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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 30, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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chris pine, we will see tomorrow. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- chris pine. ke huy quan. and music from wallows with cleto and the cletones. and now jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. i appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i am host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming here. we are -- [ cheers ] relax, please. wear here at our home in hollywood. we're just across the street from the dolby theatre which was the site of the most dramatic moment in oscar, maybe even television history.
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the willie manilli as it's being called. was it crime, was it staged, was it the end of comedy, was it cake? we don't know. unless you've been under chris rock, we know the story. the academy of motion picture arts and sciences are not jumping to conclusions. they've begun what they call their official review. the president and ceo of the academy sent a letter to members, says it will take them a few weeks to complete their investigation of this incident. and a lot of people are wond wondering, what, why it will take a few weeks to investigate something we all saw happen in realtime. you have to remember it takes these people four hours to hand out eight awards. [ laughter and applause ] they're in no rush, they do one thing a year and that's it. but you know what they say, it's an honor just to be investigated. [ laughter ] and they have vowed to take "appropriate action." so now the question is will they suspend will smith's membership, or maybe even take his oscar
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away? i don't think they should do either of those things. i really don't. if the academy wants to punish will smith, you know what they should do? i had the idea. they should make him do the red carpet interviews for e! next year. [ laughter ] [ applause ] let him stand outside asking olivia colman who designed her purse for four hours. or maybe for ten years he is not allowed to star in anything good. no big franchises. no big directors. "the academy sentences you to one decade of hallmark christmas movies." [ laughter ] [ applause ] right? the academy released a statement in the morning. they released a second statement not long ago that had a surprise in it. it said "mr. smith was asked to leave the ceremony and refused," which is a new nugget. i don't know who asked him to leave. maybe jazzy jeff? [ laughter ] "hey, jazzy could you pass along a message to will?" can you imagine? who would have accepted his oscar if he had been thrown out? chris rock, maybe? [ laughter ] i don't know.
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you know, usually when someone is asked to leave and refuses to go, that's when security comes in and takes that person away. but in this case they decided to give him an oscar and let him back on stage. [ laughter ] we're all feeling the repercussions of this slap. it's not just chris rock. my jaw hurts just from telling so many jokes about it. [ laughter ] many notables have spoken out and condemned both what will smith did and those in the audience who gave him a standing ovation after he did it, including a famous athlete who's been the subject of some chris rock jokes himself. >> will smith, chris rock. it was unfortunate. i think will was wrong. look. i understood the feeling. now, in my life, i've been through a lot of crap, and i was raising two young kids, and every comedian in the country had an o.j. routine. and don't think i wouldn't want to be slapping a couple of those guys. but you got to accept it, it's
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humor. i didn't even think it was all that egregious. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. when o.j.'s giving you a lecture on self-control? [ laughter and applause ] that is -- i think that's -- i didn't look it up but i think that's the very definition of "ingregious." >> what happened to me in las vegas, if i'd done that in front of a billion people in the world, they would have given me life without. i'm just saying. hey, take care. >> jimmy: all right. just in case you're unaware that the world is now upside down we have o.j. claiming someone else got off easy. [ laughter ] i'm just saying. one of the unintended effects of what happened on sunday is that chris rock's ticket sales are up. he's got a show in boston tonight, i went on stubhub. tickets are crazy expensive. $886 for a balcony seat. $1,705 for mezzanine. by the end of this tour, chris rock will have enough money to actually produce "g.i.
