tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 23, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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they've lost. larry: peanut butter and jelly. live forever! >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live" with guest host stephen a. smith! tonight, snoop dogg, seven-time olympic gold medalist allyson felix, and music from nelly featuring breland and blanco brown. and now, stephen a. smith! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> stephen: what's going on? what's up? [ cheers and applause ] what's up? oh, yeah! i'm here! i'm here! i'm here! i don't mind. i don't mind.
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i don't mind. what's going on, y'all? what's up? welcome to "jimmy kimmel live." i am your guest host, stephen a. smith. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. now, you might recognize me from television or from the ten billion memes of me floating around on the internet. okay? [ laughter ] you've got confused stephen a. check out annoyed stephen a. and how about this one? "i just found out i'm hosting jimmy kimmel" stephen a. [ cheers and applause ] how about that? now, very sad news to break to you just to start off the show. i'm very sorry to say this. but i'm only here for one night. but i do have good news. i've already lasted longer than the new host of "jeopardy." okay? [ applause ]
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so there's a silver lining in all of this. and i've got a lot of encouragement from my colleagues at espn. had to throw that in there. okay? they even took time to give me a beautiful shout out on today's edition of my show, "first take," on espn. look how excited they are for me. >> mr. stephen a. smith is hosting "jimmy kimmel" tonight. so make sure to check that out. i bet you he's actually a little nervous. he doesn't get nervous about anything but that's a pretty big deal. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> stephen: thanks a lot, molly. i actually didn't feel any pressure at all until you said it like that! [ laughter ] but honestly, this is really exciting. a beautiful moment for me. afternoon, i cover the nba for espn. okay? i have a recurring role on my favorite soap opera, "general
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hospital." right here on abc. [ applause ] my character's name is brick. i'm a surveillance expert for the mob and mob boss sonny corinthos. and now here i am in late night. it's 24 hours a day of stephen a. watch out, ryan seacrest, i'm coming for your ass! i'm coming for you! [ applause ] now, of course, the best part about being here tonight is that i get to be in the presence of the g.o.a.t. himself, the one and only. guillermo, what's going on? >> guillermo: yeah! how you are you doing? [ cheers and applause ] >> stephen: te amo, my friend. >> guillermo: te amo. >> stephen: great. you correct the pronunciation. are you happy about me hosting the show? >> guillermo: yeah. >> stephen: am i doing okay so far? >> guillermo: so far so good. >> stephen: you notice my legs
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shaking? >> no. it's perfect. >> stephen: you like the tie? >> guillermo: you look nice. >> stephen: can i lie and say i picked it out? >> guillermo: i don't think so. >> stephen: who picked out your tie? >> guillermo: mine? my wife. >> stephen: okay. does she always pick out your ties? >> guillermo: everything. >> stephen: everything? >> guillermo: yeah. >> stephen: i appreciate that. i appreciate that. by the way, did you hear what they're doing over in mississippi? >> guillermo: no. >> stephen: i wanted to get to this because i wanted to tell the audience about this. in mississippi people are taking a drug meant for livestock to ward off the coronavirus. this is a true story. in fact, so many folks are doing this the fda had to issue an official warning. ladies and gentlemen, this is a real tweet from the fda. "you are not a horse. you are not a cow. seriously, y'all, stop it." [ applause ] i've got to admit this. they are absolutely right.
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you are not a horse. you are not a cow. you're a jackass, though. [ laughter ] make no mistake about that. [ applause ] and by the way. by the way, if the drug you're about to take has a horse on the box, you probably shouldn't take it. [ laughter ] on friday the mississippi healt people taking this horse medicine accounted for more than 70% of recent calls to the state's poison center. that's shocking. and i'll tell you why. i had no idea mississippi had a health department. [ laughter ] i really didn't know. i didn't know. in all seriousness, here's a simple way to find out if this drug is right for you. do you eat your meals out of a bag that has been strapped to your mouth? [ laughter ] are you led around by a carrot or a stick?
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[ laughter ] how about do you sleep standing up? do you sleep in a stable? no? then take people medicine, okay? try that. it makes sense! [ applause ] here's another crazy thing going on with americans right now. it's called "the milk crate challenge." and i'm going to tell y'all something. i challenge anybody, anybody on earth, anybody, to find people dumber than these people. >> he got it too. oh! >> oh! ♪ ♪ i believe i can fly ♪ >> stephen: damn.
