tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 14, 2021 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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i'm dan ashleyful we appreciate your time. right >>announcer: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- elisabeth moss. omar sy. and music from valerie june. and now -- jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: oh, hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thanks for clapping and for watching and future joining us. i appreciate it. i hope your weekend was good. by the way, guillermo is not here tonight. he's sick. all that's left is the stool. the doctor said he ate a bad pinata. so we wish him well, even though there is no chance he is watching this, like less than none. better chance he's at the ballet tonight than watching the show right now. on a personal note we had a big day family wise today.
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my wife's sister, kelly, my sister in law, and brother-in-law, eric, had a baby today. their first baby. a girl. one of the girl babies. so my wife has been at the hospital since yesterday. so i had the kids myself last night and this morning. i was waiting for applause. i wasn't expecting laughter. billy, our son, who is 4 years old, this morning says to me, with a great deal of delight, he says "mom's a heart and you're a fart." i was proud and mad at the same time. i didn't know what to do. the good news is we have a new baby in our family. the bad news is that baby has to share a birthday with this baby, donald trump today. donald trump jr. wished his dad a happy birthday by posting one of the foofiest photos ever taken of a president or anyone ever.
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i guess djtj didn't have any pictures where his dad was hugging him so, this was the next best thing. but it is a special day. 75 years ago today, a racist slumlord, and his wife welcomed a beautiful baby boy, donald january trump, who went on to become our first pumpkin president. trump also got a shout out from his former lawyer, and possible future cellmate, rudy giuliani. who tweeted, "happy birthday, president trump! everyone says they miss your policies!" you know, i was just saying the other day how much i miss his policies. what were they again? i don't know he had them. unfortunately for trump, he will never get to see these affectionate tweets because he is banned from twitter. he is not allowed on it, and that is a shame, because no one gets more excited than donald trump's birthday than the birther-day boy himself. >> tomorrow america will celebrate a very important anniversary, the 245th birthday of the united states army.
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unrelated, going to be my birthday also. and all i did is put out if you would like to meet. he sent me a very beautiful birthday card. >> the chairman of nbc called me. it was my birthday. and it was 7:00 in the morning. and he called. he said donald, i just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. happy birthday, donald.said - my wife said who was that? that was the chairman of nbc. they wished me a happy birthday before you did. >> he wrote me a beautiful letter on birthdays. birthday last week. >> they all called to wish me a happy birthday yesterday. >> we started really on june 14th, flag day, my birthday. my birthday. >> june 14th is my birthday. >> that was june 14th, my birthday. . >> it's my birthday on june 14th, flag day of all things. >> we had finished dinner. we're now having dessert. and we had the mousse beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen. >> oh, well, happy birthday donald. all i know is my birthday wish
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for donald trump last year came true. so they're having this g7 summit over in england. after the summit, queen elizabeth hosted the bide dense at her home in windsor castle. it was a history rick meeting. it was the first time the queen had ever been called kemosabe. president biden said the queen reminded him of his mother, and the queen, this was kind of cool -- the queen said, "oh really? could your mother do this?" and then dropped into the splits. it was incredible. the ceremonies that surround these visits from foreign leaders is elaborate, to say the least. first, the queen comes out carrying a purse full of sweet 'n low probably. then the bidens pull up in their car to the windsor castle valet parking. joe tips the guy a crisp new pound. so then they listen to the national anthem together. joe covers his heart. the queen does not. she's still mad about trump. then joe takes a walk by
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himself, hoping to win best in show. and he does. someone points out a fella doing sword tricks. if president enjoys them. and then some guys walk by, and they leave to get drunk, i guess. i don't know. you know, there was some controversy because biden kept his sunglasses on when he visited the queen. this is a violation of protocol that could get him ray banned from the palace. but the queen didn't mind. after the ceremony, they had tea. this is what "the crown" would look like if it was on cbs. it does look like joe and the queen are posing with their daughter, doesn't it? anyway, the overseas trip seems to be going well. biden attended the nato summit in brussels today. and this tells you all you need to know. this was on saturday. this is with angela merkel. and this was at a previous g7 where she is literally telling trump to go to his room. meanwhile, here in the united states, covid be damneds, the
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annual westminster kennel club dog show was back. bau because of the beahm, they moved outdoors for the first time outdoors for the first time ever. and the winner of best in show this year was a pesky little pekingese named wasabi. >> i've been told it looks like a goldfish moving through water. >> jimmy: no, it doesn't look like that. you wouldn't need a roomba with that dog, would you? it looks like chewbacca melted. it looks less like a dog that would win best in show, and more like a furball that would win best in throat. this was good too. during the agility competition, the owner of a boston terrier named ripple showed the world why he named his dog after a discount fortified wine. >> up and over. looking at that camera and still running and staying clean. that was amazing. get to the outside. push, push, push, get over
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there! oh my goodness. you're fine. just get to the back side. you're fine. >> oh! too bad. >> jimmy: i don't think i've ever seen anything like that. he tackled and almost crushed his own dog. how do you console someone after something like that? "it wasn't your fault." you know, this year it's outdoors and there is air around. coming at you. you know who else had a dog in the competition this year? baseball's all-time home run leader barry bonds. who seems to have dropped quite a bit of muscle weight since his playing days. gee, i wonder how that happened? bonds had a miniature schnauzer in the show. there he is. cute little guy. his name is juice. sadly, juice was disqualified after failing a urine test. speaking of drug tests, the mypillow man, mike lindell, is apparently out of hiding.
