tv Good Morning America ABC November 19, 2021 7:00am-9:00am PST
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oh, yes. yes. yes she have stage fright, though? the ship what i thought she had stage fright. good morning, america. for our viewers in the west, breaking overnight. an unexpected roadblock for president biden's build back better bill. still no vote. president biden's social investment bill delayed after house republican leader kevin mccarthy's record-breaking 8 1/2-hour marathon speech. tensions high after the stall this morning. fight against the resurgence. the decision on boosters for all adults hanging in the balance as cases climb ahead of holiday gatherings. this as austria is now set to impose a national lockdown and mandatory vaccines for the entire country. dr. jha joins us live with the latest. the defense rests in the case of the three men accused of murdering ahmaud arbery. the one who fired the fatal shots grilled by the prosecution as both sides now gear up for closing arguments.
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thanksgiving storm. the severe weather threatening holiday travel, plus, the worst time to drive and the best time to fly and the items on your holiday table that might be more expensive this year. abc news exclusive. the young woman who escaped from a house of horrors saving herself and her 12 siblings, jordan turpin tells her story to diane sawyer for the first time. >> i don't know how you had the courage. never having spoken to anyone. >> i think it was like us coming so close to death so many times, i just felt like i had to do it. >> this morning, the never before seen body camera footage from the deputy responding to her 911 call minutes after she escaped. diane is here live with her exclusive interview. the new warning about the scheme that looks like it's coming from a popular payment app and your bank costing americans thousands. new instagram investigation. at least 11 states looking at the negative mental health impact the app can have on young people.
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♪ total eclipse of the heart ♪ so close to a total eclipse. overnight, the magical images of the moon almost 600 years in the making. ♪ go easy on me ♪ ♪ baby ♪ the wait is officially over. overnight, adele's "30" has finally arrived. the album being hailed as her best one yet. adele definitely not going easy on us s we cry into the weekend. ♪ that's not true. she put a smile on our face this morning. >> i'll cry at the drop of a hat, man. >> good morning, america. thank you for starting your friday with us. and it seems like we have another day we can call a big day for adele. yes, the highly anticipated, much talked about album "30" dropped overnight and we'll talk
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about some of these ballads throughout the morning. >> she has a new album out? >> yeah, they've been hiding that information somewhere. >> it's also, we're excited about this, a big day for boosters. we'll speak with dr. jha about the latest in the fight against covid in just a few minutes. we begin with breaking news, house republican leader kevin mccarthy delayed the vote on president biden's $2 trillion build back better plan slamming the bill with an eight-hour speech on the house floor. stephanie ramos starts us off on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. democrats hoping to pass that spending bill in the house overnight, but hit a roadblock. kevin mccarthy the republican hoping to delay the vote, and it worked. >> reporter: the president casting the $2 trillion build back better plan after the top republican in the house kevin mccarthy did his best to delay it.
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>> if i sound angry, i am. i'm just getting geared up. i know some of you are angry at me, think i spoke too long. but i have haenough. erica has had enghou. >> reporr:tecc marthy complaining during ape sech on eth floor that eth cost of the ll will tbeoo high. >> neveran myme arican history has so muchee bnpe snt at one time. >> reporr:te buthe t ngressiolna budget office says eth bgeudt adds16 $0 billio tno eth decifit, but thehi wte house disagrs eesaying i dtoesn't accoun ftor allot pential sangvis and tt hathe bill will y for itlfse. >> that's whayot u are trygin to ypa this blil from. >> rorepter: tenonsis flinarg. >> nobyod elected joe bideno t be fdr. r>>eporter: marccthy choosg in tott aackem docrats on a viearty of iuesss, from afgnihastan to immigratnio to fil tlhe time. >> d ion't kno iwf thethy ink they left i'm goi tngo stop. i'm not. 'sit too important. >> rorepter: mccaryth finally nishingis h record-stietng
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eech aft 8er 1/2 hos.ur th beill now goes ttohe senate are fitaces an uphill batetl d anit needs support fromve ery this putsal hf a trilln io doarlls to fhtig climate change, and a taxre cdit aols included paidam fily leave. that l'sikely onhe t choppin g blkoc when tshi heads orve to the senate. orge?ge >> at letas two senators holngdi t stephae niramos, tnkhas very much. cecil cecilia? >>we> turn tohe t fight aingast vicod. cweould jusbet hours ay wafrom e cdc siingng off onoo bster shots foalr l adults. trev aorult joins uwith more fromro boklyn. good morngni, trevor. >> rorepter: goomod rning, cecilia. a cdc viadsory pan iels set to meethi ts aftnoeron so set these authoratizions booersts shots from pfizer and if it coremmends it wouldo gto t chedc direcr to fothr e final asar ely this ekweend. ght now,rn ma booste arsre while weai wt f torhe c,cd the fda apsed they veha given authorizioatn to bhot pfirze and
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demorna. pharmaesci are hdiolng off fm ro the cdc, but hlteah experts are restssing tsehe boosters are a crucia slix months after you get them becseau of waning immutyni. izeray sshe tir bstooer raises fiefcacy to 96%, and moderna's 92%, orgege. let'set g to dr. hiassh jha. dr. jha t'les talk autbo this, what dfeifrence wi blloosters make? >> goomod rning, grgeoe. anthks for havinmeg back. i think iits going mtoake an enmoorus diffencree. whathe t data isow n really clear tishat a thd irshot, a booster sh sotix monthafs ter your secd onshot of demorna or izer dratimacally recedus your ri oskf gettining fected a nd respading thvie rus, so,f iall eligleib america, nsif all altdu ericans t gothe boosr,te i thk init wouldra dmatically welor the nuermb of infeioctns anspd read in r oucountry. >> iths ere any skri in gettg in a osboter? >> youno kw, for mt ospeople there nisot. mei an for yngou, healthpey ople 16 -- acaltuly men 1to6 25, therise that ineacrsed riskf o arhet inflamtimaon that sweaw th the sonecd shot.
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we don k'tnow if tt'has going to showp uwith theoo bster. 'll haveo twatch the osare most plyretty mi aldnd peleop get betr tepretty quickly. still thk init's clelyar worth it forea hlthy you mngen. for th iemt may beea rsonable to talko tyour docr tofirst and make se urerevybody isn oboard. l aot of us weer low with the cosend otsh. esdo the same thing happen wi th thboe oster? >> it can. what i'snteresti, ngwhen i g ot mi, neit was much i thinmok st peopli'e m talking toug sgest thatht e sympto amsre ldmier. e strong- -kind of e thsore arm, thas t'pretty cmoomn. e th24, 48 hrsou of real ly feinelg wiped t outhat has happeden less ofn tewith the boosr.te >> what'yos ur advicfoe r those looking eaahd to thasgnkiving and mifaly gathengris? >>ou y know, i l'mooking fwaorrd to a thasgnkiving wi mthy deelrly pares ntand my thi ink it'sui qte safe if eryone ivas ccinated. if youav he unvaccatined member us,sing rap tidesting can make b aig diffencree in ter ms ofre pventg ininfectio fnsrom epseing into thafat mily gathinerg. 's our sonecd covid ntwier,
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d i thinwek have thtoe ols to do isat fely. >>r. d jha, thksan very t.j. to tt hadramatices ttimony in the talri of thosthe ree men arged wi mthurdering ahmd au arrybe, the densfee did rest its case aft ceralling oy nla handful wofitnessesam, ong them the shteoor who fad cea grilling by pserocutors. r steve unossami is aintlanta wi tthhe latest. steve,oo gd morning. >> reporr:te good moinrng to you, t.j. the ju hryas been ntse home and told to meco back onon mday and be rea tdyo finishhi ts case. closing armegunts coulnod w happen as soons amonday ithn e trial tofhe threeen m accused of mdeurring ahmd auarbery w ho are soal accusedf osinglingim h oubet cause heas w black. fore resngti their ce as defense lawyers put 35-year-old travis mcmichael on the stand to tell his side of the story. he iths e one th fatired the tafal shots atth killed bearry februarofy last ye aarnd he mitted borefe the shtioong his victim pedos him no ysphical or verbalhr teat. >> a hndnee ver yelled at you ysgu? no, ma'.am >>id dn't pullut o any guns? >> n mo,a'am.
