tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 23, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- lisa kudrow, michael chiklis, and music from allison russell. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everybody. well, thank you. welcome. very nice. welcome, thank you. jimmy, i am the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. very good to have you here. welcome to hollywood. let's get right into it. it was another day of
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grandstanding, speechmaking and hissy-fitting in the senate. it was day three of the confirmation hearings for judge ketanji brown jackson. 58% of americans support judge jackson's appointment to the supreme court. it is the most support a jackson has had since "thriller" came out. [ laughter and applause ] she said the fact that she was even nominated shows how far we've come as a country, so some of the republican senators on the committee have been hard at work to show how far we haven't. three senators in particular, hawley, graham, and cruz, have been putting on a three ring circle jerk this week. [ laughter ] desperately trying to get a sound bite that might make it onto fox news. unfortunately for them, they made it here instead. [ laughter ] josh hawley of missouri has been working hard to insinuate that judge jackson, a harvard educated, 51-year-old mother of two daughters, is somehow cool with child pornography. they've been beating this drum for three full days now until finally, dick durbin, who is the chair of the judiciary committee, had enough. >> you have done what 80% of the
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judges have done. you are in the mainstream of sentencing when it comes to child pornography cases. i also think it's ironic that the senator from missouri, who unleashed this discredit attack, refuses to acknowledge that his own choice for federal judge in the eastern district of missouri has done exactly what you did. >> jimmy: and at that moment, for the first time in his life, josh hawley realized that he sucks. [ laughter ] by the way, i want to take another look at dick durbin if we can bring that up. because look at all those supplies. [ laughter ] that's a lot of -- are 3 sterilizing a submarine? what's going on? [ laughtr ] durbin isn't the only dick on the senate judiciary committee. no republican has been more hot and bothered than lindsey graham of south carolina, who promised he wouldn't make this into a circus, and then picked up right where hawley left off. >> i have no doubt that you find child pornography disgusting, as the rest of america.
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you're a mother, you seem to be a very nice person. >> jimmy: does anyone else smell linsey's "but" coming? [ laughter ] >> if you're listening to my voice today ask you're on a computer looking at child pornography and you get caught, i hope your sentence is enhanced because the computer and the internet is feeding the beast here. >> jimmy: wait. what kind of -- how sexually defective do you have to be to be listening to lindsey graham's voice and watching child pornography at the same time? [ laughter and applause ] that is the scariest dual monitor setup imaginable. the award for most original question of the week so far goes to senator marsha blackburn of tennessee. who is the only republican woman on the judiciary committee. and yet is still trying to figure out what that word means. >> can you provide a definition for the word "woman"? >> can i provide a definition? >> uh-huh, yeah. >> i can't. [ laughter ] >> you can't?
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>> not in this context, i'm not a biologist. >> the meaning of the word "woman" is so unclear and controversial that you can't give me a definition? >> jimmy: hold on. i know the answer. "you ar horrible woman." [ laughter ] [ applause ] and then, of course, cancun cruz had to get in on the action. he loves talking at these things. he really wants to know what a woman is too. >> you couldn't define what a woman is, that you were not a biologist, which i think you're the only supreme court nominee in history who's been unable to answer the question, what is a woman? >> jimmy: yeah, she's also the only one in history who's been asked that disgusting question. [ laughter and applause ] sweaty teddy then took some time to pose an important philosophical question that has many wondering if we might see him in a parade sometime soon. >> under the modern leftist sensibilities, if i decide right now that i'm a woman, then
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apparently i'm a woman. does that mean that i would have article iii standing to challenge a gender-based restriction? >> jimmy: no, it means you'd be the world's ugliest woman. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] what a slug of a human being. this poor lady had to sit there and listen to this pontificating from a man who wipes back to front. did you know that? >> guillermo: yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: then [ bleep ] got out of hand after they broke for lunch. >> whoa! >> this was the reaction when a mountain lion paid a visit to an irvine shopping center near sand canyon and irvine center drive around lunchtime tuesday. >> i wasn't expecting this on a tuesday. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait, what? wait a minute. monday, wednesday, yeah, you could see. but definitely not a tuesday. this was quite some hearing. i believe we have one more clip, back to the senate. >> we're now at about 2,000
