tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 10, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- kristen bell. kirby howell-baptiste. and metallica. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for spending your friday night with me, after yet another divisive week here in the just barely united states. president biden last night,
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brought the hammer down. laying out a malarkey-less plan to get the vaccine in more. so we can get the virus out of our lives. biden will mandate that businesses with more than a hundred workers require employees to get either vaccinated or tested once a week. which doesn't seem like that big a deal, but the maga hysteria machine kicked right in. a number of republican lawmakers lashed out, including texas governor greg abbott who tweeted, "biden's vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses. i issued an executive order protecting texans' right to choose whether they get the covid vaccine." he actually used the words right to choose. just marvel at the hypocrisy of that one for a minute. but i get it. i understand why the greg abbotts of the world are angry. the government's trying to tell them what to do with their own bodies. it's outrageous that these democrats think they can treat republicans like they're women.
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biden even drew fire from mike pence, who, after a year in hibernation, came out of the pleats of mother's skirt, to deliver what is perhaps the most obviously hilarious statement of the year so far. >> the president's speech was unlike anything i've heard. to have the president of the united states say he's been patient but his patience is wearing thin. that's not how the american people expect to be spoken to by our elected leader. that's right. a real leader says things like "take off that stupid space force cap and wash my golf clubs, you pasty little bitch!" you notice he said "elected leader"? that's going to make the orange gorilla angry. you know it's so interesting to see fox news driving this anti-vaccine-mandate train because guess what company is
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requiring their employees to get vaccinated or have covid tests? fox news! they've been doing it since june! maybe they're just mad biden stole their idea. people are frustrated on both sides. according to a new poll from cnn, 74% of americans say they are at least somewhat angry about the way things are going in the country today. which makes me wonder -- who are the 26% who aren't somewhat angry? these are the people we have to worry about. nowadays, if i see someone whistling? i kick them in the nuts and run. i can't take any chances. but even with everything going on, president biden claims to be optimistic. he still believes the glass is half-full. and at bedtime, when he puts his teeth in it, that glass becomes totally full. mark zuckerberg just unveiled something google unveiled in 2014. facebook sunglasses.
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facebook is teaming up with ray-ban to put social media into our eyeballs! you can listen to podcasts or take phone calls all while staying in the moment and without taking out your phone. this is just the start. ray-ban is an important part of the story when phones are no longer a central part of our lives. i have another question. who is cutting this man's hair? the guy's worth $130 billion. he's still going to fantastic sam's? maybe he developed these glasses for his barber. tonight.quite a show for you - you're going to want to watch it all the way to the end.
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from the new movie "queenpins" -- kristen bell and kirby howell-baptiste are with us. and we've been looking forward to this for quite some time. metallica is here. if you'd told a 17-year-old me that one day i'd have my own tv show where i got to hang out with metallica -- i'd say, "awesome! am i still a virgin?" guillermo, you're excited right? >> very excited. >> you see what he did there? yes, many of you know what that means. >> jimmy: a lot of people think i'm joking when i say guillermo loves metal. but this is a picture, from what year, guillermo? >> that was 1991. >> outside a scorpions concert. you were a real cabeza banger. metallica is promoting a new box set for the 30th anniversary of "the black album."