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he was in hiding because people were trying to kill him. they were trying to smother him with his own mypillows. now he is not in hiding. in fact, he was at center stage this weekend, hosting a rally in new richmond, wisconsin. a rally that featured a video chat with donald trump. and a live appearance by none other than diamond and silk. who had harsh words for dr. fauci. >> you suck here. we're in the midst of a pandemic. we gained all of this covid weight. >> all of this weight. >> and now come to find out, fauci -- what's his name, girl? >> got the flip-flop fauci. >> has been undercoverly flip-flopping on the american people. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: that's true. i can never tell which one is the ventriloquist. i can't wait until the reveal that diamond and silk were tyler perry characters all along.
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nothing at the rally went as was planned. lindell somehow arranged a military flyover. fighter jets were supposed to come roaring overhead while he was onstage. but that didn't go exactly the way he might have hoped. >> got a little surprise coming here. >> yep. a surprise in the sky. >> a surprise in the sky here in about a minute. you hear them coming? you can't time this. 30 seconds. >> are they coming? >> can they see them? >> we are waiting on a flyover. will you join me in singing "god bless america" while we wait on the surprise. >> other candidates may be qualified from having their messages get out there. yo! better late than never. >> jimmy: yeah, well. >> how about that. >> jimmy: how about that? what a mess. how the hell he got those pillows made, i have no idea.
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he originally claimed, mike lindell said 30,000 people were going to show up to this thing. the actual number was a lot lower than that. some estimated the crowd at a thousand people. turns out, a bunch of pranksters reserved tickets and never showed up. same thing that happened at trump's rally in tulsa last year. one of the trolls tweeted that he reserved 50 tickets under the name "jack meoff." i guess that didn't send up any red flags up. i don't know how this kind of thing keeps happening. so i thought it would be a good idea to go right to the source, right to our old pal mike lindell. mike? hi, mike. >> where in the hell are they? >> jimmy: mike! >> wait, oh, oh. pillow! >> jimmy: no, i'm not on the phone, mike. over here. it's jimmy kimmel. >> come on, not now, jimby crumble. i'm waitin' on my space shuttle! >> jimmy: you're waiting on what? >> my shuttle! i paid an astronaut $2 million
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to buzz the crowd at my frankspeech rally and the son of a gun must have got lost in space. >> jimmy: wait, you paid an astronaut $2 million? >> i tried to hire a pilot for a special surprise when we cracked open the chinese dominion machine. but they won't let me in any airport anymore, so i put an ad on craigslist, and within an hour this astronaut fella got back to me with great credentials. he's a space ranger from the intergalactic alliance. >> jimmy: you know, mike, that sounds a little suspicious. as far as i know, there is no intergalactic alliance. >> oh, there, oh, there is. yes, there is. i'm no idiot. i told him there's no way i'm gonna just wire you $2 million till i see a picture. and he sent one right away. his name is buzz and everything. where in the h-e-double hockey sticks is the darn fellow? >> jimmy: mike, that is not an astronaut. >> buzz! look, i told you.
