tv ABC7 News 500PM ABC May 26, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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eakfast sandwiches. with cheese baked right into the biscuit, hickory-smoked bacon or grilled sausage, and a freshly-cracked egg. try'em today. only at jack in the box. and we continue with our breaking news coverage on the shooting in san jose. 8 people are dead as is is the gunman. right now some family members are still waiting to be notified their loved ones are gone. this scene is still unfolding it's believed explosive devices may still be at the vta rail yard. a neighbor with a nest camera takes video of the alleged shooter as he left home this morning. he worked at the vta we're told he shot virtually everyone on the morning shift. the bomb squad was seen entering the gunman's home today. we're live tonight with multiple reporters covering every aspect ofhiacshter.
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>> staar multiple 911 calls. >> we have three code 3 ambulances. >> multiple tactical teams that came into the buildinging to extricate people out. >> reportedly eight employees. >> i can confirm there are eight victims that are pronounced deceased. >> we have no visual of where the shooter is right now. three more ambulances and looks like shots are being fired. >> the suspect is a vta employee. >> explains why he was able to get in because he was already an employee. >> potentially that's the case. >> this is a horrific day in our city and it's a tragic day for the vta family. >> certainly is. good evening and thank you for joining us i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. you're watching us live. life turned upside down even
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before the day began. the shots terrorizing the vta rail yard blocks from the 880 and 101 interchange. the gunman's home also a crime scene tonight. the employees shooting spree now prompting the fbi to join this case. and new video is in of that suspect. a neighbor shared surveillance video from a nest camera of him leaving his house this morning and then just shortly after the house is on fire. >> and we have a team coverage digging through every corner of this devastating day. we start with abc 7 news reporter chris nguyen he's been at the incident command postoutside the scene all day and has the latest word tonight. chris. >> reporter: yeah, that shooting happened at a vta facility down the street right next to the sheriff's office. both the fbi and homeland security are now assisting with the investigation. the governor arrived on scene earlier today where he spent a cup couple of hours grieving with
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the people in the building. liveand e families who lost their loved ones, yes our hearts go out but we're resolved to not make thisto br meaning to this tragic day. >> reporter: santa clara county officered arrived after receiving a call alerting them to a shooter. the alleged shooter turned the gun on himself. authorities now say eight victims were killed across multiple locations across the property. according to the sheriff, deputies came in as the shots were still being fired. >> they know that's their job to put themselves, their lives on the line to save other people. i think we have a lot of o fficers who are heros today. >> reporter: the shooting took
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place at the busiest time, as workers were getting ready the day. governor gavin newsom rushed to the bay to be with families of the victims. >> when are we going to put down our arms literally and figuratively. our politics, stale rhetoric, all a hand wringing that creates nothing. i say that not as a governor i say that as father of four. i say that as a member of this community who cares deeply about it. >> reporter: the south bay labor council and working partnerships usa have set up a fund to help support the victims families. if you would like to help we will put a link to it on our
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website abc 7 we're live in san jose tonight. i'm chris nguyen, abc 7 news. all right chris, thank you. now just to give you a sense of when exactly this all came about. the shooting call first came into authorities at 6:34 a.m. exactly. we know firefighters got the call about the fire set by the gunman at his home at 6:36. but it's thought it took neighbors a while to notice what was happening next door. then following the suspect arrives at the rail yard in the middle of an employee meeting. santa clara sheriff's office tweeting at 8:08 a.m. that the shooter is down. well tonight the intense focus for investigators becomes finding the link between these coworker killings and that house fire at that gunman's home. laura anthony is live tonight at the residence. just maybe a 15, 20 minute drive from the rail yard. lori you have brand new surveillance video from the neighborhood tonight. >> reporter: we do, dan. it is chilling video.
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this was taken by a surveillance camera, a neighbor directly across the street. he actually had to go back to his home and look at that video once he learned what had happened. let's show it to you. this is what we believe to be the suspect leaving his house casually it appears this morning. he's dressed in what appears to be his work uniform. he even has a mask on as if to protect himself from coronavirus. and then he casually loads a duffel bag into this white pickup truck that was outside of his home and as if he were going off to work. then a short time later the same neighbor with his cell phone realizes the house across the street. the same house is on fire. he walks outside of his house. he starts shooting the fire. the smoke with his cell phone. and realizes that this is an emergency situation. s that fire that went to two alarms the neighbor had no idea what was going on at the vta.