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jane 2." [ laughter ] [ applause ] the next academy awards is almost a year away, but we already have a contender for best picture. thanks to a poorly timed green screen setup on school photo day at sugar grove elementary in greenwood, indiana. >> spring picture day was postponed twice by bad weather. and landed on st. patrick's day, when of course almost everyone wore green. >> honestly, i couldn't wait to see other parents' pictures. it ended up being just a hilarious fiasco. just because it's just so funny. >> like the girl who became one with the flower bed. the boy's head popping out of a farm field. the boy separated by a dirt road. >> just laughing because it looks like he's a fence, it looks like he's a field. he thought it was really funny. >> jimmy: well, yeah, because it is very funny. [ laughter ] this may have involved some green screen magic. kim jong-un is feeling left out i guess with all the focus on
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russia and ukraine. he wanted to remind people that he has nuclear warheads too. so they made a video starring slim kim with his big new mega missile directed, i can only assume, by the funniest person in north korea. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: that's what hppens after you've executed anyone who even slightly disagrees with you. [ laughter ] all of a sudden, you're in the worst michael bay movie yet. [ laughter and applause ]
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this video, i guess it was, i don't know, intended to scare us and inspire the north korean people. but it also turns out to make for a pretty damn fine erectile dysfunction commercial. [ laughter ] >> no man likes to wait. you want the action to happen on your terms. that's why you need cyalis. with cyalis, you control the launch. at any moment's notice, command your fit to prescribe cyalis for you. don't take cyalis if you're currently in a coma and using a body double for bub appearances. side effects include boat bloating, man kankles, and cheesefoot. deploy your warhead with cyalis. >> jimmy: i don't know what cheesefoot is, sounds delicious. [ applause ] meanwhile, kim jong-un's buddy, donald, is busy talking to anyone who might sit there and nod in agreement. he did an interview with something called "real america's voice." which might not be a real thing. but he was there to 2 two sycophants the same question
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over and over and over again. >> why did the mayor of moscow's wife give the bidens, both of them, $3.5 million? why did the mayor of moscow's wife give the biden family $3.5 million? why is it that the mayor of moscow's wife gave the biden family $3.5 million? >> jimmy: and one other question, off topic -- why is it that the mayor of moscow's wife -- [ laughter ] this story about this $3.5 million, there's no evidence to back it up. and not only that, remember back in 2016 when he asked russia to find hillary clinton's emails? and when he tried to extort the president of ukraine to manufacture information about hunter biden? for that one, he got impeached. now he's asking vladmir putin to release dirt on the bidens. in the middle of a war! he wants our enemy to dig up damaging information about our president. while he is attacking ukraine. he doesn't see anything wrong with this. the whole free world is trying
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to top putin, trump's like," hey, got anything on the president's crackhead son i can use? i'd really appreciate it." [ laughter ] meanwhile, his own son is in the basement making videos that look like the last 20 minutes of "goodfellas." [ laughter ] and on top of that, the new york state attorney general's office says they have "uncovered significant evidence" that for more than a decade the trump organization overvalued real estate assets and made misleading financial statements. for example, the trump organization valued some apartments they owned at $49 million, when they were actually worth only $750,000. when questioned about the valuation, the cfo of trump org, alan weisselberg, admitted "the apartment's value had been overstated by give or take $200 million." we're talking trump, i'm guessing it was take, not give. [ laughter ] he even overstated the size of his apartment. he said it was 30,000 square feet, when in truth it was under 10,000 square feet. he's claiming his apartment was a grower, not a shower. basically. [ laughter ] what a life, he never stops lying. i'm surprised he doesn't go
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around saying he's 11 feet tall. this is good. for those who think trump is a regular guy. he's been trying to pin these supply chain issues on joe biden. but when his brain attempts to generate a specific example of a store that is out of products, this is what he comes up with. >> they don't have things, you go to buy something at tiffany, you go to buy something at a hardware store, high, low, they don't have product. >> jimmy: right. tiffany's and a hardware store. name one hardware store. just one. the only two things donald trump buys are tennis bracelets and plungers. [ laughter ] and this wasn't the only instance. he did the same thing at his rally in georgia over the weekend. >> hot hell ever heard of this stuff? you go to the stores and the stores are -- the cupboards are empty. you go into tiffany, where is your -- sir, we think we can have it in the next seven to eight months. >> jimmy: yeah, i got a hooker waiting for a bracelet! [ laughter and applause ] so down to earth, just a regular
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guy. donald trump spends more time thinking about tiffany the store than tiffany the daughter. [ laughter ] and thanks to trump, we've got a whole junior army of knuckleheads running around. in the nebraska state legislature, they were debating a bill meant to help children with behavioral issues when a state senator named bruce bostelman decided to go all-in on a what turned out to be a made-up story about kids who identify as "furries" in schools. >> i'm a little shocked, i guess, is what i would put it. it's called -- something called "furries." if you don't know what furries are, it's where schoolchildren dress up as animals -- cats or dogs -- during the school day. they meow and they bark. they interact with their school, with the teachers and that, in this fashion. now schools are wanting to put litter boxes in the schools for these children to use. how is this sanitary? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you'd rather they go
