tv ABC7 News 400PM ABC April 13, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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6 wonme ondie ed. we veha team coverage on today'des cision topae usthe vaincce coveri engverything fromon ccerns abt ousupply to vaincce. hesitay ncand a look at the fety isessu involved.issues iol. our vacce inteam d anteka larson. >> good evening. ami hearing fr oma t loof peoplen osocial media today and molyst women who are now coerncned aboutht eir alheth after rentcely ttgeing the johnson jo& hnson ccvaine. atth being said, everyone i ha veheard from is hethaly. >> just because blood cls otare relyal conrnceing espealcily as a woman -- >>arianna woods got the josohnn & johnn sovaccine six days >> y ouhear all of esthe medil caadvisersis sangyi it sisafe and take whatev erwhen yocau n. enth, having newsup, ne, wsupwsp
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noerwhe is a little concerning. >> federal health agencies pausedth e ndwiows johnson and josohnn vaccinafe ter six wome an,ged 188 -4vedeloped a rare bodlo clotti ngdisoerrd 6- 13 da ysteafr receinivg the otsh. e onpatient died. >> i feel ifi were going to have any negati vefeefcts, i uld have had emth realady. >>samant hafld oyt gothe j&j vaccine alstmo one month ago with h erparents and two siersts. e fda says most happen with inthree weeks. >> i know six people had the es adverse reactis.on pei rsonallyam feelg infine. my family is feeling nefi. i am not rrwoied abt oume. it is really unyoger women who seem to be at hiergh risk. therare e other risks in that age group. for example, th atis wh en autoimmu inessues stt ar appear
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>> there holding an emerncgey etmeing to go over j&j tada. >> we need to be very open and trspanarent abt outhe inveigstation to make sure ere is nospifecic li nkto e thvaccin e. >> carlely, the benefits far tweigh e we a retalking about a 1 in 1 llmiion chan ceof gettg ina rera side feefct. >> dr. grant was the lead inveigstator fostr anfords josohnn & johnn sotrial. sheays taki nga few da ys to pause and investigate shows the motoniringsy stem is woinrkg. >>the nuermb one ioprrity is >>the nuermb one ioprrity is to have the public nfcoidence inthe >> for odwos, she is more gratef tulhan concneerd that e got the vaincce. >> t hechances are low. pehofully mo repeople ayst sa fe and enth it can be rolled out ain soon.
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>> rertpoer: dr. maonldado ldto me when the cdc commite temeets morrow, eyth wi llcidede whether orno t to contin ueto e the josohnn & josohnn vaccinfoe r everybody, continue to use it for certn aipeop le d anexclude osthe o why mabe at high rk isor deci dethe vaincce oushld not be used at all. it is also possleib the j j& could meco with a warning in the future. lay,rr we expe ctto len armo re about the j&j vaccine in the xt few da. ys >> u yon casee a bunch of ople beg inneourvs if th ey d hataken this shot and now are justit sting arndou ndwoering and stliening to this news thinki wnghat sympmsto shldou i look r?fo i just sit and itwa for something tohappen? what do they do? absoteluly! it is a tatolly understandleab reactionut b we do want to pot inthis out it is so exceedgliny rare. six peleop out of almost 7 miiolln in the s.u. who have reivceed the johnso& n johnson ccine. the doorcts i veha okspen to and the fda say people can look
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r sereve adheaches, doabminal painle, g pain and shortns esof eath. of crsoue, se ekdimecal attention if you do have those mptoms. you ha ve tollte your provider you were recently vaccinat ed cabeuse that actual clyhanges e thtreatmt enoptis.on lay,rr back to u.yo >> thank you, kate. abc7 news report er stepnihae sierrais trkiacng how nyma poapintmentswi ll be impactedn ithe comi ngdays beuscae of isth. she injos us live. atwh have you learne d? the lspo llwi be impacting tens of thousands of people acrosshe t state. the go odwsne is the states the supp olyf josohnn & josohnn vaccines without ready shrinking. most pridovers at mass ccinatiosin tes ha vet no really been relyg inon those ses to matainin the marijoty of poapintments. >> pulling e thj j&vaccine from r clicins and r ou distribuonti networ k. >>ol flowing a meeting with the whe ithouse covid-19 ta sk force, e thvegornor is temparorily posingti any use of thjoe hnson & hnjoson ccvaine whilthe e cdc and fda investatige a handl fuof ra re oobld clotti ngcases. >> wwie ll learn more about some of the nuans ceand deiltas intern of where the vaccines were administered and who those
