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tv   America This Morning  ABC  November 9, 2021 4:30am-5:00am PST

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ig rht now on "america this morning," eth iesnvtigation into the concert disaster in texas dan the security concesrn borefe the crowd surgeha tt ltefig eht people adde. atwh we're lrneaing about the victims including a 9-yearld-o wno fighting for his lifend a the big question, what took so long t sotop the show? delevoping from washgtinon, the congressman under fireor f iting aid veo depicngti him attacking representative alexdrania ocasio-coezrt. babieswi stched borefe rth. thpae rents who say they gave rtbih to the wrong baby. the shockgin in vitro mix cup and lawyer who cimlas it hpeapns more tnha you gas prices htiitng new corerds inar pts of the country. the states hit the hardest.
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> cghaut on camera, two dramatic screues, one a driver trapped in floodwaters, the other, a school bus careening f oftheoa rd and into a creek. and later, chainngg up your morning joe. isus mhroom coffee thnee xt big thing? > >>good tueaysd morning, erevyone. weeg bin with e thinvestigioatn into thacot ncert tredagy in houston. >> eighteo pple wereil kled as the crowd surgedow tards the agste. 're learngni new detlsai about security concerns before the concert. housn'tos police chief saying he even met with rapper travis scotbet fore the show. >> mnweahile, meorit wnesses are scribing the terrifygin moments enwh people rewe amtrpled. as iesnvtigators in houston ecpie tothgeer a timlie ne of the tgerady at the trasvi scott concert, abc nsew hasbt oained a detaedil operatis onplan for
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the muc sifestival. the 56-pe agdocumentho sw key ncerns iluncding theot pential r multip alelcohol/dg ru retelad incides,nt possible acevuation ndsee and theve er present rethat of a ssma casual styituation. and bad seon the se'its layout and numeusro past exripeences, a secutyri plan habes en established toel hp mitiga te potentianel gative iuesss. unr derules and reonspsibiliti, esthe docuntme veals on tlyhe execuveti oducer a tndhe festil va direct horad the perow to stop thshe ow. monday houston'fis re chief said travis otsct shares responsibili ftyor t sheafety of the crowd. if e thligh wtsouldav he been turned on t,he promoterr o artist would have cleald for th, atit would have cllhied thcre owd and o whknows wh tathe outcome ulwod have >>ep rorter: the crowd at otsct'ser pformanceri fday rged towdsarhe t stage lvieang nsfa knockedow dn and trampled. eight people eddi. the unyogest, 1ye4-ar-old jn oh hilgert. zedons injur iedncluding 9-yearld-o ezra blntou. s familyay sse's
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fighting for his >> when we go to concerts and different events we expect safety and security, and didn't see any security. een i - >> reporter: multiple videos show the crowd pleading with scott to stop the show as fans were in distress. it's unclear if scott could hear them. the rapper at one point stopped the performance but then continued. a 2019 netflix documentary showed chaotic crowds at scott's previous concerts. and this video of a 2015 concert now going viral when scott stopped the show after he said a fan tried to steal his shoe. scott is heard ordering the crowd to go after the man. mr. [ bleep ] him up. [ bleep ] him up. >> reporter: scott issued a statement saying he's devastated. he's now offering to pay for victims' funerals. meanwhile, more people who say they barely escaped the chaos are describing their ordeal. fati smaaid muzno said she had
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to beit someone's letog escape. >>eo pple started falling tonop of me and that'she wn i was like literally in the bottom of the dopig le screaming for help. i bit somebody's leg doing -- li tkerying to get attention, you kn, owto help like to help us. it w aas horriblexe perience. >> denozs of lawitsus have bn ee filed t bunone of e thpeople stlied in chgear of secutyri and operatio hnsas issueand y coenmmt. >>th> e commite teinvestiginatg jaarnuy's atta ockn the u. s. picatol has bpsuoenaed s mixore ump they include his former campai mgnanager, former spesokman d anex-natiol na cuserity adveris michaelly fnn who call oedn trump itompose rtial laanw d seize tivong machesin. alson othe listfo, rmer new yo prkolice coismmsioner bnaerrd rikek. > >>former psiredent tru imps taking credit r forepublic an nswi on eleconti night lt as ek. during a fund-israer for hseou republanics last nhtig he aimed reblpuicans caotnn win withouhit s support. his coenmmts follonew w porerting from a'sbc jonathan rl.
