tv ABC7 News 400PM ABC November 19, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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itap hpened at my hotel. >> while much iuns rde instveigation, they confmeird e thsuspect swa unknown. sfpd plans to reaslee foinrmationn ithe comi dngays. within 10 days, the police departmentil wl be conducngti a wnto hall meinetg forts i coitmmment to coacuntabili atynd antrsparency. we wilprl ovide iornfmation as it bomeces available. >> this is the second time this yearan s francis pcoolice have fireond someone. larry: details autbo t bheay eaar woman kleild in a fruit -- freeway sothoing yesrdteay. sheas w a motr heof two bs oywho were in e thcar wither h. the vtiicm's motr heis asking the shoongti suspecttos turn thseemlves in. >>he s was theom m of two aubetiful bo.ys she had a smile thacot uld light
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up any room. >> g arieving thmoer on the way the b aayrea from georgia afr teshe sayser h onlyau dghter washs ot and killed on an etas y bafreeway. alicia benton sayser h daughter was wringti in thisar moon suv en seoomne opened fire on 880 and oakld,an leading toward the apprchoa to the y babridge. sheas w inhe t vicehle with her ficean and chireldn. m>>y oldest grasondn said is mommyk? o tt hais wn hethey knew someinthg was wrg.on >> her daughr tewas on heray w r foa job inrvteiew. >> sheas w like iil wl callou y when it'' ove ir, said o ak,nd enth sheev ner made it. >> it is ulencar who stho at eth v,su whether iwat tas rgeted or omnd. >> the coroner tdol me the kill shot was a bleult thawet nt throhug the pneho and goter h in the head a sndhe died stinantly.
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none o would wt anto hurt r.he babyas w the one that everybody came to. i can't see anyone coming after my baby. >> anyone with information on her case is asked to call the investigation tip line. the number is on your screen at 707-91447-91. kristen: two weeksgo a, another deadlyho soting onnd a oakland frwaeey. 23on-mth-old jasper wu swa killed. today wheas laido trest in an emotnaiol funaler. dionim l was there. dion: there gat outside of the home match the tone of the morninasg communi ltyeaders fromhe t bay are fa,riends and family strmeead in for the funeral. it has bn eetwo weeks since the 23-year-old was killed by a stray buetll on 880. the pain as frhes awes were
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viinted insi adend watch tedhese ages of mhi on scre.en i dinod t resctpe -- i did not cord vid beout was provided photos. wordsro fm and the grafandther, sinayg the bull hetit not oy nlhis little cutie, but him as well. leaders kitang to the oonppent -- podium. after ether svice, ween wt tsouide, family burdne paper, ys and food, a way for the deceedas to beco dmeouble inhe t afrlteife. ard the stronge mstessage fmro thsee rvice by the fronemt counlmciember. >> as a fstir-generatnio imgrmiant fromhi cna, i cafen el e thpain. enoughs ienough. we ndee more suprtpo for local
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poceli. nweeed tougher >> wale l are reonspsive. i totally aeegr we all ear reonspsible. despite our opinio ansbout police, we have to rlieaze there has to be safy etin our community. many families in ts hicommunity feelns uafe. s athe gofumend climbs toward a quarter of ail mlion dolrsla, e thfamily pnslao tdonate the ocpreeds- -a portionf o preeocds to the community, the rest goes intao savings fund when they hopefuyll have otanher jasper's final wordsha tt played today, you can hear t lheittle boy saying inhi cnese,om m, i'm not gone, i'' just playing hide and seek. >> we the jury find the fedendant keyl h ritteounhse not guilty. larry:ot n guilty on all fiveive counts for kyle rittenhseou, 17 en he we tnto kenhaos from
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illinois claiming wheas answerinang online llca from patrtsio to prott eclives and property during presotts in 2020. he claimed he shotht ree men in selfef-dense, killingwo t of th.em thche arges weer dismissed with ejudice,ea mning he cannot be archged again. 4:i 30, what a legal analyst is yisang abouthe t verdict. in san jose, elibezath holmes stteifying ihen r own densfee. thfoe under of theranos cuacsed misleadgin patients dan investors. the prosecioutn resteitd s case today. kristen: to the latest codvi developmtsen, the cddic rector expaednd bstooer stho eligibily itto everye on18 and older. aan pel said ppleoe 50 andld oer oushld get a boost aernd peoepl t18o 49 magey t a boosr.te larry:he t h seen and nearly0% 4 increasine newas ces tinhe last ntmoh. annc irease ican ses and
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hospalitizationsil wl cseau them to reinstutite an inordoas mt mandate onon mday. atth was lifd teless thatwn o mohsnt ago. krteisn:em dand for e thbooster is rising ftas butin fdingn a apinpotment habes en alchlenging. larry: cornell barnard leiv in santroa sa wherees ridents are getting a hand. >>hi ts public vaccine clinic pphaening atte sele lane elemenryta school. osboter poin htsave beeton ugh to find but sinonoma cotyun it a diffentre story. walk-insre a welcome. >> eight le inoutside isth blic vacneci wink icin santa rosa -- inclic in saa ntrosa. kidspa, rents, teaerchs and nehbigors getting first stsho and boosts erandou y did not need aapn pointment. this clinihac s been giving 300 boosr teshots pedar y. >> we vaccinateny abody whoil wl
