tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 8, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
stay tuned for jimmy kimmel. good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, tom hiddleston, maya erskinee and anna konkle, and music from chiiild, and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for joining us. it's tuesday, taco tuesday to some, depending upon your religious beliefs. and this one got off to a rough start. the internet was down for almost an hour today. multiple major websites crashed this morning due to an outage at a cloud services company called "fastly." which sounds like it was named by donald trump demanding a diet coke. amazon, cnn, "the new york times," pinterest, twitch,
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google, ebay and more were all offline for 50 minutes. lading to the world's most productive hour in the last 30 years. but it all came back, thank goodness. everyone in the world hit control-alt-delete at the same time and voila! the ichbt internet is back. it is also very hot in a lot of the country. a record-breaking heat wave is waving. six states saw record highs yesterday. and some of them are also being hit with a horde of cicadas. it's never a good sign when a weathr forecast ends with, "just as the bible foretold." but it has been happening. these cicadas are noisy insects that emerge after 17 years underground to mate. like a bunch of horny teenagers on prom night. the reason they all come out at the same time is because it makes it impossible for predators to eat all of them at once. it's like bottomless breadsticks at olive garden but for bugs.
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and we'll see what happens. the cicada of presidents, donald trump, is planning to re-emerge for some paid live appearances. trump is teaming up with bill o'reilly for a series of live events they're calling "the history tour." which was also the name of michael jackson's tour 25 years ago. and wait until you hear those two do "the girl is mine." it's quite the duet. they're planning to do four shows and tickets go on sale next week. so if you enjoyed charlie sheen's violent torpedo of truth tour, but weren't so excited about the "truth" part this might be your thing. donald trump's former lawyer could use a lawyer right now after cnn released what could turn out to be the second-most damaging tape of rudy giuliani. remember trump's "perfect call" with the ukrainian president? the one he got impeached for? all that quid pro quo stuff? well, a few weeks before that call in july of 2019, his
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routed rudy dialed up a senior ukrainian official to put the squeeze on. and now audio from that call has leaked. most likely from rudy's hair. cnn got their hands on a recording in which rudy g. can be heard repeatedly pressing ukrainian officials who at the time were desperate for the u.s. support that would desperately hold their ground. trump decided to withhold that would help them hold their ground against the russian army. and you're not gonna believe what a coincidence this is but at that same time, rudy was leaning on them to announce that they were investigating joe biden. this is what giuliani wanted the president of ukraine to do. >> if he could make some statement at the right time that he supports a fair, honest law enforcement system and that these investigations go where they have to go and be run by honest people that is correct would clear the air referrally well, and i think it would make it possible for me to come and make it possible, i think, for me to talk to the president and see what i can do about making
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sure that whatever misunderstandings are put aside and maybe even, i kind of think this could be a good thing for having a much better relationship where we really understand each other. >> jimmy: what is in his mouth? a hard candy in there. there you go. he lays it all out. nothing subtle about that at all. he's like, "you guys like quid? well, we got some primo quid, but we're gonna need some quo. and donald trump is very pro quo." giuliani is being investigated by federal prosecutors. this guy all he does is dig up dirt whether it's on biden or just trying to get out of his grave every morning. he's a dirt digger. and he could be in a lot of trouble for it. if you listen closely to that call you can hear even his teeth are trying to distance themselves from his mouth. this is an encouraging statistic. more americans support same-sex marriage than ever before. after thinking it would bring
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the end of the world, 70% are now in favor of it. it's amazing how far we've come in such a long time. i mentioned last night that it's pride month. and a number of american companies are embracing that fact. including burger king. burger king has an lgbtq+ spin on their new chicken sandwich "during #pride month (even on sundays) your chicken sandwich craving can do good! we are making a donation to @hrc for every ch'king sold" this is a not so-subtle shot at chick-fil-a. which is not open on sundays. chick mate. in other words. and while you may be wondering what makes the ch'king an lgbtq plus-friendly sandwich the secret is all their chickens are gay. and it's specific to that restaurant chain, yes. even apple has a special "pride
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edition" of their watch. are you worried that if you laugh at that you might get in trouble? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's a confusing time, it really is. apple yesterday, the company, not the fruit, unveiled all the new features for ios 15. there's a lot of new stuff. on facetime you can now schedule calls, blur your background, and see everyone on the call in a grid view. in other words, they invented zoom. apple is also updating its mobile wallet with digital keys that will let users remotely unlock everything from their car to their front doors. so you better make sure your phone is charged, otherwise you're sleeping in the yard. and this was the big one, this was the new thing everyone was talking about today. a new feature that allows you to listen to music and watch videos remotely with a friend.
