tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC December 13, 2021 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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of abc 7 news. thanks for joining us. dan: we appreciate your time. jimmy kim, tom holland and sedate -- >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- the cast of "spider-man: no way home," tom holland, zendaya, benedict cumberbatch, and jacob batalon, plus music from black pumas. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hello, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. you picked an amazing night to be with us. as we welcome the cast of "spider-man: no way home."
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i am much more excited about this than a 54-year-old person should be. either my spidey sense is tingling, or i'm passing a kidney stone. you know, when i grew up, we didn't have spider-man movies. we had spiders. and mice. jacob battalon, tom holland, zandaya and benedict cumberbatch are backstage. benedict was nominated for a golden globe today. which is a weird one this year. because the golden globes ceremony will not be televised, and much of hollywood has shunned their parent organization, the hollywood foreign press association, after we learned that not only is it a completely fake and bogus organization made up of mostly grifters with blogs. turns out, they didn't have a single black member in the whole association. so this year, they decided to get a famous black person to announce the nominees. they put their heads together
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and said, "who in hollywood has been in such a cloud that maybe he wasn't even aware of what happened last year?" >> please, welcome special guest snoop dogg. >> jimmy: that's right. special guest snoop dogg showed up in a hat with the word "murder" on it. and the nizzominees are -- >> best performance by an actor in a supporting role in any motion picture. ben affleck. ben affleck. my fault. sorry about that, ben. >> jimmy: ben a-fleck. friend of matt damone. and i will tell you something, the marijuana is one thing. but trying to read with sunglasses on is another challenge altogether. # snoop had a number of missed landings this morning. including this delightful attempt to pronounce the name "kieren hinds."
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>> bellefast. karen heinz. >> not karen heinz. >> jimmy: karen heinz. sounds like a bottle of racist ketchup. imagine what went on in the heinz house this morning. "honey, wake up! i think you may have gotten nominated. i am not 100% sure." anyway, the good news is if the hollywood foreign press can get snoop up at 6:00 a.m., maybe they can fix their terrible organization too. "time" magazine today unveiled their annual person of the year. and that person is elon musk or as i call him old sheldon. this is believed to be the highest honor ever awarded to a person who cuts his own hair. it's important to note that this is not necessarily a compliment. adolf hitler and donald trump were also named person of the year.
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"time" is basically your dad watching a bad super bowl commercial, saying, "hey, love him or hate him, we're all talking about him!" "time" also revealed their "heroes of the year," and that is an honor it went to the scientists who developed the covid vaccine. you know, this weekend, saturday marks one year since the fda authorized the pfizer vaccine. still, only 60% of americans are fully vaccinated and that is nuts. if this were a shot that made us lose 20 pounds, we'd be at 99%. i hate to say it, but it might be time to start fighting misinformation with more misinformation. like if a dozen of you went on social media and posted, "after i got vaccinated, i fit right back into my old jeans!," we would probably be done with this, right? walking around in our gloria vanderbilts without a care in the world! you know dr. oz is running for senate in pennsylvania. and he's really trying to incite
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the republican base. dr. oz says dr. fauci should resign and be "held accountable" for misleading the public about covid. gee, i wonder how he feels about doctors who promote bogus diet pills on their tv shows? the idea that dr. oz would call dr. fauci misleading, i mean, there's a whole wikipedia page devoted to misleading claims made on the dr. oz show. but dr. oz is eager to get the republican nomination and he's doing everything he can to appeal to trump voters. >> dr. oz gets a fat suit makeover putting on 400 pounds in just four hours. sure, it's part stunt but he is generally hoping it will help him win a pennsylvania senate seat. >> just look at my body suit which is intimidating. you have a lot more things weighing down on you literal limit. >> dr. oz hopes his new book will help him win over conservative pennsylvania voters.