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owsh up at t dheoor. >> the clic director wants to make getting a shot painless and easy. >> people are excited about being able to still walk in. i'm times it is difficult for people to make an appointment and make the appointment. i walked in and had my shot in 10 minutes. >> she got her burst her desk booster. >> i'm -- booster. >> i'm happy because the holidays are coming and i want to feel safer. >> i'm trying to feel desperate careful but it could not hurt to get a booster. >> sonoma county says it has enough vaccine to meet demand. they're trying to streamline the process. >> close to 7000 people have gotten boosters in the county so we have seen a good response and we want to keep that going. >> we don't have any appointments here. >> in urban county where officials a demand is higher,
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walk-in clinics are discouraged and finding online appointments has been challenging. sonoma county says it is operating eight to 10 vaccine tencespe wople whos o. that is important. >> sonoma county says it hopes to keep offinerg walk-in appoinentmts as lo angs possib, lebut theyop he -- eyth samay king an appointment onlein is still encouraged. liven isanta rosa, cornell bernard. rrlay: other counties are offering clinics this weekend, schools in bay point, richmond are open from 8:30 to 4:00 morrow. starev seral appntoimentins maricon unty, including at vato high school. appointment are requedir. the event center open from 009: to 4:00, pmierts required only for kids agefis ve to 11. lot of cntouy has -- sonola
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unty hast iopen tomroorw between -- witah break between noonnd a 1:00. we havcoe unty by county info on wheer to get vaccis neon our website. kristen: nurses and mental healthro pfessionals at kaiser walkedff o theob j for a strike in sidolarity with striking it's pphaening at sevel rabay ea kaisehor spitals. isth is videfro om oakla.nd engiernes have been on strike for twmoo nths andhe ty wtan contburitions tohe t psienon on par with ts hione. they' rreequesting unreanasoble lay:rr were a keepingou y daupted onhe t situati aont the ritter cenrte in san rafael which swa devastetad by the histicor storms. the story l tedo an outpourgin support$2, 0,000 inon dations icwhh aowlled wednesd'a's fdoo giveaw tayo go on as anplned. today the centeler t us know sincoue str ory aedir, thehay ve receediv another10 $,000 this week. krisn:te holiday tveral,
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anthksgiving tveral i hnigh gear as airrtpos seeea nr prpae-ndemic lelevs. oggole gives a boost tbao y area nonprofi.ts a way foyor ur favorite p teto acreh out toou y. enspcer: seom cudlos and moisturein lger, but snyun days on the way. i will have the f ♪ ♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep comg inback what?! no!
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over the couernt eye dro ps typically work by brluicating e theyesnd aay m provide mpteorary reefli. xiidra wksor differently, targetg ininflammaonti that can cause d eryye disease. it canro pvideas ltingel rief. xiraid is the onlyda f-appverod non-steroid eydre op ecspificallyor f the sig ns and sympts of dryye e disseea. one drop in ea echye, twice a day. don't use if youre a allergico txiidra. common se idfeefcts incleud eye riirtation, discfoomrt or blreurd vionsi whenpp aedli to the e,ey and unusual tae stsensation. dot n'touch coaintner pti to your e eyor any sfaurce. afteusr ing xiidra wait 15 minute fobere reinserti cngontacts. ♪ isth holiday, ask your dtoocr about idxira. umph! hey at&t ask your dtoocr about idxira. there'nes ver been a better timeo tswit tcho xfinity. get the fastnd a reliable teinrnet you deserve, for only $19.99 a month for 12 months. d,an for the firstit me ever, we'll give you 12 times the speed fothr e same pceri when yo u add xfitiny mobile. d,an for the firstit me ever, that m'sore speed and you'll save hundreds over at&t. sw itch nowo txfinity inteetrn to power a yllour devisce and get started for stju $199 .9a month. pl us, for lia mited ti,me ge$3t 00 back
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and a 5g phone on us. get th diseal berefo it's click, call or visit a store today. anpay rent will te yllou the secondou y hava e kid, it'sik le your hrtea is livi ng outsidofe your body, whicmeh ans you vener, ev er stop worrying atth w'shy we go thealth iurnsance and r foway less tha nwe thought was the kids' doctor and dental checkups e arfree and i get screinengs for myho clesterol and my blood preursse d andon't gemet wrong, i still worry, ju st a lite tlless. co vered cafolirnia. th is way theo alth insanurce. enroll by deceermb 31st catoveredcaom.c
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larry: ifou y areea hdingo tthe airpor it,t almostoo lks like 2019. today wille bthe busites day at the airport scein theta srt of e pandem.ic amy hollyelfid checkeoud t the crowds. >>ra tvelers s iayt feels good to be gog insomewhere. >> it is great. inbeg stuck at home since 2020 was dreadful. but finay llthis year has come along whe erthings a breetter. >> thafet eling of bei angble to t geout is turning today iont significant one. >> it is n ootnly theus biest y for thhoe liday, wexe pected to be theiz dzy -bu- siest day satfo since thean pdemic whhic is signicafint. ing toee s 50,000 oppele going through security cckhepoints today, which would be a new ndemic e rraecord. >> ware e not back to normal