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diinvidus alare. >> e thstate receiv edmore than 6700,0 doses ofjohnson & johnsovan ccine this week of icwhh are curreny tl scheledud appoinentmts on e th stesat site. >> we are working to convert ose reseatrvions to morndea and pfizer alternatives. >> the good news, as dr. gegeor reruf therfordex plains -- >> we rewen't inusg ryve much j vaccine. >> th eydo not expe cta gnsiificant paimct to the vaincce locatis.on e thdata paint a clear picture as to why. abc7na alyzed the cds c'telast vaccintoe tals. of t hemore than 23 million doses adnimistered in licafornia, johnson & johnson vaccesin make up less than 4%. modea'rns vaccine makes up 45%. pfizer kemas up even more at 50%. >> moderna and the pfizer vaincce are peecrftly fesa. i ntwa oppele to generalize from thi s. thiss ia specific problem with this vaccine and the astrazena this is x sipeople out of 6.8 miiolln doses atth ha veenbe
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adnimistered. it isa 1 in 1 million compliticaon. rutherfordis confidt eneven thwi e thojprected supply loss, the state is on track to reenop the onecomy by june. >> i n'dot think th isseactbk govern orwsneome's goal 15thit eher. we wl ilget isth gufired out. >> t hecdc expects these blood ot caseswi ll be fuy llttveed withina matter of days. meanmeti, the ste atsa ysthis pols when at paimct the elibigility exnspaion which is ill set topphaen isth urthsday. >>staff, i kn owyou veha enbe tinouch with the state today. do you know if they wi llbe notifyg inpeople of their apinpotment chgeand? yes, the state is rkwoing on thatri ght now. in fac t,if you had a previous lyscheduled hnjoson & johnn sovaccine appointed, you wi llbe notifi edto the stesat "my rntu" side. theyha ve asked other provids er to do the mesa. meanmeti, if you are dealing thwi a smalr leclin, icexctpe a's peexct a text, call, or even
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an aieml. > johnson & johnson makes of about 3. 6%of all vaccines administered inthe united states. 6.mi8 llion dos seoverl alin licafornia is slightly higher that is 800,000 dose s. > doctorans d blpuic alheth advocates e arconcerned about vaccinhee sitancy w noin communits ieof colorwh ere ining trt uswas a challenge to begin with. we a rea pa rt ofe thvaccine team and spoke to docts orsay inrmfoation wi llbe y kemoving forward. transpancrey will soal be key mongvi forwar d. mecadil expertans d mmcounity memberfrs om us have been regaininthg e communieittrs ust and setting these vaccinioatn bshu in esthe ignehborhood s. the essituatio nscan set their enti rework back. >> as a black man, malcolm john nt in tomedicine to lphe his
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he is is an infectiousdi sease spiaeclist at ucsf. ter seei nghow blac kswe re three metis more likely to die omfr covid, heled an foefrt to vaccatine his community in the urch is. j&j was the ma invacce inth ey administeder. >>we e arpartners with the mmcounity. we arfre om the counmmity. is isth concern me? s. it isfo r a number of reason s. obviously,he t data seitlf. s itimpact on the oso whveha had the vaccine. >> the johnson & johnson news broke out and dr. jo hnyssa transparen wcyill be key. >> th eyacaltuly bremaced e th vaincce pick i>>n the last rethe they ccvainated 0 40people. the majority with african- ameranics. he says esthe porerts of blood cls otare extremy elrare and if there werean y side efctfes
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thwiin this calol group, anchces e arhe would know by now. >> autbo 4 3-weeks ago. >> so by now you wod ulowkn if somebodyha d a reaction? >> >> on saturday they were planngni to vainccate 0 20 communy itmembers with the johnn so& johnson vaincce. >> atth has been plac edon paul's. we wl ilbe coacntting indivialdus lettinthg em know ouabt the pa thand heotr >>san anfrcisco is usg inthe j&j ccvaine to vaccinate the holemess commituny. clad memorl iachurch is stoppingth e johnson & johnson vaccinatnsio for now. fa r,300 of eithr vaccines have gone to tenderinlo resintdes. e majori tyof th, emthem, th, e >> we are going to pivot to derna whh icis stl ilgog into be accessiblefo r folks in the ndteerloin. it is more of a alchlenge to get folks back in to their cond appntoiment.
