tv ABC7 News 500PM ABC August 19, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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>> blduiing a beertt bay area, moving forwa,rd finding solutis,on this isbc a 7 news. >> it is a difficult job, balancin mg,anaginghe t needs, desires dan aspiratnsio of 40 million eramicans. this ishe t most dirsvee steta. g>>overnor wsneom is makinhig s pitch to voters wh itstju over three weekso tgo unt tilhe carell good evengni and tha ynkou for joining us. i am on eth dates -- al blads forhe t electiohan ve realady been mailed out or are being mailed o autcross the state. you may ha gveotten you irsn the mail. in person votingap hpens ptember .14 evan anderson spoke one-on-one with l rizights. liz joins us live from the newsomro with wt hathe governor id. >> destepi repeated request,
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isth is the rsfit time the pandemic -- since the pandecmi started atth governoner wsom has beenva ailable f aor one-on-one interview. we heop to t gesome inshtig into how he views his job as vegornor. >> withol pls showi tng rheecall election in a deadea ht, vegornor gav ninewsom isam rping hisff eorts toet g outis h meagsse. in a one-on-onine terview thwi abc 7, wase ked abouhit s take tonhe recall. >>ou y framehi tss aa repuicblan powerra gb and a takeerov by the extre rmeight ngwi. doou yee fl youre a accountleab all? ck over.5 2 years a sndaid they did everything perctfely. gh,os as a hunma bngei, that answers iobvious. >> can y boue scipefic? ist isomear pt ofhe t lockdown, somethgin with schos?ol >> it is aif dficultob j balancg,in maninagg the nesed anded siresf o40 million americans.
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i amer vy proudf owhat we have nedo on covid. it has been chlealnging, stressful. i am notai nve about ttha i think iits i inthk o aurpproach of being e first ltoead thwi that ayst-at-homeav ses lives. >> arbery silemp from cbs news owshs a majitory ofot vers ear supporveti of califniora's vaccine mandate. vaccine mandate. >> mast mdaantes in rubeplican schools. the leinadg canditeda says he will dtho atay d one. iav he no interesint taking us offhe t covidli cff. the time in -- timing of the delta varit anis creating a trkyic situation for some. >> there a nreo stetas that ear ingog farther. many people e arwonderinifg people areoi gng to hd oloff causef othe tinimg othf e carell. >> ion d't do anything tinhat
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spreect. >>ew nsom ktep to s hitalking points. he told us he has gotteadn vice om goverr noarnold scarhwzeneggerha wt advicee h wod ulnot >> ipp areciate shi voice, his vice andou cnsel. this ions e of the mtos rerkmaable andea hrtfelt meetings. i am vyery d>>o you wa tnto shed any ghlit wonhat he tdol you? >> tho cseonversatnsio are ivate. >> t gheovernor not reaevling o much. hes itrying to get out a focusemed ssage. this iade ttha t ahelternative optis onwould ta ckealifornia back. whe ilhe is doginel te--- teinrview tod, ayhis repliubcan chalnglees areat griheng for another badete itil wl not iluncde larryld eer coraitlyn jneenr. >> you can seee hdoes
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to make any jomaadr missions of fault cabeuse his alchlengers llwi pounce onim h andnd aai sd atth he mess tedhis up. on our webtesi, weav he allou y ne tedo know abo hutow to vote. the livad queiostns are ait ltle fferent anthha wt you' uresed to. we will plexain it all. >> fircre ews are stayingle art. the cchat feir i30s % more tn hatwo doz henomes were destyerod. keta a look tathat. some evacuioatn ordersre a in fect. he skepo whit se ompeople impactedy bthe fire. >> especad tohe t flames t buit cod ulbe days borefe homwneoers ell aowed bacink to this neighbhoorod. here ishy w, it is oto daerngous. there isim sply nothg inleft. we a hreere on damoa rd wrehe most o tfhe damagise clear. it ists unning. theer is nothg inleft here.
