tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 16, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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>> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, mark wahlberg, hunter biden, and music from the wallflowers. and now jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there, hi. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. oh, that's very nice. [ cheers and applause ] i hope you brought your lobster. we have a wall-to-wall show for you starting with mark wahlberg and ending with the wallflowers. [ cheers ] and the secret service is in the building too. because you know how donald trump was always asking where hunter is? >> he's here in our building. [ laughter ] he's been here the whole time, turns out. son of joe, hunter biden, is with us. hunter is here to promote his new memoir in which he
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chronicles among other things his crack addiction. this book is wild. he bought crack right here on our block. can you imagine that? [ laughter ] crack in this neighborhood? of all places? that has to be fake news. [ laughter ] anyway i have many questions for hunter. and since he's here, i will ask them. and hey, you know who else is writing a book? mike pence. the former vice poodle is putting pence to paper. he signed a two-book deal with simon & schuster. i wonder if he knows they're a gay couple? [ laughter ] simon & schuster. a release date has not yet been announced but the title has, it's "ass-kisser." [ laughter ] i like it. simple and to the point. pence's publisher calls this the most consequential one of - presidencies in american history." oh, it was consequential all right! [ laughter ] it was. i agree with that. the book will cover not just pence's time in the white house but his whole life, including traumatic family events, like the time he saw mother without her bonnet. [ laughter ]
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he even opens up about the time in college he experimented with almond milk. [ laughter ] i can't wait. i look forward to it. this will be the only time pages got whiter after words were printed on them. [ laughter ] speaking of wild and crazy guys, there's a new wrinkle in the ongoing drama surrounding florida congressman matt gaetz. federal investigators are reportedly looking into a trip gaetz took to the bahamas a couple of years ago and whether or not one of his associates paid travel and other expenses for female escorts. which would be a violation of sex trafficking laws. the cbs news report says gaetz was on the trip with a guy named jason pirozzolo who is a hand surgeon and marijuana entrepreneur. by the way, if your hand surgeon is also a marijuana entrepreneur? probably a good idea to learn to write with your feet. [ laughter ] but a spokesperson from matt gaetz's office said "matt gaetz has never paid for sex." imagine having to tell your spokesperson to say that? [ laughter ] "hey spokesperson.
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tell them i never paid for sex." "you tell them." "no, i don't want to tell them. it's your job." "fine, i'll tell them." [ laughter ] we also learned today that another "friend" and "close associate" of gaetz seems likely to strike a deal with prosecutors. joel greenberg seen here with gaetz and pardoned criminal roger stone seems to know a lot about gaetz's sextracurricular activities. he is in hot water too and with that said, i present fritz scheller attorney-at-law, because you can't have a story like this without a lawyer with crazy hair. >> does matt gaetz anything to worry about? >> does matt gaetz have -- that is such a broad -- >> when it comes to what happened today in court. >> does he have anything to worry about? and you're asking me to get into the mind of matt gaetz, right? >> well, from your mind. >> from my mind. >> based on what your findings are?
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>> based on when my findings are. okay. i'm sure matt gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today. >> jimmy: yeah. i think he gets paid by the hour is what happened there. [ laughter ] now might be a fun time to remind people of this tweet gaetz posted just before michael cohen testified in congress about his former boss, donald trump. "hey @michaelcohen, do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. i wonder if she'll remain faithful when you're in prison. she's about to learn a lot." oh, karma. you old rascal, you. [ laughter ] >> did your client introduce matt gaetz on any under age girls for sexual relations? >> all right. so i'm just going to let you sit down there, so i can look over your head and ignore that question. >> jimmy: all right, well. at least he's having fun with this. [ laughter ] good luck to matt gaetz. maybe he just loves trump so much he wants to go to jail with him. [ laughter and applause ]
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>> is that possible? much of the country is opening back up whether we should or not. the state of georgia today lifted all remaining covid restrictions. which means georgians will now be free to get the virus anywhere, anytime. from anyone. governor brian kemp said they decided to do away with the restrictions because "hard-working georgians cannot endure another year like that last." and if they get covid, they may not have to. [ laughter and moans ] it's always interesting to compare where we are now to where we were twelve months ago. and with that said, it's time to fire up the time capsule for a peek at what was in the news one year ago this week in tonight's edition of "this week in covid history." >> this week in covid history, it's april 2020. british prime minister boris johnson is in the hospital. the city of angels has the cleanest air. and everyone heels for tiger.