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♪ ♪ >> technology plays a bigger role in our lives than anytime in history, which is why in 2021 is making it easier than every to accidentally share your porn. we made it easier to screen share porn on the family tv. then we connected all your devices so you can see exactly what your father-in-law's searching for on the ipad you let him borrow. now with an unintentional swipe of a pinky, you can invite a random contact to watch whatever video you're currently watching, especially porn. we've also updated your camera. now you can sdechbtaccidently s link to your front facing camera to your boss, your friends, your entire contact list, even when you're pleasuring yourself.
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especially when you're pleasuring yourself. and lastly, we've been able to do something called health sharing, where you can monitor the health levels of your loved ones. let's say your mom and dad's heart rates simultaneously increase on the night of their anniversary. you'll sooef you'll receive a notification. tere you have it. daddy's getting some of that mommy honey good. real good. see you next year, you disgusting porno pigs. >> jimmy: that's great new stuff there. i honestly feel like people would be more excited if apple started taking features away. like, "starting on wednesday, no one can ever leave you a voicemail again." as you probably know, prince harry and meghan markle had a baby girl here in california on friday.
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up in santa barbara. and obviously this is a big score for us. the last time we had a royal baby around here was when queen latifah was born. it's been quite some of time. so we went out on hollywood boulevard and we asked people for their thoughts on a bunch of made up stuff in tonight's royal baby edition of "lie witness news." ♪ ♪ >> we're talking about the new royal baby that was just born. they streamed the birth on twitch, did you watch that? >> yeah, i caught a few clips of it. it was interesting. >> what did you think of it? what was the quality of that birth on twitch? >> definitely nothing short of spectacular. you could tell there was a lot of money behind it. it was a great watch for anybody who enjoys whatever the crown is up to. >> what was your reaction when you watched that? >> gruesome. childbirth for women is becoming more normal for women.
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we're not surprised. it's a shocking sight to see when you look at it's gesome. >> who were you watching that with? >> myself. i was just going through tiktok and it came on my page a,, i wa like, whoa, this is different. you don't see childbirth that often on tiktok at all >> what did you think when the queen came out with a statement after the baby was born that she was also pregnant. was she just trying to steal some of meghan's thunder? >> that's kind of we're that ire would say that right then. >> are you disappointed with queen? >> yeah. >> why don't you look in the camera and tell her. >> you should be wanting to uplift other women and make them feel like queens as well. i don't like that, queen. >>shhi nam a
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rl grge. wh think of that name? >> if it's a tradition and that's something they're comfortable with, i don't. >> and george's middle name, kastansington. >> is there a special meaning behind the name? >> i don't know. i think it's a name about nothing. >> does that make herr mo more people person, having the baby on the floor of a walmart bathroom? >> it was bold. >> what was your thought of when they decided to have the traditional british birth squatting in a kiddie pool with earl grey tea.tent f >> no.he a she had like a normal delivery,
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without any tea. >> were you surprised to hear that meghan had twins and put one up for adoption? how did that make you feel? >> that was, that was a surprise, because i don't believe that no child should be treated differently than the other one. or loved differently than the other one. >> would you like to congratulate the baby that she did keep? >> yeah, congratulations. you made it. >> the royals say she has the full long name. >> right. >> carol bonmayor, ruffin rupaul ruefchb ruefenia doubtfire. >> congratulations westmerther kensington. >> welcome to the world. >> congratulations prince henry and meghan mccain.