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people jumping on the phone lines, as they should, because this whole -- you should really buy everything in the hour except for the one item that sold out. >> yeah, they've been really great together. >> now you know why i'm not back for two months, there's nothing left. >> there's nothing left. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: take it from me, i'm not just the president of the tweak'd by nature volumizing foam, i'm also a customer! [ laughter ] this would be very confusing for ted cruz, right? hi, ted, how are you? [ laughter ] remember that lady, hillary clinton? she ran for president. hillary announced yesterday that she has tested positive for covid. which is surprising for someone who's been alone in the woods for six full years. [ laughter ] says she's feeling fine. she's feeling fine but if her husband covers "careless whisper" on a saxophone one more time, she's going to kill him. that's how deep we are in the upside down world right now, hillary caught a virus and bill didn't. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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i'm actually feeling very boofl right now. president biden is in brussels to see where the sprouts he loves so much come from. [ laughter ] he flew out this morning on air force one. to meet with european leaders. you know, when biden was a kid, air force one was a balloon. [ laughter ] does anyone else get nervous when biden travels overseas? it's the same feeling you get when your grandma renews her driver's license. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the president is expected to announce a new round of sanctions to punish russia tomorrow. we took their money, their yachts, their vacation homes, their mcdonald's, their netflix, i don't know how many sanctions we have left. no more frosted mini wheats! [ laughter ] it must be driving them nuts. ukraine is asking for a no-fly zone and we're offering more sanctions. we're like the house that hands out toothbrushes on halloween. the united states today did officially declare that the russian military has committed war crimes. and while the situation is bleak, that hasn't stopped the
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ukrainian people, who got some help filling sandbags in odessa from bon jovi. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's my life ♪ >> jimmy: cool drums, dude. maybe grab a bag and help us fill them up? [ applause ] this war of putins, not only has it been a human rights crisis, it's been bad for business. ne nestle announced they will suspend the sale of "nonassociate products" like kit kat s and nesquik. which would be very effective if putin was four years old. it's weird that the company that makes nesquik took the longest time to pull out. but nestle's makes a lot of stuff. did you know nestle makes hot pockets and dog chow?
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you have to be very careful in the shipping department. [ laughter ] so nestle is out. and these oligarchs are still losing their super yachts. our allies have been seizing any super yacht they see. and one company is turning that into a travel opportunity. >> take a vacation fit for an oligarch. spend six nights and seven days docked in an exotic location on a luxurious and impounded russian super yacht. sit still in spain. be immobile in italy. or be paralyzed in paris. enjoy bottles of confiscated champagne that cost more than your house. because your fun is at their expense. seize the day and the yacht aboard atsar-nival cruise, the ultimate staycation. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know if you're aware of this. there's a popular cruise line called carnival cruise and this rhymes with that. we are learning more about what went down with mike pence during
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the storming of the capitol on january 6th. turns out what went down was him. according to a secret service inspector who testified before the house select committee, pence was taken to a loading dock beneath the capitol building. and kept there for hours. they docked him up! to protect him. [ laughter ] apparently, the idea was to load the vice president onto a truck containing mayonnaise and hot dog buns so he could escape in camouflage. [ laughter ] it was tough to convince pence to go along with the plan, any discussion about going through the back door makes him uncomfortable. [ laughter ] but just imagine this, the vice president of the united states is huddled under a loading dock, hiding from an angry mob from his own party while his running mate sat in the oval office, eating bacon bits and cheering them on. and that wasn't even the biggest story of the day today. there's a lot to keep track of. donald trump's pillow pal, mike lindell, is still being sued for $1.3 billion. but he's not laying down, he's fighting back. >> i'm going to tell you right now, we're doing -- i've been working on it five months.
