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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 6, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel jennifer anderson. i want to be fully transparent and i know it's not easy to hear. but i was intimate with both of you. [ crying ] >> i've never felt pain like this before. >> you were with all three of this? >> i'm so broken. [ laughter ] >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight! the live cast of "the facts of life" and "diff'rent strokes" featuring kevin hart and jennifer aniston, director guillermo del toro, and music from courtney barnett. and now, jimmy kimmel!
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us on another important night here at abc. i say it's an important night because it was -- "bachelorette men tell all night" here on abc. not only did they tell all, it was almost a fight. >> i've been able to provide for my mother, brother and sister, for my family. >> talking about -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> tell your cyster to stay out of my bm. >> you got a problem with me? >> i do have a problem with you. >> jerry! jerry! jery! >> how the hell did he get this
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there? that wasn't the only surprise. after that, this pizza guy peter -- i have to hand it to him, we've been through i don't know how many of these men tell-all specials, and they're always basically the same deal. until tonight, when peter literally served vengeance on his nemesis, will. >> there is one more thing i would like to say. i have somebody here if i could bring somebody out. >> your sister? >> i'm sorry, what? >> you've been served. for defamation of character. a little taste of what's going to happen in real life. >> oh, my god. >> let's do pizza. >> jimmy: bro. rest in pizza. i would like that to be inscribed on my tombstone. bro, it was a big weekend for omicron bro. the new variant has been
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reported in at least 18 u.s. states. and counting. it's soon to be everywhere. it's like that mariah carey christmas song. december 7th is where it really kicks in. the good news is dr. fauci says that, so far, the level of severity associated with this variant is "encouraging" and that they are considering lifting travel bans. you know, they did a study at colorado state university and found that the people who spread covid the most are men. specifically, this man. never forget. men are thought to be more "spready" because, in general, we have larger lungs and are more inclined to give wet willies. speaking loudly is also not good. it expels more particles. which means the loudest men can do the most damage. so stay as far away from gilbert gottfried as you can. in other toxic masculinity news, we are getting more details about the number of people who may have been infected by our
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former superspreader-in-chief. last week, we learned that trump tested positive for covid three days before his debate with joe biden. "the washington post" added it all up. between the day he tested positive for covid and the day he was hospitalized with covid, trump came into close contact with more than 500 people. that's right. he could have knowingly infected hundreds of people with a deadly virus. you know, when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. trump took no precautions after testing positive. he did not cancel events, he was maskless inside the white house and on air force one. it's almost like he doesn't care about others. trump's latest business venture is off to a trumpy start. the social media platform he's been working on, ironically titled "truth social," missed their deadline for a partial launch. it was supposed to go online last month. even though it's behind schedule, trump claims his platform has raised $1 billion in funding. which must be true. he's always been a straight shooter when it comes to his
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finances. trump claims he got a billion dollar commitment from a "diverse group of institutional investors." he didn't disclose who those investors are. all we know for sure is that the investors are about to lose a billion dollars. trump had better get this site up soon so he has somewhere to make his crazy statements. over the weekend, he sent this doozy of an email that said, "anybody that doesn't think there wasn't massive election fraud in the 2020 presidential election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!" i couldn't agree more. maybe he's finally coming around. "stupid" and "corrupt" are also his nicknames for eric and don jr. don's new venture is a book from his years in office. all proceeds from the book go to -- him. don was on fox again yesterday, being moistly-licked by mark levin, who asked trump to give us insight into his relationship with melania. >> tell us about the relationship.