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>> dr. jo hnwi llbe ldhoing town halls this week to answ er ose hetasincy qutiesons r fo the african-americanom cmunity. he sa ysthis news shou ldnot devie atpeop lefrom wanting to get vaccinat. ed he says pferiz and morndea continue to show high ficacy. patel, otanher member of r ou vaccine te. am dr .,i want to get the expe rt opinion. w hoconcerneard e u yo persalonly about the johnson & johnn sovaccine? is isth more a ca seof inbeg really, reallyca utious or actualan dger? >> i think it is e thlatter. i stand with the cidesion made by the fda d ane thcdc and evyoerne else out there saying is in geranel isan abundance of caution and should actual ly ve those out the ero whveha ncconser of safety a litt le comfort knowing isth is e th level of scrutiny being taken onevery sileng repoedrt adverse tcouome. personlyal, in rmtes of e th acaltu risks, you have heard
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th isnumber. 6 t ouof 6.8 million is trexemely ra. re itis due digelince to oklo at these 6 women and see if the er are any heotr deunrlying medical ndcoitions, dimecations or vaabriles that may ha veput emth at increased risk for an herwise trexemely rare blood clot >> let's follow down that thpa. iift is so rare, does full pause onadmistniering dos se seem lika e little bit >> litt dlerastic. we d'tonkn ow if th isllwi be a very nglo paus e. i think it isudprent to take a step bk acand say les t'reewvi esthe six cases.six cases.six c. that is abt ou22 secas t ouof 34 mliilon. wh enthey are taking them when th'reye lookinatg these vaccin aesnd concneerd about
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blood clots it is poimrtant peopleak te a step back wee ar going to thoroughly investige at three ported ensurewe e aron p toof it and hweave r ouey es on. it >> whoitut gettg intoo deep into t hesign s,gi veme the laanym's respseon here. u yontmeioned trasazeneca. now, we have johnson & josohnn. how are those vaccines similar or dissilamir to moderna and izer in tes rmof e thy waeyth wo rkin your body? >> lryar, we are loinokg at johnson & josohnn astrenazeca. those are ravil ctveor vaccines. you are using a dummy virus as alstmo like a hivecle to drive e genec timateri alinto cell. >> with pfizer and modea rn there e arno porerted secas of ood clots as ha vebeen seen
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in arastzeneca. with johnn so& josohnn exa tr zeneca ppleoe are seeing combinioatn. ain, inle ss than and ssle than 1 in 1 million i don't see peop nleot going outside cabeuse of her rastinorm. >> you meiontned a thwi a duy mmand dummy anthk you r fothe explanatio n. ifou y are beyond 2-3 wes ekt ou and you have d hathe johnson & hnjoson ccvaine are you in the clea r? woulyod u ilstl be concerd?ne any symptoms to lo okfor? i wod ulbe concerned and anyo nepresented with mpsytoms ofa blood cl otor stkero. you are hearing these symptoms. if you have inthgs such as a headac heor shortness of breath orswelli ngof one leg we are worried you may have a bleengdi sodirder ablusotely go get care. these are sympto msanyone out there oushld be seekg inmedical care if eyth were
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there a t loof things that can uscae this. iits important peleop y pa attentn ioto these signs and ey are ryve hostne thwi a hethal provider about any previousac vcines ma nyrisk facts orthey ha. ve >>he tre viobously ulcod be a lot of contburiting faorcts. dr. pal,te as alyswa, anthk you. i apecpriate it.prapeciate it. you can get the telast update on vaccines including a form wrehe you can peonrsalize it. it makes it easy for you esqutions to our vaincce amte. > >>back to work! the problems both old and new u can fa cewh enu yoturern to the office. wildfi reldfire ldfi reldfie
