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tv   America This Morning  ABC  August 20, 2021 4:30am-5:00am PDT

4:30 am
> rightow n on "amera icthis morning"- - evactiuaons ramngpi up. eth u.s. military airlifting thousand osfme aricans out of afghanistan. as more chaos unfolds outside the airport in kabul. plus, the claifssied memo ntseo tthe steta department in july that warned of the afghan governntme's we trehose warngnis ignod?re hostapils overwhelmed. the numrbe of youerng covid9-1 tipaents reainchg an all-teim high. plus three members ofon cgress who ear fully vaccitenad testing sipotive for the and one state issuing the striesctt vaccine mandaste yet. itbrney's new fight. the embattled princess of pop under investigation for allegedly striking one of her emoyplees.
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whhey r lawyeral cls the investigatn iooverowbln. plus,au cght on camera. the dramatic rescue after a man llfe onto subway tracks. backro fm the dead. the icocni toyet railer set for a riveval at a moraj department store. a tndhe show mtus go on. ♪ the circle of life ♪ aftea r long vicod-imsepodre bak e cast of "the lion ngki" welcoming broadwabay ck with an otemional ♪ announc:er from abc news in new rkyo this is "americtha is rning." good fdariy rnmoing, erevyone. we beginit wh the chsao in afghanisnta a tndhe race to evacteua thousan odsf americans. >> overnight a white house official reporting an increase in the number of amerinsca safely flown outf othe country. >> right outside airport walls in kabul the sittiuaon is owgrgin more dgeanrous bthy e hour. nfire erupting, sending parent asnd chireldn scraminblg r fesaty. abc's alex preash joins us from
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washington whit remo. alexgo, od morning. >>ep rorter: arendw and mona, good mniorng to you. tashe white house faces ineacrsing cricitism for t he siattuion in afanghistan, wree' hearingir dectly fromne o eramican famyil still stuck in kabul. this morngni the uenrgcy to esca kpeabul innsteifying. 1500,0 amerinscand a up to 6000,0 afghans who helped the s.u. now despetera to especa. eth whi hteouse saygin the u.s. acevuated 3,000eo pple yestery,da with many more earedor f departe.ur agimes fromut oside the apoirrt show a courynt in chaos. ports of at least 12 ppleoe killedin sce sunday. litaban figerhts strgluge to epke control using gunsnd a bansto agastin civilians. >> i auactllyot g whacked thwi -- you know, with one of ese like fan btselor f not movingas ft enough. >> repteorr: david fox is still rustggling to make i btack atsteside whit his afghan weif an dye3-ar-oldon s. righnot w th'reye caedmp among eth crowd at the kabul rpaiort. i was abl teo me akcontact wi othnef othe maresin and i was llyeing, youkn ow, eramican, amiceran, americans here.
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dan heus jt -- you know, i made eyeon ctactit wh tmhe and he just ssay "get back now, get backno w." and eth marinesre a stju, you know,ir fing their weapons. firing wniarng shotsn ithe air. i was holdinghi ts little d just trygin to keep my balance, tryin ngot toal fl wn. fomer as a fathe ir aaylws have rtoisk -- iav he to weigh the risks of these different options. so to me the apoirrt is very ngerous. >> repteorr: the pentagon says remoha tn 0052 u.s. topros are now the erattempting toro pcess more peoepl faerst. dan inas whington more scrutyin tofhe biden adnimistration. urces te allbc news.s u. diplomat ast the embassy in kalbu sent a classifdie memo in july to top state departmten leadsherip inclungdi secreta ry ofta ste antony blinken warning at the ahafgn goverennmt was at risk of colpslae from a tabalin takeerov. president biden, w'sho raiemned steadftas in his decisnio to thdraw, nowxp eected to sakpe on afghanianstat ler toy.da an sdenatorsil wl get ari befing onhe t situation in afghastnian this afternoon.