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yet. this is stlil short of the 80,000 tyhe saw in 1920. but the uicptk in traversle hes lpthe airpt orrecover. >>ea ldso tmore andor meho sts des rtaurantseo rpening. weil wl havebo aut0% 8 ofur o shs opand restraaunts reopeden. >> today ishe t busstiend a next sunday t sheecond busiest as oppele come meho. alouthgh seom pla tno avoid eth day. >>e ware coming backhe t day teafr thanksviging so hefopully it wilbel less ne vxtaccine mdaanteor f feredal rkwoers goesnt ioff eect mond.ay awesked apo skesperson if hes i woierrd about silong workers becae usof the mdaante. eacrting lonr gelines at cuserity nextee wk. theyon d't thkin trehe will be an iuess here. atfo s, amy hoyfllield, ab7c wsne. iskrten: tyhe are not
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immediaty elletting ppleoe go, the'e's a cnsoueling presocs so en thoughhe t deaindle is nday, hofupelly theyre a right and it wl ilbe a hugime pact. larry: let'' geto tthe forestca. we have had some inra today and we a hreeading io ntthe weekd.en spceenr: tnghis are getting drieanr d skies ttgeing cleerar, atth we havein lgering patches ofow l-level mstoiure whichah ve odpruced drilezz in theas pt few minutes. a look lative dopprle 7, i will closine on the areas of green. haywd,ar oaklandnd a concord reported se omligh rtain or drzlize the la fstew minutes but it is moving t ouof here danhe t cldsou are movg inout as wl.el in view tofhe western sky hibend san fraisncco, you can see areas of brakes tinhe ouclds. it looked brhtig and colfuorl at e moment. it is7 5degrees sinan francio,sc oakland0 7 head -- 78, 50iv fe ahat lf moon athe t golden tega we see tslo of beautulif blue sk ays the clouds a trehinning.
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58 in santa rosa and napa, 70 grdeees anot vato and fairfldie, n50ine at ccoonrd and livermore. here's our view from theoo rftop mera. the clouds are getti lngighter andhi ts sky iset gting the esare our forectsas. clouds ofog f will dinimish erovnight. milder weather ts hiweekendnd a eth dry pattern thastt arts now ll continue through anthksgiving. her''s our fecorast anitimaon r fothe overnig hhtours. tinoce how t chelouds dissipate betwn eenow and dnmiight. twbeeen midnight and early mornin tg,he cloudans d storms wi blle gone. lotew mperatur wesill be inhe t mid to upper0' 's, chile -- a ttlile chiyll here,pp uer 30's in t ohevernight. youil wl seeig hhs a 6nd1 degrs,eeak oland to nsa mateo to emfront, 55 6to7 degrees. southbay 68, thenl iand is bay
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willav he highsbo aut cit5,y 63. -- 6at8 santa ra.os rehe is your thanksgivgin plneanr. rleay in the morning, lingergin cldsou and fog. midmorngni, sunny, thraer cool. mpteeratures in the upper '0's atobout 60s awe get io ntthe rly afteoornn. we will see an incree asin temperurates to 62 degre,es unr dehazy suninshe. in t ahefternoon itil wl be mi,ld pleasant and d.ry aov lely thangiksving. here iths e seven y daforecast. it is going to be snyun andil md rothugh the ekweend, milrde on nday witinh land highs upo t abt ou70 brzyeend a cooler tuesday. noext pecting inra buthe tre is psiosbility oa f sprinkle. y drconditionsll ahe t way througneh xt week dan a lovely weather for thanksgiving.
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wiill haveor me later. larry: see youhe tn. foinrmation on t dheramatic paimct of la nstight'som bb clcyone. thine stitute for oceanraogphy said the storm procedud epic wave hs,eights o60f feetro fm shwaington to cifalornia. auw kait 25 mesil west -- buoy 25 mesil west msueared this. iskrten: a big honornd a checked om some y baarea nonofprits maki angn impact. they wlil receive1 $million in racend a social stjuice repoerrt juanli glover shows us how these grou apsre helpi bnguild a that are y baarea and gtietng a hand omfr google. >> you a trehe winners of this arye's chlealnge. >>ha tt is theea rction yomau ke enwh you finoud t your npronofit cured mar jofunding omfr ugo
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-- google.g.or >> tilhrled and excedit. >> they are one of five bay area nonprofits thaton wun fding from theha cllenge. it will help them advance their common a.pp it consolidatesul mtiple applicatnsio for pubcli benefits andon nprofit sviercesnt io one online applicati.on >> eh acwint iers a cisoal justice focused nonprofit helping build aet bter bay eaar, kelihe t young we do young mewon's frdoeem center. >> whae ve snee -- our work with rls and youth, we are so excited. this meansve erything. t>>he philahrntopic armf o google poured through these entries, finngdi ideas that make an impact. >>ra gnt funding keeps the lights on and allows these
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orgazanitions too gdeeper in communy,it spread eithr reach, higher oper ople. >> judges including nonprofit and local ldeears like epsth and aisha curry gave money f torhe izpres. and in t pheublic recniogzed th tathey are more th aann aftersoochl program. eyth securedor me than $1 million finunding fm rothe line vote. it hpsel first jen heisel udstents get intcoo llege and succdee in stem recaers post graduation. >> it is vihang an impacint the bayre aa, with the udstents that are parcitipating ioun r ogprram. awere seeinoug rtu sdents gruaadte at a re attwo timeths e natialon average. >> bay aa-rebased homebase also d fdiunng acroscos unty lines tond e homelesessns. >> it must not be at stas tuquo. ushoing is a fdaunmental human right. >> i was ecstatic, oveoyrjed, thllried.
