tv ABC7 News 600AM ABC November 9, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PST
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family of jasper. kumasi: we are waking up to a slippery commute. our team coverage this morning on the driving conditions, problem spotsan, d how lonthg e drize zlis stickg inaround. reggie: good morng,in you are watchi angbc7 morngnis. weil wl start thwi our forasect. kemi: good morning. let's take a lk ooat that ggsoy arstt. we have downgraded this fm roa o twto ane o. we have areas of rain and drize zlthrough e thmorning mmute chgianng over to scatted reshowers tela this morning. that chance of showers wlil tarpe intohe t eveningom cmute, 102/ of an ih ncof rain as sspoible. the doppler is prettacy tive acro ossurei nghborhooasd this moistlo fwil wl hang around for the xtne sever halours. we have st winds out of the south -- we have gusty winds out of the south.
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it is still raining, temperatures in the mid-the upper 50's at 7:00. low to mid 60's afternoon. the rain should be just about mpcoletely over afteoornn. -- orve at noon. kumasi: rieelf is on the way but uryo comtemu this moinrng could still sbelick. amy hollyfield is joining us with wha itt looks keli out there. amy:he t drizzleas h eased up but we heav just se tenhe afrmteath fromhe t storm. let meho sw you the roads. we he avfound a outrblepo st atth we wanto tshow you. they have them enclosed here co emeastboundn i berkeley. we took the ashby exit. en you dea wlith a lane closure becau tsehere is some anding werat. stju under this oveasrps. thees are the situations you ghmit see around this morngni cause itas w a good inrastorm
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while yoweu re asleep. you ghmit tnkhi there areot n any isss,ue but the mreight be some he erand there. not maa jor thing, we heav not en any morajlo foding, jtus some isss ueomfr this rain. lol cabusiness cesould notel hp but thk inof the srmto in ocbetor. when they arhed the stm orwas coming, a worried they would see heavday mage the erwere some clgeogd storm drnsai that caedus flooding duri tnghat last storm, escipeally in nsaaf rael where they got six inches. we tald keto one binusess owner whoea dlt with flooding at their restauntra. ey are staying positive as we t gethis nexrot und of >> busesins as usu halere. weo d our bestot keep oudor ors en. until another natur dalisaster takes ousut, we wl ilbe here. amy: here ias look tathe rain in san publ wicorks crewsav he clearing out orstm drasin aadhe of this storm.
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this gesiv us much-needed werat, but thnoing too hvyea. so farth, e roads oklo pretty go.od drivg inis not a inssue. you llwi not have any vision prleobms becau osef rain. we did experience se omof that about e onhour ago. then se omdrizzle,ow n it has cleare udp. be awareha tt it hasap hpened while yoweu re repoinrtg live fm rothe east bay, amy hollyfield. kuma:si pg&e cues -- pg&e crewse are rkwoing to resteorow per. fewer tn ha500 custeroms are without wepor. as you can see, nehbigorhoods onalg 101 arale so at the it. --re a also iacmpted. awere tracking a pretty big comcast internet outage. we have hed arfrom ppleoe say th aeyre without perow -- without internet. we reachedut o toin fd out what was going on and when svierce
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might come backn, o so far no answers. you can keep an eye on the weather. you n cafind it ton ahebc7 bay area app oron ku, amazon fire, and plape tv. reggie: millions remo americans coulbed eligiblfoe r a worcester. pfizer -- elibigle for a covert team booster- -a covid-19 oster. reporter: a request coulcod me as so aons this week but citould take seravel weeks r the astsse to playut o. oncehe tda fut ahorizeshe t paexnsion, it still haso tgo to the cdc. more tn ha24 milli aonmerinsca ha rveeceived baooster. iffi pzers igranteder pmission to incdelu alldu alts,ha tt mber could gupo drasticlyal. pferiz says their studsie show getting a booster crineases protecontiro fmer sious illssne of 296% icwhh is about the -- of
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seriouils lness up to 96%. pfizer andod merna boosters are only ailvaable for peopl65e and der or ppleoe 18 and older if they have certain micedal ndcoitions owor rk and hh-igrisk aces. kumasi: thebi f is stepngpi in to deretmine whawet nt wrongt a the astrorlwod festil vain ushoton. eight were killed an odthers had to brue shed to eth hospital. near 3ly00 were eatrd tefor juries o sncene. ficials ear reviewing the safety biggest at the venue and crowcod ntrol msueares. isth morningon, ef othe peoepl tinhe crowd is speangki exclivusely to a nbcs.ew heai sd heas wry ting to seav lis veafter longsi his o.wn >> i remembehar ving so chmu igweht on myod by. i wapus shing and figinhtg, and then ito spped becseau i was geinttg winded. wai ssi ungll a of thene ergy i had le iftn me and c iameo t the
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pot inwheri e was acceinptg my ath. masi: travis scott says he will be payg ine thfuneralos ct ctviims and fesin to fund tickets to everyone. makusi: in theae st bay,- - ggie: in the etas bay t,he communitisy comingog tether to suppt orthe fami olyf jasper wu. wheas strucbyk a strayul blet. jaspe''s famyils ireunitednd a moinrng -- and mourning together. porter: jasp'r's family sulhod pbelanning s hisecond birthyda pay.rt ineastd, they e ararranginhig s nefural. jaersp's fatrhe ldeand from shangh haiaving ner veseen his son in rl ealife, unreiting with his wife. >> they went in to g letuggage and declareus ctoms.