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>> didn'put ll out a knynife? >> no,a' mam. >> nev rereached f aornything, did ?he >> no. h>>e just r?an >> yeshe, was jusrut nning. >> rorepter: mcmhaicel, his father gregory mcmichael and a neighbor william "roddie" bryan have all pleaded not guilty. they say they were trying to make a citiz'sen arrest under then georgia law. but prosecutors say that their suspicions that arbery might be tha ief werero wng and that heotr peopleal, l of thewhm ite, re seen ndwaerinthg e same ighborho hodome construioctn te witho tuthis muchon ccern. >> atht is pointn itime you could ha jveust stopd,pe right? >> iou cld have. >> you cldou have ju lstet him run, creorct? >> iou c hldave, but a ilso nted to kema sure th at evyterhing waska oy down t he >>ep rorte ar: handfulf o nehbigors wereal cled on by defee nslawyers,wo t of them women of color. e onexplainehod w the owr neof thcoe nstructi sonite kept
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eing somneeo walkinghr tough the fiunnished >> m er.nglish wldou text my huansbd, usual aly video, d an sometis mehe wouldal cl ansad y w--ould sayhe t coloredan m is ck at myou hse. >> that's atwh he says? >> y, essir. >> repteorr: jury lideberations ulcod start rleay next wk eeand xt week oisf course thksangiving. no word yet from the urcot on what hapnspe if deleribations stretch iont or pastht e lihoday. cecilia? >> we'll be staying on than, kssteve. we tn urto the vdierct watch in theyl ke rittenushoe trial. jurorsbo aut to ben gia fourth day dofeliberatnsio in the homici cdease in t 1he8-year-old who kill tedwo men a wndounded a third during those cothaic lipoce protes stlast year. tey rrmoran ishe tre in keshnoa, wiscsionn, coverg init all. good mniorng, terry. >>ep rorter: gd oomorning, is day urfo of delirabetions d this jyuras h gone quiet. no rueeqsts for evenidce, no esqutions othn e lawro fm tshi ry of sevenom wen and five
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men, one pernso of color included in atth, who nowol hd kyle ritthoenuse's feat in their nds. eseur jors have now deliberadte autbo 23 urhos so far orve the course of this week, whit one of the jurors last nhtig asking e thjudge if she coultad ke home r hecopy of eth juryns itruction isn this caseo t sdytu at e judge idsa yes, shcoe uld. this jurhay s sent fe iv ndwrittenon tes to t jheudge during tirhe deliberioatns. c news h oasbtained picoes of thoshae ndwrittenon tes. ey show the rojurs focusg inon e thvideo evenidce so cricital this trl iabut the stla note is fascitinang. shows tsehe jurors emseing to focus onhe t shootinbyg kyle rittenhoe usof joseproh senbaum. he's t fheirst pern sowho was shot tt hanight. e jury is askgin forev seral exhibi otsn ttha incenidt. meanwhil ie,nside the courtroom a heugon ctroversy eruedpt. dgjue bruce hrscoeder bainnng msnbc fr tomhe courtushoe for the restf othe triaafl ter a freelanc feror that twneork was stopd peby policase he was paaprently floolwing theus b atth takes t jheurors
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msnbc releasing a statement yisang in, pa,rt quote, that the freenclaer never concttaed or tended t coontact theur jors addi,ng we regrethi ts incintde. orgege. >>ha wt a trial. terrmoy ran, thanks veryuc mh. >>th> e countdn ownow to thanksviging. 'rwee tracki engverythinyog u ed to kn iowncludingra tvel, inflatioann d a devepilong liday stm orand ging sertarts us off. od morni, ngginger. >> gegeor, would it even be a hodaliy trave wleek witutho a orstm? d ani willal tk about .it here's seom good throhug much of the weekend, chmuf othe natnio is pretty clear. asidfre om lake-feefct snow zones erwhe we sta, rtcleveland, the adros are aladrey covereind sn, owand thenou y've got differt enparts ofhi oo where thsne ow is yeflt ying, the plowars e out. , soif you a iren some othf ese spotins michigan ores wtern pennsylvan, iacertainlney w york llwi have a ttlile bit ithn e micong days. it's really sunday night through dnesdayhe wn posteo pple avtrel that thisow l attacks. it's a coldro fnt f torhe most rtpa, mtos folks will see rain d wind, but higherle evations see some snow and ihi tnk we
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couldee ssp eecially sdauny throug thuesday seom delays at the airposrt that you see highghlited there from detitro to boonst, and n ewyork. itep dends on how lon tghat icstks around, and of cour,se you knowe wwill be trackinitg rothughout the celeci gentlem?an -- cecilia? >> thas.nk > those orstms approh acan ns of miiollns getti rngeady to hit t rheoad or h oopn a ane and o gibenitez tishere at newark airporwit th what u yo ne tedo know abouthe t anthksgivingra tvel. y, gio. reporte hr:ey, cecia,li good morning. it's bn eevery bushey re at newa arkirport othn is friday moinrng and aiorrpts across americwia ll be ev benusier this xtne week, but y'roue gngoi to ve to wah tcthat sto.rm keta a look tathe numbe rrsight w becausthe e tsa beevlies thanksgingvi travel mbnuers will at 2019re p-pandemilec vels. they'rexe pecting remo than 2 llmiion passgeenrs on tudaesy d anwednesday. the sund aayfter thasgnkiving exctpeed to behe t busiestit wh 4 2.million sspaengers. e thtsa insis stit is stfeafd d anready. now, hopper llteing us aantlta's hartiesfld-jacks ionntertinaonal rport wi blle the buessit next week wh itdallas-f wt.orth and l.a. bx.eing almt osas busy.
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on t rheoad now,aa a expecti ng more tn ha48 milli poneopltoe ivdre for thhoe liday. thwoe rst timeo tget on t he road, dnweesday, a tnyime after 12:00 onno all theay w through 8:00.m p. the ndsuay afterha tnksgiving oks pret ttyough tooro fm 1:00 to 7:00 m.p. t.j. >> all rhtig, gio thank u,yo as ways. we'vbee en talki angbout inflioatn and homuw ch things e argoing toos ct you th is hodaliy season. ouchr ief busissne correspondent reccbea jarviser he now toel tl us jt ushow muchhi ts holidaisy gog into cost .us y there,eb recca. r>>eporter:ey h, t.j., d an virtuallevy ery partf othe periences igoing toos ct you more ts hiyear thaitn did last years awe head toin the anksgivi wngeek fromhe t cost ofet gting the, reyou justea hrd omfr gio tho 4se8 milliopen ople o are going to hit the rdsoa, well, th aeyre goingo tbe ying morwhe en they llfi up ose tanks. s nation aalverage rhtig now $3.41, atth's up mo trehan a doarll from a arye ago whethn ey were2. $12 on avagere. the rmfa bureau tiesmates th at the co ostf what'sn oyour table
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is up % 14from a yr eaago for a tablofe ten frothm at turkey ich is u24p % in cost. the eravage $23. f99or a thksangiving tkeury. lls up 1 f5%rom a ye aargo, the cranrrbeies up 1 a1%nd even the pumpn kipie mix uisp 7% from aea yr ago. w, that idsa, consums er contin tueo spend nemoy. 'vwee seen iplt ay out ithn e atstistics ts hiweek. target right now, theyav he israed theirst eimates for the holidasey ason. t.j. a>>ll rightre, becca, we prapeciate y soutaying oton p of ings fors, u tha ynkou. > now tois msing chisene star peng resena willis amjoined tseho around theor wld speakg inout for the safety of shuai o whhas been sn ee-- who h nasot been seen ipun blic sin aceccusing a chinese fiofcial of xuseal asulsat. kaeeyl hartungas h the sto.ry go modorning, ylkaee. >> reporr:te hey, go modorning, george. we're w nojust a cploue of
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months ay wafrom theta srt of the wint oerlympics bineijing and pridesent bideisn already conseriding a diomplatic boyttco ofhe t games or vechina's mahun ghrits abuses. now,ne o u.s. corengssman is urgi tnghe admintrisation to warnhi cnese autrihoties if isth situatn iowith penshg uai is not handled opprerly thabot ycott ll be remo liky.el is morni, ngoutrage owgring er the dapispearancef o chinese tennis star peng shuai. serena williams just the latest in the tens niworld to voice her coerncn tweeti, ngi hope s ihes fesa and fou ands soon as possleib. this musbet investitegad and we st not sy tasilent. oh, whaa t shot. >> reporter: the grand slam doubles amchonpi has not been seen publicly in morthe an would weeks. o twweeks. uashi's soci maledia goi dngark ter allenggi she wasex sually assauld tethree yes arago by this fmeorr high-rkianng chinese governme ontfficial. hheas not cmeomnted on e th legations. we've bn eetrying treo ach peng since t dheay the itinial legationcas me forthut b to date wvee' had no ccsuess in speaki tngo her dictrely. reporte tr:he head tofhe
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women's nnteis assoctiiaon now questiinong shuai'sas fety after receivina g suspicio eusilma supposed flyrom the hlatete in which shcae lled thell aegation of suaexl assaulnot t true ding, i'nom t missin ng,or am i unsafe. i've jusbet en resti angt home and evyterhing is nefi. thanyok u again for caring about . i just ndfi it veryif dficult to bieelve that mawon who exbihited the urcoage thathe s ditod come foh rtwith the rious algaletions agnsait a very powfuerl potilical figu re that a ollf a sudd henas changed thatun te complelyte as was flreected iner h email. reporte ar:nd chine se officialhas ve been esprsed for answerhes re but ty hehave repeedatly dismiedss the esqution sayg init is noa t plomaticr oforeign faafirs tter. yesso, okay, kaeeyl, thanks. we'lswl itch we had s atunning ghsit in the sky overnighant d early isth morning. ke a loo tk,he longe pstartial nar liecpse sinc14e 40. alstmo 600 yea arsgo if you didn'to dthe mathhe tre. the almost, moalst totalcl eipse
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lastg inabout 3 2 1/hours visible ainll of noh rtamerica d beyond. ifou y happenetod be up the pe wakas at 4: a03.m. eaerstn. probablyll a up hereor f that. nelyar the ente irmoon's diameret was coveder by the rteah's shad, owso gorges.ou >>in sce 1440. at is sothmeing. >>he wn t.j. a ind graduat ed fromig hh school. loa t more cinomg up on ma" inclinudg the abnec ws excluse ivwith dia sneawyer here live witheh r first oklo at the intervw iewith jordan turpin. whosear ding escape hpeeld free her sibnglis from thr eiparents' wels ao have body cam foogeta showgin her momtsen just aft er her especa. ging?er ou yr laloc weather in 30 cosends. first, the weekend getayswa sponsored by jcpenney .
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heree wgo in the retwo. good i'm abc 7ew ns meteorogilost. mike ncoic. lcweome to idfray still a slight anchce of some lightho swers thisor mninghe tn partly cudloy thisft aernoon irencasing sunshine andhe t warmer than the avereag weendke, and 't's trendi dngryhr tough thanksgiving temperatures today 57 lepakort 59 in rhmicond 60 thatbo aut 66 ayst with us on this friday. "gma" will be right back. wh'sat strong thwi me?
