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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 3, 2021 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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and we thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- michael che, cillian murphy, and music from the linda lindas. and now -- jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, that's me, hi. i'm jimmy, i am the host. thanks for watching. thanks for -- either you're watching us or you're at home just sitting there while we work. what kind of an arrangement is this? meanwhile, there's some woman nobody knows named candy in our audience tonight. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] what happened to the security measures? did you check her out, make sure she works here? >> guillermo: yeah, she works here. >> jimmy: she does? >> guillermo: first day today here. >> jimmy: what does she do here? >> guillermo: uh -- i think she -- [ laughter ]
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>> guillermo: she helps the production. >> jimmy: well. [ laughter ] you see our security is top notch. thanks for joining us here in los angeles. you know, here in l.a., county health officials were hoping we'd be close to herd immunity by now. they were hoping we'd get there by july, now they're saying it probably won't happen until late august because a lot of people are in no rush to get shots. instead of "vaccine," maybe we should start calling it "arm botox." [ laughter ] that should be the rule. if you don't get the vaccine, you aren't allowed to get tattooed or your lips plumped. okay? [ laughter ] and the most frustrating thing is that a lot of these unvaccinated people aren't just avoiding the shot, they're not wearing masks. they're like, "pandemic's over!" not for you, it isn't. you didn't chip in for the gift, you don't get to sign the card. okay? [ cheers and applause ] but things are settling down. slowly, we have begun the process of re-igniting our social lives. and that isn't easy, because where do you start? who do you start with? who do you see first? it's tough.
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so we came up with a coville-style priority plan to help. so first, and also last, we have the red tier. these are people you did not communicate with at all during the pandemic. they never texted to say, "you okay?" or "sup?" they didn't drop off a loaf of bread. [ laughter ] you didn't speak to them even once. these are people, not only do you not have to see them soon, you never have to see them again. [ laughter ] next closest to the bottom, we have the purple tier. these are the friends and relatives who were too in touch during the pandemic. [ laughter ] the ones who forced you to do zoom happy hours. that went well past the free 40 minutes. you've seen enough of them. they're near the back of the line. then we have the orange tier. these are people who recorded a birthday video message for you, maybe drove to your house and waved, maybe they dropped off a pie. they get a priority slot. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] finally, the top tier is the yellow tier. this is anyone who over the course of the pandemic used the bathroom in your house, okay?
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[ laughter ] that's how we're going to judge it. if their pants were off under your roof, not only can you get together, you can wrestle if you want, you can really go crazy. [ cheers and applause ] i hope that helps. in new york, most everything is as it was, including state politics. embattled governor andrew cuomo is hosting a lavish fundraiser, presumably to kick off his bid for a fourth term in office. the dinner will cost $10,000 a plate. and for an extra $250, he'll whisper something in your ear that will haunt you for decades. [ laughter ] the fundraiser is being held in an undisclosed location. which is exactly what you want to hear from a guy facing multiple sexual harassment accusations. the "new york times" spoke to eight people off the record who were invited to the fund-raiser. only two said they planned to go. it's basically his version of onlyfans. [ laughter ] this is the invitation, and if you read all the way to the bottom, you'll see, "6-9 p.m. -- ladies drink free." [ laughter ] cuomojitos for everyone!