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- i'm norm - i'szm asz. or[nm] a wnde live i n combluia, missouri. we do nscoulti,ng but awelso itwre. [szasz] tweake caref o ourselvecos nstantly; it 's imporntta. weal wk three to five tesim a week, a coup mleiles at tia me. we- 've thbo been tangki prevenag for a little more tn ha11 yearsow n. after about d30ays tofaking it, we notic cedlarity ttha we didt n'notice borefe. - 'sit still helpi mnge. i stilnol tice d aifference. prevagen . healiethr bter life. after cmyar accidt,en i wondeder what myca se was wthor. so c ialled thbae rnes fir whenha tt car himyt motorcycle, insuncrae wasn't'fair. so ial cled e thbarnes firm. it w tashe bt escall c iould' atat b tararnefirmrm, r our inry att aneysys whak hard c iould' atat b tararnefirmrm, gtoet you the be rstesult poibssle. llca us now d anfind out wh at your seca could bwoe rth. you u mibet be sprisedis ♪ the bars nermfi injurytt aorneys ♪
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♪ call one eight hurendd, eighmit llion ♪ majeicst mountai..ns. ♪ the bars nermfi injurytt aorneys ♪ scenic coastal hhwigays... rtfeile farmndlas... there'los ts to lo ve about californ.ia sout p offho tse chores and e usless eneyrg from t 4o 9 pm when lescls ean ener gy is avaabille. because atth's por wedown time. ah, e thfirst apartment. minimum decor. maximum enteairtnment. eyth've got fla ex 4k stamreing x boincluded thwi their ierntnet. so all theirav forit e apps a iren one ple,ac w noeven disney+. erwhe'd you guys gethi ts couch? found itn othe oh... wi xthfinity fx,le your enteairtnment starts at eefr. get stteard with xnifity internetor f $19.99 moa nth
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r fo12 months anged t a flex 4k restaming box geincludedor f free.fity internetor f $19.99 moa nth clk,ic call, ovir sit a stortoe day. i'm 53, buint my mind i'm still .35 th'a's whi y take ostbie -fle toee kp me movgin thwae y i was dema to, nitourishes and strengthens jmyoints fothr e long osteo bi-fle px,lus tavimin d for imnemu suprtpo. ju stthis afternoon only a w fehourags o >> orflence wasfloren wceasorfls
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see smt aron y ma25 th9619. she dippsaeared after walking ho mefrom a party wi thflasor and so meheotr students. paul 'sfather ruben florez also arrested today as an accessory to murder. officials have executed dozens of search warrants in the last few years but they say smarts reinmas have not yet been fod.un > >>new detas ilabout thabouthth northb aymayor and gulfton scanl.da datoy the sonoma board of survpeisors voted unanouimsly remove him from e thgolden gate tnsrait boar d. six women have accused the yor of sealxu asulsat including deputy distctri torney theser the cotyun is rntuing erov the investigioatn to the state toatrney general's office. gene sheays he has done nothing ong. hes it noingog to resign. the windsor town counl cisays it llwi k asm hi
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úour dry winter likely means a reallyha cllengingye ar for firefighrste. datoy, goveorrn newsome travedel to butte county siingng a new law abiding 536 -- to help there is no definition of success. it is not a place. it is more of a dictreion as it relatetos the issue of ldfires. >> t hegornveor sa ysthe w la willac celerate fire preventi on projec atscross the stat e. he authozeri more anth 0 $8 miiolln in emergency funds to hireun hdreds mo recal refi fifireghters tobolster fuels magenament and wildrefi sponse foefrts whh icadles us to spencerch ristian. spenr,ce as much as we love all of the nnsuy ysda, we are ruinnng out of time and calendaray ds ahead to get some aningfulai rnfall. >> yoaru e ghrit, rrlay. it is a matter of great coerncn. are prabobly heedad for a severe wildrefi seas. on ashe poind teou t,the er isno rain in sight. e thtime of the ye arwe e arin is not raining, usuall y.