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>> pennsylvania needs a conservative who will put america first. >> dr. oz knows there is only one way to win republican support. looking husky, dr. oz. >> dr. oz and i approve this message. >> jimmy: that's amazing work they did. mr. big fas apassed away this weekend. but mr. bigly is live and well in florida. donald trump and bill o'reilly kicked off their lie-a-palooza tour. they did shows in sunrise and orlando, where trump bragged there would be massive crowds. well, you're not gonna believe this, he may have overestimated the crowd size. the turnout was much lower than trump expected. this was the scene in orlando yesterday where they gathered to hear him pontificate. if the place was any emptier, it would be don jr's head. it was disappointing to say the least. and most of the tickets were priced between 1 and $300 but as
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demand fell, they lowered the prices. some went for $40. and then, they started giving tickets away. this happens a lot with things trump puts his name on. at first, they're considered to be valuable, then everyone realizes they're garbage. we've seen this with his ties, his steaks, his university, his his children and this -- this is interesting, too. some of the fans in attendance reported that trump and o'reilly took a twenty minute break in the middle of a 90 minute show. i guess they wanted to give the crowd a chance to really digest all the amazing lies they heard in the first half of the program. the next stop for what they are calling the "history tour" is houston, where there are plenty of seats still available. for the -- i think they should start calling it the our history tour bill o'reilly and donald trump. meta, the company, not the mucil, has a new virtual arena. back in october, facebook changed their corporate name to meta, and now they're launching something called "horizon worlds." which is their first step towards creating a "metaverse."
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which is where all the spider men live i think. but -- no? no. the metaverse is an app. you put on one of those headsets, and you can roam around virtual worlds built by other people on the app. meta put out a statement saying it wants horizon worlds "to be a safe and respectful environment." which is what they said about facebook twenty years ago, and now we're muting vaccine conspiracy theories from our high school lunch ladies. this is what horizon worlds looks like. why there are no legs in the metaverse, i don't know. nothing below the waist. i feel like this might be mark zuckerberg's way of preventing us from virtually humping each other. so that's great. when this world becomes uninhabitable, we'll still be able to hang out with cartoon torso people. you know, facebook and twitter if they have taught us anything, it's that people are supergreat to each other online. there is a lot of negativity, a lot of vitriol, and much of it
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is directed at famous people. so from time to time, we shine a spotlight on the haters by having celebrities read the harsh words that have been thumbed about them. it has been a long while, but we've done it again. it's time for an all-new edition of "mean tweets." >> i hate ted danceen. he's got a face i had h'd like e a [ bleep ] on. >> when i do it, i'm no longer welcome in my uncle's home. >> allison janey looks like a substitute teacher everyone hates. well, [ bleep ] you. >> this dude richard jenkins need to bring his ass. where do i need to bring it? >> tracy morgan smells like
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hennessy is not funny. suck my [ bleep ]. >> danny mcbride looks like what i expected chunk from the goonies to grow up to look like. >> tom hanks is so sweaty in top gun, get a shower, you smelly, little dwarf. that, i take personally. >> this is no hate to hannah waddingham because i'm sure she's lovely but she looks insufferable. ♪ [ bleep ] you ♪ how about that? >> dakota johnson has some serious [ bleep ] happening. cool. >> this is just wrong. shaq's penis is kevin hart.
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>> john cena, you talentless ball sack. i take offense to this only because a ball sack holds a ton of talent. it is half the dna to create human life and it is a pretty fascinating thing. >> patton oswalt is what happens when you bury rosy o'donnell in the pet cemetery. i have a movie pitch. >> regina king is too muscular. she liable to pull a [ bleep ] out. >> going to catch these hands shark jumping ass [ bleep ]. really? [ bleep ] you. >> jimmy: oh, henry! we have a great show for you tonight. we've got music from black pumas. and we'll be right back with the cast of "spider-man: no way home." tom holland, zendaya, benedict cumberbatch and
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the x-rays from your urgent care visit look good. just stay off that leg, okay? what about my rec team? i'm all they got. next season. thanks doc. wow, he already scheduled my pt. i love doctors who work with athletes. does he know you tripped over a basketball? that's a sports injury. at kaiser permanente, we make getting care easy
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so you can get back on the court quicker. >> jimmy: tonight, their album "capitol cuts: live from studio a" is nominated for two grammys. we have music from black pumas on the mercedes-benz stage. sound likes a superhero, rig this week, we have got new shows with ben affleck. neil patrick harris will be with us and rupaul with music from the record company and ed
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sheeran and the great elton john, as well. were it not for one perturbed radioactive arachnid, our four guests might be doing four spider man no way home opens exclusively in theaters on friday. please say hello to tom hollands, zendaya. >> jimmy: how are you doing? thanks for coming. everybody excited. i'm excite -- is it dumb that i
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am excited? i'm 54 years old and i am more excited about spider man -- >> i haven't seen it. >> you haven't seen it at all? >> last night, i genuinely haven't seen it so i am excited. yeah. >> may i ask why you haven't seen it. >> because iet kpooexcited to s. i want to have the experience with an audience. to be able to enjoy it with the community again. >> you always do that with all your films? >> not at all. not at all. i often don't have the time but i can making the time because this is -- >> you are reshooting dr. strange right now? >> i am. >> jimmy: you guys have seen the movie? >> yeah, i actually haven't been able to. i have been every single day, though. >> when you say i haven't been able to, does that mean they haven't let you see the movie? >> it is actual lay mly a mix o. i feel like also for myself, i want to also be surprised.
