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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  April 7, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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experts say it is possible and the next two weeks will be critical. >> as covid cases surge in many parts of the midwest and east coast, >> dr. george rutherford, the lead epidemiologist said it looked back at the rate of transmission. we are talking less than 1% over the past week. only only napa and solano counties reached above that with more than 2%. >> 2% is almost nothing. >> most of the case rates have stabilized. >> we have seen high compliance with rules and regulations.
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>> with a record number of covid variance across the state , we are not immune from another wave. >> if we were to see a fourth wave, when do you anticipate that happen? >> if it were to happen it would happen sooner than later. >> rutherford said it is about the pace of vaccinations. right now is the most vulnerable time as california waits for its next batch of doses. segment to be on the way to get to zero is herd immunity. >> right now only 43% of californians have received at least one dose. dr. rutherford estimates way will be close when the number jumps above 60% taking into account those have naturally
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acquired immunity. >> that supply were to increase relative everyone would be eligible the best case scenario is it is looking like it would be six weeks to get the remaining 19 million californians ready. >> more than one year into the
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covid-19 pandemic -- downtown san jose is still singing blues. businesses have a lot to look forward to. >> they opened this fountain alley two weeks ago. they can't wait for more people to return to the downtown core. >> the reopening is contingent on vaccine supply. businesses can better anticipate the needs for future staffing. they say the communication is key. >> there is a goalpost that will not move
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>> the have the ultimate authority on whether to oppose the stricter regulations at the local level. the largest county recently said he would align itself with the regulations but offer a word of caution. >> it means we need to keep our guard up. if we do participate in activities we don't feel that comfortable and don't do them >> they are not 100% effective. it would still give me a little pause to go to a crowded bar or indoor concert or a restaurant. >> a calculated risk as california tries to press ahead.
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sonoma, napa, contra costa county made the jump officially moving into the orange tier. it allows businesses to expand reopening which will be a huge boost. some residents are ecstatic about the jump. others are still a bit nervous. >> it is nice to know we can move to the normal side of. i feel like at the same time i am really hesitant about it. >> i think we are ready. i think as the vaccines roll out we are ready to go. >> she says they have been patient but they are ready. contra costa county officials put out a plea reminding everyone 16 and older to get vaccinated. sonoma officials are happy with the progress being made but they are seeing covid cases creeping up so they are urging everyone to stay vigilant.
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residents of san francisco's excelsior district signed up to receive their shots. leaders unveiled the new site as a part of a push to get vaccines to hard-hit neighborhoods. an appointment is required. >> america is approaching a milestone. by the end of this weekend nearly half of all adults will have received the first shot. right now at nearly 42% of the adult population has received at least one dose. >> the european union will move forward with allowing the use of the astrazeneca vaccine despite a possible link between the vaccine and a rare clotting disorder. a report from the union's drug regulators says most of the clotting cases occurred in women under 60 within two weeks of vaccination. you can track california's vaccination project on our website
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vaccine tracker as well as a way to send your questions about the vaccination process. >> in the north bay, a freebie that may save a life in a wildfire. wayne friedman was in santa rosa for the giveaway. ú>> and oakmont they are describing this traffic jam as the biggest since last fall's fire evacuation. there is irony in that athat ata the fact that nobody complained. >> is there a need for this? >> absolutely! she needs one of these, and emergency weather >> you can be prepared for the season coming up. >> they turn on automatically when prompted and warned residents of imminent danger. >> they are preprogrammed ready to go. all you have to do is put the batteries in, plug them in and you are ready to rock. >> they headed out the first of 12,000 free radios radios radio
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they arrived by the truckload. they cost roughly $400,000 in the federal emergency management agency is paying three quarters of that. >> and other parts of the country they use radios like this for early warnings about tornadoes. this is a first on the west coast. the first time they have used one for wildfire warnings, the first time fema has helped pay for it. if ever a community recognize the need for one of these it would be in santa rosa. >> sonoma county sheriff's office mandatory evacuation order. leave your homes. >> santa rosa has lost close to 4000 homes. the power went out, the community alert system failed. sheriff's deputy went door to door evacuating. whether radios could have warned people of the fast- moving flames then and again and last fall. >> we lost our house in the grass fire. we need all of the information we can get. >> now, and other told in another city's communication toolbox. better to have backup now then confusion in a moment of peril.