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mona and dranew? >> axle presha in washinongt. anthk you. ow n ttho e spike in youerng covid-19 patitsen. the number of sphoitalized chilendr and peoepl underhe t ag oef 50 heav now reached their hightes level ye at,nd nowor me members of congress have tested positive after being fully vaccinated. this morning three u.s. senators are now angmo the latest eakthrough cesas of covid-19. ansgu ngki, rngor wick erge wic hn hicnlkeooper annncouing paserately ty'heve tested positives ahe t seneat chamber is on sumrme brk.ea all three wmlaakers, who were fully vaccinated s,ayhe ty're peexriencingil md sytompms. eakthroughas ces reinma rare and heahlt offiaicls sestrs the vaccesin are highly effecti avet preventi sngevere comes as covid hospitizalations across t he country hitea nrly ,09300, the hiesght number of patientsin sce th cerisisee dpening ithn e south. wheer state hsave among the lowest vaccination rates. in alaba imacus are 100% full.
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we're expieerncing wtai times inhe t emergency room like we've vener seen. they are waiting for hours and somemetis more than 24 hrsou in the ergmeency dareptment so that eyth can move stupairs to get a bed. >> rorepter: in mississpiip spitalizioatns haveur spassed last wiernt's peak. the goverrno has request aedn ditional50 1 venlatitors from thena tion's d now ,02000 stuntdes across eth steta are in quarantin e afrte just their fst week of hool. e thstate's top dtoocral cling this the worstar pt of eth pandicem. w>>e are clearly at the worst pa ortf the panmidecha tt wvee' seen thrghouout andt' is coinntuing to worsen. >> rorepter: in eth meantime re amerinsca are getting vaccinat.ed th ue.s.ep rorting moreha tn 1 millnio vaccineos des aministedre np just the past 4 urhos and stricrte mdaantes are rolling t.ou in washingnto statehe t governor issuing an order thateq ruires stmo state employees, health re workers, soochl emploesye an cdhild care provide trso get fully vacnacited or face losing eir jobs. and unlike other mantedas wainshgton state's wl ilnot
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allow a weekly testing tealrnative. and inex tas ltas night the steatup sreme courtul red aiagnst govnoerr ggre that rinulg allsow soochl distris ctin the steta to enfoerc mkas mandates. the texas hseou of presentavetis is bkac in busine assfter some democtsra lefthe tta ste tore pvent sspaage of anle ections overhaul bill. justno eugh of themho swed up at the capolit lastig nht to hiaceve a qruuom and restart the legislativ eprocess. last month docemrats fled to washington, d.c. seeki sngupport to block theil bl that would verely restrict votingri ghts. he t biden aindmistration is erasing nearly $6 billion in federal stuntde loan debt. itov cers more tn ha300,000 borrerows wither pmanent disabiliesti. buten ts of millions of americsan are still aiawting rdwo on a pnla to forvegi most nifot all sdetunt lnoa debt. next new detailsbo aut the n who cimlaed thao ve a bomb nearap citol hi.ll he surreernded after an hos-urlong anstdoff butot n fore takin tgo facebook live. this morning the man who brohtug capitol hi tllo a stantidsll for
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re than five hours is now hind bars. ursday mniorng police say 49-yeaolr-d floyd ray roseberry park hedis pickup truck othn e desiwalkut osidehe t library of ngress and called 911ay sing he had a bomb. >>'v ieot g a bombn ihere. i don't ntwa nobody hurt. >> rorepter: roseberry confronting an oicffer atht e sce.en >> the first thi ing need you to idos carle this, a o-twblock dius. >> the officer said itpp aeared toe b a donetator ithn e man's hand. >> repteorr: stree stshut down, nearby blduiings evacuated, including the supre cmeourtnd a haouse of prreesentatisve fiofce ilbuding. large nbeumrs of police and federa algents desendginn othe scene. snipers movginnt io positi.on k-9 units andom bb squads deploy.ed aas msive rpoesnse for a cyit ilstl on hhig alert from nuary's capital otri. roseberry livestreaming the event on facooebk live making a nuermb of raminblg an-gtiovernmen tstatemen,ts even throwing cash out of the window. police conceedrn about this rstyan cister in the aimi tngo have bomb-making
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matealris and 2,000 pousnd in coins that could be udse as rapnel. >>he wn thisom bb gsoe off therse' goingo tbe four meor ghrit behind it. >>ep rorter: febacook takinghe t liverestam down. then communicangti with officialvis a a dry erase board atne o pntoiri wting on"d't shoot ."me netigoaters ungsi a robot to deliver him a cell pho wnehich he refedus to use. exitg inthe vehie cland rrsuendering. >> t theacticalni uts that were close by toohik m into ctousdy thout incident. >> repteorr: polic seearching e pickup sinayg he nerev had a viable bomb. h>>is mivote remains unknown. hi hsome in nthor carolin waas so searedch. nheow fesac a numrbe of federal charges. notow north colarina where maayor says theem rnants of tropicalto srm fred left behind a rrhuicane-si zedisaerst. at lea tstwoeo pple were kildle inhe tlo foding andea srch foefrts are arndou 20 peoeplnd a counngti. fiofcials say the hhig water damage desoytred over 225 homes dan up to 15 idbrges.