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report:erha cnce apas ndemic returnedo tthe fatr'h's retnur to the u.s.. the famy ilvideo ctthaed relagurly sincdae d has n.ot . en able vtoisit jasr'p's mom broutgh us to the he omshe ares wit fhamily. she was rrsuounded by filamy, iends, a cndommunityea lders. >> this is chsu a huge sslo to .s we cannoact cept hisep darture. report:er jasper w aassleep in his rca seat tusarday on e thway meho with his mheotr and two april t 2he0 throughih s carbon shield -- thugroh the car windieshld. jasp weras shot tinhe foreaehd, ugcaht inro cssfire. s family returnedo tthe scene monday,he ty burned incseen and pap rereflectivofe how chesine respectot theeb dt.
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at's ttohe dd.ea -- ttho eea dd. >> he was such woa nderful ilchd mtoe. report:er heas wn aincredible -- sinayg heas w an incribedly od. they're calling on the community to find jasper's killers. reggie: highway patrol investigators are asking anyone with information about the shooter to give them a call. the tip line is on your screen. kusima: goverr nonewsom wl ilbe in mteonrey for a firesid cehat at the califniora economic this is his fir pstublic appearan icen more tn haa week. he hasee bn absenthe t last few days aerft he abrulypt canceled trip to e thyou in cmalite conference. theres ispeculatnio he might havead h a reactn iofrom his booste srhot. the erwere other theieors that caus hedim to tndre on twitter r fohours. >> what happened is thathe wn he cided notot go to gsglaow, it
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created a weeofk unplann tedime off. he d nidot have y anevents planned. kumasi: the goverr nodid attend a wedding at safrn ancisco tyci hall on sardtuay. reggie: a full scho bolus crhiasng into a creek, tewar filling in. onef otheid mdle schl oois lktaing aboutht e rush t goet off. makusi:wo t califora nimothers givi bngirth to eth other'' ilchd, raisi tnghe wrong child for mohsnt. oncoe uple is plexaining the shocofk what hapneped. mike: even thou igh downgradde ourto srm,t i wl ilstill cseau issues whit the morngni rush ho aurs pocketofs drizzleo t leertting connutie. brzyee conditis onover our breezes. breezes. mrs. claus t shehopping ssbo here to helyop u merry save drsecorate with thees bt bargai ensr!ve ross h sasavings on everythg inyou need
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toet g the par stytarted. becauswhe o waits for shipping anymore? or guests?! i love sinayg yes to mor emerry for le asst ro!ss hi hon!ey hi mmyom! oh i misseyod u! yojuu st want vtoideo callhe t kids. ok. hu lshittle't say a rdwo... but if sloupw load spesed turns yo guroodnightal cl into an ciacdental hroorr n cayou heare? m shutt idown. just u'yore not a bad mom . yojuu st need ttbeer internet. at&t fiber delivers fasterpl uoad speeds for mo rreeliable devio calls. get at f&tiber, plans starngti at $35 a month f aor year. limid teavailabityli in select areas. ca 1ll.877.onlaty.t.
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kumasi: a live look at the caltrans camera as donner summit and you can see it was shaking a little bit. it just shows it is very wet out there for people in that part of the state. palisades tahoe posted this video of their snow gun shooting up powder. the national weather service is issued a winter weather advisory for the lake tahoe area through 7:00 this morning. mike: that was extended until 4:00 this afternoon. they are expecting three to six inches. it is going to go on a little bit longer. here's a look at the cove where
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you can see snow falling. it mayot n accumule atat lake level. backer he, it isll a liquid. as youoo lk at 580, 380,ha tt whe olconnect is 580 to 680, it is wet. ght rainn othe san temao idbrge. from7 3 to 101 connectordo, wn 5to80. even heading a tllhe way aoscrs e thgolden gate ridge, it is wet. ture radar swsho we sllti have unmotain drilezz and scaertted inra for thees rt of us. changingo tscattereshd owers duri lngunch. poibssly a lite tlbit of sunshi rneight befe orthe sun sets. rainfall amotsun keep usen wt to the lunchoh ur. thene wdry out ridung the ening, up to 2/10 of one inch of more on theom cmute wit jhobina. jobina: wwie ll get ta o few crasheans d roadway flooding starngtin ipoint ray.