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there are some new details out today about what led up to the crash that seriously injured tiger woods. here is marcy can dollars. >> tiger woods was speeding when he crashed this suv in southern california in february going as fast as 87 miles per hour in a 45 miles per hour zone. investigators found that along with an inability to navigate a curve in the road causing the accident that left the golf superstar badly injured. >> the impact of the vehicle when they hit the tree cause the vehicle to go airborne into a somewhat a pair let landing on its side. >> the data recorder showed he never hit the brakes. instead, he kept his foot on the accelerator the entire time. investigators believe it was just a panicked mistake. they also say they did not do a blood test to check his sobriety because there was no
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evidence of impairment. >> there was no order of alcohol. there were no open containers. >> he is now home from the hospital where he underwent surgery. is focused on recovering and thinking first responders and separately tweeting about missing the masters tournament this week. >> everything he has into trying to put everything here this year. >> despite the determination he was speeding, no citations were issued because there were no witnesses and woods did not remember the crash. the sheriff maintained he was not given preferential treatment. >> now to our special series, california dreaming. we examine the issues threatening the california dream and the people threatening to keep the dream alive. today would look at the economic resilience.
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>> total recall part two of our look back in the wild ride that was the 2003 recall election. we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired. expired. expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean.
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at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money. oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? oh. i'll have to check. aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?! managing type 2 diabetes? for bundling made easy, g you're on it. staying active and eating right? yup, on it there, too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections,
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and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance.
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let's turn your attention to our special series. california dreaming where would take a look at the issues threatening the california dream pick today we look at the golden state economiceconomicecn resilience. >> i grew up here. i have always wanted a pizzeria. we were slated to open last summer in 2020. we all got rocked with the pandemic. >> it is really important is look at the state of california today to keep in mind we are in the middle of a pandemic induced recession. we are seeing the trees and we really need to be looking at the forest. throughout california's history
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there have been booms and busts going all the way back to the era of the goldrush. then there was the agriculture best in california was a producer californians are going to reinvent their economy. >> california and san francisco in particular we took a strong aggressive stance on covid. for san francisco that has turned out to be for the positive. from the health perspectiveheale catastrophic from an economic perspective. we estimate that about 50% of small businesses were shattered whether they were temporarily shuttered or permanently closed is still to be determined. the resiliency of san francisco and california is really about to showcase itself.
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>> our expectation is california will grow fasgrow fas the u.s. the strength of the logistics industry. all of those look to be the growth sectors in the decade. >> have actually been doing fairly well. logistics is an area strength.
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>> we have up and down the state many different industries. there is a greagreagreagreagreaa >> making a still >> i am seeing people walk by pray pandemic.
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look what we accomplished during the pandemic. >> you can stream all of our california stories right now on our abc 7 connected apps wherever you stream. >> please check that out. in the meantime let's turn our attention to the weather. >>
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sky. 64 at morgan hill and 54 at half moon bay. 61 degrees at santa rosa and apple. 68 at fairfield and coand coando we offer you this lovely view. you're not seeing much in the way of cloud development but there will be
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tonight. here is a look at the forecast features. much warmer pattern this week. still no rain in sight for the next seven days. overnight the forecast animation looks like this. we will see a few clouds passing by but it would be clearer in some spots than it was last night. for most of the day tomorrow beginning midmorning we'll see bases basically sunny skies and a patch were to of clouds everything by. in the northbay valley that is going to be quite chilly at santa rosa and napa where those will drop into the upper 30s. tomorrow look at high temperatures under breezy conditions at the coast on the in the mid-50s right around the bay shoreline. we'll see low to mid 50s. inland areas will be quite mild. low to mid 70s and most of those spots. he was a look at the forecast. some clouds and some sun tomorrow. intervals of clouds and sun. on friday, just a slight cooldown by 2 or 3 degrees. then, we get the big warm-up that begins of the week in. saturday in the and highs in the upper 70s. low 70s around the bay shoreline. not much has changed on monday. low to mid 70s around the bay
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shoreline but only up to 60. >> it will feature performances by willie nelson, ziggy marley who will perform from places of importance to them around world.
