tv Nightline ABC April 14, 2021 12:37am-1:07am PDT
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♪ this is ig"nhtline." t>>onight, llcaing for stjuice. >>ay s his name! d>>aunte wrhtig. >> theam fily of dntaue wright killed bpoy lice at tra affic opst. >> my nephew's blood is on yr ou hands! >> what he is parents want the world to know. >> he haa d smile that would light tuphe room. it was so big d anbright. >> and the abc news investigation. i>>'m actually beinstg opped again by the police. >> a closer look at some of the cities where black drivers are stopped remo by poli.ce e realits ieof race and lipocing in eramica. uspl cause f porause? thjoe hnson & hnjoson covi19d- vaccine t puon hold. after rare cases of blood cltiotng. atwh you neetod know ifou y already got the shot.
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> >>and love s'sweet embcera. >> nice to see you, roberta. >>ne o year inhe t making. ♪ comft orin t ehextreme. ♪ the liolncn family of lu xury suv up at 2:00amga ain? to night, try pure zzzsll a night. ♪ liunke oerth sleep aids, ou r exndteed relea mseelatonin helpyos u sleep ngloer. and ngloer. zz zquil pu re zzzs allig nht. llfa asleep. stay asleep. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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never-enngdi list ofla bck lives taken lbyaw enformecent. e thincalculleab pain plinayg ounat tionwide. >> say h nisame! d>>aunte wrhtig! s>>ay his ne!am >>au dnte wrig!ht >>he ty murder medy nephew. nmyephew wa20s years o.ld t>>ell them. >> 2ye0 ars old. i don'cat re what bonody got to y about m.hi heas w loved. r>>eporter: witthh e nation tching, undate wrighs t' artbrokefan mily bralyve tting thr eipain andng aer on splay. >> i watched that video, like everybody else watched that video. >> taser, taser, taser! that won maheld thagut n out in front ohef r for a nglo damn time. my nheepw's blooisd on your hands. >> dauntwae s a beaufutil child. he mightot n have be aenn angel, but heas w our ang. el our ang. el
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h>>e belong tedo us. >> hbee longed tuso . tell th, emgrandma. >> he's ingog toe bmissed. r>>eporter: s ahared soowrr the wrightam fily joing ingeorge oyd's, t fwoamilies ituned in inpa all too famiailr to bla ck america. >> mneinapolis, u yol alcan't eeswp this uernd the rug anoryme. a>>t some point we need officerso tbe held coacuntable. >>me an. >> crghaed and cvioncted. >> amen. >> jusbet cause you are thlae w esn't me yanou're above e th w. >> rorepter: 20-arye-old wright was killed aerft being pulled ov bery policen ibrooklyn ntceer, a surbbu of minnpoealis. m kipotter, e thofficer respsionble for ooshting writ,gh signing teafr being an oicffer for 26 yea. rs we did t noask her rtoesign, at was aec dision th sathe dema. r>>eporter:ol pice chietif m nnon, whcao lled theho soting a mistak ae,lso siregning. protteesrs taking to thetr seets here in minneapolis and across the country, from portland to new yo.rk
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outre agover another bla mckan's death by police. sparking calls for change. >> prosecute the police! >> rorepter: tod, ayvice esident harr misaking her feelin pgslain. >> i dwao nt to adesdrs the lling ofau dnte he should be alive today. folks wi klleep dyinifg we dot n'fully adesdrs racial instjuice and eqinuiti iesn our untry. >> thiiss somethi tnghat dr. mainrt luther ngki talked ouabt decades o,ag ande' wre still talking ouabt this vy erreal prleobm. 'sit just th oatne incident rtso of tesak thela pce of anheotr ciindent. >> repteorr: samuejol nes is a distinisguhed retid rearmy major who rvseed as a limitary pole ic offir.ce he'sur crently aeg lal schol ar and presofsor who udsties racial dispitaries in picoling. >> wcoe ntinue tlio ve in a society erwhe there ais sort of racialized enforcement instead