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what is wrong with these people? first you drink the milk from the crates to get strong bones. then you fall of o'the crates to break them? we're all so worried about covid, but tiktok is what's going to kill us. [ laughter ] can you imagine that eulogy? just take a moment. can you imagine this eulogy? he died doing what he loved. acting like a total dummy. [ laughter ] "hey, i'm sorry your cousin died falling off that milk crate." that's okay, though, he got 2 million likes. [ laughter ] everybody's losing their mind right now and i get it. it's been a long year, and folks are dealing with a lot. and while i'm known by some as bombastic and demonstrative, i never hesitate to call something or someone blasphemous! i got news for you. there's also a tranquil side to me. there is. who loves my zen, my peace. who has no problem putting on my pajamas with footies at six o'clock in the evening. so i wanted to do my part to
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bring some serenity into people's lives. >> in today's fast-paced world we're all seeking some form of inner peace. now you can find that serenity through a unique meditation workshop led by spiritual guru and espn commentator stephen a. smith. through stephen's one-of-a-kind mindfulness program you'll learn techniques that will keep you feeling centered. >> let me get this out of the way off top. i am in no mood to be here today, okay? no mood! >> stephen's unique approach takes meditation to a whole new level. >> relax, damn it! >> using classic techniques like finding your mantra. >> stephen: repeat after me. stay off the weed!
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[ all repeat "stay off the weed-a" ] >> and guided meditations. >> stephen: i want you to take a deep breath. and imagine you're standing in the middle of a beautiful garden. madison square garden. it's game 7 of the eastern conference finals. fourth quarter. two minutes to go and you're down nine. spike lee is drowning in a puddle of his own tears. it's up to you to put the knicks on your back and carry that franchise to their first conference title in 22 years! do you have it in you? where the hell you think you're going? you haven't achieved nirvana yet. >> sorry. this just isn't quite what i was looking for. >> stephen: so you think you can just go whenever you want to? who do you think you are, kevin durant? wrong. sit your ass down. >> i'm sorry. >> stephen: this is probably a good time for me to tell y'all this. no refunds.
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>> the stephen a. smith meditation workshop. find your inner peace. you inner piece of [ bleep ]. [ applause ] >> stephen: it actually works. you should all try that meditation program. it'll work wonders for you. okay? as i'm sure you can tell, i have very strong opinions on almost everything. which makes me a very effective problem solver. and tonight i'm going to use my skills to sort out some domestic disputes. it's time for "stephen settles it"! [ cheers and applause ] yes, i do. now, we've gathered some couples out on hollywood boulevard. each has an issue they needed to sort out. first up we have jason and sophia. hey, guys. how are y'all doing? >> what's up? >> hi. >> stephen: what is your issue
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with jason, sophia? >> he's a bad driver. that's it. >> stephen: that's all? nothing else? >> today that's it, yes. >> stephen: why is he a bad driver? what's the issue with his driving? >> he's a reckless driver. you know. it's really hard to get him to focus on the road. it's really hard to keep other people in the city safe. so i do my due diligence and i drive. >> stephen: and you drive. and how do you feel about her driving, jason? >> i feel like i've never been in an accident before. so i don't -- i may be a bad driver but i'm -- >> yeah. thanks to me he has not gotten in an accident. >> oh, my god. >> stephen: so thanks to you he hasn't gotten in an accident. and how is it thanks to you? >> he has a great coach. because i'm always telling him what to be careful -- to be watching out for and, you he no, how to drive, here's the speed limit. you know. >> you ever been in the car with like a screaming goat?