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in the sandbox? they're animals, not animals. bruce obviously gets his news from a facebook page with a picture of an eagle carrying a machine gun. [ laughter ] the fact that he would believe least.s confusing to say the - but there's no one more confuse. >> i even heard from one person -- [ laughter ] who said that a student identified as a cat and wanted a litter box. the school didn't provide the litter box so the student went and defecated on the floor. really. really. >> jimmy: yeah. no. not really. but you do look cute! [ laughter ] to his credit, after getting lambasted online bostelman apologized and acknowledged the story wasn't accurate. and then he licked himself clean. [ laughter and applause ] so maybe there's hope for him yet. i don't know. the fda is now recommending a second booster shot for adults over the age of 50 years old. president biden, who is about 50 years over the age of 50 --
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[ laughter ] got his second booster this afternoon. biden says the government now has the means to protect us. the virus no longer controls our lives, and we've reached a "new moment" in the pandemic. which is good because the old moments have been terrible. [ laughter ] but we have made progress when it comes to the coronavirus. and every now and then, we like to look back to remember how far we've come. we're doing it again in an end of march edition of "this month in covid history." >> this month in covid history -- travel with us through the ages one year ago. the new president is really stepping up. oh-oh -- whoopsie -- well, have a nice trip and don't forget your vaccine passport. >> you will want to get that cdc card. that is going to be your golden ticket for 2021. >> we've got a golden ticket. or not. >> does anybody in this restaurant think it's a good idea to take the vaccine? raise your hand if you think it's a good idea. anyone here? it's a good idea to take the
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vaccine? raise your hand if you think it's a good idea. >> this has been diners, drive-ins, and dying. amber alert, congressman gaetz has thoughts. >> i'm not the only one falsely accused of a sex ac. you and i went to dinner, i brought a friend of mine, you'll remember her -- >> i don't remember the woman you were speaking of. >> she was the one to asked for prawns. now the qanon radio hour. grab your decoder rings, q has a new message. >> donald trump will become president on march 4th. >> start spreading the qs! >> on march 4th, trump will be reinstated as president. >> trump will take office on march 4th. >> he is inaugurated on march 4th. >> you're going to feel foolish on march 5th when biden's still president? >> um -- trump has a different plan. >> he is hoping it's a retirement plan. this has been "this month in
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covid history." >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. ke huy quan is here. we've got music from wallows. and we'll be right back with chris pine. is stick around!
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so you can be ready for what's next. get started with internet and voice for $64.99 a month. and ask how to add securityedge™. or, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. >> jimmy: tonight, from the new movie "everything everywhere all at once," ke huy quan is with us. [ cheers and applause ] if you don't know that name, maybe you'll recognize his face. he played short round in "indiana jones" and data in "the goonies." [ cheers and applause ] look, there he is right there. now he's a man. he became a man. a man who has a new movie.pthen los angeles, their album is called "tell me that it's over," wallows from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ]
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you can see wallows on tour starting april 1st at the paramount theater in seattle. our first guest you know from three "star treks," two "wonder women," and one really good episode of "csi: miami." [ laughter ] next, he plays a discharged and desperate special forces sergeant on the run in "the contractor." it opens in theaters and digitally on friday. please welcome chris pine. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> i have this long hair now. >> jimmy: yeah, like a young kenny rogers. [ laughter ] you're very hairy right now. >> thanks for mentioning --? "csi: miami"? was that a bad memory? >> this is a new set? >> jimmy: no, we just rearranged
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things, yeah. how are you doing? that's guillermo, he's the same thing. >> yeah, i know that. i haven't been on the show. >> jimmy: you haven't been here in person in quite some time. >> like a long time. hey, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] yeah! we're back in the same building! >> jimmy: this is not the same group of people who were here the last time you were here. [ laughter ] we swapped them out. >> oh, they're not actors. >> jimmy: how did you do? did you go to the oscars festivities? >> i did, i was around. did you? >> jimmy: no, i stayed at home, yeah. >> i was out this weekend, yeah. had a -- went to a couple of parties. it was all right. >> jimmy: it was all right, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you sit there going, i can't wait to get home at those parties? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, me too. that's why i didn't go. >>yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i figured, rather than thinking i can't wait to get home, i'd be at home. >> smart. i was at one, i was about to go this guy stopped me.