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of law enforcement, where police african-american men for to sto- rtviually any infraction ando t acext virtuay llany violioatn of eithr freedo vm,iolationf o eithr dignit wy,ithout severe conseqncuees. >> reporter:hi plandcao stille. georgelo fyd. w daunteri wght. in minsoneta, at lstea 55 black peleop have di fedrom fatal poli ecencounterins the las20t years. for igwrht, the arfe of poli ce was alre. i>> know myon s was he w aasfraid ofhe t police. d i seennd a heard t fheear in hivos ice. anitd should veha never, erev calated e thway it >>ep rorter: kieat and arb ie igwrht spokeo tbc a anchor biron berorts aboutht eir son. my son s waan amazi, ngloving he h aad big hea.rt he had s amile thawot uld light the room. was so g biand >>ep rorter: osun nday afrnteoon, writ ghwas stopped by lipoce for expired regisattrion
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on h visehic.le offirsce discovengri he had a warranout t for hiars rest. issuedft aer wrighfat iled to appe iarn court rleaier this ntmoh on chaesrg includi ng rrcaying a feairrm witho aut rmpeit. >> mrs. igwrht, you idsa that youron s, daunteca, lled you after head h been puedll over by the poli.ce cayon u please sha wreith us what youll a saitod each otr?he he call mede, and hsae id, mom, i'vjue st been llpued over. said, fowhr at? said, ty hesaid thepuy lled me oveber cause i d haair eshenersan hging in e th re-variew rrmior. i saidok, ay, takehe tm down. r>>eporter: police attempted to tain the ca dllrops. >> i tedri to callac bk. three,ou fr times. and enth the girthl at was wh it him answeder the and shsae id that eyth shot him. anhed was layg inin the driver s'seat, unrpoesnsive. d then iea hrd an ofcefir ask r to hanupg the pho anegain.
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d anthen after that s wathe last time iee sn my son. haven't ense him sin.ce >> unfornatutely, asn a riafcan-ameranic male livingn i at jurisctdiion, he s wa problyab also awe arof the arming dreege of foogeta of afrin-caamericanen m being senselslesy killedy bpolice office, rsincludinthg e killing of georgfle oyd. d anthis creesat a certa in deeegr of trau amand fear whenev aern africaamn-erican male ithn at jurisctdiion is stopped. beuscae the qutieson they' re askinghe tmselves,m ai next? this is e threason why hwae s callg inhis moth. er repteorr: the family apgrplintog understd anhow a poceli officerou cld mista ake n for a setar. officer potteras w actually training the officer on duty thwi her. >> teras, taser,as ter! i cannoact cept thai t lost smyon. he n'sever comg inback. i can't ceacpt that, m aistake? that dsnoe't even unsod right. this oicffer has bn eeon the
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force fo26r years. i n'cat acceptha tt. for a picole officer to stake a setar for a n guis acaltuly very rera. the tar seis not en vecarried on e same se idas the feairrm. >> repteorr: the mheotr of wrhtig's youngon s, daunter. j, dendmaing consueeqnces forhe t officer o whshot wright. >> i juswat nt justi fceor my son's dad. because 'sit just nofat ir. >>ep rorte wr:hether aet lhal miste akor policbie as, thiss i enmidec of a carle and present realy itfor peop olef color across arimeca. abc newins vestigatn ioin panertrship wi othur own stations examining traffic stops has reveal sedtark disripaties. in n aumber ofaj mor cities across americabl, ack drivers are far remo likely btoe stoppebyd the police than white ivdrers, even when aouccnting for e thracial meuakp of the cities and cntouies. here in nnmieapolis, bla ck eramicans arfie ve timesor me
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likely to sbetopped bpoy lice. in chica agond san francisco, four tim mesore likely. pinhiladelpa,hi los angesel, raleh,ig nearly rethe times remo lilyke. my neph, ewphilandowa, s rdered ba y st. anthy onpolice ofcefir in falcon heigs,ht miesnnota. seei mngy sister s'son, my phew, sh aotnd killeind a car by another police officer. yoknu ow, it w >> rorepter: thenc ule of phildoan castillspe oke to o ur pireer thos malast year. castleil's life was cutho srt on july 6th, 20.16 was 32 aryes old. that fafutel night,ff oicer yaz nemakes the call to pull over castie.ll i>>'m gngoi to stop a car, i'm going tohe cck i.d.s. i have reason to pulitl over. the twoco cupants stju look like peop tlehat were involveind a robbery. e thdriver lksoo more li okene ofur o suspects, just because of thwie de-set ne.os