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fountidaons wherhoe mes usedo t the sheffri sayits apprsea everyoneho w lived he ergot out safelyod tay. hofupel discovyerf o missing pet. >> thereas w little meti for homeowner ty blach to >> it wasik le a flasfih re. i did t nohave any warning. i had to t geout. >> every ailvaable firefighter in the area try to spto the wlal of flames b tuthey coulnod t save to milobe home pksar in ear lake omfr ruin. >> another was a lot of arose in tes rmof rescugin the people and rescnguihe t animals. peop hlead to move back, it was stunning. >> also stunng inis the scope of destctruion. u can s ueep to 50 homes duadced to rebel. a chreard bicycle is onef othe w tnghis still rogecnizable. bu itn the middle ofhi ts onmoscape, aig sn of life. this cat foundud hdled agastin on oefhe t fewom hes still
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stanngdi. imanal contr tolo the reuesc. >> we will take it toar ceow n. t>>he danger visery real. >>he tre is noir fe activi.ty we are not outf ohe t woods on this. their fefighterars ect aively fightingnd a keepinghe t area ut down. >> iav he been adrey and set since the ryve fir fstires hit o monthsgo a. we he avbeen doi tnghis for eight aryes. i n'd't wt aiuntil the last second. llkey got o jutust in retilaves wereot n so lucky. >> my couss inhouse burned dnow to t gheround. they havnoe thing le.ft nothing. >>ac bk live wh ita shot owhf at edus to be aoo gd entve, now how burned o suthell. the smo ikes stillea hvy in the air. the wdin kicngki up. something firefighrste don't want. theyav he been busaly l day
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puttg inout hotst.po i do evacuation center. asar f as a cause to thisir fe, it iuns der inveigstation. abc ne7 ws. t>>hank you. smoke from other large fesir buinrng in califorani i,mpacting our aiqur ality. keta a look. mosteo pple noticed our hazy iesks. let's get to sandipaa tel for our ouootlk. >> rhtig now, it rightow n let meho sw y wouhere themo ske cisoming you can s aeell that oksme from northe crnalifornijua st pouring intohe t bay area. thwie nd is plinayg a role. it ibas sically cinomg out of the noh rtright now. it is n votery wind byut it is draggingha tt smoke wndo. we have pockets ofod merate to heunalthy. the skemo will sllti linger
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going in ttoomorrow rnmoing. tomoowrr night, sittarts to pu eshastward. hweave a srepa the airle art datoy and tomorrow,r oair ality both days. tusarday, some impveroment, sunday, nafilly, we n caall breathe. goodir a qualityom cing our y.wa i wilbel back wi ath full look atha tt rrlay: a lotf o ppleoe are asngki if it is smo,ke seasonal allergs,ie covid. repants withch sool kidsre a wangki up to a new pandecmi reality. any mi sldymptoms ulcod take your ks idright ouoft school. anlene melenzde tlsel us partsen ne aed plan ofct aion. >> st en-- san fncraisco uniedfi is prepangri for leainrng. thhee alth deparentmt give pares ntmultiplear wnings. >> we all need ttoake caref o ea ochther. it is cricital that if you have any mpsytoms, st hayome.