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>> what's your favorite scorpion song? >> i think it's called -- oh, [ bleep ]. >> we'll wait. >> oh, my god. you know what? i had three shot of tequila because i'm excited about metalli metallica, so i forgot. i forgot. >> you can't remember one song? >> no. >> at the end, i'll play a couple things and you come up with it. metallica is promoting a new box set for the 30th anniversary of "the black album." oh, and they also wanted me to mention that while they appreciate all the support, metallica kindly requests that anyone who used to take their shirts off at their concerts in the '80s, not take them off tonight. "the black album" won a grammy. it is one of the best-selling records of all-time. sixteen times platinum. but it wasn't a hit with everyone. nothing ever is. and with that said, here are the
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guys from metallica, reading real one-star reviews of "the black album". >> we're metallica we're here to read one star reviews of metallica from amazon. >> the black album, i call it the [ bleep ] album. >> this is by far one of the most loathsome crimes ever committed against music. thank you for sharing that opinion. >> face it, people, this album sucks. anyone who thinks this horrible atrocious self-titled suck-oh-rama cd is worth four or five stars -- >> this album sucks. sad but true. i bought this when it came out. i was horrified when i listened to it. i threw it off a bridge and watched a truck smash it. >> metallica's coffin, the black
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album was the dictionary definition of a sellout. i have more respect for michael bolton than metallica. michael bolton. >> the black album was a really louzy album which had some of the lousiest songs. don't buy any songs from this ban. they are louzy. metallica sucks. metallica sucks. metallica sucks. metallica sucks. metallica sucks. metallica sucks. metallica are junk. >> you left out one of the metallica sucks. >> the one with the period. metallica sucks. >> disaster. would rather see them be broke and penniless on welfare than see them as they are today. this is a nightmare. all i can say is it's sad, pathetic. what the [ bleep ] are we doing this? hey, jimmy, here's your phone
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back. >> i'll do the last one. lars ruins this band. see headline. happy friday. ♪ >> i'm just happy i got my phone back. >> did you think of it? >> i forgot. maybe in commercials. >> yeah. maybe on monday. >> monday will be better. we got a great show tonight. metallica is here. kirby howell-baptiste. and we'll be back with kristen bell. (brother) hi sis! (sister) you're late! (brother) fashionably late. (sister) we can not be late. (brother) there's a road right there.
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(brother) that's a cat. wait, just hold madi's headpiece. (sister) no. seriously? (brother) his name is whiskers. (bride) what happened to you? whose cat is that? (brother) it's a long story. (sister) oh my gosh. (farmer) whiskers! there you are! (avo) the subaru crosstrek. the adventurous s-u-v for adventurous people. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. boost and cricket charge more for unlimited 5g. metro doesn't. introducing the big 5g upgrade. just twenty-five bucks gets you one line of unlimited 5g. and a free 5g smartphone. rule your day with 5g. only at metro. we can't make you leave your acne alone. but we can help get rid of the spots that your acne left behind. differin dark spot correcting serum has clinically proven dark spot fading power you can get without a prescription. do things differin. welcome to allstate. where you can pay a little less
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and enjoy the ride a little more. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ now, get new lower auto rates with allstate. because better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. ♪ is someone trying to steal your butterfinger? call the bfi. ♪ no one lays a finger on your butterfinger. find your rhythm. your happy place. no one lays a finger find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. (man) my ex is dating a pisces. so i'm like, 'screw it. let's talk manifesting.
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let's talk chakras. let's talk self healing my way through the 12th house. (woman in van) set your intentions. (man sitting) crystals up. (woman) full moon bath ritual. cleanse and find your magic. ♪let it go (huh, huh)♪ ♪let it go (word, word, 88)♪ ♪let it go (let it go)♪ some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®.
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>> you looked him up? >> a little bit. >> a little bit. can you remember one now? >> yeah. win of change. i still love you. holiday. called "metallica - the black album - remastered." it is full of great stuff. i found one of lars' socks in here. and their upcoming mega-album is "the metallica blacklist." music and conversation with the one and only metallica. we have good shows for you next week too. with magic johnson, bill maher, curtis "50 cent" jackson, and jennifer aniston. with music from bozzy, the marias, carly pearce, and
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james blake. please join us for all that. our first guest is a very funny and gifted show person who has the radiant energy of a thousand suns. her new movie "queenpins" is in select cinemark theaters now, and comes to paramount plus september 30th. please welcome kristen bell. >> jimmy: you look wonderful. >> thank you. so do you. are these mine? >> that is mine. >> i have these. they're from costco. >> hour husband and i first bonded over costco. >> oh, i know. yeah. >> jimmy: well, that aside and dax and my wife molly and our various children had like kind
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of a convoy in idaho this summer. >> we met up in idaho for a week. it was heaven. it was wonderful. >> jimmy: it was very nice. >> we drove our rv. >> jimmy: we drove ours. >> right. and we parked right next to each over. >> jimmy: and that was humiliating. >> only because you got a mini winny and we have a tour bus. that's the only reason. >> jimmy: yours isn't an rv. i don't think it's fair for you to call it an rv. it's in a bus. it's a different category. >> my husband is in a different category. you know what i mean? he is. he is a beast, and he likes to drive that big old bus, and yeah, it's got into bathrooms in there. it's fun. >> jimmy: you know what this means is i'm by my nature, going to have to buy something even larger than this. i'm going to be dragging i don't know what i'm going to do. i'm going to get a tractor and i'm going to -- >> there's nothing larger. >> jimmy: i'm going to drag a whole -- is there really nothing
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larger? >> no. it's 45 feet and we also towed as you know, the, like a trailer bed with the raiser on it which was our car, because it has, it's street legal in the states we were in. and then the girl's motorcycle, dax's motorcycle and a quad. when he's driving the bus he goes 65 feet of rolling thunder. and the girls yell rolling thunder. it's cute. >> jimmy: i get none of that. no rolling thunder. mine is a piece of junk. it breaks. the latches come off. it's garbage. >> they do break a lot. >> jimmy: i know. they didn't tell me that when i bought it. >> there's a lot of upkeep. we went to six states. they were portions where we were looking out the rear-view mirror and we're like are we driving on a ball of yarn? really. sincerely a ball of yarn. and all six were fine. the first one dax is figuring out how to change.