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luckily, things are starting to look up. >> we are inching closer and closer to beating this virus. >> it feels like we are seeing the light at the end of of the tunnel. >> there is light at the end of the tunnel. >> things are going well. again, light at the end of the tunnel. >> hot diggity dog, light at the the end of the tunnel. >> what you're hearing about light at the end of the tunnel doesn't take away from tomorrow or the next day, things will look bad. >> all right, dr. bonekiller. how bad is it going to get? >> the minimum number was 100,000 lives and i think we will be substantially under that number. >> less than 100,000 deaths? no problem. >> if we can stay substantially under the 100, which was the original projection. i think we all did a very good job. >> yes, great work, team. this has been "this week in covid history." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. well, you know what they say, hindsight is infuriating. it's funny to me that even though we have all that stuff on tape, with trump saying covid will be over by easter,
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predicting less than 100,000 deaths, there are people who still support him and think he did a great job, even to the point where it damages them personally. like mike lindell. mike lindell, america's favorite pillow merchant, claims that after kohl's and bed, bath & beyond pulled his mypillows from their shelves, his company suffered a loss of $65 million in revenue. which is a lot of dollars. so i thought it might be interesting to check in with mike. who we've never had on the show. and now from a location unknown, mike lindell. mike, are you there? mike? >> i said, you know, if that means you are not a cow, that means i'm not a farmer? you try telling that to millions people out there that are honest, hard-working -- >> jimmy: mike! me?s jimmy kimmel, can you hear- >> mr. president?! >> jimmy: no! it's jimmy kimmel. >> who? >> jimmy: jimmy kimmel. >> i don't care for him! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, okay. i am him. and we're on the show. and i have some questions for
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you. okay? mike? >> yeah, great, that's good. >> jimmy: okay. is it true that mypillow lost $65 million in revenue because of these conspiracy theories? >> that is so true. my company, mypillow which makes the most beautiful, soft foam rubber sacks stuffed with passion by white people in my home state of minnesota suffered a $65 million loss because left-wing media outlets have painted a picture of me as some kind of crackpot, even though i haven't done crack or pot in years! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. well. is it possible that people think you're crazy because you often say crazy things? >> no, that's just -- you better watch it or i'll get your i pchp address, you hear m you punk? the only thing crazy i see is dominion! dominion is building voting machines that only cast ballots
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for democrats, instead of what they should be working on. >> jimmy: which is what? >> which is robots that can tell if you're a gay! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> i've lost $65 million and i'll happily lose $65 million more if that's the cost of telling the american people the truth! >> jimmy: okay. >> and the truth is joe biden's dogs are covert operatives, here to steal state secrets and sell them to chinese burisma holdings to buy these! q-tips! you know q? >> jimmy: yeah? >> yeah, these are his tips! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> these are his tips! we go one, we go all! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but what was that you were saying about chinese burisma? >> they've got holdings! >> jimmy: oh. >> why don't you ask your buddy, hunter biden, about burisma holdings? what is burisma holding? and why won't anybody hold me? [ laughter ] my pillows are guaranteed!
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>> jimmy: i know they're guaranteed. let's not focus on pillows -- that's illegal, by the way. >> don't bring your guys after me for that, i dare you! >> jimmy: okay. i heard you're about to launch your own social media network called "frank." what can you tell us about that? >> i can tell you everything about that. frank will have no content or content restrictions whatsoever! this is america and freedom means being free to post anything you want. conspiracy theories! beheading videos! those tiktoks where the girls dance and make faces but don't move their feet! you watch those? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, i can't say that i do. >> holy hell, jimmy, let me tell you, they get me hard, i'll tell you -- [ laughter ] as hard as my pillows are soft! >> jimmy: okay, mike, i -- yeah. >> i don't even need youtube or twitter anymore because i called my nephew, judo, and said "make me a website that's better than
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both of them combined and can handle a billion people!" and then the light went dead. because my jitterbug phone is being shadowbanned by boost mobile! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? >> but judo's working on it and he'll have us up and running in eight weeks. >> jimmy: okay. i did hear -- i heard you're giving bonuses to people on your new network if they can get kicked off youtube. is that true? >> that is true! i'm giving out bonuses to anyone kicked off youtube and anyone who gets kicked out of a starbucks for blowin' in a stranger's ear! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, all right. so -- yes. >> have you ever seen those tiktokings where the little -- the girlies dance and make faces but they don't move their feet? holy hell, it makes me hard! >> jimmy: well, it was good talking to you, mike. >> my kids haven't spoken to me since 2002! >> jimmy: i'm so sorry to hear that.
