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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  July 9, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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in the mid-90s to upper 100s. i will be back to let you know exactly how hot for your weekend and for how long, coming up. everyone is urged to reduce their energy usage right now and continue with that through 9:00 tonight. we have more on the flex alert that has been issued by the state. i hope you have that ac on. >> reporter: that is exactly my idea, larry. i will explain it in a minute. the alert starts now, 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm tonight. they are worried the electric grid will be overwhelmed. they want to avoid rolling blackouts, so as you said, need to cut back on electric use and turn down the thermostat. it worked in the june heatwave, but let me have you come in and take a look at what my car is registering right now. ed
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the shad showing 4 deees. in the sunshine it is higher, so it will be a so sprawled out the shade and ravens frolicking in a backyard sprinkler. expect wild animals to show up in your neighborhood this weekend and a desperate search for water in a heatwave. >> unlike us, many of these animals cannot sweat, so you will see interesting behavior. you might see flat squirrels on the sidewalk. you might see words with open mouths, panting. we do see an uptick in certain hospital patients during extreme heat. >> reporter: leslie wildlife experiences it is okay to set out containers of water for animals and birds. they will find it if they need it. people will seek refuge and air- conditioning, including cooling centers that opened today in contra costa and alameda counties, where masks are required indoors. plans also need extra care. >> water deeply and less frequently. since we are in a drought we
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don't want to do it that often, but when you water, water deep. i would wait until tuesday after this heatwave is over and you don't want to fertilize right now. these plants and pots, they have to be watered every day, sometimes twice per day. >> reporter: getting plants extra water is a challenge when water districts are calling for decreasing water use. perhaps collect water from your shower in a bucket. contra costa water district this week is asking customers to conserve 10%. >> anytime we are dealing with a dry year, that will come of heat waves. we need to make sure we are adjusting how we are -- >> reporter: so again, conserve electricity. avoid rolling blackouts. bump up the thermostat to 78. don't run big appliances. every little bit, shutting off some lights, adds to the common good, keeping us from those
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rolling blackouts. i think we will end up pushing the reset button and have this happen again saturday and sunday. live in walnut creek, leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> you can check out the temperatures, air quality, and wind on your own tv. our real-time weather tracker is live on our connected tv app. download the app, it is free for apple, roku tv, android tv and fire tv right now. there is no guidance for schools on masks from the cdc. they recommend fully vaccinated teachers do not need to wear masks. students would still need a face covering on a bus and when they are unable to practice social distancing. the cdc recommends at least three feet of distance between students and teachers. these are recommendations. school administrators have the final say. we are seeing california's cases and positivity rate had backup. today the state reported 2400 new cases. the seven-day positivity rate has climbed to 2.3%, which is
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quite a shift from just a matter of weeks ago. at june 9 it was its lowest level during the pandemic, 0.7%. >> a member of our very own vaccine team is joining us now via zoom. as always, thanks for the time. let's divan with the school guidance. we have cdc versus california. we will be mask free for the next couple of months and then expect the kids to mask up when they go back to school. as soon as i was hearing this story, i could feel the resistance coming from a mile away and it is a tough spot to be in. >> larry, it really is. it will be a tough spot for certain school districts who try to, i don't want to use the word police, but really figure out which students and teachers are vaccinated and which are not. i can be optimistic and say at least the new guidance is pushing a shift toward prioritizing in-person learning. it is not pushing the fear narrative and saying the delta
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variant is out there, we need to rethink in-person learning. it is saying in-person learning has to happen, here is how we will do it with protection. so i do think it is a good step word for young people. >> any chance vaccines will come to the rescue this summer for those 5 to 12? >> i don't think this summer. what we are seeing right now is data for an emergency use authorization by pfizer later in september or october. it is possible the 5 to 11 age group will be eligible for a vaccine later in the fall. right now we have got to prioritize getting the 12 to 17- year-olds out there vaccinated and adding on to the herd immunity. >> we just heard the numbers, which are a concern, because you can see the uptick. alameda county, now 70 new cases per day. is this just the delta variant? >> larry, it really is. remember these vaccines are not 100% effective, so it is still possible to get breakthrough