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we have downed eetrs andow dned ees and wndo power lesin on ate route soubothund. that is -- sontate rou otene southbou.nd heav a crush on westbou 8nd0 at80 7, a largbae ckup floating -- l aarge bacp kuforming. rthbound 101, the ramp to eastunbod 80, rowaady flooding is bngeior pted. rther south on nthorbound 280 befo srean joseve anue. at the tlol plaza -- masi: finding- -fightinghe t clatime crissi, the city that wodul be the largest in the u.s. with ts hinet zerooa gl. ggreie: a chrisastm tradition and in one couy.nt a jue dgsays he tisrying to help paren.ts kusima: the returofn a popular kusima: the returofn a popular runway in the so
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reggiesc: ary menomts for pantres and stenudts in pennsylviaan, it wacrs ashed into a cekre. 30 middle scolho studesnt were on the b wushen it rleold into the water. he was one othf em descrinibg atwh happened. >> we hit a bp umand i thghout witas normal. bu tthen we h mite orand more and th wene flel andan r into the reriv. then a kid opens theme ergency exit ande wstarted nnruing out. everyoneas w scared. ggie: none ofhe tse injursie arsoe here. kumasi: a coue plin southner cal id their joy after giving rtbih via in vitro tneurd into worry ancod ncern. phne and alexaernd noticed th uatnlike thr eifamily, eth ba hbyad a darr kecomplexion and black hair. they leaedrn the babthy ey took,
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was noret lated tohe tm. they wergie ven the onwrg bryo. become. --. the upcole contaedct the wanom whgao ve birtho t their biological child and they itswched >> i was rbeobd of the pooprtunity to rrcay my own child. ouram fily has ffsuered in pless ws.ay wh maty wife h gasone throhug his on words -- is young words -- what my wife h gasone throhug is beyond wdsor. kusima: they ardee manding a ry trialnd a unspeciedfi dagemas. ggreie: san jose set an ambioutis goal. it is pledging to cobeme carbon utneral by 20.03 for tyci councilot ved in farvo oft. i e idea itos rchea a zero emissis onover theex nt nine yearsak ming ithe t largest.s u. city to t sethat goal. e thcity has invesdte nearl$1y llbiion and u yowill energy and
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battery resources that will come on my next year. kumasi: the sonic rwauny is tuinrng up thene ergy at night san joscie ty hall. is soundnd a a srtolution swa haitn i2017 through01 28. now hitas had some major of ratefos r this yr'e's eornce aparpeance. the display visliuazes the eespd of sound and the arches are synchronized tous mic. reiegg: a georgia jgeud is hoping to kema the holayid seonas easier for wne parentsy b nnbaing elfn othe shelf. thera tdition which originated om a chireldn's book centser arndou an elf that eouncrages kids tbeo on thr eibest behavior. well, aud jge says wheants to ve paren ststrugglintog keep up with eithr nitlghy duties a kera. he posdte a mock deorr on soclia dimeaok jingly bashniing these veels callingt ihis gift to
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tired paren.ts kumasi:av he you donehi ts,y? m -- mike? mike: no. maybe ceon or tcewi, it didot n wo.rk i did noto dit, barba ardid it. ali l saw was on thehe slf that is aif dferent w oayf getting it on yoseur.lf arnely a half ih ncof rain on 0. th matorning dzzrile will petar isth afterno aonnd become shows erbefore igot es away. partl iaclearingon tight youan c exctpe cutlo you canxp eect fog toor fm -- yocau n expectog f to rm. atth will ben aissue in tomorr'o's commute. drwiy th an abe ovaverage teafrnoon all the w tayhrough e thweekend refocast. datoy, 62 to6 6 degrees. uyo canee s scatter sedhowers, a few losptches o gfreen. we havfoe g trying to sdoan
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frciansco. it is a54nd theas ctro mission. 51n isanta cla arand healbudsrg. way north and way down sthou we haveoo cler tempaterures. mi50d-'s evywerhere else. t's ta alkbout sanra fncisco. 57 throu tghhe morning with drize zland miss.ed with the randomnesofs showers, we a trehinking ouarnd 2:00 there ulcod be shorswe. in between tt,ha there cldou be e or two. a littlehy s of our aravege high of6 6degrees. tonight,ou y can see0' 's vedeloped arounred dwood city d anthe tri-llvaey andin lda stea bay ngheiborhoods. colder sta trtomorrow thwi fog, itil wl take loa ng time gtoet dri of foang d cold conditions. by thudarsy, that tspu us erage. idfray, satuayrd, and sunday we areoo lking amit d 60'tos mid 's.