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what s'strong wi mthe? wh 'sat strg onwith me? wh at's strg onwith me? withe! m wi th me! what's strong wi mthe? with me! with me. here comes the oh... -swnha? yes. anthk yo you're welmeco . have are gat day. ift' is "t“at will leav e a ma srkeason," it's walgrnsee season. th iiss antonei'l's eech ssehop, d anwe'rehe t antonels!li ift' is "t“at will leav e a ma srkeason," we cseho our new arspk cash ps lucard from citapal o bneecause we earn unlimid tetwo percent shca baconk eve pryurchase.
7:21 am
d anwitho npreset enspdingim lit, oupur rchasingow per adtsap to r oubusinessee nds. we earn unlimid tetwo percent shca baconk eve pryurchase. wh at's yinour wall?et ♪es bt of my love by black pumas featso. fia reye♪s shopur o holidayes bt deals at get grt eadeals onel sect qu ip toothusbrhes, dieysn ki's' gifts, tv s anmod re. this wk eeonlyt atarget. [end micus] isth bla fckriday, do you want tva ? doro you want. the place on thev? t (jackie) i've made prreogss with my mental health. so when i arstted having unteinntional dybo movenemts (jackie) i've made prreogss with ca lled tarvedi i ignod rethem.
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but wh tenhe twitching and rkjeing miny face and hands affectedy mday to day... i nafilly had stoay, ''it's n ootk.' it was timtoe talk toy mdoctor ouabaut stedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while coi ntinue with stmo of my mental hethal medications. (vo) austedo can cause deprsieson, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington'sis dease. pacly ose attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have ddsuen changes in mood, behaviors, feinelgs, horave suicidal thoughts. common side effes ctinclude inflammation of e thnose and throatin, somnia a sndleepesins. dot n'take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irgurelar or fast heartbeatre, stlessness, movements mimiinckg parkinson' sdisease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking,nd a sweating. (jackie)tamimiinckg parkinson' lk to your doctor aboutmuscles,'s time to treat td. td is t nook. vit thisea sson is t booig for just red d angree it's'the all-idays, and we'r' bringing laal the col.or
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yeah, you might want to keep atth streami tnghat handasy have a chance of some light showser tshi morning and even a lesserxt eent as we hdeant io the afterno aonnd enivengou hrs will probably lose the storm impact scale aroundid mday live when that comes on 11 o'clock hazy out there. so there's still plenty of moistu iren the air and th't's ingog tbeo real only issueor f your cmuomte planner today. let'' talk autbo a weekend that's'seen truly fog in the mornin bgut a whole lot of sunshiney b sundayeg rgie mike. thank you cinomg up in abc news, exclusiv deianeaw syer wit thhe first look at her ierntview with
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serenait: 's my 30:1 noxi-et-in-sig ht miaigrne 'i'ubs relvy. for anyte,im anywhere migraine strikes, without worryi ng if it'tos o late, or whe ire am. one dose c anquickly st my migrainine itsra tcks within two hours. unlikeld oer medicesin, ubrey lvis a pil that direcy tlblocks cgrp protein, libeeved to be a cause of migraine.
7:29 am
do notak te with sontrg cyp3a4 inhiborits. mo st common si edeffects were naua seand tireesdns. resena: ask ouabt ublvrey. the anytime, anywhere grmiaine medinice. ♪ baby gobat ck sbyir m-aix-lot ♪ resena: ask ouabt ublvrey. un limited shcaback only from discover. ♪ rit ghnow save on ho liday gisft ♪ for everyone on youris lt. ♪ ge t under moarur sesho - just $599..9
7:30 am
sierlv jewelryor f $199..9 and easwters for $29.99! plus, take an trexa 15% off or even more with a koh''s ca.rd plus, take a hlk''s 15% off ♪o geasy on , mebaby ♪ welcome ba tcko "gma" d ana great moinrng for ade eland her fanssi, x-year wt aifor the sierng's n aewlbum is over. thfae ns are loving it. we'lhal ve a lotor me adele congmi up in o nurext hour. > also coming upou, r seesri scam b ureaking down the moment paymensct heme that's ketan amicerans for outhsands. cecia?li > okay, we turn now to an abc news clusive. never-fobere-seen otfoage aof ilchs d'dares especa from unimaginleab abuse atht e has nd ofer h parents. twsio sters, jdaorn and jeifnner rptu, inspeakingut o for the rsfit time tdio ane sawy aerbout eir lives in h aouse of horrs.or childrenel hd capti nveear starvati,onom se of them changid
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tohe tir beds. diana hisere. at an inedcrible, inedcrible orsty. >>ha tnk you, iits so gootod e seyou and wai nt everydybo to ow that isth story iprs oof atth out of rrhoor can ce omsuch beam of ghlit and ho ypeou wod ulnot belie evit. no tw,he girl u'yore going to ar is 17ea yrs old. e soundsuc mh younge br,ut she knowshs e has onche ance to t ge ouant d save h 1er2 siblin, gs anwhd en she spsli out the wind, owyou haveo tremember thathe s has nev teralked to a ranger, e shdoesn't owkn about reet sig, nsshe doest n'know her housade dress. she esdon't knowhe wre she is. she'jus st goingn ofaith and rror thaist equalleond ly by her urcoage. >>hi ts is 911do, you havane eremgency? um, i jt usran awayro fm meho. >> do you knowha wt street you' oren? u>>m, no. i ju rstan away omfr home because lii ve in a mifaly of 15, okay. cayon u hear me?
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anwed have abinusg parents. d diyou hearha tt? >> oy.ka how dithd ey abuseou y? >> oy,ka they hiust . they likthe row us aoscrs the room. they pull our they yanouk r hair. hai ve my twlio ttle sisrste ght now e archained .up o>>kay. w hoold are u?yo >> i'm7. 1 >> wt'has your ne?am >> jdaorn turpin. >> okay. i'm gog into connect you ttho e sherf'ifs dertpament so that they can help. e moment. don't ha ungp. >> i won.'t okay. >>ep rorter: aec sond dispchater pickups . h>>ello. >> yes, i'm still here. r>>eporter:ea nrly fourea yrs later th iiss jordanur tpin memberinthg at night. >> mwhy ole bodyas w shakingnd a wh ien was holngdi the pho ine remeermb the pho wneas like i--
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uldn't rlleay dial 9 11 becae us-- i'm sryor. y>>ou were akshing? >> yh,ea i was skihang and si o was trngyi to dial11 9, but i uldn't en veget my tmbhu to presths e buttonbes cause i s wa shakingo s bad, but i was, keli, trngyi to calmow dn. thanyok u so much. i was trying to, like, cmal down soha tt i could -- i could -- to do it, and then finally, le,ik presdse ,it and tnhe they anerswed. leritally never talk tedo somebo odyn the phe on ani d was tellg inemth everytnghi, we don g'to to scho.ol lweive in filth. w howe starve and all this stuff. i had toak me sure tt haif i ft we wodnul't go ba ck cause --nd a we woulged t the help wnee eded becseau if we
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we ntckba, there n'so way i would sbeitting he erright now. >> ion d't know w hoyou had e th urage ner vehaving skepon to anyone like atth. >> ihi tnk it walis ke us congmi so closeo tdeath soan my times an ld,ike, i was wriored autbo my siblings a,ndhe wn i saw them crying and worried, i just ftel keli i had to do it, keli, li,ke just wandte to dot. i i ntwaed to he elpveryone. >> ts hiis the dutepy. >> yes. >> go lkta to him,ka oy? yes. >>ll a right. bye-bye. >> hi, jordan. >> reporte yr:ou're loinokg at e thbody camera footage from the deputy as he arrives. >> wt'has going on? o>>kay. i just ran away from home. >> okay. >> and iiv le in a filamy of 15. okay. my two ttlile sisters right now are aichned up. they'reha cined up? >>es y. >>he wre are they chaid neup at? >> othn e bed.
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w, mheotr di'tdn cha tinhem up. ju tsto be mean, oy.ka ey'rche ained upec bause they ste olmoth'ser food. but i'm sorry if t ialk too ch. ayok. i've nerev talked to abonydy out there. so ion d't -- i've never been ale onwith p aerson sohi ts is veryar hd for meo ttalk. >>o duryo parentsno kw you left uryo house? n>>o, they n'dot. >> do yotau akeny medicioatn? >> wt'has medicaonti? m>>edication. >> yeah, wt'has mecadition? >>o dyou takeil pls? do youak te pills? >> i don t'think i've ever tenak ail pl before. but i havet.n' but -- >>he t girl wi tthhe stran ge vocabularyer nvously puts aon litt hleat. reminderf oone hofer sisters o whis depenngdi on her. >> our penarts are ey asebu us but e threason i callednd a theea rson i magenad to get o hutere, thiiss one of thsce ariest tnghis i've er ve done, i'tem rrified,ut b i
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llcaed becau msey two little sists erare chaid neup right now. repteorr: the dutepy, a nine-year veteran of the fceor, nisot sure atwh to makef othis 17-yr-eaold girlho w looks so much younger. he is ending a graverdya shift. it's been a hard night. >> robbery calls, assault calls, deputies were shot at. >> reporter: he responded to the naruway call because he owkns how they usually end. you ta tkehe kids back homtoe reconcilwie th their parents. d thinking, hey, this might be a good way just to end my shift. >> reporter: and then on instinct, he asks a question. >> do you have pictures of that? >> yes, i can show you. i actually don't have it and then my sisters told me i need to get pictures. >> you have pictures of your sisters chained up? >> yes, but they're -- they're in here. i don't have proof of everything but i have proof that my sisters are chained up so, see.