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>> jimmy: we've got a good show for you tonight. from "pen fifteen" maya erskine and anna konkle are here. we have music from chiiild. and we'll be right back with loki himself, tom hiddleston. stick around. so stick around! we are thrilled we finally found >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by geico. (sfx: branches rustle) it is bear country though. hey boo-boo! we hit the jackpot! bear! bear! bear! look, corn on the cob! oohh chicken! don't mind if i do! they're hungry. t-bone! that's what i call a smorgasbord! at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. they do save us a ton of money. we'll take the cobbler to go! good idea, yogi. i'm smarter than the average bear! they're gone, dad! for bundling made easy, go to where there's commitment... there's confidence. where there's teamwork... there's trust. wherever there's hope... we'll be there to take care.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. tonight, from the very funny show "pen 15" on hulu, maya erskine and anna konkle are with us. then later, he is from montreal. his album "hope for sale" comes out july 23rd, music from chiiild. [ cheers and applause ] you'll like this, he's good. tomorrow night, liam neeson and gugu mbatha-raw will join us with music from t-pain and kehlani. and thursday, president
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bill clinton, james patterson, wiz khalifa, and music from jackson browne. [ cheers and applause ] so please join us for both of those. you know our first guest as the asgardian god of mischief and brother to thor. his highly anticipated new series "loci" premieres like in a few hours on disney plus. say hello to tom hiddleston. [ cheers and applause ] how are you doing? >> i'm doing good, jimmy, how are you? >> jimmy: doing well. we'll talk about the loci thing in a minute. you're in london now? >> yes, i'm in london. it's coming up for 1:00 in the morning. >> oh. >> i'm happy to be here, happy to talk to you. this is an exciting day. you know. it's wednesday for me. and wednesdays, we know loki comes out on wednesdays so here we are. >> jimmy: also, is everybody talking about the royal baby? you know it's ours, right?
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it belongs to us. [ laughter ] she's an american, we already bought her a jet ski. >> it's known, it's known, don't worry about that. >> jimmy: you had a big premiere there, right? is that the case? >> yeah, we did. it was like -- it was -- it was just so nice to be out of the house. [ laughter ] it's been awhile. we had it in the tate modern, the extraordinary building, the museum on the south bank of the river thames. and everybody -- they decked the whole place out. the screen was a four-sided blue cube. >> jimmy: oh. >> like the tesseract. loki is a fan of that object, as you know. >> jimmy: yeah sure, yeah. >> it was kind of amazing to walk into -- i haven't been around that many people in 18 mon months.
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>> jimmy: you turned 40 this year. did you celebrate? >> thank you for reminding me. >> jimmy: it's very young, especially in asgard years, it's very young. >> yeah, that's what i thought, i haven't quite made the calculation. yeah, 40. i was actually -- believe it or not, the day i turned 40, i was on set as loki. and i was reflecting on the fact that when i turned 30, i was also on set as loki. >> jimmy: oh. >> in the first "thor" movie. i've been playing this character for over a quarter of my life, which kind of blew my mind. >> jimmy: will you be happy or upset if 50 happens and you're loki still on the set? [ laughter ] >> i'll be amazed, i'll be amazed. ayou may have just written the future, let's wait and see what happens. >> jimmy: i'm glad you mentioned that. chris hemsworth posted on instagram a photograph of you guys meeting for the first time, and you appear to have scripts in front of you. so this was taken basically 10
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years ago, 11 years ago, something like that? >> i think that was basically 2009. we just got cast. and it was the first time i met chris. we were at kenneth branagh's house in england. and i -- all i see when i look at that photo is inaccessible youth. >> jimmy: inaccessible youth? all i see that is chris is dressed like a valet parker at caesars palace. [ laughter ] this is a costume attempt or what was going on here? >> it's interesting, because we just met, chris was thor, i was loki. kenneth branagh had an idea. i think he went into an old wardrobe, pulled out these colors. thor's cape is red, loki's cape is green. i think those costumes are from his movies of henry v and hamlet. [ laughter ] but my abiding memory of that day was chris hemsworth walking through the door and my first