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dry at lsteahr tough mony.da kusima: "goodor mning ameri"ca congmi up at 7:00. regg:ie ginger iats a geotherm ialce plant -- a geothealrm plant i inceland. >> check ts hiout, that were just landsca, pethe geotrmheal energy ilacend is knnow for. a tinaonha tt has bn eeat the refofront ofen rewables lpheing usit wh the clatime -- -- with e climatcre isis. th iats the world's largest carbon dioxide capture machine. i will sw hoyou how it works. we also have the latest from the avtris scottes ftival, setafy nccoerns the hyad beforthe e stfeival staedrt. pfizers i expecd teto ask for authorizatn iofor everneyo 18 d older. withol hiday tralve set to ore,ur o airports going to be ready fothr e sgeurry? we willol ok at quickix fes you can makeo tyour home stoave on home heangti costs. llwi smith itas lking autbo his
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mikedo: wngradedhe t storm t ao one. e hvieaest of iist over. we still heav some soheutrly nds overur o bridges. you n casee plen otyf rain fainllg, it wl ilbe around throh ugthe morng incommute. thwie nner is ntsaa rosa, remo than.5 1 incs.he three qutearrs in sa fnrancisco. ha ilfnch in oakland. look atht at rain adshow in san jose two hundreds thof an inch. kuma:si abc n 7ews is cmiomtted willing a better area, and at inclus deour clime atand vironment. thise sue has been vernments will noanunce
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plgeeds to develop cntouries. soar f,he t state ofal cifornia isel wl represteend at the summit. democraticta ste senats orwho avel to scotland arshe aring calirnfoia's role finighting climatche ange. >> we e arstill in the game. it iims portant r fopeople to know we he avso many folks on the grndou saying awere ubling dn owon the cmalite work we veha done. makusi:he t california delegaonti sayths ey are learngni a lot fm roother countrs ielike feeding fmar animals a difrefent diet to fighmet thane you casen e our full stela of imateat wch cerovage on the y area -on- t ahebc7 b aayrea app. reggie: tathes erin londoarn e doing threi part. 50 have edplged to remeov sustainae blmatealri from set they pdgleed to desn igcostumes and stinall the londothn eater coornstium is rkwoing to rucede carbon
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emissisony b60% by 2025. kuma:si another hefopul sign in the y baarea, bteetr than eth la tstime we s iawt. ggreie: imagineet gtingoo fd delivered from yourav forite restauntras from awhnyere in the u.s.. baa y area mpcoany madeha tt sspoible. kumasi: we are ecchking on eth moinrng commute. the eris stillom se drizzle but y amhollyfie ilds live. this ihes r cameran othe adways. we will be checking iwin th her in a few minutes. ♪
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so t ihink to semylf ♪ ♪ oh wt haa wonderl fuworld♪ when it mecos to floinorg, i'ham rd to plseea. , soi go to ooflr & deco r where eyth don't jt usknow th e differceen between productsth, ey le ivfor it. fromme arican hawordod topa snish porlacein to itali manarble, i'm loinokg for inirspation from eryve part ofhe t world. sowh, en icot sme to dcoisvering evy erimaginab tleile, wo, odlaminater ostone without mpcoromising my design, one aisle doest n'cut it. nei ed an enreti now,'v ie got one. exorple floor & decor iner pson or online at >> building a better bay area, mongvi forrdwa, finding soluontis. isth is ab nc7ews. reggie: justi fceor jaspe, ra vigil forhe t boy whooo sn would
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have turnetwd o, killebyd a rasty bullet. his family langyi out whatht ey ntwa to see pphaen. makusi:e ware waki ungp to a very rai cnyommute. mike is timing out the storm for the rest of the day. reggie:'mus shroom coffee hangvi a memont? the chaeng to uryo morningup c anthd e positi hveealth benefits. odgo morningyo, u are watinchg c7or mnings on abc senev, hulu live, d anwhereverou y stream. kemi, it is a rainy morning. mike:ee kping evethrying wet dan damp,t illwi stay tt haway througthh e mornin cgommute. you can see the rf oocamera and that iwes t. heas w live doleppr 7. doi wngradedhe t storm t ao one. e thheaviestne o is behi unds. throh ugthe morngni, the best anchce ohif gher eletivaons stinayg steady and then it will
