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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 14, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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11:00. dan: we appreciate your time. right now on jimmy >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- bob odenkirk. anthony carrigan. and music from stromae with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. how are you doing? very kind. hi, cleto. thank you, guys. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watchi ing the show, thanks for coming to the show. thank you for joining us -- i don't know if we have any churchgoing folk here but it's holy thursday. i'm father jimmy.
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have you heard the good word about jesus? we'll be passing around the collection plate in just a minute. [ laughter ] holy thursday, for christians, commemorates the last supper. you remember the dinner jesus had with his apostels when they all decided to sit on the same side of the table to eat? [ laughter ] they all got to one side and asked the waiter "can you take a quick painting of us?" [ laughter ] we are about 20 minutes away from good friday. the most solemn day of the year for the catholic church. and i thought this was interesting. you know that book, the bible? [ laughter ] yeah. well, some people, rather than stealing it from a motel room, like normal people do, buy it on amazon. and not only do they buy it, they rate it. [ laughter ] good news, god, you got five stars! you did well. [ laughter ] i started reading through some of these reviews. some of them are one star. these are real one star reviews of the bible we tack from amazon. like this. logan says, "not what i was expecting." [ laughter and applause ]
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someone named dennis writes, "too large to handle. i did not realize just how big the book was. a lot of information that i didn't need." [ laughter and applause ] randy says, "very boring. wouldn't read it again, kind of dragged on. i was really waiting for the jesus to die part, but it was kind of anti-climactic. a lot of family history that i can't keep up with. lots of plot holes. this book is a mess." [ laughter and applause ] this book is a mess." randy's going to hell. this is from robert, "i was very disappointed, made in china." [ laughter ] this is from bradley. "does not have all the answers! i was told this book had all the answers, and yet i still don't know who killed my dog." [ laughter ] and finally, friendly neighborhood teen says, "hate it. i'm switching religions." [ laughter ] so may the lord have mercy on these reviewers, they know not what they do. president biden is planning to spend his holiday weekend at camp david. yesterday he extended the covid national emergency declaration for another 90 days.
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at this point, covid is like the "bachelor" franchise. they announce a new variant before the old one even wraps up. [ laughter ] all the declaration means is that americans will have access to covid-related health care and tests if we want it. but republicans have been urging the president to stop extending the emergency, period, so we can create a new, even worse emergency. maybe one with blisters this time. [ laughter ] meanwhile, donald trump is bored. donald trump is doing a lot of interviews. al caphony dialed into hannity last night. [ laughter ] you're not going to believe this, he's still going on about the election. >> had we won this election, which we did -- >> jimmy: hold on a second. [ laughter ] "had we won this election, which we did." [ laughter ] he's so out of it, he's forgetting to lie now. [ laughter ] but go on, get to the part where no bad things would ever happen if you were still in charge. >> had we won this electio, which we did, had we been put in place or left in place, we would have had absolutely -- first of all, we wouldn't have had the
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ukraine situation with russia. we have inflation, wouldn't have happened. we have ukraine, wouldn't have happened. you'll probably have taiwan, that would never have happened. none of this stuff would have happened. >> jimmy: had i won this election that i won. [ laughter ] if donald trump was president, he'd be throwing rolls of paper towels at ukrainian refugees. [ laughter ] he also -- even though we now know without a doubt that putin is a murderer and a war criminal and is bad as they come, even though we're on the precipice of nuclear war with this monster, trump cannot stop bragging about how well he knows the guy. >> when i look at what's happening, it never would have happened under the trump administration. regardless of strength one way or the other. i knew putin very well, almost as well as i know you, sean. >> jimmy: you've both seen me naked. and it's a beautiful thing. [ laughter ] there are body bags on the screen. he's bragging about the dudes he knows. how well he knows them. hannity, for his part, keeps trying to get trump to say the right thing.
