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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  December 27, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> >> i've never seen anything like dan: this in my life. dan:dan: highway 80 and i've 50 remain close. >> you're watching abc 7 news five, live on hulu live and wherever you stream. chp is warning drivers not to try to get around the road posers. that means people trying to get home to the bay area are out of luck for now. abc 7 news reporter j.r. stone is following the story for us. we understand you spoke with caltrans about this and the
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status of i-80 and highway 50? reporter: they tell me that as of right now, there's no timetable on when i-80 or highway 50 could open backup. after clear the snow cotton downed trees -- >> the wind picked up really >> without conditions. we were able to make it to south lake tahoe. dan: reporter: that comes from judith come who shot this video outside her hotel earlier today. she left reno with her family sunday morning, on route to san francisco, hours later they got stranded in southlake and have been there since. some of the cars in this lot are completely covered with snow. some people have been unable to get rooms, they slept in the car. lots of snow there and lots of snow here. this is near southlake, but -- mart of brentwood.
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the snow is to the top of the doorframe. his daughter and son-in-law had to change their flights due to this. >> i broke driving in snow. i've never seen anything like this in my life. this snow is out the back door, probably eight feet high, at the front door, five feet high. reporter: items like food have been an issue. this video was taken from harvey's in lake tahoe, nevada. operative bumper as folks try to go down the street for essential items. ski resorts also close today. those from palisades, tahoe tell me it isn't safe right now. we have closures and businesses like those ski resorts, and even the roadways. they're all over the place. dan: the heavy snowfall is making it tough for search-and-rescue teams, where looking for a skier who disappeared at northstar start
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ski resort. rory angelotta told his family he was going skiing before joining his friends for christmas dinner. plosser counties sheriff's office is the last trace of him was 11:30 in the morning when he is to ski pass on one of the list. -- the lifts. liz: locally, we did get a little break from the rain. dan: it is back and cold out there. june is more. drew: talk about northstar and the snow, they somewhere the nine feet of snow. live doppler 7 showing the snow showers, they are winding down. we still have a winter storm warning in effect until 9:00 tonight. two to six inches of additional snow over our roadways. still trying to clear out a lot of the snow. let's talk about her snowpack. it is very healthy right now. statewide where at hundred 53%
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-- 153% of normal right now. a few showers in the santa cruz mountains, most of the action is light. the heaviest rain we had earlier this morning has moved out. another storm is going to move in tomorrow morning and last through wednesday. on the storm index come that is level 1 storm. it will bring a mix of rain and snow. we will detail our next storm and when we can put away the wet weather gear after the forecast. dan: the san mateo county coroner's office is the two people found dead in floodwater in millbrae where married couple. the been identified is 63-year-old rolando glorioso and susana glorioso. the car submerged in floodwater under a caltrain overpass. liz: fell be news, the omicron variant continues to disrupt hot air travel. flight aware reporting a total
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of 3000 cancellations globally today. closer to home, 73 flights canceled sfo come up with 217 flights delayed. united, delta, jetblue and alaska say covid related crew shortages are one reason for the cancellations. dan: hours ago, the cdc announced it ashore in the cove data -- covid quarantine time. if you're asymptomatic you only have to isolate for five days, followed by five days of wearing a mask when you are around others. if you're are exposed to covid and not vaccinated, or if it has been more than six months since your initial series and you have not received a booster, five days of quarantine followed by five days of strict mask use. if you received a booster, you do not have to quarantine after exposure, but you do have to wear a mask for 10 days and get
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tested after five days. liz: his initiation has to do better to make test -- testing demands. >> we went from non-over-the-counter in january till most 200 million in december. it is clearly not enough. if i'd kwnno, i would'v' gone harder,ui qcker if cweould'.ve liz: last week, the government --he t preside sntaidhe t governntme will b 5uy00 milonli rapited st kits for peoepl to use at il wl be sevel raweeks borefe they a rreeady to be shiedpp. madend has sreoad. this is atwh loolik ke at eon of e city orapeted testing sites. you ndoeed an appoimentnt, walk-touhrgh and dri-tvehrough locationt aseventh dan bndraon restets. ecchk outhi ts long le inin ywhaard. eyth wereai wting for t aest atth the golcof urse. they are working hard mtoeet is demand.