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we didn't have a jack. so the girls and i walked like down the street and found a fire department. great. finding helpers. these two sweet firemen walked over and were like what's see what's going on. we have ramps that get the quads off the trailer. he had driven over one and was doing it himself and felt very firnt. >> yes. >> i know. right? but the last one we blew, swen salt lake city or utah in general tells you they close at 6:00, they're not kidding. okay? we blew a tire at 5:59. we must have called sincerely 25 places. no one would open. no one was open. they were at home with their families. god bless, so we pulled into a walmart parking lot and spent most of the evening with a trucker named bob and waited to get a new tire. >> jimmy: bob was hanging out in the parking lot? >> he was walking a dog. >> jimmy: that's the great thing about walmart.
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when you're in a pinch. i've been in that walmart parking lot myself, they let you park your rv in there. >> you can just go camp in the parking lot. >> jimmy: i'm thinking of retiring to a walmart parking lot. >> i would follow you. >> jimmy: the idea is you can go in and get stuff, but no tires? >> the tire section was closed. >> jimmy: because if it's open, nobody stays in the parking lot. >> bin go. >> jimmy: that makes sense. you also went white water rafting. i didn't join that. >> i didn't either, but dax did and took our oldest daughter. we didn't take the youngest because molly and your daughter went the day before and they were like it's turbulent. >> jimmy: my daughter is seven, and it was the worst day of her life. she hated it. >> but dax and my oldest are risk takers and they're ballers and they were like let's go. they were -- it was a -- yep. >> jimmy: here we see a happy group of people, and this is kind of like a family group
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camping thing. >> all friends. >> jimmy: we blurred some of the children's faces out. there's johnny knoxville. this is nothing for him, and there's your husband and dax. >> there's naomi scott. >> jimmy: yep, adam. jake tapper of cnn right here rowing hard. >> and my husband was very excited to be on the white water rafting trip. >> jimmy: and then things take a turn for the wet. you can see now jake has gone under water. and your husband -- >> he's not paddling. >> jimmy: not paddling. now jake is on the verge of being part of the news, and dax is still not paddling. all right? >> i think that -- here's my theory because i don't know. i think maybe jake and dax were having a little bit of an alpha
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off. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> perhaps, and jake went to the front maybe to give leadership. dax thought he was taking morale in the back. and i think that dax maybe got carried away with the morale. >> jimmy: there's no such thing as morale on a white water raft. >> i disagree. there's morale anywhere. >> jimmy: jake sent a video today. he was in the middle of doing the joe. >> for the record, whatever dax says, i don't think he paddled once in the entire trip. he just held the paddle above his head when the camera was there. and flexed. and yelled at the rest of us to paddle. it was quite bizarre. >> jimmy: are you saying that's fake news, or do you agree with the account? >> i wasn't there, but based on the pictures, it seems that jake does have a point, but my husband had a great time. >> jimmy: well, we're going to take a break. when we come back, your friend is going to be here. and when we come back, her co-star kirby howell-baptiste will join us too.