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>> okay. >> we saw it. >> yeah. in the theater, i assume? >> we saw it and then as soon as it finished, we were like can we watch it again? um, tonight is really us watching it. like, we saw it. the cgi wasn't finished, it was still being put together. there was a scene we had shot that morning that they had somehow managed to squeeze in there. all the random shots of me in front of a blue screen like hey, happy. but i am so excited for tonight, honestly. >> tonight is the world premiere. i feel we have been wait for in movie like nine years or something. i know it hasn't bnt that long but it feels like it is bean that long. >> and we have been on a press tour but haven't been able to talk about it. so to have the world now have it is like -- i don't know, it is a mixture of very, very exciting but also very nervous. >> yeah. >> and i don't know. >> totally. >> like hold secrets anymore.
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i am so tired of lying. >> you got one more. >> what have you been lying about, specifically? >> jimmy almost got us. >> that was good. >> the movie starts with -- >> jimmy: so let me begin by asking ambiguibout the premieref because i would imagine this presents problems on a personal level because everybody you know probably wants to go to it, and they probably don't understand when you say i can't get you tickets to it. who is bringing the most people to this premiere tonight? >> not me. >> i mean, i am bringing a lot of family. filipino as hell. >> how many family members? >> a good eight of them. >> oh, wow. >> so, yeah, pretty good. pretty good amount. i was going to act like --
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>> i might be bringing a lot more. >> you might be bring ming more? >> whoops. >> when you won the emmy, you had it seemed like 37 family members with you. >> that's not -- that's not all of them. definitely more than that. >> does it help when your family is overseas or no. >> it's interesting. you get the call from sony and they are like you can bring four people to the premiere and you're like that's not going to work. don't do that to me, please. >> jimmy: you say i'm spiderman. >> yeah, you seen the poster? bring everyone. >> jimmy: i know you mentioned you were reshooting today. this is i think an interesting photograph zendaya brought along. not sure if you know. >> i think this is so cool. >> yeah. >> like seeing dr. strange. >> before i crash into the trailer. >> how long have you been skating? >> not that long. i mean, as an adult, i've restarted again. no i mean, yeah, skated a bit as a kid but ke just never really
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had a place to do it in the school i was at was in the countryside, so we were sort of skating down rough dirt tracks and stuff. not concrete. >> now, you got smooth parking lots. beautiful. la, what we're known for, really. parking lots. you surf, as well, correct? >> i do do that and i do snowboard a bit, as well. yeah. >> do you guys do that together? >> maybe we should. >> we tried that one time. >> i don't know. i might hurt myself. >> it's tough. >> i am afraid. the snow is actually really hard, isn't it? bust your face. >> yeah. >> i went skiing right after we finished this movie because my contract's up so finally i am allowed to do things that i couldn't do before. as soon as i finished, i went snowboarding and i have an amazing photo of me facetiming you with blood all over my face. >> i answer the phone just covered in blood. i was like what are you doing? >> i was like how cool is this? it's only been a few days. >> oh man. >> that's very actory to do, instead of the hospital you call
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your girlfriend to show how much blood. hey, look at all this blood on my face. um -- >> i was like no, i look cool. >> jimmy: benedict, these guys are, what, about 20 years younger than you? do you guys look up to benedict? >> these guys are gen z and i'm gen old. but, no, i look up to them. i think what they are doing is fw fantastic on every single level. >> very nice. >> the atmosphere they create on set, the joy they are to work with, the talent that they are to work with and just how they hold themselves in public life, they are inspiration. they're great. >> benedict. >> jimmy: now, did you guys want to say something? >> he is annoying as hell. >> have you learned anything from benedict? because i am going to say you guys are all supertalented.