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>> stephen: you just called your wife a goat on national television. >> no. i mean, it's always -- >> stephen: you -- >> i'm sleeping on the couch tonight. >> stephen: jason, you do know you're going to have a rough night tonight, right? >> absolutely. >> stephen: i'm going to do you a favor. i'm going to end this conversation. >> thank you very much. >> stephen: just listen to her, bro. >> thank you. >> stephen: thank you so much. that settles it. [ applause ] our next couple, samiti -- samita. i'm sorry. and avi. how are you doing? how's everything going? >> we're doing well, stephen a. how are you? >> stephen: what's going on? what is he doing wrong? >> when it comes to arguing we have different styles. i like to tackle things head on, get to the root of the problem and address it, and he likes to take his time, let it sit. for example, if i step on his foot and he won't tell me that asking him when he wants dinner ready, it's completely over my head. i'd rather he tell me when it
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hurts. >> stephen: avi, what's the problem with that? i don't know a man alive that has a problem with a woman telling him on the spot while he can remember what he did wrong what he did wrong. why is that a problem for you? >> you make a good point, stephen a. but i'm in the business of conflict resolution. i want to get to the root of the problem. and sometimes in the heat of the moment when emotion gets the best of you you may say something you don't mean, you may not exactly address the problem. and the root of the cause. i mean, maybe my foot was in the way and that's why she stepped on my toe. you know what i mean? >> stephen: so delaying it and kicking it down the road for weeks at a time is beneficial to you as a problem solver? what profession are you in? >> i'm an engineer. >> stephen: i don't know if i would hire you based on that answer that you just gave. >> hopefully i have a job after this. >> stephen: so now that you've been talking and you recognize where she stands, are you willing to modify your approach to some degree and capitulate to what she desires, sir? >> i know where she stands. it's on my foot. but that's not what i'm looking for. i mean, listen, in the heat of
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the moment i may say something i don't mean. i like to stay take a step back, like i said, and really let the problem sink in so we can get to the real meat of it. >> stephen: samita, here's my advice to you. when you know he really, really wants something from you, that's when you bring up something in the immediate moment you want him to address. and if he doesn't follow your instructions and address it immediately, make him sleep in the other room. i promise you, it will not continue. i appreciate you. >> thank you. >> stephen: thank you so much. >> thank you. >> stephen: anyway-i hope i saved some relationships tonight. we have a great show for you you tonight. olympic gold medalist allyson felix is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from nelly! featuring breland and blanco brown. [ cheers and applause ] and of course we'll be right back with my main man. snoop dogg's in the house! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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oh wowzers, what a special family! special like my fudge stripes. made with real original keebler fudge. only elves can make cookies this good! keebler® - made with magic, loved by families™. the snapshot app from progressive rewards you for driving safe and driving less. okay, what message did you hear this time? safe drivers can save using snapshot? -what's snapshot? -what the commercial was about. -i tune commercials out. -me too. they're always like blah, blah blah. tell me about it. i'm going to a silent retreat next weekend. my niece got kicked out of one of those. -for talking? -grand larceny. how about we get back to the savings? [ everyone agreeing ]
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♪ can i get ten large fries please? i'm gonna need like ten egg mcmuffin sandwich things? night, or the next morning, you've been loyal. mymcdonald's rewards is for you. now, every order earns points redeemable for free mcdonald's. ♪ ♪ they came a long way to be found by you. find more. spend less. homegoods. go finding.
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kids love visiting kidifornia. find more. spend less. but parents like it to, like a lot. they go bonkers. (wuaahh) totally boom it's an adventure. (sound of playing) you know ,you have to keep an eye on them. you got to let them explore and figure things out for themselves. so hurry up (screams) they're not gonna stay this way forever. kick off your kidifornia vacation at
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> stephen a.: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live." i'm stephen a. smith. before we move on with the show i want to take a moment to acknowledge the birthday of nba legend and my friend kobe bryant. [ cheers and applause ] one of my all-time favorite kobe moments actually happened on this show right here at this desk and i thought tonight would be a perfect time to show it. >> jimmy: so the lakers had an eight-game losing streak. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: they beat the celtics. overtime. great. this is from after that game. >> you feel me? we're back in the building.