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it's a class action lawsuit against all machines. >> jimmy: wow. that sounds like the worst "terminator" movie ever, doesn't it? [ laughter ] fascinating legal strategy. and of course, i wanted to know more. i'm interested in mike. we tracked him down, and he's with us now. the mypillow man himself, mike lindell. hey, mike! [ cheers and applause ] it's jimmy kimmel. >> sorry, you startled me, now i spilled my mug of hot pocket. >> jimmy: you mean hot chocolate? >> no, hot pocket. i liquify 'em and drink 'em as meal replacements. that one was a garlicky butter crust frozen pepperoni! >> jimmy: mike that sounds delicious. and you look great. >> me? what about you? jim, wow, you look gorgeous. you doin' somethin' with your hair? >> jimmy: it's a wig, it was a bit, i can take it off -- >> please don't! i'm getting harder than the crossword puzzle in "parade" magazine, i tell you. >> jimmy: i'll take it off. are you in a cabin?
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>> i'm in a shanty! >> jimmy: a shanty? >> it was my grandpappy's, but then, he got killed by fireworks, so it was handed down to me. i use it as a bunker for the electromagnetic apocalypse, 'cause it's got no machines of any kind. >> jimmy: that's what i wanted to ask you about, this plan you have to sue all machines. >> that's right, the machines bein' process served as we speak! >> jimmy: i assume you mean voting machines? >> nosiree, jimmy tingle, i'm lawsuitin' all machines. if you can plug 'em in, i'm takin' 'em to court! >> jimmy: why? why are you suing all machines? >> because they didn't just steal the election from don trump, now the machines are tryin' to make me look like a fool! >> jimmy: how are they doing that? >> last week, i was gonna give a speech on voter fraud on the bottom of the dunk tank at the chippewa county fair, so i warshed my clothes and look at what the treasonous warshing machine did to my swimmin' sweater! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait a minute. you swim in a sweater? >> i do. my nipples get dangerously erect
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in chilly water. they're like two little switch blades! >> jimmy: so because of that, you're suing your washing machine? >> you're darn tootin' i am! i'm suin' amana and maytag and hotpoint. i'm suing toasters and blenders, alarm clocks, i'm suin' that vibrating massager that feels so good when you sit on it. and i'm especially suin' my electric razor. >> jimmy: why especially that one? >> well, if you must know, the other mornin' i was manscaping to keep my pants pickle lookin' smooth just as the lord intended, and that lil' bastard took a mean chunk clean off my dinger! got blood all over my dungarees and look what happened when i warshed 'em! >> jimmy: oh, no. you know, mike, i think you can solve one of your problems just by doing your laundry in cold water. >> i tried that, but my nips got so sharp, they shredded my dress shirts! i'm telling you, switch blades,
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jim! >> jimmy: you've got to figure that out. this is a real problem for you. [ phone ringing ] >> wait a minute, that's my nephew calling, juno. i told you, if the toilet's back up, just go in the litter box. stupid kid. takes after his mother. sorry 'bout that. >> jimmy: it's fine. now why aren't you suing your cell phone? >> because a cell phone ain't a machine. >> jimmy: yeah, it is a machine. >> no, the h-e double hockey sticks it is not. >> jimmy: what is it then? if it's not a machine? >> it's a fruit. says apple right on it. >> jimmy: mike, even you're not that out of it, that you think that -- >> oh-oh -- it's time to feed my bear. >> jimmy: you have a bear? >> i've been feeding a grizzly bear to help protect it from the local kooks. come here, smokey, you want an apple? >> jimmy: great to talk to you, i hope everything's okay. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: tonight from "winning time: the rise of the lakers dynasty" on hbo, michael chiklis is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later this young lady is nominated for three grammy awards. her album is called "outside child." allison russell from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, gwen stefani and jude hill, with music from wilderado.