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>> reporter: the suaittion caeslates in m aatter of seconds. >> siri , haveo ttell youi , do have f airearm omen . >> okay,on d't reachor f it, then. dot n'pull it t.ou 'm i not pulngli it out. >> d'ton pull it out. shots fired ] >> rorepter: lesths an 40 secos ndafter apoaprchinthg e car,an yez opensir fe. >>hi pl did everytnghi he ulcod do. he hadis h hands ipln ain sight. offeder information. >> did youee s any effort to desc-ealate? >>o, n he didn t'try any oerth nonfatal approacs.he r>>eporter:ff oicer yan wezould acquitt oedn chargeofs cosend-degremae nslaught aernd ngerous scdiharge of a rearm. would lerat be let fgorom e thst. anthy onpolice depamertnt. but thfae mily of stcaillo would receivnee arly $3 million ain wrongf duleath lawitsu. ere was enovidence stcaille wains volved iann y robber ay,nd aas law-abingdi citizenhe, had enbe granted p aermit toar cry a concealewed apon. r fophilandoas ctille, bngei
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pulled over s waa frequent occurren acend causefid nancial hardship. accordintog a complntai by the aclu, cailstle was spptoed 52 tesimet bween 2002 a 2nd016. sometime tswice in one day. in one year, hwae s stopped eightit mes. >>oe ds it offd enyou he w as pulledve or that my antimes? >> yes, ditoes. it dinefitely means wheas ofpriled. >>he tre's cris siin amerin ca policing. someinthneg eds to bdoe ne about at. reporte sr:cott thosompn serveds apolice cefhi of camdenne, w jersey, 2008 to 2019. his city w oasnce the stmo dangerous cityn iamerica. but undehir s leaderipsh, they took aol bd step. exndpaing the lipoce deparentmt d rebuilngdi an entilyre new one. >> wvee' reducedxc eessive fceor compinlats by 95%. r>>eporter:is h advice r fo police departmtsen acrs osthe countr ey,mphazesi de-escalating training.
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>>ra tining ofcefirs in thare t anskd ill of dese-calations ias importt anas teachg inthem how tocc aurately oosht thr ei weonap. e ultima otebjectives ithat everybodgoy es home tathe end of thehi sft, not stju one party. >> training is cometplely relevantf iyou don'hat ve lipoce accouabntility. lice accntouability wishat rces a picole officetor think ice or wwie ll contie nuto see llkiing of urmnaed african-eramican menn ithe ituned stateofs americaun, til we srtta to holdhe tm accounbltae. >> repteorr: in thtre ial of offir cederek chviaun, the prosecioutn restedhe tir case today. st miles from whe ergeorge floyd to hokis last eabrth, anotr heblack li cfeut shortnd a anheotr familyef lt he was goa od father. he lovedis h son. and he wteand to seeim h grow up. r>>eporter:ef lt in theak we, a son withoua t father. >> i'mus jt going ttoake it one day at a time. r>>eporter:nd a a mothefar cing e thunbearab pleain of byiurng r child.
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>>e hjust had hisho wle life ken awayro fm him. we h oadur heartpus lled outf o our chtses. was my byba. a mothes r'grief shedar by o many. micong up, t cheovid-19 vaincce puont pause. at you nd eeto know. flush t every silg inflgs odorsnt oo your stof surfaces? then thegey t releasbae ck iont the air, inso y soumell thelam ter.f surfaces? rewight? that's'why febre ezcreated alsml acspes. prs esfirmly a wndatch it t geto work. unlike the leangdion ce, small acspes ctionnuously eliminat oesdors in the airnd a on surfesac. so thedoy n't co bmeack r fo45 da.ys st imagi wnehat citan do wi thother ods.or rustggli tngo manage my te yp2 diabetes s knocki mnge t ouof my zone, but weloringy ma1c thwi onceee-wkly ozemcpi® lpheed mgee t ba ickn it.