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i told you -- buzz -- there he is! no, no, sorry. that's just a cicada. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, there are a lot of those. mike, yesterday i heard you were expecting 30,000 people, but the reports say only around a thousand people showed up. why do you think that was? >> the heck if i know, jim. we had 30,000 reservations. i got 'em all right here. 30,000 reservations, printed out. we got 50 tickets for this guy, jack mehoff, he was a no-show. 100 tickets for hugh jass. 20 for dick squeezely. we had people from all over the world reserving seats! >> jimmy: dick squeezely was going to be there? >> some guy all the way from greece reserved 2,000 tickets. >> jimmy: really? what was his name? >> harry paratestes. not one paratestes showed up. >> jimmy: now mike, i hate to be the guy to tell you this, but
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those sound like fake names. i think you got pranked. >> come on, harry paratestes would never do that. he's greek! oh, that must be buzz. oh, no. just more teens throwing piss pea at the window again. >> jimmy: mike, that's buzz lightyear, and he is not coming. he is a toy actually, just like all those other people who didn't show up this weekend. he's not going to be there. >> and do you know why, jimmy pimple? 'cause the deep state had 'em >> jimmy: know no. >> because the deep state had everybody vaccinated, and now they're magnet advertised and stuck to their washing machines. >> jimmy: what? >> my nephew, juno showed me a video of people with keys all stuck to their foreheads like this. >> jimmy: that's not at all true mike, but you didn't get vaccinated, so why is the key sticking to you? >> it sticks to me because i quit smokin'. so i chew on thermometers to
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help me with the oral fixation. >> jimmy: mike, don't chew on those. that's foul phil of mercury. >> no thanks, i don't need any insurance. >> jimmy: no, they're not -- okay. any way, this is your second poorly attended rally. are you done with these now? >> hell no, i was expecting 30,000 people to expose dominion, so i ordered 600 pounds of jumbo shrimp. they've been in the trunk of my car for two days, and they're gonna go bad. oh they're hot! >> jimmy: mike, they're already bad. >> my throat's closing up. they're hot. they're hot. that's cajun style. my throat's closing up. >> jimmy: oh. no. >> do you hear that ringing, jimmy? do you hear the ringing in your ears? >> jimmy: i don't. >> i think buzz might be here. >> jimmy: are you allergic to shellfish? >> yes, very! but shrimp are okay cause the bible says they're bugs. the cicadas of the sea! >> jimmy: mike, do you have an
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epipen? >> i don't believe in epipens. now leave me alone! i've got someone coming here with another pillowcase full of shrimp! >> jimmy: who's bringing you more shrimp? >> let's see her. i think her name is -- i think her name is anita manpump. oh, it's gettin' dark! i think these shrimp might be antifa! >> jimmy: yes, okay. we'll have to check back, mike, with mike on another occasion, i guess. he's perished. all right. we have a good show for you tonight. from netflix, omar sy is here. we have valerie june and elisabeth moss. stick around. >> abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" brought to you by geico. ♪ buttercup, baby ♪ ♪ just to let me down ♪ ♪ (let me down) ♪ ♪ and mess me around ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: hi. welcome back to the show. tonight, from the series "lupin" on netflix, omar sy is here. then later, a great singer from memphis. her album is called "the moon and stars: prescriptions for dreamers." music from valerie june. this week, we have new shows as usual with our guests, including owen wilson, dax shepard, zooey deschanel. music from saweetie, from spice featuring sean paul and shaggy, and from kodak black. join us for all of that. our first guest, is an emmy-winning actor who knows her way around a cloak. the season finale of her highly celebrated "the handmaid's tale" happens wednesday on hulu. please say hello to elisabeth moss. hi, elisabeth. how you? >> i'm good. how you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. it's good to see you. >> it's really good to see you too.
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>> jimmy: i heard you're in a hotel in chicago, illinois. >> i am. i'm in chi-town. >> jimmy: your spot. i know you're a big cubs fan, and the cubs are doing very well. they're playing my team, the mets tonight, as a matter of fact. >> that's right. they are. and i also enjoy my mets because my best friend is a mets fan. >> jimmy: all right. that's good. you know, the mets and the cubs have a similar dna in that we're like kind of long-term losers with an occasional glimmer of light. >> yes, yes. exactly right. years and years of terrible heartbreak. >> jimmy: i think you have to have a certain amount of low self-esteem to be a fan of either one of the teams. >> i think you're probably right. but we're loyal. >> jimmy: loyalty is the key, yes. did you go to the games? they're open. >> i did. i went on saturday night. and it was the second night that it was 100% capacity, which was
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incredibly exciting. >> jimmy: oh, i bet. >> oh my god. you would have thought it was play-off game. every strike, 35,000 people were screaming. it was awesome. >> jimmy: it's kind of magical the way those things happen. you're playing your probably archrival st. louis cardinals. everybody is there together for the first time in a really long time. it's already fun to go to a cubs game. at least as much fun as it is to go to any other game. what do you eat? what's the best thing to eat at wrigley field? >> i like to get a bag of peanuts, go to town on those. >> jimmy: okay. >> there is also the chicago dog, obviously. although i am a bit of a traitor because i do like ketchup on my hot dogs. and you're not supposed to have ketchup on your hot dogs in chicago. it's just mustard. >> jimmy: wait a minute. i -- my whole life have been of the idea you do eat ketchup on your hot dog in chicago.