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cpaomss family rvseices was fosecud on reducing thnue mber hofomeless filamies for cades. they will support these families and kids with mtaenl health rvices. >>he t referlsra will grow and we want to ctionnue to adhere to thathe trapy on madend. five more loc nalonprofits rounngdi up the p to10 for google.o'r's chaenllge also receedival hf $1 milonli in fundinang addioitnal 25 orgazanitions tangki home ndred thsaound they a erexcited a gndrateful but i''s back to the important work of building a better bay area. juanlilo gver, abc n 7ews. krisn:te congratulatio tnso osthe grpsou. making history ithn e white hoe,us whatad me today ecspial for vice president harris.
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larry: tonhtig, never fobere ense footagef oa child's'daring especa fm roabuse. kristen: jordan anjed nnifer turp sinitting dn owwith diane sawy teralking autbohe tir house ofor hrors. rry: talkingbo aut this incredleib ordeal. 911, >> i le ivin a famy ilof 15 and we have of ungsiar pents- - usabing paren.ts
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my twoit ltle sists erare chneaid up. >> wt hais your name? >> jordan >> what lured diane syeawr to a story like this? from the time we learned abt outheseid ks, i have been wondinerg, imagining what yodou afteyor u have lived that life of darkns,es whatht ey call he.ll >> how cou yldou hide p15eople in aou hse forha tt long whoitut anybyod asking questnio? >> iart cs over e thwholeto sry. >theyre a sakpeing a velis, respeinctg the privacyf o thsie blings ty helove. >> what is the motive? pure evil? >> law enforcentme will say don't'keep askgin why some people wl ildo unimanagibly crluehi tngs eveno ttheir own chilendr.
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therise no why. what they did not kw noi was surprisebyd . erthe we sreo e shdid not know thereer we desiwalks fowar lking. >> she did not kw nothe street she llpued an eelnvope out of thhoe use with herec bause she knew she mig hhtave to read sothmeing, andhe s read thzie p code. she does not kw nowords like mecadition. >> do yotau ke anyed mication? >> whaist medication? >> do you take pills? >> h iave nevetar ken a pill. he changeshe, gets her out tofhe car, hold ontoho tse otphos hsae ys. >> how didou yr sisterges t like this?ho w took the ospictures? >> i >> save thes oe,k? >> an enevt was hapnipeng the next daynd a they h tado make the move. >> tyhe hrdea tirhe parents sayinghe ty were gngoi to move them me orremotelynt io oklahoma and eithr mother said y aoure
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all gointog beha cined. sohe ty kwne ts hiwas the last chcean. >>he ter vy next y,da we were mongvi. it wasow n or never. i knew hai d to lea tvehat night. >> whenever i tughoht theto sry was gog intoe, b h iad no eaid itas w primari glyoing to be about the size of yrou fe whena it isr -- fear when it is equal to the size of your courage. kristen: courage, resilience, d anincredible story. you can seehe t 2020 special house of horror at 9:0p.0 m. right he oren abc 7 news. larry: not guilty on all counts, kyleit rtenhouses ia free krteisn: wh matakesal sonpas ar thritis lge sooo gd for arrithtis pain? sa lonpas ctaonins the stmo presibcred pical pa rinelief inedgrient.