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soceurs tell jatonhan atth on trums p'final dainy office he reatenedo tquit theop g and start s hiown partbuy t he ckbaed down enwh the rnc thatreened to opst payg inhis gal fees. aroniza congressmapan ul gosar uisnder firove er a video he tweedet depicti ang cartoon rsioofn himselfil kling congressmawon alexaniadr ocioas-cortez enth charginatg presenidt biden thwi two swos.rd twitr teflagged e thtweet sangyi itio vlates itrus les but d di not teak the video down. turngni to the paemndic, the eris a new pustoh supply booster shs otfor all uladts. izer is peexcted to qureest thorizatn iosoon. meanwhe,il with thbue sy holiday travel ssoean approainchg, ere's coerncn about e thnumber of t asagents wharo e unvaccatined. c'abs ike ejchioi is hernoe w with morone that. ik ge,ood >> reporter: goomod rning, ma.on the numb oerf americs aneligible for tha ird covivad ccine sh ot uld crinease dratimacally. this moinrng, millis onmore ericans ulcod soon bele igible for an aeddd layer of otectionro fm covid. pferiz is expeedct to seek authorizioatn for its booster
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otsh for anye on18 and oerlds a soon aths is week. kids as unyog as 5 a nreow geinttg their rsfit vaccine do bseut won'te bfully vaccinat fedor thanksgiving. >> t mheost impoanrtt thing ople can do is me aksure all theifar mily members, anneyo visiting during the holidays arvae ccinatednd a anybody who n'ist vaccinedat includi yngoung ds are still weangri a mask. >> reporr:te it comeass the justice padertment rpoesnds to an appea clsourt, which temparory blockeend forcemenoft the bideadn ministration's re ul requirinvag ccines ower ekly testing foemr ployees latarge mpcoanies. the juste icdepartme cntlaims the urcot decisi wonould liky el cost dozs en eorven hunddsre of lives r peday. federal rkwoers havent uil vember 2d 2nto get vaccitenad. a rece rnteport shedow 40% of tswoa rkers ha yveet to receive their fit rsshot, bua t source says tnkhasgiving avtrel will not beff aected byot pential ringbes cause tsa employees will note bterminat oedn the addeline dat ie,nstead ty'hell first t gecounseli angnd a warning.
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meanwhilste ate farmns iuran ce is standing byts i pitchman aaroron dgers. >> that statear fm agent said e hpsel people. what do you do? >> ila py footba. ll >>ha tt's not joa b. >> wel l. >>ep rorter: the nfl star recent tlyested potisive for covid d anacknowleeddg he had t been vciacnated ansad id back in guaust that wheas munized. ste atfarm sayg inin a statement, we don't ppsuort some the stametents thate hhas madeut b we respt echis rightot have his own personal poinoft view. nba legd enkareem abdul-jaarbb says heas h damaged profsiesonal spos.rt >> h lisack of rpoesnsibility r his frndies, famil y, stf,af team and fans that he edli to and exposed to cidov-19 owshs a lack of moral charaerct that can b'te ignored. >>ep rorter: n, owone of t he stctriest vacce inmandatesn i thcoe untry isow n in effe ictn s angeleres quiring ooprf of full vciacnation teno ter reaustrants, gs ymand bars. mona. i>>ke, thanyok u. he tro psecution could rest today at the kyleit rtenhouse trial. he clas imself-defseen for shooti tnghree menur ding police prottses in kenosha, wisnscoin.
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the loneur svivor to tokhe stand yeerstday aitdmting he swa ard mebut sayi hnge had no inteiontn of kilngli rittenhseou that described seeing rittenhouse's rifle pointed at him. >> what was going through your mind at this particular moment? >> that i was going to die. >> did you feel that he was going to point the gun and shoot at you again? >> yes. >> the defense got grosskreutz to admit that rittenhouse did not open fire until grosse pointed a gun at him. the pentagon says it is aware that china has built mock-ups of u.s. warships which may be used for target practice. satellite images show them in a chinese desert. a pentagon spokesperson said the u.s. is concerned about beijing's intimidating behavior in the region. four astronauts are back on earth after spending 200 days on the international space station. their capsule attached to four parachutes splashed down off the florida coast overnight. they were picked up by a
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recovery ship. four new astronauts could be launched as soon as tomorrow. time now for a look at your tuesday weather. more snow is in the forecast today for the mountains of the pacific northwest. up to 20 inches could fall before the storm moves into the rockies tonight. while all that snow is coming down in the mountains, it will be raining along the pacific coast from washington state down to the san francisco bay area. checking today's high temperatures, warmer than usual for much of the country. nearly 60 degrees in kansas city and mid-60s in the northeast. mild along the gulf coast as well, 75 in new orleans. coming up, walmart makes a big change when it comes to online shopping. also ahead, a new prediction about gas prices and the states seeing the sharpest increase in prices. and parents describing a nightmare saying they gave birth to the wrong baby. the in vitro mix-up and how they
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got their baby back. hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try.