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>> would never eat ketchup on my hot dog. but i thought that was the thing in chicago. >> no. it's the opposite. you're not supposed to have ketchup. >> jimmy: oh, i'm so happy to hear this! >> you're welcome. >> jimmy: you know, my ex-wife was from chicago. and i think that now, i mean, if we had been able to work through that, maybe it would have gone better. >> it's kind of all makng sense now, isn't it. >> jimmy: so ketchup on the hot dog. yeah, that's unacceptable. what about pizza? what kind of pizza do you like? >> well, chicago, as you know, is known for its deep dish. and i, and my brother and i love deep dish. we're very partial to pizzeria uno or due. we like pizza uno and dui.
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>> jimmy: last time i was in chicago i went around one day to all the different. i know there are some great smaller places that people don't know as far as deep dish pizza goes. but i went to uno, doui, east. i found luminati's to be the best according to my liking. it was the clear winner. but, you know, you eat ketchup on your hot dogs. you already have some confusion going on. >> so you lost respect for me like two and a half minutes ago. >> jimmy: your credibility, i could hear it squirting right out of the bottle, yeah. now i do -- the reason i brought up pizza is because you have a -- what an honor is this too. you have a booth with your plaque on it at cafe fiorello in new york. it says this table is reserved for linda, elisabeth and derek moss. do you guys eat at this place a
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lot of times? >> yes. we have really put in the work at this restaurant. >> jimmy: this is the one? >> we've been going there for over 25 years, and they -- they finally gave us a plaque a few years ago. and they actually -- they gave us two plaques because they thought we wanted one at the bar. and then we were like no, not really. we kind of wanted one at a booth. so they gave us another one at the booth. so now we actually have two plaques at the restaurant. >> jimmy: when they want to give you a plaque at the bar, do you ever worry that indicates you might have a drinking problem? >> no. that's not what makes me worry about that. >> jimmy: if someone is seated at your booth, how does it work? what kind of rights do you have to that booth? >> i mean, it feels awkward. so you kind of like -- they sit you in the booth next to that booth that has your plaque at it. you sort of sit there and sneer at the people who are sitting there. >> jimmy: right. hey, hit the road.
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finish up. it's time. i was talking to one of our writers on the show about this place today. he used to go there a lot because it's right across from lincoln center. and for a time, he was -- i think he was stalking someone on broadway like lisa lupome or something like that. and he told me that you can get a bucket of chocolate mouse. >> yes! >> jimmy: and it has a bucket of whipped cream there too. >> yes, yes! that's exactly what you can get. and they bring two actual buckets. one filled with chocolate mousse and one filled with whipped cream. and there is a ladle. they just kind of get in and there put it on your plate and get in the other bucket. it's fantastic! >> jimmy: i think it's patti lupone. look at him. he has one glass lens steamed up thinking about that.
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i don't know if you can see that. but it's quite something to see. elisabeth, i want to mention something about "the handmaid's tale." you are directing not one, but three episodes. you directed three episodes of the show this season, and you never directed before. this is your first time, right? >> yeah, yeah, correct. it's my first time. >> jimmy: when you decide yeah, i want to direct, when do you go not only do i want to direct, i want to direct three of them? >> well, i was originally only supposed to do the one. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and then i liked it so much that i thought, well, there is an open position later in the season. we didn't have a director. and i kind of put myself forward for the job. >> jimmy: oh, so you were really enjoying it then? >> yeah, i really, really loved it. but my first episode was like this gigantic -- i liked the script so much. it was a beautiful script written by bruce miller. and i just loved the script. i loved the story. and then when i started prepping it, i realize ed it was all this
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special effect and vfx and green screens everywhere and all these really difficult sequences to do, and i had never directed anything before in my life. >> jimmy: yeah. but it obviously worked out. >> i guess so. >> jimmy: well, you know, you started with the hard one i guess. we're going take a break. we're going see a clip from the season finale of "the handmaid's tale" when we come back. elisabeth moss is with us. we'll be right back. >> portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by vrbo. together is always the best place to be on vacation. (vo) jack was one of six million pets in animal shelters in need of a home. he found it in a boy with special needs, who also needed him. as part of our love promise, subaru and our retailers host adoption events and have donated 28 million dollars to support local animal shelters. we're proud to have helped over 230,000 pets so far... changing the lives of dogs like jack, and the families who adopt them. subaru. more than a car company.