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>> waahhh! >> jimmy: thank you for joining us -- what's with the pigeons in the cage there? >> the pigeons are a symbol of quality. every mypillow is stuffed with 100% new york city pigeon feathers, guaranteed! >> jimmy: okay, that is disgusting. >> mypillow! i said it's mine! they're all mine! >> jimmy: all right. >> it's my pillows! i'm coming for you next. >> jimmy: okay, mike lindell. mypillow guy. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much, mike. we have a great show for you tonight. humter biden is here tonight. we have music from the wallflowers. and we'll be right back with mark wahlberg. so stick around! >> i tell you, ask hunter biden about the nanobots! you ask him! this is mine, what is his? what on earth is his? ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi there, and welcome back. tonight, his new book is called "beautiful things," hunter biden is here. [ cheers and applause ] then later, their first album in almost a decade that equals 10 years, it comes out on july 9th. it's called "exit wounds," music from the wallflowers. [ cheers and applause ] you can see the wallflowers, god willing, live on tour starting july 16th at mohegan sun. our first guest tonight is a oscar-nominated actor. you can see him at work in the new documentary series called "wall street," it premiers on hbo max, welcome mark wahlberg. [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, how are you, sir? >> jimmy: mark, people know, we tape the show at like 5:00, i feel like you are hitting the hay already. you get up really early, right?
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>> i look pretty sleepy, huh? yeah. kind of early a start, but i stayed up late for you. >> jimmy: thank you for staying up. i know you're very, very busy. i'm fascinated by how busy you are. i'm actually very interested to see this documentary. because i want to see what's going on with you. and maybe it will give us a bit of insight into your brain. but i want to ask you how are you doing? how is everything going? >> everything is good. i'm home. i finished shooting a movie in the dominican republic. started shooting a movie on monday. we are back in the boxing ring. there's a bit of boxing in the movie. so boxing training. then we had rehearsals today, obviously with all this new covid protocol, which is really interesting. we had people in masks and people watching to make sure that we did not get too close. we're rehergsing and getting ready to start shooting on monday. >> jimmy: what's the movie? you're playing a boxer again?
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>> i'm playing a guy who was a fighter, he was many things. he moved to l.a. to be an actor, he fell in love with a girl, he had an accident. he had an out-of-body spiritual experience, he decided to be a priest. he died of a rear disease, but he had a big impact in a short period of time. >> jimmy: wow. i love a tough priest story. [ laughter ] we haven't seen many of those. 1975? >> i think before that, i thin "on the waterfront." >> jimmy: i have a move for you. you've got a boxer-priest, you go like this, sign of the cross, then boom, come with the left. >> sucker punch, i like that, yeah. >> jimmy: work it in. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you are training, you are boxing, you are, you are preparing to start shooting this movie? >> yeah, i mean, producing as well. so, we have been doing quite a bit of prep. we are shooting here in town. which is nice. so i will get to be home for a while. >> jimmy: yeah, that is nice to be home. has covid slowed you down at all?
