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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 3, 2021 11:44pm-12:30am PDT

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and easter weekend tradition goes on, even during the pandemic. and i am tracking a cooler and to the weekend, we will have the details in the accuweather forecast. over 6 million californians have been vaccinated and the requirement for a vaccination could be near, according to experts. abc 7 news starts now. finding a better bay area finding a way forward. as we make a way for events, and the cdc guidelines for people. many are asking if they will need a vaccine passport. it was trending on twitter today. with that, we say good evening, thinks for joining us, i am dion lim. to cut the boxing passports is raising the questions about privacy, and where this would be the most useful. abc 7 news reporter, lyanne melendez five is part of our team and looked into these
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questions. >> reporter: if you looked into hawaii, you will need to show proof of a negative test, the project created the common past, a digital certificate that lives on your smart phone. >> what we have been working on is to really develop a new standard, developing standard, basically a way of digitizing health information. >> reporter: starting april 15th, california will allow indoor concerts, theater performances, and other private gatherings. that is the same day those 16 and older can get vaccinated, the state is requiring testing were proof for vaccination of some of these events. something that gives peace of mind to some people. >> a lot of people are removing their masks, they don't have the note cover. and you get anxious, because you don't know. >> reporter: in a statement, san francisco's center give us insight into what they are thinking about boxing passports. we are looking into areas where this could be useful, and, in
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particular, were larger numbers of people are coming together. but there are also some concerns. >> how do you avoid fraud with these vaccination passports? >> the way the data is digitized. they take a record of that vaccination, put it in, what is effectively, a digital envelope. >> reporter: this doctors part of the california's advisory. he doesn't believe a passport will be needed unless-- >> if we don't get control over the virus, that is going to force us to take some-- a hard look at what we need to do and perhaps make some very tough choices, regarding doing something like a vaccine passport. >> reporter: an thinking about allowing a vaccine card, this doctor says to wait. >> there is no doubt we are going to need those two shots. so, you know, i think it is going to happen. >> reporter: in san francisco, luz pena,
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here's a look at california's covid numbers for saturday. the state reported nearly 4900 newly diagnosed cases, which is double the count from friday. now, even with the increase, the seven-day positivity rate did not change. it is still at 1.8%. california has hit a milestone with vaccinations. more than 7 million people are now fully vaccinated against covid-19. and part of building a better bay area includes the ongoing effort for equity in vaccine rollout. east palo alto officials welcomed community members at a newly opened site, aimed at closing the distribution gap. the vaccination site at cesar chavez raven would's middle school, is in its second day of vaccinations pply thjososing vaccine was doubled to 2000 shots in the last 48 hours. >> what we are dealing with is disfranchisement in this city, that we have always had to wait
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for resources, for allocations, for vaccines. so now, when we have gotten this news of the vaccine, it is awesome, but it is also going to take a little time to really encourage our residents. >> only 27% of east palo alto residents are vaccinated, the lowest rate in san mateo county. officials hope to hold another vaccination clinic at the site, at a later date. if you are looking for vaccination, you can always had to, that is where you can find who is eligible for a shot, and a place where you can send your questions to our abc 7 vaccine team. california is reopening the process is about to change. late friday, governor gavin newsom, announced an update to te tier system. >> we are going toanye ere in s yellow? besides orange? the answer is yes. >> the state is talking with local health officials about
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the changes, the governor says he would like to make the official announcement on monday, or even tuesday. he pointed to the state's vaccination effort, and low positivity rate, as a reason to make those modifications. well, it could be one of the biggest steps forward in our return to normal life, since the pandemic began. some bay area theme parks are reopening rides, and abc 7 news reporter, corporal bernard went to vallejo, where thrillseeking families were back, having some fun. >> reporter: that would be a yes from everyone who waited to write the joker roller coaster. david, and his daughter, mariah, came from sacramento. >> i am really excited, but this one, i told her hey, they are opening back warete cobeca wajusti ss it a lot. >> reporter: a hold on tight. s
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kingdom, after the pandemic close them down for more than a year. that is a lot of screaming to catch up on. >> we are happy to welcome back our guests to enjoy our rights once again. but most importantly, we are happy to be able to welcome back more of our employees. >> reporter: the line was long, and the front gate, all saturday tickets sold out. online reservations required. >> so, we are celebrating two birthdays today. >> reporter: a day of fun is exactly what dacia hornsby and her kids needed. >> we have been inside during the pandemic, we were just looking for something to do. >> i can go on all of the rides ever wanted to go on. >> reporter: safety measures are happening at the themepark. rights are disinfected throughout the day, and there are lots of safety reminders, in case you forget. >> the mathentire pleake re thosmasks are above the nose.