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we have wind gusts up to 31 miles per hour at sfo. we have surface window 41 miles per hour in san francisco. on around the area you can see how windy it is. it is so much cooler. estimate 16 degrees cooler. 14 degrees cooler to concorde. along with the cold down you have the strong gusty winds. air quality will be quite good but the bad news for allergy sufferers is tree pollen remains hi. let's move on and take a look at current temperature readings. blue sky over the embarcadero. breezy conditions from the rooftop camera. is our current temperatures 54 in san francisco. 63 at san jose and mountain view . up north temperature reading
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is 69. here is a view -- a big view looking down on the bay into san francisco. have a much warmer pattern coming our way over the weekend. overnight, look for this pattern. we'll see skies mainly clear. as we get into the wee hours of the morning we will see about up of some clouds sunny day with just a few passing high clouds. overnight low temperatures will be in the low to mid 40s. a little bit on the cool side but not cold. tomorrow, under sunny skies and breezy conditions once again, we will see highs in the upper 50s near the coast. some upper 60s near the bay
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shoreline. san francisco will top out at 62. it will warm up a little bit in the inland areas over in the in the and east bay. low to mid 70s. low 70s and the north bandanna to the south bay. >> is the 7-day forecast. there is a temperatures drop a couple of degrees. it is a slightly cooler. it will be a little milder friday. there will be gradual cooling as we move into next week. >> same old, same old. thank you, spencer. >> forget about toll bridges. you can face some toll roads in san francisco. the plan and where you
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights.
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more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur at the same time and some more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance for more horizons. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials.
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california is upping its effort to put more zero emissions vehicles on the road. a new project targeting commercial vehicles will spend $50 million to develop the necessary infrastructure to support charging electric trucks and hydrogen vehicles. the money will be spent in communities that are the most impacted from various parts of transportation. and executive order from the governor recommends all trucks be 100% zero emissions by 2035. i see another
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agencies. >> that is what we should call it, for sure. here is what is happening. the agency sent inquiry letters from major companies to find out what they are actually doing to help customers block the unwanted calls. cease-and-desist letters sent to two companies debt reduction services and auto warranty . make the national highway traffic safety admission is investigating a complaint of airbags and hundreds of thousands of general motor vehicles may not inflate during a crash.
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they are mostly 2020-2021 pickup trucks and suvs made by chevy, cadillac, gmc. gm issued a service bulletin that there has not been a recall. gm is not aware of airbags failing to inflate due to the problem. facebook's oversight board will now allow users to file appeals over post photos videos that they think the company shouldn't have allowed to stay on its platform. until now, users can only appeal to the board when their own content was taken down. facebook set up the oversight board last year and could make rulings on whether posts or ads violate facebook roles. i will be following this one closely. we received complaints about ab this. it. it. it this. it. it. it police this. ♪ ♪ are you ready to join the duers? those who du more with less asthma.
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thanks to dupixent. the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it's not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. du more with less asthma. talk to your asthma specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help.
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this is abc7 news. the bay area is going to face both old and new problems as companies develop plans to bring back workers to the office getting the economy back on track as a part of building a better bay area. david louis looks at a new poll of bay area residents and how they will likely bring back the traffic nightmares of pre- pandemic days. days. days. days >> as companies bring back
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office workers, new issues are expected to surface because of safety concerns. the bay area council supported by 350 employers surveyed 1000 people last month in english, chinese, and spanish and discovered 51% consider working at the office is unsafe and an even higher number, 64%, believe public transit is unsafe. that is a red flag. >> this will not do well of folks are not willing to get on transit. according to the poll they are not ready for that yet. we had to do a great job ensuring the safety of folks on transit. >> if six that distancing remains an accepted practice, that could take the mass out of mass transit. the poll indicates traffic suggest -- traffic congestion could increase. 3 autoformat commuters expect to go backgo backgo backgo backk 27% will walk or ride bikes. that is down from 29% pre- pandemic. 19% will carpool, rideshare or take taxis. that is a 31% drop pre- pandemic. even with proposals for a hybrid roma work model the new strategy may be needed to manage commute traffic.