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mom needs help but, she doesn't want to move. we're mostly concerned about her safety. she's already had a couple of falls. we had this joke, 'oh, that's a senior moment, right? but it wasn't. i'm driving her to the doctor, physical therapy... making sure that she's eating and staying hydrated. home care with an entire support team. mom could stay in her house, as long as she wants. that would be the perfect solution. she could live independently, and do her own thing. but with support, and transportation. i can focus more on my family too and be secure in knowing that she's happily looked after. he could keep doing his vegetable garden, and get really good, specialized care.
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and i could just be her daughter again.
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a discovery underwater has connected a a a a a a a laura acevedo has the details. >> it was supposed to be a saturday morning hike for san diego and rio villa, will is ill and their roommate at three sister falls when something caught the couple'scouple'scoups >> i saw this silver looking thing. i looked harder and he was a go pro. >> will try to grab it. >> he reaches for the go pro and it falls back into the water.
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finally, he found it again. i had given up hope. >> with a couple got home they tried to turn the camera on and found this. they found videos and pictures of a couple dating back to 2017. the camera still works and captured the moment it was dropped and submerged in water four years ago. >> muddy, dusty, covered and all debris. >> rio decided she was going to post the video on tiktok to try to find the cameras owners. >> my thoughts were what if they are not together anymore? did you even want to see this footage? >> in five hours, social media found them. they are still together and now married. they posted their own video to tick-tock letting millions know they had connected with rio. >> i am so happy and grateful. >> the couple who lives in silicon valley lost the camera while celebrating a dating anniversary. >> i was a little bit upset because it was my
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gave it to me. >> four years later, thanks to social media, the two couples plan on meeting saturday in los angeles to return the camera full of memories they thought were lost forever. >> pass on this amazing camera that has connected for strangers and give them their memories back. >> wow! that is a commercial for go pro. >> you think? i can see them all in and out. that is really specireally spece >> a look back at the wild ride that was a 2003 recall election. >> arnold schwarzenegger became the 800 pound gorill people are always finding ways to save money.
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i learned to cut hair. fortunately, xfinity makes saving easy. and way less awkward... because when you have xfinity internet and add mobile, you can save up to 300 dollars a year on wireless. two great products. one great value. saving made easy. can your internet do that? this place can fix it. thanks. get started with xfinity internet for $19.99 a month for 12 months. plus, add xfinity mobile and you could save up to $300 a year. switch today. where can a healthier heart lead you? for people with heart failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities. entresto is a heart failure medicine prescribed by most cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you.
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don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. this unplugged device is protecting askour beautiful coastlinessto for and more.lure. put off chores and use less energy from 4 to 9 pm to help keep our state golden.