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erov 200 werat resescu were compled.te nd a new engla inds brangci r fothe arrival of what's now tropalic storm henri. 's expecdte to strengthe innto a hurcarine as it moves rtnoh, creati dngangerousur sf nditions along the entire etas the worst of the srmto i'tsn exctpeed untilat le sund.ay it's been 30 years since n ew engld'ansas lt decirt hit from a hurranice. dan time now for a look at your morning weather. >> g>ood morning. we're tracking henri as weea hd to frid.ay th sistorm is moving sit way towa trdhe atltiancoa cst but it g'soing to teak a turn foutgh rth wit ah strong aare of high presresu in canada pushing is it watord the coastline. ou y're inou sthernew n gland, eteasrnon lg laisnd, prepareor f the posbisility of a category 1 hurcarine for t he sendco half of this weekend. it cldou be a close shave for u.yo wee'r loongki at up to -mile-an-hour gust asnd up to eight inches of rnai in utheaste nrnew meanmeti, the fesir burning in lifornia. evuaactions uernd way.
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i'm accuweatheret meorogilost vin skcoren. coming up, a moraj aliirne ys no alcoloh for pasngseers until 2220. ls ao ahd,ea a subway aan m falls onto thera tcks as a train barrels into the station. e dramatic rescueau cght on camera. plus, an arrest in the muerrd of a mmiiaur hricanes ayer ttha hpeapned 15 years o. the vict'sim former teammate is nowha crged. how
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'rwee at oures bt when wste and togeerth. that's wn hewe make the poimssible
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possible. that w'shat stanupd to cceanr has because u yostood up. because yofou, suivrvors are t outhere. we'rmae king themp iossible... possible. we'rcoe mmitted to making every cancer patient... a survivor. isth is e thmoment w e doubleur off eorts. tothgeer... we stand utop cancer. netu in satuayrd august st21 8at/7 central >>we> 're back with a heroic rescuet a a subway stitaon here in new york. an mad h a seizure and fell to the tckras with t arain st apoaprching. an nypd traitns officer quickly mpjued down to help him. otrheff oicers signaledhe t aitrn operator. and a goodam saritan helped the
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officerif lt the man to safety. the officers are bngei hailed as hero fesor sinavg that man's li.fe >> without evenhi tnking we all respdeond. eth way we were tinraed to. 'sit a goo fdeeling bauecse wnhe the commituny worksit wush and we havehe tir support andhe ty see we're thereo t hpel tmhe eagrthi tngs can pphaen. >> as for the victim,e' hs revecoring in eth hospita wlith several bkeron nebos, but he says he'sra gteful to theeo pple for sangvi his feli. authotiries in wasnghiton state have tckraed down the rsfit murder hortsne ntes of 20.21 it was locedat near blaein not rfa from where a murrde hornet s sttpoed last we.ek atste experts are developgin a plan to eliminate the nest. authoritsie say there cldou be morend a want the public to report any sighngtis. e hornets pyre on the lnerable honeyebe population. the fan foravite retleair to "ysr" us isba ck. produconti are avaabille now from and dan starting next year aid we lesection of custorme favorites llwi be available at p-uopps indesi 400 my'acs sretos acssro
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e uncotry. and amazon says it's paexnding iont the brick and mort barusinessit wh plans to open deptmarent sto-sretyle tareil ouettls. ch space will be about 30,000 squa refeet,ma sller tnha pitycalep dartmentto sres but ilstl stockedul fl ofte ims like clotnghi, hseouhold items and elecontrics. > and most arimecanir alines passengerson w't be able to have a dnkriur ding theirli fght unlti january at the rleaiest. the carrier says its alcoloh ban is the main --n ithe main cabin is being extendde until january th. that's aols the date the u.s. mask mdaante on public trspanortation is set to >> a>nd cinomg up, a golden retriever's dramac tistaredown with b aear. > alsoah ead, the new fight for britney sprsea. now accedus of striking her usekeeper. what the singer'saw lyer is sayingbo aut the aegllations xt.