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>> reporter: for many families, this is the real deal, a chance to the good times we used to know. >> we have been waiting for this day to come for a long time. >> reporter: right now, solano county is in the red here, that means 50% capacity inside the park. i moved to the orange tear will allow more people to make reservations. the way, if you are coming here, don't forget your mask, you will need it, even on the roller coasters. and vallejo, korell bernard, abc 7 news. looks like fun. still ahead on abc 7 news, covid hasn't stopped one san francisco easter tradition, but it has changed it. volunteers lit up the mt. davidson cross tonight. and i am meteorologist to my, we are heading to the forecast. plus, police are stepping up patrols and some san
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and you... with the best bargains ever... ross. yes for less! to commemorate the easter holiday, the more than 100 would cross on mt. davidson lights up the sky. the tradition is nearly a century old, but the endemic has forced some changes to the plans. abc 7 news news reporter, dustin dorsey shows us how things may be different, but the message remains the same. >> reporter: at the highest point of the city by the bay, a beacon of light ushers in easter. the lighting of the mt. davidson cross, a nearly 100- year-old tradition, lives on. >> i think it has been always about a positive gathering of people to welcome easter morning. it started 5019 23, but by the time this cross was built, in the middle of the depression, 1934, it was 50,000 people. >> reporter: in 2021, there may be less people around, but the
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butte views of the bay area surrounding the cross never lose their glory. volunteers have visited this iconic peak for nearly 80 years to light up the mountainside for one of the christian religion's holiest of holy holidays. the mt. davidson cross continues the tradition today with this beautiful display of hope and peace. >> armenians are really into tradition, 32 are armenian organizations came together to preserve this mt. davidson cross monument. in order to keep the tradition alive. we have all made this our second home. >> reporter: covid 19 may not have saved the lives, but it did force the change at mt. davidson for the second year in a row. the easter sunrise service here remains canceled. >> the organizer sent me an email, when he canceled the event, he said with our obligation to love our neighbor, it was the prudent decision. to cancel the event. we will still continue the tradition, easter still is
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happening, we will still continue the sunrise services in the future, but let's make sure that we are all protected. >> the cross is only late two nights each year. one to mark armenian genocide memorial day, and tonight, the night before easter. in the middle of the pandemic, a sign of hope, shining in the night. in san francisco, dustin dorsey, abc 7 news. for the second year in a row, many observing easter attendant virtual vigils saturday night. services at st. mary's cathedral at st. mary were live streamed. but many also attended for in person worship. mask wearing and social distancing protocols were in place for the entire vigil, and for holding communion. the grade vigil, at grace cathedral, was held entirely online. worship was conducted from inside the iconic cathedral, but there were no parishioners. instead, everyone was invited
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to follow the liturgy, and take part in the hymns from their own homes. bay area families, hit hard by the pandemic, are getting some help with their easter sunday meals, courtesy of the city team nonprofit. thousands of to go boxes were distributed today at city team's locations in san francisco. oakland, and san jose. families receive ham, mashed potatoes, and greens, along with desserts to help celebrate easter. they also celebrated, and received goodie bags, packed with masks, hand sanitizer and other easter treats. those meals were made possible by local food banks, and city team's generous donors. looking ahead to the easter holiday, just a couple of minutes away, drew is standing by with a little bit more on that, drew? dion, we will start in the morning on the cool side with some fog. by the afternoon, on sunday, it will be a pretty beautiful day, with temperatures pretty close to where they should be at this time of year.