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as california heads toward a likely recalllikely recalllikl following the current recall effort and came back at the 2003 election as well.a. >> recall three partisan lines. >> this is a republican effort. major funding in the california republican party and other
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associated this is a donald trump republican effort. >> gavin newsom has to answer to the people of california. good luck if you want to keep going on and on about that. you are talking to a universe of people that are not all chompers. they are not all q and on. they are not all pre- presenters. they are not all republicanall n >> as we look to the future recall that will happen most likely this year we are also looking back at the 2003 recall of governor gray davis. many of the same discussions happening then i happening again now. today we are excited to show you another portion of our new documentary total recall. it is the story of the largest wild ricotta election. >> he is loved by a lot of people and he is the terminator. >> arnold became the 800 pound gorilla in the race. he brought fame celebrity,
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unlimited well. he was married to a famous liberal democrat. his campaign buses were called total recall and running man. >> when i heard arnold was going to run i knew that was a challenge. i said if you have a choice to pick a global celebrityglobal ci the global celebrity. >> initially the democrats strategy was nobody from the democratic party jumps injumps n >> mayor willie brown at the type had a summit where that was decided. >> i had a virtually all of the democratic incumbent officeholders at a a a a a a >> one of the waiters said to me i wasn't eavesdropping but i have got to tell you your pitch
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was a good one.good one.good one there was one guy in my room whom i don't know that his right leg never stopped. it was always moving. he says in my world, my italian world if you are not sincere you keep moving one of your limbs. whatever he told you you ought to be suspicius of it. >> lieutenant governor cruz nan bustamante became the first prominent democrat to throw his hat into the ring. >> this recall is a reality. i think it is important that we have a serious democrat on the ballot. >> my name is cruz bustamante. >> in 2003 in 2003 in 2003 governor for the state of california. first latino elected stelected
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and over 100 years. here we have arnold jumping into the race. i don't know at integrated this could survive the election. >> he has a frosty relationship with governor davis says he is still against the idea of the recall but was alarmed by calls which show davis was going down. >> if the recall happened so there is no democrat or at least no mainstream democramainm >> it was a very odd message. he is basically sayisayisayisayi vote for me. >> without it was a mistake. was said it was a mistake from the offset. with said there was no way on earth the public is going to elect a democrat if they are not happy. >> it seems like the davis people feel like yoyo
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the race for governor. >> that is what they say. >> you don't agree? >> know. i don't agree at all. >> i wasn't running against the governor. >> i am in this race until the end. we are doing well. we expect to win on october 7. >> he had a lab room trying to sweep up sacramento. i should have brought him up. >> we are here to clean house. we are here to clean house. >> by the time arnold got in it was in such a zone that nobody knew what was going to happen. >> i had a guy that was the tom brokaw of france begging me to be on the bus to interview. we didn't have any voters in france. the interviews were over top. >> this is also fascinating. i remember those days very vividly covering that story. to this day many of the democratic party are really better for jumping into the race than.
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what you think democrats think about the prospect of a democrat jumping into the recall now? >> democrats thought it was a bad idea then and they think it is a bad idea now. at that panel today one of the strategist said no disrespect for mr. bustamante but if he if this is any indication getting into the race is not going to help the career at all. democrats are hoping no other democrat jumps in that way everyone can focus on supporting governor newsome in the first part of the recall. >> it was really awkward back then. >> live the great reporting. you can watch the original total recall on our abc 7 connected app wherever - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. we do consulting, but we also write.
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[szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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time for the 4 at 4:00. we have spencer andrew joining the conversation. the vaccine passport is turned into a real political passport. soon indoor venues will be able to enjoy larger crowds. it is something they are doing the giants. analyzer eying them to make travel safe theresafe theresafee >> spencer you want to get us started on this? >> i am not sure. i am not bothered by vaccination passport. apparently there are many people who just resistjust resis
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anything they see as controlling their part of their lives. have to accept that respected. i may not agree with that but i have to accept it. >> maybe there is some middle ground where you will not be need the passport essential things like going to the grocery store or perhaps using public transportation but nonessential things baseball game are going to a concert. you would need that passport for the larger venues that hold thousands of people that could become an issue if you have many people that don't have the vaccine. maybe there is some common ground but i am t i am t i just get the vaccine. that is what we have all been waiting for to get over this hump that is covid. maybe for those who don't want to get it maybe there is that middle ground. >> we will have to find it. would be hard to administer. what if you get to