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>> reporter: she doesn't seem to know the word bruised. >> see, those are the places that make in on them. see how dirty she is. we're so filthy. we don't take baths. we don't -- >> how did your sisters get like this? your parents chained them up? >> yes, because they stole food. >> okay. >> but they stole it because they were hungry. >> who took this picture? >> i did. i took those pictures. >> you make sure to save these, okay? don't get rid of those. >> i will. i won't. >> reporter: by the way, the deputy turns out to be one of the heroes of this night of miracles for her and you'll also be meeting her sister jennifer who helped her plan this escape. in the most amazing way. that will be coming up. >> you say that this is a story only matched by their courage. they are just -- it's profound how brave these girls are. >> and how as i say in the piece tonight, they invented light. it wasn't around them. they had to invent it. >> wow, diane, thank you. thank you and to your team.
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"escape from a house of horror: a diane sawyer special event" airs tonight on "20/20" at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc and, of course, then streaming on hulu. >> what an unforgettable story. just incredible. we'll be right back. course, streaming on hulu. >> what an unforgettable story. just incredible. we'll be right back.
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it's walmart's black friday deals for days. score a $69 air fryer and get other huge deals all week long. shop walmart's black friday deals for days. ♪ ♪ we are back with our series we are back with our series "scam u" and today's scam fraudsters exploit a popular payment app that works through your bank using legitimate companies to steal thousands. nearly 32,000 people have complained about payment apps to
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the ftc reporting nearly $60 million in losses. will reeve is here to explain. good morning, will. >> reporter: hey, george, this new scam uses vishing, voice phishing, a combination of fraudulent phone numbers andfections to trick you. look at this text a victim received. it looks like bank of america alerting you to fraud, really the scammer is trying to defraud you. the text engages you. it asks you to respond and you get a case number. then comes the follow-up phone call that appears to come from a bank. it's all fake, but it's costing victims, dozens of them found by abc stations nationwide, real money. >> it's just scary because he had my name, date of birth and my account number. >> reporter: demi said she lost $3,500 after she got a phone call pretending to be from bank of america. >> who the heck would have all that information? >> reporter: woods speaking with with the "i" team from our chicago station, and said there
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were fraudulent charges on her zelle account, a moment payment app that allows you to send money to family and friends directly, but she could get it back by sending funds to herself through zelle. >> they even said over the phone whatever code you get we are not going to ask you for so don't tell me the code so i don't know how much more legit it could sound. >> reporter: more consumers also losing that exact amount, $3,500. >> it's really distressing. >> the call dropped, and it was gone, and so was the money. >> reporter: experts telling us attackers are getting more sophisticated and could be getting your personal info through social media postings and the dark web. >> it appears from the elaborateness of the phishing scams that the attackers must actually know not only the bank that you have, but that they would have zelle enabled as well. >> reporter: our san francisco station kgo 7 on your side unit hearing from dozens of consumers about the convincing text messages they received. >> i was shivering. i was crying. that was all the money i had. >> i trusted my bank that they have the top of the line
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security. >> i literally cried. >> reporter: our new york station wabc 7 on your side unit speaking with barbara who says she received a fake zelle text that eventually resulted in her losing more than 1,300 bucks. >> i was sick to my stomach. >> the reason why zelle is particularly useful in this case is that because it's behind a bank login it's more trustworthy for people. >> reporter: some customers saying their banks refused to give them a refund until reporters from the abc stations reached out. >> there are very few safeguards in place to get your money back when you're using these applications and so it's kind of a scammer's dream. >> reporter: early warning services, the network operator of zelle telling "gma," when a consumer reports an incident to us, we immediately inform our partner financial institutions to investigate and take actions, and that it will remove or require the financial institute participant to remove the scammer's access to zelle.
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>> you should not be responding to any incoming calls or text messages that claim to be from your bank. they will almost always initiate first an email or another contact. >> reporter: this scam is not just impersonating bank of america. customers also report it's other banks too like chase. >> what are the banks saying? >> well, the banks are saying they won't ask customers to transfer funds between accounts or share sensitive account information and bank of america also said it reviews and evaluates every claim based on the unique circumstances, but people need to stay alert. >> they sure do. thank you, will. coming up next on "gma" our most valuable "play of the day." "
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of the newly minted baseball mvps celebrated his honor. first of all, let's talk about the phillies powerhouse bryce harper. he has been named the national league mvp, his second time to win the award. so much attention was on the american league mvp. this is shohei ohtani. have you heard about this guy? of course, you have. he's one of the biggest stars in baseball because he is a two-way player, he's one of the best hitters and also a star pitcher on the mound as well, unanimous mvp selection, 19th time this has ever happened in the league, but he is an absolute superstar, so you ed wonder after all of the eyes on him for the season he had a great year and won the mvp, what are you going to do to celebrate? this is how he answered, guys. didn't have any special plans.
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just going to sit at home and spend a lonely night at home. >> he can come hang out with us. >> i mean, good for him. there it is. in tokyo, which is where he was born, japanese born, they lit u corslo of his amte. >> so olco. ngratulaontis. coming up, we got cardi b? stk icaround f torhat. "gmaco" ncert seesri is sponsod reby the le ovyour car guarteane from cmaarx. max. what can i du with less asth?ma withup dixent i n cadu more... yawordrk...
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tewoamrk... long wksal.... atth's how you dmou re, thwi dupixent, whh ichelps prenevt asmath attacks. dupixent is t nofor sudden brtheaing probmsle. 'sit an add--tonreatment for specific types of moderate--stoevere asmath thatan c improve lunfug nction for better batrehing in as little aswo t weeks. an d can recedu, or even imelinate, oral erstoids. and here's something important. dupixent c canause serious lealrgic reactions, in cluding anaphylaxis. get he rlpight awa yif you he avrash, shorestns of breath, escht pain, tingling or numbssne in your limbs. llte your doctorf iyou have paa rasitic feinction, and don't change or stop yo aursthma trtmeaents, including steroi, dswithout talkg into your ctdoor. are you ready dtou more withes ls asthma? ju astsk your asthma spiaeclist abo dutupixent.
7:52 am
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unfounrtatel ty,here is more avy rain on p tafor today into early torrmoow. th yenou will y drout and gweot bra and-new p mafrom the climate prediconti center. dembceer throu fghebruary prec, ipit lookser vy la nina aning thsoe uthwest biselow average t bualso flodari easpking of yasou're indaunted, above r fothe grealat kes and in ptoarts of e thnortheast. got ltoeave youit wh this, a lo aokt the weenekd foreca st icwhh looks cedent if yoreu' avtreling this weekend. that stormoe dsn't impt acus until ndsuay into tuesday. >>co> ming up, we're taking you ere no nwoetrk camer hasave ne beforone the fin es ofhe t fightga ainst ransomwa re and cyberattacks. tvs,om se of the best deals out there righnot w and adele drpeopd "3"0. drpeopd "3"0. we'll talk about it coming up.
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>> buildina g better b aayrea, ving forrdwa, finding soluontis. isth is abc7ew ns. reggie: gd oomorning. good rnmog i rameggie aq.ui sue hall has a look at your morning commute. sue: good moinrng. it is a little bit busy. we have shi eliarer probl temhat started ouabt 1:30 this morning. finally, the left lan oesnly ocked sohbutound 101ea nr dolonc and we had aovn erturnedru tck cayirrng metal debris, locking rth and utsohbound lesan. atth's ta ake look athe t backup. it is still backed to petaluma. the tealrnate coinntues to be 116 to highw 3ay7 back to 101. ke? kemi: thank y.ou let's'take l aook at our srmto impact sca.le there are some owshers,ai mnly confedin tohe t north b.ay plentyf o moisture in
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alghrit, here gweo, mill iern motion. wha—- wai wt,ait, is atth a... ba by othn e field? it looks le ikit, aicrg. and the fedensivlie neme nar e playinpeg ek-a-boo i' ve never seen anything keli thabet fore. harris now apprs be bur. th'sat a greatom ment rightht ere. the regof ing to th e rule bk oohere. wh at, wait m ainute! ha rris is off to t rheaces! we d'ton need y anmore tri pcklays uctohdown!! bu t we cou aldll use remo waytos sav are you ddkiing me?? it 's gngoi to abe long bu s ride he omfor e thdefense. swchit to geico for more wa ys to save. the classic hollooywd sty.or weee mt the hero, the all-new nissan frontier heroac fes seemingly poimssib clehallenge. tension ilbuds... thple ot twist the herore pvails in hollywood, thisou w blde the en but ouher re, we are just getting stard.te intrucoding the all-new nissan frontier.
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on] but ouher re, we are just getting stard.te -greatar pty, carlene. you must have blowyon ur budget. -not exactly. -y houave great name-brand snacks, nsto of meat... anwhd ere d diyou tge isth importechd eese? -hello! grocy eroutlet, bargain rkmaet. -♪ groryce outlet bargain mark et♪ -w ith thisol hiday t seto bust uryo wallet, ur neighrhboood grocy eroutlet is the dtiesnation r fosavings 4of0 to 70 rcpeent on your whe olmeal withea dls like 14 dolrsla off youtur rkey.
