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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  January 20, 2022 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. kristen: you're watching getting answers live on abc seven, hulu, and wherever you stream. we are asking experts every day your questions to get answers in real time. today, we have san francisco standard sharing the story of the curtis family see notes. this family band is bringing harmony to the bayview area. today marks the second anniversary of the first known patient in the u.s. to contract covid-19, a man from washington state who returned from wuhan, china. the pandemic is still with us with 850,000 new cases recorded yesterday. there's also potential good news.
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the surge of the omicron variant baby peeking at our nation's youngest population may be able to get vaccinated soon. joining us to discuss this and answer your questions on facebook live is special correspondent dr. patel. how are you? >> i am good. i appreciate the check in. how are you doing? kristen: i am fine. you are in health care and it has been tough. thank you do. i know you took the time to prepare two truths and a lie for us. because it has been getting so easy for me, i thought i would bring -- i mean, if you watch regularly, you know i have been getting them all wrong. nonetheless, to make it interesting, we are bringing a competitor, a formidable competitor. >> let me put my glasses on. kristen: i'm talking about you. >> i have been on vacation for a while. kristen: mike is always done with the facts. so he is ready to do two truths
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and ally without and our facebook friends, please also join us in this learning game. >> mike has energy first thing in the morning when i'm barely waking up so i expect greatness. here we go. kristen: i ask for hard. >> i can read them from my phone. tell me which one of these is not true. is it, pfizer expects to have data for three five microgram vaccine doses for kids under five in the first half of 2022. or is it, the cdc first issued a press release on the first u.s. case of coronavirus two years ago tomorrow. or is it, 2000 small animals in hong kong are going to be killed because of fears of a pet store outbreak which of these is not true? kristen: i'm going to make mike go first. mike: please, ladies first. kristen: let's see if our
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viewers on facebook and go first. robert is in with b being alive. i actually think that is true. mike: you think b is true? i thought it was today. kristen: i think it was today but then they issued to the press release i think tomorrow. why am i telling you? you are not my team. mike: that is right, i'm sorry. kristen: i think c is true as well. i don't know if you made it tricky for me that it was not hong kong but i did hear about pets or mice or something being killed -- anyway, i'm going to go with a being alive because i don't think -- first of all, what did you write? you have data for three next doses? >> that is microgram.
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it is a little letter for microgram. i cannot -- sorry, before the answer goes up, i am sincerely impressed that he can't how i was trying to be tricky there. b is true. it is crazy to believe that two years ago, the first case was diagnosed. kristen: but we did not give you our answers yet. i'm going with a being alive. mike: i'm going with c. >> a is the lie. it is a three microgram to goess -- dose, not five. that was a much smaller dose than what was used in a older population. this group did not have the same immune response which is why people are suspected there might need to be three doses for this age group. b, brilliant picking up on the press release to come out on the january 21, 2020. cannot believe it has been two
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years. c, 2000 small animalslslslslslss positive including an employee and they want to prevent future outbreaks. i feel like they don't need to killed animals, can't today do something else? kristen: like quarantine them for 10 days? >> let them hang out in some park. kristen: i think that is a creative idea. mike: something to give them, something to help them survive, something to move on. it met sense the three and five, those numbers would not be the same now that i think on it. it was three micro grams for five euros and under. you got me on the first one. i will give you that one. kristen: he is still used to the morning schedule where unknown time, he is firing on all cylinders. heather watching on facebook live, i want to say, you got it right. look at this. >> this is like a regular thing.