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forgot the password. there has got to be something on your phone. there are problems associated. >> the cincinnati reds are showing some love for fans have been vaccinated. the team is offering $10 tickets to people who have received one covid vaccine. >> they want to think fans are doing their part to help make the community safe. the stadium capacity is limited to 30%. the question is should the a's or the giants try a similar plan? if you only pay $10 for the ticket you have $20 for the hotdog. >> that is exactly right. i think it is a great idea. i would love to see them try. if they don't it may be worth a trip to cincinnati. >> go ahead true. >> i hope -- i actually have no issue with tickets. i wish we had we had we had
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material for this. it is a piece of paper. if we are going to be taking this thing everywhere i wish there was a better way maybe a digital way that we could have this. >> you aren't laminated either. >> scan it, take a photo of it. don't tattoo it. >> i like the idea of having an incentive. >> if you throw in the garlic fries i am in. >> stanford university sent out its final admissions decision. last year it adyear it adyear i of applicants. that is an estimate. they don't actually say anymore making it the momomomomomo places to get into. >> this is likely due to the more holistic review process of
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making standardized tests optional. i will also remind folks that when you pan out and look at all 3000 something colleges and universities in the country there is a little more nuance. at these very selective places it was a tough year. >> especially since we had the selective schools. public universities a lot tougher. uc, berkeley's admission rate went from 17 1/2% to about 13% this year. so much stress bstress bstress b going to be fin. >> that is for sure. >> drew, what do you think? i think it is getting harder and harder every year but i think some of the pressure is self-selected. do you have any advice? >> don't freak out if you didn't get into the school you wish you would have. there are so many great colleges. i know it is such a bummer the day and the weekthe weekthe week
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can still get an amazing education and be open to the future. maybe not the one you thought you were going to have but it could be even better the other road you have to take. don't freak out. i know it is very stressful this time of the year but who knows, it could lead to better things. >> that is phenomenal advice. it really is. no matter what they do at the standards they are still not letting me and. >> that is great advice. my grandson said they tried to get into oxford. he has about 10 years. >> we turned out just fine i think. the three of you turned out just fine. >> it all worked out. if you ever wanted to own a renowned painting from public picasso, get your ch ready. the legendary artist painted the portrait in 1932 inspired by his girlfriend who was 17 years old at the time. picasso was 50. that would be a really big problem today. is estimated to bring in $55
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million. last sold for $45 million in 2013. it goes on sale may 17. >> it has appreciated $12 million. >> is a real conversation starter at your next dinner party. >> oh yeah. i will be the one with a $55 million piece of artwork. beautiful! maybe like a postcard.postcard.. >> they look a little picasso like. >> i need to put my inkblot up >> i need to put my inkblot up for sale it's okay that you don't want to be first: you aren't. second covid vaccine. it's okay to have questions: everyone deserves answers. i'm wary that there isn't enough information. it's okay to be excited, or worried, or both.
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it's alright for it to take whatever it takes for you to be ready. hi mom, ready for your shot? yes, i've been waiting for this day. we just got what? vaccinated. we just got vaccinated! let's get you there. let's get to immunity. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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as more people had back to work you may want to grab a hot cup of coffee. michael finney has some tips -- tips to keep thatkeep thatkeep t nice and warm. a good insulated mug comes in handy when you are commuting. many people will be commuting again. consumer reports tested some of the most popular brands. here is a look at the test's. choosing the perfect travel mug can seem like a never ending quest. consumer reports just checked out insulated mugs from several brands including getty,
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been dermis, and starbucks. >> it seems like it would be a really simple thing but a lot of people have a surprisingly tough time finding one that is perfect. >> will your beverage stay hot or cold? to check temperature retention consumer reports mug with water, immediately replaced the lid and opened them at set intervals to check the temperature of the water until it reached 140 degrees fahrenheit. a temperature that is on the cool side for many coffee and tea drinkers. consumer reports performed the same temperature checks for cold liquids too. it turns out a good mug can keep liquids hot >> if temperature retention is at the top of your list look no further than the 16 ounce which cap liquids hot for 13 1/2 hours.
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it is easy to open, leakproof, sits in most cup holders and the lid comes apart making it easier to clean than similarly design mugs. for a little less money this dermis stainless king can keep your coffee hot for about hours. easy cleanup is key, consumer reports says a 16 ounce for $18 is your best earned top credits for cleaning and it is leakproof. >> two final thoughts. always check to cup fits in your cars cupholder before you buy. also, find out if the cup is
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dishwasher safe. many are not. that means you will be handwashing. two more things to think about. thank you, michael. i don't know. i kind of want a cup of hot coffee myself. >> it has been a little chilly. >> a little chilly and a little windy. it makes it feel even chillier. during the overnight hours we won't get too much of a chill. lows will drop into the upper 30s. tomorrow under mainly sunny skies it will remain breezy especially at the coast where highs will rang rang degrees. will see low to mid 60s and in the low to mid 70s. here is the 7-day forecast. noticed the warm-up coming our way over the weekend contthe into next week. we will cnn highs around 78-80 degrees and may be above 80 in some spots. low to mid 70s around the bay shoreline but on the upper 50s to about 60s on the coast. thank you, spencer. the new cities home economics appears tonight at 8:30.