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antrsfero t swehors around 2/10 of an inch of rain is sspoible and things stay wet duringhe t morningom cmute. u yocan see that moisture coming f ofthe oce aannd the sthouerly nds. not as ft asas befor be,ut gustingcr as osthe bdgrie. to purcheas in eth low to mid 50's,oo lk to mid0' 's. tinoce the teraping during the luhnc hour anald most gonwie th lia ttle bitf o sunshinase the nsets arndou 5:00. temperatures i tnhe low '0's and back to eth mid0'-'s, lynbyn 7:00. kuma:si reggie: -- reiegg: the rdsoa areet w, eaplse bcae reful. this video shows t rheainom cing wn and aiontch. amy hollyfid elis live tonhe roadwis th a looatk what awere sengei. amy: good morning. if you are just waking up, you miedss mosoft the are on e thbay bridghee aded into san fraisncco. we are jusget tting a ttlile bit of drizz.le
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earlier we were getting some rainbu, t now te tstapered o.ff be aware thidis d happenhi wle you e arasleep a yndou are dealing thwi wet rose -- wet roads. ilstl a ltlite bit ofri dzzle t there. hweave someai rn that fl elin san rafa.el they gotix s inches of raithn e lasttm aospheric river in tober. sibunesses trehe are on guard, wondinerg if th weyere gointog sethe at again. this d nidot catree any major we heard about a tree down in clinarda, some low-lyi, nglittle trouble spots. nothinmag jor to rorept all. stju ait ltle bit of helpur ding our -- our drohtug. just ahi tng to bawe are of as you adhe out. you llwi face a twe yesterdaway s a dry d,ay today ju gstive yourselfxt era time.
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if y aoure winakg utop sw,no yomiu ssed hea dvyownpours. ggreie: you canee kp an e eyon the weather anymetiou y wish. you willin fd it on thebc a7 bay ea app. kuma:si now ttho e invesgatition intohe t concertra tgedy in houston. awere learning about security concerns before the concert as more witnesses come forward. bijonaas hny a update on any operatnsio plan fothr e jonabi: abc news has reiecved a detailedoc dument for the stival. it inclus deconcerns including the pottienal for mtiulple alcohol d andrug-reledat stenudts, evactiuaon needs, and threatf oa mashed- -a mass casualtyit suation. it reaevls the oy nltwo peoepl whcoo uld have stopped the festaliv wherehe t produceanr d ecexutive dictreoror f. gheit people dd ieas the crowd the tras viscotter pformance
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surgedow tards the sgeta. onamg the iurnjed is an annual boy- -a nine-yr-eaold boy. his family says he is fighting for hisif le after inbeg amtrpled aft here fell o hffis fathe''s shoulrsde. >> msoy n couldot n wreath becausofe all ofhe t pssreure. pheassed out. wh hene passed o, uthe fell toin the crd.ow heas w tramplered ally blyad. sted in archge of sericuty at all missions veha issued yan coenmmts. travis sco itts no lgeonr headnilingn ilas vegaths is weekend. regg:iehp c is worngki to find the pers ronesponsib olef the death ofas jper wu. he wasit h by a sty rabullet on intersteta 880 in oakla.nd the chp is contuiinng to
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investigate this iidncent. ggreie: oaklandes ridents are callg infor they skepo at a caneldlight vigil shinowg their ppsuort for the wu >> imagine ithf is was yrou baby. imagine ifhi ts was yo buraby. how ulwod you fl?ee >> to the wu famy,il the asian commituny is herfoe r you. ggreie: this memoalri is setp u arne where jasper gohit t by the stray llbuet. some who did not know jasper showed up demanding the shooter turned themselve isn. highy wapatrol investigators are asking anyone with information to give them a the p tiline is on your screen. kumasi: the cruiseship that captured international attention returned to san francisco.
