in the background. >> jimmy: oh. yeah. that's a prop. [ laughter ] ava? go ahead, close it out with something really great about me. >> you're very funny. >> jimmy: oh, thank you, ava, i appreciate that. but we're not here to laugh today, we're here to learn. and we're here to learn about math. now some math problems are jus but i like to put a story along with the math problems. a man named ted has 20 peanuts and eats half of them. how many peanuts does ted have? >> 10. >> jimmy: you'd think that normally 10 would be the correct
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answer. but unfortunately, ted choked on one of the peanuts. and he's dead. [ laughter ] so really, he has no peanuts at all. that's why we have to be very careful with peanuts. >> that was dark. >> jimmy: should we do some more math? yes? okay. if i order a soy latte and the barista charges me $4, and i give the barista a $1 tip, but then the barista tells me they're out of soy and gives me back $4, should i get back that $1 tip? [ laughter ] nick? >> yes. >> jimmy: that's right, nick. i should get back that $1 tip. and yet i didn't. very annoying. do you guys feel like you're learning? [ laughter ] no? oh, okay. hey, do you want to meet my pet? >> i'm a parrot. >> jimmy: we call him mr. crackers.
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>> i want to have a cigarette, can i have a cigarette? >> no! >> no! >> we're kids! we don't need it! >> jimmy: kids don't like cigarettes, mr. crackers. >> oh. >> jimmy: does anyone have a question for mr. crackers? yes, kylie? >> do you think mr. kotter is a good owner? >> jimmy: oh. >> mr. kotter stole me from my real owner. i miss my family. >> jimmy: i adopted him. >> i miss my family. >> jimmy: that's not true, i did not steal him from his real owner. does anyone else have a question? yes, chase? >> is mr. kotter mean to you? >> jimmy: what kind of questions are these? >> mr. kotter feeds me gas station sushi, it gives me diarrhea. who wants to hear a song? >> jimmy: anyone want to hear a song?
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♪ when you're sitting on zoom and you got to make a boom ♪ ♪ diarrhea diarrhea ♪ ♪ when you're scared of corona and your butt smells like bologna ♪ ♪ diarrhea diarrhea ♪ >> jimmy: i taught him that song. ♪ when you're sitting in class and stuff comes out your ♪ >> jimmy: mr. crackers, i told you we can't use language like that. >> so immature. >> jimmy: very immature. >> my parents were caught by poachers. >> jimmy: i'm going to ask you to tell me one thing that bothers you about one of your parents. kyle, go ahead, we'll begin with you. >> the annoying thing about my parents is that they always say they love me. >> jimmy: i know. luckily my parents never, ever said that, so i was never, ever annoyed. [ laughter ] nick? >> my parents won't let me watch football. >> jimmy: what are they, communists? [ laughter ] >> i don't know. >> jimmy: maya? yes, go ahead.
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>> they never let me have candy. >> jimmy: what kind of candy do you love? >> hard candy. >> jimmy: hard candy? like an old lady? [ laughter ] you want some lozenges? do you know the word lozenge? >> no. >> jimmy: let me spell it for you. l-o-z-e-n-g-e. lozenge. okay? >> i have something to say. mr. kotter makes me sleep in the microwave and detail his car. >> jimmy: that's all true, yeah. >> and sometimes he takes a lozenge and he shoves it right up -- >> jimmy: okay, mr. crackers. kids, i think we're going to have to end the lesson now. before we end the class, does anybody want to share anything that they learned today? yes, mykeda? >> that this class is very weird. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: very good. all right. say good-bye to mr. crackers, everybody. >> bye, mr. crackers! >> bye! ♪ when it's time for us to quit and i got to take a ♪ >> jimmy: oh, okay, i told you, you can't use language like that. ♪ diarrhea diarrhea ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, bye, kids! ♪ welcome back ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, kids. we've got a great show for you tonight. travon free is here, we've got music from daya, and be right back with kevin bacon! ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, we are back. tonight, his critically acclaimed short film is called "two distant strangers." travon free is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then, later, a grammy winner from pittsburgh, pa. her song is called "bad girl." music from daya. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, our special one-year coronavirus anniversary show with joel mchale, pete buttigieg, and music from adam duritz, so please join us for that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is one of the best actors in the business with movies, television appearances, and a wife named kyra sedgwick to prove it. the second season of his show "city on a hill" premieres march 28th on showtime, please welcome kevin bacon. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: how's it going? >> good, it's good. i can't believe i'm here in studio. >> jimmy: i know, it's been a long time, i haven't seen you in a while. >> i know, i know. >> jimmy: have you been vaccinated? >> i'm kind of in the sweet spot of age where that's kind of an insulting question. [ laughter ] people ask that, i say to myself, i've got to get back to my rob lowe skin routine, i don't know. [ laughter ] do these cameras have the "touch up my appearance"? >> jimmy: no, no, you'll probably look better in person than on tv. >> i love that thing, i don't know about you. i'm really happy to be seeing you in person. >> jimmy: you look fantastic, by the way, don't be ridiculous. >> thank youow.plause ] the'liken zo, you got a ttlef t. [ laughter ] you come downstairs. when i discovered that touch up my appearance thing, i was like, this is banging.