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>> determining when those folks come back so they aren't all there on the same day so we don't have light traffic wednesday but intolerable traffic another day is really important. >> who will decide what is best for companies or employees? david tracks workers sentiment to track executive leaders lead bosses will need to tread lightly. >> what type of parity am i having? that is another benefit and obvious the abay criteria as people think about what are they going to spend their talent -- what they want to spend their talent? >> forecast can be challenging and attitudes can change based on what options workers are given. as trafficicicicicicic around the bay area you can get the very latest on the commute and any backups on abc 7 mornings. you can watch it weekdays on abc7 from 5:00-7:00 a.m. new
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plan. the latest report from the transportation authority identify the proposed boundaries for this congestion pricing zone that is sure to generate a lot from vanness to fisherman's wharf along the embarcadero to china basin. >> of the idea behind this congestion zone as that we wanted to include the most congested areas and the freeway ramps while avoiding the neighborhoods wherever it is possible. >> the report identifies three separate pricingstructures from absolutely no cost for the lowest income drivers to the as much as $28 per day for middle and high income motorists's. planners to say the next step will be to take public comments and then present their findings to the board of supervisors possibly by october. keep this in mind. any implementation would require approval by the state
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legislation. it would not have been before the year 2025 at the earliest. the city of san francisco made it official today. larry, you take it away. >> they did. the annual 420 celebration at golden gate park will not take place for the second straight year obviously because of the pandemic. mayor london breed said the robin williams meadow will be fenced off. do not come to san francisco to celebrate. >> we will patrol the area. we will be on the lookout for large massive events in our city. the bigger issue for us is the last thing we want to see is san francisco go backwards. >> abide by the order just like they did last year. organizers say the event celebrating all things cannabis is canceled in person it is not canceled in spirit. and number of the virtual
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events are still being plan. some sports news this afternoon. it didn't take long for the warriors to find a replacement for their president. brandon schneider will become the new president and chief operating officer for the team. brandon will take over that role in july. he has been with the warriors for a long time going back to the previous ownership. 19 seasons and all. he is the current chief revenue officer. chase center is gettcenter ready to welcome fans back for were of years games in 10 days. that is april the 23rd. that will be the first game with fans allowed back in. there is going to be new protocols in place to make sure everything is safe. justin dorsey has a firsthand look at what dub nation can expect. >> what is up. on april 23rd against the denver nuggets you will be able to witness your favorite team live here on warriors ground. it will not come without a couple of precautions and protocols. let's go check it out. >> it has been 407 days since
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we were heard the roar of the crowd and cheering for stuff. we spent 407 days really refining and redesigning our processes so we can create a safe environment. we want them to come and feel like they are in a safe environment. >> the warriors say they have gone above and beyond state guidelines to ensure safety. first get through the doors with proof of vaccination or a negative covetous. >> those who purchase tickets more than seven days in advance will get an at-home >> >> one major difference of the fans that have been to outdoor will be no eating or drinking and sign and masks will be required at all times. >> it is in the warriors dna to do everything to the highest standard possible. covid response is no different. that is why we have been laser focused and have worked a tireless number of hours to redesign and reimagine the
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experience. >> the president rick welch said he witnessed steph curry become the franchises all-time leading scorer in front of an empty arena. soon, history could be made again with dub nation back in attendance. >> i can't wait to get people back in the building. moments like that get shared in person and become lifetime memories. >> for more safety protocols to expect visit attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours? julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month. check to see your new, lower price.