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tonight though, a live look at the camera showing you the beautiful skyline of san francisco. we have those clouds rolling in again, a lot of fog on the coast right now, and we will find fog developing around the bay shoreline first thing on our sunday. that onshore flow return today brought cooler temperatures early this afternoon. that warmer weather last week is here, and we are trending toward cooler afternoons. 51 right now, in the city, 50 in san jose, santa rosa, 52 currently. we will keep that blend of stars and cloud, fog along the coastline, and around the bay shoreline. clear skies, as you move inland. otherwise, temperatures for the most part, across the entire bay area, will fall into the 40s, first thing on our sunday. breaking down your easter, if you are up early morning with church services. have jackets for you, mostly cloudy skies. the cloud looks like it will burn off pretty quickly on our sunday morning. by the afternoon, it is tons of
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sunshine, little breezy along the coast, but temperatures very seasonable this time of year. 50s along the coast, a lot of 60s around the bay shoreline. highs on sunday starting in the south base, 56 at san jose, 54 in sunnyvale, 65, the high cupertino. along the peninsula, 62 for palo alto, 60 for san mateo. breezy on the coast, cooler than 50s. 56 the high. downtown san francisco on our sunday, we will have that when cloud cover burning off for some afternoon sunshine. but it is cool. a temperature of about 56 degrees in the afternoon. in north bay, 65 in santa rosa, 64 in colima. 66 in sonoma, 64 in center field. that cloud cover giving way to sunshine. 63 union city, 63 in fremont, and inland, we are in the mid to upper 60s on sunday. 66 for walnut creek, 67 in concorde, 69 in and you. the pollen forecast for the next couple of days remains at
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high levels, through tuesday, and then it gets worse, unfortunately, for allergies. that tree pollen is running very high. by wednesday, ash alder and juniper are the main offenders. what we really need a some rain to cleanse our atmosphere, but that is not in the forecast this week. unfortunately. you look at the next 10 days, the next week and half, getting us to mid april, we are not getting any storms getting into northern telephone you. in fact any rainfall in these days in oregon, and washington. here is the accu weather forecast, the next seven days, morning clouds on easter sunday, sunday is seasonable, monday, and a little bit more mild weather in 60s and 70s, but dion, the next seven days it remains dry and we will pretty much have that morning fog runnoosunshine. >> still, still waiting for that rain. it shall come. drew, thanks. still ahead on abc 7 news, for the firs
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the first time in 11 years, the stanford women basketball team is playing in the national championship. they will take on pac-12 folk, arizona, later today, 3:00 on espn. stanford survived the final seconds of their final four matchup one south carolina missed two shots as the clock expired. their opponent, arizona, beat powerhouse yukon, by 10 points, bling on thy, mostd road, and that is paying dividends right now. >> we have competitive, motivated talented really strong women on our team, and they have dug deep, and i think that off the court experience has made us tougher, stronger, more determined. >> i feel like it is kind of an advantage for us when we were on the road for almost 2 months straight, other teams were kind of at home, and when they came
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to the bubble in san antonio they didn't really know what to expect. i think we were lucky to have experienced that and i feel like every thing happens for a reason. >> for what it is worth, stanford beat arizona in each regular-season meeting. a win today would give them cardinals their national mall championships since 1932, and their third overall. to come on abc 7 half 1 billion facebook users have had their personal data exposed online. how the social media giant is responding to the breach . and a
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building a better bay area, looking forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. once again, i am dion lim. the state about to allow concerts and other gatherings, there is more attentionbeing paid to the possibility of a vaccination passport. to verify a person's covid 19 immunization status. now, california isn't requiring one just yet, but it is possible some companies could. the commons project is working on a standard, and when it is needed, it has even been approached by burning man. california's reopening process, that is about to change. the state is talking with local health officials about changes to the tier system. the governor says he would like to make an official announcement on monday, or tuesday, and pointed to the state's vaccination effort and low positivity rate as reasons to make tion ve pepass from aiay the cdc, w ysfully , who wear