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the grand priesncs was ba ickn theit cy for the fstir time sincthe e cruisend iustry arstted sailing. onofe the fir mstajor outeabrks pphaened a wou-blde ship in 2020. witas held f ofthe coast as authorities scrambled ctoome up with a qrauantine plan fothr e outhsands ofas psengers. today, aann eshooil wl hdol a to hwnall with dran. thony fauci. heil wl be awensring qstueions out covi19d- vaccineans d heotr topics. you can submit your qutiesons ead of t mheeeting. registration is open on evenritbte and istt arts at 6:45. reggie:he t white hseou is calling on people to proceed with the msas cmaomnded -- the vaccinmae ndate. pureblican aorttneys general have sued to bcklo the manteda. erov the weendke, a federal lls courput t that mandate on all ilwhe it revwsie the case. the bidendm ainistratn iois
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fuednd with a urcot filing sayinghe t risks whoitut a ndate oroo t great. >> we think oppele shoulnod t itwa. do notai wt to takace tions that will keep youror wkplace it is critic talo do and we need to getor me peopleac vcinated. reggie: businseessit wh 100 employs eeor more cefa a january ea ddline gealt l workers vaccatined. empleroys who don'' do that woulfad ce regul taresting and mandoraty kusima: just as thousands of bay areaid ks receiv tedheir first vaccine, edepimiologis atre rnwaing of ain wter surge. there is any attempt tkeo ep up vaccinatn iofor kidsiv fe to 11. drma. tt willis sa tysheac vcine uptake has excdeeed expectaontis erthe is no meti to waste if familiesan wt to be fesa for the holida.ys >> if we wantht at proteioctn, the winwdo is literay llthis ek and nt exweek andhe t week after.
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it takes twoee wks afterha tt to ethel precottion. -- to havero ptection. kumasi: docto rrsemind everyone atth vaccineprs event sereve if youav he questis,on you can k our vaincce team. head to reiegg: the whilestblower who made the claim of valuing ofprits overeo pple from facebook sounding the alarm on fears owhf at its new meta-veers mighbet come. kumasi: you're looki angt the gbi word on the new yk orstock chexange. reggie: one signed the tufure might be hersoe onerha tn we think, trucks making deliveries with drirsve behind eth wheel. ke: iou wld love tseo e how that wou wldork on aay d like toy dawhere iist raining outside. we have stdyea you can se ferom the adhelands acrossan s rafael and 37 and into venetia carquinezrin on tos
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napa, the t-vrialue, stdyea rain right now. hweave lanero aund redwdoo city anwed st ridgeri dve heading towas rdmountain vwie and cuperto inand sarogata, that will heaacd ross the valyle flr.oo look forno ather rou ondf light in in thsoe uth bay. we have rain in the saant cruz motaunins whermoe st of itas w golebbd up. just a couple of huneddrths of an inch sinan jose. future rad, aryou can e seuntil 1:00, the covera dgeefinitely the size of t ghereen andhe t amntou of shriinnkg. during the afternoon, late afternoon until sseunt, clouds start tope on up. there is still atr say shower atthay m bump in otone of our mountains but forhe t most part wille b dryha tt continsue thugroh 11:.00 rl ous,p to psiweil wl keep inthgs slick
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througthh e mornin cgommute. let's'get overo t jobina. bijona: good rnmoing, everyone. 'i'm going to talk about the big things o outf treheec bause we haveep rorts omif nor roadywa fldioong at cshraes. eth biggest ones ithis a we haveee bn folwilong in inpot yeres where u yosee the rppule ne whichea mns all lesan are ocked due to porlweine -- edu downed eetrs and porwe lines. movingo t richmd,on a crash on westboun58d 0. gheit miles r pehour trehe for anyone traveling through there. valeo, we have a crash on westbound 80. looking like active rainfall on thrie chmond s ranafael rgeid. e thchp has issued wteinr visoriesor f all of r oumajor bridges. a liveoo lk at theol tl plaza.