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benedict's been around a while and is really one of the greatest actors in the world. have you learned anything from him? as our, you know, no disrespect intended but what have you learned from dr. strange? >> bit of magic. no, so much. we have learned so much from benedict. you and i have had the pleasure of working together a few times in the universe and out of the universe and also at the same time. >> yeah. >> i remember when i was shooting avengers -- when we were shooting avengers, we were also shooting at the same time so i was working with benedict in space and back in time. and it was -- it was tough. it was great. >> it was amazing. >> jimmy: and you and djacob wee roommates during the first movie? is that when you lived together? >> the first movie and at that point of the film, my schedule's pretty spread out. i only had to film like one day out of every three weeks. so, i -- so basically, i kind of
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just moved in because they were close to the studio and, you know -- >> that's why? >> no, i mean, also -- also, because i love you guys but also because it's really convenient and you had a lot of food and a pool and -- >> when we come back from the break, we are going to see a clip from the movie that has not been seen before. from spiderman no way home. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ride of your life is closer than you think. for the first time ever, buy your new car entirely from home with nissan@home. delivered direct from dealer to driveway.
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so how did you know you were made of magic? because my nana says that we have it in our family and sometimes i get these tinglings in my hands. >> you should talk to your doctor. >> i am so sorry for dragging you in this. you got to help me find these guys. >> you don't have to apologize. okay? you got us a second shot. it's fine. >> so, how did the bad guys get here? >> screwed up a spell trying to get you into college. >> wait, what? i thought it was -- >> uh, no, that was after. let's just focus on the good you ins. okay? >> no, let's just focus on the bad news. as of now, you have detected zero trespassers, so get on your phones, scour the internet and scurry through this [ bleep ]. >> you are telling us what to do even though all this is kind of your mess. you know, i know a couple magic words, myself, starting with the word please.
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>> please, scooby-doo this bleep. >> you guys are all in that scene and you are all right here. it's miraculous. all right. so a lot of things obviously we can't talk about. but there are some things that we can talk about. we do know that there are a lot of villains in this film. electro, sand man, green goblin, who am i missing? um -- >> panic. >> can we say? >> jimmy: tom is so gun shy, he won't even mention the announced cast. >> speak to these guys. >> i also want to mention there is -- for those of you watching right now, there is going to be an easter egg in this interview that you pay attention for and, um, you know, perhaps you will see something interesting about a villain that might pop up in
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future films. okay. so, i do want to ask you -- >> freeze frame. >> jimmy: i don't know what you are talking about, benedict. there is something i do want to ask you to analyze because there was a trailer release. and marvel is known for sometimes digitally removing characters from scenes in the trailer. >> really? >> huh. >> yes. >> interesting. >> jimmy: so as not to spoil anything. but then, there was a different version of the trailer in brazil. brazilian. and let's take a look here because you can see the lizard here. there is fighting. and now, watch. now, we see here. that's the lizard jumping and he gets punched by -- >> it's a -- it's a bird. >> no, it's like a -- >> you see all that debris? >> i think it's realizing, wow,
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i need to use some deodorant. >> i think there was some debris from the statue. i love that we always -- we joke, joke. and then, you tell the funniest joke. >> that's what it is. >> what -- what is the actual explanation? do you know? i mean, do you know? because i know some -- >> it's a siegel. >> debris from the statue. >> could it be this is how they were introducing the fantastic four, that is, to storm the invisible girl punching the lizard in the face? >> the incredible pole. >> i like that. international appeal, too. >> think about the cheapness of the merch. they'd be like -- look. put two little eyes on it. >> jimmy: then, there was another version of this trailer. >> wow, this -- so many. what is going on here?
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>> jimmy: let's look at this and see the differences here. see like all the sudden, the hunter for some -- whatever reason is fighting the other villains. please, put me in this movie for god sake. you -- um -- all right. so then, the other thing is you got these villains from previous spiderman movies. alfred molina, william dafoe, tom, yes, sir? >> keep going. >> okay. and did you meet all these people? did you guys -- >> for sure. >> you know, because you never know with like cgi. maybe, they took their heads and stuck these things in. >> that is true. >> we got the -- the pressure of working with all of them. we are huge fans of these movies and this fan in particular is a celebration of three generations of cinema. so, to bring these characters
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back to see them bring them back to life, embody these kind of people they said good-bye to nearly 20 years before was amazing. it was also interesting watching them try and figure it out. like, alfred being like, peter, no, that's not how i said it. peter. oh, there it is. he's back. >> jimmy: and did their stories with you guys about like the previous movies? things that you didn't know? or found interesting? > i mean, i think for me the most interesting part of it was watching them adapt to the way that movies are made now, especially alfred. because, you know, back in the day, his arms were puppeteered by four different people and in this film, they are entirely cg. and he absolutely loved it. like, he -- put him in a harness, he was the happiest guy onset. and they had this rig called a toothpick rig, which is a like a long bar with a platform and then it is weighted on the other side. they would get alfred to stand on that platform and sort of, like, carry him through the set. so it looked like his arms were carrying him. but the funny thing was is he
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had no control over where he would go. so, we'd be fighting, fighting, fighting. cut. so, tom what you get up to this weekend? nice time. this and that. we chatted and then all the sudden, he would kind of disappea disappear he would be like, i will see you in a bit, darling. it was brilliant. it was lovely. >> the light change. >> yeah. yeah. >> you should try that. >> do it. do it. >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: follow you home, too. be in your bedroom at night and suddenly the lights will be on and you won't know why. toby mcguire, andrew garfield. go ahead. >> oh, my goodness. >> jimmy: years ago -- many years ago, when you were just a
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baby, they played the role. they wore the spider costume that you now don. do you know those gentlemen? >> i have actually recently, like, been bumping into them all the time. >> on the set? >> jimmy. >> jimmy: you know, there is going to be like a capitol-style insurrection if they are not in this movie, right? >> yeah. >> goodness. >> i was at a party and i bumped into andrew. >> jimmy is on it tonight. >> jimmy: i'm dying to know if the spider men are getting together. >> the premiere. >> i know. you know what? i want to know for them. >> right. >> jimmy: you know, great power, comes great responsibility.