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our first guest was our friend named "phoebe," for 236 episodes on the show that will never go away, and she's tired of hearing about it. so please don't bring it up when she comes out. she's done other things, for god's sake. she plays cool aunt heidi in the new musical comedy "better nate than ever." it premieres april 1st on disney plus. please welcome lisa kudrow! [ cheers and applause ] snoeth ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi. >> jimmy: it's great to see you, how are you doing? everything all right? >> great. >> jimmy: are you sick of hearing about "friends"? be honest, if you are -- >> no, i'm not. >> jimmy: in a week, how many times does the word "friends" come up? >> if i leave my house? like, two times a day. >> jimmy: two times a day? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. >> depends how many people i see. >> jimmy: that's reasonable. >> yeah, how about you? [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: you know, i'm going to start paying attention to see if people mention it to me. >> you'll see, it will come up. >> jimmy: it will creep up on me. "hey, i know you, you watched "friends." >> you interviewed many people from "friends." >> jimmy: speaking of, your friend courteney cox was here a few weeks ago. she was talking about this. she has jam sessions at her house that are unbelievable. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: have you been to these things? >> not with the terribly fancy folk. but sometimes, yeah. >> jimmy: when you say terribly fancy, i mean, you are not exaggerated in the slightest bit. because as i recall it was ed sheer ren. >> yeah. >> jimmy: brandi carlile. >> yeah. >> jimmy: elton john. >> sir elton john. >> jimmy: sir elton john, who's a knight. who's legally allowed to behead people in england if he so chooses. they sat down at the piano, courteney playing the piano, dedicated a song which they posted to instagram to you. >> i know!
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>> lisa kudrow, this is for you. one, two, three -- ♪ ♪ hold me closer tiny dancer ♪ ♪ found the headlights on the highway ♪ >> jimmy: they did your "tony danza" song. >> honestly, courteney knows i don't look at instagram every day, or even every week. she texted me and said, look what i just posted. and i went, ed sheeran said my name, what's next? then, oh, brandi carlile, elton john, what's happening? then i just didn't even know what to do. >> jimmy: yeah, that's got to be -- you have to respond to that, right? >> i didn't at first. then i went, oh no, i have to, right? you do have to, yeah. i thought, well, okay. and i wasn't thinking that clearly. it was just, well, this is my sense of humor. they did it wrong.
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>> jimmy: what do you mean? [ laughter ] >> it's supposed to be "hold me close young tony danza." >> jimmy: not "hold me closer tony danza." you told elton john that he got the words to the song you got wrong, wrong? >> yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: to his song. >> yeah. i did. >> jimmy: where were you when courteney sent you that text and you started playing it? >> i was all alone shooting "better nate than ever." i was in new york. >> jimmy: what do you mean, all alone? >> i was living alone in an apartment by myself. >> jimmy: i see, you weren't on the set? >> all alone, that would be funny. >> jimmy: yeah, no, it would be weird if they just left you to your own devices. >> just let me -- yeah, it was fun. no, i was alone in my place. >> jimmy: oh, even worse, nobody to go crazy with, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is -- i mean, what a strange world. >> it is. but also, i mean, look. even when i went to work, i was still excited.
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but it's not like i could go, "look." i mean, what am i going to do? "say cut because i think everyone on the crew would be pretty amused." >> jimmy: i would have, i absolutely would have, there's no question, i would have stopped everything, everybody look actually ton just sang to me! we tad, obviously, about "friends." there's another movie that you were part of that there was a reunion. i don't know if you'd call it a reunion. but you -- >> a moment. >> jimmy: you and mira sorvino got together at the s.a.g. awards in character as romi and michelle. >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: whose idea was it to do this? >> well, s.a.g. asked us to do it. but mira said, okay, i think -- she doesn't do anything halfway, by the way, mira sorvino. she said, we have to wear ensembles. i just went, oh, no, i can't. >> jimmy: you wore -- well, you wore the colors hat you guys