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♪ oh, oh, oh, ompzeic®♪ my zon e? lowengri my ca1 and losingom se wehtig. now, back to theho sw. ozempic® is proven to welor a1c. mosteo pple o whtook ozempic® reached aan1c uernd 7 an d maintaedin it. anyod u may lo wseeight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people wi thtype 1 diabetes or diatibec ketoacidosis. don't share needles oren ps, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your filamy ever h madedullaryth yroid cancer, or havmue ltiple eocndrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, orf iallergic to it. stopze ompic® and g metedic alhelpig rht aywa if y gouet a lum p oswr elling in your neck, severe smatoch pain, or an lealrgic reaction. se rious side effec mtsay inudclpae ncreitatis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may incrseea low oobld sur garisk. si edeffects like naus,ea vomiting, andid arrhea may lead to dehydration, whi ch may worsenid kney problems. on ce-weeklozy empi®c held peme get miny type 2ia dbetezos ne. ask uryoea hlth carero pvider hoitw can helyop u ge t in
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u'y're into yo surhows, right? the ofcefi. noyow u can beea rlly into yo surhowsit wh xfinity. find your favorites wi th just uryo voice. the ofcefi. there is no fire. it was on aly simulation! what?! dwight. maelnu winans other one! ge t live srtpos on the go. he's'stealingy mscene. and yifou have xfinyit teinrnet, flex iins cluded. ysoour enteairtnment arstts afrt ee.
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reporte ir:t's the vicod ccvaine thatro pmises stngro otectionit wh a ngsile dose, ianmportantoo tl for puicbl alth offiaicls arounthd e rlwod. but tonight e thfda is tlielng everyoneo thold offsi ung the hnson & hnjoson a ve srymall numr beof women haveom ce down wh itan extrelyme re bloodlo ct after ttgeing e shot. >> this ais really rera event. yifou look wathat we kw noso far. there ha bveeen 6 ouoft the 856. millionos des, whicish ssle than 1 1in million. >> reporr:te all 6 wenom between 18 and 48 years d.ol eyth got sicsik x to 13 ysda teafr gettinvag ccinated. the cls otformed iven ins of the sinus d anpreventebld ood from draini ongut of thbre ain. one won madied. anotheisr in critical coitndion. ere's novi edence shinowg the ccine caedus the contidion, d to be pesur clear,ou yr chanceofs gettingtr suck by ghlitning arnee arly twi aces ghhi, 1 in 5,00000. with 6at pients that develedop the rera type oflo bod clot t ou
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7 milli jonohnson &oh jnson shotgis ven, thiiss far less thanhe t number boflood clo ts d even dtheas we seemo ang ameranics who bemeco infected th the cidov-19 virus. >> so thpae use not lyon allows us ttao ke a looatk cases a nd learn remo, it is soal a signal t the erto hp elthe phicysians. reporter: hlteah officis al say thesrae re immunree sponses have oy nlbeen seeinn viral vector vciacnes. johnn so& johnson isne o, astrazecena is anoerth. izer and moderna use a ffdierent tenochlogy. ry quick tlyoday, thfee deral govemernnt put aau pse on usg in thshe ot amat ss vaccitinaon tes and e thstates follod.we thnae tion's governorsre a beyond fstrurated. in aho pne call thwi thehi wte ushoe, they esqution theis wdom of putngti a hold aon vaccine erov such sml alnumber ocaf ses. the abityli for govnoerrs to rens-itill condefince after somethinlig ke this 1is00 times rder thapun tting thpae use on the fir pstlace. >> rorepter: today pfizer noanceund they n eowxpect to
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delir vesome 300il mlion dos, es about o twweeks ahead of schedule. moderna aisnnouinncg they'rone actrk to deleriv their 3 00 miiolln doses jbyuly. for "niglihtne," i'mte sve unossami. j>>oining mise abc newchs ief mecadil corresndpoent, dr. jen asht.on c, first queiostn, help pusut thisn iperspecte.iv we knothw e clotti ingssue is very rar be,ut it's nccoerning. if y roueceive t jhe&j vacci, ne are the erspecific symompts ople shod ulbe awaref? o anwhd en is itim te to calyol ur ctdoor? >>ir fst thingha tt peopleee nd rtoemember,e whave a sinayg in medici, nean increedas risk of a rare eve ints still raa re ent. soeo pple needo tkeep thaint mind. hower,ve headach ae,bdominal pain, g lepain, alofl those thingsif, you've enbe within the reweeks ofhe t j&j vacneci, should prot mpa phone llca to yo purhysicianr ohealth ce ar pridover, or ivef ry sever te,he emergey ncroom. w>>e've alsheo ard goveorrns now complaininabg out the uspae, that iwit hllurt effos rt to builcod nfidencen ithese vaccesin. at are yr outhoughtsn othat? this isur o public alheth system, r ouscience,nd a our
