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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 6, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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coming up next the big promise by the state as california is to fully reopen the economy in june. officials say the next at pages on two factors. the announcement comes at a critical point for bay area businesses. san francisco right francis talking about reversing a controversial decision to rename their schools. googles development deal in san jose and how this project could transform the bay area's biggest cd. the need for water. one man's daily grind to keep his ranch going and the worried this may just be the beginning. >> building a bay area and moving forward, finding solutions.
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this is abc7 news. we will be getting rid of the blueprint as you know it today. so this is a big day of the pandemic and the journey we have been on over the course of the last year. >> governor newsom made the announcement that the california economy will fully reopen in about two months if we meet two criteria, he says economy can fully open on june 15 if vaccine supply is sufficient for california 16 years old and up who want the shot and hospitalization rates are stable and low. >> thank you for joining us. let's go to our news reporter to break down the governors timeline. >> reporter: hearing the words reopening the economy from the governor today was huge and reassuring. even more so that the covid hospitalizations in san francisco have dropped to a new low. but as the governor pointed out we cannot lose sight of the key safety measures that got us to
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this point. big changes are coming to california starting in june. >> we are announcing today on june 15, we will be moving beyond the blueprint and will be getting rid of the color tears. >> reporter: the governor giving us a promise the hope that the economy can fully reopen in 10 weeks. >> we are seeing mortality rates go down and case rates stabilize. we have the lowest case rate in the united states of america. >> reporter: if those trends continue the states will eliminate the color system in place allowing all businesses and everyday activities to resume. this means large-scale indoor events like conventions will be allowed if testing or vaccination is verified. capacity limits will be lifted assuming there is sufficient vaccine supply and hospitalizations remain low and safety measures are followed. >> the importance of not letting your guard down and not
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taking off your mask and maintaining your vigilance and assessing the vaccine what your eligibility comes up. >> reporter: the health and human services secretary even stressed that the june 15 reopen date is subject to change if the case rates spite at the low to moderate spread. >> the governor's point that this is a race between vaccines and variants. >> reporter: the race to get more vaccine to california is expected to ramp up by may. the state has received an additional 600,000 doses over the past two weeks. >> i anticipate those numbers to continue to go up. the one variable remains jonathan and jonathan. >> reporter: the government expects there to be a significant increase in the johnson & johnson supply by early to mid day. the hope is that 33 million people in california would have received at least one dose at that point by the end of this
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month. today on our 3:00 program getting answers, we talked with doctor george rutherford. he said some states are seeing a fourth wave but not california in part because of our cautious reopening and is praising the governor's announcement. >> i think this is the right move and we will be able to follow things like hospitalizations, of people who have been vaccinated because what we are looking for is vaccine failure in the sense that people get sick. we will also be able to follow cases. >> today's announcement about reopening is something that businesses have been desperately waiting for. our abc7 reporter is in the newsroom with that part of the coverage. >> reporter: about 42% of california has received at least one dose of the vaccine. business owners are reflecting
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on the past year and how many survived on a month to month basis. having the june 15 date is what they needed to plan ahead. 69 days from today, >> on june 15 we will be moving beyond the blueprint. >> reporter: dates are important in the events business. after a month of venue this general manager has something to look forward to. >> we have events for weddings and corporate events and are holding their breath for the opportunity to come back. >> reporter: on march 6 of 2020 was the last time an event was held inside. the owner says the rooftop deck will be receiving as soon as consumer confidence builds up. how long do you think it will take for your business to recover? >> that's a good question and it will be months if not years. >> reporter: when california 16 years old and older can get
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vaccinated as stable and low hospitalization rates. that is to two factors and the san francisco chamber of commerce said is out of our control. >> about 50% of the small businesses in san francisco have temporarily or permanently been close. >> reporter: in the san francisco financial district many buildings remain empty. he is hopeful this announcement will change that soon. >> that was part of this critical mass. we need them to come in. >> reporter: indoor and outdoor dining, they are hopeful that the summer they will finally be able to breathe. >> we have enough help from the government until august. that gives us about a six week gap. >> reporter: the san francisco chamber of commerce is keeping track on their website of all the sectors taking the longest
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to recover from this pandemic and on the top of that list is hospitality. what the city needs most now is for people to come back and conventions to book in san francisco once again. >> absolutely. the color-coded system the state has been using will be retired but is still in place right now. today three counties moved to the orange tear. restaurants and movies and churches can increase to 50%. a bar that doesn't serve food can open for outside the move into the orange tear is reason for excitement especially for the owner at mister mom's cafe who will now be able to expand this gym owner is pumped and said the next big announcement will be when the mask of mandate is dropped. >> a lot of people don't want to work out aggressively in a
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mask. although people are happy to be in here. >> in addition to capacity upgrades at restaurants and the theater moving into the orange means that a bowling alley can also reopen as well. >> a lot of people are waiting for this news. right now the san francisco school board is reconsidering the controversial resolution to rename more than 40 schools. the decision made national headlines and raised a lot of questions. we are watching that meeting and i reporter joins us live. >> reporter: keeping an eye down on the school board. the board is not about to give up on the idea of renaming schools anytime soon. they will eventually revise that but with added players and input from the community. it is fair to say that this somewhat new school board was following a 2018 resolution to dismantle symbols of racism and white supremacy when it decided to rename some 44 san francisco schools.