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wore. >> yeah, but i -- someone said tuxedo jackets are trending. i went, great. a pink tuxedo. then my stylist said, look at that. it's sequins. >> jimmy: did you have any idea what the reaction that people would react so strongly to it, both in the audience and online as well? >> no. >> jimmy: no? they did. >> i thought, it will be fun for the 20 people who care. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh-huh? you guys really did get into it, though, after you presented backstage. i mean, that's where you really started -- >> that was my idea. >> jimmy: and is there any doubt that you may have "high school reunion" reunion movie, another one? >> yeah, no -- >> jimmy: there is? >> robin schiff, she's been asked. >> jimmy: this is the first she thought that, when you presented at the s.a.g. awards? >> no, i think she had been asked about of that, was thinking of ideas, then this. she said, well action okay. >> jimmy: you're both enthusiastic about doing this? >> yeah, it would be fun.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it would be great. >> yeah. >> it's kind of perfect thing, to have a reunion of a reunion movie in the first place. >> yeah, i think it would be really -- i think it could be very funny. >> jimmy: maybe you can get elton john and ed sheeran to do the soundtrack. >> i don't know why we wouldn't be able to. >> jimmy: when we come back, we'll see a clip from the new movie "better nate than ever." lisa kudrow is here. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by las vegas, the greatest arena on earth. before, it got started with a key. then a button. now... ♪ before, the rain would bring me down. how ya like me now, rain? before, you had to be awake to make a difference. before it can change the world, it has to change yours. the all-electric volkswagen id.4. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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okay care coalition, alaska airlines is still frontrunner for most caring airline. funshine bear, you did some of your own research, right? i sure did. ♪ according to the web, their program's number one, ♪ ♪ earning alaska miles is quicker and more fun! ♪ cute! ooh, that was wonderful, sweetie! oh, oh, oh, i have a song about their cheese plates. ♪ cheese please! cheese please! cheese please! cheese please! ♪ uh- it's time for lunch. aw... ♪ ♪
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centuries ago, native californians thrived on this land. now, we share a destiny with all californians. when voters granted our sovereign nations exclusive gaming rights, it advanced self-sufficiency and created thousands of good jobs. but now, out of state corporations are coming to california. their online sports betting initiative would break the promise between us. it's bad for tribes and all californians. join us. protect the promise. move over kfc. it's kfc tenders! and the same creamy mac n' cheese, crispy fries, buttery biscuits, and delicious sauces! the kfc 8pc tenders meal.
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singer, but there was this trick i used to use for musicals, okay? you hold the sheet music, right? like, you know, you haven't really fully memorized the song. then halfway through, just casually let it drop to the floor. like, wait, not only do i know this song, i'm going to blow you away in the final verse. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is lisa kudrow and "better nate than ever" which premieres april 1st on disney plus. it's a musical. did you sing in this movie? >> absolutely not, no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you remember when we played husband and wife in the animated movie "boss baby." >> i do remember. >> jimmy: they surprised us and told us we had to sing. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: someone on staff started that round of applause. [ laughter ] we were both like, oh, no, we don't want to sing, we don't want to sing. they're like, yeah, no, just sing a bedtime story.
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>> "blackbird." >> jimmy: yeah, right, the beatles. >> by the way, i did sing it. then we go in a million times not together. i did it, i thought it was really sweet and lovely, what a mother -- and they went, "can you do it completely differently?" no, i can't. >> jimmy: in this one, you knew going in -- no surprises, you knew the musical -- there's a lot of teenagers in this movie. >> yeah, yeah. it's about a 13-year-old boy and his best friend. and that's ruby wood, who's phenomenal, you'll see. and aria brooks, also phenomenal, you'll see. and joshua bassett, who's already a big deal from "high school musical." >> jimmy: was it fun to work with these kids, with teenagers, a group of them? >> they were so -- yeah, it was really fun. they're really nice and very respectful. and a lot smarter than i am or ever was. >> jimmy: did they ask you for advice? do they want to know how things go, how to plan, that kind of stuff? >> yeah, no, i was asked -- aria
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asked about career longevity. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. that's what she wanted to know about. it's like, eh, i don't know. >> jimmy: you had nothing to share? >> i was like, i get on a show like "friends." i don't know. >> jimmy: get on "friends," that's good. [ applause ] there are a bunch of audition scenes in the movie, i know. do you remember your first big audition, one that you really wanted? >> oh, god. okay, i remember -- yeah. i had a bad experience. >> jimmy: a bad one, okay. >> yeah. it's all my own fault. i got to audition for larry sanders. >> jimmy: one of the best shows ever. >> ever. garry shandling, who was a god, comedy god to me, to everybody. >> jimmy: 100%, yeah. >> i was so excited, this is perfect. i did have this pretty dry sense of humor, you know? like at a restaurant, if the waiter is saying, "so tonight we're offering sand dabs." i'd say, "all of you are? we all? all of you?"