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>> it slowed us down you to a certain extent but it made us busier at the same time. we are trying to keep everything afloat. it's funny the storyline in the show tracks the business over the last year and all the different businesses we have. all of the f-45 studios around the world, 2,000, were shutdown at one point. all our 47 wahlbergers are closed. our car dealerships, the airstream business took off because people wanted to travel the country on the road. our sports nutrition business was doing well. because people wanted to stay fit during this time. but, you know, it's all kind of revolving around all this, you know, stuff that everyone has been faced and dealing with, with covid. >> jimmy: i love the idea that you have fitness centers and you sell hamburgers. [ laughter ] you're just getting everybody on both ends. >> it's called balance, jimmy. [ laughter ] boot camp type of thing. you want to eat right, exercise, and have a cheat meal or two. >> jimmy: or three. >> we have a lot of healthy offerings as well. >> jimmy: you do the thing where
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you don't get the bun, have it wrapped in lettuce instead? >> yeah, and you can have the impossible burger. we were the first to introduce the impossible burger. >> jimmy: nothing makes me sadder than eating a burger with no bun. [ laughter ] you sit like, what happened in my life? >> after i do the boxing scenes i get to put on as much weight as possible over the course of the film. so i'm challenging myself to put on 30 pounds in the next six weeks. [ applause ] my -- oh my god.- >> lots of burgers, lots of buns. >> jimmy: do you need a consultant? i could really help you with this. [ laughter ] >> absolutely, i'm looking for all the help i can get. >> jimmy: you've got a boxing trainer, you can have a eating trainer as well. >> someone's consulting. they want me to do it as healthy as possible. i've been on such a regimen, i want to eat everything in sight. i want to go to bakeries, to denny's, get pancakes, i want everything i can get my hands on. >> jimmy: this is the greatest. so you have hired somebody to help you get -- is the person
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fat, the guy helping you? >> i think he's been many different sizes over his career in life. he's got experience. >> jimmy: this is his thing? >> he's very smart, very good at it. he helped me to get down in weight and then prepare to go up. i have not started the packing on the pounds yet so we will see how it goes. >> jimmy: when do you start it and what meal will kick it off? >> i'll probably start that monday night, or tuesday of next week, and hopefully with, i don't know, maybe a 20-piece chicken nugget, hot wings, kentucky fried chicken, with a six-pack of beer, why not? start with a bang. [ applause ] might need a port-a-potty too, but i'm ready to go. >> jimmy: this is going to be a big, fat priest, father bloatus. that will be great. that's exciting. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we'll see a clip from the new documentary"
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wahl street." be right back. carry and protect the things wahl street." be right back. "wahl street." be right back. (mom) good boy. (mom vo) we always knew we had a lot of life ahead of us. (mom) remember this? (mom vo) that's why we chose a car that we knew would be there for us through it all. (male vo) welcome to the subaru forester. the longest-lasting, most trusted forester ever. - [narrator] grubhub perks give you deals on all the food that makes you boogie. (upbeat music) get the food you love with perks from- - [crowd] grubhub. - grub what you love. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®,
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adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™ janssen can help you explore cost support options. ♪ surprise all the moms in your life this mother's day... with a gift that says thank you from the heart. kohl's. this couple is working hard on our state's recovery. you see, they live in california and keeping their vacation in california supports our small businesses and communities.
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i have the pleasure to present to you... dr. martin luther king. sometimes, this is what it takes. facing down hate. facing down bias. as we step out, bay area, lets step up our march towards social justice and health equity. join aids walk san francisco live at home, streaming on may 16. register today but, you know, there's so many downsides and learning
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curves and growing pains and all those things. it's a process. it's a process. >> i think ultimately at the end of the day, i got the bug. you know, i got the bug for business. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is "wahl street," mark wahlberg's new documentary on hbo max. hunter biden and music from the wallflowers are on the way. you had cameras following you around while you work on the business endeavors you are involved with? >> yes. >> jimmy: and these business endeavors, this is something that i think like, it's interesting, because many people like oh, this guy is a movie star, he is involved in all this fun stuff. i wish i didn't have to be in meetings and doing this kind of business, i wish i could do that. you seem to have the opposite thought. >> yeah, you know, it's nice. a lot of this stuff allows me to spend more time working from home. and you know, these are businesses that i'm passionate about. the business with wahlburgers was my brother's dream, he's a
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chef, i wanted to help him fulfill his dream. i decided to be involved in the growth aspect of the business. you know, try to create a lot of opportunities for us to open stores. we've now opened in germany, in london, you know. all over the u.s. you know, continuing to grow that business. so, i just kind of, yeah, i find it fascinating. but you know, it's tough at times. there's times where i'm sitting scratching my head saying why am i not focusing on film and television and producing and that kind of thing, for sure. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but i've already kind of dove in, so i've got to stay the course. >> jimmy: you dove in and you mentioned you have a car and rv dealership and these dealerships are in columbus, ohio, correct? >> columbus, ohio. yes, correct. >> jimmy: how did this happen? >> you know, we have been doing a lot of business in the midwest. my partner is from detroit. he and i met while i was growing wahlburgers there and doing other stuff. we started our first store in columbus, ohio. mark wahlberg chevrolet in columbus.
