tv Nightline ABC November 16, 2021 12:37am-1:07am PST
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game." he's like it is? where? where? >> jimmy: really? oh. wow. >> yeah. so he was like excited too. >> jimmy: so he was not being cool with the "squid game" people. he was a fan all of a sudden. you -- this show of yours is based on -- well, it's based on a real person. a person we assume is real. we've never seen her. catherine the great. >> he why. >> jimmy: in what, the 1700s? >> 1800s. well, no, 1700s. 18th century. >> jimmy: 18th century. and is it historically accurate at all? >> it is. well, some things are. we take a lot of liberties. this is not like a history lesson. i definitely would not go into it thinking that we are teaching you anything about history here. we make a lot of stuff up. [ laughter ] for sure. tony mcnamara is the writer and the creator of the show and our show runner. he's the most wild imagination in the whole world and
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incredible. p but there is -- catherine the great did a lot of progressive and amazing things in her time. and we do share that because that horse rumor about her that she like had sex with a horse -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah. right. >> the propaganda. like about catherine the great. and so she -- this woman in history did these incredible things and then in our world we've reduced her to that. >> jimmy: right. >> so our show is hopefully giving her, you know, more credit. >> jimmy: yeah. and maybe a little bit of iefr ivermectin. and have you determined whether that story was true or not? >> well, in the first season of the show we mention it a bit, but she keeps -- like catherine is like oh god, no one will ever remember that. because it was basically the first form of slut shaming. because she really had a lot of lovers and was very like free sex and open. >> jimmy: i see. and they said oh -- >> oh, she had sex with a horse. so that's what she's been reduced to. >> jimmy: wow. i never imagined our
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conversation would take this turn. >> i know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we went right from "squid game" to this. i don't know how it happened. >> it's a lot. >> jimmy: well, it's very good to see you. it's always great to see you. >> it's fun. i haven't -- like with the audience. >> jimmy: i know. everybody's here. [ cheers and applause ] and season 2 of of "the great" premieres friday on hulu. elle fanning, everybody. we'll be back with little simz. ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: it is music time. her album is called "sometimes i might be introvert." with help from jabbawockeez, little simz! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ jimmy kimmel live ♪ ♪ you know ♪ ♪ why they wanna put me in a
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box ♪ ♪ think they're coming for my spot ♪ ♪ i could buy your life with no excuses if i had a penny for all ♪ ♪ the rappers that i influenced woo-woo i know what i bring ♪ ♪ no i ain't stupid you should try that on someone that isn't being ♪ ♪ their truest true, true figured i'd just leave you -- to it ♪ ♪ but watch how you step promise you don't wanna see me lose it ♪ ♪ no, no --know i got this -- on lock ♪ ♪ -- think they're coming for my spot don't you know you're ♪ ♪ dealing with a boss i make winnings out of any loss, any loss ♪ ♪ i think i do just what i please i'm already a legend you ♪ ♪ should humble your speech yeah, yeah age 101 disturbing the peace i think i'm kanye west ♪ ♪ i see the blood on the leaves yeah, yeah -- ain't ready for ♪ ♪ my steez (woo) -- wanna tour in my speed i'm running with ease ♪ ♪ i am me i am me catch up if you please ♪ ♪ i got 'em ♪ ♪
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♪ influential or not ♪ ♪ i should ink in my skin ♪ ♪ all this ink in my pen is what led me to win do my ting then i duss ♪ ♪ i don't linger for fun oh you wish you could come wanna be my plus-one ♪ ♪ give a -- bout your style or the latest of trends if you knew what it took ♪ ♪ just to get out the ends wanna stay where i stay know you'll only surrend ♪ ♪ still running with ease marathon not sprint you could tell i'm ♪ ♪ really going at it they know when i drop it's problematic ♪ ♪ keep it on the move i'm never static i go in the booth ♪ ♪ and show you magic got a hard drive full of classics ♪ ♪ i keep that -- locked up in the attic if i bring 'em out it's ♪ ♪ a wrap though i'm not sure if these boys could hack it ♪ ♪ go ♪ ♪
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>> announcer: this is "nightline." tonight, tale of two trials. the men charged with killing ahmaud arbery, and the case of kyle rittenhouse. >> so many people look at this case and they see what they want to see. >> with racial undertones. >> we don't want any more black pastors coming in here. >> i just want to say to all the black pastors, come here. >> though the cases and details differ, why so many are looking at these trials from such different perspectives. >> they've both become political hot-button issues. plus, shattering expectations. >> we're making the stew of stews. beef burginion. >> julia child. a foodie before her time. >> she was giving you this opportunity to say don't be afraid of failure. just enjoy. >> how she transformed the way we cook and eat. and -- >> yeah!