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>> portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by expedia. it matters who you travel with. [ "the addams family" theme playing ] ♪ they're nice but irritating ♪ ♪ their excitement can get grating ♪ ♪ they're dressed for pastry baking ♪ ♪ the progressive family ♪ ♪ they're helpful but annoying ♪ ♪ they always leave us snoring ♪ ♪ accidents are boring with the progressive family ♪ so... when do you all go home? never! we're here for you 24/7. how terrifying. protection so good it's scary. "the addams family 2" playing october 1st. [ "colors" by black pumas ] protection so good it's scary. come in for korean tacos. [ indistinct chatter ] leave with the best of both worlds. what we value most, shouldn't cost more. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪
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babe? ooh... oh! ooh! ooh... yeah? oh, yeah! there are many ways to say it... sí. yes. ...but when you find the best bargains ever at ross, you'll say yes for less! >> won't be peek. okay. okay, open. >> what? no. connie. you told me you wrote that letter because your cereal was stale. >> yeah. >> so the whole house is on sale? >> not exactly. >> you got 36 family rolls for free? >> yeah. >> you know a coupon is worth
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40. >> you can get one too. write a letter. >> and say what, your super soft toilet paper scratched up my ass? >> jimmy: joining us now, from the movie "queenpins." kristen's co-star in coupon-related crime. kirby howell-baptiste. >> jimmy: how you doing? >> good. >> jimmy: you guys worked together a bunch of times. >> we have. is this mine? >> jimmy: no, it is not. >> i think it's mine. >> jimmy: yeah. that's been marked already. sorry about that. you want to drink from mine? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. you guys have worked together on a bunch of things. is that a coincidence or are you a package deal now? >> package deal. >> what. >> we met on "house of lies" when i was very pregnant.
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then "the good place". the reality is i ask her to be involved with everything. every time i get something i'm like do you feel like you connect with any of this? i love working with her. she's so capable on screen in drama and comedy and a fun person to have onset. and i've fallen in love with her as an individual. why not work and hang out with your friend? >> jimmy: this movie is based on a true, crazy story. a story that the first time you hear it you go oh, yeah, they have to make a movie out of that. >> 100 %. >> it was three women initially, but we toned it down to two, and it's -- they laundered -- they started an illegal coupon organization and laundered $40 million. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. >> someone was like yes. >> yes. >> jimmy: is it true that coupons are not a thing in england? that this is purely an american thing? >> sort of. so we have coupons and we have,
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like, bug off deals like bogo, buy one get one free. one is laughing at me. >> bog. >> jimmy: oh, buy one get one free. oh, that's great. >> but it signs nasty. bog-off. >> jimmy: it does sound unpleasant, but it works. >> we have things like that and there are deals but the phenomenon of extreme couponing. >> jimmy: the specific thing itself. >> the inserts and things you get from the magazines on sunday and the huge receipts that you get from cvs, that -- >> jimmy: that i've been trying to put a stop to for years. >> now i have cvs card. put my deal on the little card. why the receipt? >> jimmy: i mean, listen, i had the president of cvs on the show to yell at her. yes. >> about the length of the receipts? >> jimmy: about the length of the receipts.
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she promised she was going to take care of it. you know how that goes. politicians. you know how they are. >> all promises. yeah. >> jimmy: all promises, no action. they just want you to sign up for their card. but it's true. it is -- i mean, it's ridiculous. you don't have that in england? >> not in such an extreme form. we do not. >> jimmy: what's the thing about america that is most striking to you as far as something you guys don't do or don't -- >> well, i don't know if it's the most striking but when i was a kid, i was so obsessed with sleep away camp. we don't really have that, like summer camp. that is so american. >> jimmy: there's no sleep away camp? >> there are -- not really. my niece and nephew will -- we call it play center. you go to play center or did this thing called summer university. i learned a skill during the summer. it wasn't actual -- it's like -- it's fun, but it's like you go there -- show up and then you drop your kids off and have to come get them.