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those names was associated with slavery and oppression and etc. but it was how an advisory committee went about it that cost a lot of criticism. >> you found it on >> reporter: no historians or professors was discussed with it. >> this is another colonizer, california mission and it is in the notes. >> reporter: except that had the wrong sanchez. now the school board said they will revisit the matter but only after all san francisco schools reopen for full in person learning. the committee will see a welcoming addition. >> we do want to use the expertise of professors that meet here at university to support the work that we have been doing.
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we have heard from families their interest in being involved in this process. >> reporter: call scott is the attorney who sued the district to resend the vote. >> this approach of having a talk to down process of having a group of unelected people dictating to school throughout the city should be, whether or not it is consistent with san francisco values, is not a good approach. >> reporter: the school board is clear the issue became a distraction. to prove they are focused entirely on reopening schools, the commissioner will introduce a resolution pledging to bring back all students in the fall. >> we have the data and signs to help us do this correctly and safely for our students and staff and families. >> reporter: another reason for putting this matter to one side is the school board didn't want to deal with all of the lawsuits. this is a school district that faces a huge budget deficit.
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there is another issue that i should say will be heard in the san francisco superior court on april taking -- 18th this thursday and that will be the issue of the murrells. that has not been resolved. >> another big controversy. nearly 4 years after google first announced plans to build a mega-campus west of downtown san jose the company to date released new plans. it includes a $200 million community benefits package with the hope it will help to greenlight the project. >> reporter: new gateway into downtown san jose is taking place. >> what we are establishing here is a new model for a relationship between local communities. >> reporter: google has released her long-awaited proposed agreement for a mass use campus which could include
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6.5 square feet of offices and 4000 new homes with plenty of hotel rooms and 500,000 square feet of retail. >> they are paying fees and getting no brakes at all. they are also making huge commitments. >> reporter: google is promising $200 in community benefits with much of them helping underserved communities and small business assistance on top of the nearly $1 billion in improvement to create a more walkable city including a new part and open spaces. >> the largest immunity package in the united states and a structure that centers on racial and housing justice. this is a big win for our community. >> reporter: several affordable homes are included in the proposal. >> by providing assistance to tackle that and to tackle housing insecurity, we are really going to help a lot of
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families in our community especially as we pull out of covid. >> reporter: the san jose city council is expected to make a final decision on the project by jean. if approved google plans to begin construction sometime in 2022 with the first building set to break ground in 2023. >> what is unique about this project is it is integrated into the street grid and incorporates the surrounding neighborhoods and the core of downtown with transportation. >> reporter: a game changing development that is inching closer to reality. coming up next pointing fingers. pg and he is facing felony charges for his role in a major wildfire. the sonoma county dairy farmer that
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my name is trisha. i'm 70 and i live in mill valley, california. my biggest passion is gardening. i love to be outdoors. i have jaybirds that come when i call. i know how important it is to feed your body good nutrition. i heard about prevagen and i heard about the research behind it. taking prevagen, i have noticed that i can think clearly. my memory is better. i can say that prevagen is one of the most outstanding supplements i've ever taken. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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sonoma county filed criminal charges today against pg and e accusing the utility of recklessly starting the kincaid fire. that are attorney's office filed 33 caps including five felonies related to the fire that burned 120 thousand square miles. it destroyed homes and businesses and injured six firefighters. the charges come two months after pg&e pleaded guilty in their role in charging the 2018 campfire. pg&e issued a statement saying in the spirit of working to do what is right for the victims we will accept the findings of cal fire that eight transmission line caused the fire. but we do not believe there was any crime here.
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bay area water experts are saying it is not a matter of if but when they put mandatory conservation orders in place. there has been that little rainfall this year especially in the north bay. we went to a ranch today where the owner has contended with the drought for decades. tonight he is not optimistic about where we are headed. >> reporter: in the dairy belt people find comfort in seasonal predictability. flowers bloom and the cows come home and that is how it is supposed to be. but this is 2021. what is the one thing you haven't gotten? >> rain. we need it bad. >> reporter: so badly sure that bonnie has abandoned her spring garden. that is just the start of it. >> we've had five inches and normally we should be at 18-19 inches. >> reporter: to make the point he took us for a ride of the hill to see the reservoir that will fill with rainwater runoff.