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meanwhile, up i-95, in the connecticut house of representatives because of covid, the public has not been allowed to attend legislative sessions, as they usually are. and as a result, the legislators have been drinking. on the job. republicans and democrats have been drinking during work hours. in connecticut. and while it is nice to see them finally agreeing on something, the result of that merry-making is this now viral video of representative robin comey trying to say something. >> a constituent of mine, um -- i, uh -- came up to me, uh, and -- and -- wanted to know, um -- why she was, uh -- um -- able to, um -- um -- um -- i had to tell her that, uh, that she was, um -- um --
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: keep umming! you'll get there eventually. >> i was wondering if this was an opportunity for her to, um, um -- uh -- to -- for he to, um -- [ laughter ] understand that she was able to, um -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, she was so close. it's like she was trying to order off the wendy's drive-thru menu at 3:00 a.m. [ laughter ] she issued a formal apology afterward. she said several factors led to her episode. including anxiety, exhaustion,
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too much wine at dinner, and living in connecticut also. and of course, everyone scoured her social media. turns out she's got quite the drunk history. in april, she celebrated national beer day. go, go campaneros! and in september she tweeted, "i did not buy enough wine for this news." well, i don't know what the news was, but it seems like you did buy enough wine. [ laughter ] guillermo, can you imagine drinking on the job? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: no, no, no way! >> jimmy: unthinkable. in north korea, kim jong-un has appointed a number two, a number two to serve as his second in command. i'm not a historian, but do countries usually have an assistant dictator? [ laughter ] a lot of people expected that his sister would get the job. but that was not to be. north korean state media released a video of the new number two today. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: wow, wait, wait a
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minute, i know that guy. [ cheers and applause ] i guess he was looking for a healthier work environment after trump. [ laughter ] in america's north korea, the sunshine state, from time to time, we enjoy taking a look at what's going on. and tonight, we're doing it again in a governor desantis edition of "this week in florida." >> i am proud to be here today in the everglades as we kick off registration for the 2021 python challenge. participants who remove the most pythons and who capture the longest pythons will receive prizes. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: unfortunately the prizes are all pythons. it's a python-a-thon! going on there in florida. we have a good show for you tonight. michael che and cillian murphy are with us. [ cheers and applause ] also, i'm excited about the band we have on the show tonight. it's a group of young girls who caught the attention of the world last month with a song they wrote and performed in the l.a. public library. which is pretty punk rock in and
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of itself. and their music is too. they're backstage waiting right now. i want to say hello to them. this is the linda lindas. hi, linda lindas. meela, lew-sia, eloise, and bella. i got that correct, ladies? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yes. >> jimmy: very good. we have two sisters, a cousin, and a friend. correct? >> yes. >> jimmy: why are you called the linda lindas? >> there's a japanese indie film called "linda linda linda." in it there are high school girls who cover the song "linda linda" by the bluehearts. we're kind of named after both of those. >> however, none of us are named linda. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: none of you are lindas, you're called the linda lindas. tell us the title of the song. >> the songs called "racist secondist boy." >> jimmy: this is about a boy you know? >> the backstory is that a boyfriend at school told me his dad told him this story about
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chinese people, i told him i was chinese, he backed away from me. >> there's also sexism around boys our age. unfortunately, a lot of people, like every age, right? so we were really angry and we decided to write a song about it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: then how did you find out, after you wrote this song, shot it, put it online, how did you find out it had become very popular? >> i was in history class and my phone kept buzzing. my teacher kept looking at me like, what are you doing? i opened my instagram and my whole feed is us. i was like, whoa. >> jimmy: what about the racist, sexist boy? does he know this happened? >> we don't know. >> we don't talk to him. >> doesn't matter. >> doesn't really matter. >> jimmy: all right. i hope he's watching tonight, i really do. you guys get ready. don't break any of our stuff. i know you're a punk rock band. >> our bad, sorry. >> we'll try our best. >> jimmy: thank you. there you go. the linda lindas are with us. [ applause ]
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we have a special birthday to celebrate today. our first lady, dr. jill biden, turned 70 years old today. she is now the oldest sitting first lady in modern united states history. also oldest standing. [ laughter ] really, just the oldest. the president and his bride celebrated by going to their beach house in delaware. which is the most old person thing joe could think of. [ laughter ] they watched the sun set over the novelty t-shirt shops and adult video stores. [ laughter ] joe did get her some thoughtful gifts. he got her a big jar of butterscotch, and a coupon for one highly invasive back rub. [ laughter ] oh, i bet joe is gonna pitch some woo tonight. joe and jill met in 1975. somebody posted some of their old photographs. take a look at these. out of a 1962 sears catalog.ght- there they are. enjoying family time, just like the trumps. very similar. jill biden is our first lady, and she was our second lady for