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he's like, i know you. i goss like, god, you know, this again. [ laughter ] he's like, joey lawrence. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: what? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what? that's a weird one. >> not quite. but thank you, i'll remember that the rest of my life. >> jimmy: at least he's a handsome guy. >> so then he said -- he stopped me," joey lawrence?" no, no, thank you, no. "come on, man, who are you? tell me who are you?" i was like, "chris evans, captain america." [ laughter and applause ] and just to top it off he goes, "that's my man!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you get confused for other people a lot? >>er, man. i've gotten, you know -- i've gotten -- yeah ryan reynolds. brad. hemsworth. matt damon.
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>> jimmy: oh, no, that's just rude. >> i know, it's rude. >> jimmy: i hope you slapped the guy. >> i don't like the guy at all. >> jimmy: that was really rude. >> really awful. >> jimmy: why would someone say that to you? >> i don't know, disrespectful. >> jimmy: this is a first for joey lawrence? >> a first for joey lawrence. >> jimmy: who do you usually bring, do you go by yourself, you bring someone? >> i bring my mom. >> jimmy: your mom, oh, nice. boy. >> my mom's been partying for years. [ laughter ] yeah, she's -- >> jimmy: what does your mom do, talk to people? >> she talks to everybody. quentin tarantino, who she has a major fascination with because quentin obviously loves all things old hollywood. >> jimmy: right. >> so -- yeah. you know. so my mom wanted to reframe this picture she had of my grandmother, who was an actress in the '30s and '40s who quentin knew. they jammed about which was the best poster place to take it to. they talked for hours. >> jimmy: really? oh, yeah, he knows all that stuff. >> everything. >> jimmy: he knows every actor. >> everything. >> jimmy: she must have been --
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i bet he was -- he probably had more questions about your grandma than -- >> he knew everything she'd been in. costars, directors. the studios she worked at. and then "once upon a time" comes out, and bruce dern, he's got that scene at the ranch, whatever. playing on his television screen is a film of my grandmother's. yeah. >> jimmy: wow. >> called -- i think it was called "teenage monster." my grandma was a big -- they called her a scream queen in the '30s and '40s. did a bunch of horror pictures. did abbott and costellos. anyway, this movie was on the screen. >> jimmy: that's exciting. >> pretty cool, yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, it's weird. i mean, i'm just imagining my grandmother, who i don't think eve really wore shoes, i don't know. [ laughter ] she's in slippers in the house all day. >> now i know that, that's good. >> jimmy: your dad we know is an actor, most famous for being on "chips."
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[ cheers and applause ] your mom, we actually have a clip of some of your mom's wor. >> oh, i heard -- i don't think i've seen it. >> jimmy: this will be fun. you've not seen all your mom's work? >> her oeuvoeuvre? i'm not up on the oeuvre. >> jimmy: you're going to get up to date. there was a movie called "the blob." she's not in that one. she's in the sequel. >> "son of the blob." >> would you tell marion, please, that -- what's wrong? chester? chester! aahhh! >> aahhh! >> aahhh! aahhh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's excellent. >> i mean, first of all -- let's be honest, my mom was a babe. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, she was. >> she was a babe. >> jimmy: yeah.