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>> so she's a very solid person. she's -- you're not allowed to say this anymore, but she's a very beautiful person. but today that doesn't matter. you're not allowed to talk about it. i will not talk about beauty. but she is, she's a beautiful person inside, and out. >> jimmy: most importantly, out. "when i met her i immediately called jeffrey epstein and said 'cancel my flight. i found the one!'" you know, a couple weeks ago, i promised that if i had to show a clip of trump flapping his lips again, i'd try to make sure he was also naked, and so here you go. >> i could have made deals with everybody. i could have made deals in saudi arabia. i could have made deals with everybody. they all wanted me to make deals. i said don't do it. don't make deals. i knew that doing this would be very expensive, because i --
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm nothing if not a man of my word. in college football news, the matchups for all the big bowl games were announced yesterday. michigan and georgia will face off in the orange bowl. alabama and cincinnati in the cotton bowl. ohio state takes on utah in the rose bowl. and the matchup for the biggest bowl of all, the first ever jimmy kimmel l.a. bowl, presented by steefull, has been set. we will see oregon state versus utah state. and i don't know if any of you have ever had a bowl game named afteryou, but it's exciting. the game is happening at sofi stadium on december 18th. i want to make it the best bowl game ever. and one thing we don't have is a mascot. the schools have mascots, but the bowl itself doesn't. and we need that to get the crowd fired up, so i reached out to an expert, dave raymond, who is known as "the mascot whisperer."ve creedome of the m popular mascots in sports. he founded the mascot hall of fame, and so who better to help me craft a special mascot for my
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special game? ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: so your job is to go around to different cities and different teams and help them come one a mascot. >> correct. >> jimmy: that e's exactly what i'm looking for. i have a bowl game named after me. the jimmy kimmel l.a. bowl. and i want to have a mascot. i want -- i don't want to just to be a one-year thing. i want my mascot to live on as the bowl game itself, even past my death. i want this to be my legacy. >> nice. >> jimmy: that's why i'm looking to you for help. what is this? >> i am a shrimp. and i want to be a mascot for the game. >> jimmy: no, no. we're coming one a new mascot. take off the costume. come on, let's get serious. sorry about that. how do you start with a situation like this? >> it starts with story telling. you said you want this to live beyond, but why did you want to do this?
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>> jimmy: mostly to bring joy to children and to strike fear into my enemies. >> good. we can do both. what's going to happen as it did with the flyers, when we rolled out gritty, there was an enormous kickback of negativity, nastiness. >> that is gritty! who had quite an introduction the other night. googly eyes they say. >> jimmy: gritty is like a meth addict, right? since this is the l.a. bowl, we drew up some things, maybe i should pitch them to you. >> i kind of made these up with my design. >> jimmy: even better. >> we have a couple to show you. >> jimmy: excellent. >> this first guy, he's an every man, and he's a unifier, bringing everybody together. so there he is. >> jimmy: interesting. what is he? >> he's a fantasy character. >> so you c >>. >> jimmy: so you can have sex with him. ises not that kind of fantasy.
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>> jimmy: that's a dog, like a snoop dogg. i see. we would have to give him -- he can't wear nurse's sneakers if he's going to be a snoop dogg. >> this next one is from your family. he's italian. >> jimmy: this is supposed to be an italian dog? >> yes. this guy -- >> jimmy: interesting. >> he is a palm tree. >> jimmy: maybe we'll put a couple of coconuts right there. >> g-rated fun, jimmy. the last guy we have here, he's angry. people are going to be saying why. >> jimmy: what is this? >> i'm an eagle. >> no. [ laughter ] >> you hate america? >> jimmy: no, we're coming one a new thing. >> whatever. >> jimmy: any way. i came up with some ideas, too.
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and i want to get your professional take on these ideas. first of all, it's a jimmy kimmel l.a. bowl, so i was thinking things about l.a. like a smog, cloud of soot. then we have -- this is an animal that is commonly around here. the l.a. coyote. >> but he's managy? >> jimmy: he's m angy. maybe even rabies. this is meatball joe. he has a gun that shoots meatballs. he had a couple of dogs. this is the horn dog. he's got a horn and a horn, and it kind of -- that's probably not great for kids. defender of the night realm. >> he looks frightening. >> jimmy: punchy. this guy will just be punching
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people in the face. >> i don't know if we can do that. >> jimmy: you know garfield the cat? this is kind of -- this is like a drunk version of him, called barfield. we would bring some kind of device so he could shoot vomit onto families. >> i'll let you deal with that. >> a banana? >> jimmy: no. and this one, i think, is -- i don't know, maybe this might be my favorite. i think this one might capture it best. so this would be jimmy camel. the camel kind of looks like me, and has a hump there. >> right. i see that. i like it. >> jimmy: so this is what i think we should do. let's spread these all out, we'll brainstorm a little bit. maybe combine some different elements. and then when we come back, we
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will reveal the official mascot for the jimmy kimmel l.a. bowl. very exciting. [ laughter ] >> easter bunny? >> jimmy: no. >> [ bleep ]! [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right. so dave and i hashed it out. we took our favorite elements from each mascot, and i think we came up with a winner. to introduce the official mascot of the jimmy kimmel l.a. bowl, please welcome the official announcer of the jimmy kimmel l.a. bowl, louie g! go ahead. >> ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for. standing at eight feet, five inches tall, weighing in at 257 pounds, hailing from hollywood, california, by way of sub-saharan africa, the dreamy, the dromedary, put your humps together, for jimmy kamel! [ applause ]
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: you're absolutely beautiful! wow! isn't he fantastic, everybody! ♪ ♪ jimmy kamel. i can't wait to see you at the big game on december 18th. we are going to take a break to mop up, but we'll be right back with jennifer aniston, ann dowd, kathryn hahn, john lithgow, jon stewart, allison tolman, gabrielle union, damon wayans, and kevin hart, so stick around. we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: tonight, his new film is called "nightmare alley." his last film won best picture at the academy awards. the pride of mexico guillermo del toro is with us. one of my two favorite guillermos. then later from australia, her album is called "things take time, take time." music from courtney barnett on the mercedes-benz stage. this week we've got new shows with will forte, chrissy teigen, rob mcelhenney, lily collins, and music from sting, amine, and isaiah rashad featuring sza.