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infections among unvaccinated individuals. that should not catch anyone surprise. you have people going out and taking off masks, loosening restrictions in a more contagious virus. it is not surprising to see an uptick in cases, but we have to stress this. there is no need to panic when it comes to the delta variant, because we know vaccines to work against it. there was early fear and talk that the efficacy may be waning overtime, but we have not seen proof of that yet. people know what to do in any outbreak that will happen in the future is likely going to be localized and not a statewide or national surge. >> let's jump on that point, because pfizer is planning on asking the fda to authorize a booster shot, six months after the second dose. you know, we cannot even get the first dose to a lot of people where they don't want to accept it. we could probably do an hour on this topic alone and what pfizer wants versus what the government is pushing back
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with. >> versus what some investors would want to see. larry, i felt you on an emotional level with that sigh of hesitation and i hope people actually -- go ahead. >> no, you and i know each other well enough so you are reading my mind. i'm trying to delicately walk the tightrope, but yes, investors in pfizer i am sure would like to see another shot. >> one thing i want to say is i am proud personally of the fda and cdc and i hope that there is trust with the public that they pushed back against pfizer and said it is possible in the future there may need to be a booster and we appreciate this preventative step and conversation, but there is no data yet. you can suggest he will submit something for emergency use authorization without showing us, scientific bodies, the american people, clear data. right now we know the vaccine itself works. there is no evidence yet that we need a booster and like you mentioned, we have a vaccine
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hesitancy issue across this country. it will not be received very well if we say we need a booster right now without clear evidence. i think we need to focus on what we know, rather than tr to project six months in the future. >> there is so much uncertainty, some would say keep your mask on, though i think that will be a fairly unpopular take. >> i would say to people to at least keep your mask with you. you don't know what situation you will walk into when you go to an indoor restaurant. we know businesses have a right to dictate what they will do when it comes to schools. it is up to local and state guidance, as opposed to national guidance. the best bet right now is keep a mask with you if you are high risk where you live with someone unvaccinated or high- risk. i have an 11 week old. she is not vaccinated. i'm going to a different county or state where transmission is higher. people are not vaccinated. i'm probably going to wear a mask. if i go to and vaccination rates are not as high in arizona, i will wear a mask. >> nice the way you sneak in
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the nba finals, here on abc7. >> a real world example, i had to. >> m3 will be on sunday. he knows all about vaccines, masking, and the nba finals, ere. e can read my mind, becaus havea good weekend. governor newsom was in napa county today to sign a bill dividing tens of millions of dollars in funding for schools. he was asked about the new cdc mask guidelines and then deferred to the state health director. >> we believe with masking and testing as an available option, that we can get kids back here in person, 100% in our schools and we are glad that the cdc supported this vision. >> california is going over the latest guidance from the cdc and plans to release its own recommendations. testing and vaccinations were repeatedly emphasized by the governor as well as dr. mark ghaly. a close call today for an 83-year-old redwood city woman who just missed being hit by a
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massive oak tree that came crashing down. sky 7 flew over the house, fittingly on oak avenue, shortly after the 600-year-old tree fell on the home. the woman who lives there had just gone back into the house and was preparing to go outside as the tree collapsed. she was not hurt, but the house sustained considerable damage, as you can see. and there is a mess to clean up. you may have felt the earthquake yesterday. it was much stronger in eastern california, but a lot of people did not get one of those early shake alert warnings on their phone. why? ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. [inflammation] let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me.
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check to see your new, lower price. the sooner you sign up the more you save. only at covered california. this way to health insurance. many folks in central and northern california are still on edge after a series of earthquakes rattled the region. a magnitude six dig quake was felt in san francisco and it fr a sobering reminder of the importance to be prepared. cornell barnard joins us from the newsroom with details. >> reporter: likely would no one was hurt and there was no major damage from the quake, but there are questions about the early warning system, shake alert, and why more people did not get the alert on their phones. >> very scary and intense.