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>> secondly, they'd obviously just discovered zoom. that was a lot of zoom. rrr! jell-o! >> jimmy: she bring any of that jell-o home? >> i wasn't born. >> jimmy: you never got to meet the blob, that's a shame. >> the blob's not real. >> jimmy: the blob's son or anything like that. that's pretty great. that's what happens when your parents are from hollywood. what did your grandfather do? >> he was an entertainment lawyer. >> jimmy: oh, wow. the whole family. it's like you guys came over in a covered wagon. >> we came over in an acting covered wagon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: doing makeup on each other. >> yeah, let's go, let's go play! >> jimmy: incredible pine family. [ cheers and applause ] the movie is called "the contractor." we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by johnnie walker. listen to the new angel city football club anthem, "running with the angels," now available on spotify. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on...
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12:03 am
large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless, but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations,
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leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. ♪ ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer... are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection,... liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant,
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i have to give you blood. confirm and pause. >> confirmed. [ mumbling ] >> if you don't get blood, you're going to die. >> [ bleep ] you. >> i'm not leaving you. >> my family. i want to christina to hear about me from you. >> tell me stuff, you're going to tell me stuff. >> i want it to be you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is chris pine in "the contractor." i just want to be clear.
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this is not the kind of contractor that tells you your bathroom remodel is going to be one price then charges you four times as much? >> a whole film about that. a serious whole film. >> jimmy: wouldn't that be great? >> uh, yeah, that could be good. >> jimmy: the next one maybe," contractor 2." >> "contractor 2:flooring." no, this one is about a again beret, honorably discharged, he's a highly trained soldier, he's a medic. he's served his country, done a lot of tours. and then he's discharged because he's got a bum knee, he's been injecting himself with steroids and stuff to try and get it better and healthy. he gets kicked out. he's running into debt. a situation that's untenable. he's got a family to support. he goes to his buddy mike, played by the incredible ben foster. [ cheers ] yeah. yeah. [ cheers and applause ]
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he's got a gig, a great gig, you know. this guy rusty, he's operating this private contracting thing. you go off, make some good cash, come home. of course, it doesn't turn out to be that easy, and bad stuff starts to happen. >> jimmy: imagine if it had turned out to be that easy, wouldn't be much of a film, would it? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you shot this before the pandemic? >> shot before the pandemic in romania. >> jimmy: romania? i thought that was imaginary, i didn't know there was a romania. [ laughter ] >> yeah. near transylvania. >> jimmy: that's real, right? >> they have vampires. real ones. >> jimmy: really some should we be worried? >> yes. [ laughter ] no we had a good time shooting. it was kind of a fast shoot. we had a great cast. you know, ho is ss a big actress in germany, ferris, a big actor in sweden, international cast and crew. >> jimmy: you have another movie coming out? >> "all the old knives" with
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than deway newton and lawrence fishburne and jonathan pryce. that's kind of a -- oh, like an elegant spy thriller, kind of reminded me of the movies i grew up watching, "three days of the condor," good thriller, "all the president's men." >> jimmy: elegant spy thriller means you wear a tuxedo somewhere in the film? >> a turtleneck, a robert redford turtleneck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't know that was a thing. >> the turtleneck and the pea coat, it's a full outfit. >> jimmy: you are directing a film come up in a couple of weeks? >> god no. thank god. >> jimmy: is your first film -- >> first film, yeah. we start prepping -- thanks -- please. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: are you regretting -- is this one of those things that seemed like a good idea when you thought of it, now you're -- >> oh, man.
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i'm terrified. >> jimmy: you are? >> yeah. [ laughter ] in a good way. look, i have a great cast so far. annette bening, danny devito. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, you do have a great cast. it's going to be fun. they're both a lot of fun, those two. >> bows fun. it's an absolute absurdist comedy about a pool man that discovers corruption at city council, he finds himself becoming a detective like jake geddes but he's not talent order smart. >> jimmy: are you in it? >> i'm starring, i play the pool man. >> jimmy: oh, you have to direct yourself. that seems twice as hard. >> yeah. good job! keep it going! >> jimmy: love what you're doing. >> love what you're doing! yeah. >> jimmy: you will yell action? >> i don't know, this is the question i have. i've talked to all these directors. dr. zin ski, stiller, i talked to -- ben affleck won't call me back. [ laughter ] call me back! >> jimmy: guys who have directed themselves in films, yeah.