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eight years before this. but i wonder if people are paying any attention to anything that is going on at all. so in honor of her birthday, we went on the street and showed passersby a photo of dr. biden to find out if anyone knows who the first lady is. >> do you know who this woman is? >> no idea. >> take a guess. >> carol burnett? >> who is this person? >> martha stewart? >> is that jane fonda? >> it's not dolly parton for sure, so i don't know. >> that's true. >> i was thinking vanna white, but it's not vanna either. >> barbra streisand. >> she look like -- nancy pelosi. >> she kind of looks like carole baskin. >> if i can take another guess -- she look like -- one of the actress on "dallas" or something. >> i think she has a cooking
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show with like a rapper? is that her? >> she looks like somebody in government. >> do you have guesses as to who? >> donna fairfield. >> who do you think she's married to? >> john kerry when he was alive. [ laughter ] >> okay, let me show you a picture of her and her husband, maybe that will help. >> okay. he looks familiar. [ laughter ] >> do you know who that is? what if we show you a picture of her and her husband? maybe that will help. >> is that hillary? >> what job do you think he has? >> i want to say -- maybe like -- something having to do with the government, but like really up there? >> right. >> like helping the government? >> how far up there do you think he is? >> like -- almost close to like presidential government, like in the building. >> right. >> but i have no idea.
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[ laughter ] >> what does she look like her name would be? >> lisa? mary? >> no. >> krista? >> christine? >> maybe emily? barbara? kathy? >> if i had to guess, she look like a gloria. [ laughter ] >> happy 70th birthday, jane. >> happy birthday from chicago. >> happy birthday, donna. >> happy birthday, jennifer biden, we wish you the best, thank you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know, it's the thought that counts. all right, we have a good show. cillian murphy is with us. we've got music from the linda lindas. and we'll be right back with michael che. oh, i've traveled all over the country. talking about saving with geico. but that's the important bit, innit? showing up, saying “hello! fancy a nice chat?”
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then we talk like two old friends about sticky buns and all the savings you could get by bundling your home and car insurance. but here's the real secret. eye contact. you feel that? we just had a moment. [chuckles] who would've thought it? geico. save even more when you bundle home and car insurance. ♪ was nacho cheese even a flavor before doritos? ♪ were triangles even a thing? ♪ probably not. doritos. another level.
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this one goes out to jess from her friends. jess, they wanted to say, “good luck on the interview!” ♪ ♪ and uh-oh, i see another mountain to climb ♪ heyyyy! you got this, jess! ♪ but i, i, i got stamina ♪ whoo! go, jess!! ♪ no no no, i'm free to be the greatest, i'm alive ♪ ♪ i'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest ♪ confidence looks great on you. toyota. let's go places. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point.
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then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ "get down with it" by little richard ♪ that second the kitchen moves outside... ♪ and a grill master is born. walmart has fresh food and a whole lot more to summer every second. ♪ ♪ not touching is still touching protection to summer every second. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria. detergent alone, can't. lysol. what it takes to protect. when you're born and raised in san francisco,
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you grow up wanting to make a difference. that'shy, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a differene together.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. tonight, from the film "a quiet place part ii," cillian murphy is with us. then later, a group of young girls who are as cute as they are talented. tonight, in person, punk rock group, the linda lindas will be with us. [ cheers and applause ] and we have a new show for you tomorrow with dj khaled, florence pugh, and music from foushee. please join us for that. our first guest has spent seven years doing desk work on "saturday night live." now you can watch him any day of the week. his new sketch comedy show, "that damn michael che," is on hbo max now. please welcome michael che. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, michael, how are you? >> what's up, man, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. boy, you know, we don't know each other. i feel like we should, but we don't, now here we are. >> i know. this is like the first time i've been on your show. i was starting to feel a little
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personal about that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, where are you right now? you're in ohio, i heard? >> yeah, i went to ohio. staying at my friend's house, just hanging out, you know. >> jimmy: oh, well look at that. [ laughter ] record album. >> oh, that old thing? yeah, i'm on a podcast. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, i know that guy. hey, dave. so you're -- >> hello, jimmy kimmel. i don't want to take away from michael's time but "the midnight miracle" is streaming on luminary and apple tuesday nights. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm on the episode, too, that's on right now. >> michael che, we have michael che on there. [ applause ] >> jimmy: so you're at dave's house. and i'm wondering about this. because dave is -- really, he figured the whole thing out before anybody did. he couldn't go on the road, so he brought the road to him, to his home. he brings comics to his house.