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kristen: our producers rubbing it in a little bit. don't worry, you have a chance to redeem yourself because we have a second round after the commercial break. i will let you prepare for your weather forecast you have coming up. dr. patel and i will continue to talk. rematch in about five minutes. i want to ask you, since we are talking about kids and the pfizer vaccine, kids under five, dr. fauci did suggest approval could come next month. but maybe it could be three doses. why is that? dr. patel: that is essentially what i was getting at, when the first trial went through with two three microgram doses, i did not produce the same antibody response in older kids. so they extended it to include one more dose. that is what we are waiting to see. when that data comes out, i'm hearing it may come out in february, possibly early march, that is safe, that it works, then we can start rolling that
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out because we know that young age group is particular the andreescu from omicron. kristen: can i ask you, because i think they looked at six months to four years old together, right? why can't they break out the six months to two years old and approved a two shot series for them now instead of waiting? it seems like that does was good enough for them to generate that immune response. dr. patel: i'm glad you asked that question. if you look at the trial data, this was specifically for that group that it's two to bite underneath five years old. i do not have a great reason as to why the age of six months to about two years old is not going to be bold out. i would surmise that this is some of the data that the fda would release in february. those worried parents can finally get some answers. kristen: because they could break it out -- so much happens to you develop mentally from six months to five years. w.h.o. today said that
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are not necessary or maybe they are saying evidence does not suggest it is necessary for healthy kids and adolescents to get a booster. is that right? dr. patel: you are correct, the w.h.o. did issue that today. that was one of the chief scientists. what we have to understand is the w.h.o. is taking on a global stance. if we look at global vaccine equity, i don't know many people who would disagree and say we would rather have everyone get their primary series first and then we talk about boosters later. given that the denial met the united states and how quickly this is spreading in that young population, that is the defense for boozers is coming from but i have to tell you, i have a lot of hesitant parents who are saying, i don't see enough data for wanting to support a booster for my adolescent. it is a very real concern people have and that is why i'm hoping when we announced three doses for kids 200 85, there is a lot of good discussion and we don't
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skip the meeting with the cdc advisory board like what happened previously, that we go through the full process. kristen: people need to understand it and see the data. an important study talking about kids, ucla, this one giving implications on whether nursing moms with covid should be breast-feeding. what do we know? dr. patel: in this study which looked at 2000 cases of breast feeding moms, it looked at the moms who were testing positive and even though a small percentage of them tested positive for having the genetic material in their breast milk, they did not find that they had the replicating material in the breast milk and more importantly, the scientists concluded that the moms were not passing on effective virus. some of the viral parts may be in the breast milk but not enough to infect the babies. this is good news because we know breast milk is an important food supply and a lot appearance were concerned are saying, if i'm exposed, should i do
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something else in terms of feeding my kids? you are all good. what is even better is antibodies you get from the vaccine will be passed on through breast milk so i another way for you to protect your baby. kristen: keep nursing, that is good to know. there has been talk about whether the omicron surge is speaking and by this wave does die down, are we going to be in a great place in terms of immunity? what is the latest on that? dr. patel: the latest is it is kind of multifocal. some of the wastewater data and hospitalization data we are looking at is on the places that have been hit hardest earliest from omicron. there is a lot to be said about what it's going to happen in certain cities that have not seen the team site -- have not seemed the same type of surge. hospitalizations and deaths are going to lag. we still have a rough three or four weeks ahead of us. because we might be passing the peak in some cities, it is not
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mean hospitalizations are going to clear up tomorrow morning. then who knows what is going to potentially happen in terms of long covid and in the outpatient setting. we have a that a bit of ways to go in terms of saying we are good, but i think the treatments, the vaccines, the masks, the testing should gear us up for the next few months. kristen: nikki so much. when we come back, another round up two truths and ally with mike trying to get his revenge. you can jo
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on air so get ready to put your think in caps on. kristen: we are back with special correspondent dr. patel talking to us about all things covid including the latest of elements. he has another round of two
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truths and a lie. mike, you back? mike: i'm here, i'm going to try again. dr. patel: mike is ready for an intellectual battle. i feel it. kristen: i'm ready. our producer -- can our producer put up the graphic showing who is ahead right now? we have the scoreboard. krsiten got the last run. dr. patel: i saw kristen with her fists of fury. which one of these is not true? is it eight, the biden-harris and ministration is putting $100 million towards transportation and the licenses for health-care workers. b, a new nah funded study showed a decreased chance of conception if a woman have covid 60 days before ministration. c, a 57-year-old died after intentionally catching covid.