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masks and socially distance, can fly at low risk to themselves. now, to a passionate rally in oakland, a group called asians with attitude. >> we have different skin colors here, it is not about that. it is about unity we see here. we hope this rally can activate people to stop asian hate, and stop all hate across the board. >> the march was from medicine park to chinatown, the members of the group included black and latinos were standing in solidarity with the asian community. >> we are empowering people to come out, and different leaders can patrol their own hood, different chinatown, you know? everywhere. i have a lot of elders that need a lot of protection. >> one of the goals today was to encourage people to go to chinatown businesses and help those that have suffered during the pandemic. san jose's believed police department is increasing patrols in some communities. police chief, anthony mother, was on the street on saturday,
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giving out stickers to customers at the grand century mall, police say the patrols are meant to deter crime and show that the department is sensitive to the increase in violent and racist crimes against asians. three weeks ago, a filipino woman was assaulted by a man at the deer don station. that suspect was charged with a hate crime. owners of a chinese restaurant in the east bay are trying to raise awareness, after their building was blowtorch. take a look. surveillance video here, from late wednesday night, shows a man get out of a car and then ignite a blowtorch and drop it against a door. the man then leaves, and comes back about 20 minutes later and ultimately takes the torch away . a family member i spoke with doesn't want to reveal the name of the restaurant, but is asking other business owners to stave stay vigilant, especially during these times of attacks on asians. camp robertson's southern monterey county will temporarily house unaccompanied
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migrant children. the defense department confirmed on saturday that the national guard base will accept 1500 children between four and 18 years old. most are from central america. this video you see here shows the facility in texas, one of migrants. their stay at camp roberts will last from 4 to 6 weeks, but that could be extended. a car caravan made its way from oakland to san francisco on saturday to oppose the ethiopian government's military occupation of the tigre region. protesters say there is a humanitarian crisis in tigre, with millions in need of emergency food assistance. in early november, temp tensions between the ethiopian government, and the former ruling party of the country's northern tigre, erupted into violent conflict. the ethiopian authorities said
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the troops have started their withdrawal, they have been fighting on the side of ethiopian forces. well, a spectacular scene on saturday in egypt, as royal mummies were relocated to a new museum, in a parade fit for a king. a total of 22 mummies, 18 kings and four queens, wound their way through the streets of cairo. each one was transported in a vehicle, fitted with a special shock absorber, and they all got a full escort, including hrse-drawn chariots. now, perhaps the most notable money being moved as king personal data, to ruled the ha llion facebook users was held online, saturday morning. the data includes phone numbers and names, along with locations, birthdates, and in some cases email addresses. all of it was available for free on an internet hacking forum. facebook played on the
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concerns, saying it was all data, and that the vulnerability had been patched, back in 2019. security researchers say it could still be used for cyber criminals who want to impersonate people and commit fraud. fashion designer, massimo julie has been released from federal prison, and under community confinement tonight. generally and his wife, actress lori loughlin, pleaded guilty last year to paying half $1 million to get their two daughters into usc. lori locklin was replaced from the prison in dublin, in december. generally survived five months in a co-. the couple were among the high profile wrote residents included in the scandal. rapper, dmx, is on life support this evening. dmx's attorney says the hip-hop artist, whose real name is earl simmons, had a heart attack. the attorney adds he is unsure how the heart attack was induced. numerous out list
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suffered of an overdose. well wishes from celebrities ported on social media, and dmx was on the top searches of google, as fans check for updates. much more to come on abc 7 news. the white house won't be hosting the traditional eggroll this year. how they are still making sure the commemorative eggs get to thousands of children. >> reporter: and what is hoping
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it's okay that you don't want to be first: you aren't. second covid vaccine. it's okay to have questions: everyone deserves answers. i'm wary that there isn't enough information. it's okay to be excited, or worried, or both. it's alright for it to take whatever it takes for you to be ready. hi mom, ready for your shot? yes, i've been waiting for this day. we just got what? vaccinated. we just got vaccinated! let's get you there. let's get to immunity.