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♪ thsaounds of wenom with mesttaatic breast cancer are viling ithn e moment d antaking ibrance. ibncrae with aarn omatase hiinbitor is foros ptmenopaul sawomen oror f men withrh +, her2me- tastatic breast cceanr as their fst hmoornal based thapery. ibrance pluset lrozole significantly delayed disease prreogssion veusrs letrozo.le ibrae ncmay causloe w whe itblood cell count atth mayea ld to serious feinctions. raibnce may uscae sereve inflammation of e thlungs. thbo of thes e calen ad to death. tell your doctorf iyou have new wororseninghe cst pn,ai cough, otrr ouble brtheaing. fobere takinibg rance, llte your doorct yifou have vefer, chills, or other gnsis of infection, liveorr kidney problems are or platon beco pmeregnant,
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aorre breastfeeding for more iornfmation about sideff eects lkta to youroc dtor. ♪ be iyon ur moment. ask your docto r about raibnce. i brghout in ensure max protein, withhi trty gramofs protein. osthe who tried me felt more eney rgin just o twweeks! ig[shs weari]ly he, rei'll takthe at! o-wohoo! enresu max protein. withhi trty gramofs prointe, on e gram of sur,ga and now thwi twneo w flavor
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diomscfort back the?er s! ineastd of usi angloe, on e gram of sur,ga or baby wipes, or powrsde, try thcoe oling, sthooing reli efor prepatiraon h. be cause yo durerriere deserves expert care. pr eparatioh.n get coormftable wi itht. back now whit anrr aestn i th e15ea-yr-old cold case. eth murderf o a university of ami footballla pyer. bryan pataas w fatally shot outseid his apartmentac bk in nombveer of 2006,nd a now police have arrested his former ammate, -y35ear-old rhaasun jones, andha crged himit wh tapa's death. nejos, whose numrbe 38 there in the picture, jneoid other temaamtes paygin tribute to pata onhe t field after his death. d police say tsip from eth mmcounity weer crucial in his arrest. >> the comnimuty neverto spped contacting us. i can only hope that this brings the pata family a little bit of closure, a little bit of satiacsftion knowing tha att leasthe t person who took bryan's life is now in custody
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and will be facing >> procusetors say pata and nes had oningogss iues and that jones previously dated pata's rlgifriend. jonesas hai sd he was at home the night pata was killed. investatigors, thoh,ug say jones s'cell phone placed himn i th aerea of the kiinllg. > >>now to t nheew fightor f britney spears. theop p srta is uernd vestigatnio forat btery after a housekeerpe said sarpestr suck her during a diutspe. abc's megan tevrizian has those details. this morning btnriey spesar under invtiesgation for battery after a repteord aerltcation with one ofer h employees. >> the empyeloe allegedha tt ring that dpuiste ms. spears stckru her. >> reporr:te the altercation first repordte by tmz detailing that sarpes allegedlyla spped a nglo-time hoekuseeper's phone tou of her hands. no one was injured. t that housekeerpe filing a compinlat with eth ventura county sherf'ifs office. >> to emphazesi thisas w exemtrely minor. >> rorepter: spears' toatrney matthew seronguard tlielng abc