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i couldn't help it. any bump in language, i was like, what's that? so at the audition, i guess i was doing a similar thing. and i think, you know, the casting director, someone, said, all right, now we're going to do this scene. and i said, oh, yeah? okay, but should it just be he and i? you know, no tell, no smile, no -- i'm not in there, just like -- yeah, that's right. garry said, "no, we will read it together." and we did. >> jimmy: even garry didn't get it. >> i don't know. but they didn't know me. >> jimmy: right. >> i forgot. that's part of it. and then i was done, "thank you, we'll be in touch." okay, walking down the hall, it was a really long hall. i'm walking down the hall. i hear the door open and i turn around and it's garry shandling. [ laughter ] looking at me to make sure i'm gone. he said, "uh -- we'll be in touch, we really will."
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and then closed the door. i scared garry shandling? [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: is that the case? did you scare garry? >> i don't know. this with him later on?discuss - >> no, never brought it up. >> jimmy: you never brought it up? >> no. >> jimmy: whoa, wow. did they call, were they in touch? >> no. [ laughter ] no, there's something wrong with me. >> jimmy: who wound up getting that part? >> janeane garofalo. . i'm like yelling at you, why don't you know everything! >> jimmy: this is what got you on the wrong foot with garry. i guess it all worked out. >> of course. if it should be janeane garofalo, it should be janine ga rolfly. >> jimmy: she was great on that show. you would have been too, had you not scared garry. "better nate than ever" premieres april 1st on disney plus. lisa kudrow, everybody.
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thank you, lisa. we'll be back with michael chiklis! ♪ one-two-three ♪ ♪ ♪ uh, alright, uh! ♪ ♪ got to know how to pony ♪ ♪ like bony maronie ♪ ♪ uh! ♪ ♪ you know i feel alright? ♪ ♪ hah! ♪ ♪ i feel pretty good, yall ♪ ♪ uh! ♪ ♪ oww! ♪ ♪ ♪ ohh, help me! ♪ ♪ ♪ ohh, help me! ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [vacuuming] come on, why can't you... do this yourself? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do you have anything to promote? >> i'm not really, like, in touch with anything. but can i promote my favorite restaurant, ihop, the best pancakes, by far, i spend $60 at ihop, he gets mad at me. >> how many pancakes does $60 at
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ihop buy? >> it's not about the portion, it's about the quality and different kinds. >> you pay $60, you get better quality? >> ihop is known for pancakes. you can also get chicken tenders. it's very underrated. >> brought to you by ihop. >> by far the best pancakes, by far, it's not even close. [upbeat acoustic music throughout]
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? hello there, welcome back to the show. music from allison russell is on the way. with a smooth and beautiful round head, it is only fitting that our next guest would play a basketball mastermind. he is red auerbach in "winning time: the rise of the lakers dynasty." you can see it sunday nights on hbo. please welcome michael chiklis! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very good to see you. i haven't seen you in quite some time. >> it's been awhile. >> jimmy: you look good. >> thank you, man. >> jimmy: you look vigorous. >> i'm feeling strong.