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it's'clinical plyroven, rucedes inflmaamtion pical pa rinelief inedgrient. and comes in ogirinal esprcriptiontr sength. sonalpas. it's odgo medicine. ♪ ♪ haveou y seen theos alsml bowl---? oh ! carefuwil th t..he. (dishes break) sorry, mrs. c! excuse me,ou cld we-- ♪ ♪ excuse me, ias w wonderi ng cod ulwe-- ? drbeoom! finding e thright peonrs for the job isn't always easy. .. ...but when you ha aven suinrance qutieson, you caaln ways count oyon ur calol geo icagent. they c ganive you pe rsonalized advice and coulhed lp you saveun hdreds. they c ganive you whwao nts somere dss shirt?s! foexr pert helwip th a yllour insuncrae needs, get to know your local icgeo agent today. whwao nts somere dss shirt?s! to be a thriver with metastat bicreast caernc means aski fngor what we want. a nndeed. anwed ee nd more time. so, wweant womearn e livingon lger th an ever fobere wh itkisqali
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when taken wh itan aromatase in hibitor forulvestra in posentmauopsal women thwi hr+, her2- metastat ic brea cstancer. ki sqalisi a pl iltha''s signifanictly moreff eecti at delayindig sease prreogssion vers ausn aromate asinhibito r or fveulstrant anelo. kisqali cacan use lung pblroems, or aabn normal hrteabeat, whiccah n lead tdeo ath. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and w lowhite blood ce cllounts atth may restul inev sere infections. tell your doctor right away ifou y havnee w or worsening mpsytoms, includinbrg eathing problems, coug ch,hest pai a change in your heartbeat,iz dziness, yellowing ofhe t skin or es,year dk urine, tirednes ls,oss of appetite, abdomen pa, inbleeding, bruising, fer,ve chisll oorther symptoms of an infection, a seve orer worsening shra, e aror pn lato bomece pregntna, or bretfaseeding. avoigrd apefitru during tremeatnt. as k your dtoocr about lingvi longer thwi kisqali
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>>ui blding a ttbeer bay area, movingor fward, fiinndg lusotions. thiss iabc 7 iskrten: a verctdi in thkye le ttrienhouse iatrl. rrlay: a jury foundim h not guilty on all five uncots after shooti tnghree peoe,pl kilngli two a wndounding another dinurg otprests in wcoisnsin. krteisn: rena roy has the verdict. we find the defendant, kyle ritthoenuse, notui glty. seven women andiv fe men finding 18-year-old rittenhouse t noguilty onll a counts. >> are tsehe your unimanous verdict? >> visibly shakennd a in tears the decioisn came i hn,ugging his attoeyrn. >> to say ware e reliev wedould
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a undsteratement. >>em donstrato orsutside the courouthse as thnee ws broke. >> we are not satisedfi, not at civilig rhts or cisoal stjuice rest oedn this nvcoiction, buthe tse jurorsaw s a diffenert americtha an we see every da ty,hen we s tawhe idevence. >> he was 17 last augu wsthen he shothr tee people, killing two dungri protestovs er the police lling ofac job blake. the prosecorut sd aihead h inte tnto kl,il paintin hgims a an activshe teoor who pvoroked the owcrd. e thlead pserocutor spkieang out after thvee rdict, saying the juryhi wch reprentseed our communithay s spoken. outse idtheou crthouse,aw l enrcfoement is on anstdbyo t alit wh the faoullt from tshi veicrdt. so far, thgsin have been acpeeful. nare roy, abc news,en kosha, wisconsin. krisn:te rittenhseou ienntt he ted inel sf-defenswhe en he shot thr meeen. i discuedss that onur o show today witthh e decirtor ofhe t
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publ dicefender project atht e ivunersity owif sconsin madison lascw hool. >> if youre a the pern sowho ovprokes the conservatnio -- confrontioatn, if youre a the aggrsoesr,ou y are not entleitd to use sf-eldefense. many ppleoe arero pbablsay ying w ise hnot thegg aressor if hes icarryingha tt type of apon? if he is out le at natight for nooo gd reason? isn't heoo lking for troub?le my response iths ough thaist a reasabonle way tloo ok at the ca,se wisconsinas h an open y rrlaw that pertsmi people to carry those typ oesf weapons enlyan, d in the law it says that wnhe peopldoe that,t is i noa t provatocion. kristen: do you inthk the law ednes to change? >> i tnkhi this rdveict is going to cause l aot of peleop to ask that qstueion. they'reoi gng to ask why is the self-defense? it ds oenot feel ttho e
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mmcounity, the badroer community that this shoulde bconduct atth is not crinamil. hangvi said that, the jury is tnoas psing judengmt on the morali otyf his cduonct, wisdom. all they areug sgesting is was t noproven boneyd a asonable doubt. but oppele have esqutions aso t y under allhe t circumstaesnc he leaves eth court being acquitd teof thoseha crges. i think that is anmp iortant questi tono ask. kristen: we will have lolca retiacon to thvee rdict congmi up oabn c 7 news a5:t 00. larry: vice president parisad me history, t fheirst female acting pridesent for 85 minutes. presenidt biden antrsfer power htoer whilee hwas under anesthesiaor f aol conoscopyt a waerlt reemed dical center. it was part of his first routine annual physical after he took
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office. he turned 79 lcweome ttohis world. u yohave some bi g shoes to people will te yllou wh tato eat. everyone will ha aven opinion. and, y, esthere wi blle tears. lots of w neintroducontis. sleeespls nitsgh. th'sat normal. okay. so manney w toys. 'sit not goi tngo be eas bu t, togetr,he we got isth. kais perermanente. tivhre small sibunesses le ikyours make gifgit-ving posblsie. buno w, comca bstusiness shah. anxc elusive gt iffor you. in troducinthg e gift of savings sale. buno w r foa limited time, ah. anxc ask how gtoetor you.