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wsne the iesnvtigation is overblnow sensaontial tabidlo dder, "thnoing mor than a plfr hde says she said regarding a cel plhone wh itno strinikg dan obviously nonj iury whatsoever." ♪ it comes as the 39-year-dol pop star sksee to regain contr oolf her life and fortune. her faerth, jamie sprsea, has been heron cservator since 2008. last wkeeam jieay sing he now intends stotep downro fm that it reol hse' held for 13 years. >> as of now these are only liobgatison and i don't see ttha imctpaing theon cservatoripsh oceedings at all. if throu aghn invesgatition more fasctom ce to light and we learn re aboutth is, hotypheticall y itou cld impact thero pceedings but athi ts timehe tre'so n reasono t tnkhi that it will. >> reporr:te now it's upo tthe district attorney's office to decide whetherhe ty'll file charges. andr,ew mona. >> men,ga thank u.yo > and coming up,he t returnf o musilsca on broadw.ay >> also ahead,he t latest gnsi
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of an ulatr cpeomtitive rl ea estatear mket in arimeca. e shocki pngrice thihos me e shocki pngrice thihos me so y whhide youskr in if duxepint has your modera-tteo-severecz eema, orto apic dermatit is under ntcorol? hi de our sn?ki noust . because duxepint targets a roo t cause of ecza,em it hpsel heal your skin fr womithi keinepg you on e stephe aad of it. an d for ki adsges 6 anupd , that mea cnslearer skin, and notiabcely less itch. hide my skin? not me. by hpielng to corontl eczema with dupixent, you can anchge how tirhe skin looks and feels. an d that'she t kin d of cnghae you noceti. dehi my skin ? not .me dot n'use if you're allergic to dupenixt. seris ouallergic reaioctns can occu inclinudg anaphylaxis, which isev sere. tellou yr doctorbo aut new or woenrsing eye probmsle, suchs aeye pain or visn iochanges, or a parasitic inftiecon. if y touake asth mmaedicines don'cht ange or stophe tm wioutht talkintog your doctor. wh en y houelp heal your sn kifromit whin, u yocan owsh more with less ecmaze. talk to uryo child's eczaem specialist about dupixent,
4:51 am
a breahrktough eczaem tr eatment. u yothought inusg nicknasme talk to uryo child's eczaem specialist about dupixent, mit ghendear y touo your n ew team. did u yojust calmel , stanim?al turns outht ey only e usthat mena behind anst's lif''s full ohif dden proembls. did u yojust calmel , stanim?al so we hid a mfcoorting brownie in a snickers. ♪ ♪ lif''s full ohif dden proembls. did u yojust calmel , stanim?al ♪ ♪ [ heavbry eathing ] allergiewis th nasal congesonti overwheinlmg you? breathe remo freely thwi porfweul clarin-tid. claritin-d improves nasal airflow o twtimes more th an the leadi angllergy spray at houonr e. breathe remo freely thwi porfweul clarin-tid. [ deep ialnhe ]
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clarit-din. get mo areirflow. > >>time do r to cckhe the pulse. we begin with eth movie tilraer ttgeing allhe t atttienon from moviefa ns. >> oh, yeah. it's from the marvel comicsil fm "eternals." take a oklo. >> when you love someinthg, you protect it. ♪ >> just howuc mh buzz is "eterns"al ttgeing? e traeril has been watched over 11 million times online since being released yestdaery.. the movie is directed by adecamy
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award winner chloe zao. >> marvel comic iss a divisio n of our parent company disn.ey "etealrns" hits theaters venomber 5th. next thero badway show circli bngack to life. >> disy'nes "the lion king" retusrn wither pformances on septbeemr 14th,nd a thursday the cast mad aen emotional turern, resuming rehrseaals forhe t rsfit timein scehe t covid crisis forced the show to go darkn iar mch of 20.20 t'les take a listen. ♪ na sibaa ny♪ ♪ roargin back deined. e show dutebed on broadywa arly 24 years ago a inds one of the mtos popularta sge mucasilsn ithe rlwod. all right. wh watould you pay for a burnedut-o house? >> it see ymsou cldouet g a rlea bargain, rit?gh not so that u'snless ist' in eth