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thought we was gone. my man j lin was doing his thing. >> and he free throw. you know you hon you w you do i. >> jimmy: now, would that happen if you were there? would there be a celebration? [ cheers and applau [ cheers and applause ] when i saw that, all i could think of was you. >> stephen a.: man. miss you, brother. tonight on the show the most decorated american track and field athlete in olympic history, allyson felix is here. [ cheers and applause ] then later, on september 1st, he'll be the first hip-hop artist to headline the cmt crossroads series. his album "heartland" comes out this friday. music from nelly featuring breland and blanco brown. tomorrow night, one direction's
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niall horan will host the show with his guests lizzo, cristo fernandez from "ted lasso," music from kane brown, and a special appearance by the jonas brothers. and on wednesday and thursday the show will be hosted by the great rupaul. [ cheers and applause ] my first guest tonight is a bona fide legend of hip-hop, entrepreneur, television host, and overall cultural force and yet somehow always appears to be very relaxed. please welcome my friend the one and only snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ what's up, big-time? >> hey, man. i can't complain. >> stephen a.: what's up, big-time? >> i can't complain. >> stephen a.: i'm not going to lie to you. when you're coming out, i know i didn't expect "shaft" with the music. i expected some smoke to be popping. that didn't happen. >> i left it in the green room, stephen. i've been here before. you understand me? i'm familiar with my surroundings. you understand me? >> stephen a.: i got you. i feel you. listen, you've known that i've been on this tip for many, many years. i've told cats stay off the weed. >> always. >> stephen a.: but i always said that just because i don't want them losing their money. explain to me whether you agree or disagree with my position because i know you've taken -- i know you've spoken on this in the past. >> i agree with your position when it comes to the athletes who have commissioners and rules and regulations and tests and
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things they have to deal with. >> stephen a.: that's all i'm talking about. >> in their profession that can stifle them from get their money. now, when i'm speaking to entertainers and people like myself, we don't have a commissioner. we don't have none of that. [ laughter ] so we don't get drug tested. we don't get this and that. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. so what i'm saying is what stephen a. is speaking, he's speaking to the athletes to let them know do not get it confused. you can hang out with the rappers but you can't do what the rappers do. because the rappers don't have ramifications for what they do. you do. so he's basically trying to protect your money and give you some knowledge. so don't fatake it the wrong wa. take it as information. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: i appreciate that. you know you've seen a lot of folks pushing for these sports leagues to relax their rules. >> right. >> stephen a.: on weed use and what have you. where do you stand with that? >> i think that should happen because a lot times these athletes take these pills and get addicted to these pills and it still doesn't give them the relief they need as fares at the pain or whatever they're going
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through. through the cbd, through the thc, through the marijuana, through the cannabis they're able to find relaxation and get the medical treatment they deserve without having those later side effects. so i push for that in sports because baseball doesn't test for marijuana. hockey doesn't test for marijuana. so it should be the same way with basketball and football. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: i want to transition. i want to transition to kobe bryant because i know that was your man. i mean, we both loved him deeply. gone far, far, far too soon. but he wasn't just a friend. he wasn't just a guy you loved so much because he was i alaker. you once told me he was your hero. when you think about reflecting on him right now, just talk about the friendship you two had and how it came to be. >> it felt like we both arrived at the same time. when he got to the lakers, i got into the industry. and it felt like our rise was together. so when i would go to laker games and build a friendship with him knowing i was a diehard fan and then i seen him build a family, i built a family, i seen our careers going to a different
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light to where we became fathers and we became more positive role models outside of what we were doing, like i was known for rap, he was known for basketball but outside of our professions we were becoming better people. and that's what made him my hero, is you could be younger than me. you could be less experienced than me. but if you do things that inspire me you could be my hero. so he was always a hero of mine despite being younger. i just loved the way he moved, the way he carried himself, the way he conducted himself. with fans, with people, with regular people. when he came to my facility to visit me, he took pictures with the people who take out the trash, the people who clean the building. like and it was one of the greatest days in their life because they were saying to me like when he came we normally would get out of the way because we know you got celebrities coming but he was like no, i want a picture with everybody. he was just so down to earth and so real. that's what a hero is. he's somebody that you can touch and somebody you can aspire to be. >> stephen a.: wow. [ applause ] i got something funny that i wanted to bring up to people because when i had my show, when
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i started my show, "stephen a.'s world" january 11th on espn plus, you were one of my first guests. you were my first guest that day. and i asked you about the lakers, and i brought up the clippers. and i wanted the audience to see what you had to say in response to that. could y'all play that, please? >> was there any point where you're nervous about it? >> laker to a clipper? man, i can't be faded. come on, man. we talking about the clippers. the team that has zero banners, that are the opening night champions for 14 years straight, have no banners, no nothing. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: so what is that? that's your answer to my question that you know is coming? show that right there for the cameras. >> can y'all get a close-up on this? 2020 nba championship ring.