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and then we have a gmc buick dealership, an rv dealership and airstream -- >> you're like john elway all of a sudden, treading on his turf. >> i was a car salesmen since i was a kid. i worked at a garage, drove a tow truck, bought a car, flipped a car. i had 18 cars on the first year i had a license. the first insurance policy i had. i kept upgrading and buying and selling cars. so it's been something that i have always wanted to do. i love the business. >> jimmy: it's a shame you got into acting, you probably could have made more money if you hadn't. [ laughter ] we have a clip here. >> the acting all my other business interests which is a good thing and a bad thing. >> jimmy: we have a clip here. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, this is from youtube or something, instagram, i think. >> and the banjo there. >> jimmy: you are silently admiring all of your cars. have you driven an rv?
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>> i've driven an rv many times, yeah. >> jimmy: really? you've gone on family trips in the rv? >> oh, i can't get my wife in one of those things. [ laughter ] no, she's coming around, you know. we spent a lot of the summer last year on a lake. you never know. one thing at a time. she is from florida, she doesn't like lakes or rvs. but we're working on it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she got too much of it as a kid? >> yeah, exactly. road trips, camping trips with the parents, yeah. >> jimmy: you have your documentary out, i want to ask you about another documentary that you were a part of, i'm not sure if you're aware of this. saleh moon frey made an entertaining documentary. we have a photograph from that. you, saleh, and will smith when you were 11 or something, looks like. >> yeah. >> jimmy: she revealed in the documentary that she had a major crush on you at that time. >> oh, really? >> jimmy: oh, yes, really. >> that's cool. i haven't seen the doc. her and i met at one of my brother's concerts. i have not seen the doc.
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>> jimmy: it's funny to see you and will smith there together, at that age. you are probably the two most successful musicians to make the jumping, i would think, huh? >> yeah, was -- at that particular time, i was in l.a. negotiating my record deal. >> jimmy: really? you, were wow. >> yeah, and he was on the tv show. so he already kind of transitioned and started to act, i think. >> jimmy: did you feel competitive with him? i imagine that you are probably a competitive guy. >> you know what? it depends. it depends on who i'm being competitive with. you know, i could be, yeah, i could be pretty competitive. >> jimmy: will smith, yes, no? >> you know what, no. we've both obviously been able to do our own things. so, no. i think i admired his career and i think he was starting off doing it first so i probably took some lessons from his playbook. but super competitive, yeah, you put my brothers and i together and it's -- i'm on tilt all the time. >> jimmy: that is on display in
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"wahl street" that premieres next thursday on hbo max. mark wahlberg, thank you for being with us. >> thanks, buddy, take care. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back with hunter biden! [dog barking] lately i just haven't been feeling quite like myself. ♪ i want to break free ♪ life used to feel... fuller. no no no no no no. there's gotta be a way to get back. ♪ this time i know it's for real ♪
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♪ ♪ god knows, ♪ ♪ ♪ god knows i want to ♪ doritos, now in 3d. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. ♪ tay keith ♪ and there you have it: mcdonald's new crispy chicken sandwich. from the makers of the world's most-stolen fries. the juicy chicken sandwich... from the place that offers extra napkins for a reason. the tender chicken sandwich...
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from the creators of a sandwich phenomenon. so you won't just be biting into a chicken sandwich, you'll be biting into mcdonald's new crispy, juicy, tender chicken sandwich. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ when you buy this plant at walmart, they can buy more plants from metrolina greenhouses so abe and art can grow more plants. wendy... and me. so, more people can go to work. when you buy this plant at walmart. just tell me what i need to know.
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when you buy this plant (hands hit desk) where is it? it's on the beach. ocean views. it was supposed to be a surprise. (hands hit desk) she doesn't like surprises dave. thanks, captain obvious. booking a trip can feel dramatic, but with free cancellation you can't go wrong with i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer. ♪ ♪ i feel free to bare my skin yeah, that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin, ♪ ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way it's my moment ♪ ♪ so i just gotta say... ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms
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our next guest is probably the most famous board member of a ukrainian energy company of all time. [ laughter ] his new memoir is called "beautiful things." in case you've been wondering where he is, welcome hunter biden! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks for coming. >> thank you for having me. >> jimmy: i have to tell you, after reading this book, i'm impressed that you are alive. i really am. it is amazing that you are alive after all the crazy things that you have been through. >> it was a -- it was a journey. but thank god i made it through. >> jimmy: yeah, no kidding. and a lot of the things that you detail happened here in this neighborhood. right around here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: there's like, you were doing crack at the places that i eat. [ laughter ] >> yeah. well, not intentionally. i wasn't stalking you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no.