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i would dial that [ bleep ] right up to 11. then i think it was -- am i crazy? tell me if i'm wrong, it seemed like about halfway through the pandemic, zoom decided that they wanted to -- you had a manual option, right? >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> so you could just slide it and then say, no, that's now looking too much like the girls in "frozen." [ laughter ] i want to go back a little bit and find what somebody's going to buy within the realm of reality. >> jimmy: i can barely get my microphone on, i don't know how any of that stuff works. [ laughter ] >> i've clearly spent way too much time on zoom, i'm so happy to be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i know, here we are in human form. you know, you say -- i think maybe you're being self-conscious about you think people are asking have you been vaccinated because of your age. but i think it's because you're within six degrees of everybody. [ laughter ] if you were to get any kind of a disease, like half of hollywood would be gone. it would be wiped out. >> jimmy, i said to kyra, i don't really understand why the vaccination isn't according to
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your imdb star meter. [ laughter ] i mean, for people who are not familiar, that's the place where you can go every day and see how famous you are. [ laughter ] the worst thing in the world to do, because you know, if you're hovering around, like, 1,400, 1,500? it's like, you think that's okay, but then you go [ bleep ], 1,500 people that are more famous than me. [ laughter ] it can really be heartbreaking. then it can drop the next day. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. drop precipitously for sure. >> no one wants to do that. but that would be hollywood, right? >> jimmy: i love the idea that you're looking at that. [ laughter ] speaking of kyra, she was on the show a couple months ago. >> yes. >> jimmy: she detailed an incident that occurred in your home. >> yes. >> jimmy: you volunteered to give her a bikini wax. >> yes. >> jimmy: then it went badly. she said she almost went to the hospital. >> yes, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: where did you go wrong? she wasn't particularly specific about it. [ laughter ] >> listen. i'm a guy that -- i'm one of
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those people that is sort of cocky enough to think i can probably learn to do anything. [ laughter ] you know what i mean? especially because you're an actor, you have to get a skill, right? you got to pretend you're an astronaut or, you know, a fireman, you know, whatever it happens to be. ride a horse? sure. you know, but i thought, how hard could this be? some assembly required. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> you know, i can put stuff together from ikea. this is not going to be a -- it's not you need to leave it to the trained professionals. >> jimmy: the professionals, yeah. >> otherwise it can be really, really frighteningly dangerous. >> jimmy: yeah, and she wasn't thrilled with you doing it after, she was i think a little bit mad at you. >> she was a little bit mad at me. but, you know, it's okay. i gave it the old college try. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did. >> i did. >> jimmy: speaking of college. this is so crazy. your first movie was a classic, "animal house." >> i know, man. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: bring that up picture of kevin. you're a teenager, 19 years old. >> yeah, 19 years old, yeah. >> jimmy: what do you remember from that day, getting that job, and shooting that? >> incredible. what a -- what an amazing thing. i didn't have an agent. i was in acting school. john landis, who directed the movie, came by the school. not him, the casting director. they sent me over. he had me make some faces and i got this gig. i flew to oregon and my life was changing. i couldn't believe i was on a set with all these people. it was interesting because landis set up this situation where he didn't want -- i was, you know, in the [ bleep ] along with niedermayer and all the -- >> jimmy: yeah, the bad guys. >> but the good guys, he wanted them all to be separate from us, have this really cohesive unit that was like an idea that he had. and it sort of took hold in our private life. all staying at the same motel. but these guys would have parties with music and they were all super cool, parties were great, there were girls around.
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and i was never invited. i was never part of that thing. >> jimmy: none of the guys? >> don't feel too bad for me. [ laughter ] but thank you. a very supportive audience. [ laughter ] but i remember i was trying to think of a way -- a way to get in with the cool kids. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i was friendly with this waitress at this motel that we were staying at. and they were having this raging party downstairs, which i wasn't invited to. she called me up in my room and she said, listen, i want you to know that i have it on really good authority that the fbi is in town, and they are keeping a close eye on the actors and on the production, and there's probably going to be a major bust any time -- sometime soon. so i thought that i could maybe get in good with this group by like giving them a warning.