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[ applause ] yeah. oh, yeah. fit for a king. hello. >> stephen a.: now, that's only supposed to be for the lakers, but obviously jeanie buss and the lakers and the nba -- >> you see that? it's in my blood. got k.b. on the bottom because that's my favorite. kobe bryant. come on, get a close-up. quit playing with it. yeah. there you go. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: now, see, i asked you that question after the laker won the championship in the bubble but before this last season when they got out in the first round. >> right. >> stephen a.: and now they're coming back. >> they're coming back with a team that look like when we went to school together. they got a bunch of old cats out there. >> stephen a.: that's right. now, you hold that thought because i got more coming. more with snoop dogg in the
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house. we'll be right back in a minute. ♪ it took a while to get up here. we started out around... 1959. ♪ then we took a hard left in east africa. a right at baja. a 180 in the empty quarter. that 65-degree incline at hell's revenge. and a few million miles later... and voila. but we didn't do all that just to get here. we did it to give you a truck that'll take you anywhere. this is the new nissan. ♪
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serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control while on dovato. do not breastfeed while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato-i did. ♪
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when making the kentucky fried chicken sandwich people asked how i felt about burger places selling fried chicken. i'd say that's none of my business, just like making fried chicken is none of theirs. get the kentucky fried chicken sandwich for just $3.99. it's finger lickin' good. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> stephen a.: welcome back. stephen a. smith live with my man snoop dogg. i'm not going to even ask you who's going to win the championship because we all know you're going to say it's the lakers instead of the brooklyn nets. instead i'm going to ask you something else that's on my mind. i heard you -- your lovely wife is officially your business
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manager. is that true? >> yeah, she's been elevated to my manager. my wife chantae broadus is now my manager. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: snoop, i've got a couple questions about that. are you paying her a percentage or salary? >> well, you know, when they say in california they get half. so i mean -- [ laughter ] i guess she's getting half and a salary. >> stephen a.: she's getting half and a salary. [ applause ] now, what happens when you want to do one thing but your manager's like no, that ain't the way to go? this is your wife. >> i know. so the crazy thing is at the end of the day it's got to be the best decision for the client and the manager works for the client. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: i dig that. i dig that. and -- and in fantasy land.
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but in the real world when your wife is working for you you know you're still working for her. >> you're right. at the end of the day slel be the queen and i will bow down and play my position. >> stephen a.: way to go. way to go. [ applause ] let me transition because we've got limited time. i want to ask you about your football league and the kind of things -- >> yes. >> stephen a.: tell the audience about your football league and how long you've been doing it and what you're doing with it now because it's some real special stuff going on with you in that regard. >> the snoop football league was started in 2005. since 2005 we've sent over 2,000 kids to high school, over 2500 to division 1 programs they graduate and we sent over 20 kids to the nfl. we also created the snoop youth special stars four years ago for kids with special needs. so we've been working on that program as well. so now we allow kids that have special needs to come out, have a good time with their parents and not be so shy and bashful.
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[ applause ] >> stephen a.: one of the other things that you're doing is you're trying to steal broadcasters' jobs. [ laughter ] because you have been calling -- i mean, you're doing boxing. you called jake paul's fight against nate robinson. jake paul against ben askren. you did the olympics with kevin hart. i mean, just the list goes on and on. but i just wanted to go to a little play by play here with you because this milk crate challenge thing. >> oh, man. >> stephen a.: what's wrong with people? could you give me a taste of what play by play would look like for you? >> in the milk crate challenge? give me some. pop up a video. here we go. he's off and running. he's standing up tall on it all. he's got a cigarette in his right hand. he's wobbling. wobble, wobble, shake it, shake it, got a cap on his head. i don't understand why he got the wade cap on. it's winding down. them shoes is too big for this situation. they too big. when he start to shake you know it's going to break.
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oh! right across his chest and his new name is chester because his chester hurt tomorrow. [ applause ] >> stephen a.: my man sthonoop dogg. find all your snoop merchandise and more at we'll be back with the wonderful allyson felix in a moment. love you, man. [ applause ] ♪ things are getting clearer. ♪ ♪ i feel free to bare my skin yeah, that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin, ♪ ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way it's my moment ♪ ♪ so i just gotta say... ♪
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a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. should i be doing something? neutrogena® (music plays throughout) oh! we're dancing. woah! oh. ok! and that's a yeah. uh huh. (music stops) i'm a dancer now. welcome to allstate. (phone notification) where we've just lowered our auto rates. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and savings like that will have you jumping for joy.
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♪ >> stephen a.: welcome back. my next guest is an athlete's athlete. she's represented this country in every olympic games since 2004, winning seven gold medals, three silvers and one bronze, to complete the set. she's also a budding entrepreneur. her community centered lifestyle brand is called sansh. please welcome the wonderful allyson felix. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ well, first of all, first of all, congratulations. congratulations. >> thank you. thank you. >> stephen a.: i wanted to make sure -- [ applause ] it's very important because you're not a hip-hop artist.