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prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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walmart's self-driving trucks are hitting the road all on their own. the company says human safety drivers are no longer being used inside two vehicles on the streets of bentonville, arkansas. they're the retail industry's first truly driverless trucks being used on a commercial route all in hopes of alleviating the shortage of truck drivers. drivers could soon see some relief from soaring gas prices after hitting a national average of $3.42 a gallon. analysts say prices could drop 10 to 15 cents in the coming weeks if oil prices remain steady. now, the states seeing the biggest price increases in recent days include maine, ohio, indiana, illinois, arizona, new mexico and california among others. two parents in california
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are describing their ordeal after they say their baby was switched before birth during a mix-up at a fertility clinic and are demanding more regulation to prevent mistakes like this from happening again. here's abc's megan tevrizian. >> reporter: this morning a los angeles family is suing a fertility clinic after a mother says she gave birth to someone else's baby. >> i was robbed of the ability to carry my own child. i never had the opportunity to grow and bond with her during pregnancy, to feel her kick or to watch her in ultrasounds. >> reporter: in 2018 daphna and alexander cardinale entrusted the california center for reproduction and dr. eliran mor to help conceive their second child through in vitro fertilization. but when daphna gave birth in september 2019, her baby did not look anything like her or her husband. >> the moment our second daughter was born
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should have been among the happiest of my life, but i immediately felt shaken and confused as to why i didn't recognize her. >> reporter: they say subsequent dna tests confirmed their baby was the biological child of complete strangers. both couples say they unknowingly raised each other's babies for months before the mistake was uncovered. the couple is now suing the california center for reproductive health, their doctor and the lab involved. according to their attorney, mistakes like this are more common than people think because he says fertility centers are almost entirely unregulated. >> barber shops and nail salons are subject to far tighter state and federal regulation. it's time to demand accountability from big fertility. >> i hope our story will help others. god forbid anyone else is going through a similar situation, but
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i hope that we're able to give other families out there a voice. if something doesn't seem right, ask questions. >> reporter: the lab has not returned our request for comment on the lawsuit. the cardinales and the other family say they legally obtained their biological children who are now 2 years old and are committed to staying connected. andrew, mona. >> megan, thank you. and coming up, oscar pistorius, the olympic runner who killed his girlfriend, now up for parole. what he has to do first to win his freedom. also ahead, the school bus crash caught on camera. the rescue effort that followed. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed
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disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, nfection, velir orid kney problems are or plan to beco pmeregnant, or are breastfeeding for more iornfmation about sideff eects talk to uryo doctor. ♪ be iyon ur moment. ask your docto r about raibnce. ♪ sodameyoy u'll be better than your angrdpa. - u yotry .it - i don't know what to dw?ra it doesn't matr tewhat. just... a line. thw royourselfn. i ♪ don't be frustrated! ok.ay ♪ show me what yogou t there.
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♪ wow... ablusotely beaifutul. your mission: stanupd to modetera to severe rumheatoid arrithtis. wow... and keta. it. on... thwiin rvoq. rinvoq a oe-ncdaily pill n cadramicatally impre ovsymptoms... rinv hoqelps tame pain, stiffness, and r fosome, rinv coqan even signicifantly recedu ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. witha, r youovr eractive immune steysm attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the rinvoqan c lower your ability to fight infections, includg intubeulrcosis. seriouins fections and blood clots, somimetes falat, havecc ourreasd have ceairtn caerncs, inclungdi lymphoma, and artes in theto smach iorntestines, d anchans gein l rabesults. yo duroctor should monir toyour blowoodrk. te yllour doctor autbo any infeioctns... and if you arore may beceom pregnanwht ile kitang rinvoq. taken ora.