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>> with being in a superhero film comes great contractual liability. jim >> jimmy: so you do know th? >> i bumped into andrew had a lovely time. i went to another party down the street and i bumped into toby. it was crazy. we should have filmed it. >> yeah, no kidding. >> all right. i guess we are going to have to wait to find out. i -- i feel like i have interrogated you sufficiently but when we come back, some little kids have some questions for you guys and these are questions that they came up with. these are sincere questions the cast of "spider-man: no way home" we'll be right back. i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. [beep] i just wanted to say...
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>> jimmy: the cast of spider man no way home. jamie foxx. did you guys work with jamie foxx? did you get to have the full jamie-foxx experience on set? >> we did. jamie foxx is so much fun. >> he is the most fun person maybe in the whole world, right? >> and he tells the best stories. so, i was actually -- we got in trouble. >> yeah. >> is for being on set because we were apparently distracting. >> we might have been a little distracting. >> what do you mean distracting? >> we wanted to soak up the moment. it could have been our last one and we wanted to be there every
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day. and i am really interested in directing so i was like, hey, let me -- can i follow you, john? thank. and -- and learn from you. so we would all sit bhy hy hy s monitors. i wasn't talking too much. i would stand in the back. you know? >> uh-huh. >> like any natural film production, you go over sometimes and -- and they were like, well, maybe, you guys are the season. >> and no disrespect. we understood. we weren't like holding no beef. >> like, okay, maybe just won't come for a couple days so they can see it's not us. >> right. >> so after a cuouple day, i coe back and jamie foxx is hosting a dance party in the middle of set. like, full out, there is lights going. the producers are dancing. everyone is on their feet. he is playing rihanna.
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i was like, so we're the reason? >> jimmy: always make time for dancing. >> it was -- it was absolutely amazing. i think it was my favorite producer, she was like fully dancing. i had never seen her just like let loose like that. so, jamie can bring that out. >> jimmy: he really does. >> if he was going over the producers wouldn't come over to tell him off. so john would be saying to us like could you just escort me to my car? it was amazing. >> jimmy: are you guys ready to answer some questions from kids? >> yes. >> jimmy: all right. let's start out. the first question from tom. >> hey, spiderman. i have a question about your eyes in the mask. how do you make them go up and down or big and small? do -- do you have a control center? or are you thinking of it? >> wow, that's such a great question. >> it is a good question. >> essentially when it is is inside the mask, there is a sort of -- there is a camera.
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and it is mapping my face and copying what my face is doing. all the expressions that i make, the eyes copy it. this is obviously in the movie. it's -- this doesn't do this in real life. sorry, kid. >> jimmy: all right. next question. >> zendaya, i was wondering who the best spiderman is in your opinion, toby mcguire? tell me what you think. >> i love the confidence. >> yo, zendaya. so -- um, listen. i am not going to get in trouble. i am not going to pick a favorite. but -- >> oh. >> jimmy: next question is from -- is from lucca. >> why are you not in the avengers video game? >> i'm so sorry i wasn't in it, man. you know what? they didn't pay me enough.