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a porerter hashe t story. report:er rainr oshin pe,eople have bnee lining up at utsoh bay tests sesit. >> we are takg inwalk-ins. you do he avto wait a little overall, getting an aoippntment, the soont esavailablwae s two days from now. reporter: he ltfe symomptatic thisor mning and tkoo an at-meho codvi test. his goafol r today waso t track down a pcr tt esthe >> i wantot ee kp friendsnd a falymi safe duringhe t holidays. to minimeiz t shepread ofov cid. port:er at e thlargest uncoty run stteing sitet athe cap- - saantla cra fairgrounds,he ty ntcoueind to file him. the couy nttongue is eth seit tycapilly does between 1500 and 0018 tests aay d. thatum nber has otsh upo t3500. they'r' worngki to coinntue adding stslo. >> any barriers to put in people'' way, whetr hehaving to waitut oside in ethai rn, wnhe y'u'reic sk, cost if y'o're
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tryingo tdo it take-home test, that is not acceptleab. porerter:an s francis ccoounty supervoris says whe ilthe county has in psoern test sites, more can be done to hpeleo pple tge accesst ahomees tting. >> y houave to go and pchurase ou yrself, atvs c or walgreens. thatre cates barerris for people and costs they should not have toea br thseemlves. reporter: theou cnty is wtiaing tonhe bk acorder of tes ttshere woinrkg to make availaebl to peoplet ahome. santa cla arcounty ss aythey have 9000,0t- ahome testit ks into them by the state th tathey are disibtruting, wh itmoren o thwae y. >> we edne tore pvent the spread of thivis rus. for the mosimt portant things we can do is make itas eier for peleop to get stteed sohe ty can prott ecthemselv aesnd others. n:da what if you can't find a rapid test and can't'wait in a ng line at t theesting se?it therise a sercevi that will brinag tesant dec thnician to
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you. abc 7 news reporr teexplainsow h wos.rk rertpoer: it is a site seldom seen outside a hospil,ta a dimecal technicn,ia and otectedro fm -- garntmes, making test call. she isrr aiving to do an -hinome vid test. targeting ecexutive mayrt ward has used the servicehr tee times for roinute blood sttes. this time wheants to make seur ofis h status fobere attdienng a frndie's they party. >> youan c set up anyim te convenie fntor you. itav ses mdre ivete,im run runtimeo tfind a test. it is relyal conniveent. porter: sprinter heal'h's mobile sercevi saves looking for testsn ilow stock. >> our bl ulto be in and out as icqukly asos psible. we do the test,ak tes 15 minus,te you geton cfirmationo t t geonou yr flit ghor go ba tcko rkwo. reporter: t theest was $.99 all ofpr sinter health afstf are
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either nurseors phlebotisomts. that makes aif dference inho w wi allccept cod vitest restsul. >> doing an at-meho ridap angetin test, yifou do it yoseurlf, y couannot suitbm that to an rlaiine or -it- dsoe ndee to be supviersed or professialonly adminteisred. report:er >> we heav eerldly, kids, active patients -so- meone w whoants to take alo bod test befe orthey go to work. repoerrt: cd'h's patitsen are more raxeled at home. the rap aidntigen ttes rulests rewe ready in 15 minesut. marty ward tested ganetive. >> it is reaurssing to arhe i'm negative. dan: comg inup nex at, retilavely qui detate in the courootrm. the jury finishesno ather dayf o deliberaontis in thele izabeth lmes trial.
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porter:ol flowing my report last weeonk a famy'i's fearf o longsi their lieutenant -- ilities. ilities. and how to spot enjoy the ftgi of bngei togheetr. the binaxnow cidov-19 antigen lfse test has the mesa technology used by doctsor and detes ctmultiple rivaants son ijust 15 minus,te you caten st, know, and go. availabline to sres and lionne. ♪ i inve istn invescqqo q availabline to sres and lionne. fua nd that vegis me accs esto sdnaaq-100 innovatio,ns like cgi. ohdo, n't woy.rr bemeco an agenoft innovatnio wi ithnvesco qqq i hanod idea homuw ch i s myas ce was woh.rt c ca ll the bnears firm tfio nd out what yr oucase cou blde worth. we will help get you tfio nd out e thbest rest ulpossible. ♪al cl one eit ghhundred, eight millio♪n say hello to 2022 with xfini and you' gllet fast and reablile intertne
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for only nineteen ninety-nine a moh ntfor twelve months. uspl, you can get twveel times e thspeefod thr e same pceri wh yenou add xf inity mobile. you' sllave ndhureds ov aert&t. say hello to kicngki off the year wh itthisma azing and withfi xnity mobe il u yocan get 5ga phone ousn and three hundred dollars back during our xfinity hello twenty twenty-two sales event! clic ck,all or vi sit a store today! enjoy the ftgi of beingog tether. the binaxn cowovid-19 tiangen selfes tt has e thsame tecolhnogy usedy bdoctors
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and detes ctmultiple rivaants son ijust 15 minus,te you caten st, know, and go. availabline to sres and lionne. ♪ liz: oakland's'police chief remain psositivees dpite the recentio vlence. chf iearmstrong hdel a news confenerce today to address a number of ciindents christmassy. investigators are looking at a confrontation between policend a an armed man on 90 8th avenue. an officer open fire. thankflyul no one w iasnjured. a srtho time lar,te officser reonspded to the 134th homidice of the year onalg whichev renue. >>e wcontinueo twork allar hd to invtiesgate all these mihocides. 'w've had some casse charts isth month,nd a additiol nathree secas, our clearcean rate isow n
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at 47%or f the year. liz: the departmten is also investigatg inmultiple shootis,ng armed rbeobries and caacrjkings over the holiday weekend. anyone with inrmfoation issk aed to call kloaand poli.ce dan: a crash bugroht traffico t a anstdstill osan n mateo bridge. anuv s slammed into the back of the caraltns truck. there we nreo reports of any injuri,es you can seehe t huge backup. no wdor yet if eth weather played r aole. liz: the jury in the elibezath holmes fraud talri wrapped up s itfourth d oayf deliberatnsio a meti ago. once again, th feyailed treo ach verdict. our rertpoer explasin,, last week's deliberatnsio, today at theur jy had noue qstions. report:er the eighten m and for women of the jury had been delibetirang for meorha tn 30 urs. unlike last wk,ee there been no questionors requests.