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i didn't think you were. but i feel like i learned a lot about crack. i know he that sounds weird. you hear about it and you see it on tv shows, in the news every once in a while. but i learned how to get -- i really think i could get it now thanks to your book. [ laughter ] >> well, i hope that was not the message that you got from the book. >> jimmy: it's not a how-too manual? >> no, it's not a how-to. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, i misread the whole thing. >> it's a "please don't" manual. >> jimmy: no absolutely, listen, if somebody reads this book and then goes, i should try crack afterwards, well, then they -- >> yeah. they didn't finish the book. >> jimmy: no, they didn't start the book, they didn't finish the book. >> exactly. >> jimmy: you, in fact, where we are situated right now, the roosevelt hotel is across the street from us. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is where you had -- would you call it a bender? >> i was in every hotel in los angeles. basically.
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>> jimmy: hole 31 -- >> yeah. every motel and hotel until they would not have a room for me the next day. wouldn't last very long. >> jimmy: one of the stories was that, you went down the block from us, the sunset and la brea, looked for guys who might be able to get you something. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then you wound up getting it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: using crack with them. >> yes. >> jimmy: were those guys dressed as spider-man, by any chance? [ laughter ] >> no. we, maybe, i don't know. some things i don't recall exactly. you know, i wrote about it, in vivid detail. because, you know, i think the question that most addicts have a hard time answering and what everyone who is a non-addict wants the answer to is why? and there's a simple answer. and that's, because it works. at first. until it doesn't. and for me, it was important to be completely honest about the entire experience. but it certainly was not a
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how-to manual. >> jimmy: no, but it is a very vivid and detailed description of what it feels like to use crack. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i mean, i have not used crack, but i do feel like i understand it now. and i did think it was especially interesting when you spoke, you wrote about the fact that, what happens the first time you use it is something you chase for the rest of the time you use it. it never is, it's never what it was that first time. >> ever, never. and that's, like, every drug. you know, i mean, to tell you the truth, the most insidious drug for me, and i think for many people that deal with addiction, is alcohol. but crack brought me to a place that i had never had been to before. both in terms of the high, to be completely honest. but absolutely as it relates to the low. it was an absolutely awful experience at the end. and it was an awful experience
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throughout. after that first time, all you do is live in a lot of guilt and a lot of shame. >> jimmy: and also it's very difficult -- we know you, you've had a hard life, no question about it, right from when you were very young. tragedy struck your family. and of course, you know, it's easy to draw lines from this to that or whatever. but there definitely is a chemical element to addiction. >> yeah. what i really wanted to write the book for was to humanize people suffering from addiction. but also, i wrote the book -- more than anything, it's a love letter to the people that are loving someone that is struggling with addiction. because it's so hard for them to understand why it is that their love just can't get through. why it is that if they just love them more, that somehow they would be able to cure them. and the one thing that i found to be more powerful than the
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most powerful love i knew which was the love of my family, was my addiction. and i hope that this is -- provides some people with some real hope, that if they're just persistent and they continue, that when that person's ready to reach for that love, maybe they'll be able to find their way out of that deep, dark hole that they're in. >> jimmy: boy, was your dad persistent. i mean, very, very persistent. and i can't imagine the nightmare that he must have been going through. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then reading about your story about when you were a little boy and how you were around all these politicians that we now know and they call you into the office, you get to go see these things. these are friends of your dad's. and then when you talk about lindsey graham being on television and attacking you. and that he's somebody that you considered to be a family friend. he was a friend of your father's. and how strange that must be to see that happen, see a person do that.