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it is set in san francisco. grace hopes this series will show the qualitis of his last tv venture shipped the sitcom that 70s show. >> having get one of those teams that can't miss. every member is great. we certainly have that and my special chemistry with the cast. >> are hoping to film some scenes in san francisco once the pandemic is over. it should be a great show. the series premier of home economics kicks off at 8:30 tonight right here on abc 7. a little girl let's her voice be heard. >> i didn't like the fake pockets because i like pockets.
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>> are very persuasive argument to old navy and their response back. people are always finding ways to save money. i learned to cut hair. fortunately, xfinity makes saving easy. and way less awkward... because when you have xfinity internet and add mobile, you can save up to 300 dollars a year on wireless. two great products. one great value. saving made easy. can your internet do that?
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this place can fix it. thanks. get started with xfinity internet for $19.99 a month for 12 months. plus, add xfinity mobile and you could save up to $300 a year. switch today. i have the power to lower my a1c.
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because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it. once-weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. most people taking it reached an a1c under 7%. trulicity may also help you lose up to 10 pounds and lower your risk of cardiovascular events, whether you know you're at risk or not. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity.
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c1 coming up tonight on abc 7 at 8:00 catch the goldbergs followed by the premier of home economics. and back to back episodes of the conners. a million little things comes on at 10:00 then stay with us for the news at 11:00. lots of women complain about not having pockets in her pants but one young girl decided to do something about it. she wrote to san francisco based old navy asking for a change. will gantz has her story. >> reporter: karen gardener is a pocket-sized inspiration. >> i didn't like to say pockets because i loved pockets. >> reporter: right learned about persuasive writing, cameron put pen to paper. >> actually it was not an assignment. it was a few days after the assignment. >> i was just going to tell the
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old navy people that i don't know them. so i decided to write a letter. >> reporter: the 7-year-old putting this letter in the mail. dear old navy, i do not like that the front pockets of the girl's jeans are fake. would you consider making girls jeans with front pockets that are not fake? mom and dad were surprised when corporate wrote back. >> i was really grateful they took the time to write a letter back in the same moment she had sent them a letter. >> reporter: old navy wrote back, thank you so much for taking the time to write about pockets on girls jeans. even better, they sent cameron four pairs of pants with pockets. cameron brought pants to school to show her classmates and teachers. >> what would you say to
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who don't think they can use a letter to persuade change. >> i would say, to try it out. >> reporter: keep speaking up young one, you will run the world some day. >> just want to say how proud we are of cameron for speaking up and sharing her voice. >> reporter: all right, so cameron says she wants to be a teacher. but you heard she might want to run the world some day. and she can because she's going to recruit her brother to run for president and vice president some day. they're going to have to sort out who's going to do what. you can get our newscast, breaking news weather with our abc 7 bay area app. search abc 7 news bay area or abc 7 bay area and download it. abc 7 bay area and download it. stick around for the news at i'm 53, but in my mind i'm still 35. that's why i take oste bi-flex to keep me moving the way i was made to,
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it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex, plus vitamin d for immune support. where can a healthier heart lead you? for people with heart failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities.
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entresto is now approved for more patients with chronic heart failure. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about prescription entresto. majestic mountains... scenic coastal highways... fertile farmlands... there's lots to love about california. so put off those chores and use less energy from 4 to 9 pm when less clean energy is available. because that's power down time.
5:00 pm
>> health workers are now sending people inside to those who are home bound. and two week notice, why one health expert says the next 14 days are critical to avoid a potential rise in cases. >> also ahead, on patrol, the increase in volunteers after attacks against asians and one doctor's advice about confrontations becoming more common. and saving lives, how free radios will help prevent t t t disasters in the >> as of today, nearly 3 million people are experiencing a new sense of normalcy.
5:01 pm


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