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thought was, oh, they've cast the right actor. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: because you had auditioned for thor as well as loki, right? >> right, yes. >> jimmy: this is great too, this is that same -- i think right around that same time. marvel rolls dice, casts no-names for "thor." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> it's true, they took a big gamble. you know, look what happened. >> jimmy: yeah. >> somebody -- somebody up there made a decision. >> jimmy: hollywood has a way of making you feel good, i think that's the message here. [ laughter ] >> true. >> jimmy: you know, we had chris on the show remotely, he was in his house in australia. and he has two of thor's hammers. i don't know if he's acquired or stolen or been gifted them from the set. [ laughter ] >> i've seen them, actually, i've seen them. >> jimmy: you did, yeah. >> yeah, because we filmed "ragnarok" over there. i went to his house. i saw it, it was right there,
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yeah. [ laughter ] pretty impressive. >> jimmy: did you take anything? because loki has knives sometimes, of course the -- >> he has the horns. i'm ashamed to say i have nothing quite so iconic as the horns. i did have a look, if you wait one second, i have this. >> jimmy: okay. oh, look at that, it was a chair he was sitting on the whole time. [ laughter ] >> remember this? >> jimmy: a scarf. no, i don't. i do not remember that. was that in kenneth's closet too? [ laughter ] >> loki comes down to visit thor in the first movie. and he's wearing this scarf. >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] wow. >> that's what i got, there you go. >> jimmy: that's all you got, huh? >> loki is worthy too. >> jimmy: i hate to bring up an
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ununcomfortable subject. but matt damon also -- matt damon plays an actor playing loki in "thor: ragnarok." >> right. >> jimmy: i believe in this upcoming -- oh, my -- first of all, i don't know who decided to put that up on screen but let's never do that again. [ laughter ] since we did, let's take another look. a look of peer constipation. [ laughter ] >> yeah. look at him. there he is. >> jimmy: were you disappointed that -- when you found out he would be playing your character? >> loki, as we know, contains multitudes. and somehow contains matt damon. >> jimmy: there you go. [ laughter ] >> even in that suit. >> jimmy: yeah. >> there's a thing where -- there's a thing where you -- like you always bump him from your show, right? >> jimmy: it's not a thing. it's just a scheduling issue, yeah. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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it's not like i do it on purpose. >> i mean, it was like -- you know, i feel kind of like matt's bumped me from my own character. >> jimmy: yes! that's right! he's always taking things that don't belong to him. trying to get into places where he's unwelcome. [ laughter ] that's exactly right. thank you for that. >> yeah, well -- all i can say is, you know -- next time there's a new jason bourne movie, you know, maybe in another reality there's another jason bourne who might show up around the corner. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know what you'd be a much -- you'd an million times better as jason bourne. but for now you're loki. tom hiddleston is with us. we're going to see a clip from "loki" after this, be right back! (music)
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on behalf of the time variance authority, i hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline. hands up. you're coming with us. >> i'm sorry -- who's us? >> last chance, variant. >> it's been a very long day. and i think i've had my fill of idiots in armored suits telling me what to do. so if you don't mind, this is actually your last chance. now get out of my way. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is todd hiddleston as loki, which
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premieres in just a few hours on disney plus. first of all, i have to tell you, i love this loki. and you know what, i just love these marvel shows. and you are so great in this role. and i wonder, like how did that happen? i know this is a dumb question. but how did that happen to your face? [ laughter ] >> so a little insight into that. there was definitely a special camera, which is super, super slo-mo, a certain number of frames per second. >> jimmy: h. >> and basically, i had to do like special slo-mo acting. slow-motion acting. >> jimmy: huh. >> i think you can probably -- you might be able to do it on your phone. but if you -- i can't remember when i learnt this. i wanted to recreate that thing you sometimes see, like a super slow motion thing, because the impact would be -- would like make -- there you go. >> jimmy: yeah. >> to cisee, to explain.