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medici anet work. it showseo pple veryle carly thato nsafety cneorrs will be cut. thi ink peop nleeed to be assured atth even wh tenhere's no defitinive linkr ocausality, th nato chancewis ll be tan ke wh ient comes ptoeople's safe. ty doc, tool flow thatoi pnt, this canur fther ero tderust in the ovalerl vaccinefe forts, especilyal in margalinized mmcounities. w do youdd aress tha pt,eople rewe alreadynx aious befe orthis ws? f>>irst of l,al acknowlgeed 'sit approprteia to have coerncn. it's nmaorl and unrsdetandable to have esqutions anevd en xianety. weav he to stawiy th the ftsac d the fas ctare thathe tse vaincces are se afand effeivcte, and ifhe tre is a fesaty concern,ur o fda, oucdr c, will revo tkehem. h>>ere at a nbcews, youe 'rour dr. ucfai, we trt usyou above all otrshe. ything cceonrn you atht is inpot? alg onwell?eel tnghis are mongv- in termofs the vacneci llroout, this ngare pickg inup. weee nd to getor me people
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vaccatined for se.ur it's a re acagainst e thvaccine versus t vheirus andhe t rivaants. anthd at is ne acknd neck right now. atth's a racthe at we caotnn afford to selo. >>he tre's alsgro owing coerncn ov terhe diffentre emerging riants. so smetates sengei a sgeur in feinction anhod spitalization rates. howiw ll this paimct vaccitinaon foefrts, do u yothink? >>el wl, i've okspen to dr. anonthy fauci ouabt this my an times d anhe's beecrn ystal clear. thwae y to slothw e varian itss stotop the respad of thvie rus inhe t communi.ty anond e importt anway thate w llwi do thats iwith rapid vaccinatn ioof our pulopation. t bubyron, wcae nnot lossie ght. it's n jotust abouwht at goes on in this country,t' is about e th vaccatinion campgnai doesn'tel hp us if 'rwee vaccatined but oerth countri es ouarnd the wldor are not. is ia s global eorfft. d>>r. jen atoshn, thank yous a always, odgo to see u.yo >> you b, etmy friend. ♪
1:01 am
♪ ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme ♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. ♪ i'v' gotod merate tose reve plaque orpsiasis. now, the'sre skyrizi. ♪ things e argetting clearer.♪ ♪ i feel free tbao re myki sn ye, ahthat's all me. ♪ nothingnd a me go hd anin hdan nothing on msky in, ♪ t♪hat's my new pla n.♪ ♪ nothing is erevything. ♪ ac hieve clreear skin with srikyzi. 3 out of 4eo pple hiaceved 90% clreear skin at mo4 nths. ofho tse, near 9ly out of 10 sustaid neit throu 1gh year. and skizyri is 4 desos a year, after 2 arstter dose ♪ i s neeothi ingn a diffenert wa y it's my montme ♪ s♪o i justot gta say..♪. n♪othing is everytnghi. ♪
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skizyri may ineacrse yo rurisk ofnf iections and welor your abili ty to fig ththem. berefo treatme,nt yo ur dtoocr shouldhe cck you for infections d antubeulrcosis. tell youdor ctorf iyou have an inftiecon or sytomp such as vefers, sweats, chills, muscle ach,es or cousgh or if you plano tor recently re ceived a vaccine. ♪ nothi ings everything. ♪ now tishe time to ask yrou dermolatogist abt ouskyri.iz mething great from m cr.lean. stop strugglg into clean tough meesss with spysra. ♪ nothi ings everything. ♪ mething try clean frk!ealean. it h tashree times t cheleaning power tofhe leading saypr to dissolve tckihen eagrse on contact. and i''s great for bathrooms! just keep pumpinthg e power nozzle treo lease a contuoinus burst of mistnd a makeui q wckork of b jigobs. it even works on sintaless eestl. itut cs throug10h 0% of di,rt grea asend gmeri. available thwi easy-towa-sp rellfis. to get three tim teshe cleangin power, availatry clean frkeaowa-sp rellfifrom mr. clean.