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i'm feeling there's something wrong with me. >> jimmy: what, really? >> yeah, i can't stop telling this story. >> jimmy: what story? >> well, thanks for asking. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you can tell my story you want, that's why we're here. >> it's about my daughter. >> jimmy: oh. >> about three years ago my daughter was asked to go jogging with a friend. >> jimmy: how old is your daughter? >> she's 28 now. at the time 25. she goes jogging with her friend. i call her, how'd the run go? she goes, dad, i barely made it a mile. i thought i was going to croak. i go, that's okay, you were never a runner, it's fine. she goes, no, i'm 25, i've got to be able to run. she starts running. one mile turns into two. four, ten. so now four months ago she walks into the house. she announces to my wife and i that she and her boyfriend have registered for the l.a. marathon. >> jimmy: oh, all right, okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, right? so i go -- >> jimmy: i didn't know where we were headed with this. >> i look at her and i go, why? [ laughter ]
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she goes -- no because i just have to do it, i have to do it. so i watched them train for like four months. wouldn't you know, right -- it happened this sunday. so right before they're about to go, i have to go to new york to promote "winning time." >> jimmy: oh, so you didn't -- >> i'm going to miss it, right? i'm so upset. so i'm there, it's sunday this past sunday. all this nervous energy. she facetimes me. it's 5:00 in the morning here, pitch dark. she's at dodger stadium. she's like, dad, we're going to do this. i'm like, you got this kid, go for it, you got it! 26.2 miles, it's daunting. i'm like, do this! so i don't know what's wrong with me. i go downstairs. to have breakfast. and i tell the hostess that she's running it, i tell the waitress, i go out into the streets and i see that people are running in new york. they have numbers on. i go to this officer, what's going on? he goes, yeah, they're running
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the half marathon. no, they're not, my daughter's running a full marathon! [ laughter ] he's freaking out. you know, my wife calls me. god bless my wife, she's not very technically adept, right? i say to her, can you facetime me when she's about to cross the finish line so i can see it happen? she's like, no problem, i'll do it. she calls me a few hours later, she's almost there! she'd been going with my youngest daughter to points along the way and encouraging her as she ran by. now she's at the finish line. she calls me. i'm looking at the phone. and she switched it around. but then when she picked it up, i think she hit a button again. it switches back. and all i could see is a picture of her forehead! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have it? >> i took a screen shot. here. >> jimmy: okay, all right. yeah, let's -- oh, yeah. [ laughter and applause ] let's zoom in there. >> look, look, look.
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look at me. >> jimmy: that's you yelling a the your wife? >> "no, no, no, turn it around, turn the thing around!" >> jimmy: then what do we have here? >> thankfully the people of the l.a. marathon do something really nice. they take photographs of everybody as they cross the finish line. and they go by number. and they post them online so you can get them. so thankfully i was able to get this shot, the neck one, of her crossing the line. >> jimmy: oh, wow. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations. >> that is triumph right there. isn't that amazing? >> jimmy: will you run with her maybe next year? >> are you on drugs? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe. yeah, thanks for the phone, by the way. let's see who's in your address book. no. well, that's pretty -- well, i can see you're very proud. it's actually very charming to see that. >> i think for someone who couldn't run a mile, three years later she runs a marathon, it just shows a certain grit, you know? >> jimmy: speaking of grit, tell
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me a little bit, before we talk about "winning time," this movie, it's a true story about -- i read about this guy, a guy who -- well, tell the story. >> a senior. it's a movie that i just finished shooting called "the senior." i play the senior. it's about the oldest college football player in the history of college football. this guy named mike flint. it's a true story. when he was a senior in college, he got thrown out of college for fighting. and for many, many years he regretted it. and when he was 59 years old, he was sent an invitation to go to a reunion. he was like, i can't go to this, i didn't eastern graduate. i was thrown out of school, i'm embarrassed. his wife got more than she bargained for because she told him to go. she got him to go. and when he was there they were like, hey, man, you look like you could still play. he's like, well, i could. well, why don't you try out? you're still eligible. and he got this idea that if he
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did it, maybe he could redeem himself. and it's an incredible redemption tale. and he did it. >> jimmy: and did you play -- did you get on the field? play football? >> i did 90% of my football, i was -- my eyebrows still hurt from this. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> my god, i'm 58 years old. i was too young for the role. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: does it make you think about tom brady, who's what, 44 years old? >> i wrote him, i texted tom, tom! you're no longer the oldest guy on the field, you've got to help me out! he gave me nothing. >> jimmy: well, yeah. >> you know what he gave me? "football's [ bleep ] hard." >> jimmy: that's that he wrote? >> yeah. [ laughter and applause ] he goes, "good luck. you read my book." that was it. >> jimmy: i love that you have tom brady's phone number. you're a fan of the celtics.- now you get to play red auerbach, who's like, to me, a villain because i'm a lifelong lakers fan. >> are you really? >> jimmy: i am.