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i talked to michael b. jordan, he's directing "creed." first of all, how do you direct annette bening? i ask you. >> jimmy: yeah? >> then how -- do you finish a scene, you just stop, you're like -- "and cut." [ laughter ] that's weird, right? >> jimmy: it is weird. >> it's weird. >> jimmy: you need to have somebody yell that for you. >> i think i have to have somebody do that for me. >> jimmy: you need a cut man. >> a cut man. >> jimmy: like in boxing. >> everybody stop! >> jimmy: you know who would be great for that, dj khaled. [ laughter ] he can yell action and cut and do in it in a theatrical way, have fun on the set. >> open the buttons, get in the bentley, call it out from there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's great to see you. >> you too, man. >> jimmy: chris has 12 movies coming out. we're going to focus on "the contractor." it's in theaters and on digital friday. "all the old knifes" is in select theaters as they say and amazon prime video on april 8th. chris pine, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with ke huy quan.
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12:16 am
fantastic things start to happen when you step aboard a princess cruise. doors open up for you, your favorite drinks start finding you, and everything seems to be just how you like it.
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how does it all happen? it's no secret. it's our job to discover what makes you feel special. yes, you! and you. and you too. making sure you feel taken care of. that's what a princess cruise is all about. get the princess treatment with up to 40% off cruises to alaska. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ what's your name, where are you from? >> abe from atlanta, georgia. >> can you do a cart wheel? >> i cannot. >> take it away. >> i literally can't do a cartwheel. >> come on, abe. >> i don't even know how to do a cartwheel. >> abe, abe, abe, abe, abe, abe,
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abe, abe, abe, abe, abe, abe, abe! [ cheers ] abe, why did you lie to me? ( ♪ ) i call it the wheel. okay. this is a miss. edison, can i be honest with you? i-i-i-it stinks. (speaking japanese) like i was saying, it's ftx. it's a safe and easy way to get into crypto. ehhh, i don't think so. and i'm never wrong about this stuff. never. if you don't repaint every now and then, it's like the old you is still hanging around. younger zoe: i'm listening to music. younger zoe: you are a libra and he is a pisces, that is like a cosmic dungeon. older zoe: you know what, can you? younger zoe: cosmically, no. that's why i only date musicians. younger zoe: what are you guys eating?
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new starbucks baya energy drink with caffeine naturally found in coffee fruit. its energy, that's good. ♪ ♪ with caffeine naturally found in coffee fruit. it's electric... made extraordinary. ingenuity... in motion. it listens, learns, adapts and anticipates your every need. with intelligence... that feels anything but artificial. the eqs from mercedes-benz. it's the car electric has been waiting for.
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>> jimmy: music from wallows is on the way. our next guest made his film debut at age 12 in "indiana jones and the temple of doom." then he made "the goonies," and now he returns to the big screen in an an innew film called "everything everywhere all at once." ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "everything everywhere all at once" is in select theaters now and opens wide april 8th. please welcome ke huy quan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: you know, you seem so business like right now. just a second ago you were kicking ass. [ laughter ] >> wow, this is incredible! i've seen your show for so many years. >> jimmy: we've seen you for so many years, since you were a boy. i know that sounds creepy. [ laughter ] we've been watching you. >> thank you for having me, man. >> jimmy: thanks for coming, it's fun to have you here. how old were you when you in "indiana jones"? >> i was 12. >> jimmy: 12 years old. [ cheers and applause ] how did you wind up in that movie? >> you know, steven spielberg and george lucas was looking for an asian kid to costar with harrison ford in "indiana jones and the temple of doom." >> jimmy: you were asian at that time? [ laughter ] >> yes. yeah, yeah. the last time i checked, yes. >> jimmy: were you an actor at the time? >> no, no. i was not. so they, you know, they went
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couldn't find it.hing for it.- almost gave up the role. then they decided to have an open call in chinatown, los angeles. >> jimmy: wow. >> and my little brother went to audition. i tagged along. >> jimmy: isn't that always the way? [ laughter ] that's always how it goes. >> yeah, i was coaching him behind the camera. the casting director saw me and asked me if i wanted to try, to give it a try. i did. the next day, i got a call from steven spielberg's office. and my mom thought, you know, heard hollywood, heard famous director. she thought it was a really fancy meeting. she put me in this three-piece suit. [ laughter ] with a little gold chain hanging out of the side pocket. [ laughter and applause ] yeah. so steven came out. gave me -- saw how uncomfortable i was. gave me the biggest hug. the warmest smile. and says, "ke, i want you to come back next day, but wear