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>> jimmy: next question for benedict. >> do you go back in time to buy your clothes? >> [ bleep ]. um, no. >> jimmy: next for tom. >> spider man, if you had a fight with thor, how long would it be and who would win? >> that's such a good question. >> that is a great question. >> how long would it be is a weird part of it. but -- >> i hope it will be pretty quick and painless. i think he would -- he would batter me. no? hemsworth and thor. >> well, yeah, hemsworth, yeah. for sure. thor? i don't know. all right. next question. >> mj, are -- are you mad that you're not spider-woman? >> are you mad? >> um, you know, i can't say
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that i am mad. if there is anything i have learned it's that super heroing isn't always that easy, so i'm good. >> you're good. >> one more question is for jacob. >> my question is for jacob. how does the movie end? >> jacob, tell them. >> so basically, the way the movie ends is -- ah -- >> commercial. >> what would the ramifications be, honestly, if you guys were to announce how the movie ends? like, what would happen? >> they would -- they would probably kill us. >> yeah. >> i think they absolutely have, like, our tracking numbers on us. they probably like -- >> they put a chip in -- >> yeah, on the back of our heads. and this remote control and they blow your head up. so it is saenchly what's going to happen. >> like the real-life suicide squad. >> yeah. >> jimmy: probably mad you mentioned that.
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you are not allowed to watch those movies. well, i am very excited. you know, i am going with my son to the premiere and he is 28 years old and i have a 4-year-old. i know you think that's a joke. it isn't. i have a 28-year-old son and a 4-year-old son, and what really i think we love in common more than anything is spider-man and these spider-man movies. and um, i mean like even more than, like, bacon, which we also have in common. so, i think this is great. and i think we're -- we're ready for this movie. it's called "spider-man: no way home." it is in theaters starting friday. thank you guys for being here. we'll be back with music from black pumas. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet.
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with endless views of snow-covered peaks. ♪ ♪ a stove that inspires magnificent hot cocoa. and a perfect ski-in ski-out. but the thing they'll remember forever? grandpa coming out of retirement to give a few ski lessons. the time to plan your get together is now. ♪ ♪ find it on vrbo. celebrate the holidays with big savings. find great deals on the amazon echo show 8... ♪ ♪ get up to 40% off outerwear. and cuddl duds pillows & throws starting at 40% off.. plus, take an extra 15% off! and earn kohl's cash! kohl's. ♪
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[ best of my love by black pumas feat. sofia reyes ] shop target deals now. save $20 when you spend $100 on select toys. just get your offer with target circle. this week only at target. [ music ends ] this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? our very own energizer bunny! energizer ultimate lithium. [snowball splat and windshield wiper] the #1 longest-lasting aa battery. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ lots of vitamins a and c and windshield wiper] and only 45 calories a serving. good morning, indeed. v8. the original plant-powered drink. veg up.
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mmm. hey jack, how'd you get this spicy cluck sandwich to have the perfect amount of spice? i call it, jack's spice squad. who's in the squad? [whispering] it's me. my new spicy cluck sandwich combo. it's my best chicken ever. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office
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the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank tom holland, zendaya, benedict cumberbatch and jacob batalon. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. tomorrow night, rupaul and drew michael will be with us. "nightline" is next, but first, this is their grammy-nominated album "capitol cuts: live from studio a." here with the song "know you better," black pumas! ♪ let's float on out on this mother ship baby let's take control of it ♪ ♪ get it together flight of the bumblebee
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for my honey baby make you wanna sing ♪ ♪ get up get up and lock hands and sway with me ♪ ♪ through the fire i feel it around the room ♪ ♪ get it together i can't be comfortable listening to what other people have to say ♪ ♪ cause i want to know you better i gotta take this time to stop and see the weather ♪ ♪ i love to watch you shine i want to know you better oh baby ♪ ♪ forward let us be unified
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baby out in this galaxy ♪ ♪ moving free in the way we move helps me realize what to do ♪ ♪ get it together light up my fire babe hold hands cause everything's everything ♪ ♪ i had to let you know ♪ ♪ get it together free in the way we cruise as we realize how to really fly let's fly ♪ ♪ cause i want to know you better i gotta take this time to stop and see the weather ♪ ♪ i love to watch you shine
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better ♪ tonight, the terror of the tornadoes. >> somebody, please, send us some help. >> utter devastation. the deadliest outbreak in more than a decade. >> nothing that was standing in the direct line of this tornado is still standing. >> we're on the ground in the heartland hearing from surviv survivors. >> he lifted a concrete wall off of me and my co-workers. >> plus, the helpers. so many paying it forward. >> it's time to step in and help out your neighbors. >> the world renowned chef helping to feet the hurngry. >> you see, it takes a village to take care of everybody. here you have an example of the
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