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you guys perform -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- on his land, right? isn't that how it works? >> wait a minute, wait a minute, jimmy. [ laughter ] perform on my land? >> jimmy: that is not correct? you've got a fact checker back there. >> you've got to call it camp david. >> i love that, call it camp david. >> jimmy: 100%, that's a great name for it. >> it's perfect. >> jimmy: it's absolutely perfect. [ laughter ] >> now you have to do it. >> jimmy: you stay in dave's house any know some people who have been involved with these shows. some people stay in a hotel -- >> no. >> jimmy: and some stay in the house. >> yeah, i stay in a local hotel. it's really nice. it's like 200 years old. it's beautiful. [ laughter ] it looks -- it's the whitest house you've ever seen. >> jimmy: he brings you to ohio and puts you in a dirty old
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hotel in town? >> i think it's haunted. it's something. it's a beautiful hotel, i do like it. >> you got to see the place, it's lovely. i saw colonel sanders' ghost one night. [ laughter and applause ] >> it's beautiful. >> jimmy: who else is on the bill? are you doing the show tonight? is that the plan? >> yeah. do we -- can we announce the bill? >> i keep it under wraps, jimmy. >> jimmy: you do? >> just because -- by the time this airs -- >> is this live? >> jimmy: no, no, it's not live, no. >> okay, yeah. >> it's live. my god, man. it's 11:30, the news just went off. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's right. >> of course it's live. >> i've never been on live tv before. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think you'd really like it, yeah. >> no, it's great. >> jimmy: so you guys are doing the show.
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are you still doing it outside? is that the plan tonight? >> yes. yeah. >> we're doing it all outside, jimmy. we do it ow in the cornfield, my neighbor's cornfield, not my land, my neighbor's land. [ cheers and applause ] and it's great. we got a great lineup tonight. tony woods from washington, d.c. we got michael che. we got dane cook. [ cheers and applause ] who i haven't seen in a million years. should be a fun night. >> i can't wait to see lunelle. >> jimmy: who lives in las vegas, which happens to be my hometown. she's out there visiting you guys right now. >> yes, get on the plane, she's going to go straight to the project -- the hotel. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: dave, i feel like -- >> we can't wait. >> jimmy: michael has renamed camp david and the fried chicken hot hotel. by the way, i would pay any amount to stay at the fried chicken hotel. there's no amount that would be too high for me to get a suite at the fried chicken hotel.
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>> you got to go, it's amazing. your clothes smell like fry, it's great. >> jimmy: do you feel like people -- because now these shows are -- you've gone this before, michael, you've been there for one of -- >> oh, yeah, of course. i was -- i think i came -- i think i might have been one of the first kind of -- >> michael was the first to show up. >> i couldn't wait to do it, it was awesome. >> he was, jimmy, he was, for real. >> jimmy: i believe it. it's funny every time you pop in. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> back the light up a little bit. there you go. >> jimmy: you guys, do you feel like the people in the town are starting to get jaded? like, who's up next? i mean, is it -- are they the same people coming to these shows, or are they coming from all over? >> it's really cool, because dave is like -- he's the king of the town. >> no, no, no. listen.
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everyone in town is elated. i got to tell you. some to nominal comedians because i didn't ask them -- they are used to me. >> they're so used to him. >> jimmy, you've got to come. you should come. i don't know if you can have nights off in your line of work. >> i see dave walk up behind old white people, and they don't even flinch at all. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> he needs nothing from us. no, it's a lot of fun, it's dope town, it's really cool. >> great time. >> jimmy: it seems like the best thing ever. yeah, i should. dave, you had letterman there. you guys gave him the history of the town and what's going on and what you guys are up to. yeah, that was -- i know, it seems like a lot of fun, it really does. i wonder if you'll ever leave again. i mean, you could go out now, right? you don't have to do this anymore. >> we love nothing it. it's something that the whole community looks forward to.