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this isid veophonesal wking out ofou crtas lt week after the jury askedo trelisteno t2013 dio recorngdis ofal clshe s had with instveors, including isth oneit wh chris lucas and briaton ber. on cgratulatnsio. report:erix s of the 11 counts of fraud homes isac fing rtained itonvestors. >> militar iys a big dealor f us. reporter:ur ding those calls, she lktaed about how trahenos s built on parertnships, even thoughei nther onean pned out. >>or wk in theid mdle east and afghanistan. rertpoer: the jury lteisned to th cisp liasol hmes said rhe technologyn o mevedac hecolipters in afgnihastan could save despite th misight hurt technology wasev nerse ud on ose heliptcoers. >> repteorr: formebir otech
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executeiv who syetad in the same stfoanrd biotech engineering depamertnt asol hmes saidhe s will beur sprised at the jury es not cvionct. >> itil wl bdue e to her peonrsality and abityli to unsod sympathec.ti i do''t thi ankll ceosil wle b able to bank on atth feeling from aur jy. porerter: shean c face utop 20 ars forac eh count. the avere agsentenceor f bio frdau cases ises ven mont.hs it only tak oesne juror to believehe s is not guiylt to oid convtiicon. are told deleribations will contuein tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.. dan: le''s move now to on7 your side, chmiael finney is here with tod'a's conserum headlines. reporter: let'' start with an interestgin update ato 7 on your sid setory we oubrght to you.
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thispd uate is bugroht to yobyu &epg. last weeke wtoldou y abo tuthe johnnso family, who feared using eithr utilitiesec bause state aihad d stalled. pg&e sawur o reporant d reached out offengri to help. the companyel tling us atth in general at this time, it is not shutting off ctousmers for nonpayntme. e thcompany said it would be happy ltoook intohe tir case d provide them with guanidce and information on various progmsra. thinkou y pg&e. credit card holdersre a feengli good about bei angble to pay threi bil,ls but not that good. lendgin te'r's says short-rmte nfcoidences bouncing back with 63% of cardholdersas ying they earon cfident in their alibity to pay tirhe monthlyta stement in fl ulthis that is annc irease muston mth. fareh bind january nbeumr. nglo-term coidnfences up, half
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of cardholde srsaying tyhe expect tpao y their llbis in full at least fivofe the next six months. you've been hearing are gat deal latelybo aut inflation. veha youea hrd of shrinkla fy shldou -- sinhrk ftila manufacture vegis you lses of it. ndy bar makers are famous for this. nscoumer website mouse pntri eps tracofk thesehi tngs. iints year den review,t iis pointi angt the crest 3dhi wte sha gone fr 4om.1 ounces to 3.88 ounces. milk wyay funds asar bsen wt omfr 11.24 ounces to .6105 ncoues. dan: th't's not fun. we've got a break from the rain today. liz: but it is making its way
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back to the bay area.