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there's no here, take my kids for three months. >> jimmy: we called it you failed algebra. you now have to go to summer jail. it was kind of like jail. >> get this. in this summer university, so the program i did was you got this prosure and picked your skills to do. it's not like summer school. it's like truly have fun. you can do an art class. i chose to do a circus one. it was simply just juggling and diablo. really simple. cut to when i'm on my first gap year. i took two. trying to figure myself out what i wanted to do after high school. i took two gap years and decided to work in an american summer camp. a lot of the programs where they take people from europe or australia and put them in various summer camps in the u.s. and when i was applying for it, they ask for your skills to figure out where they're going to place you. and i was like oh, i'm going to be in a theater camp. because i was -- i love drama
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and wanted to act. i was going to teach kids theater. i filled it out. there was one area that had circus. i did that once. i ticked that box. and then, obviously, they placed me in a camp that specialized in circus in the poconos where i got there and they were like okay, so this is a circus. and it was a legit cirque du soleil circus. i initially was like i know how to juggle three balls max. that's what i can do. they taught me how to do everything. i taught circus for two years. there's so many of the kids i'm still in touch with. the lesson is exaggerate on your resume. >> jimmy: and don't trust americans. >> jimmy: "queenpins" is in select cinemark theaters now, and comes to paramount plus september 30th. we'll be back with metallica. ♪
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>> jimmy: our next guests are among the greatest and bst-selling rock bands of all time. they have been together for almost 40 years. and today, they released this -- "metallica-the black album-remastered deluxe box set" and "the metallica blacklist." please welcome -- kirk hammett -- robert trujillo -- james hetfield -- and lars ulrich. metallica.
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♪ >> thank you. so nice. >> jimmy: i like the mutual appreciation for the bands. how you guys doing? >> we made it back to l.a. after two years. >> jimmy: is this week like the first time you've been together for a long time? >> james? >> nice to meet you again. >> this is the first time we've been working outside of northern
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california where we're from. >> jimmy: do you have zoom meetings? >> you bet. it was mandatory. i told those guys hey, i feel so disconnected and depressed and lonely, and i want to zoom with you guys, so we did a weekly zoom where we'd just check in and say hey. >> jimmy: i can't believe it. my oldest daughter was born right when you album kale ocame. she just turned 30. here you are and you're still going, and people still love this album so much. and i know you answer a lot of questions about it, but i have a few i want to ask. first, i want to ask who started calling it "the black album". it is not really the title of the album. >> no, it's just called "metallica". our whole approach was to simplify, shorten the songs and do away with as much imagery and all the potential silliness -- >> jimmy: the lightning and a
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hammer and -- >> all that stu >> let's just call the album "metallica" and somebody in the press or in the audience started calling it "the black album". >> jimmy: when jay-z did the black album, were you like that's sort of our thing? >> yeah. but none more black. someone did it kind of before us, didn't they? spinal tap. >> jimmy: right. yes. >> it's all their fault, always. >> jimmy: you guys did the documentary with those guys, and yeah, that was good. that's great. i have to say, it's funny. when you -- i just remember when you guys first came out and i was like these guys are real scary, and then when i meet you guys, these have very nice guys, seem smart, and you're right when you talk about the imagery and the stuff that has become part of metal and part of rock music that's, like, cartoonish
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stuff. it's silly when you think about it. >> yeah. absolutely. when we were doing some of the first albums, all the -- i guess all the idols or peoples -- we were kind of modelling ourselves after were ronnie james dio. it was like unicorns and rainbows. >> dragons. >> medieval dragon fighting. >> lots of dragons. >> we didn't -- i didn't grow up around dragons, so -- >> jimmy: you didn't? >> no. we had cats. >> jimmy: they're probably scarier than dragons, really. so i was listening to you guys on howard stern the day before yesterday. you guys were talking about or maybe it was yesterday, actually. you guys were talking with miley cyrus and elton john came in. and you guys, miley and elton and chad from the red hot chili peppers collaborated to cover "nothing else matters".
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that's a group of people you never expect would do anything together. i was thinking about it, i used to work at k-rock. i remember when we started playing your music, how mad some of the listeners were. they said this is an alternative radio station. i feel like that's gone away. people are like who cares? if you guys had performed with someone like miley cyrus, let's say madonna in the 80s, that would have been maybe it. right? >> yeah. it would have been and probably ma dadonna as well. >> the swan song. >> jimmy: it is very interesting. >> there's a lot of borders that have been knocked down. >> back then things were so segregated in music. if you were in this lane, nobody else would want to know.