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makusi: a woman rested in the death aof man sheet mn iany ad po, lice arees dcribing isth as robbery nego wrong. poceli chaedrgum kari in the ath of mhaicel. instveigators say mheet her in for fiellad st wkee, planni tngo y bua used c faror cash. ofcefirs respoednd to in nehbigorhood aerft gettingal cls about a n madown. stngrae was arstreed the ntex day. the vtiicm is a renect graduate d his pantres say he was workinseg veral jo tbso buy a car. reggie: sheriff'' office is aski fngor help findinag an m who llfoowed andex sually assaultea d blind investigorats released otphos of e thsuspect. eyth say he prapoached theom wan o whis legally blind at a nearby arbucks rkpaing lot d anthen followeder h into thear tget on
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stevencrs eek boularevd it. fheolloweder h to anotrhe nearby parkingot l and tha its where heex sually assaulted r.he acrdcoing to t sheheriff'' offi, cea witness punches hnor dan he got t ouof his c taro try ctohase him. >> forim h to get t ouof his vehicle and addresshe t siattuion, i alappud that peonrs. reggie: they hopeom sebody recognesiz the pern soor his vehicle. has no front plate and it appes arthere artoe y cars on the skde work. kumasi: developntmes in the trial kofyle ritthoenuse, the only wseorn who sviurved being shoty bkyle rteitnhouse aerft the protes stof the sothoing of jacob le aktakes the stand. hees dcribes t mheoment he confroednt the denefdant. reporter: jurs orheard fr tomhe man whom coltolen has a shot. gage -- gaige testified ttha
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en he sakyw le rittenhouse with s aemi-toaumatic rifle, he thoughhet was in tiacve ooter. he said he witnessed kyle ttrienhouse sho ootne of twmeo n and admitted pointinhig s own guinn his dirtiecon. i was nerev trying ktoill e defenntda. thatas w never setomhing i was tryi tngo do. in that moment, ias w trying to eserve mowy n life. doing swho ile alsoak ting the lifef o athnoer is nosot mething i'm capable weer comfoabrtle of reporter: ritnhteouse st hohim the arm. hes ipleading not guilty becae ushe was aacttked by aob m d anfightingis h life. if cvioncted, ky rleittenhouse coulfad ce life is -- li ifen ison. ggreie: a boyac fes charges nnected to a night of panic. a mallas w put on lkdocown
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rertpo of a fit ghinvolvinag knife and aunn related llca abtou gunshs.ot police iesnvtigating sdai paint a teenager whoad h a large knife and aagger officer enid tce sotg sif t kuma: stock trading at form robin hood said it was hit by a data breach that exposed information on millions of customers. hackers demanded a ransom payment but it says no social security numbers, bank account numbers, or debit card numbers were exposed. doordash is betting people want authentic barbecue from texas or new york city pastrami sandwiches as much as a neighborhood meal. they announced nationwide delivery of food, fresh produce, and flowers. aside from food, the company is moving to become a gift delivery service by offering free delivery from anywhere in the nation. the food will arrive in a few days.
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a stick at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway. we are down by about 90 points. reggie: facebook whistleblower, frances haugen, is expressing concern about the company's sheai sd she fes arthe impact of the me-vtaerse. she sa tyshis virtl uareality world would force people to give upor me of the pirersonal inrmfoation. stla mthon, she teifstied about faceokbo's harulmf effects. she says thcoe mpany puts ofprits overeo pple. she is meeting with european wmakers o whare writg inrules for soci maledia comnipaes. masi:ir aportsnd a roads are peexcted to bbue sier this thksangiving hidolay. avtrel is eecxpted to rebound. aaa is predicngti more th 5an3 llmiion peop alere goingo t travelhe wther by anple,ra tin, orar chi wch is 1up3% from stla year. in the bay area, aaa says the
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worst rrcoidor travel is by-80 east -- is i-80 east. theus biest timeil wl be dnesday fobere thanksgiving. ggie: excuse me, i he avto cough. l peexct to be near p pandemic levels, many people wonder if airlines and air which will be ready to handle the increase of travelers. questions loom about travel mandates. most major airlines are looking to fill positions by the end of the year. some are offering huge incentives to employees. >> the disruptions, the assaults. we said we think it is time to ensure and reward flight attendants going word because it has been a tough 20 month. reggie: if you are traveling this season, tune in to for tips on how to navigate that travel. kumasi: krispy krispy krispy krp
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new thanksgiving donuts. pecan pie, apple pie, cranberry field not with orange icing, and a heart-shaped doughnut with a tricky face. it is not -- and a tricky face -- and a turkey face. it does not taste like turkey. reggie: do you like the way this looks? it is not my favorite. kumasi: i mean -- reggie: i feel like they do better at halloween. kumasi: this is the comforting, the con one. -- the econ -- the pecan one. reggie: we have two words, from coffee. -- mushroom coffee. the trendy drink is having a moment. it is becoming more mainstream. it is already huge in l.a..
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people say it can produce energy and serotonin without the jitters. some claim it helps them sleep better. i am totally unfamiliar with this. kumasi: i tried one and i ordered it. i don't think i made it right. reggie: doesn't have any lingering mushroom flavor? kumasi: i don't think i drink enough to give you an accurate description. reggie: so it is nasty? mike: by itself, it needs help. kumasi: they sent me a froth or -- a frother. reggie: and that still did not help? mike: -- kumasi: i canceled back my subscription. mike: we are peeling back the layers. she is saying i didn't do this, i didn't do this.
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let's peel back the layers of the brain. we hours. two 2/10 of an inch of rain as possible. we already had 2/10 in santa rosa. we have this chunk of energy that will squeeze more moisture out of the atmosphere and add to these totals which are nothing in the south bay. 21 hundredths in redwood city, one third at hayward. everyone else has 2.5 inches. i was wondering about san rafael because everywhere around you has received one inch to two inches, but at the civic center, one third of an inch. look how dry the road is.