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time now for the 4 at 4:00. spencer andrew are joining us. let's go back to the top story. the johnson & johnson vaccine. regulators have called for a pause in administering the shed to investigate reports of potentially dangerous blood clots. in europe, the rollout of the vaccine has been delayed. the rare clotting disorder has been found in six patients. one person has died. johnson and johnson makes up 3.6% of vaccines administered in the u.s. and 3.8 percent of vaccines in california. spencer, what you think of it? >> i can see why people who are vaccine hesitant would be concerned. we don't know -- even though we don't know yet if these -- i shouldn't say these deaths but these conditions are tied to the vaccine itself. again look at the numbers. 6 people out of 6.8 million people who received the vathe va
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dr. patel and the others who have commented are pretty much on target. it is very unlikely although, it hasn't been concluded but very unlikely the vaccine caused this condition. >> drew, do you think it will lead to my vaccine hesitancy among folks? >> i really do. i think that is the biggest problem i will have, liz. it is not a figure of speech. it really is one in 1 million chance that this would occur to you if you i think what may need to happen in the future is we may need to have some high profile prominent people , possibly who have had the vaccine or who would get the vaccine to show people it is safe. it may come down to a bit of a message in the future to people who are on the edge about should they or shouldn't they. it is safe and the chance of you seeing these side effects are extremely extremely rare. >> hopefully they can find some common denominator with the people that did get sick to
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figure out that this is why. we'll see. >> we mentioned this a couple of minutes ago. san francisco one step closer to a congestion pricing zone. it would essentially be a toll for driving in the traditionally busy areas. this newest proposal covers everything from vanness to fisherman's wharf. it is pre-pricing structures. it could cost as much as $28 or nothing. we are not all mark benioff, okay? i will just say say say say say if he wants to ensure san francisco remains a ghost town post pandemic, pass this. nobody is going to give up working from home to pay $28 per day for the privilege of driving into the city. drew, you live in the city. you should go first here.
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>> we already have -- every time we come up with this story about the bay bridge with the golden gate bridge raising their toll like a quarter or $.50. that is a huge thing. you drive over those bridges. it is like seven dollars every time. times that by five times a week and that is a lot of money to get in and out of the city if you have to work here. then, you add on another expense. that is just because you are in a certain part of the city. you have to pay like $30? it is so outrageous. they have got to find a better way to raise these funds. no one will back this. nobody will back this idea. >> then, there is parking. >> top of the neighborhoods -- >> right? if you can find it. >> we are not a fan of alan. >> and architect in italy has created one of the first 3-d printed homes made from clay. it is a 3-d home from clay. the design was printed layer layer
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latticework pattern using clay found at the site. it includes a living area, a bedroom, a bathroom. the prototype is currently undergoing structural and performance testing. >> 3-d printing? this is wild! it is a cool looking home. >> i was just going to say that. it is quite attractive in an unusual way. it is amazing! >> larry, are you going to live there? are you going to 3-d print your own home? >> i would love to 3-d print home. i wonder, how big is the 3-d printer? >> i was in grade in science. i have no clue. how about a little interlude? >> this is so cool. what you are seeing is really
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happening. it is a model frain playing music on water glasses. actually placed 20 classical tunes. it recently set a guinness record for the world's melody. i didn't know that was a category. it is hitting the water glasses 2800 water glasses filled with just the right amount of water. each one of them to hit the perfect note. >> i can watch that probably for one hour. who has time for that outside of the weather department? >> hey! hey! >> that is why it comes from the junior meteorologist himself. >> that is true. >> how cool? how cool is it? the fact that you can even conceive something like that. >> it is really cool. i can watch it over and over, larry. i really could! could! could! c!