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and especially in the hard rock world, there was an undercurrent of conservative views. if you strayed away from that, you were a sellout. >> jimmy: and even the way you guys had to dress. it's funny, i went to visit you in the dressing room before the show. i walk in wearing a pink t shirt. and i didn't even realize it until i left, you guys were all in black. i was like i feel like the easter bunny or something like that. such an idiot. >> where's the chocolate? >> jimmy: you have the blacklist. you invited -- i don't know if you invited or i don't know how this happened exactly. but typically in a tribute album, an artist will pick one of your songs and cover the song and another artist will cover another one. you guys have i think like 15 versions of "nothing else matters". >> at least. >> jimmy: there are so many versions. you decided what? just to let everybody who did it do it? >> yeah. we encouraged all artists that we knew had in some way been
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influenced or affected by metallica along the way, would you like to cover one of these songs? there was way more yes replies than we anticipated. we figured the smartest thing to do was let them pick their own song. you're not going to tell miley cyrus or the incredible artists what to pick. just pick your own song. >> jimmy: i went through and listened to all of them. it is -- boy, it's so interesting. >> god bless you. >> jimmy: i did. but i think that's the hallmark of -- you guys have written great songs. they can take on so many thingsh and they work in all different genres. neptunes did a cover that sounds great. >> jay-z. >> jimmy: country, hip hop. it's unbelievable. >> and you bring up a good point. they either picked "sandman" or "nothing else matters".
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there were people who went out of the box and went for some of the stuff. but i think it's cool you get to hear 12 different versions of "nothing else matters". and they're all really different. it may be highlighted how they digested it and how they hear the song as their own artists in their own genre. yesterday elton john said it's one of the greatest songs ever written. to hear somebody like that, i would imagine who has written some of the greatest songs ever written say that, that has to be meaningful to you guys. right? >> huge. >> you bet. >> a little bit. >> i was sitting next to james, and i know what role elton is playing in his musical upbringing. i could feel the shiver and hair standing on his arm when elton said that. it was a moment. >> jimmy: yeah. i think he's known for loving music maybe more than any other musician. hanging out on tuesdays and getting these things. i would imagine he feasted on this. you've got all the lps. >> this is the first time i've seen all that.
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>> jimmy: vinyl? let me take you on a tour of it. >> if my sock is in there, i'd like it back. >> jimmy: i think they spread out some of your undergarments. >> i smell it. >> jimmy: these are old magazines inserts. we've got a tour book from 1992. >> look at that hair. >> jimmy: we've got all the cds. we've got a whole book. i don't know, this to me is kind of the most personal item in the thing. you've got the original rlyrics james wrote out, and your penmanship is excellent, and i love you write on the yellow pads like a district attorney or something. and the most impressive thing to me is that you've got doodles all over, and no penises at all. you've not drawn any. that's very mature. >> there's a pen included. you can do your own. >> jimmy: tonight you guys are going to convoy over to griffith park. what song are you going to do
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tonight? >> jimmy: all right. >> this is it. the box set. we'll be right back with music from metallica. >> i will never be ready for metallica on time? >> does your company need help working as a team to accomplish goals and connect with your customers? salesforce customer 360 helps you unite your team around your customer in a whole new way to make magic happen. succeed from anywhere at ♪ you don't become a runner, who breaks eight world records... after age 65, without a serious support system. kathy martin has one in medicare from blue cross blue shield. she won't go a day without the right card. because she can't go a day without running. the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. this is the benefit of blue.
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over. let's just be happy it happened. okay? goodnight. ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, the babies of 9/11. diane sawyer met them as infants, following them growing up. >> what's the thing that stays in your mind? >> is luck. >> not yet born when their fathers die, now young adults. >> you have to cherish the time you have with people, because things can change in an instant. >> raised by strong, resilient women. >> mom's our super hero. i'm not going to cry. >> with a message for us all. >> you've got to keep going, you know. if you always just stopped because of the what ifs, you wouldn't get anywhere. >> "nightline," "the babies
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