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michael's destroyed it. jon stewart came through. wonderful, wonderful, wonderful commentary, some of the best jokes i think anyone -- at a time when people really needed to hear them and timing is everything and it meant a lot. >> no, it is really dope, though. it's a cool -- it's also like a place where you can perform. there's not many of those left. >> jimmy: yeah -- well, yeah. >> it's a cornfield, jimmy, i can't stress this point enough. [ laughter ] [ applause ] it's a cornfield yeah. >> i wouldn't eat the corn that throws there, but it as cornfield. >> jimmy: oh, there's no corn in the field? >> yeah, is there corn in the field? >> no, there's no corn in the field. there's people in the field. they didn't plant because we're out there rocking. it's one of these things -- it's a cultural phenomenon. like literally -- when i see you next, privately, i'll tell you. literally some of the best comedians in the world, came,
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donated their talent, saved the economy for this small little ohio town. it was really wonderful. it was -- it was something that i'm very proud to be a part of and that you should be very proud to be a part of. don't forget, and i can't stress this point enough, "the midnight miracle" is streaming on luminary right now. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. i'm going to take a break. michael che and his pal dave are with us, "that damn michael che" on hbo max right now. be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by adt, america's most trusted smart home security brand. who know an open mind is the only kind. who don't need to travel to find something new. who know where to escape, even just for a moment. who don't need a fortune to find a gem. and who know when you spend less, you can discover even more. and never, ever stop discovering.
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spend less. discover more. at t.j. maxx and marshalls. sweetarts a candy that's just one thing? when i have sweetarts ropes bites? that are sweet and tart?!? why wouldn't i want both??? (vo) ideas exist inside you, shhhhhhhweeetarts. sweetarts. be both. electrify you. that are sweet and tart?!? why wouldn't i want both??? they grow from our imagination, but they can't be held back. they want to be set free. to make the world more responsible, and even more incredible. ideas start the future, just like that. [hippo groans melodically] [iguana belts major 3rd]
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[gator reverb] [splash] [singing indri sings] [elephant trumpets] [buffalo punish timpani] [cassowary crescendo] ♪ [goat does a sick vibrato] ♪
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ice t, stone cold calling on everyone to turn to cold washing with tide. ♪ this is a cold call! ♪ hello, my name is ice t. can you spare a few seconds to learn about cold water washing with tide? hi my name is steve. did you know washing in cold can save you $100 a year on your energy bill. why wouldn't you turn to cold? it helps the environment. what? because stone cold said so. plus, tide cleans great in cold. ♪ this was a cold call! ♪
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honestly, i felt like punching her right in the top of her head, right in the soft spot. >> that's terrible. >> i said, felt like. okay? obviously i wouldn't hit a girl. i don't want to get canceled by the liberal media. hey, do priests have to worry about being canceled? >> no, they just transfer us to another parish. >> that's a good one. >> it was right there, i had to. >> no, i'm going to take that one. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: colin quinn and michael che and "that damn michael che" on hbo max right now. colin quinn is one ofthe funniest guys there is, right? [ cheers and applause ] >> easily, easily. he's like the first person that told me i should do "update." it was really special to have him on the show. >> jimmy: he's another colin who did "update." which "update" colin do you like better? >> oh, quinn by far. [ laughter ] you don't have to finish the
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question, obviously. no. people ask me if me and jost are friends in real life, and it's funny that's even a question, i love jost. >> jimmy: you have a funny thing -- you had a birthday, and before i show this, set this up a little bit. i think it needs it. >> so we always have, like -- our birthdays are very close. it's usually after the season. and we always buy each other these weird gifts or whatever. like -- one time -- hey, we buy each other weird gifts. this time i show up to my house and it's a dinosaur. a giant dinosaur standing in my backyard. yeah, there it is. [ laughter ] he bought me a frigging dinosaur. now my neighbors think i'm either strange or 11 years old. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> i have a weirder gift story. >> jimmy: oh, hey, dave.