8:00 am
go modorning, eramica. it's 8:0a.0 m. erovnight, aunn expected roadblocfok r presidt enbiden's build back better bill. ilstl no vote after kevin mcrtcahy's recd-orbreaking 8 1/2-ho murarathon eespch. new stinagram instveigation. at least 11 stesat lookingt a the negative mental heal th imctpa the appan c have onou yng people. th misorning h towhe popular app is phiusng back. > >>exclivuse access to e onof the most sreective roo omsn the planet. our mecaras go wrehe no tv twneork has nego before,ns iide the nsa ttbaling millionofs attempted becyrattacksve ery day. is morning, how they're workingo t keep us sa.fe ♪o geasy on me♪ ovnierght, ade'sle album finallary rives. "30" bei hngailed aser h best one yet. l althe top actrks and whee ar
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the voe icof the superstar 's son. anything cod ulhappen ♪ pl, usa "dpeesrate ushoewives" unreion. >> f worhat it'sor wth, wow. teri hahetcr and jas medenton are headg into hallmk arfor the hodaliys joini ungs live in timesqs uare. >>ho> pe for t hheolidays. n'dot miss t bheig surpre isfor smalphl armacy owner whoiv ges msouch to her cmuomnity. >> ware e not y>>ou've gotot be kiddg inme. d anit's a cdiar b party on ma." wee 'rcatching up with the superstar ppraer aadhe of her bihog sting det buat the americ manusic awas rdand she's ying -- >> goomod rning, arimeca. ♪ i le ikit like atth ♪ veryle egant goomod rning there fr comardi b. od morni tngo all ofou y. hope youfrr iday is f ofto a very gd oostart. certain ilys. good tbeo here wi ythou all. on thifrs iday. e>>speciallbey cause weav he cardi b o whalways h aas lot to say.
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we're loinokg forwartod that intervieanw d seeinger h host the amas. we a nreow less anth a week until thksangiving a yndou know what tt hameans fousr today, a weeknt uil blackri fday. tvs waalys high poneople's lists anthd is morni, ngbecky worleyil wl be alo tngo show us somef othe bestar bgains out >> tt'has all congmi up. >>we> 'll starwit th the eabrking newovs ernight in wainshgton. house reblpuican lear dekevin mcrtcahy delay tedhe vote on pridesent bides n'$2 trilln io builbad ck betteplr an, slamngmi e vote wh itan eightou-hr eespch on thhoe use floor. let's go back to steanphie ramos on capolit hill. good morngni, >>ep rorter: grgeoe, good morning. the demraoctsas psing the neayrl $2ri tllion bldui back better plan after the top republica inn eth house kevin mccaryth didis h best to delay it. mccarthy attkiacng democrats ying to fill time by aacttking democrs aton a vartyie of issues from afgnihastan to immigration. mccarthyom cplaining during the marathonpe sech on eth floor that the cost of eth bil wlill too high. the cgronessionalud bget office says the billdd as $16bi0 llion
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to the decifit, but the wtehi ushoe disagreesay sing it esdon't accou fntor all potentlia visangs, and thatht e ll will pay for itself. e bill now heads ttho een sate wheer it faces an upllhi battle d wlil need suppt orfrom every demoatcr. orgege? >> isut re does. okay, stephae,ni thanks ryve chmu. celicia. > >>okay, gegeor, we're ingog to rn now ttho at new itansgram investigioatn. least 1st1 ates areoo lking intohe t social dimea app's mentalea hlth impa octn young people. e thmassachusettats torn ey geranel sayingqu, ote, facooebk now tame chose tigo nore or in meso cases dbloue down oknn own manilaputions th patose a re al threat tpho ysical a mndental health eloxpiting chdrilen in e thinterestf oprofit. this ials l, of coseur, followinthg e testimy onfrom that fmeorr facebo eokmployee o leakednt inaerl instraagm pushinbag ck sayinitg s introdeduc parental supervisn iotools anotd her ways toro ptect tee.ns t.j. tweurn to aen mtal heal th thfce c votingo tincrease cess to e thnationalui scide eventionif leline esbltaishing a w neway to rchea out dirtlecy
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usg ina three-gidit number98, 8. dr. asht, ontell us atwh this , isfirst ofll a, and whthy is ange is a bideg al. >> fstir of all,t iwill take feefct july 2of022 a lot of people wondering whyhe t wait. nweeed it now. ghritow n the natnaiol elfids on avagere 6,000 llcas a y. erthe is a creurnt phoneum nber, 's 1-80073-2-talk. but,ga ain, starngti in the mmer, th reyeally waednt to kema this eaersi like a 1,91 a three-dit ginumber ailvaable both by onphe and te.xt weea tch childn reif they e sea fireif, they ne aedn ambulae,nc toal cl 911. now nweeed to btee aching tm he these rethe number98s 8. >> and wpue t the cuenrrt number there, t bubesides atth what otr heways if u yoneed help shou yldou do? >> lienst. hweave to recognize that suiceid is theen tth leadi ng caeus of death in isth country. one death every 1mi1 nutesue d to suicide. if you or someone y kounow is stggruling, trehe are some tsip
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atthen mtal heal pthrofessiolsna recommd.en fitrs of all, ask themf i they are planning or thiinnkg of self-harm. that n'sot going to give them at idea. then keep tmhe safe, be present for them b,e there, help tmhe nncoect t porofessiolna he,lp d follow up. oftentimes someo wneho is at fskor suicideee fls ty heare a burden, ty'here onale, there's no hope or lphe,nd a just pressingha tt tohe tm that theyre a not aloneha tt things will getet bter willak me all the difrefence and n casave lives. >> so poimrtant, d ar.shton, thank u yoas always. micong up, eluxcsive accs es indesi the natnaiol securi ty adnimistrationth, e first networevk er allow tedo bring carames insidene o of the stmo crseetive plesac on the anplet. we're ingog to telyol u how the agency is rkwoing to keep us sa.fe also, adele's "30" dropping overnight. early vireews e arin. e what itcrics and nsfa are saying. and r ou"despera te ushoewives" unreion, teri hatcr heand jamedes nton here liveal tking abo tutheir new movie. we'lbel right ♪
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♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ yomau y pay as little yomau y pay asit ltle as $10 per prescription. ask your hlteahcare pridover ask yo hurealthcarpre ovider asyok ur healtarhce provider about berylsus® today. abouryt belsus® today. beautiful! ntwa to dancwie th me? ahye! ♪ hhoh, here's another picture of your mommy. [giggl]es ♪ isth season tisoo big for just red and green. it's e thall-idays, d anwe'reri bnging laal the col.or ooooh,hi ts is lit! d anwe'reri bnging what's'up snow oppele! alla t cheolor, al tlahe gifts. happy alidl-ays fromld o navy! after 40 wrinkles deepennd a skinan c getne uven buhet re's the good news. e thnew viretalift rinetol pressed night crm,ea wi rthetinol + niacinamide. after n14ights wrinkles start to be less visible d anskin tone los okmore even. the new revitaliftre pssedre cam by l'eaorl paris.
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this black friday, ydoou want a tv? or do you want. the place onhe t tv? ♪es bt of my love by black pumas feat. sofia reyes ♪ at target, shopping has never been easier — or do you want. e ussame dayel divery, free order pickup, forree drivupe , — andea lve with your holida iysn the bag. deorr today,et g it to day at tgeart. [end mus]ic
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♪ lcweome backo t"gma." le tsshan a week till anksviging rightow n. so ournn aual thangiksving 911 cisoming ba acks well. our all-arst panel ochf efs will swer queiostns, tweeort mment onur o instagr pamost, antod morrow osan turday "a"gm nus willmsia is talkg in"king richard." arstt your d wayith whit johnson,on ma kor saabdi andio g benitez. >> lovwae tching tm.he we tnur now tour o "gma" cover story. adele'"3s 0" dpproing overghnit d ane shis not gngoi easy ons u wi tthhis emotnaiol roller coasr teof aaln bum. ju ihes re with l althe detailans whd at the ctirics and fa ansre saying. what arehe ty sayingju, ju? >> rorepter: therey' saying a lot,ec cilia. onone singsbo aut hearteabrk th a morhee artbreakg invoice
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an adelend a this lastte album is t aour de fceor of loneneliss and se-elfxaminati aonnd as one itcric wrote,t' is as if she is reading my diary, but actual ly e's readg infrom hers. ♪ go easyn ome, baby♪ >> repteorr: ornveight, ade'els ghhily anticatiped album, "3" 0, drpiopng. tackling touchy suises like vorce and drinki angway despair. far from goi engasy on us, her muscular micusality on mlyatched by h reraw and cplomex etimoons. e superstar's first album relee asin six yrsea, critics aladrey ravingai hling "30" as her best album a>>dele is e onof t sheingers who fes ellikes athe d ol rortbea flk acsoul songog es ere it sndous like s'she taki yngour diarany d reading each page t ouloud so in eh ac so tnghere's aif dferent emotionha tt she's inbrging all
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the way to le.if reporter: capturing the emotnsio binehd her rentce spt liwith herx- ehusband mosin. througho muty littleov le arshing poigntna notes, convertisaons wither h 9-yearld-o son ango.el >>nd a i feel keli i don't alrely know atwh i'm >> at all? >>t aall. >> rorepter: in iannterviewhe s reveedal the voi nceotes were suggesd teby her trahepist as a way htoeal. hener w album ldhoing nothg in adele siinttg down wh itoprah earlr iethis weefok r an timate o-onen-one. >>ot nhing is sascary as atwh i've been throh ugover theas lt two or threeea yrs behincld osed ors. >> repteorr: the sgeinr with her ulso searchi nngew song o "tbe lod"ve for her5 4million instagm rafollowers. elade leavinnog thing unidsa and ns are raving, reacting to the bualm on twitter oveigrnht. >> eve sryong has an oversreha moment wrehe it's like, oh, ade,el did youea mn to sayha tt? clearlwhy at makeser h feel
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brave ishe t presencofe these stlieners whsho e knows e arwith r heall the way d anit's a autiful seca of an aisrtt and her audience lifngti each other higher. >> rorepter: theon sg "hold " on diving intheo r struggs le post-divor acend becoming a sing plearent. >> so th iiss a song that sounds like l aate-nighset cret doubt and fear momenyot u wouldn't even telyol ur best iefrnds abouant d yet ade elknows th at erevybody arndou the wor wldill singinghi ts song bthy e llmiions allee wkend long. reporte ir:t infectths e aibrn for "3 r0"efers toer h age andet y cleay rlthis alb iums her waofy exaiplning divceor to her 9-yearld-o son ango.el she adtsmi to feelg inconfused dan guil,ty but ultimelaty better off, and de arwe say happiefor r ending an unhappy marria,ge and guys, trehe's a reasonhy w she slsel0 9million albumsnd a counting. s>>o much gngoi on there. >> aolbsutely. what a icvoe, thoug wh,ow. >> tha ynkou, juju. > >>we're gog into move nonow
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otour excluvesi from indesi the tional surecity agen, cythe p secretla pce to st hopackers from caungsi mayhem. our chief jtiusce correonspdent pierre tmahos was gin ve exaotrrdinary access to the rvnee cteenr and tv camerasav he never enbe allowed. goodor mning, pireer. r>>eporter:eo grge, good wee 'rhere at a nsheadquarrste erwhe we lea mrnore aboutht e rglaely secr betut epic ghfit going ionn the cyrwbeorld. fight th'sat increasgliny reachingnt io the lis veof all you'reoo lking at e onof the most sensiti avend secretive roomons the >>hi ts is milarity, civiln,ia contract, orthis is padertment of defseen, this iins telligence mmunity,hi ts is oth er agenciesf oour govemern.nt >> andnl uimited rchea. unlimit.ed >>ep rorter: t nhesa integtirave cybeenrcter, abcew ns is the rst netwk orever alledow to ing cames rainside. >> w ianted toho sw you thlae y t.ou >> reporr:te he overesse the most powfuerl electricon spy agency.