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light memorial church will hold a easter celebration at 9:00 a.m. he says he will deliver a message of hope for everyone tuning in. >> come out of the tune, what has killed you, what has kept you down, what has-- anything that has oppressed you. whatever the thing is, you need
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to come out of that, and into life. >> we will stream their 11:00 a.m. easter service, live from glide memorial church in san francisco. you can find that at our website,, book, youtube, and wherever you happen to string. a number of national retailers will close their stores for easter, including target, sam's club, costco and macy's. apple, best buy and lowe's locations will also be closed for the holiday. we do have a complete list of our website the white house is having to celebrate easter a little bit differently this year, because of the pandemic. the traditional white house easter egg roll is being replaced with online activities. the white house is also sending thousands of commemorative eggs to vaccination sites, community health centers and hospitals, like this one, in washington, d.c. the wooden eggs are all made in made, featuring a penny
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wearing a mask, and the biden's signatures wearing on the back. it also features the first dogs. >> one last check of weather with meteorologist, drew tuma. tracking those clouds tonight, temperatures falling into the 40s, 49 little bit cooler in the north bay, santa rosa, falling to about 42 degrees. on our sunday we will start out with a fair amount of cloud cover, but it looks like that cloud cover breaks down pretty quickly throughout the morning hours. the afternoon, a lot of sunshine, a little bit breezy along the coast, but with that onshore flow continuing, it will keep temperatures pretty seasonable, in the 50s, and 60s. highs on our sunday, 56 in the city, for the afrnoon. 61inoakland, with some afternoon sunshine. 66 in san jose, 65 in nampa, 67. here is the accu weather forecast. a lot of sunshine on monday, a little milder as you get into tuesday and wednesday with our warmest cities in the low 70s.
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a pretty dry pattern the next seven days, if sunshine. we will add some breezes thursday and friday, but we will keep those temperatures slightly above average for this time of year. >> all right, drew, thanks. resolver is with a preview of sports now, chris. >> coming up in sports s pac-12 showdown for the women's national chapter an, stanford and arizona, and on the men's side, a people are always finding ways to save money.
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as the covid-19 vaccines become available ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ you may have questions. and that's normal. so, for the latest information, visit it's up to you. sports on abc 7 is sponsored by your local toyota dealers. >> one wednesday into the history of stanford women's basketball, for the first time in 11 years, the cardinals are playing in the national champion shipped in. they will take on pac-12 rival, arizona, later today, 3:00 on espn. the men's final fo number 11, take on gonzaga. 87 have, betty riley goes up,
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subs, with a huge block, and look at this, from subs to drew timmy, the timmy jim, the mustached man scored 25, and we go to overtime. final seconds, ucla down two, johnny drives, mrs., gets his own rebound, puts it up and in. 3.3 seconds to go. gonzaga, to go full-court. jaylinn subs, for the win. eggs at home! are you kidding me? 93-90. overtime, the zags go for the first season national title, monday. >> giants fans taking in the rubber match in seattle. alex dickerson at the plate. watch out, the third coach nearly gets hit right there. he didn't have much to do on saturday night. logan webb, on the help for the giants. tied france. he wins that battle, it is 1-0. seattle, he gets the scoring, starting the giants offense. didn't get a runner basil night. start top shop, crawford gets
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to double play. giants manager hit six. a rare sunday off. they will play monday in san diego. a's and astros fans in reliefju is a big one. alvarez, three run blast. his first of the year, and it is 5-1 strus. bottom of the eighth. same score. aces loaded for chad pender. he's got a chance right here. he is going for the grand slam. right center. but stays in the yard. that is an out. houston adds more, and they were 9-one. the a lot a's starting the season. sharks extending their winning streak, the captain, logan, great behind-the-back pass to k 16th of the year 2-1. sharkey's. to the third, game tied to-2. jonathan quick tries to play the puck, turns it over and that is good for the sharks.
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sharks win 3-2, that is four straight, they are making noise in the playoff race. abc 7 sports, sponsored by your local toyota dealers. dion? >> chris, thanks so much. thank you, everyone, that is it. i am dion lim. abc 7 news starts 4:00, this morning. from all of us here, at abc 7 news, thank you for joining us. leave you now with a live picture downtown san francisco , all lit up this easter. have a happy easter, everyone, walter, did you know geico could save you hundreds on car insurance and a whole lot more? so what are you waiting for? world's strongest man martins licis to help you break down boxes?
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