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>> jimmy: warning them, yeah. >> that i would endear myself to them. >> jimmy: yeah. >> plus i think i was pretty high. and i was paranoid. [ laughter ] anyway. so i pick up the phone, i can hear the party down the hall, right? i could hear it on the other side of the phone raging on. and i said, hey, listen, man. i think it was bruce mcgill on the other end of the phone. listen, man, i want you guys to know that i have it on really good authority that the fbi is actually in town and they're keeping an eye on what's going on. he's like, [ bleep ] you. [ laughter ] slams the phone down. i spent the night alone in my room. >> jimmy: did the fbi ever show up? >> of course not, the fbi? [ laughter ] we were making "animal house," come on. >> jimmy: that's when, all right, then i'm calling the fbi. [ laughter ] kevin bacon is with us. the show is "city on a hill." we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by
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moderna. go to to find out how mrna is changing everything. before, no one used to listen to me! hello id? i'm cold! before, we couldn't take in the sweet sounds of nature. seriously. before it can change the world, it has to change yours. the all-new, all-electric volkswagen id.4. (woman) is there a natural litter that actually works?! (vo) at tidy cats, litterventions come naturally! naturally strong unscented with activated charcoal. or, scented clean lemongrass, with plant extracts. 100% natural, 100% powerful. there's a tidy cats for that!
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is your cleanser doing enough for your sensitive skin? cetaphil gentle skin cleanser defends against 5 signs of skin sensitivity, complete care for your sensitive skin. we're for those who love to discover. who know an open mind is the only kind. who don't need to travel to find something new. and who know when you spend less, you can discover even more. at t.j. maxx and marshalls. how did kellogg's combine crunchy oat clusters with a touch of honey... plump, juicy raisins and tasty fiber into one delicious cereal? it took a lot of bran-storming.
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you know, there was no gun residue on his hands. how does someone just shoot themselves in the head with no gun residue? >> hey. ever attend any of those bu alumni reunion things? you know, catch up with old friends you lose touch with? people get nostalgic about their college days. they tend to talk and talk and talk, even about the bad stuff. i know i do. all the heartbreak. people got a lot to say about your good and not so good old days. different from what you've said. which makes for a nice fairytale. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is "city on a hill."
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you know what's weird? i think this is something we probably are all experiencing now. i'm looking at that clip and going like, oh, the acting is really good, and they're so close to each other's faces. [ laughter ] >> let me explain. the truth is that we'd get tested all the time. as kyra said, the testers must love you, because your nostrils are such a gigantic target. [ laughter ] oh, those testers. they just go, rrow! but we get tested so much. then on a day like -- we were probably tested three, four times a week. then a day like this, we'd get a rapid test because we're in each other's faces. so the level of care that's taken for these things. if me and aldis are shouting, we have rapid tests, or a kissing scene or whatever, it's really fascinating. >> jimmy: it's interesting how that has changed. even seeing people in groups is a weird thing. >> it's strange. but this is 1992. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you know how many movies you've been in? >> no. >> jimmy: 64 movies.
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>> okay. >> jimmy: which is a lot of them. >> yeah, i think so. three of them were good, actually. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so what we're going to do now, with your permission, we're going to test you to see if you can remember the movies you yourself were in, in a game called "title recall." [ cheers and applause ] it's a great title, it's a great game, and we have a great host. his name is guillermo. guillermo will be reading the questions. >> excellent. >> jimmy: for reasons that are unknown to me. go ahead. >> guillermo: ready? >> i'm ready, man. >> guillermo: in this movie, the lady you are with is having a baby. >> jimmy: in this movie, the lady you are with is having a baby. do you know the title? >> i'm going to take a flyer at that one and say "she's having a baby." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is correct. you nailed that one. right off the bat. >> guillermo: all right. okay. in this movie, there's a big bok
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who make you cheat. [ laughter ] >> one more time? >> guillermo: in this movie there's a big bok who make you chafe. >> jimmy: i think what my colleague is saying, there's a big bug that made you shake. >> guillermo: that's right. [ laughter ] >> a big bug that makes me shake -- oh, "tremors." >> jimmy: that is right. [ cheers and applause ] 2 for 2. >> 2 for 2. >> guillermo: in this movie, you are so sexy, you catch on fire. >> oh, i know what that is. that's because i -- i have to remember this one, i did the movie with kyra sedgwick, it's called "pirates." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "pirates," that's correct. >> that is a deep dive right there. >> guillermo: in this movie, you say [ bleep ] you, matt. [ laughter ] >> that's -- that's like 75% of them, i think. [ laughter ] >> [ bleep ] you, man.