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a great deal for your business. d anget up to a $500re ppaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most or get startedit wh internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. or giveou yr busine tssheet and gift of visangs today.nth comcasbut weporing
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a number of otrhe people aparpe tory t to stop th deriver with theiver hicles. policeer we eveuantlly able to diblsae the tesir of theeh vicle dan the suspect wasak ten into stcuodyft aer a staofndf with the policine long we shod ulpointut o that yitrng htoelp the polic ies actually not goa od idea rehe. ey don't'suggested. you'reut pting yourself in danger, tepontiallyth oers, but stunningo tsee. n: but heroic quality we miadre when people tr tyo dohe t right thg,in but theary e not trneaid. we are traveling at high speed, poli hceave drivg intechniques thatxe ecute. the civianli does not know what they'r' doing andou y could get rt or hu srtomeone worstas ce, let'' say youto sp emth and yourar cs idamaged. how do you expla tinhat to yrou suinrance? it is n aot good idea. spenr:ce and theer pson you are yitrng to st mopay be dan: itou cld escaleat to something seel entirely. larry: i wonder why.a l.s ithe
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hotbed oalf l this. there are adros all ofhe t country,eo pple can cbehased dan: havinneg ver seen televionsi? erthe is alyswa a helicteopr. they try to runwa ay, youev ner t geaway. larry: iik leo tthink i ulwod get ayaw. you haveee sn me dan: you have a st.ho aughter] rrlay: two people arrested after an armored truck dumped cash on the freeway this morning. the doors of the armored vehicle, look at theseeo pple. [laughter] the doors of the vehicle came open on t ihenterstate and scattered cash. this is like a movie. a numrbe of peleop got outo t scp ooup money. a man and a woman werare rested after they got locked out of their vehicle. look at the sky. posingor f the camera.
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they are asking anybo wdyho ckpied up the cash to please bring it ba tcko their fiofce. that i nsot goingo thappen. krisn:te this and the previsou styor were bothn ointerstate fiven isocal. n:da the fir wstas peopltre ying do theig rht thingth, e cosend was doing the wrong thing. it's t notheir money, ruretn it, but -- larry:t' 's going toe ba frenzy on the freeway i tfhat happeden anywhere. how many ppleoe are letigimately gointog return? dan: i'sam ying thishs ould. kristen: i'm amedaz they ulwod stpo themsels veon socia mledia with thamot ney. encer: i'm not amazed of anhiytng peoplpoe st on soalci mea dianymore. larry: we stmu do it forhe t am! otherwisite didn't happen! isten: there is a wron tgime do someinthg forhe t gram. now for meso people.
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walmarist working to make drone livery aos psibility. theet rail gianant d its partner plziine are testing iint arnskaas. the drone takes off, coated in styrofoam, his snglishot into th aeir and trave tlso its destatinion, reaelses the item whicpah rachesut to ethro gund. ziinple officis alsay this ocess fr oomnline order process to divelery takes 30 minutes. exactlwhy en will drone delivery be available? don't makmee ay s this, still upn ithe air. larry:ha tt is likae speernc line. dan: that ishe t goofiest thing of ever seen, le ika modernay-d caputalt. encer: can you imagine drone-y skies? larry: i think iist creative dan cool. i just d'o't know. dan: it oklos more li ake hobby th aat business plan.
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larry: they are going to shoot is thingth, e range of the drone, as ourir dector pntoied out,ha wt haenpps when some but ts hit on the heaeid ther ckage orhe t drone? what could go wngro? krteisn: and the locioatn cannot tbehat yo nureighbor lisikely to get yo iurtem or uryo neighbodor wn e thstreet odor wn the larry: we d'n't know tt.ha n: we arcae rpet bombing neigorhbhoods wi sthtuff. larry: we veha th ecworking rfo us. isten: a higteh-ch slingotsh. help -- larry: help micong for lonely pooches. searcher ast universitiesn i scotland and finla andre expemerinting with aog d phone. it is aec th device in a softball, whhics imore than just aho p, nebut it aowlls dogs
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like zh,ac a big b, oyto contact hisum han rightov ming the llba. that tggriers a dog heitgh ptlaop to ring. as ion ctinue reinadg this, i bemeco more pelerpd xethat this riseal. duri ang 60 day expimerent, zhac called his oerwnle enan a erage of five tim aes day. i d' the lapt it would be intestreing if uryo dog wasms artno eugh to furige outha ttf ii move tshi ball, dan igos ing to pop up. dan: o lurittleog d isno swball. witouldal cl two donze times a day. lay:rro dyou thinitk would make theon cnection atth i abgrbed theal bl, then appears? n: i do. i think l aot of do wgsould be leab to do iant d thenou y will have no acpee. iskrten: ty hecan be tinraed. lay:rr 24/7 on cl althe dogs.
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snbaowll 'm dointhg e news, rrsoy. that is fitorhe t four ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ rerod ses t ♪ i see emth bloom f ♪ i ore me a ynd ♪een ♪ us(mic) so t ihink to semylf ♪ ♪ oh wt haa wonderl fuworld♪ wh at can i du wi lthess asth?ma withup dixen it, canu d' yoga. nastmae... .. .surprispae rties. aww, you guys. piduxent helps pverent thasma attac..ks. .f..or 3!... .s..o i can mduore tofhe things i velo.