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>> reporter: still on edge after a magnitude 6 earthquake rolled through her hometown of walker in eastern california. she and her 2-year-old taking cover with aftershocks still happening. >> even last night it was still stressful. neither of us got much sleep because of how the aftershocks continued and you never know when they will hit. >> reporter: from aggressive shaking in arnold, to swaying in san francisco. the usgs reports the magnitude 6 antelope valley earthquake was wide raging, with 15,000 who reportedly felt it. behind the wheel, a spectacle. a large amount of dust launched into the air during the rattle. the people in this car, processing the scene. >> it is an earthquake. >> i know. >> the tires went funny. >> reporter: the earthquake sending giant boulders onto i- 95. quakes in eastern california are not unique, but could it be a precursor to something bigger? >> yes, there could be bigger
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earthquakes, but it is likely there will be smaller earthquakes with these aftershocks. >> the shaking brought rocks and boulders down centennial bluff. some people got a shake alert warning on their phone seconds before the quake, but many did not. >> it is a result of the fact that there are fewer stations in eastern california. shake alert did not do as good of a job. >> reporter: the system presenting phantom quakes in the central valley. >> the early warning system produced multiple events out of this one event, because there were insufficient stations where the earthquake was happening. >> reporter: back in walker, sally rosen knows after covid there is a new threat to prepare for. >> it is definitely something that should be on our radar. definitely did not wake up yesterday thinking that would be what we were doing. >> reporter: sally rosen has a great spirit. she lost her home and wildfire last fall and is trying to stay
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positive. now is the time to get quake ready and if a quake happens, drop, cover under a table or hard surface and hold on until the shaking stops. they say do not run outside, because that could be very dangerous. live in the newsroom, cornell barnard, abc7 news. >> thank you so much. we've got to ask this question as a reminder. is your disaster kit ready? it should include water, one gallon per person, per day. a flashlight, a battery-powered radio, and much more. we have essential items on her website, click on the prepare norcal link for tips on preparing for a disaster. once you are on board it can be too late to stop passengers who disrupt flights over masks and crew instructions, so the faa is using social media and kids to try to stop unruly behavior on the ground. david louie shows us a new online video that is getting a
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lot of attention. >> reporter: over $680,000 in fines have been levied by the faa for unruly airline passenger behavior. sensing that is not enough, the agency is turning to social media to get a zero tolerance message across. >> fighting is not good when you are on a plane. >> reporter: it enlisted kids to send a message to adults about their behavior. a true reversal of the traditional parent-child relationship. >> they should know better if they are adults. >> they are grown-ups and have to be good role models. >> reporter: nearly 3300 reports of disruptive incidents of been reported this year, two thirds objecting to the mask requirement. that is double the number of reports last year. the faa has been brainstorming how best to get passengers to obey flight attendants. it enlisted some of the agencies on kids. will it work? psychologist leslie tennyson points out some cultures believe it is disrespectful for
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children to engage in adult business. however, this video might get adults to pay attention. >> i think it is important that adults take an opportunity to humble ourselves a bit around how children can help us really re-center ourselves. we are supposed to be the role models. >> reporter: besides the online video, the faa has been tweeting memes with clever messages, such as a fine for disrupting a flight could cover the cost of buying a new truck. it is looking into other methods to change conduct. simply stated -- >> stop. >> reporter: are we listening? david louie, abc7 news. san francisco's chinatown is letting the world know it has reopened for business. chinatown was hit especially hard during the pandemic. restaurants and shops closed. the annual chinese new year. was canceled last year, but as you can see, chinatown is back open.
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>> people come from all over the world to visit chinatown, not just the parade and activities during lunar new year, but when you come to san francisco, you want to visit chinatown. it is one of the oldest, most incredible, rich in history chinatown's in the world. >> the chamber of commerce held its largest banquet at 18 months at the 100-year-old far east cafe on grand avenue. it was within a week of closing last year, but it did stay open thanks to funding from the city and the landlord who offered a big discount on the rent and slowly things are coming back. slowly the heat is coming back. more than slowly, it is back. >> i would think chinatown is not a bad place to hang with the heat, because it is cooler here. let's check in with sandhya patel. >> it is a good spot, because you have a seabreeze in the city. let me show you a live picture and we will talk about just how hot it is. you can see how hazy the view was from our emeryville camera as the heat is building. 93 in santa rosa.
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fairfield, 106 degrees. 103 in concord. from the golden gate bridge camera you can see barely a breeze, which is part of the reason it warmed up. 65 in the city. 73 in oakland. san jose, 85. cooking in morgan hill, at 99. friendly reminders for the temps, drink plenty of water. take breaks if you have to work and do not leave people or pets inside a vehicle. live doppler 7 showing an active scene where we are seeing thunderstorms right now. quiet in the bay area. a little bit of fog trying to make its way toward point reyes. blue skies along the embarcadero and here is a look at the forecast. excessive heat inland through the weekend. a high risk of heat illness and fire danger. we do have a spare the air alert tomorrow. let's start you off, hour-by- hour tonight. do be ready for the heat. 6:00, still in the 90s and 100s.