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the cases, and yet both involve defendants claiming self-defense. but more broadly, both sparking discussions about race and justice in this country. here's abc's senior national correspondent terry moran. >> we shouldn't have 17-year-olds running around our streets with ar-15s. because this is exactly what happens. >> reporter: closing arguments in wisconsin as the jury prepares to begin deliberations in the trial of kyle rittenhouse. >> you cannot claim self-defense against a danger you create. the crowd has the right to try and stop an active shooter. they have a right to protect themselves. >> kyle was not an active shooter. that is a buzzword that the state wants to latch onto. whenever kyle was there, he reacted to people attacking him. >> reporter: for many what's on trial here in wisconsin and also hundreds of miles away in georgia, where three men stand accused in the murder of ahmaud arbery, is about much more than
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just the charges on the table. these two trials crystallize a deep divide over how the nation views self-defense and how justice is perceived when the offenders are white. >> very different extremes of the self-defense, but they've both become political hot-button issues as both sides try to use this to further a narrative of their political ends. >> it's quite interesting to watch these two trials because at the end of the day they both are about vigilanteism. and it's about vigilanteism through the prism of race. >> reporter: 25-year-old ahmaud arbery's death back in february of of last year set off protests and rallies. >> no justice! >> no peace! >> reporter: as his accused killers initially remained free and uncharged. it wasn't until video of his killing went public months later -- [ gunshot ] that travis mcmichael, his father gregory mcmichael and their neighbor william roddie bryan, all white, were arrested and charged. all have pled not guilty. maintaining they were trying to
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make a citizen's arrest and believed the victim was a thief. >> it's interesting when you're watching the case for the death of ahmaud arbery because the prosecution and the defense and the judge keep trying to avoid race. but it keeps turning itself back into a case that involves race. >> reporter: kyle rittenhouse also stands accused of homicide. he was 17 when he shot and killed joseph rosenbaum and anthony huber and injured gage grosskreutz during a protest over racial justice. across country kyle rittenhouse has become a symbol for so many, a right-wing vigilante for some, a young man trying to do the right thing on a bad night in kenosha for others. but the jury, they will judge him under law. he's not a symbol. he's the defendant. >> i didn't do anything wrong. i defended myself. >> reporter: the defense maintains rittenhouse came to kenosha as a concerned citizen, protecting private property and giving medical aid during protests that at times turned violent and he acted in self-defense. >> so you felt that as a 17-year-old it was appropriate for you to be out on the streets of kenosha with an ar-15 that
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night? fair? >> reporter: the prosecution painted him as a vigilante and an outsider who killed mercilessly. his mother telling fox news she thinks the jury will acquit him. >> i'm very proud of kyle. he's a very strong, loving young man. has a heart of gold. >> there's no question the two cases have similarities. in the rittenhouse case, interestingly race plays a huge factor in the larger narrative of where this fits into our social conversation about race and criminal justice, but in the trial itself it may not play much of a role. kyle rittenhouse of course was white. his victims, the two men who were killed and the one who was injured, were also white. >> reporter: in the summer of 2020 -- >> black lives matter! >> reporter: -- protests spilled into the streets after 29-year-old jacob blake was shot in the back seven times by a police officer in kenosha, wisconsin. [ gunshots ] >> all my grandson asked
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repeatedly is why did the police shoot my daddy in the back? >> hands up. don't shoot. >> reporter: the shooting sparked outrage. protesters demanded justice. but things turned deadly when armed men who authorities called vigilantes clashed with the protesters. among them, then 17-year-old kyle rittenhouse, who saw the violence and traveled from antioch, illinois. he was seen guarding a car repair shop that night, telling blaze tv he was armed with lethal ammunition. >> we're protecting from the citizens and i just got pepper sprayed by a person in the crowd. >> reporter: gaige grosskreutz who was shot but survived testified in court. >> i thought that the defendant was an active shooter. >> reporter: rittenhouse pleaded not guilty to six charges including first-degree reckless homicide and first-degree intentional homicide, and he could face life in prison. how the public views rittenhouse may be dependent on what news coverage they watch. conservative coverage has been more sympathetic to the shooter.