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[ laughter ] >> i have a weirder gift story. so sorry to interrupt, but it's a good one. years ago, years ago when i was doing "the chappelle show," it was sean p. diddy combs' birthday. guess what i bought him for his birthday? what do you get the guy that has everything? >> jimmy: a pony? i don't know. >> a shaun john sweat suit. [ cheers and applause ] a velour shaun john sweat suit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he was probably just happy you paid retail for that thing. you know, michael, dave was promoting his podcast. do you have a podcast? >> no -- yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, because you tweeted something about having a podcast, but i can find no record of you having a podcast. >> this day, jimmy, you just got
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to believe. [ laughter ] it's number one, too. >> jimmy: it's number one. >> it's a big deal, people are looking for it. look out for my podcast, man. it's a big deal. >> jimmy: congratulations, yeah. on your podcast. is that something that you're interested in doing? because it does seem like that's something you have to do now. >> all my friends have podcasts. everybody has a podcast. they're getting all this love for their podcasts. and i don't really want to make a podcast. so i'm trying to get the props for the work of doing a podcast. if you want to listen to a podcast -- >> listen to "midnight miracle" streaming on luminary right now. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: by the way, michael, first of all, your show is very funny, "that damn michael che." [ cheers and applause ] it's amazing you are as prolific as you are. i want to tell you, i learned something i didn't know, and i love learning something like this. because it's just a strange
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thing. tell me if this is true. is that in the black community, of which we are -- >> oh-oh. >> jimmy: -- both a part -- >> easy, jimmy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's an idea that if you become famous, that means you did something gay. >> well, jimmy, i'd love to answer that question. >> don't answer it, michael! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> i can't. oh my god. the fact that you watched my show and feel like you learned something, you have no idea how happy that makes me, because i'm a huge fan of yours and i love this show. seriously, thank you for even taking the time to watch it. >> jimmy: you're very kind. i appreciate that. you have a lot of funny appearances from your fellow "snl" castmates in this thing. >> yeah, man. they really helped.
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>> jimmy: also, i wanted to ask you about a sketch in which -- you're on the subway. this guy starts harassing you about not wearing a mask on the subway. and then, well -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: it widens out to reveal he's completely naked other than the mask. [ laughter ] >> i wish i could tell you that's the first penis i've seen on a train, jimmy, but i cannot, as a new yorker. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: when you are -- you wrote that sketch, i assume? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: when you're writing a sketch, are you thinking about the reality of it? because like on "snl," you're doing "update." you're not usually in these situations. even when you are there, they're mostly live, you get through them quickly. but being on a subway, with a naked man, seems like an experience most people don't have. >> yeah, you never -- when you -- you know how it is. when you're writing a bit you always just think of the writing of the bit, you think of the jokes. when you actually have to shoot
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it, you're like, i got to look at this guy's penis for eight hours. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. >> this would have been better as a story i tell. [ laughter ] as opposed to actual standup. but no. >> i can't stress enough. eight hours is an enormous amount of time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, this was fun. this is the most fun i've had this year so far, it really was. [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, man. you got to come. you got do come out, man, seriously, it's a blast, man. we've had fun all frigging week. >> jimmy: there would be nothing more fun for me. thanks to both of you for taking some time. thank you, dave. dave, do you have anything you'd like to plug before we go? [ laughter ] >> you know what, jimmy? when you say it like that, no. [ laughter ] here's what i want to plug. >> jimmy: okay. >> i want to invite you to come out, man. we're having a blast. [ cheers and applause ]
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great comedy is happening. and the only way to see this is to be here. please, come on out and see this. it's wonderful. >> jimmy: well, listen, i will take you up on that. i would love to come. dave chappelle, michael che. "that damn michael che" on hbo max right now. thanks, fellows. be right back with cillian murphy! itchy? scratchy? family not getting clean? get charmin ultra strong. it just cleans better, so your family can use less.