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by 9:00 pm, temperatures begin to fall, but it will take a while before inland areas drop off. morning temperatures begin in the 50s to 70s and then quickly numbers will soar into the triple digits, well inland. the good news is, right near the coast, still enough of a seabreeze to prevent you from getting hot. temperatures in the morning will be in the 50s to 70s. fog near the coast will be limited and patchy. inland areas will be on the warm side. afternoon highs in the south bay, 90 degrees in santa clara. 102 in morgan hill. it will be cooking again. 103 in gilroy. 92, redwood city. mid to upper 60s near the coast. 68 in half moon bay. daly city, 64 degrees. north bay temperatures, up to 110 in ukiah. 101 in santa rosa. 98 in napa. east bay communities, 80 and oakland. 84 in hayward. well above average. 87 in castro valley.
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had inland and it is going to be sizzling. 108 in fairfield. 107 degrees in antioch. here is a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. needless to say, dangerous heat tomorrow. risk of illnesses continuing on sunday. by monday, temperatures begin to come down. upper 50s to mid 90s and then we have cooler weather coming for tuesday through thursday, where you will actually see some 80s inland. upper 50s to low 60s coast side and that cannot come to us early enough, because it is really bad. forget about within a few degrees above average. some cities tomorrow will be a couple of degrees away from records. >> the air-conditioning sales guys are very happy. >> the rest of us, not so much. >> even better, the ac repair guys. i need you here, now. >> thank you, sandhya.
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it's time for sleep number's lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it's the most comfortable, body-sensing, automatically-responding, energy-building, dually-adjustable, dad-powering, wellness-boosting, foot-warming, temperature-balancing, recovery-assisting, effortlessly life-changing proven quality night sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday. to learn more, go to
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if there were a button that would help you use less energy, breathe cleaner air, and even take on climate change... would you press it? with the state fully reopen, you may be searching online for the best way to spend your weekends this summer. >> kumasi aaron has some ideas for a better weekend. >> reporter: it might as well be the summer of love this weekend and it will feel like it in the nehbe itall stte haight street is throwing a
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giant block party to celebrate the states reopening. your eyes will get explosions of color with fresh murals and tie-dye from local artists. it's not just any old block party, it is a dance party with live music from a new orleans style blues band and a keyboardist who has worked with the likes of the grateful dead. three-phase painting, bubbles, barbecue and block party run runs from 1:00 to 6:00 pm saturday. in the east bay, nothing better than a free summer movie night in the park. all of your family favorites. lady and the and madagascar three are part of the return of the beloved summer series. make sure you bring your beach chairs, movie snacks and anything you might need to stay warm for the show. tonight's movie, trolls, starts at 8:45, but you want to get there early, since street parking is limited. don't be afraid to show off your dance moves on wheels with a return of the sunday roller disco party in golden gate park. the man known as the he
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of skate will lead with groovy tunes and teach disco dance moves for any age. the free party is from noon to 5:00 on sunday at a spot with decades of proud roller history, skating arena on sixth avenue and kennedy drive. i am kumasi aaron, abc7 news. >> it looks pretty good. we have more details on even more weakened happenings on her website, san francisco city officials respond to recent high profile crimes caught on camera. >> what mayor london breed had to say and how police tell us they are working to stop this crime. change in banking at
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building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc7 news. san francisco mayor london breed is lashing out regarding media coverage of high-profile theft caught on camera, including the organized ring that hit neiman marcus on monday. >> they sensationalize the videos and yes they are outrageous, but our police department, investigators, and the work they are doing to apprehend people committing these acts has been extraordinary. >> the comments come one day after san francisco district attorney and sfpd addressed a recent spike in crime. i-team reporter woodrow explains how these groups work and what officials are doing to combat them. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands of people have viewed this video of 10 individuals running out of san francisco's neiman marcus with armfuls of saint laurent high-end handbags.