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fox news anchors defending rittenhouse as a good kid. >> that's a good kid. that is the kind of kid who can grow up and have a moral core. >> you have right and left-wing media coming at this riten shtee trial from very political lenses but not very logue ones. >> reporter: critics say even coverage of rinthouse's tearful testimony has been skewed to lend sympathy to a white defendant. >> to me it seemed like a child who had just gotten caught doing something that he wasn't supposed to, more upset that he was caught and less upset about what he had done. >> i heard a lot of journalists and pundits talk about it afterwards and i think irp responsib irresponsibly. the assumption was he got emotional talking about the events of that night whereas he could have simply gotten emotional because he was feeling guilty about what he had done. >> reporter: among the charges against rittenhouse a misdemeanor gun charge for illegally carrying an ar-15 rifle while under age. rittenhouse doesn't deny he had
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the gun. he didn't deny he knew it was illegal for him to have it. today the judge surprised the court by throwing out that charge on the basis of his interpretation of wisconsin law before jurors could deliberate on it. >> when there are so many people who are being charged for similar if not the same charges who don't look like kyle rittenhouse, it leads many to believe that this has something to do with something other than the law, something other than the facts, and has to do with something of race. >> reporter: in georgia the arbery case may also hinge on that same theme. surveillance footage shows the 25-year-old victim wandering through a house under construction. the homeowner there testifying by video. >> at any point during your interactions with the mcmichaels did you ever give them permission to go on your property? >> no. >> reporter: jurors also saw videos of other people in the same construction site. none of them were pursued except
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ahmaud arbery. >> the ahmaud arbery case much harder to look at through a purely political lens. i don't think that anybody is arguing that that is anything but a tragic and potentially murder trial. >> reporter: but things got heated when the trial took an overtly racial turn. last week one of the defense lawyers got upset that the reverend al sharpton was taking one of the limited seats. >> we don't want any more black pastors coming in here. a bunch of folks came in here dressed like colonel sanders with white masks sitting in the back, that would be -- >> reporter: sharpton was in attendance to support arbery's family. today the defense complained again as the reverend jesse jackson showed up to support arbery family. >> how many pastors does the arbery family have? with all due respect, your honor, the seats in the public gallery of a courtroom are not like courtside seats at a lakers game. >> the judge was right today. in saying that the comments by mr. gough about comparing an
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icon, a civil rights leader of sacrifice like reverend jackson, to colonel sanders and men in white masks, i think the judge was right in saying that those comments were reprehensible! >> reporter: for now the nation must sit and wait. tonight the fate of kyle rittenhouse is in the hands of the jury. >> ladies and gentlemen, when my client shot joseph rosenbaum, he feared for his life. >> in a lot of ways the rittenhouse trial really one about the legal standards for self-defense for a criminal defendant in this country. but it does feel like the country is expecting a much larger narrative in the outcome of this trial. >> this isn't about whether or not kyle rittenhouse was, you know, trying to protect himself or was behaving in self-defense. this is about why was he even there to begin with? we all know that kyle rittenhouse, had he been black, would be looked at differently
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and we would be expecting a different outcome. >> our thanks to terry. up next, the one and only julia child. how she transformed american cooking and television. ♪ ♪it's a most unusual day♪ ♪feel like throwing my worries away♪ ♪as an old native-born californian would say♪ ♪it's a most unusual day♪ ♪it's a most unusual sky♪ ♪not a sign of a cloud passing by♪ ♪if my heart won't behave in the usual way♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. experience the power of sanctuary i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand,
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