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did the secondhand smoke catch you? >> and i have some races left too. no, i'm good. >> stephen a.: you're good. first of all, congratulations. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> stephen a.: how does it feel? when you think about 11 medals, i mean, that eclipses the great carl lewis who i'm sure you've spoken to. how does it feel? >> it feels amazing. i just feel so blessed to have been in this sport for so long and to have all these amazing experiences. it's more than i could have ever dreamt of. >> stephen a.: well, listen, we want to show of o'on the show. these are your medals. they were saying stephen a., pull it out, show it. no, it's your medals. you show them. there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> yes, sir. >> stephen a.: there we go. >> latest additions. >> stephen a.: exactly. [ cheers and applause ] talk to us about how difficult of a time it was just to be over there. i mean, with covid ravaging the
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globe and what have you, you had to go out there and perform without fans in attendance. what was that like? >> yeah, it was so different than any other games i had ever been to. and just a lot of down time. we could only really go in the village or in the venue practice. so a lot of -- it was kind of lonely. a lot of time just to yourself really. >> stephen a.: i need your help with something. you know, because i love olympic athletes. i love the actual performances. but i'm going to tell you, i've got a bitter feeling about the olympics in this regard. i covered the olympics in greece in 2004. and i walked into a dorm, the university of athens. i thought i was going to be in a hotel. i was in a dorm. and they had me in a room with a 13-inch television and a shower that came up to my chest. and there was one channel on the tv and it didn't play any sound. it only played music. one particular song. was that your experience? >> welcome to the olympics. it actually was. >> stephen a.: really? even the athletes were treated that way? >> well, some of the athletes. you know, the basketball players, you know, gymnastics,
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not all of us have equal treatment. >> stephen a.: i got you. >> but i was in a dorm room. you know, situation. the village, it's very basic. it's very humbling. you know? it takes you back. you know, you do the best that you can. i ordered a mattress at this olympics. >> stephen a.: they let you do that? i didn't know they let you do that. >> they did. i'm old. so i needed to like get some help. >> stephen a.: did you just say you're old? >> i am -- in the sports world among the track & field athletes i'm, yeah. >> stephen a.: i guess i'm a great grandparent. what i'm saying. anyway. you're on the cover of "time" magazine. [ cheers and applause ] let's make sure we show that, please. put that up. that's you right there. that's you right there. how many covers did you -- how many magazines did your parents buy? >> probably all of them.
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they're so proud. my mom definitely. she made sure she got her copies. >> stephen a.: what does it make you feel like to be on the cover? what does that mean to you? >> i feel so proud. i've been through a whole lot. and i think, you know, it was doubtful if i was going to get to this moment. so to not only get here, to be on the cover of time, to have everything really come together after all the hardship i went through, it feels really special. >> stephen a.: when you talk about hardships, that's your personal business. say what you will. but i just want you top crystallize for everybody just the kind of year, the kind of couple of years this has ben like for you. put into perspective some of the things you've been going through and why you just came out on top just looking beautiful in every way imaginable. >> well, i had a really difficult time when i wanted to start a family. i wasn't supported by my response or. i h sponsor. i had a very difficult birth experience with my daughter. i suffered from a severe case of preeclampsia and we weren't sure what the outcome was going to
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be. so to go from not sure if you're going to make it to at the olympic games with a whole lot in between, i just feel so blessed. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> stephen a.: well, you're definitely moving on up because now you're a business woman. you're an entrepreneur. saysh. talk to us about that for a second. what's that about? explain to our audience what that is. you seem very, very excited about that. >> i'm so proud of it. i didn't have a footwear sponsor and i was talking with my brother and he had this crazy idea, like what if we do this ourselves? so saysh is a brand for women. it's designed by women. our first product is a lifestyle sneaker. and yeah, it's about community as well. you got something back there? >> stephen a.: yes, i do. this is -- i'm holding this up. this is a beautiful sneaker. [ applause ] i'm holding this up right here. >> and i also -- i was able to compete in the olympics in my