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>> they stop at nothing to get in, get out, and get away. >> reporter: he works in the burglary auto unit at the san francisco police department. he says the people you see here are organized criminals filling an order for items they are stealing and fencing. sometimes on retail sites like posh mark and fashion file. >> we are definitely finding those items on those platforms. >> reporter: detectives have methods to decipher stolen items, where buyers probably do not. >> i will not share those with you, because i do not want those out there. >> reporter: investigators are working with task forces up and down the bay area. they say this was likely not a one time hit. >> we are talking about a very dangerous situation, i believe. >> reporter: it's not just large department stores. retailers like target and walgreens are also dealing with theft. videos like these highlight the problem. the san francisco district attorney says people who commit these crimes are being held accountable. >> when police have cases with chargeable evidence of crimes
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including shoplifting, petty theft and organized retail crime, we take action and the vast majority of cases. >> reporter: he says his ofsays recently filed 15 charges against the suspect who stole from walgreens. in san francisco for the i- team, melanie woodrow, abc7 news. authorities in montana are trying to determine if a grizzly baller bear that was shot and killed yesterday was the one responsible for a deadly attack earlier this week. a 65-year-old retired nurse was attacked and killed in the middle of the night on tuesday in a town 50 miles east of missoula, montana. fish and wildlife officials say a bear pulled her out of her tent. the resident came home and found large claw marks on her door, ripped off. a bear was killed in the area a short time later. officials say early indications are that it is likely the same bear from tuesday's attack.
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that is scary. heads up if you have a pc. there is a major windows flaw that requires an update as soon as possible. >> for a lot of us this isn't one where you don't have to worry about it. this one will affect you. a security problem was found by researchers and then accident on how to exploit it. the guide was deleted, but not before it was published again and elsewhere on the web. the flaw affects the service allowing multiple users to access a printer. by exploiting the flaw, hackers can remotely install programs, view and delete data, and create accounts with full user rights. users are recommended to install security updates right away. wells fargo will no longer offer personal lines of credit. it will shut down all existing lines in the coming weeks. that means a lot of their customers are going to get hit with a bad credit score. in a statement to bloomberg, wells fargo said it can better meet the borrowing needs of customers through credit card
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and personal loan products. customers will be given notice 60 days before their accounts are shut down. a new report shows americans were not bashful about whipping up the credit cards in may. according to the federal reserve, credit card balances rose more than 11%. that is on an annual basis. while consumers revolving debt gained more than $9 billion. overall retail sales are up 24% from may 2020. one quarter more. outstanding debt include student loans, auto loans, and revolving debt. it jumped by $35 million in may. we are opened up. >> those bills are going to come due. >> they are going to come due. be careful. a lot of companies looking for employees right now. some are even turning to tiktok. yes. delicia: this is where all our recycling is sorted --
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1.2 million pounds every day, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america. but that's not all you'll find here. there are hundreds of good-paying jobs, with most new workers hired from bayview-hunter's point. we don't just work at recology, we own it, creating opportunity and a better planet. now, that's making a difference. managing type 2 diabetes? on it. on it. on it, with jardiance. they're 22 million prescriptions strong. meet the people who are managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk with jardiance. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal.
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the benefits of local, raw honey for our family. and then we said "hey, you know what? this is a business right here." we went out and started to sell it. to help us get going, we got the chase business complete banking ℠ account. it's more than a bank account. it comes with quickaccept, which lets us take card payments anytime, anywhere, and get same-day deposits at no extra cost. it's more than honey. it's about building something for our family that will endure. all right, time now for the four at 4:00. for the first time, the cdc is recommending fully vaccinated students and teachers, they don't need to mask when they return to school this fall. the new guidance came out today. the only time students need to wear a mask is when they ride on a school bus. not much else changed, including the recommendation of three feet of physical
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distancing. it is important to note these are recommendations, not requirements, and schools will have the final say. i will point out, dr. mark ghaly, california's public health official, is saying something different. he is saying california students going back to school in the fall will have to mask indoors and right now that looks like that will be vaccinated and unvaccinated. so, the on, what do you think? >> this has been so confusing, getting so many mixed messages across the board, not just when it comes to school students, but when it comes to being out and about. different stores require them. different organizations do not. it is confusing, so at the end of the day it is not that hard to put on a mask. i am a proponent of it if it keeps everyone safe, especially with this new strain. to each his or her own, but i think it is up to the parents. >> where are you on this,