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cooler lows, dense fog forms tonight, partly sunny and warmer than average starting thursday through the weekend. today we are 62 to 66 degrees and temperatures are in the low to mid 50's. you can see scattered showers anytime in the south bay. don't give up on rain yet. tonight, mid 40's to low 50's. here is a look at your seven day forecast. as the warming trend tomorrow will put us in the mid 60's to mid 70's by saturday. reggie: it has been three years since the deadliest wildfire in state history. survivors in the town of paradise reflecting on the past and the progress since the camp fire. 85 american flags placed along a street, one representing each person who died in the fire. one couple who moved back after losing their home said construction crews are everywhere. >> it is all progress.
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it is the sound of this town coming back together. >> i just like being here. i am so glad to be back. reggie: a couple hundred multifamily units have been rebuilt and 2000 permits are being assessed. he says -- the mayor says the new paradise will be a fire safe community. kumasi: today is -- this friday is disney plus friday. disney is offering the service for two dollars for one month. subscribers get perks at parks and there will be -- pawn shop disney. some movie theaters will be showing disney movies for five dollars per tickets. go to and we will announce winners on friday. "wait game" -- "squid game" is coming back.
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it is netflix's biggest show ever. the stars say they are getting recognized. the cast and creature all have dreams of working in hollywood. >> hey, spielberg. >> call our agent. when i came through the immigration center, the police officer asked me for any autograph. >> wow. kumasi: the show's creator says season two is in the planning process. it is too early to say how it is going to happen. walmart --'s -- reggie: walmart's self-driving trucks are on the road. they are the retail industry's first ever truly driverless trucks. kumasi: i used to work in
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fayetteville. it is small, so i feel it could work in there. reggie: okay. kumasi: plus, walmart can't kind of do what they want. right? reggie: -- about that. i don't like seeing ghosts driving cars. kumasi: not ghosts. [laughter] reggie: maybe i would actually feel better if they told me a ghost was actually driving it. kumasi: what was their experience? reggie: what was their past life? was their vision good? kumasi: [laughter] up next, the seven things you need to know today. reggie: you can watch live on the bay area connected at,
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available on roku and amazon fire tv. kumasi: we will take a live look outside at 6:55. this is our tahoe camera. they are still making their way even though roads are slick. if you are headi the classic hollywood story. we meet the hero, the all-new nissan frontier. hero faces seemingly impossible challenge. ♪ tension builds... ♪ the plot twist. ♪ the hero prevails. in hollywood, this would be the end. but our here, we are just getting started. introducing the all-new nissan frontier.
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kumasi: it is 6:58. herere a the sev tenhings to know. mike:he tea hviest ra ainnd rostngest wis ndare behi unds. morning drizzle and rain and a few scattered showers this afternoon. jobina: you can see the rainfall on our richmond san rafael bridge camera. the ch hpas issuewid nter advisories f boray area briesdg. kumasi: millions of more americsan could be eligible for a covi19d- worceerst. izpfer gtietng readyo trequest ergency use invests -- eremgency us oepposioitn. regg:ie a plan for the astroworld music festival
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vereals securityon ccernbes fore e cceonrt. they included the threat of a mass casualty situation. eighteo pple dd,ie dozens of wsuits heav fil.ed kusima: a vig wilas held rfo jasper. he was kleild after inbeg hit by a stray bultle as s hifamily dre ovalong 880. p chonce anye onwith infmaortion to calthl em. ggie: aorct dean stowep ll has di.ed the uebl velvet sta crtast aywa tusarday -- sspaed away saturday. was 85. kumasi: you canin fd youret p's look-ali iken art. google's appil wlca sn histicoral art tido entify yrou p't's twin. it wksor with ds,ogat cs,ir bds, fish, rabtsbi. kemi: doeits work? [laughter] regg:ieer frets,er gbils. jobina: it is like the pose and poe sture?
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and eth ears. regg:ie thiiss wn heannn aoying gd oomorning, america,or f our viewersn ithe west onhi ts tuesday morning, the new details in ttha concert tragedy. delyad disaster investigation. neviw deo of fallen fans from at alarming event. thisor mngni, new qutiesons over houstos n'police cefhi's meeting with tviras scott d anhis head ofec surity berefo the peorrfmance, as police now instveigatwhe y it tooalk most 40 minutes to stop the show after it was declared a mass casualtyve ent. we hear omfr one 18-arye-oldho w pleaded with the crew to stop the owsh. anthd is morni wnge learn ouabt e thyoungestic vtim, a 9-arye-old fighting for his fe. we're live in houston with t he lastte.
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