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[ bleep ] you, man. >> jimmy: matt. >> oh, matt? >> jimmy: yeah, matt. >> oh. [ laughter ] is it "wild things"? [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: it is -- >> guillermo: "holloman." >> jimmy: the matt was probably matt damon, right? [ laughter ] >> guillermo: yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: one more, guillermo. >> guillermo: in this movie, you have a loose foot. [ laughter ] >> dumb de dumb de dumb de dumb. >> jimmy: in this movie you have a loose foot. >> "footloose." >> jimmy: footloose is right. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, guillermo. >> jimmy: you did a great job. we have a prize for you, a vhs of the movie "tremors: a cold day in hell," the sixth part of the series, you were not in this one. >> i was not in that one.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: kevin bacon. season 2 of "city on a hill" premieres march 28th on showtime. be right back with travon free. thanks, kevin. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by moderna. go to to find out how mrna is changing everything. '® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week,
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: music from daya is on the way. our next guest is a standup comic and emmy-winning comedy writer with a new short film that is on the short list for an academy award. it's called "two distant strangers." please welcome travon free. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, we're not allowed to touch. >> yeah, of course, yeah. >> jimmy: how's it going? >> i'm good, man, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. i know you're a sneaker aficionado. are those special? real good ones? >> these are very hard to get. these are called the trophy room, jordan one. >> jimmy: oh. >> if you have an extra 5 to 10 grand, you might be able to grab them online. >> jimmy: that is really how much they cost? >> that's how much they resell for, yeah. >> jimmy: you didn't pay that for them? >> i definitely did not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: should you be wearing those? i don't think you should. >> i literally wore them from
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front door to car, car door to when i go back home, they go in a locked box. >> jimmy: you brought a picture of your collection here. put that up on the screen. that's your house? >> yeah, that's my -- one of my old sneaker rooms. where i started putting them in those clear boxes on the wall where i could actually see what i wanted for that day's adventures. >> jimmy: have you always been into interior design? [ laughter ] >> no, man, when you have roughly 300 pairs of shoes, if you don't see them, it makes it really difficult, you know -- >> jimmy: to pick. also, you like them, so you want to see them. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are they all nikes? >> pretty much, yeah. >> jimmy: any non-nikes in the mix? >> i have a couple pairs of vans for the summer. if somebody invites you to their fourth of july party or something like that. >> jimmy: i see. [ laughter ] >> things like that. you might want to wear some shorts and some vans or something. >> jimmy: which is the best pair that you have, the most rare or expensive or -- >> right.
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it's probably my fragments. the jordan one fragments. >> jimmy: right. >> i probably spent a year trying to find those in my size. i'm a size 16, which is not common. >> jimmy: oh, wow, yeah. >> unless you're an nba player, then it's pretty common. but i would go on ebay pretty much daily just to check to see if somebody was selling a pair. because you could only get them resale if you missed the retail sale. and, you know, one day they showed up. and i really couldn't believe that they were really there. and i thought, you know, maybe somebody made a fake -- there's a lot of fakes on the market. and i just -- i pulled the trigger, i bought them. >> jimmy: how much? >> oh. [ laughter ] in this climate, i don't know if i'm allowed to say. >> jimmy: oh, really? [ laughter ] >> no, it was -- it was a four-figure number. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> for a pair of shoes, yeah. >> jimmy: wow. >> but you know, it's my passion. you know, it's the one thing i
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will let myself really go crazy on. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> as you can see from the wall. >> jimmy: you played college basketball. long beach state? >> yeah, yeah, '49ers. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you went to the ncaa tournament while you were there? >> senior year, 2007. >> jimmy: 2007, ncaa tournament. what team did you play? >> we played tennessee. >> jimmy: tennessee, and what seed were they? >> it was a 5-12 game. everybody thinks there's a big -- >> jimmy: 5-12, that's the one where you think you're smart and pick the 12? >> pick the 12 over the 5. we were a good pick, man. we were leading the nation in scoring that year. as a mid-major big best team. b. the score doesn't look great when you look at the final score, but game itself wasn't that bad. if it weren't for the fact that they came out shooting like they had five steph currys on their team? [ laughter ] we probably would have had, like, a better chance.