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isth room is eth nerve centerf o th ensa and u..s agcienes superarchged withhe t rlwod's stmo advancespd yware d anmost creivate hackers to peer oveearss into vtuirally anythingha tt has y>>ou thinkbo aut what meti means inyb cerspace,he t adntvaage goeso tthose whhao ve eespd and agitily. >> reporter: we conducteoud r terview winhat's knn owas the balett bridge,he t place t he geranel goes in a iscris. >> thas t'our floor. that w'shere we stju were. i>> don't mn eato be humoro, us t buit feelser vy james ndbo. r>>eporter:it wh cyberteahrts iking heay ss he's skieeng to haveis h agencieevs olve, st ep t ouof the sdohaws and eagnge mo wreith othefer deral agcienes d anthe prive atsector. >> whawet don't wt anto have is a faurile to imanegi what's >>ho w is the emeny? >> nioatn statesuc sh as rusa si andhi cna and iran. we also have a series of what we call proesxi and then clearly we haveri cminals. >> repteorr: he sa tyshere are millionsf oattemptehad cks ainst thmie litary every day d anthe batt fleront at meho is less chlealnging.
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>>el wcome to eadrmport. thiss ione of t lwoabs thate w veha in the facility. >> reporter: t uhe.s. cyrcbeommand h daseveloped a eadrmport falicity in pa trto foerst innovation hinacking defensane d offense. drmpeaort builtht is miniaretu ci ttyo practi rceeal world atcktas, to instveigate beertt yswa to epkes usafe. dreampors t'hackers showing eyth catun rn o cffity ligh, tscause waa ter parko tflood. diupsrt traffilic ghts, ha tlthe tyci's ports. a>>ll of thdee vices th patower this melod city arree al actual devices atth you wou fldind out inhe t real wod.rl >> reporter:n irece mntonths -called nsraomware aacttks veha been exodpling, schlsoo, hospital es,ven a fo sodupply chain have beehin t. i>>f you wod ulhave ask aed ye aargo and sd,ai hey, pa, ul whatbo aut ransoarmwe, i probab wlyould havsae id that's a crimin malatter, not sometnghi weo. d >> reporte tr:he gener aalgrees the ruiassn-based answer onra
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atta tckhat st dol conial pilipene whichs i reonspsible fo45r % of theas et ascot fuel fw,lo was a sinemal ment forhe t american public. whenou y saw peoe plpulling up stotations atth said cledos, atwh were yothu inking? >> i tnkhi at atth point itin me wai s like wnee ed to surge on th iisssue. what dweo need too dto make re tt hawe can aissst in any way sspoible? >> repteorr: the n asand cybeomrcmand arery ting to be evenor me aggresvesi. they nowav he speciafol rward ams thatra tvel to oerth tinaons to intdeify hackans d port bactok the u.s. and th'reye now roinutely reacnghi out to itcrical u.s. mpcoanies li mkeicrosoftf i eithr overse saspying orf i their rearsech operaontis turn up anyinthg of conrnce. orge. f>>ascinati, ngpierre, anthks. know youav he a lot remo on his week." ginger. we'rwae tching t lheast suns uetntilan juary 22nind alaska. yes,hi ts haenpps evy eryear but still get stoppeind my actrks thinngki what th matust be like. go-bodye s.un mae ybthatak mes the nt exnews a little b eitasier toig dest, that sto trmhat willmp iact fos lkfrom suny dato mdaony and rly tuesy dafor sureit wh mostlyin wd, rain d ansome of that lakefe-fect sno iw,t looks
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likehe ty're tryg into get it out ofer he and in ttohe ocean dnweesday tohu trsday wh menost e e here we gon ithree two. good morning. i'm abc 7 news meoetrologist. mikeic nco. welcome to fridayti sll ali sght chance of someig lht showers isth morning then partly cloudy is afteronno increasgin suhinsne and the warmer than the average wkeeend,nd at' 's trenngdi dry through thanksgiving temperatures today 57ak leport 59 inic rhmond 60 that about 66 gointog turn tohe t one and only cdiar b, the p rasuperstar has vefi americamun sic awar ds to her namane d th yisear e'shll bbeack on the stagene, w role, though. e shis goingo tbe hosti tnghe ow. nsey dav iiss here n, ow lieyns, i havead h the
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expeenrice of hangvi a sit-dn ow inrvteiew withar cdi b andt' is itque the exripeence. >> repteorr: it isor f sure, good mniorng to yo tu,eej. e of my vofarite car bdi lines ntwe from mangki tuna sawindches making e thnews. now e'shs makingow per moves oncega ain now htiosng the americ manusic awas rdand while she hasas id cardion d't need morere pss she iges tting it. whathe s promisefos r sundays i cai rdis goingo tbe cardi. ♪ >> rorepter:he s's a chart-pptoing simuc surspetar. cardi b. i>> know th'sat right. reporte br:ut at th yisear's americanus mic award--s >>h, o my gosh. r>>eporter:he s's not jt usa rmer winr neand currt en nonemie. she is also stho. thexe ecutive odprucer of e th sh sowaid thatou y're gointog ciexte the aieudnce and shpu the mit and u'yore goingo tbe delivengri a show atth will be remeermbed >> e tw,he presse uron me. there loa t of preursse.
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how n cai excitehe t audnciee? oushld i shomyw child? no, no, .no m i'just goi tngo be mysf.el r>>eporter:ei bng herse hlfas atactrted moreha tn 100 miiolln follerows to herns itagram. e hip-hoarp tist is owknn for epkeing it rl eaand being unapogoletically herlfse. h>>ere likehi ts is notap npy i>>s there aanlter ego? is lcbealise dierffent from cardb?i >> d iefinitelfey el like somethg ininside omef that i just -i - don't kn lowike mething stju awakes mine but when i'mn otv showsor f some reason ius jt get soer nvous. oh, my gdnooess. >> oh,ea rlly. performing on t bheig sgeta you'rect aually mo aret home? >> yeah. ♪ press, prs,es press ♪ ♪ cdiar b don'tee nmod re prs es♪ >> reporr:te a newlyin mted motherf o two,he s and her daughterul kture havgre aced e cover "ofvogue" tetogher d in sepmbteer, she vega birth
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to a babboy y whose mena she hasn't y reteleased. how isha tt being moa m of two now thwihe t whirlwi cndareer? it's a lot. have to debi my timeit wh thbo. daughteger ts a lite tl teitrrorial sotimemes. it's a l botut i lovite . fiteels so a-- lot of happins esin my so.ul when itom ces to the chdrilen, is osefft hands ?on >>e his definelity has ndon. mesotimes he jusbet too han ds on. lienst, i got , itall right? kni ow what m i'doing too. okayyo, u got fi kveids. th aisin't my rsfit rodeo ymanore. >> reporr:te while cdiar says she's rit ghat home tonhe stage she's t noready tora tnsition ouoft the stuo.di >> w iould lovtoe host so many muchor me thingswh, y not. >> rappi sngtill youher art? yes, i velo the excemitent d the ru tshhat i gewht en i drop a sg onand peop rleeact to it. loi ve it. i lo tvehat it's a czyra >>nd a we willee s that adrenaneli for surone sunday. whilshe e is thilas rger than lifeer psona whacat me across sittg inwith heron, e of herig b ioprrities rhtig now is ilstl ioprrities rhtig now is ilstl inbeg a mom. witas late enwh we talk.ed
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she waexs cited toet g back home to her kids who rewe under t he weheatr at theim te. e shsays she l'dike to he av anheotr baby, f ocourse, t bu rsfit thingsir fst, sund nayight e plans eonlectrifyg inthe rld simp blyy being rsheelf. this isom sething i a'mlmost jealous , ofshe's soni uquely herself l althe time. >> uponalogeticay.ll >> i'm aan f for tharet ason. u yocan watcthh e amas srttaing at:0 80 p.m. rhtig here onbc a. ank you,in lsey, andce, cilia, how are u yodoing? >> i'ltal ke it foyor u. wee 'rgoing tour tn now to e of theot htest bla fckriday itemons so manyis wh lists,ur o friendec bky worleisy talking tvs ansod me of thbee st deals out erthe. cky, goomod rning toou y, my friend. >> good rnmoing, ceciail. >> iot g to ask. wee 'vbeen talngki about ts hiin shingtonth, is shorte agon ips. i wa tnto start erthe. will peoe plpay the icpre when it com teso buying t av this season? reporte yr:es and no.