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>> it's really, more than anything, it's sad. the senate that -- my brother and i, you know, grew up in wilmington. my dad commuted every day. we knew the senate. he would a take us down and we had a rule. we could go with him at any time, anywhere that we wanted to. which sometimes we took a little too much advantage of. but we -- but we saw my dad and got to become friends. well, not as kids. but they were like uncles. you know, whether republican or democrat. politics has become so toxic. it has -- and i think that the thing that i hope my dad is able to bring back is his genuine desire to take some of that toxicity out again. so i had a deep respect for senator graham. and it's just sad to see the way
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in which he has decided to not just attack me, but to approach politics. >> jimmy: yeah. but also the way he attacked you. [ laughter ] you wrote in the book -- i do want to talk about this. you know, the ukraine and ukraine and how it became some issue. it became something, i gave donald trump something to grab on to. he almost got -- well, he did get impeached as a result of it. but you wrote, did i make a mistake by taking a seat on the board of the ukrainian gas company? no. did i display a lack of judgment? no. would i do it again? no. >> yeah. i meant what i said, i meant what i wrote. is that, you know -- go to the beginning. i went to yale law school. i served on at least a dozen boards before burisma. i was a vice chairman of the board of amtrak. i was chairman of the board at world food program u.s., supporting the largest humanitarian organization in the world. i had an expertise in corporate
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governance. i was asked to serve on the board for corporate govern erchs. and i was a lawyer, which is how i was first approached. however, what i didn't take in to account was the way in which they would use the perception against my dad. and for that i have -- i wouldn't do it again, for that reason. >> jimmy: yeah. does it make you crazy when you hear someone like donald trump jr. saying that the only reason he -- because he's a biden, because of his last name, and how just wildly comical that is? >> it is wildly comical. that's putting it lightly, i think. but you know, i really -- what i've learned is this, that i don't spend too much time thinking about it. >> jimmy: i do, i think about it all the time. [ laughter ] i will think about it for you. >> well, maybe that's why, because i have other people to think about it for me. >> jimmy: do you know donald trump jr.? >> no. >> jimmy: you have never met him? >> not that i know of.
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>> jimmy: you say not that i know of. >> i have been in rough places. >> jimmy: i've seen you on interviews talking about the laptop that became this big thing. >> yeah. >> jimmy: the laptop. when they ask you if that was your laptop, you say you don't know. >> yes. >> jimmy: which is hard to believe, unless you read the book. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then it's like, i'm surprised you have shoes on. [ laughter ] >> you know -- yeah. i made it, i made it today. pants were the problem, pants were the problem. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pants are always the problem. >> yeah. no, you know, look, i really don't know. and the fact of the matter is, it's a red herring. it is absolutely a red herring. i am absolutely i think within my rights to question anything that comes from the -- from the desk of rudy giuliani. and so "i don't know" is the answer. >> jimmy: do you ever wish you had apple care? [ laughter ] >> that would have been a good thing. yeah. >> jimmy: there's one other thing that i want to ask about, it's the end of the book, and
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you are married now. you found love. and the way you found love, you have to understand that on paper this doesn't sound good. and correct me if i have any of the details wrong. >> okay. >> jimmy: you meet some strangers. they say, oh, we have a girl you should meet. they give you her phone number. you text her like late at night. >> exactly. >> jimmy: she is sleeping. she is like, leave me alone, i'm asleep. the next morning she texts you. you guys have lunch together or something. in an hour, you tell her you love her. >> yeah. >> jimmy: she tells you she loves you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then she finds out you're a crack addict. >> i tell her. i tell her. within the hour, before i told her i loved her, so she had an out, i told her. i said, look, i have a real problem. but, it's amazing. >> jimmy: and then you marry her a week later. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is -- now if i'm your dad and you tell me, i say, oh, no. oh, no, no, no, no, no. [ laughter ] what did your dad say when you called to tell him this?
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>> you know what? he said -- i called him to tell him. and he got on the phone with melissa. and he said, i will tell you the same thing that my mom, my grandmother, said to my now mother. when we got remarried. we say we got remarried after my mommy's death. and he said, i thank you for giving my son the courage to love again. >> jimmy: hm, wow. [ applause ] he always says the right thing, doesn't he? >> he does. >> jimmy: well, this is, i mean, this is some book. this is not one of those books you go oh, all right. this is a hell of a book. it's called "beautiful things." hunter biden. thank you for being with us. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> jimmy: we will be back with the wallflowers. this looks different. it is. show me. just hit record! see that? you're filming in 8k. that's cinema quality. so... you can pull photos straight from video. impressive. but will it last a whole trip?
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, fed ex massacre in indianapolis. >> nobody should suffer like that. we're here to get a paycheck so we can keep on living. >> bullets flying leaving eight dead. how the horror unfolded. >> we heard three more shots. >> the hunt for the motive. why the gunman's back and forth warned the fbi last year. rewell.the eve of a royal the never-before-seen photos of prince philip and his queen, elizabeth, a lifetime of service and sacrifice. and the royal rift. the family coming togethr as a
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