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>> jimmy: hi, there. we are back.
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music from the linda lindas is on the way. you know our next guest from five seasons as tommy shelby on "peaky blinders," now you can see him whisper his way through the number one movie in the country -- "a quiet place part ii." >> i can't help you. >> emmitt. emmitt. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "a quiet place part ii" is in theaters now, please wlcome cillian murphy. [ cheers and applause ] hi, cillian, how are you? >> jimmy, how's it going? good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well.
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you've got a tough act to follow tonight, unless dave chappelle is hiding behind that couch. [ laughter ] >> i know. unfortunately. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm okay, i'm okay. >> jimmy: you're in ireland, right? >> yeah. dublin city. >> jimmy: what time is it there right now? >> it's -- it's like 1:00 a.m. >> jimmy: ah, so are there people sleeping in your house right now? >> yes. but i'm in the basement, so they're up there. >> jimmy: i see, all right, very good. by the way, you know, emily blunt was here last week. it's weird, because "a quite place part ii," you had the big premiere in new york like 14 months ago or something. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and everybody -- and it was -- everybody loved it. and then -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: then you just had nothing, no one else saw it for a full year, more than a year after that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which is -- i don't know, that's probably never happened, nothing like that has ever happened before. i mean, that's very strange. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you remember that
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night and the whole -- and the deal, what was going on? >> yeah, well, you remember. i mean, the whole world was in this kind of state of anxiety. and everyone was so sort of unsure of what was happening. and we were just kind of getting on with it, doing the press and everything. then we went, did the premiere. people loved the movie. and then -- >> jimmy: you had a party and everything, right?pafter the mo? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we had a really tense after party. like, we all loved the movie, it was a great response, but it didn't feel like a party atmosphere, necessarily. >> jimmy: no, not at all. are the movie theaters open in ireland now? or are they still closed there? >> next week, i believe. >> jimmy: oh, next week, very good. all right, so the movie -- i assume, based on that haircut, either you're engaged in a lawsuit with supercuts or you're still shooting "peaky blinders"? [ laughter ] >> i finished on friday, last friday. >> jimmy: ah, you did. that's the last season, season 6 of the show?
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>> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: did you take anything? did you snatch a memento, a razor blade or anything from the set? [ laughter ] >> you know, i can't -- i don't really -- i can't ever wear a flat cap walking around. i did take one of his nicely tailored coats. they're made for me, it was very beautiful. i took that as a memento. >> jimmy: i thought this was interesting, especially after doing all of these seasons of "peaky blinders," that you're on that calm app, that meditation app, you read a story on that thing. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, it's acting, reading. i guess it's a similar thing. how do you approach making it interesting and also trying to put people to sleep? >> yeah, it's a strange direction to get. because you have to be, i suppose, kind of dully so thy soporific. it's a dull story about ireland, and i'm a big fan of sleeping.
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[ laughter ] anything i can do to put other people to sleep, i'm all for that. it's the only gig i had during lockdown, so i was very happy. >> jimmy: it's one of the most popular audio pieces on the app, i believe. >> well, i think, you know -- i think harry styles is on there as well, i bet he gets more hits than i do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i feel like he's not putting as many people to sleep, you know? i feel like maybe people are tuning in with a different -- for a different reason with harry. >> that could be true. i can't fulfill that, no. >> jimmy: you were in a band when you were a kid, right? that's kind of how you -- your first experience in performing? >> yeah. yeah, that's really what i wanted to do. like a lot of actors i talk to, you know. failed or frustrated musicians. that was for a long time, all through my formative years, early 20s, that's what i wanted to do. it didn't work out. >> jimmy: would you consider yourself to be failed or frustrated? or both? >> i think a bit of both, really. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what was the name of the band that you're in?