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i made a mistake in 2 -- two of these are lies and only one is true. why don't you tell me which one is true? this is actually two lies and a truth. mike: now you are changing the game on me. kristen: i'm even confused and i do this all the time. dr. patel: this is now two guys at a truth. tell me which one of these is true. kristen: you want to go first? mike: i have no clue. i don't think it is b. i have not heard anything like that before. so one is the truth. dr. patel: one of them is the truth. my apologies. mike: i will say a. kristen: ok, so i $100 million is going towards something different from what you listed so i think you are being tricky although i did hear about $100 million going to something. i think i read that a singer a n
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died after intentionally catching covid and i remember thinking that was so sad but i don't know member if they were czech or if the age was 57 but i'm going to go with -- i have the benefit of looking at the facebook responses, they are divided between a and c. i will pick c. dr. patel: drumroll. i apologize for turning this into two guys and a truth but c is the truth. kristen: before you explain, do we have the scoreboard? i am not at all competitive. mike: not at all. kristen: i just want to update people -- no, it is two. meanwhile, you explain that to us. dr. patel: i will make a scoreboard for you. a, you are right, to some people's applause, some people's
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criticism, that money is going towards mental health to find burnout. the question is going to be how is it going to be implemented among health care workers and i'm hoping it makes a big difference. b, the study actually showed that the covid-19 infection in men reduce chances of conception six days after men their partners. nih is looking into this, is it possible that fever reduces from count? the important finding is that the vaccine itself was not associated with any problems with fertility. important myth to debunk. c is true, this is a 57 euros singer who has spoken out about intentionally getting covid and she did die and i think the reason this is important to bring up is i'm hearing stories across this country are people saying, i want to get omicron and get it over with, i'm going to get infected on purpose. it takes me back to those chickenpox parties and measles parties that people used to have
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and those do not end well. mike: did not work for me either, i did not get the chickenpox until i was 22 because i was at one of those parties, i thought i had it were my parents did. you have or have the chickenpox when you i-22? kristen: let's us miserable. -- that sounds miserable. do we have the updated scoreboard? i don't know why i'm so desperate, i need the validation. mike: i was going to with a more positive eight, i thought it was a more positive answer. instead of someday dying from doing something reckless. kristen: dr. patel, he wanted to quiz us, make sure we were paying attention. dr. patel: i like mike's thinking. i respect that. mike: thank you. kristen: you are a winner in my book. simpson on facebook says, or mike. no, he has so much knowledge. he is just warming up. mike: i will get you at four at
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4:00. dr. patel: the post-fight interviews happening. kristen: speaking of the four, i'm going to let mike finishes forecast. i have a couple quick questions before we let you go. the new government website went up this week to sign up to get four free test kits per household. it is going to take a while. in the meantime, what did -- what should people do? should they seek at a pcr tests? those may not be so useful because we are seeing massive delays in the return of results. dr. patel: what should people do is a great question because we are hearing about delays left and right. the first thing everyone should do is be keen about your potential exposures and make sure everyone has a well fitting mask that has a good fit but also good filter as well. the biden-harris of ministries and announced they are going to give away hundreds of millions of those which hopefully happens quickly. people should be ready for the
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fact that you may not get test results back in time, if that means you cannot go back to work right away or your children is out of school or you cannot meet up with friends, that sucks, but be prepared for that as he tried to get those tests. kristen: we have 45 seconds left, i'm going to ask about the olympics. nobody wants to see an outbreak, china has been pretty strict. they have a monitoring app for participants. what are your thoughts? dr. patel: my thoughts are every athlete, journalist, members of teams should be prepared to run into omicron when they are there and countries should be brays for when these athletes return home. they are going from all over the world, different places, different vaccine rates, and it is just reality. from what i see, they are doing everything they can to keep people protected and i hope it stays that way. kristen: thank you so much. really appreciate it. see you next time. dr. patel: thank you. kristen: coming up next, they
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marched to the beat of their own drum, we are talking about the curtis family see notes. curtis family see notes. princess cruises was born right here in california. for over 55 years, we've been helping californians make the most of their precious vacation time. and right about now, we could all use a real vacation. so forget the road trips and rentals and sail with princess right from san francisco to the glaciers of alaska, e auful opich princess right f haisan francisco the beaches of mexico or along the california coast.