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on tuesday, jb smoove will be my guest host while i team up once again with the legendary norman lear and the casts you are about to meet. our first guests account for 30 emmys, 2 tonys, 2 grammys, and one tootie. tomorrow night here on abc, they will breathe new life into two classic comedy shows. joining us now from the era of rabbit-ear antennas, the cast of "live in front of a studio audience," jennifer aniston, ann dowd, kathryn hahn, kevin hart, john lithgow, jon stewart, allison tolman, gabrielle union, and damon wayans, the stars of "diff'rent strokes" and "the facts of life." hi, guys, how is it going? >> hello. hi there. >> going great, jimmy. >> hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: i caught you doing something. why is everyone looking at a different camera? [ overlapping speakers ]
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>> you're our producer. why aren't you here? >> jimmy: i have my second job. i want to start with kevin, if i could. kevin, in 2016, five years ago -- oh, no, this show is going to be a mess. five years ago, i asked you if you would play arnold drummond, the role immortalized by gary coleman, and you said yes immediately. and now, i think it's been five years since we found an opening in your schedule, and here we are. how is it going so far, kevin? >> jimmy, as you can see, i'm having a blast. i mean, listen, listen, this entire thing, we are so in sync, so pumped up. it's loud. anything can happen. it's about being prepared, just being one. so when i tell you, jimmy, we are so locked and loaded in this thing, buddy. and i see you, i see you, so i
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know you see me. >> jimmy: gabrielle, you worked with kevin many times. is he going to be able to get through this? >> not at all. >> where you looking at? my camera is over here. >> jimmy: gabrielle -- >> jimmy, i made an oopsy. i'm sorry. >> jimmy: it's okay. it's good we got this out of the way for tonight. gabrielle, when we asked you to play tooty, you did what? you called who immediately? >> kim fields. >> jimmy: the original tooty. did you call her to get her blessing? >> absolutely. i didn't want to mess up the legacy, you know. she's like -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jennifer, this is such an interesting story about growing up here in l.a. you went to see a taping of
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"facts of life" when you were a kid, right? >> i sure did. it was 19 -- well, it was -- i can't remember the year. but it was the episode that george clooney was in. remember? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. he was if a few of them, yeah. >> yes. i happened to see one of nose. >> what happened to that guy? >> i don't know. he didn't do anything after that. >> it kind of petered out for him. >> jimmy: jennifer and kathryn hahn have been laughing every time you look at each other. >> i laugh at kathryn every time. we can't make eye contact right now. >> i thought we were doing "golden girls." so that's -- that's a whole other show. >> kathryn is playing jo. everyone is disguising themselves. i think the only -- we can see gabrielle's tooty wig there. but other than that, everybody is concealing for the big reveal tomorrow night. allison, i think you're the
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youngest member, you and noah are the youngest members. are you guys -- yeah, you can't really watch "facts of life" growing up. >> are we being bullied? yes. >> jimmy: who is doing most of the bullying? >> this one. america's sweet heart. >> oh, my god. they're not here right now. >> jimmy: our surprise guests are bullies. jon stewart, many people said after jon's appearance on "the nanny" in 1997, they were like, he nailed it, he should never do a sitcom again. he should go out on top, the king of all sitcoms. yet here you are doing this. why are you doing this nor us, jon? >> it's money. it's for the money and health insurance. as you can see, i'm not in the best shape. i hear good things about l.a.