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>> oh. so we were heavily into frank zappa when we were -- still am. but we discovered frank zappa at a very sort of -- that age where you just absorb things. and he was the -- he blew our minds. so we loved his album "hot rats" that he made i think in '69. there was a tune on that record called "sons of mr. green jeans." we nicked that. >> jimmy: i know on "peaky blinders," you have well-known, great musicians contributing songs to the sound transaction. i think -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: who else was on that soundtrack? >> oh, man. we've had -- we've been really lucky. nick cave has been generous, radiohead, p.j. harvey, tom waits, white stripes. >> jimmy:are you involved in that at all, as far as contacting these people or talking to them about it? >> i do what i can. the times that i've met musicians, they seem to really
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like the show. maybe it's because of the music. or the teams. i don't really know. they seem to be into it and they've been really generous in giving the music, like i said. >> jimmy: right. i don't know that there's any other show that has a soundtrack that is that -- i mean, maybe since "the sopranos" or something like that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's that heavy, you know. >> we're really lucky. it all started with nick cave, that tune," red right hand," set the tone. >> jimmy: he planted the bad seeds. and from a soundtrack grew. >> there you go. >> jimmy: i don't think i can end it more poetically than that. [ laughter ] the movie is very good and very scary. "a quiet place part ii" is the movie. it is in theaters, movie theaters, we can go to them in america now. cillian murphy, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, cillian, appreciate it. get some rest. we'll be back with the linda lindas! remember when driving was fun.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> jimmy: and now making their late-night television debut, with the songs, "racist sexist boy" and "claudia kishi" -- the linda lindas! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ racist, sexist boy you are a racist sexist boy ♪ ♪ and to have really dangerous toys fake dance shoot ♪ ♪ and destroy you are a racist sexist boy ♪ ♪ you say mean stuff and you close your mind to things you don't like ♪ ♪ you turn away from what you don't wanna see racist sexist boy ♪
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♪ you are a racist sexist boy and you have racist ♪ ♪ sexist joys we rebuild what you destroy you are a racist ♪ ♪ sexist boy you say mean stuff and you close your mind to ♪ ♪ things you don't like you turn away from what you don't wanna hear poser ♪ ♪ riffraff jerkface ♪ ♪ hater racist sexist boy ♪ ♪ you are a racist sexist boy ♪
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♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh her style's funky cool and fun ♪ ♪ and to me she is number one she's not afraid ♪ ♪ to wear all pink she don't care what people think ♪ ♪ i am claudia kishi you are claudia kishi she is claudia kishi ♪ ♪ we are claudia kishi hollowed out books to hide her treats ♪ ♪ they stay in time she goes off beat ♪ ♪ she wears red high tops without socks her sense of style ♪ ♪ it really rocks i am claudia kishi you are claudia kishi ♪ ♪ she is claudia kishi we are claudia kishi junk food art ♪ ♪ style and mystery
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talkin' bout claudia kishi junk food art ♪ ♪ style and mystery talkin' bout claudia kishi junk food art ♪ ♪ style and mystery talkin' bout claudia kishi junk food art ♪ ♪ style and mystery talkin' bout claudia kishi i am claudia kishi ♪ ♪ you are claudia kishi she is claudia kishi we are claudia kishi ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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♪start spreading the news♪ ♪i'm leaving today♪ ♪i want to be a part of it♪ ♪new york, new york♪ ♪it's up to you♪ ♪new york, new york♪ ♪new york♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was fun. i want to thank michael che, cillian murphy, and these ladies, the linda lindas. that was very well done. are you in the market for a clarinet player? i'd like to join the band. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. good night, everybody.
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♪ >> tonight, the parents taking action after heartbreak. >> we're not going after the responsible gun owners, we're going after the negligent gun owners. >> their son one of thousands of children killed by guns. >> we realize that you lose a child, you gain a mission. >> the reality in america fueling one family's fight to protect the vulnerable and prevent the senseless. plus saving the ocean one pearl at a time. >> they require no feed, no fresh water, no land to produce. and they're doing something good for the environment. >> the pricey seafood slammed by the pandemic now riding the conservation wave, helping oystermen as well as the future.


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