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what i did is basically blew a raspberry with my mouth. >> jimmy: oh. >> like if you get a slow-motion camera, and you go -- like that. >> jimmy: oh. >> i can't explain it. >> jimmy: oh. wow. the tricks of the trade. [ laughter ] >> there you go, man. three years at drama school. >> jimmy: right. [ laughter ] >> classical training. but at the end of the day, just blow a raspberry and it will look great. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it did look great and the show is great. and i have to be honest, i feel so dumb watching these shows because it's just like i'm 7 years old and i'm saying things to my wife, telling my wife about loki, and she doesn't care at all. [ laughter ] i mean, she couldn't care less about it. i'm like, "yeah, no, loki is a norse god, the god of mischief, a real god, from enfornorse
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mythology." she's like what the hell are you talking about? [ laughter ] when you went to shoot this, was everyone on the set familiar with the story of loki? >> yes, some were. some were. some were familiar with some aspects, less familiar with other aspects. there was a moment where, in order to synchronize watches and get everyone on the same page, the director, kate heron, asked me to -- to kind of give a loki lecture. >> jimmy: oh. >> what we call a sort of -- like a little sort of -- really shambolic amateur powerpoint presentation. [ laughter ] with sort of, you know, clips and a white board and a few pens. and i sat down, actually, with owen wilson, who plays mobius in the show. >> jimmy: yeah, mobius. >> and he kind of has to -- mobius knows everything about loki, probably knows loki better than loki. so -- so, yeah, owen i think was
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a keen student of loki school. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: owen doesn't strike me as a comic book guy just in general. >> i mean -- i don't -- you'll have to ask him. i think he was -- he was definitely -- you know, he listened very attentively. but i don't know if that's -- if that was his anchor, for sure. >> jimmy: yeah. although owen always seems like he's listening very attentively, then sometimes you find out that he wasn't. [ laughter ] >> you might be right, you might be right about that. >> jimmy: he's going to be here next week, you'll see as i talk to him. he'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it's great. i'm sure you're pretty happy with the reaction that you've been getting. we get into the multiverse, which i almost kind of understand now. it's like -- do you understand
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it fully? >> absolutely not. [ laughter ] no idea what's going on. >> jimmy: correct me if i'm wrong, but the basic idea is if you screw with the path of time, it has to be corrected, and there is an organization, the tva, that will correct that for the good of the world, or the universe, i guess. >> 10 out of 10. >> jimmy: thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] you see that? i am listening. >> you graduate from loki school, jimmy. yes, exactly right. so there's a -- yeah, time is not linear. there are many different timelines where different characters do different things. and they -- and so this organization, the tva, they're kind of like the gardeners of time, that's how they call themselves. if a branch grows off that's not supposed to be there, they just step in and prune it. they're like keeping the garden of time tidy. then questions like, well, hang
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on, who gets to choose what reality is the one we see? so are the tva something that's a good force in the universe, or are they maybe something -- >> jimmy: yeah, i would just recommend if you're staying up all night tonight, as many people do for -- so you can watch it right when it premieres, good good and baked and enjoy the tva. [ laughter ] "loki" on disney plus coming in a couple of hours. tom hiddleston, thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] be right back with maya erskine and anna konkle! our life's work may never be seen. or heard it's time for change. lifewtr is on a mission to fill the world with creativation,
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: music from chiiild is on the way. on this national best friends day, our next guests play two of the most awkward middle school best friends in tv history. they are the co-creators and co-stars of the "pen "pen "pen15" on hulu now. please welcome maya erskine and anna konkle! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. >> oh my god, people! >> jimmy: do you know it was national best friends today? >> we just found out. >> we hugged. >> jimmy: and you'r are.
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>> yeah, for real. >> jimmy: for how long are you best friends? >> 22. it happened late. >> jimmy: we're not going to say how many years, but when we were 22. >> jimmy: did you have other best friends who were dethroned or demoted? >> did you? >> not dethroned but i feel like you did take precedence in my life. >> jimmy: wow. >> but we're on tv, so the answer is no. [ laughter ] >> good call. >> jimmy: the show is very funny. and the title is one of the great titles of all time. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: are there people who don't get it? >> a lot of people. i feel like the first season especially, people would call it "penis" and we'd have to correct them. but it's this odd thing. you know, when we were kids, people would write, do you want to be part of the pen 15 club? you say yes, because you're desperate to fit in. they write it on your hand with a sharpie. >> jimmy: we'd do it
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differently. we'd say, do you want to be part of the pen club? i'm pen 14, do you want to be pen 14? [ laughter ] then you write "pen 15" on the hand, and presumably there would be a pen 16, but really, everybody's laughing at you. [ laughter ] >> i'm having flashbacks of that happening and i blocked it out, then called the show "pen15" but don't remember the true origin. >> that's right, yeah. >> jimmy: the characters have your names based on your lives in middle school, but you are adults, obviously. but the other -- the weird thing about the show, one of the weird things about show, is that it's like weird that you're adults with child actors, but like after about three minutes you kind of forget. >> i don't feel that way when we're editing. >> jimmy: no, you don't. >> it's every wrinkle, every -- actually, we were doing color, coloring the show. and the colorist kept being like, do you want me to take the wrinkles out? because i can dewrinkle.