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something comfortable." [ laughter ] i went back the next day. i walk in the room, and there was steven spielberg, george lucas, and harrison ford. >> jimmy: wow. >> we spent an entire afternoon together. and three weeks later, i was on a flight to sri lanka, and it was the best adventures of my life. >> jimmy: i bet. [ cheers and applause ] were you like, oh my god, it's han solo? it's indiana jones? >> no, no. i didn't know who they were. i'd never seen "star wars." i'd never seen "e.t." at that time. >> jimmy: wow. >> certainly not "raiders of the lost ark." it was not until after the movie, steven and george screened it to me. then i realized, holy [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] these are really famous people! >> jimmy: right. you know, we still have to bleep that, even though you spelled it. [ laughter and applause ] so then you go right to "the goonies" right from "indiana jones," right? [ cheers and applause ]
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>> yes. >> jimmy: that's a movie that is very meaningful to a lot of people. people go crazy, i would imagine you get a lot from people. >> it's incredible. it's been so many years and it's still beloved by people all over the world. i mean, i'm so fortunate to be a part of, you know, that. >> jimmy: your little brother is so unfortunate. [ laughter ] to have missed out on all this magic. >> no, actually, we have a very good relationship. i love him to death. >> jimmy: i would hope so. >> he's been very supportive, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so when -- steven spielberg and george lucas, working with steven spielberg, two movies in a row, does he give you stuff? does he become an uncle or something? >> you know, my 14th birthday, this is right after "indiana jones." and, you know, i wanted to, you know, to have a birthday party. so naively, i invited them. [ laughter ] and, you know, i thought they would come. of course, you know, they're really busy making movies. but instead, you know, they sent a big present.
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george lucas sent the u-haul truck full of "star wars" toys. >> jimmy: really? >> which my brother was very happy, he got to play with all of them. >> jimmy: sure. >> steven spielberg gave me a tv -- >> jimmy: a tv? >> and a ton of movies on video cassette. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah, it was incredible. and honestly, i mean, to this day i am so grateful to them. because they changed my life. they changed the trajectory of my life. my life is better because of them. >> jimmy: that's good. then you wound up retiring from acting. you were doing behind-the-scenes kind of stuff for a while? >> it's not that i want to. i mean, if i'm being honest, it was tough to be an asian actor at that time. as i got older -- >> jimmy: you feel it's easier now? >> uh -- i mean, i don't know. i hope so. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> i'm very grateful for the asian representation that we have seen the last few years. in fact, i mean, i make that difficult decision to step away not because i didn't love it. i really love it.
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but there wasn't a lot of the opportunities for me at that time. >> jimmy: gotcha. >> i was content working behind the camera all these years until 2018 when a little movie called "the crazy rich asians" came out. [ cheers and applause ] and, you know, i remember watching it three times in the theaters. and i cried every single time. >> jimmy: i've heard a lot of people say that actually. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that it really moved them. >> it moved me. it was a great movie. and i also cried because i have serious fomo. [ laughter ] i wanted to be up there with them. it was really then that i decided to get back into acting. >> jimmy: that was what did it, interesting. then you just said, hey, listen, let's get it going again. you called your agents or something? said, let's do something? >> i called an agent friend and asked him if he wanted to represent me. this is after decades without an agent. >> jimmy: right. >> and he said yes. and literally two weeks later, i
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got a call about this movie. "everything everywhere all at once." >> jimmy: this movie is getting great reviews. it's a crazy movie. i mean, it's genuinely nuts, right? jamie lee curtis has hot dog fingers in one scene in the movie. [ laughter ] when you got the script, were you like, what the hell is this? >> well, first of all, it was one of the happiest readings i've ever done. because it featured a chinese family. it was the script that i wanted to read for many, many, many years. it just didn't exist before. so when this came upon -- i wanted to be a part of this project so badly. because i think, you know -- not only is it a beautifully written script, but to work with the michelm michelle yeoh, jimmy lee curtis? it was incredible. >> jimmy: you had fun doing it? >> yeah, yeah, yeah.