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sandhya? you are a parent of three. >> i think they should wear masks, because they will be in crowds and around a lot of other kids. i think every parent is going to be different. i just think until those 1032 are gone or faded or are not a concern, i think they should keep masks on. i know there is a lot of different information out there. >> keep in mind, 12-year-olds and under are not vaccinated, too. fans are not going to be allowed at any of the olympic events and that is not going over well with at least one athlete. he withdrew from his country's olympic tennis team. he posted a lengthy message about this on twitter. he was injured at wimbledon, but cited the lack of fans is one of the reasons he quit. a surge in covid cases led to japan declaring a state of emergency that starts monday and lasts until august 22. the games open july 23. organizers originally planned on allowing spectators at 50%
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capacity. it is crazy what the situation is now, because so few people have been vaccinated in japan and the country, this shows you just the rule of the dollar or the yen in this case, whatever. country is e olymthe international olympic committee and others are saying full speed ahead. japan is like, we can't stop the olympics from taking place, even though they would like to stop the olympics from taking place. obviously they push back? money. they already lost a year of revenue and tv money. now with no spectators, this is going to be, we saw what sports look like with no fans. imagine people, whether it is swimming, track and field. somebody does something amazing and -- >> right. it is just not the same. even with like a clap track, i don't think it will be the
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same. what i always thought was interesting during this process was that japan has known they were going to hold the games, for quite some time. i do not know what it is, mike, for the process for vaccines or whatnot. if the people are saying they do not want it, don't you have to expect respect respect degree? >> no, clearly no. >> some 80% of people surveyed in japan do not want the olympics and they were going to make up the bulk of the audience, anyway. perhaps canceling spectators is not a big deal, because they were not going to go anyway. you don't have international tourists. you have the whole quarantine thing. it is just a mess. >> it is indeed a mess. what was tropical storm elsa is still causing problems a day after intense rainfall pummeled new york city. trigger the flooding inside a subway station. a woman stepping into waist deep filthy water. others follow suit. check out this guy with a garbage bag.
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that is not going to keep them dry. >> no. >> others tried the trash bag thing as well. in all, 3.5 inches fell causing widespread flooding and all kinds of issue. sandhya, did they expect that much rain? >> i think they did. it was torrential rain and the pictures are unbelievable, especially in the subway. kristen, elsa is continuing to race up the new england coast and dumping rain. concern is still there about flooding until it moves off the coast tonight. that is just a reality check of where our climate is going. climate change is real and excessive and extreme rainfall leading to pictures like that -- >> i am more concerned with the health problems associated with wading through murky water that may have rats and other vermin. >> also, if it is three feet high to get down the steps to the train, how is the train
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even running? >> thank you. >> i don't know, i'm not an engineer, but that seems even lower. water would go lower, but i don't know. hopefully they got their train. >> rats and vermin in new york city? >> never. >> they swam to safety, i believe. >> on a piece of pizza. >> yeah. >> that is a great visual, actually, floating along. i am waiting for the l train. are you looking for a new job? have you tried tiktok? come on, so negative. you can now submit a video resume through the app as part of a program. 30 companies are taking tiktok resumes including target and chipotle. there are a variety of jobs listed. you can apply to be a video producer. for the nba's detroit pistons. or if wrestling is your thing, the wwe is taking applications.
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what are you going to do when tiktok comes for you, brother? of course you can also apply for a regular job at tiktok. you have until the end of the month to come up with your video resume. we of a certain age will laugh at this, but i think for kids you know, not everybody is great with typing out a resume or whatever. or on linkedin. but if you can do a dance or a video presentation, i mean, what do you think? your kids would probably look amazing on video. >> have to tell you, larry. it was a really funny story this morning. i was getting ready and my kids decided they would do karaoke. so our son is singing on the twin sister is clapping. i turned around and started videotaping a necklace says to me, you're not videotaping this, are you? our oldest says to me, you would be crazy to videotape that. it was hilarious. it is just so funny how they think they are in their own world. they have no fear.
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there are no filters. i definitely could see one out of my three kids doing that. >> i am older than you, so i can mention this. have to check you on the age thing when you said videotape. i'm pretty sure they did not say tape, right? they said record or something. >> we register that as tape. what is a videotape? >> now you don't have tape, you have servers and clips of that stuff. sandy, you should send that clip to tiktok and maybe that will serve as a key to future employment for him. >> you know, you never know. >> you talked back ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. [inflammation] let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation
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>> ouidorleanmade hiorscppnaonng b >> that is correct. >> look at that joy. zaila avant-garde became the first african-american and the second black winner. the first black winner from 1998 is now a celebrity in her native jamaica. spelling is not her only talent. >> spelling is your side hustle. your real love is basketball. >> i have been playing basketball since i was five years old. >> we have seen the commercial you did with steph curry.