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talk to your rheumatogolist about rioqnv relief. rinvoq. make iyot ur missi.on learn w hoabbv cieould lphe you savone in rvoq. back, now, with dramatic momes ntfrom central florida. three officers rescuing a woman omfr her sinngki car, breinakg r windows to get her out. eth car was trapped in a canal duri fnglash floods on friday. theom wan is okay. > >>another rescu teo tlel you abou tthis morning. is one in pennsyanlvia, volving a school bus. is rnmoing, picole in eaonst, pesynnlvania, iesnvtigatinghi ts terrifying crash. dash cam video shows wnhe a bus drove off the road into a creek. the bus loses ctronol in this rve. the back of the bus goes ofoafrd, a tshe vehicle brearls ft and thrghou the barrier, into the creek below. neni peopleer we injured, includin egighttu sdents and the bus dreriv, but none with
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lifehr-teatengni juinries. two studenthas d to be ftlied f the embkmanent inside the bus coming to ato sp in two etfe of water. had it flipped,hi tngs could have been much worse. >> that bus rolls on its side or sit roof, it's in theat wer fully, we'real tkingbo aut a gger proembl than what we had. >> reporr:te concerned filamy membser rushi tngo the scene. >> i heardne o mother screinamg, icwhh hospil tais he at? >> people rewe cryingnd a that. i fndou out that my grandson was l right. i called himn o the phe.on he w fasine. heit h his head ha.rd >>ep rorter: crlhaes said his andson suffered bruises and a raspined ankle. lal of the kidhas ve been unreited wit thheir famiesli. eth bus driver will be tesdte rforu dg and alcohol paimirment as part of the investatigion. oscaris ptorius conviedct of killing his girlfriend is now igible for parole. pistorsiu is servi 1ng3ea yrs for the murder of raeeva
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steenka stnkeeamp. 's uncarle if he wlil mtee with steeamnkp's pantres. it was a star-studdedig nht for amera'ics wounded warriors. the annual stand up for heroes, for the bob woodruff unfodation. n stewart, brucepr singsteen and manyth oers particatiped. bob woodward spokebo authe t rines la istn afghantaisn. >> they losint total 13 service member wsere killed that day as a result of the explosion. sacrificing tirhe lives so that ousands cldou be evacuated to fety. >> tshi arye's entveup sported veterans affected by the thwidrawal offg ahanistan and covid. is mushroom coffeehe t next thing? bad newsor f elf on
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what can i du wi lthess asthma? with dupixent i n cadu more... ya rdwork... teamwork... lo ng walks.... that's h yowou du mo,re with dupenixt, which lphes prevent as thma attacks. dupintxe is not for sudd en breathg inproblems. it'sn aadd-on-tatrement for specificyp tes of moderate--stoevere asmath thatan c impvero lunfug nction r fobetter batrehing in lasittle aswo t weeks. ancad n reduceor, ve en elimatine, ol rasterdsoi. and here's something important. dupixe cntan causeer sious allergic reactio,ns in cluding anaphylaxis. gehet lp rhtig away yifou have rash, shortness ofre bath, chespat in, tingngli or numbssne in your limbs. tell youdor ctor if you veha a parasic tiinfection, an d dot n'change ostr op yo aursthma trtmeaents, including steroids, thwiout talkg into your ctdoor. ar e you rey adto du more thwi less asmath? just a yskour thas ma speciastli abo dutupixent.
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(vo) we made a omprise to our b oy blue that we would ma tkehe healthstie foods psiosble... ...with the finest natural ingredients anred al meat rsfit. and that o'sur promi tseo you and yo durog or cat. because when you love them like famy,il yod tu want to feed them like anfamily.rog or cat. it w'salma'srt black friday deals for days. score $30 lego sets and get other huge dea ls all week long. shop walmart's bckla friday deals fodar .ys ♪ ♪ motrin works ft asto stop pain where itta srts. li tkehoseag nging heachdaes. counmfortablpee riod pai.ns d andisrupti mveuscle acs.he you can counont fast, effecte ivreli ef wi mthotri
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time to check "the" we begin with the nextig bhi tng for us, cofefe velors. >> how much room do youea lve in uryo coffee? enoughor f mushrooms? it'sis ring in puloparity across the country. coffee drinkers areet gting hoedok on the wellness that shmurooms bring. >> and the mhrusooms uncoteract theit jter ttha you get with caffneei. 'sit a wiwin-nit suati.on ketchup for mars. >> the tomatoes weer gwnro on eahrt but in a envonirment milar to mars. it's been tasttee-sted tomorr.ow
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it won't beol sd to the public , atea lst not yet. ne,xt dodge is looking f aor douguthnmaker. not for brefaakst but toho sw off itsus mcle >>od dge wantso tpay somneeo to drive a muscle car for a whole arye. one musc rleequireme,nt driving in circles t moake ugdohnuts. >> a> way out for parents who need a bakre fmro elf onhe t shfel this year. >> a judge has yrou ckba. a judge in geoiarg has banned the holiday adtrition. fel on the shelf moves to a differentoc lation eryve day during the weeks before richstmas and reports back to santa. >> and the judgess iued a tongue in check order, callingis h ban a gtifo t tired parents. finally, a matarhon runn er wh hoad everyeon quackgin up. >> look how cute she was unding the pavemt enin w york. wrinkl tehe duck joidne herwn oer hadho ses for fans cheering herve ery step. think she ceam in at record
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speed. he s peop eleveryerwhe living with type 2 abdietes e arwaking u p toha wt's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshi ne♪ ♪ my onlyun sshine...♪ rybelsus® works dfeifrently th aanny otheria dbetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3f othese ways... increas seinsulin enwh you need it... decreases sugar... and owsls food. the majority of people taking rybeusls® loweder their blood gasur and reheacd an a1cf oless tha7.n people taking rybelsus® stlo up to 8ou pnds. rybeusls® isn't for ppleo with type 1 dietabes. don't take relybsus® if you or your filamy ever had medullary thyroid cancer, orav he multip elendocrin neopsilaa syndro tmeype 2 or ialf lergic tito . stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away ifou y get a lpum or swellg inin your ckne, severe stomach pn,ai or an allergic reaction. serious si edeffects may include parencatitis.