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i remember -- because i haven't been it for so long, it's been more than 20 years. and i remember the first week of shooting. i was so nervous. because sitting in front of me is jamie lee curtis. behind me, michelle. to my left, james han. all legendary actors. i kind of had a panic attack. >> jimmy: you did? >> i remember one day i finish a shot. jamie lee curtis is always by the monitor watching. and she saw it. she came up to me and she says, "ke, that was frickin' incredible." and to get that praise from her meant so much to me. and i walked on set the next day with full confidence, and that's hw i finished the movie. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jamie lee curtis. well, congratulations. that's so much fun to have you -- what are you working on now? do you have something going on right now? >> yeah, we just started shooting a television series for disney plus called "american-born chinese." with michelle yeoh as well. we have an amazing cast.
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it's produced by melvin mar and jake kaston, based on a graphic novel. >> jimmy: it's great to have you. welcome back to show business. "everything everywhere all at once" in select theaters and opens wide april 8th. be back with music from wallows! >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes.
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okay care coalition, alaska airlines is still frontrunner for most caring airline. funshine bear, you did some of your own research, right? i sure did. ♪ according to the web, their program's number one, ♪ ♪ earning alaska miles is quicker and more fun! ♪ cute! ooh, that was wonderful, sweetie! oh, oh, oh, i have a song about their cheese plates. ♪ cheese please! cheese please! cheese please! cheese please! ♪ uh- it's time for lunch. aw... ♪ ♪
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concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: thanks to chris pine and ke huy quan. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, this is their album "tell me that it's over." here with the song "marvelous," wallows! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ wish that things could be simple as they used to be want to take you for a ride you'll lay back the ♪ ♪ seat there won't be a need to be formal past the point of cordial we know that we ♪ ♪ could be anything we want to be mind the gap to jump in the hole i can't get ♪ ♪ this done on my own
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build a wall to go crash into i just want to do ♪ ♪ right by you think your patience is wearing off if you go, you'll know ♪ ♪ i'll be lost have a marvelous time i won't get you ♪ ♪ off of my mind i know i need to see it doesn't have to do with me ♪ ♪ when there's spells you can't control i'll try therapy but it's hard to ♪ ♪ talk without guidance this sitting in silence kill the suspense ♪ ♪ attractiveness is confidence mind the gap to jump in the hole ♪ ♪ i can't get this done on my own build a wall to go crash into i just want to ♪ ♪ do right by you think your patience is wearing off if you go you'll ♪ ♪ know i'll be lost have a marvelous time i won't get you ♪ ♪ off of my mind ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ wish that things could be. >> reporter: simple as they used to be ♪ ♪ want to take you for a ride you'll lay back the seat tell me if you start ♪ ♪ to get tired what's left to be desired when you look at me ♪ ♪ is there something left to the mind the gap to jump ♪ ♪ in the hole i can't get this done on my own build a wall ♪ ♪ to go crash into i just want to do right by you think your ♪ ♪ patience is wearing off if you go, you'll knowlle loave♪ ♪ marvelous time i won't get you off of my get you off of my ♪ ♪ mind the gap to jump in the hole i can't get this done on my own ♪ ♪ build a wall to go crash into i just want to do right by you ♪ ♪ think your patience is wearing off if you go you'll know i'll be lost ♪ ♪ have a marvelous time i won't get you off of my mind ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ tonight, an american horror that too few know about. >> the way i think of boarding school survivors, i think of them as prisoners of war. >> indigenous children snatched from their families, stripped of their culture, all sanctioned by the government. >> i called the boarding school era one of america's best-kept secrets. >> to me in my head it's always been just genocide. >> many who died never made it home. >> my responsibility is finding children that are in these cemeteries. without this healing, i don't think that america itself can heal. >> and tonight, the search for answers. the first native american cabinet secretary. the extraordinary steps she's taking to uncover the


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