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brand sayment issh, in my own s. so that was so special, to go from -- [ applause ] to go from being told, you know, i was done, i was a mother, i had nothing left to give, to then coming back to the olympics and doing it in my own shoe, i was like all right, this is good. [ cheers and applause ] >> stephen a.: this is a beautiful sneaker. and your feet felt very comfortable in it, i imagine. >> they did. >> stephen a.: is that correct? >> they did. >> stephen a.: why am i still holding this up a minute after i showed it on the camera? you want to tell me why i'm holding it up? because i was looking for a pair and you just informed me it's just for -- >> it's just for women. >> stephen a.: what about the men? we buy sneakers. >> you can size up. because i've been doing that all my life. we got you. >> stephen a.: i was just saying, because i mean, listen,
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this notion, women are the consumers, that's true. but men, when it comes to sneakers, men buy some sneakers now. >> yeah. i'm a houj sneuge sneakerhead. i've been wearing men's shoes since i was growing up. this is a great opportunity. >> i'm going to hold you to it, allyson. before i let you out of here i'd be remiss in neglecting to bring up sha'carri richardson. she's been through a lot. and obviously being pushed out of the olympics because of marijuana use and what have you. in light of all that's been transpiring, all that she has gone through, what message would you like to say about her personally and about what she endured being an olympian? >> yeah. >> stephen a.: or supposed to be an olympian. >> i know she's obviously been through so much. i hope she's just supported. i hope people rally around her. obviously she has a great sxernlt she's brought a lot of attention to the sport and i think she'll be in the sport for
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a very long time. i think just more than anything for all athletes there's so much that goes into it. just, you know, give her support that she needs. >> stephen a.: i got you. [ applause ] well, you definitely have our support. >> thank you. >> stephen a.: congratulations. way to represent usa. and yourself and your family and everything else in between. because you're doing big things. keep it up. okay? >> thank you so much. >> stephen a.: the wonderful allyson felix. her lifestyle brand saysh is available now on we'll be right back with music from the one and only nelly. thank you so much. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ last things last by the grace of the fire and the flames ♪ ♪ you're the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh-ooh ♪ ♪ the blood in my veins, oh-ooh ♪ ♪ but they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing ♪ ♪ inhibited, limited ♪ ♪ 'til it broke open and rained down ♪ ♪ pain! you made me a, you made me a believer, ♪
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♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ i said ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ i like my girls a little country honky-tonk and blue jeans ♪ ♪ texas up to kentucky i always hear the same thing ♪ ♪ if she southern and pretty and 'bout an hour from the city i'ma be there in thirty ♪ ♪ that no cap forgiatoed the bentley i know she lookin' at me silly ♪ ♪ when i'm tellin' lil' shawty i don't rap don't rap, tell 'em, blanc baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ baby, baby baby, let me do my thing ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ i said ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ testimony, alimony
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call it what it is lil' houses on the prairie to the mansions ♪ ♪ in the hill nudies, honky-tonk back in nashville ♪ ♪ magic city monday throwin' twenty dollar bills ♪ ♪ every hole in the wall gon' be playing that funky stuff shawty got a pretty ♪ ♪ girl complex top floor penthouse of the complex every hole in the wall ♪ ♪ gon' be playing that country stuff baby, baby, baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ baby let me do my thing ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ she a stallion with a big trunk like a caddy coupe deville ♪ ♪ high fashion she a shotgun killin' everything in them heels ♪ ♪ like hey come and drop that thing on me like the do down in the a ♪ ♪ turn around and make
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it shake, shake shake, shake ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse get up off of this train ♪ ♪ get up off of that high horse and drop that thing on me ♪ ♪ i said ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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♪ well well well, what have we here? ♪ ♪ a magical place... that's lookin' to get scared! ♪ (laughter) halloween time is back in disneyland and disney california adventure parks! >> stephen a.: that's all the time we've got. so sorry. i want to thank snoop dogg, allyson felix, breland and blanco brown, nelly, and jimmy kimmel himself. watch niall horan host tomorrow with lizzo and the jonas brothers. want to give love to my man
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, the army of influencers on tiktok, getting the message out on the covid-19 vaccine by joining forces with the white house. >> when it comes to people saying like no, the vaccineti's going to microchip you, you just immediately want to knock down and debunk the stuff that's misinformation. >> reaching out to young americans and their families hesitant to get the shot. >> if we are helping one kid talk to their parents about getting vaccinated, like then we are doing our job. >> could gen z content creators help cut throughmisinformation? plus -- >> mike richards! >> final jeopardy for michael richards. the executive producer picked to host h
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