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te yllour proverid about visionro pblems orha cnges taking rybelsus® with a sulfolunyrea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possibl with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ u yomay pay lasittle as $10 per prescription. k asyour heahcltare proverid about rybeusls® tod.ay kids canha cnge minds. they c eanven chan ge the rlwod arounds. u packed with protein plus 21 vimitans and merinals we nouri tshhem thwi cartinaon brkfeaast essentials. because todacoy uld ch ange everything. e onrolef oa so re toahrt. but shhae d enough. we nouri tshhem thwi cartinaon brkfeaast essentials. e took n mewucinex instaotsohe reso throat zelonges. sh yowour sorehr toat o'w's bo ss. new mucinex instooasthe.
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works in sonecds, lastfos r hours. oosmth dk archocolat e, refreshing peprmpeint, enter rkyo mode. ♪ ri ch chocotela candy an d creamyar camel. that's how you rolo. ♪ it m'sy 4:05 thshe-ow-must--ogon miaigrne it's uelbrvy. for ytanime, anywhereig mraine stkeris, withouwot rrying iitf 's too tela, or whe ire am. on e dose c qanuickly st op my miaigrne
4:58 am
in i ttsrack swithin two hours liunke older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that di rectly bcklos cg prprotein, beliedev to be a cae usof migraine. do not take with stron g cyp3a4 inhibitors. most cmoomn si edeffects wereau nsea and retidness. ask abt thane ytim e, anywhe mreigrae inmedicine. ask abt some days, youus jt don't have it. not mync ule, though. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diatebes annod w, he's reallyn ohis game. once-weekly truliticy lowe yrsour ca1 by hpielng your dybo release thine sulin i''s alrey admaking. most peoplree ached aan1c under%. 7 plus, truliticy can lower uryo risk of caiordvascular eves.nt it can also helpou y lo usep to ten pounds. trulicitisy fotyr pe 2 diabetes. itsn i't r fopeople with typ1 e diabetes. it'nos t approved for use cinhildren. don't take tlirucity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid caernc, or have multiple endriocne opnelasisya ndro tmeype 2. stopru tlicity and callou yr doctor righawt ay if yohau ve an aerllgic reaconti, a lu ompr swelli ingn your nk,ec severeto smach pai cn,hanges i nvision, or diabetic retinopath.
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serious side effects y maincle udpancreatisit. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin israes low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomingti, and dirharea, which can adle to hydedration,n d may woenrs kidney obprlems. owsh your wodrl what's try ulinside. ask your dtoocr about once-weekly wow,o nbraces,ev erything h'sands free. wai sn't so lucky. inviiss not you rparent'sra bces. inviiss faster anth braces and the clr eaaligner anbrd mostru tsted by docts.or viinsalign. nouncer:ui blding a ttbeer bay area, mongvi forwardfi, nding solutions. thiss iabc 7 >> now at at at at at at at at t
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e thday but it is ingog to dry themut o by th aereas seeg inthe heavstie rainnd a the timgin of the orstm. >> the latest update on the ernit ghcomcast teinrnet tage. >> mliilons morcoe uld be igible t goet the cidov ccvaine boosr.te pfizer's next move thacot uld meanho sts for eryveone 18 and aups soon aths is week. >>ov gernorew nsom's rsfit pearancen imore thaa n week. why he h nasot been ense in the public. >> gdoo tuesda ny,ovember 9. u are watching abc seven mornings. >> wwie ll sta wrtith a cckhe of thfoe recast. mike: let's'start wi sthomething the worst of eth srmto, the heieavst of eth rai tn,he rostngest ofhe t winds a arell ne. are still a have dowrangded us to a one rfo areas of izdrzle throh ugthe rnmoing and some scatreted owerars ound lunch tha wtill taper isth afterno.on up to 102/ of an ih ncpossible. rehe is laook at e thbig


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