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ghhi-pricedan s francis bcoay eaar, whichhi ts heom is. teafr this foured-broom place went upn i flames,he t oerwns cideded to sl,el askingor f $8,07500, mona. >> belie ivet or no at, bidding warro bke out a indt finally sold for $1 llmiion. yeah. the hsioung market is on fire. > next, a brave golden retrieve irn alaska. t>>he dogas wn't goingo tbe pushed arndou by a big watchhe t -y11ear-old dog named etprty stand his groundnd a bark up a sto arms the bear roams arndou. >> atne o point ty'here nose to nose borefe pttrey wins the battle of wills a tndhe bear lkwas off. >> ooh. d finally a new delivyer option at ohio steta unerivsity. bot -- sdetunts order thrghou grubhub appnd a seltec rover livery. >> thiiss how the robot volution star.ts the order is plad cein a rob ot r fodeliryve. fiofcials s tayhe pceross is quicr,ke cheerap andor me cusere. ov rers are now availleab but the schloo hopeso t expand to
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100. at's a small army. >> that is a small berefo discovengri nexium hr24 to treat her frequen t heartburn... b aiclre couldnl oy imaginer24 enjongyi chocola cteake. now,he s can havhee r cake d aneat it t.oo n xineum 24hr opsts acidke berefo it starts for all-d,ay all-nit ghprotecti.on n cayou imagine 24 hours without hetbarurn? okso, the prices at kohl's rhtig now, i anme, whoa! you can'sat y no. we're talking denim sttiarng at $21.99... throws and piowlls for $11.99... an d up to 40% off collegese sentials! did i meiontn kohl's'cash d anfree store picku!p? kohl's.
4:56 am
[swos rdclashing] - haend ough? - arthris.ti here. new asperercme arthrisit full pscreription-restthng? re duces inamflmati?on thank the gods. don't thanthk em t soooon. kick pain in t he asperercme. don't ttsele for products atth give y aou sort ofhi wte smile. y trnew creswht itening ulemsions don't thanthk em t soooon. for 100% whiter teeth. ithis ghlyct aive peroxide droplets spewi on in seconds. better. faster. creshitwtesme.ilcom lactaid is 100% real mk,il justit whout theac ltose. so y couan enjoyt ieven yifou're seitnsive to dryai. so anyonwhe o says ltaacid isn't alre milk isls ao saying mabel here i'tsn r aeal cow. an d shree ally hat teshat.
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♪ come on, mabel here i'tsn r aeal cow. get your motor running ♪ you just head out on the highway ♪ looking for some tchotchkes ♪ and whatever comes our way ♪ yeah darlin, go make it happen
4:58 am
mí amor, take the world in a love embrace ride all of your love at once and explode into space... ♪ born to be wild ♪ start your california road trip and all denny's pancakes are made to order with fresh buttermilk. but this month's spotlight stack is a patriot. fresh, sweet and full of freedom. new red, white & blue pancakes. this month's spotlight stack.
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see you at denny's. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news.
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>> pleaseeeee everything you can to comply with what the businesses are asking. >> san francisco one of the first major u.s. cities to require full vaccination for many and are activities, and mandate that just went into effect overnight. could some end and president biden expect -- kumasi: and president biden giving an update today as the emergency to escape couple intensifies. >> nothing left, nothing. >> devastation on the south end of clear lake, the sign of life in the middle of this fire zone. >> a spare they are alert today, but mica says it will not be long before we save blue skies again. reggie: thank you for joining us on this august 20. you are watching abc 7 news, live on abc 7, hulu live, and wherever you stream. kumasi: let's start with a check


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