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first psorsiias, th pensoriicat evenal wngki was i had too dsomethin i stteard contseyx®. secontyx can help you mo,ve look, anfed el better... by treatinthg e multip le sytompms of psoatriic arthrisit. don't use if yoreu' allergitoc cosentyx. berefo starting...get ecchked for tuberculisos. an increased risk of infectionsos me sioerus... and thloe wered abitily to fight tm hemay cuocr. tellou yr doctorbo aut an infecti oonr or iyof u'vead h a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's diassee symptoms... vedelop or worse serious alrgleic rcteaions may occur. watch .me ask uryo rheatumologist ouabt cosent.yx
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dan: here'ans othe lrook at the owsn in e thsierra. these are lookgino tclear roads. alhil ghwa iysn and ouoft the hoe basiarn e close. caltra anss is reminovg doedwn trsee and snow. chp officers have food and water to give tpeo ople who need it, but -- plus help get drivers off the higayhw otwr o gas stitaons gtoet help. n't gop u n,owhe t snow is going to behe tre for se omtime. there iso nrush. liz: we know some peoepl were pihong for a wtehi chrtmisas up there, i gue tsshere is chsu a inthg as toouc mh snow. ew: it is e onthing to forestca six to neni feet, anotr heto see it. right new fsor our water supply, really hlteahy take a look at theno swfall tota,ls norstthar, nine feeoft sn, owmoreha tn 100 inesch at
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lipasades,ah toe, siraer swno la sb,ugar bowl. rkkiwood cinomg in whit6 6and inches ofno sw. liveop dpler 7i , have one owsher movinghr tough the th sehowers a vreery isoledat. nothgin wideseaprd over the next uple of urhos. inrafall today -- to date since octor be1,ur o waters off to an amazing startth, e best scein 19.83 san fncraisco and oakndla, their typicagrl een vau tltohi ts inpot. sin doing great. even sfo coming in at 24 o0%f rmnoal. ntsaa rosa, almostwt o feet of rain so far. ght now,em tperature cs,old ening. temperurates stuckn i the '0's all day, will bewlo where we ould be isth time ofea yr. 47 in concord, same inan s jose. 46 in san anfrcisco, aayrred on
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the 43. our orstmha tt just brought feet of snow ttohe sierr ia,t is windingow dn. that winter orstm warngni still in effecunt til 9:00 p.m. there's a piece of energyve or atsetle and porantld that is going to dive south tonight, bring usno ather chae ncof rain ansnd ow in our higher elevations. it is also going to dragon seom co cldanadian overghnit come up widespread 30'' on the board. i went with 48 for the forecast of the in n safrancisc io,f we cool to 39 degrees, witill the colstde nhtig in five aryes. giveyos u some conxtte. with that cold air coming in, meso showersom ce could e sea inra-snow makesn ilake and mendoco incounty. weatr headvisoryn i efft,ec sttiarng 10:00. esthere aasnd a purple ulcode b one to rethe inchesf osnow. atsctered showers, e thcoldest
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ean.snn-ow. tufureea wther,ar elyom torrow morng,in a mix ithn e santa uzcr unmotainsnd a mount hamilton. isoledat showers throughout eth day. i thk inthe heavstie come in late anit ght tuesy,da lingers the rsfit half of weesdnday. total rainfall, not a lot, still .22.5 5 inches. torrmoow wh itthose swehors, is a cloo d.ay on 4ly8 in oakndla, 4in9 san jo, se43 in santa rosa, 42 in pa. e thmild spo ctsome up hfal badke coming in at .50 --al hf moon b cayoming in at 50. we wlilry d o tuthursday,ew n ye'a's e avend new yr'e's day, we a drery. don't ha tveo worry ouabt showers. monday we llwi bring bk acmore t weaerth to the rioegn. tomorrowge, t ray f torhat cold air. -- get rea fdyor that ldco air.
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liz: getngti ray for02 22, the rtpay has be sencaledac bk.
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liz: a remindeyor u can get our live newscast, breakinneg ws,
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weather anmod re with our new app onpp ale tv, andidro tv, re tanv d roku. dan: finally tonightth, e status of frid'y's new ye'a's eve celebratnio in new rkyo city remains clunear. the fedam ball isea rdy to go. liz: today they installed spare. e ball is 12 feet in dietamer, de up of90 1 two spalirkng crystals. unfounrtately, d tueo rising covid cases, just 15,0 p00eople will witssne the eve intn rspeon. all of them a rreequired to wear sks. dan:he t bt esway to wchat festitivies fromim tes clear -- times square is on ckdi clark sprocket new year'sve e. liz:or wld newson tight isex nt. anthks for jnioing us. dan: wepp areciate uryo time. weil wlee s youga ainn ihalfn a ho furor abc 7ew ns at 6:00.
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ho furor abc 7ew ns at 6:00. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can help. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption
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to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day.
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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the cdc today announcing a major shift to isolation guidelines as omicron fuels the latest pandemic surge. the cdc shortening its recommended covid isolation period from ten days to five. for those testing positive, but who don't have any symptoms. followed by five days of mask wearing when around others. dr. ashish jha breaking down what it all means, as covid cases skyrocket over the holiday weekend. across the country, people waiting for hours in long testing lines. president biden today acknowledging the government's pandemic response is clearly not


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