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hospitals. i'm excited to be here. my character is old jew dressed as joining jew. i hope that goes well for you. >> john lithgow, we got winston churchill to play mr. drummond, which is unbelievable. john, i'm going to reveal a little something about what is going to happen tomorrow night. in one of the scenes, john is carrying kevin. i am going to say that it's one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life. >> it was my idea. kevin is not quite as light as i expected. >> kevin is all muscle. >> i managed to get him across the stage and everybody laughed. so it works. >> jimmy: it really does work. >> i'm a solid 165, america. >> he's all comedy and all
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muscle. >> jimmy: speaking of heavy lifting, ann dowd is in both shows, in "the facts of life" and "diff'rent strokes." i have to tell you something, i don't think i did tell you this. yesterday, you have transform sod fully into mrs. garrett that yesterday one of the people onset thought you were charlotte ray. they're like, isn't that great? i had to explain she passed away three years ago. >> oh, i paid that audience member. very kind. >> jimmy: i can't wait for people to see you and how much you sound like mrs. garrett. i mean, it's unbelievable. last but not least, damon wayans, who is playing willis. damon, did you ever imagine you would be sharing a bunk bed with kevin hart? >> only in my fantasies. >> jimmy: i'm wondering who we should be most worried about,
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maybe -- i don't know, maybe it's damon. maybe the sensors at abc should be most concerned about homey the clown. who is going to be most likely to curse on the air, do we think? >> kevin. >> i'll tell you the truth, jimmy, you know, your producer on this thing, you haven't been here. this is a [ bleep ] show. we do not feel comfortable, we're not confident that this thing is going to work. a lot of -- i contemplated walking today. so a lot of the curse words is going to come out of my mouth, because you got me good, jimmy. >> jimmy: there you go. and we are all very blessed to be working with the great norman leer on this. [ applause ] tomorrow night is when it
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happens. it will be live. live in front of a studio audience, "the facts of life" and "diff'rent strokes," 8:00 right here on abc. thank you all for doing this. i'll see you guys tomorrow night. we'll be back with guillermo del toro. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by petsmart. anything for pets.
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>> jimmy: music from courtney barnett is on the way. our next guest is an oscar-winning, monster-loving man whose latest creation is creature-free. bradley cooper and cate blanchett star in "nightmare alley." it opens in theaters december 17th. please welcome guillermo del toro. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: happy to see you. i always love seeing you. did you watch american sitcoms growing up in mexico. did you get them? >> no. we got a lot of the crime, like colombia and mcleod.
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columbo came on sometimes in europe. we're there for a week and we just watch columbo. look, look, the sheep. >> jimmy: wow. that's something else. that's pretty great. so this movie, first of all, is so great and beautiful. it's even the ugliness in the movie is beautiful, which is -- i think a trademark of yours, in a way, right? >> yeah. we've got to groom the ugliness. >> jimmy: i wonder how much, as far as the details go, are you really driving that? that seems like a tremendous amount of work. >> yeah. all the movies, that's why they have that sort of thing in my movies, where we detail everything to the last thing. always to character, always to story. but we start months before anyone shows up. i do the drawings on my
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notebook, and then -- >> jimmy: you have the greatest notebook, which you brought. and you know how much i love seeing this notebook. oh, that's a new withone, right? >> yeah, brand new. and these are a couple of things. >> jimmy: what are we seeing here? >> this is a baby that looks like me if i shaved my beard. >> jimmy: mind if i hold it up for the camera there? >> there is a scene in the movie where he goes into a fun house and the face of the devil allows him to enter. and this baby opens the movie, closes the movie, appears in the movie. there's no monsters, but i couldn't resist the little guy. there's a lot of what they call pickled punks. >> jimmy: there's the pickled punk. he's kind of cute. who's watching him now?