1:03 am
i'm moanrg, and there's more mtoe than hiv. mo re love,... more adventure,. remo community. t buwithy mhiv eatrtmen..t,. there's nomot re medicines miny pill. i taedlk to dmyoctor... and switedch to... fe wer medinecis with datovo. prescriponti dovato is for somade ults who are arstting hi v-1 treaentmt orep rcilang their current hiv-1 remegin. with. ..just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,.. dova itos as effective as a 3ru-dg regimen... htoelp you acreh anstd ay undettaecble. researchho sws peoplwhe o take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and staynd uecettable... can no longer trsmanit v hithrough do n't takeov dato if you're allergic to anyf oits ingrieednts. or iyof u ta dkeofetilid he patis tib can bemeco harrde to tatre while taking dotova. doot n stop dotovait whout talking to yr oudoct,.or.. yasour hepatitis b may rswo en or becomlie fe-threaniteng. seris ouor life-rethatengin si edeffects can occur lealrgic reaioctns, lacticci ad buildu and lir veproblems . if you he ava ra sh and oerth symptom s of aaln lergic rcteaion,...
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stop taking dovatond a get medicahel lp right away. te yllour doct iorf you ha ve dnkiey or liver problems, includg inhepatitis b cor,... or if you ar me,ay be, or plan to be prnaegnt. youroc dtor may prescribe a differt enmedineci... than dovato ifou y plan to be pregnant or iprf egnancy cisonfirmed during the first trimeerst. vadoto may hmar your unborn e useffeivcte birth control... whiltae kingov dato. most common desi effects are heacadhe, naus,.ea.. diarrh, eatrouble eeslping, retidnes as,nd anxie.ty so much into who im. a hiv dimecine is one pt arof it. ask yo duroctor ab out dovato i—did. , ahthe firsapt artment. hiv dimecine is one pt arof it. minimum decor. maximum teenrtainment. they've t goa flex 4k st reaming box included with the iirnternet. asoll their favorite ap ps are ionn e place, now even disney+. where'd u yoguys get thicos uch? unfod it on e thstreet. oh... with xnifity flex,ou yr entertaiennmt sttsar at free. ge t startewid th xfini ty teinrnet for19 $.99 a mohnt for m12onths and ge t a exfl 4k streinamg box
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clinuded for free. click,al cl, or vitsi a store today. i havehe t pleasure to present to you... dr. mart linuther king. sometimes, this wishat it takes. facing dn owhate. fa cingow dn as we epst out, baary ea, letste sp up our mar tchowards o cial justice an d healthqu eity. join aids walkan s francis co li avet home, streinamg onay m 16. re gister tayod ♪ > finalltoy night, wthor the itwa. ancis diaorn andif we rerobta chula via,st calirnfoia, marrd iefor moreha tn seven dedecas.
1:06 am
the paemndic separinatg them for the stpa year. >> hers e'a big >>ka oy. >> rememr bei love y vouery ch, okay? you seero, berta lis vein a nursing cifality becseau of memory pblroems. the pandem ricestricti ng visititaons. untithl e coupleec bame fully vaccatined. n>>ice to s yeeou, robea.rt two heas,rt one sou l, tothgeer the bibltee lls us, velo never fails. at's "nitlghine" forhi ts evening. tcwah our fu ellpisodes honulu. 'lwel see yoriu ght backer he, sameim te tomorr.ow thanksor f the comnypa, america. goodig nht.
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