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♪ >> what an unexpected pleasure. >> hello, fred. >> jimmy: hello, fred. that's elisabeth moss. joseph fiennes in the season finale of "the handmaid's tale." do you think the fans will be pleased with how it ends? >> i don't know what i'm allowed to say. i don't know if i can answer that question because even that cold be revealing. i will say that i -- i think it's -- i think it's satisfying. >> jimmy: you think it's satisfying. okay. very good. >> yes. >> jimmy: when is the last time you watched an episode of "madmen"? >> many years. i don't think i've actually seen every episode of "mad men". >> jimmy: oh, wow.
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>> at least six years or so since we finished. >> jimmy: your character on that show, as you know, peggy was a very sexist work environment. now in "the handmaid's tale" it's actually quite a bit worse than that. and so we were able to find some lines that you delivered in character that -- i wonder if you know who said which. so here we go. it's time to play who said it, peggy or june. >> oh, god. >> jimmy: very simple. i'm going read the line. you tell me who said it. peggy or june. people who are not good get to walk around doing whatever they want. who said that, peggy or june? >> peggy. >> jimmy: peggy is the answer. >> people who are not good get to walk around doing whatever they want. >> jimmy: you're 1 for 1. next up, maybe men are just too liz distracted. >> oh, god, maybe men are just
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too easily distracted. wow. that could really be either one. maybe men are just too easily distracted. i'm going go with -- i'm going to go with june. >> jimmy: you're going go with june? and the answer is -- >> maybe men are just too easily distracted. >> jimmy: you're two for two. next one is every time i walk by, i wonder are you going to be nice to me or cruel. >> peggy. >> jimmy: peggy is your answer. and peggy is -- >> every time i walk by, i wonder are you going to be nice to me or cruel. >> jimmy: the answer. that's correct. >> oh. >> jimmy: you're doing great. >> i'm very impressed. >> jimmy: the strings. >> oh, june. >> jimmy: june? june. >> wear the dress.
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pull the strings. >> jimmy: you're on fire. >> i'm enjoying you saying these lines most of all. >> jimmy: so do you think you could be open to change? could you maybe give her a real voice? >> oh, god. june. >> jimmy: you say june. the answer is -- >> so do you think you could be open to change? could you maybe give her a real voice? >> jimmy: wow. you have a very good memory. all right. one last one. here we go. men, god love 'em, they're just children with paychecks. peggy or june? >> men, god love 'em. they're just children with paychecks. that sounds pretty snappy. that's got to be peggy. >> jimmy: that's got to be peggy? let's find out. >> men, god love 'em.
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they're just children with paychecks. >> jimmy: well, peg, but close. and just for the hell of it, we have one last clip. >> bad kitty. [ screaming ] thanks. >> jimmy: one of the greatest stunts ever. the season finale. >> it was good. >> jimmy: of "the handmaid's tale" is wednesday on hulu. thank you very much. elisabeth moss, thanks, elisabeth. take care. we'll be back with omar sy. ♪
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♪ [goat does a sick vibrato] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: all right. welcome back. music from valerie june is on the way. our next guest was so successful in his native france, he won the equivalent of the oscar, and was voted favorite personality three times that he moved here to be loved by a new country. his very popular netflix show "lupin" is back with new episodes. please welcome omar sy. ♪ >> jimmy: very good to have you here. i like that sweater you have too. it's nice. >> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: how you doing?
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>> good. and you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. boy, what an interesting story you have. it's so interesting i mention you win the french version of the oscar and then you come here to the united states. and when i think about it, we don't watch many french shows. i can't think of any french shows that we watch other than yours here. it's not like -- it's very one-sided where in france i think we send a lot of american shows there, but it doesn't usually go the other way. >> yeah, but now it's changing, which is good. i'm happy with that. >> jimmy: not only do we get the show, we got you. did you watch american tv shows when you were in france? >> of course. we grew up with a lot of shows like that, like we have -- because when try to explain what i used to watch, it's difficult because the titles are a little bit different. so we have that show with the guy that had super powers, you know. he was going very, very fast.