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>> evea n mile and runny could constutite delta. it is importt anthat chireldn are tested if they heav sytompms. courts have any parentsav he ntceer kids toch sool billgin unr dethe weather and sayt iis ok. i have tgoo to work. i'm here to tell uyo that atth wi nllot fly amonyreec bause scolho district have become hyrspeensitivebo aut covid. the enscario is somewhat frustrinatg for partsen becseau teheacrs can'' reayll disdain waset bween symptomcas used by allergies,mo ske in the air or covid. the kid gets pulled ou otf school g,ets test aedgain and may enupd at home a lot. >> my son aist home. >> that isha wt megan is wno gog inthrough. a studt enin her s'o's cssla teedst positeiv. >> ifou y have be ienn aoo rm thwi a stude mntore than5 1
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numites, anydybo may havbee en poexsed to it. in ts hicase, anyym sptoms of anythi -ng- the kids e armissing hoscol. >> the guidelis neare sety b the n francio scdepartme ontf alheth. >> we nd eeto be vilagint. this is nea w time in terms of iner pson learnin bgut our tmea stdsan ready to assi tsthe scho dolistrict. >> for the older kids, having to quaranneti will depend on the vainccation stas tuand their proxitimy to oth sertudents. stl,il schools are reqriuing that every child self rescen at meho every d.ay the best inthg parent csan do is to havae plan like who will do e thpick up d anwhere tbeo tested if and eryve time tyhe getht at call. inan s fncraisco, lenean melend, ezabc 7 >> challenging tesim. loonnd reachedut o to the
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african eramican comnimuty, ging thetom get vacnacited. >> wean wt to encraouge people to g iett. i tamired of arweing masks. i am tedir ofmp iosing all these publ hicealth guelidines. they are not mea tnto be a punishme.nt >>he t mayor irontduced caiess cook whoseon s just di oedf covid-19 after rusefing to get vaccatined. >> if they come in,he ty don't maket iout. they don't'make it out because they havnoe t been vciacnated. theyie d. my sons idead. son. oni ly have e onchild. i beg you, i beyog u. >> a motr'h's emotnaiol plea. >> t mheayor offer tedo hold has,nd comfortgin anyone to get the ccvaine.
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vid vacnecis, you c aansk the c ab7 news vciacne team. there is alsonf iormationbo aut whoo tbook anpp aointntme to t your st.ho >>om cing up, many silicon vall ceyompaniesav he pdgleed to work with more minority owned suppliser but some sathy ey are still fangci high hulerds. one immigrant businses owner shesar her strgluges with c ab7. the arsptans areac bk on camspu today. precautions in pac--e in place. >> abc 7s i coveringac bk to scolho all week. it cmiulnates wi ath livtoe wn llha that will hbeeld rig hhtere on abc 7 our panel of experts will be our panel of experts will be i'53m , but in my mind i'm still .35 th'a's whi y take ostbie -fle toee kp me movgin thwae y i was dema to, nitourishes and strengthens jmyoints fothr e long osteo bi-fle px,lus tavimin d
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ckba open todayft aer a truck caug fhtire andev seral proai pn propanean tks no oneas w hurt. caraltns eecxpted -- inspecdte the bridgend a saiitd is safe. someep rairs were made and workerwis ll returinn a month for more repai orsut of coerncn rfo the pavemt enpossible long-tm erdurabili.ty lay:rr majoron cstruction projects like e thextensioton downtown san jose are reaching out toin mority owners r fothe rk. closedoo drs persi dstespite concteerdiv dersity eorffts. dad vitheay wha sres theou jrney aou sthbay imgrmiant at her compan''s struge glfor equal oppounrtity. quesonti has gonfre om being a janitor at ibm to running a company that mesak custom workncbeshe for tech d andrug mpanies. she sllti runs io ntobstacleins sicolin valley.
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>> i feelik le it is ouabt gettg inthrough eth door with these cpaomnies. >> aimn migrantro fm mecoxi at age .20 wh hoave you workwho hav >>he t social stjuice movenemt sha excessi avend effor ttso eespd up the pacofe sourcing. mpcolaints of an entrehencd old ysbo netrkwo have peisrst. i>>t is sti tllhere. the odgo old boysys stem is for some peleop but not for >> alepp selecte15d companies inudcling bench tech sotiluons join aro pgram thawit ll mentor minority sulippers and develop eithr enviroennmtal forts. >> we appedli it.