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>> they are smart. it basically means i don't need to take as many repetitions to teacher something. something that may take her three repetitions to learn may take another dog 10 or 15. >> has tesla gone off to deuce some push-ups? >> i think she has gone off to look at what is outsiis outsiisi >> i was particularly impressed with the wall stands. that is a very hard for a human to learn how to do. i can even imagine how you got a dog to do that. it seems like a rather unnatural position for them to be in. >> it is definitely one of those things where you actually have to teach them and they have to build the muscle strength. the way i teach is i teach them to backup on a book. so, just one book. it forces them to learn i have to put to backseat on a higher surface. then, slowly over time, you add two books, then three books. then, there comes a point when you're book stack is so high
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that actually have to hike their hips up in order to get it up. that is when you jackpot and you can pretty easily switch it and transition them to a wall in order to do it. >> wow! you obviously are really into physical fitness. i think i have seen some videos where you have brought them to crossfit. >> yeah! we did that once for the class. we wanted to bring tesla in and do a warm-up with the class. we had a good time. she was in the front with the instructor. we did burpee's together. i have not seen so much aughing in a crossfitch my life. >> take that and multiply it across the world. you have had so many views and so many followers on instagram and tiktok. what has the response been like? >> overall, it has been really good. there are a couple of videos that happens to get really popular. all the the videos are us
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playing with the dog. my favorite messages oh my gosh! i spent the weekend teaching my dog how to do something. i want people to play with their dogs 5 minutes a day trick training can make a huge difference for their -- just mentally they need that stimulation. it is a lot more fun. >> wow! very talented dogs. better than i am. >> i was going to say live should i be concerned the dogs are better at crossfit than i am? i know spencer is so fit. he laughs at pain. >> nothing painful about the weather except it is so dry. overnight we expect a partly cloudy skies. low temperatures in the mid- 40s. tomorrow another sunny -- at the coast breezy day. highs from upper 50s
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and areas will warm-up to low to mid 70s. here is the 7-day forecast. speaking of warming up, check out the weekend numbers. we'll see temperatures into the upper 80s in the and on sunday. low 80s around the bay shoreline. finally a little bit of warmth on the coast. mid 60s there.60s there.60s ther we are looking pretty good. >> thank you, spencer. dozens of young artists showing off their talents at a san rafael art exhibition. the 30th annual rising stars exhibit unveiled this week. the show features drawings, paintings, sculptures, mixed- media and photography for more than 90 high school students through marin county. the artwork examines social and cultural issues. >> we definitely notice a theme around social justice. we saw a lot of content address racial inequi we saw a lot of content that
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dealt with trauma and emotions as well. >> select works of art as can be seen in person at the youth and arts gallery. all of the projects can be found online struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show.
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pixar was released to universal praise. soul features the voices of jamie fox and tina fey. but the story is about the millions of little details that seem this film seem so real >> reporter: gardener is a music teacher that dreams of making it big. a fictional story of a teacher we met earlier this year. >> if we do our job really well the audience shouldn't notice. the audience should focus on the main character. >> i'm working
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characters. >> they all add up to realism in a city that seems so real including graffiti. >> it adds richness and sense of age and wear and tear to the city that makes it that much more believable. >> reporter: all this was shaped by those who grew up here. >> there were actually points through the film that were working on a particular shot scene and hey i'm actually from this neighborhood. and when i >> you might remember there was everyone a tailoring shop they used for the film too. you can watch the oscars live
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right here at abc 7 at 5:00 p.m. on sunday april 25th. love having those local connections. s that it for abc 7 news at 4:00. 4:00. abc 7 it's okay that you don't want to be first: you aren't. second covid vaccine. it's okay to have questions: everyone deserves answers. i'm wary that there isn't enough information. it's okay to be excited, or worried, or both. it's alright for it to take whatever it takes for you to be ready. hi mom, ready for your shot? yes, i've been waiting for this day. we just got what? vaccinated. we just got vaccinated! let's get you there. let's get to immunity. i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen...
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so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. if you got the johnson & johnson vaccine should you worry. what we know about the rare problems in vaccine recipients. >> what each bay area cococo doing about the j&j vaccine. >> how it's expanding vaccine eligibility effective immediately. and new results about allegations against a north bay mayor and how they're putting a spotlight on an old letter to local leaders. and who's robbing letter carriers in oakland. a push to find the culprits and put an end to line workers. and we begin with e
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