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>> that pond should be running over. >> reporter: that pond should have enough water to run that ranch and the cows for a year and a half. have you ever seen it empty? >> not like this, no. >> reporter: he weathered the drought in 1996 and in 2014 we watched him dig a whale which turned out drive. that he has never seen an april as dry as this. already he is buying some hay and spent tens of thousands of dollars for a water delivery truck. californians are fixated on covid and vaccinations. >> the whole state of california has run out of water. >> reporter: but people don't know that. >> you're probably right. as long as they open the faucet and water comes out they don't run out of water.
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>> still ahead training for an emergency. how the firefighters are making sure they will be there when you need them. most of us saw the sun to date but that didn't do a lot to get ♪ tex-mex. tex-mex. ♪ termites. go back up! hang on! i am hanging on. don't mess up your deck with tex-mex. terminix. hi. the only way to nix it is to terminix it.
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summer is right around the corner. san francisco firefighters went around ocean beach conducting rescue drills in anticipation of a crowded season. they swam offshore for a stranded rescuer drill. >> you can see all of the firefighters it takes to put the systems together to make sure that you are as safe as possible. >> san francisco firefighters have more than 200 water rescues last year and are prepared for the number to be higher this year when the
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pandemic restrictions ease. they are urging people to pay attention to warning signs when they visit the beach this summer. it will be so important as we start to warm up because we are not seeing a lot of rain. >> that is true and meteorologist sandhya patel is here. it was a nice day but chilly too. >> definitely no rain in the forecast for at least the next seven days. i want to show you a lovely view from the beach. it is sunny in santa cruz and wasn't like that along the whole coastline. bright guys and some people are enjoying. it is in the low 60s. napa at 65 degrees. 70 degrees in livermore. you are looking at briones reservoir and you can see some green hill surrounding it. half moon bay is 50 degrees and you definitely need the check
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and if you are near the coastline. temperatures did respond to an earlier kelly ring from away the coast. 5 degrees warmer in haywood. just a little bit milder as you look at the live doppler 7. still hanging on to some gray skies. the satellite picture shows higher clouds continue to stream in our direction and we will see them tomorrow. rainfall for this month will typically average about an inch in livermore to just over two inches in santa rosa. may be in mid april something might show up. from our camera you are looking at the port of oakland with low clouds in the clouds will tell -- head inland. we will show you the cooler onshore wind tomorrow and 30 mile-per-hour around the coast and as we head into the afternoon it will pick up more. stronger wind tomorrow that
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will bring the temperature down. first thing tomorrow morning a lot of cloud cover as low and high level clouds with temperatures in the 40s and the afternoon high temptress will like this. breezy and 53 degrees in half moon bay. 67 degrees in santa rosa. we will get up to 65 degrees in san jose. high clouds will filter with sunshine tomorrow and along the coastline low clouds will hang around. guess what is coming up? the giants home opener on friday and it will be 50 degrees as they take on the rockies. a little breezy and i would grab the hoodie before you go if you are lucky enough to go. here is a look at the 7-day forecast. cooler and breezier tomorrow with temperatures rebounding on thursday. a minor dip on friddip on friddi
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will really warm up for the weekend in the upper 70s and low 80s. next week above average temperatures as tuesday it will be in the mid-80s. >> all right. thank you. >> coming up a
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a reminder you can get our live newscast with breaking news and more with our new abc7 apple app. just search for the bay area and downloaded have a chance. filing tonight the power of mother nature. take a look at this majestic site in southern california. >> wow! that is incredible! a whale watcher got to see this stampede. nobody could count them but there as at least hundreds if not thousands of dolphins swimming in the same direction. a large group of dolphins is traditionally called a super pod but stampede seems accurate for this situation. what a site and what a treat for the people who got to see it. >> can you imagine the person how powerful that is?
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>> unbelievable! that will do it for us for now and world news tonight majestic mountains... scenic coastal highways... fertile farmlands... there's lots to love about california. so put off those chores and use less energy from 4 to 9 pm when less clean energy is available. because that's power down time.
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tonight, president biden late today on the coronavirus and his new promise. saying all adults will now be eligible for a vaccine by april 19th. that's two weeks earlier than his previous pledge. and it comes amid this race in the u.s. authorities hoping vaccinations can stay ahead of the variants. alarming new numbers tonight. deaths on the rise in 21 states. new cases rising in 19 states. the hospital in michigan tonight, the troubling uk variant now accounting for up to 70% of new cases there. now seen in all 50 states. infections nationwide growing among younger and middle aged americans and those who have not been vaccinated. and what we're now learning about teachers and youth sports. what authorities are now seeing. the unfolding scene today. police responding to an active shooter near f


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