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we think they ca dno more and >> wilson potsin out that smlal mirinoty supplrsie create bsjo. bring it sfftaing t22o . bring it sfftaing t22o . >> it is is opengni doors f uorso tharm our -- hire remo minorities as well. >> coming up on abc n 7ews at 5:00. san joseni uversity udstents arted th neew school year back on campus. stenudt
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>> san je osuniversi wtyelcomes back sdetunts toam cpus for eth sttar o tfhe fall mesester. >> a l ootf excitementut b also anxiety ovethr e loomi tnghreat of >> the soubathy report dedustin dorsey elaxpins how the schloo hospe to epke everye onsafe on campushi ts fall. >> under the hy azsouthbay
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skies, you canee fl the light back oinn sanos je state univertysiam cpus as the artans ruretned afteror me than 17 month osf mostlyir vtual arning. >> it remis ndmef ofreshman ar. it is fun to see everye,on see my frien wdsalk by. >> ware e fired .up sam was on hand for an official welcome ckba press cfeonrence featuring mary. i>>t is so great tbeo back rehe on eth presidental cled it one of the stmo anticipedat fall sestmeers the hoscol has erve se.en with the dtael variant, there is still anxietynd a a focus on fety. >> we have relyal good procotols pinlace and we have been shinarg that aoscrs campus. we a creonfident we will be able to do it safely and we will make whateverdj austmentse wneed to make anglohe t way. >> onero ptocol is v aaccination mandeat to come on campus. 95% of the group is fully vaccinat aedccordingo tthe esident. everneyo elseas h until septemr be13 to complete
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verifiticaon. >> we will do so in a way that is safe, ttha keeps hlteah and safety atht e forefntro while also loongki to bldui the spartan communityha tt weo s value d anthat we so love. >> 50% of studentsil wl be in person. 35% ilstl fully morete. these hlatetes wilbel fullyn i rspeon. they c'a't waitor f the new arye. i>> think er vethey wilbel finend a we willom ce back to veha a normalil fe. i>> thinkhe tre is a t loof wepor in beingn oa campus, gointog a csslaroom, your ers, youmer ntors in psoern, really luvae that >>ll a that isef lt to say is welce ombacko tcampus, sptaarns. dustin dory,se abc 7 ns.ew >> back stochool it is a azcry time. lay:rr it hasee bn ara czy time for abt ou18 months.
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there is amo sky >> wwie ll have to dlea wh itthe oke one remo day. hang in erthe. let smehow youhi ts live view. it is a smoky view. 63 in the tyci. kloaand is l towo mid '0's. a little gnsi of hopes ithere. 69 in santroa sa. this i asround plesac like fairfield. it has been really ha trdo see the warhmt with l althe smoke arndou a fndrom o turahoe camera, u yocan seeha tt it is hazy up in tt hadirection. right nowe w have modatere air qualityor f many pasrt of the bay ar.ea unhealthy. you llwi noteic it is good arou sndan franccois and santa cruz. lookout awf iult is arodun aroua wildrefis. iits reallyaz hardous.
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wai nt to sh yowou thein wds calolly. we wil slee a nicone shore breeze. thatil wl reallsty art to hp.el the houbyr--hour wind forecast ginningom torrow night. three ason w ihy'mta srting this tomorrow night is the ndwi beginso tpick up omfr the ocean owingow tard the ndla. as it does going into satury,da otis 25 lemi-per-houwir nds. th watill pushhe tmo ske east of the y baarea. some othf at smokeov ming on. you can see theog f right nrea thcoe astline. this iris ght heren osolano county until 8:00 p. tm.onight. it is e thsame rsoean, the down slinopg wind and lowum hidity. a live lk oofrom our goln degate idge cama erand we have some fogut o there. smoky and hazy skies. a cooler weendke, cleaneair r.