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last month when trump called in, after he palled putin smart, hannity asked him, "you recognize he is evil, do you not?" trump had no comment. and so again, last night, sean tossed him the softest of balls, and once again, he whiffed bigly. >> i asked you the last time you were on whether you think that this is evil in our time. do you believe this is evil in our time? >> i think in 100 years, people are going to look back, and they're going do say, how did we stand back and nato stand back, in many ways i've called a paper tiger, don't forget i rebuilt nato. because when i became president, the first thing i noticed when i went there to the first meeting was that most of the countries were not paying or were paying far less than they were supposed to. >> jimmy: he seems to think nato is like a golf country club. [ laughter ] "some of the members weren't paying their dues, so i doubled the greens fees!" i wonder if he even knows what nato stands for? maybe he thinks it's short for
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sharknato? [ laughter ] and again, he would not call putin evil. and instead turned our collective attention to what donald quixote believes is the number one problem we face. >> today i saw a big story that millions and millions of dollars are being charged on windmills. because they're killing eagles. they're killing the bald eagle and other eagles and other birds. and we have these windmills all over the place, and the environmentalists pretend they love them. but they're really hurting our country. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is the deal with him and the windmills? did he have a traumatic mini-golf experience as a child? [ laughter ] maybe it messed up his hair? maybe that's why his hair is like that, i don't know. [ laughter ] i feel like the hamster that powers his brain is getting tired right now. [ laughter ] this is the effect our dear misleader has had on the people who follow him. some of the dummies who stormed the capitol on january 6th are saying they did it because it was a "presidential order." so far, that defense isn't going great.
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at least not for one rioter who was convicted on all counts today. and it's not just the storm-trumpers who've been taking orders from emperor palpatan. [ laughter ] it's regular, everyday criminals too. >> tulsa police say randy cantwell went to a car dealership and asked to look at an audi. they say cantwell tried to drive away with it saying he was a federal marshal, claiming the dealership stole the car. employees blocked the car in and called police. investigators say cantwell had no i.d. verifying he was a federal marshal and he told the president trump enacted martial law. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, makes sense. they both have the word "martial." [ applause ] then went into marshall's and picked out a cute outfit, he looks great. [ laughter ] there are lot of very off-kilter people out there. and some are running our government! in tennessee, the state legislature passed a bill that would make it a crime to camp out along state highways. which many say is unfair, because these encampments are
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the only housing some people have. it's a very complex issue, but no politician addressed it with less eloquence than tennessee state senator frank niceley, who gave the bill some historical context. >> i want to give you a little history on homelessness. 1910, hitler decided to live on the streets for a while. so for two years, hitler lived on the streets and practiced his orator and his body language and how to connect, then went on to live a life that got him in the history books. so a lot of these people, it's not a dead end, they can come out of these homeless camps and have a productive life. or in hitler's case, a very unproductive life. i support this bill. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. he really hitlered that one out of the park. [ laughter ] by the way, i looked it up. it's actually true. hitler was homeless for a while. he lived on the street and ate at soup kitchens. he was the original soup nazi. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thank you.