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>> jimmy: did you think you might win that game? or never mind the game. i'm sure you probably thought maybe you'd win that game. does a 12 seed think, we could win this all? >> you know, it's funny, your coach tries to convince you of that. in your head you're like, duke has six future nba players. [ laughter ] i don't think we really stand that great of a chance. but you know, if you believe. if you just believe. >> jimmy: if you believe. well, listen, you probably didn't imagine when you were playing on that team that one day you would have a movie that was being considered for an academy award. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: i feel like you're too tall to be nominated for a short film. [ laughter ] >> i might -- i would love for someone to check. i might be the tallest short film potential nominee. >> jimmy: you have to be. [ laughter ] you have to be, yeah. "two distant strangers." i really thought it was great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i saw it, a friend of mine, van latham, sent to it me. i took a look at it, i thought it was really great. i learned today -- i got a link to it. i learned today that you're here
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promoting a movie no one is able to see. [ laughter ] >> yeah. right. so the movie is not officially out. we are still -- >> jimmy: what are you waiting for, exactly? the oscars to pass? [ laughter ] >> distribution. anybody. anybody wants to, you know, pick up a short film that is -- >> jimmy: i'll put it on right now if you want. [ laughter ] >> you got 28 minutes, i'll sit right here the whole time. >> jimmy: we can make it happen. >> we can do the whole thing. yeah, we're looking for distribution, trying to talk to people. i've been begging to find a way to get the movie out. maybe we could put it up on youtube for a day. >> jimmy: just so people can see it. >> we've been showing to it people in large groups, like 500, 200, 300 people, virtual screenings. you know, the press and the quotes and things have been so great, beyond what we could have imagined. >> it's very original. [ applause ] very powerful.
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>> thank you. >> jimmy: they're clapping, they haven't seen any of it. [ laughter ] they're not going to see it, it's never coming out! >> i sent them the link. >> jimmy: they got the link. >> everybody got the link. it's under your seats! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the oscar voters -- i hope the oscar voters got the link. >> no, definitely, we made sure they got the link first. they got the link before anybody got the link. >> jimmy: but no one else has the link. >> no one else can get the link except through me. >> jimmy: has your family seen the movie? >> yes. they've seen the movie. >> jimmy: are they excited? are people jockeying saying, if you're nominated i'm going with you? >> covid saved me from that fiasco of everybody being like -- so i'm getting the other ticket, or you're getting me tickets to the oscars, right? i'm like, i have to get off the short list. >> jimmy: get on the shorter list, yeah. >> right, exactly, the shortest list. which means you get to the next round. but no, there are definitely people in my family who are excited about it and want me to get nominated or even win, you know, god willing.
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so it's -- you know. >> jimmy: i hope you get it up soon, it's really good. it's called "two distant strangers." you cannot see it. [ laughter ] >> wait, i'll send you a link! >> jimmy: currently streaming on nothing. [ laughter ] unless travon has your email. travon free, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] thanks, travon, great to have you here. next, music from daya! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. well, well, well. look at you. you mastered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter. into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation take it on by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... ...which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation
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i want to thank kevin bacon, travon free. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, from downtown l.a., with the song "bad girl," daya. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ alive in the dark and we ride forever feeling so high going down together ♪ ♪ down free shots at the bar from the guy in leather cheers to the night that ♪ ♪ we won't remember now nothing you could do or say is right i already know just ♪ ♪ what i like bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it we got what they want want what they want want they can look but they ♪ ♪ just can't touch it bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl
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'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it they're always up to no good don't let them ♪ ♪ wish they could do it like this all around the clock got boys lining up ♪ ♪ all around the block lighting up flares in the parking lot if we're gonna live give ♪ ♪ it all we got nothing you could do or say is right i already know ♪ ♪ just what i like bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it we got what they want want what they want want they can look but they ♪ ♪ just can't touch it bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it they're
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always up to no good don't let them ♪ ♪ wish they could bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it we got what they want want what they want want they can look but they ♪ ♪ just can't touch it bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it they're always up to no good don't let them ♪ ♪ wish they could nothing you could do or say is right i already know ♪ ♪ just what i like bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it we got what they want want what they want want they can look but they ♪ ♪ just can't touch it bad girl, need a bad girl need a bad girl 'cause the bad boys ♪ ♪ just don't cut it they're always up to no good don't let them ♪
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♪ this is "nightline." p>> tonight, caught in the web f lies. the aspiring action star. >> she goes, i have a role, and we think you would be perfec for it. >> the makeup artist. >> there is no film. it's a scam. >> the screenwriter. >> he needs to answer for his crimes. >> all looking to make it big, all lured by an imposter pretending to be hollywood power players. now pulling back the curtain on the con. >> there's no question that it was seven years and hundreds of victims. >> how police say tpescmeicms w plain ght, a
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