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if you d'ton need a wtvait a while. pricesre a up becae usof the chip srthoage you ntmeioned. highesret lative pceris since 20 a12nd in so mmeodel siz aest aslet $100 avebo normal. now,co enomists y sathis is lyon mpteorary buhet re's theea dl, you neea d tv now, erthe are discntous and onom se of the highesrat ted setso slet's do thisce, cilia. >>hi ts being uryo segmentof, urcose, we jt ushappen thao ve me televioisns over rehe so ll commu tteo them. we areoi gng to stt arwith you. oh, oklo at you rehe. atwh a coincenidce, we'rgoe ing to sta wrtith yourav forite overl alpick. yowau nt ttao lk abouthe t lg. breaitk down fomer . r>>ight, th iiss the lgle od c1 demol, the twiv th the bt es agime qualit py,eriod. it alshao s a razothr-in profile for llwa mounting. it b'seen retainilg for ju st unrde $2,100,ut b the btes price we're sineeg is $1,799 at best buy, and i want to elaxpin i
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know thiiss expensive,nd a wee'r goi tngo cover those eachper dobuorster tvsat ler is week. esthe are ofbrf-and mode tlshat e lower anth the bigam ne anbrds but o vuriewers he avsent feedbac tk,hey wanto tsee e best pceris on thees bt tvs d that iits . thatg loled. i>>f you ha tvehe tcl, u yosay this iyos ur best -tv- the biggest ngba for youbur ck. ep rorter: tt'has right. the 6 risees and ct nesays that thiss ithe bestv tat the bt es pre.ic th55e -inch mol deregularl94y 9, 74 at amazon right n.ow no iw, own one of these tvs. agime qualitisy superb. brhtigness, lolicazed dimmg,in tsohis is are gat tv fothr e nemoy. >> oka wy,e're noton de yet. some fol, ksyou knowhi ts, are loyal ato certainra bnd so say, you owkn, you're s aony fami ly and you ntwa a sony,ha wt's your advice? s>>ome peop gleet realldiy aled intohe t look ofhe t images on ecspific bras.nd i'm talkg inabout saunmsg and so inyn particarul. ga, ryour propan mager in w ne yo, rkhe will lyon buy son.ys heel tls me th eatvery timi e e him.
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i thout ghi'd put dea al in for the ghhi end. th sisony x90j. 'sit a 55-in 4chk smart .tv it $'s998 at bnd a h. thisou cld dip aew f dollars, t buthis is e thlowest is t'ever t and $3 o00ff retai tl,he ice it w aast earliethr is arye so, gar ty,his deals ifor you. don't sai y didn't er vedo anhiytng for y.ou >> gar wy,e're talngki to you. we'rhee aded intyoo ur super bowl. t your rt esthis weendke. wii ll get tseo e you iner pson xt week. you' blle back ttao lk even remo smt arshoppingbv oiously hdieang toin black fdariy so excedit to e you iner pson. comi ungp, the rnieuon esperateou hsewives"an fs have en waiti fngor. ri hatch, erjames deonnt are joining us live. stay wh itus. ♪
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. we are going to check in with sue for a look at traffic. sue: a busy friday all around the bay area, but our worst spot is in petaluma, towards nevada. we had an earlier major crash on the southbound 101. left lanes northbound and southbound are closed for quite sometime as they do guard rail repair. north 101 at cesar chavez, a couple of cars blocking lanes and slow coming into the city from here. jo
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hey at&t customers... there's never been a better time to switch to xfinity. get the fast and reliable internet you deserve, for only $19.99 a month for 12 months. and, for the first time ever, we'll give you 12 times the speed for the same price when you add xfinity mobile. that's more speed and you'll save hundreds over at&t. switch now to xfinity internet to power all your devices and get started for just $19.99 a month. plus, for a limited time, get $300 back and a 5g phone on us. get this deal before it's gone. click, call or visit a store today. you're a champion. you're not a quitter. quitters don't do what they're supposed to. champions do. and you're a star. and you shine. that's what you do. that's what you do every day. [inspirational music]
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mike: bay area, good morning. "live with kelly and ryan" is up next. kevin hart will be talking . mike: pretty dry as far as showers go, but look at all this moisture, low-level fog hanging out there and reducing our visibility in the next hour to two hours, then it will start to lift. that is your only issue weather-wise. it will be an issue tomorrow morning, less so sunday morning,
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our coldest morning and warmest afternoon. jobina? jobina: we will have another update in about 30 minutes. you can find us on our app and that ♪ i feel it coming ♪ welcome back to "gma." this holiday season is a great time to shop local and we're celebrating small businesses by teaming up with indy bookstores all across the country to help us choose our "gma" buzz picks. this week, jhoanna belfer, the owner of bel canto books in long beach, california. >> good morning, i'm owner of bel canto books in long beach, california. my buzz pick book for the week is "hunting by stars." this thrilling sequel is the follow-up to her award-winning young adult novel set in a dystopian future where indigenous people are hunted for their dream-inducing bone marrow.
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if you're in the long beach area stop by bel canto books to check out our diverse collection of books and enjoy tea in the cactus garden. >> keep reading along with us on our instagram @gmabookclub. turning now to the "desperate housewives" reunion fans never thought they would see. james denton and teri hatcher back together, not in a "desperate housewives" kind of way but new hallmark movie "a kiss before christmas." you all tell me, what was that look? you all were excited about your reunion as well. >> yeah, i mean -- >> so much fun. >> it really is. we've just known each other for so long and we really are friends and i look at him and i smile. i can't help it. >> james, i know it's one thing -- you stayed in touch since "desperate housewives" but still to be on screen together. to be working together again.
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what was that experience? >> it was great. it was an idea i brought to hallmark because i was working on a series for them and we agreed that it was a good idea but we had to find the right actress. it was a big role asking a lot of her. she had to play two characters. two versions of the same woman and not only that, then she had to be really funny and said, teri, if i can get teri, i'll do it, otherwise i'm not interested so i kind of trepidatiously texted her would you consider -- oh, yeah, sure. and it's been nine years and we haven't talked about -- we talked about working together but it's hard to find a project. >> i couldn't believe it's almost been a decade. that just seems crazy to me. >> you can't. >> it's just one of those things where it feels like a lot of time but feels like yesterday. >> totally. what was it like for you to get back into that mindset of playing husband and wife. it's been almost a decade. >> it was a total freebie that we played this characters in the movie that have been married for 20 years and we basically have. [ laughter ] so we got that for free and, you
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know, it just -- i feel like we just slipped right back into it. there's a lot of trust, we both say that when you start off your relationship working together naked in the bushes like you either create a lot of trust right from the beginning or it's not going to work. >> seen it all. >> it's a trust level where you just sort of -- it's very comfortable and i was struggling with a scene in this movie that was emotional and i was very frustrated and she was able to pull me aside and knew exactly what to say. i know what you're doing and just think about this and that's something you can't buy. >> that's pretty great. let's give everybody a look. >> i had this problem and i have to solve but i need somebody to talk with, somebody that i trust. you. >> okay, we don't know each other. >> about that. i'm not the ethan holt that you think i am. it's a long story, but it all started just a few days ago when i met santa in a train station. >> told you.
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>> seriously? >> it's so great to see you guys to see it again. so we going to see it again? >> this one is pretty open ended. >> he's the producer so that -- >> i answer to hallmark so let's see. it definitely leaves it open-ended. a great possibility. >> could be a good sequel. >> we're looking for something else to do together. >> it was so much fun. >> it was fun. >> people seem interested against all odds, you know, seeing us together again. >> that was another reason i wanted to do it was really for the fans, you know, mike and susan specifically never got the happily ever after ending that maybe people wanted for them so i think vicariously they will get it through watching this film. >> it's a little rom-com. it's a little "it's a wonderful life." a little "desperate housewives" in there. is there a little bit of "desperate housewives" in the relationships you see in this project? >> it's funny. we had one bedroom scene on the second day and laughed because she had on long sleeves and long pants, we're not on wisteria
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lane anymore. very different bedroom scene than we were used to doing but more age appropriate. you go right into that fun chemistry. >> there was a question a viewer had. are you happy with your ending? anything you'd go back and change talking about "desperate housewives." >> with the ending, i was lucky when they killed me at the end because i got a big send-off. [ laughter ] there were only three episodes to go so one of them was my funeral, and one of them i'm standing in her driveway as a ghost as she drives away from the neighborhood, and so i got the best of both worlds. all the guys were afraid when they were going to get killed, but the easy thing here when i told teri because it's hallmark you don't have to worry, nobody is going to get killed. there will be no bleeding. so that was -- we were comfortable with that. >> not many people get to say they were lucky to be killed. >> i know, but you want that big sendoff. >> wow. >> guys -- >> i didn't really see it that way. >> it was heartbreaking. >> i was crying for days and
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days. >> well, guys, it has been great to have you. we can be the first to say happy holidays. >> happy holidays. >> and yes, i'm appropriately dressed. i'm ringing in christmas. >> it's lovely. >> everybody, "a kiss before christmas" airs sunday on the hallmark channel. coming up, national geographic's best of the world 2022 list. some of the most incredible places on the planet to visit. stay with us. . [ sfx: ding ding ding ] [sfx: bing bing bing ] [sfx: bloop bloop bloop ] [ sfx: bing bloop ding ding bloop bing ] the day can wait. enter the golden state, with real california dairy.