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excuse me the yard at that point. we did speak with doug su the neighbor who took both of these videos and this is what he had to say. >> i saw him talk to him five times i said hi. but he never talked to me said hi. he just look at me stare at me all the time. he didn't say hi. he never said anything. i never see his friends, i never see a family. i never see anybody coming to his house. he's a live alone probably 20 years. >> and what happened that one time you were describing when you were trying to back your car out. >> he was yelling, do not come to my driveway. you have to get out. so i took off, after that i haven't talked to him since then. >> when was that about? >> about six months ago. after that i never say hi and i ignore hit. >> and we're back live here in
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this east san jose neighborhood. we were actually pushed back for a time. we're still pushed back. we were closer up by those fire trucks but then they came out this afternoon the police department. they announced the media some fire rescue members to get back about 5 feet because they were a little concerned. at this point we know a fair amount of ammunition and some fuel tanks. the fire battalion chief i interviewed from san jose fire. he could not say whether the fire was started accelerant. we have the fbi, atf and the san jose fire department and police departments. we've seen multiple bomb squad technicians go e me and aonpoin
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even saw them bringing in what looked like orange sandbags into the home. and we can only speculate that that may have to do with trying to buffer something they found inside the home. or if they would like to detonate something. we have not heard any detonations but again we're back here about a football field from where this home is and where this investigation continues very actively at this point. live in east san jose. lori anthony, abc 7 news. >> lori thank you. sky 7 was up all day to give you a better idea the type of facility where this happened. it's a maintenance yard for valley transit authority t. 911 calls take you right to the scene where so many realize this was not going to be a normal day at work. >> this is an active shooter reportedly eight employees at the light rail maintenance yard. we have no visual of where the
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shooter is. pd has several units on scene investigating. employees are evacuating to the parking lot and there may be active shots heard again right now. pd is closing down younger. they're saying the shooter is on the third floor. which building? still another active shot heard. >> abc 7 news reporter melendez joins us from the red cross from san jose where family members have been directed on dealing with this situation, leanne. >> as vta employees were led out, many family members rushed to contact with them. >> i'm still waiting for my brother.
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>> my wife. >> she works here? >> uh-huh. >> what does she do? >> she's a mechanic. >> she left a message from a coworkers phone saying that she was okay. she dropped her phone and that is all i heard from there. now i'm here to find out what's going on. >> reporter: this employee was next door at the building when he heard there was a shooting. >> i heard there was a shooting in the building that's all i heard. yeah. >> there's a lot of hugging, a lot of crying. and a lot of connection between people. >> reporter: survivors and family members also arrived at the family assistance center set up by the red cross. >> we want to provide every kind of human service in the
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most humane and gentle way. >> and as i was saying before, this is where family members are being told to come to get support and any new information if there is any new information to be had. now previously i told you about a man who came to see or find out more about the well being of his cousin who is a train operator. he just told me i checked in with him he says still nothing. no word from my cousin. i keep on calling him but nothing. so you could imagine the frustration, the anxiety that these families are going through. i'm live in san jose, leanne melendez, abc 7 news. sam licardo tweeted there will be a sr-rbl for the vta shooting victims tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. at city plaza in san jose. it'll be a moment to come together and grieve after today's horrific tragedy. and the updates coming in today have been nonstop. our team has been pushing out
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investigators are combing through the house of the employee suspected of opening fire at the rail yard today. his motive is now the key to this case. abc 7 news spoke with the alleged shooters exgirlfriend a short time ago. she said he suffered from mood swings and had issues with his coworkers. >> complained about the job. too much work, stressful. i was shocked. i was surprised. i feel, i was shocked he didn't tell me. we have some issues, he asked
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me to engage. i think he has a mental problem. he's not mentally stable. he's like a mentally he's too stressful. gave him lots of work. too much work. he's not mentally stable. one day he's a nice guy, gentleman, he's loving. then he's totally different. >> sadly, the bay area isn't unfamiliar to these type of mass shootings. >> not at all. today is actually tied for the deadliest on record in the bay area now five in the last 10 years. in 2011 a man killed 3 coworkers during a safety meeting at lehigh cement in cupertino. a shooting in oikos university attack left 7 day. in 2017 a ups worker shot and killed three coworkers san
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francisco. a gunman killed three people at the gilroy garlic festival. president biden says his administration is monitoring the situation in san jose. the incident happened as the atf nominee was facing a hearing. diane feinstein mentioned the shooting in a question to the nominee. >> i would like to say thank you for that question but i'm sorry to hear that news i wasn't aware of that. one of our priorities would be focusing on gun trafficking. the unlawful transfer of guns to criminals. in these cases a crime like this could be prevented. as the atf tries to solve
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crimes we will strive to prevent them from happening in the first place. >> he had been involved with gun control groups. something he's facing opposition for. the effects of this terrible day will be far reaching not just for us here in the bay area but in homes, neighborhoods, schools, officers across the country and certainly on capitol hill. you can keep on top of the very latest when it comes to the issue of gun violence. we have every development as soon as it attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours? julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month.