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three guinness world records for dribbling. incredible. you want to play in the wnba someday? >> i definitely do. >> we want to hear the rest of that. what are her future plans? here is that commercial george mentioned. she shows off her skills in a 2013 ad. curry tweeted yesterday, keep changing the game. by the way, a sixth-grader originally came in second place at the be. congratulations. >> unbelievable skill level. for more than a quarter of century, has stood for excellence in sports performance yearly. the award show tomorrow night, right here on abc7. we have a preview. >> reporter: on good morning america, anthony mackie and his enthusiasm was obvious. >> to be hosting all of these o
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amazing athletes is an honor. >> reporter: marquee players meeting marquee movie stars and it's hard to say who gets a bigger thrill. >> i will treat them like people will treat me. so i got a bag of baseballs and footballs and baseball bats and i will be handing them out for people to autograph. >> reporter: it has become a tradition at the sp's to recruit big stars who love sports to host what has become an extravaganza. after laster's virtual show, this one promises the return to big and bold. >> after this past year and everything we went through, is probably going to be larger than any other year, because when all else failed, when everything was put away and we were locked inside, sports kind of kept everybody together. >> reporter: the hosts career continues to soar thanks to the falcon and the winter soldier on disney plus and the upcoming captain america, as mackie becomes the first african- american to ever play the
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iconic role. behind all this achievement lies a man from new orleans whose favorite sport is baseball. >> whenever i watch sports, i always feel like i am on the field, living vicariously through that person. >> reporter: so there can be no during the weekend of champions. >> i want to look my best and i want to be hydrated. because i might meet venus williams. >> reporter: i am sandy kenyon, abc7 news. >> this is the weekend of champions. tomorrow you can catch the women's wimbledon final. the ufc rematch and the espys, here on abc7 at 5:00. then sunday, the wimbledon final. the euro soccer final and then game three, nba finals, suns and milwaukee bucks, with phoenix having a series lead. a 5:00 tipoff in california,
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followed by the postgame show. we have not really applied, but someday we will. i think we will win. >> and it is a winner in your mind already. >> i am a winner in my heart. >> not a bad time to watch tv. >> that's right and who would not want to watch larry's award- winning -- >> someday award-winning. let me show you a live picture. the air quality is becoming less good. moderate right now for parts of the bay area. our quality will continue to deteriorate. saturday, poor air quality. moderate for sunday. a little touch of fog near point reyes, but it cannot come in soon enough to cool us off. the he continues inland. 107 in antioch. 68 in half moon bay. mid-70s hello ladies from san francisco to oakland. the seven day forecast, featuring triple digit sizzle. the next two days inland, and
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then a cooler pattern next week. so, some relief is coming, but we have to hang in there. black widow, finally out in th
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if there were a button that would help you use less energy, breathe cleaner air, and even take on climate change... would you press it? black widow, finally in theaters and on disney plus. our abc sister station in chicago spoke spoke
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cate shortland. >> three, two, one, action. >> what is it like as a filmmaker to be in charge of all of this and to make it all work? >> when i approached it, i had to make sure that scarlet did not get lost in all of that. so we always put natosha at the center of everything. and make sure that you are sort of still telling her story, rather than getting lost in the spectacle. >> my plan was to drive away. >> well, your plan sucks. >> what is beautiful about the film is the relationships, so i think we've got the beautiful spectacle and all of the fun and the humor. but what al have is really beautiful family drama.
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>> is that what we are? >> what is great about them is they use humor to deflect the kind of patch anarchy, so there is this idea of not of things get you down. keep powering through. >> there is a new world. new enemies. >> reporter: what do you hope audiences will get from this, besides the entertainment? >> i think to give each other a break. we are all coming back together and i hope that when we do, this time there is a little bit more appreciation for other. just to take away the heart from it. that she always sees the underdog and wants to help. and i think that is a beautiful thing, if we can all try just a little bit harder to do that. >> one thing is for sure.
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next at 5:00, will get your kids have to wear masks when they go back to school this fall? tonight, the cdc says one thing and california officials say another. plus, the bay area conference dangerous heat, some areas could see record breaking temperatures in triple digits. plus, the new push to tourists back to san francisco's chinatown. the grandmother who narrowly missed getting hit by a massive tree that was split


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