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me. >> right, right. >> i decided to keep them. we feel it's more authentically freakish. [ laughter ] >> i think what's odd is that always on set, we want to look as reject-y as possible, but always turn to each other and be like, "but wait, do i look too hot right now? be honest." makeup would be like, "no, you're good, you're good, you're fine." [ laughter and applause. >> jimmy: what's the right answer? your mom plays your mom on the show. was she an actor beforehand? >> absolutely not, no. >> jimmy: did you have to convince her to do this? >> i had to convince them to let her do it. a little bit i did have to convince her. she was really nervous, but then kind of, you know, fit in and has actually grown into this amazing actor. >> incredible actress, yeah. but she's also kind of a diva now i would say. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, really? >> she was like the last act tore close her contract because she had issues with dates, was like pushing, pushing back. >> someone said, we're having
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trouble closing one of the contracts, they didn't say your mom at first. >> yeah. >> jimmy: wait a minute, you got to the point where the lawyers had to reach out to you guys? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: to close the deal? >> for my mom. >> jimmy: turned out it was your mom? [ laughter ] >> they're like, can you talk to her? i was like, yeah, mom what job do you have? >> she's like, i want to go to vienna. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: anna, does your mother want to be on the show now? >> i think she would like that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not happening? >> i can indirectly ask. >> i think she'd be great. maya's tried to bring me on the show, which i feel bad. she's going to watch. hey, mom. [ laughter ] but yeah, she's she's very -- alex too, my partner, she'd be an amazing actress. so many emotions. >> true. >> it would come through on screen. i did an audition with her recently, because covid left me no options. again no offense to her.
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[ laughter ] i usually would do it with you or whatever, but she was in my pod. it was like a period piece. and i think it was for -- i was playing someone with nine personalities or something. and i don't get dramatic auditions often. so i'm like, this is important, this is going to be great. and it was like reading with a narrator, or like someone in "game of thrones." like every line was like, "and how does that make you feel?" then i was like -- i'm trying to be as grounded as possible, so it was really, really awkward. i got really mad. inappropriate. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i love the idea that you get mad at your mom because she doesn't know how to act, even though she's not an actor. >> that's true, that's mean, that's mean. >> jimmy: that's one of the great things about being a parent. you guys are now parents. boy, this is something else, that you are best friends, you do the show together, then you both get pregnant at roughly the same time. by the same man, yes? >> yes. >> yes. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> obviously.
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>> jimmy: end up having babies within how much time of each other? >> two months. >> nine weeks out. >> jimmy: that's the greatest, right? >> it's surreal. >> it actually is the best, to have a friend, a best friend, go through it at the same time. i feel bad, though, because she's two months ahead of me, so she's kind of giving me -- >> not really. >> i don't know anything, but we're sharing. >> jimmy: your baby's the rough draft. [ laughter ] >> yes. yeah, then she gets to perfect it, right. yeah, yeah. cool, cool, cool. >> we met a few days ago for the first time. >> jimmy: really? >> finally got vaccinated. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> it was really special. >> jimmy: did they seem to take a liking to each other? >> i think they love each other, i'm going to say it. >> yeah. >> i don't think they were coexisting, i think they were staring deep into each others' eyes. >> souls. >> truly connecting. >> a lot of inappropriate grabbing of faces. >> licking, stuff like that. but i loved it. >> jimmy: well, yeah, you're going to have to talk to them
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about that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's not allowed, that's not acceptable. >> you're right. >> jimmy: what a dream come true. you cans force them too much or it will never happen. >> true, yeah. >> jimmy: you should probably keep them away from each other. >> hm. >> jimmy: that works, right? >> we think they're going to grow up and be like, oh, yeah, i've known essy -- >> you can say it. >> sorry. essy her daughter's name, forever. but her parents are family friends and i really hate her. we think they're going to get to that point, then fall back in love. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, the show is very, very funny. congratulations on all the episodes of "pen15" which means penis, on hulu now. [ laughter ] maya erskine, anna konkle, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with chiiild. we want to be the firstow to give everyone the joy of 5g. by giving every customer a new 5g phone, on us. aha!
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, hope for the long haulers? covid survivors suffering for months, no end to their misery. >> i couldn't drive because i had such bad brain fog. >> now on a road to recovery. is there a link to vaccine? >> there are so many people suffering, we don't have any time to waste. plus, fight, grind, repeat. bobby bones, the radio star, taking a beating on his new show. >> oh god, my body is trembling. oh my god. >> telling stories of grit and determination. and trying not to get killed. far from home. the wandering elephants making it in the big city. ♪ every bubble
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