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>> he's in my house. i live with him. >> jimmy: do you have to change his water? >> you know what? it gets a little yellower as the days go by. he's also exfoliating. >> jimmy: i think the last time i saw you, the film had just won four oscars. you won best director and best picture. [ applause ] and then when you were working on the next one, which is this one, does it fill you with anxiety, like oh, my gosh, now i have to do something that is better, that stops what i just did? >> no. i want to do something different. that i do feel. but anxiety is not my specialty. you know, i felt i wanted to do this because this is a genre that's fantastic. although it's a period movie, it always speaks about the now. and this movie does that. it speaks about basically it's a
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drama, it talks about truth, lies, and understanding reality. the things we need urgently right now. >> jimmy: it's based on a book from what year? >> 1946. >> jimmy: and it still is representative of -- >> oh, yes. the author is fantastic. if you guys are curious, google him. he was a truth he was in ka thcatholicism, communism, he fought in spain in the civil war. >> jimmy: there's a scene in the movie -- have you ever done that, fortune telling or anything like that? >> my mother is a bit of a witch, and -- in the nicest possible way. and she taught me how to read the tarot during a tropical storm in the south pacific. >> jimmy: really?
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>> there's no cable, mom, so teach me. >> jimmy: i thought maybe because the elements are alive and it's the only time they could teach you. >> no electricity. we had a little lantern. and she said okay -- i said teach me. and she taught me. i was pretty good at it. something in there, i don't believe in magic, but there's something really interesting the way the cards connect with you. and i started doing readings and said things i didn't want to find out. i was at the airport -- >> jimmy: that teams like the worst place to do a tarot card reading. >> it was, it was. and i left the cards in the gate. there you go, guys. stay there. >> jimmy: you didn't like what was coming out? >> and it came true. they're powerful.
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>> jimmy: was it the on flight meal? >> don't eat the chicken. >> jimmy: the steak will kill you. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we'll see a clip from guillermo del toro's movie. [ applause ] ♪ [hall & oates "you make my dreams" plays] ♪ ♪ [hall & oates "you make my dreams" plays] ♪ ♪ [hall & oates "you make my dreams" plays] ♪ new gifts arriving at a store near you for way less than you expect. at t.j. maxx, marshalls and homegoods. endless selection. great prices. all season long.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you are my fire ♪ ♪ the one desire ♪ ♪ you are, you are, ♪ ♪ don't wanna hear you say... ♪ ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪
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so, here we are. >> oh, not me. i never drink. microphones. >> that's right. >> you recording this? >> no. my office is wired to record all analysis sessions. >> you've got a smooth line, but you run a racket, same as me. >> is that what they say? >> jimmy: that is bradley cooper and cate blanchett in the new movie "nightmare alley." you wrote this movie with your wife. >> yes. >> jimmy: and you got married. congratulations. >> we married, but we survived the pandemic, shooting a movie, and writing a screenplay together. >> jimmy: that's got to be tough. who gets the final say if you guys disagree? >> you know, unpopular as it may
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be, i have the tiebreaker. >> jimmy: you have to say we'll ask the director. >> there's very long dinners when that happens. >> jimmy: you have to shut down because of the pandemic. how long were you out, like how long a break did you have to take in >> six months. >> jimmy: six months. >> and it had -- it became like a surgical theater, with hundreds of people. because the first part we shot, we shot everything -- we were very wise. we shot everything with just four characters, and everything with hundreds of extras went after the pandemic. so we had 200 extras, and we had 15,000 covid tests were done during that show. and for example, there was a last week of the shoot, she says to me, don't tell anyone, but i'm pregnant. and then she came back with the baby. so there was a scene in the movie where bradley is chasing
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her, and she yells at him, goes through a door, and once she's through the door, she's pregnant, she has a baby. >> jimmy: is that how it works? >> and all of her baby weight came to me. i said all that weight, just give it to me. >> jimmy: i know you get a lot of the stuff from your personal collection from ebay. what are your search terms that you use? >> the thing we just saw, a couple of the lights came from my ebay exploration. >> jimmy: this is the most beautiful office i've ever seen. >> we designed it to be like the character. she's a formidable character, so everything is hidden. all the secret doors. she's a psychologist, so everything in the wood looks like a psychological blot test.
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that is there from the ebay. all the cash money in the movie i bought on ebay. yeah, all his props that he carries in the beginning are from e bay. chewing gum machines, a scale. >> jimmy: do you ever sell stuff on ebay? >> when ebay started, i was selling things. i had already been working on, you know, "blade two" and "hell boy." i sold like 80, 90 laser disks to a guy in l.a. i said this is a lot of shipping and handling. so i took it to him myself. he goes, didn't you do a movie? i said, yeah. >> jimmy: very full service. so this novel, there are -- you have a little quiz for me, is that correct? >> well, yeah. part of the way we broke down
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the novel, we broke it down together, and we -- the numbers are full of great slang. the slang in the '30s and 'forts is very different than the way we talk. so i prepared a little test for you. i have five cards here. pick one. >> jimmy: so i have to figure out what this means. this says that cluck was bumping gums with me at the clam bake. i would guess that was kissing. >> no. talking. >> jimmy: butchi ibumping gums talking? all right. >> what is claim bake? >> jimmy: a clam bake, i don't know. elvis? >> a party. >> jimmy: all right. real kippy.nd soup, he looked - maybe kippy is a kirp and a fish in soup, is that well dressed? >> yes!