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back now on "gma" with national geographic's best of the world 2022 list highlighting 25 extraordinary places including some in the united states. kaylee hartung is back with that story. good morning, kaylee. >> reporter: hey, george. who hasn't been dreaming about their next getaway? the pandemic has changed how and when and where we can travel but now national geographic says it's time to embrace the privilege of travel. ♪ from the next great safari destination in namibia to the dark sky preserves in northern minnesota and new st. louis bike trail in france, national geographic has the cure for that wanderlust. pent up during the pandemic. its best of the world 2022 list. >> two years off road has given people a great chance to think about how they want to be a better traveler when they return to the world. ♪ >> reporter: just as more international travel restrictions are lifting, george stone, executive editor of national geographic revealing
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their annual list of 25 extraordinary destinations. >> they're specific and important and uniquely rewarding to travelers in 2022. >> reporter: family-friendly experiences await in grenada, spain, and maryland's eastern shore. for the more adventurous take an epic journey to palau or arapaho basin. there is something for everyone, every age, every demographic but also every price point. >> travel should not be out of reach for people. our dream isn't to have everyone hop on a plane and fly halfway across the world. >> reporter: the list broken down into five categories includes easily accessible u.s. destinations in each like atlanta and the columbia river gorge. in the pacific northwest. >> i hope they pick a place that means something to them and get a lot out of it. >> reporter: i asked george stone for his top choice to visit on this amazing list.
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he said that safari in namibia has the most fantastic landscapes. guys, don't worry, i volunteered to go with him so "gma" can document it. >> kaylee, thanks very much. i want to make sure cecilia knows this. i know your weekend is not full until you get your college football warning. >> that's right. >> be sure to check out the action on college football saturday. on abc. the big ten championship and the playoffs at stake when michigan state, go green, go, white, takes on ohio state right here on abc at noon. the fun kicks off with the "college gameday" crew live in columbus at 9:00 a.m. eastern. on espn. all right, time now to
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all right, time now to spread a little hope this holiday season. a big surprise for a small business owner who gives so much back to her community, let's turn now to "gma" contributor megan ryte in studio with us. good morning to you, megan. >> good morning. we met an incredible woman who turned the medical diagnosis affecting her family into an opportunity to help others. this segment is sponsored by wells fargo. wait till you see her wonderful surprise. ♪ for dr. warren, being a pharmacist is about more than just filling prescriptions. >> being able to connect with my patients on a totally different level is a blessing. >> reporter: dr. t. opened her store focus pharmacy after her family was directly affected by disease. >> my daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in may of 2017 and three weeks prior to that my husband was diagnosed with type 2 so i had patients in-house.
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>> reporter: dr. t. leaning into the diagnosis but not just for her family. >> shut the pharmacy down one time to go with the diabetic to the doctor's appointment. >> reporter: now a pillar of the community, hosting pop-up vaccine sites and sharing education online. "gma" was there to help wells fargo put an epic surprise in motion. you do so much for the community. >> oh. >> we want to send you on a spa day right now. >> are you -- okay, i'm going. i'm going. >> right now. >> here we go. >> have a good one. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> have a good time. okay. let's get to work. >> good morning. welcome. >> thank you. >> reporter: getting pampered is only the first surprise. >> we brought in an army of volunteers from wells fargo. they're redoing the pharmacy, painting the windows, getting it ready for the holidays. >> reporter: the transformation, a part of their small business
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initiative. >> hope usa is wells fargo campaign to bring hope back to the streets and investing in small business districts 16 across the country and revitalizing. we serve over 3 million small businesses across the country year round. we have created the open for business fund where we invested $420 million. it's gone back into nonprofits and community organizations that can then turn around and help small businesses recover. >> reporter: when dr. t. returns, it's time for the big window reveal. [ cheers and applause ] >> how amazing! oh! >> oh, my gosh. how was your day? >> it was amazing. it was so amazing. i just -- i thank god.
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>> you deserve it. >> we are not done. >> you've got to be kidding me. >> so, dr. t., we are inspired by what you have done and your perseverance is something that's important in your family and so wells fargo is making a donation of $10,000 to the american diabetes association in your honor. [ cheers and applause ] >> what an incredible woman. even her daughter is getting in on the act helping other young people suffering from diabetes. back to you. >> i don't know if she can handle any more surprises you were throwing at her there. thank you so much. coming up, the one and only sting joining us live and bringing us a special performance. "gma" hope for the holidays is sponsored by wells fargo. with small business we're helping bring hope to the streets. streets. ♪ this is the sound of atmosphere ♪ ♪ this is the sound of atmosphere ♪
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♪ this is the sound ♪ we are back now with our "gma" concert series, 17-time grammy winner sting has just released a brand-new album, "the bridge." he's got a special performance off that album in just a moment but first we want to chat with one of our dear friends here at "gma." good morning to you, my friend. >> good morning. nice to speak to you. >> it is really great to talk to you too. you just finished a two-week run in vegas at caesars palace. how did it go? how was vegas? >> it was fantastic. it was so much fun to do. i was a little bit apprehensive. i wasn't sure who was coming to see me but people came from all over the country, my audience had a great time. i was wearing a yellow suit to which i had to ditch because it was getting better reviews than me anyway. i had the best time. >> the yellow suit is amazing. okay. i got to give you a little grief here because a lot were lazy during lockdown and we took up things like learning to make bread. and fixing our gardens. not you. you recorded an entire new album during lockdown so you were
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really busy and i'm hearing that you managed to get a lot of fellow musicians in by sort of streaming them into your studio. how did all that work? >> you know, we've had the technology to do that in the music industry for a long time and think about it. making an album is like being in lockdown anyway. you're cloistered in a studio for months on end so for me it wasn't that difficult but my heart went out to people who were really suffering from the disease and it was an intense time, so i was glad to be able to work through it. >> having your music on the back end helps us get back to feeling a little bit like normal if we can so the symbol of water is everywhere in this album. it's also something you hit on in this song that we're about to hear from you, "rushing water." tell us a little bit about that song. >> you know, the symbolism of water is a strong one. it symbolizes the subconscious, it symbolizes the feminine. all things i'm intrigued by, there's water all over this record.
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it's the connective tissue if you like and "the bridge" which is the title of this album, is what crosses the water so that's my simple explanation of it. >> we will take it and excited to hear it. off his new album "the bridge" out today here he is, sting with "rushing water." ♪ ♪ how many times have i had this dream ♪ ♪ that wakes me from slumber ♪ ♪ how will i ever get to sleep again ♪ ♪ counting sheep in a book of numbers ♪ ♪ how many times have i had this dream ♪ ♪ with you walking towards me from the river ♪ ♪ and when will i ever get to rest again wondering if i can deliver ♪ ♪ this is the sound of rushing water flooding through my brain ♪
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♪ this is the sound of god's own daughter calling out your name ♪ ♪ this is the sound of atmospheres three metric tons of pressure ♪ ♪ this is the sum of all my fears something i just can't measure ♪ ♪ i remember the story of jonah he was trapped in the belly of a whale ♪ ♪ how many times must he succeed how many times must he fail ♪ ♪ this is the sound of rushing water, rushing water ♪ ♪ flooding through my brain flooding through my brain ♪ ♪ this is the sound of god's own daughter, own daughter calling out your name ♪ ♪ i'll see my shrink on an
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analyst's couch, hit me with a hammer and i'll say ouch ♪ ♪ what we have here is so easy to solve, just takes a firm purpose and some resolve ♪ ♪ this is the sound of rushing water, rushing water ♪ ♪ flooding through my brain, flooding through my brain ♪ ♪ this is the sound of god's own daughter, calling out your name ♪ ♪ your name, your name, your name, your name ♪ ♪ your name, your name, your name, your ♪ ♪ ease into the water flooding through your brain ♪ ♪ ease into the water calling out your name ♪ ♪ ease into the water flooding through your brain, ease into the water ♪
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"gma" concert series is sponsored by the love your car guarantee from carmax. there's never been a better time to switch to xfinity. get the fast and reliable internet you deserve, for only $19.99 a month for 12 months. and, for the first time ever, score 12 times the speed for the same price when you add xfinity mobile. that's more speed and more value for the same price. switch now to xfinity internet to power all your devices
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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. jobina: good morning. here is a look at traffic. >> you can see the fog. it is settling in and could be very thick for the rest of your commute. let's take a look at nevada. we have slow traffic. there was an earlier accident at 1:30 this morning. that has been cleared. two left lanes are blocked oath directions and you are very slow all the way through. mike: the chance of a shower is very slim, but we will hear -- keep the impacts because there is plenty of moisture. there is some drizzle in the higher elevations. look at this moisture reducing her visibility thanks to the haze and fog. fog will be the issue the next couple of mornings, but sunshine
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and warmth in the afternoon. jobina: "live with kelly and ryan" will be back here at reporting continues on our app and on >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the serious, "true story," kevin hart. and performance from from recording artist lea michele. plus, holiday bargains exclusively for our viewers as we wrap up "live's holiday gift guide week." all next on "live!" ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! >> kelly: oh, i like this. i love it. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ he's gonna hurt himself. >> ryan: morning. it is friday, november 19th. who is
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