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there today. >> reporter: it's incredibly difficult to imagine, you're right dan. it's difficult to imagine the family members huddling here, walking from the parking lot just waiting for answers. most of those family members have left at this point. we did speak to one woman who said it's been so difficult to get any clarity about any specific employees so they found it too hard to stick around to be so close to the crime scene. however, over the last few hours we have seen roughly around six other families come through. all in different cases searching for their mothers, brothers, uncles and fathers. for city councilman raul perales who oversees this area it's his childhood friend a vta employee. he was told he's in tough shape -z. >> i'm hoping for the best. i love him. yeah it's tough. >> we actually still have no
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idea. we've been trying to reach him and actually really have no idea at all because we know he was there and we've been trying to contact him since the morning time since it happened and he hasn't been returning any calls, no text messages, no nothing. >> you just heard from the nephew of the singh family still no word from their uncle despite the fact that his phone is still indicating it was on and they found it on the premises this morning when we talked with them. in the meantime we do want to reiterate this reunification center is still open for families. and grief counselors are still on-site. many families have found it too difficult to stick around given just how close they are to where this all unfolded. certainly every person involved all the families and our community it's certainly been a very tough day. we're live in san jose, stephanie sierra, abc 7 news.
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>> all right stephanie thank you. also important to know for our viewers a secondary family assistance center has been set up at the red cross blood donation site it's on the corner of north 1st and west plumeria drive. trained staff are able to help in the grieving process. offer details on victim compensation and other information. it's open to everyone at 7:00. 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. tomorrow. i know it's hard the to think about anything else on a day like this. but ama we want to turn our attention for attention to our weather forecast for a few minutes. >> we want to turn it over to sandhya patel. >> let's get to the forecast fog is rolling in over san francisco. a look at the forecast morning fog and spotty drizzle. we're looking at cooler, cloudier and windier for saturday. and then the temperaturewill soar other the holiday weekend.
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you will notice 46 miles per hour winds at sfo. it was a warmer day away from the coastline. that fog will push away from the bay. tomorrow morning we'll be waking up to spotty drizzle. tomorrow morning temperatures 40s, 50s, tomorrow afternoon you're looking at highs in the upper 50s to the mid-80s. combination of fog, sun and higher cloud. still comfortable for your holiday weekend on saturday. not so much on sunday. 90s inland. and by memorial day we're talking about triple digits inland. here's your accu weather forecast, very little change the next few days then we go with the windy cooler saturday followed by a much warmer this is a no-nonsense message from three.
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finally tonight, we want to take a last look at the sense of heartbreak and the helplessness over today's tragedy in san jose. but also a promise to get beyond it. here's san jose mayor sam licardo. >> now is a moment for us to collect ourselves to understand what happened, to mourn and to help those who have suffered to
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heal. that will be my attention today and for the foreseeable future. my attention will then be immediately turned to ensuring we do everything possible to ensure this never happens again in our city. >> san jose's mayor sam licardo hinting at a plan to curve gun violence and also talking about healing for though victims and their families. it's something he has been working on since the last mass shooting at the gilroy garlic festival which was back in 20 1- 9d. 2019. here we are again trying to find an end to these tragedies. >> seems like they will never end. we have to find a way. >> for the moment, i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz we're going to say goodbye as we take a look at the flag flying at
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tonight, the deadly workplace shooting and what we've just learned tonight. a gunman opening fire at a transportation facility in san jose, california, shooting and killing at least eight victims. authorities now say they were shot in two different buildings. the bomb squad sweeping the facility all day, searching for possible explosives. and late today police now identifying the shooter, an employee found dead at the scene. they say he set his home on fire before driving to work. we are at both scenes tonight. and a short time ago president biden again lowering flags to half-staff for a mass shooting. the fifth time since he became president. saying, enough. the major news on the coronavirus tonight.
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