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and to show how it was fast, they go like slow motion. you remember that guy? >> jimmy: oh, the $6 million man. >> yeah. yeah. da da da da da. with the eyes. >> jimmy: that's one of my favorites. lee majors. >> exactly. and he married the >> jimmy: the bionic woman. >> right. jamie summers, the bionic woman. yeah. >> exactly and steve austin. >> jimmy: that was his character. and then later, steve austin was the name of a wrestler, which i think confuses people. but the real steve austin is the $6 million man. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: which would buy nothing now. you would barely even get a house. wow, did you watch comedies too, like it is coms? >> yeah we had "happy days".
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>> jimmy: oh, wow. >> fonzie with -- it's funny. it was our shows, yeah. >> jimmy: and would they be dubbed into french? >> dubbed all in french. >> jimmy: so fonzie spoke in french. what did he say when he said ehhh! when he would do that? >> with his thumb, it was ohhh. >> jimmy: they could have left that one alone. you know, they used to say on "happy days," their insult was "sit on it." they would say "sit on it." does that ring a bell. >> was it fonzie saying it? >> fonzie mostly would say it. but every once in a while richie would get some gumption going and he would say fonzie, sit on it. oh is really what it was. so is that how you -- i mean, that show was obviously dubbed. did you watch hoes in english to learn to speak english?
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>> yeah, i did when i came here first, because i tried to learn english. and i decided to watch tv. and i watch cnn. and they were talking so fast. okay. i will never learn this language. and i say okay, the day i will understand them, he will be -- i started -- i tried another channel. it was bravo. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and i started with the kardashians. >> jimmy: oh really. they help you'd learn english. >> yeah. it was easier to understand because. >> jimmy: you don't have to explain why. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we know. >> thanks. >> jimmy: wow. so then you came over here, and you're living here, your family lives here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you live -- is your household like fully american or you keep the french traditions? >> try, try to keep the french tradition, and i have another
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battle because try to keep also my senegalese roots at home. try with the language, try at home. try to cook french cuisines, but it's very, very difficult because now i think my kids are 60% american, 30% french, 10% senegalese. but it's a real fight. >> jimmy: yeah, right. it doesn't head in that other direction either. >> no, no exactly. >> jimmy: you might have to go back. >> maybe. >> jimmy: your show is so popular here. and "lupin" is based on books. a very famous character, similar to -- what would it be similar to here in the united states? >> so here what do you have like on like the american literature, but it's like in french. >> jimmy: sherlock -- oh, no, that's english. >> like in england. but i don't. >> jimmy: james bond. >> exactly.
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but in u.s. >> jimmy: we just have like batman, i think. no, we have jack ryan. and we've got i hate to mention jason bourne, but yeah, we have matt as well. >> jimmy: so this guy, he is part of a culture. and we grew up with all the book, you know. we have a lot of shows. even movies, you know. >> jimmy: you decided i want to play this role, but you approach it differently because you're not actually playing lupin. >> no. i play inspired by the book. we gave the book a place in our show. it is a character itself. because when decided to do it, we was wondering why doing another one? because we have a lot in france. so the thing is we wanted to have like the book being something. >> jimmy: it's very clever. when you say it's inspired by, i
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think people might get the idea that it's just an inspired by in spirit, but it's literally inspired. your character is inspired by the character in the book. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and behaves like him. >> exactly. >> jimmy: does the things that he does. which is very clever. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and it's the most -- i think it's the most popular non-english show in america. >> yes. that's what i heard, yeah. >> jimmy: and even more popular. >> i'm happy. >> jimmy: and you know you're doing something that people said that no one would ever be able to do, which is force americans to read. the subtitles. we're not so good with that kind of stuff. >> i'm happy to help. >> jimmy: well, it's great to have you here. the show is called "lupin." all the episodes of "lupin part 2" are on netflix now, and more coming up. omar sy, everybody. thank you, omar. we'll be back with valerie june. ♪
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there's a risk involved everything a cost ♪ ♪ i'll make it through i'll make it through somehow ♪ ♪ so weathered and worn ever dreaming so wild mm, all i could ♪ do was smile ♪ ♪ if you never leap then your heart won't know ♪ ♪ so you take the chance so you just let go and you'll get knocked down ♪ ♪ but that's how you grow all i could do was smile
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