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dupixents inot for sudden breathing obprlems. it's aadn d-on-treatment for specific types of modere-atto-sereve asthma that can improve lunfug nction for bett berreathing in alis ttles atwo weeks. and can reduce, or evenel iminate,ra ol steroids. and rehe's so mething important. dupintxe can cau sseerio us allergic reactions, in cludg inanaphylaxis. t gehelpig rht aywaif you have rash, orshtness ofre bath, escht pa,in tinglingr onumbssne in yr oulimbs. te yllour doctor if yohau ve a parasitiinc fection, and dot n'change or stop yo aursthma trtmeaents, including stoierds, without talking to yr oudoct.or are you readtoy du remowi th ls esasthma? ju st ask yr ouasth ma speciastli abo dutupixent.
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givingac eh of us the skilltos elateve our it isel hpful witouh r country and e thpandemic. spi oke with theut ahor about whate w should be thinking ouabt to make th cehoices ttha allow us tbeo our best. it is alyswa great to see you. how are you? >> i'm great. it is a pleasure to be with you and chneanl seven viewers. dan: i love the title, aspire high,er a tndhe subtitle who to find the love, pitosivity and rppuose to elevate yourif le and the world. it is aos pivite, uifplting ok. why did you didece to write this and why now? >> we are a sllubjected to so much nategivity right now. awere bombarded with stoesri of vienol, cedivionsi, rancor and racism and the dlaefting and destvaating effects ocof vid and
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glob so i decided tori wte airspe higher because w iant to geiv evyoerne thete sps to make leif choiceths aatffec -t- refctle their hiesght goals, selves and values. ifou y can makehe tse kinds of feli choices, you instilinl your heart le ovand positivity and peace, and y aoure motivedat live yrou highest le.if dan: i love the loftyoa gls. in additn ioto t pheositivity you nca spreadn ithe world, i inthk what you are lktaing about can he alpn indidivualit wh a haieppr, me orfillg inlife. >> nquo esti.on feli cichoes a lreike train tracks in that aitrns go where e tracks takthe em. our liv aesre a reflectnio, a
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ear refltiecon of the positive and poor leif choices we kema. i believeie l choicesre a a game chgeanr. if we me akposiveti one ws,e can lift and eleteva our lesiv. and if wele evateur o lives we are remo leliky to want to elevatote herss awell. dan:on ne of us nca ctronol what pphaened jo''s, but we can control howew cope. >> absolutely. i've beenoi dng thisor f 38 years. all ofhe tor fmula, the steps in asrepi higher e aronesha ttav he worked for me and the people i haveou cnseled for a long positive leifho cices, makgin fe choic teshat reflect your highesset lf and yr ouhighest luvaes, nca ba e game chaerng r havinang amazing and fulfilli lngife. n:av hingno kwn you f 3or0 yes,arou y are one of the most
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posiveti people i kn aownd llfied with great guanidce and advice. thank you for taking the time and congratulatnsio. >>ha tnks, it ais privilege and a pasleure to be with you. n:da ken hopeshi ts book wlil help rearsde improve lives and e uswhat they lrneaed to make e world a more producte ivand sitive pcela. asrepiig hher is ailvaable erever you buy books. larry: thank you. krteisn: l'e's see if wcae n aspire a hnyigher iner tms of tempaterures. spencer: they wi blle higher over t wheeekend. would lookt aour forestca anatimion. have pkeocts of w-lolevel moisturen ithe bay areas a evenidced byhe t pkeocts of green. it is drizzling b wutill not stla long. that wil ble pusheofd f by the offsreho wind fl.ow skiewis ll be cleargin erovnight, ldieang us to a sunny da tyomorrow. a couple of sunny ds aycoming
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our way. init ltle chil ilyn the far north, uerpp 30's in kia -- ukiah. mid to upper 60'' around the,,, rehe isha tt the sreholine, here is the fecorast. ghhier by a grdeee or two nday, itec bomes coor leand cloudier. thursday, mild weather and a dry pattern next week. kristen: thanks, spencer. i want to look outside right now, a live picture because you can see a rainbow. right in the middle of your screen. larry: in hawaii we consider that good luck, a double rainbow even better, but good things are about to happen for you and your alum. larry: -- kristen: i appreciate you are arweing bluend a i'mea wring
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ldor f extraoo lk, but t bheig game is micong and cal and stanfordac fe-offom torrow at stanfo srdtadium for the 1th24 meet up. kickoff is at 4:00 p.m., both teams have been lacusklter the seas.on anford has a 3-7 recd orand l is 3-6. last year snftaord wonut b it was pyelad in eanmpty staumdi because of covid. it's ingog to be tense tinerms the rivryal and the f tunhat mes witht. i lay:rr two yrsea ago your brsea won the axe. krteisn: wear bely have it. larry: a lg onhistyor of tterwriting comi ungp. >> is the hunma cneonction a letterwriting -- litter brings to youdi, fferent from touinchg -- letter
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larry: mailiing ttleers is not what it used toe bandhi ts man knows it. he rectleny retired frothm e stpoal service and shared his favorite mail moments. >> ♪ >>he tum han conctneion lea tter brings idis ffert enfrom texngti or any emojis, t bherain, the ndha in the arhet are coecnnted d it shows when yowru ote it.