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temperatesur first tnghi in the morning llwi be in the 50's and 's. watch o futor the f.og it will still be hazy. you he avany respatirory issues, t tryo stay ioondrs. avoid t shemoke if sspoible. d-mi60's'with fog. hazyki ses forri fday. d anthen the aggie seven weather forecastiv ging you bea tter air qualyit. at least we llwi havehe t clneear air for theee wkend, a ttlileit b morear wm as we go to next ekwe. by midweek,e ware talkg inabout the summer heat. it ials most >> 24 more hours. >> who isou cnting? n>>extn othe abc news app, fiveas et bayig hh schoolser are dog intheir btes
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♪ ♪ dreyy e sympto kmseep ivdring you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. [infmmlaation] les t'kicken k's ache and burnnt io ge!ar erov the counter eyero dps typically work lbyubricating your eyes and may providtee mporary reli.ef the osdropwis ll probably pa rssight by me. idxira wksor differently ,targeting inflammation thatan c cause d eryye disease. [infmmlaation] wh at's that? [inflammatio n] xiidra? no! citan pvirode lasting relief. idxira is th on flyda-aroppved n-nosteroid eatrtment specifically forhe t signs a nd symptoms of dry eydie sease. one opdr in chea eye, twice a da
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don'ust e if youe 'rallergico txiidra. co mmon sidefe fect s inudcle eyire ritation discfoomrt or blreurd visionwh en appli tedo the ey and usunual tastsee nsation. n'dot touch ntcoainer tip to your eyore any surcefa. afteusr ing xiid,ra wait fteifen minut es before reinsertg inntcoacts. [inflammatn]io got anroy om iyon ur eye? be protiacve autbo managin gyour symompts byal tking ytoour doctor about twice-daily xiidra. like i did. [inflammation] i prefer you didn't! xiid.ra notot day, dry eye. you can watchll a of our wscast le ivand on-demand. start >> falinly, mark was in concord
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today tcho eck out unmot diablo s schools. >> he and the msaess geas congssreman jim mcgoveran look at howtu sdents pntla, grow and harvt estheir own fruitsnd a vetagebles butn ocampus. ey then cook a snderve it aat studt enrun restraaunt. the teacheray s it helpths em rithve. >> i he ava hard timgee tting the tomaesto back tohe t clsrasoom. they are hopin tgo take tirhe fiinndgs to thwhe ite house wherthe ey wl iltake a holistic plan, loy ftgoal. ama: inviting us into your homes tonight.
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we will see you again at 6:00. metro by t-bimole... at .we don't'think yoshu ould payex tra for liunmited 5g. introducing e thbig 5g upgrade. at ditcboh ost and iccrket... ...and save halfhe wn you sw itch. justwe tnty-five bucks a month fo ..r one line of unlimited sw smartpho dneata. with 5g accessnc iluded. plus get f aree samsung lagaxy fi gve with tre adin. all on the power of the t-bimole 5neg twork.
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leru your day with t bheig five g only at metro. licafornia, did you know our homes share wepor? leru your day with t bheig five g but enwh we try to stay cool in a heat wave ou r supply is push ed to the limit. but you have the perow to ke ueps upnd a running! “"i do?” yup, we all do! wi fthlex aler.ts theyot nify us wn heto shift our energy use if our power supply wiis stretched.ts so from pre-coolinoug r hos,me to using less energy from 4-9pm, together, let's flex our power to save our power. sign ufop r flexle arts today. together, let's flex our power to save our power.
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toghnit, sever daleveloping stieors as we meco on the the bombca sre in thcae pital. video ofhe t suspectnd a his thvie rus and e ththird sh iotn the u.s. and nothw e new ancod ncerning study nitoght. d the siattuion unfoinldg in afghanistan. there is breaking news tonight. desperation growing for thoundsas of amecarins a nd afghans trying to leave the country. and hweave justea lrned inse id the rpaiort, 6,0 p00eople ha ve nobew en proceedss and cleedar nobew en proceedss and cleedar btooard evaatcuion e u.s. pnnlaing on 2fl0 ights tonighalt one. but thhue ge crowdofs americans
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