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>> i'm so disappointed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, right back atcha, you know? [ laughter ] what i wonder is, like, when you were a kid, you know, because we're pretty close in age. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you ever imagine you'd be playing this -- red auerbach seemed like he was 70 years old when he was probably 30 years old. >> right. he stopped coaching when i was like, 3. then he was the president. >> jimmy: of the team, yeah. >> of the team. >> jimmy: smoked those big cigars. >> can you imagine this day and age, 2:30 left, the guy at the end of the bench just lights up a stogie? just to say," it's over, it's over." >> jimmy: he would be torn to pieces. >>exactly. he was a one of a kind, for sure. the thing is, i wish my father was around to see this. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> it was him. he was the one who was a huge, dyed in the wool, red auerbach fan. he'd go, "see that guy? that guy's a winner." >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, because he understood -- plus i -- you know, i red bill russell's book.
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that was the most interesting thing about researching red is that red auerbach was, you know -- i know he's a villain in this, to any lakers fan. but if you played for him, they loved red. and because he listened to his guys. he collaborated with his guys. you don't win nine championships as a coach and then another seven as a president if you're not creating an atmosphere of champions. and he gave them agency. he made them feel like they were participating in their own life. >> jimmy: speaking of team players, you were with the whole cast at a premiere event here. you jumped out in front of everybody. [ laughter ] with your boston celtics t-shirt on. >> yeah. >> jimmy: on the purple red carpet, of all things. >> i was going to wear a suit like everybody else in this thing. i'm in my closet. i literally see the shirt. it just was calling to me. i went, should i? should i do this? i went, yeah, i should do this. >> jimmy: this is why people
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don't like boston fans, right here, there it is. [ applause ] it's great to see you. the show is "winning time: the rise of the lakers dynasty." sunday nights on hbo and hbo max. michael chiklis, everybody! we'll be back with allison russell. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. . fantastic things start to happen when you step aboard a princess cruise. doors open up for you, your favorite drinks start finding you, and everything seems to be
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to lisa kudrow and michael chiklis. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. tomorrow night, gwen stefani and jude hill with music from wilderado. "nightline" is next, but first, you're going to like this. this is her grammy-nominated album, "outside child." here with the song "4th day prayer," allison russell! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ i was the queen of westmount park it was all mine after dark ♪ ♪ old willow tree it was my throne till i till i went home ♪ ♪ father used me
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like a wife mother turned the blindest eye ♪ ♪ stole my body spirit pride he did he did each night ♪ ♪ one for the hate that loops and loops ooh ♪ ♪ two for the poison at the roots three for the children breaking through ♪ ♪ four for the day we're standing in the sun ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ♪ these are the best years of your life if i'd believed it i'd have died ♪ ♪ something told me that they lied oh i oh i survived ♪ ♪ left home i was just a child ooh ♪ ♪ slept in the graveyard end of the mile ooh ♪ ♪ when the sun came up and found my skin i rose i rose again ♪
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♪ one for the hate that loops and loops two for the poison at the roots ♪ ♪ three for the children breaking through four for the day we're standing in the sun ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ♪ slip streams and fever dreams do you see what i can't see ♪ ♪ tell me tell me tell me i want to understand from the coast of africa ooh ♪ ♪ to the hills of grenada to the cold of montreal that whip that whip still falls ♪ ♪ one for the hate that loops and loops two for the poison at the roots ♪
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♪ three for the children breaking through four for the day we're standing in the sun ♪ ♪ ooh ooh one for the hate that loops and loops ♪ ♪ two for the poison at the roots three for the children breaking through ♪ ♪ one for the hate that loops and loops two for the poison at the roots ♪ ♪ three for the children breaking through four for the day ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, seeking refuge. russians arriving at our border. >> we just needed to be somewhere far from putin, far from russia. >> camped out seeking asylum, fleeing putin's aggression. >> everyone can be arrested for anything. >> scared and desperate, leaving everything behind. >> we thought that it's going to be iron curtain again, and in two days we left. >> will they find the freedom they are looking for? plus, the reinforcements. the community hospital overwhelmed after nearly two years straight of fighting covid. >> we have less and less beds, somehow. it just kept getting worse. >> things so bad, the armed forces deployed. >> we made a commitment to defend our country from enemies foreign and domestic.
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