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here we go. >> jimmy: it's all eggs and coffee since the shoe flies scrammed. i guess this would be -- maybe the kids left? >> no. >> jimmy: what? >> eggs and coffee means it's all great. the shoe niflies is police. this is a really nice one. >> jimmy: here we go. to get some duds, i need doe, ray, me and the grouch back. to get some duds, duds are clothes, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i need doe, ray, me and the grouch bag. the grouch bag, maybe is a wallet or a purse? >> yes! >> jimmy: and doe, ray, me is money. >> jimmy: oh, my god! this is too easy. >> jimmy: i'm going to stop there. guillermo del toro. go see his movie.
12:26 am
we'll be right back with music from courtney barnett. (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. celebrate the holidays with big savings. find great deals on the amazon echo show 8! get up to 40% off outerwear. and cuddl duds pillows & throws starting at 40% off. plus, take an extra 25% off! and an extra $10 off when you spend $50 or more. kohl's. each mcdonald's crispy, juicy, tender chicken sandwich comes with juicy pickles. although some may prefer to remove them.
12:27 am
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12:30 am
and cuddl duds pillows & throws starting at 40% off. plus, take an extra 25% off! and an extra $10 off when you spend $50 or more. kohl's.
12:31 am
>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. gyp . >> jimmy: all right. her album is called "things take time, take time." here with the song "if i don't hear from you tonight," courtney barnett! ♪ stars in the sky are gonna die eventually, it's fine ♪ ♪ just like a lonely satellite drifting for a little while ♪ ♪ if i don't hear from you tonight if i don't hear from you tonight ♪ ♪ and it's so quiet outside with this curfew lullaby is now an okay time to tell you that i like you? ♪
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♪ i wait for your reply wait for your reply ♪ ♪ if i don't hear from you tonight if i don't hear from you tonight ♪ ♪ well i swear i'll never mention this ever again ♪ ♪ but now that i got your attention i don't wanna bore the brains outta your head ♪ ♪ all my fears collided when our mutual friend confided in me ♪ ♪ that there's a ninety-nine percent chance that it's requited ♪ ♪ i read my bible left to right i fantasize i'm by your side ♪ ♪ i lay awake
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and wonder why i pray for rain and angels cry ♪ ♪ if i don't hear from you tonight if i don't hear from you tonight ♪ ♪ babe i need reminding i got feelings too and i try my best to hide them ♪ ♪ but i don't want to hide anything from you ♪ ♪ stars in the sky are gonna die eventually, it's fine ♪ ♪ you know that every morning i'm rising with you on my mind ♪ ♪ if loving you is a crime then give me those front-page headlines ♪ ♪ across the country
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and worldwide singing i won't give up this time ♪ ♪ if i don't hear from you tonight i know you probably closed your eyes ♪ ♪ and everything will be alright if i don't hear from you tonight ♪ ♪ if i don't hear from you tonight if i don't hear from you tonight ♪ ♪ if i don't hear from you tonight if i don't hear from you tonight ♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪
12:36 am
>> jimmy: i want to thank the casts of "diff'rent strokes" and "the facts of life." watch us live tomorrow night. 8:00 live on abc. thanks to guillermo del toro and courtney barnett. apologies to matt damon. tomorrow night, jb smoove will host with guests chrissy teigen and amine. please shower him with the praise you'd normally have for me. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching. good night.
12:37 am
this is "nightline." tonight, inside the horror of the michigan school shooting. >> she started to say that there's somebody with a gun outside in the hallway. >> how one student and his classmates fought to survive. >> i looked at my classmate's face and i'll never forget. we started to barricade the door. >> now where the alleged shooter's parents who had been on the run are in the same jail as their son facing charges. >> the parents are responsible and i think that they should be held accountable. plus, the rams. learning more than just football. in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country. >> any other kids out there? >> the police aren't there to make arrests but to t


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