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it tesak time anefd fort to write lea tter. i can't claim that i w aasround when benjamin frankliwan ous r rst stpomaster general, but i' sveeen at least 17 poststmaer geranels come and go in the period of time ''ve been with thune ited states stpoal service . ♪ >> the most memaborle mail moment i had was after a bndli date in the 60'whs en i was in e navy. e got on a gyhreound bus, went back to san frciansco, i went on a trainnd a shipped out to my bmsuarine. we nev seraw eh acother agnai until a yeaanr d a half later, thwee ek borefe she waedlkow dn eth aisle to marry me. the courhitsp washr tough the mail. the first inthg wead h to do was look for p alace to veli. next was find a job. so they sent me to the mail
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facility to unload trucks and enth i became a supervisoanr d i s going to college, i got my deeegr in glenish. i was tinryg to figeur out what i s wagoing too dwith my itwring. found a recaer, i started working aas corporate mmcounications g,uy p aublic information oicffer. ♪ >> we he av600,000 soro employees. 10,000n ithe bay aa realone. chne o has a unique story. nointhg gesiv me more satisftiacon than ttoell other people sritoes, especially milln iomile drirsve. be ableo tdrive a milonli misle without a fender bdeenr, atth's woh rtrememberg inand a orsty. einjoyed writing the stories. we hava e lot of people who are tirewhd o need tbeo rembmeered. people that worked there for 40 and 50 yea, rsi like to tell the stories because they are
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impoanrtt. ali so like to tell orsties that exte ondur brand. it coulde blikent iroducing a new odpruct or service. i veha dedicated or been rtpa of the dedicaonti ohuf ndreds of stampsel, vis presley,es car chavez, marnti lutherin kg, grt eacivic leerads. the fun ones, sopnoy, halloenwe stam,ps anyinthg that pheuss ucedationik le breastan ccer awaresens, anyinthg that brings atteiontn to a cause. ♪ >> if anodyby wtsan to member me, it's not homuw ch paper i pushed out orow h much thk ini got,id d i make dia fference in yo lurife? are you betterff o knongwi me? that h lisegacy and wantot ep. is is a odgo ride. larry: i like augie's story. that is itor f abc 7 nsew at 004:.
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'mar lry biel. dan and ama comgin up yourea hrt is athe t heart of everythg inyou do. anifd you hav e heart faile,ur the'ers a medineci specifically mead for het arfailure trenesto. it's a heart failure medicine presibcred b y most cdiarologtsis. entrestoas w proven pesurior hatelping people stay aveli an d out ofhe t hostapil. heart failure can change the structure of your arhet, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve yo hureart's ability toum pp blood to t bheody. and thwi a healthier hea,rt thers e'no tlielng erwhe life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant, it can cause harm, a deh atto aunn born baby. don't keta entresto with an ace inhibitor aorliskiren, or if you' hvead angioedema wi th an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, w loblood prsuesre, kieydn problems, or high blood tapossium. ask youroc dtor about entresto for heart failure.
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trenust uryo heart to entresto. there'nes ver been a bteetr time to swit tcho xfinity. ge t the fast and riaelble internet you deserve, for only $19.99 a month for 12 months. and, for the firstim te ever, score 12 times the speed for the same price when you add xfinity mobile. th'sat more speed and more value for the same price. switch now to xfiny itinternet toow per a yllour devices and get started for just $19.9a 9 month. plusfo, r a limid tetime, get $300ac bk and get started for and a 5g phone on us. get this deal beforet' is gone. icclk, call or visit a store today. what mak sesalonpas arthritiges l gsoood for tharritis pa?in losanpas conintas the mo st prescredib pitocal painel rief ingrieednt. it'cls icinallyro pven, redesuc inflamtimaon and comeins orinagil prcresiption sentrgth. salpaons. it's go modedicine.
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buildi ang betteray b aare moving forward finding solutions. isth is abc ne7 ws. ocshks, but not sprurised tonigh pteople across the bay ea are reacting ttohe verdict dan the kyle ritteounhseri tal in kenosha, wisconsin. thear f-reaching effects. it couldav he on the african-eramican community. good eniveng. ank youor f joining us. i'man d ashle aynd i'mma dates u'y're wchating abc 7 nsew at 5 live heer on abc 7 hulu live and wherev yerou stream. way the jury fdin the defenntda kyle 8. kyle hit rtenhouseno, t guilty. kyle rittenhseou was acquitted of all chaesrg tshi afteronno. he was 17 yrsea old when he avtreled from,ll iinoiso t kenosha wcoisnsin armed with a rifle clmiaing to prote lctives and propertduy ring the jacob lake
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