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we are trying to get our guests to join us but if they are unable to, right now -- dr. patel is possibly coming back on? mike is to fairly here. he was busy working on his forecast. i was glad you were able to join me for two truths and a lie. the headlines are hard to keep up because they come at you fast and furious. mike: if you miss a few days like i had because i have family in town, you could miss some important information that could be the difference between you making the right decision and the wrong decision, which you could see how i did by not being in the know the last couple days. appreciated what you've done with this show and how informative it has been. kristen: i'm glad you feel that
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way and to help make it better. i know you always err on the side of caution. i do know that you are up under facts with regard to the weather. brow we had a rainy december, now it is starting to look like it is drying off. what you see in the next week or two? we still have our eyes on the drought. mike: it is incredible the way the way the ray -- the way the rain has unfolded. we had record rains in october, and in november, we went silent. december, we came back with wetter than average weather and now we are into january and pretty much silent again. it is going to be a very dry ending to january. the beginning of february does not look much better. i was looking at some of the medium-range models and we don't really see a significant storm coming our way for the next 14 to 16 days. there is a slight chance a week from tomorrow that they could be an inside slider and finally
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bring the sierra some new snow but it is going to miss us and not going to be a very potent snow maker at that point. kristen: in terms of our water outlook, the snow is important. when did they start measuring that? how do we know how that is looking? mike: they are measuring it, but they also do it electronically and that is usually what we use every day to update you. we've got almost 50% of where we should be for the end of april which is the end of the snow year. while we are well ahead for where we should be for this time of year, we still need almost twice as much snow over the next couple months to be where we should be at april 1 and that is what will eventually melt and run off. we have some melting now which is good. if we get another heavy dosage, should not cause issues with avalanches or flooding. that is always an issue if we get snow late in the season,
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that could cause flooding. i do do not -- i do not see that happening so far. kristen: i think we were in a la niña, right? is this what we expected? mike: we expected to be below average and most of the moisture heading to the pacific northwest. once in a while, during that timeframe, you can have a storm or two that slips out of the current role of the jet stream, pushing no storms to the north and slides down towards us and that is what we have had, a couple atmospheric rivers that were beneficial and very light on the negative side. net is not uncommon and it is not uncommon that even with all that, we are starting to slip a little below where we should be, at least in terms of snow. not as much as -- in terms of rain. if we do not get any soon, we could see the negative effects of that. everything is so green and i'm watching the winds, the winds are going to be an issue tomorrow and into saturday.
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if we did not have the screen hills, we would be talking about fire danger but we are not. kristen: we have about 20 seconds but randy wants to know, how are the reservoirs looking? mike: they are the last two, because we have to wait for the snow melt to push that water into there. they have not changed much, especially in the past couple weeks. since the beginning of october, they jumped up about 15 to 20%, which means they are still anywhere from 30% to 70% where they should be. kristen: thanks a lot. join us on facebook
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have saying goodbye? kristen: we were unable to get our standard story on about the
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family band in san francisco. they are fantastic. we will definitely get that on another time. thank you for joining us, getting answers. we will be here every tonight, as we cop on the air, we're tracking this new winter storm in the east and the south. states of emergency already in effect. 20 states on alert from texas all the way up to maine. snow, ice and frigid temperatures. this will effect washington, d.c., philadelphia, new york, with bitter cold. a dangerous ice storm targeting the carolinas. major concerns tonight about possible widespread power outages. rob marciano standing by to time this out. president biden tonight on damage control, 24 hours after suggesting vladimir putin will make a move, and saying a response could depend on the kind of incursion in ukraine, that it's a possibility there could be a, quote, minor incursion. the president of ukraine tonight saying there are no minor incursions. stunned by what the president said.
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mary bruce standing by at the


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