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russia yesterday, as payback for all the sanctions we've put on them, announced permanent sanctions against 398 members of congress. they are now on a "stop list," which means they cannot travel to russia. i think the russians may be overestimating our hankering to go there and visit. [ laughter ] one of the american companies that has suspended service in russia is netflix. which made subscribers in russia so mad, they're suing netflix. they want 60 million rubles in compensation. which is about 80 bucks. right? [ laughter ] roughly $730,000? which seems like a lot. how great would it be if this war ends because russians didn't get to watch "is it cake?" on time? [ laughter ] this is interesting. for the past i'm not sure how long, people have been making a lot of money selling nfts. an nft, if you don't know, is an imaginary beanie baby, i don't know. so the owner of an nft that got a lot of attention, an image of
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the first ever tweet, just got some very bad news. he bought it for $2.9 million last year. put it up for auction last week. the highest bid was $277. it depreciated so fast, you would think trump was trying to turn it into a hotel. [ laughter ] he expected the nft to go for $48 million. which, in his defense, how was he supposed to know a screen grab of a tweet wasn't going to be worth $48 million? [ laughter ] i feel bad for the auctioneer who had to work his way down from $48 million. do i hear 47.5 million? okay, no, anyone? 40? yeah. that's why i invest all my money in chuck e. cheese tokens. you know that right? >> guillermo: yes, i know that. >> jimmy: cct. [ applause ] hey, by the way, be careful on easter. a popular brand of chocolate eggs made in belgium by the company ferrero is being recalled because of salmonella concerns. they say they got some bad buttermilk. which happens to be my rap name,
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"bad buttermilk." [ laughter ] in the chocolate. now it's dangerous. it can make your kids sick. if ever there was a year to really hide the crap out of those eggs, this is the one. [ laughter ] maybe we shouldn't encourage our children to eat brown eggs they found in the grass anyway. [ laughter ] easter is on sunday. and that got me thinking about the bunny. why the bunny? it has nothing to do with jesus. santa at least is a saint, and we know his story, we know where he lives, we know his wife, we know those -- workers, whatever we call them, indentured servants? >> guillermo: yeah, yeah, sure. >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. [ laughter ] story to wake you. >> guillermo: no, it's okay. whatever you say. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this bunny, where is he from? why is he doing this? how did he get so big? there are a lot of questions, and not many answers. so we went out on the street to ask the people who care most, kids, to tell us what they know about the easter bunny.
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>> who is the easter bunny? >> the easter bunny is -- like a little bunny, that he goes around and hides eggs. >> he paints all the eggs the chicks make. they take all the baby chicks out then wash the egg then close it back up. but they only close it after they put the toy in. >> yeah, he does eggs out of his booty. >> the easter bunny lays eggs out of his booty? >> yes. >> how does the easter bunny get around the entire planet in one day? >> he drives with the tooth fairy. >> he catches a ride with the tooth fairy? >> yeah. >> do we know where the easter bunny lives? >> from easter island.
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in mexico. >> in florida. >> do you want to say something to the easter bunny? >> yes. >> what would you like to say? >> i want some chocolate! [ laughter ] >> make the prices cheaper for when we take pictures for you, it's like $40 when we have to take pictures at the mall. >> i think that's all the questions i have for you, except what is the easter bunny's connection to the death and resurrection of jesus christ? >> what's that mean? >> wait, what? >> uh -- i don't know. >> oh, i know. i think it was because that happened in spring, and that's where bunnies are. >> who is the easter bunny? >> um, my dad. >> your dad is the easter bunny? >> yes. >> we've heard that you might be the easter bunny, can you confirm or deny this? >> thanks to amazon. [ laughter ] got a suit, my wife put it on, it was a little too small, but i
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did hop around, you know. i also did my neighbor's house. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, now we know. we have a good show for you tonight. from "barry," anthony carrigan is here. we have music from stromae. and we'll be right back with bob odenkirk.
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i'm 53, but in my mind i'm still 35. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex. available at your local retailer and club. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello, there. tonight, from the great show "barry" on hbo, noho hank himself anthony carrigan is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, you can see him here tonight and at coachella this weekend. his album is called "multitude." stromae from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ]
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next week, we've got new shows and nicholas cage is going to be here next week, that's going to be fun. [ cheers ] anthony anderson and tracee ellis ross will be with us following the series finale of "black-ish" -- "black-ish" is over next week. kaley cuoco, magic johnson, and music from noah cyrus and orville peck. so please join us for all that. for five seasons, our first guest has starred in the greatest tv spin-off since "the tortellis." the sixth and final season of "better call saul" premieres monday night on amc and amc plus. and during the commercials, you can read his memoir, "comedy comedy comedy drama." please say hello to bob odenkirk. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: look at you, you look fantastic. >> what? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: i have to tell you, i think we're all glad to see you alive, honestly. [ laughter ] >> well. i was dead for a little white. [ laughter ] some people stay dead. what's that about? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not jesus, he's coming back sunday. [ laughter ] >> thank you, thanks for saying that. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. and congratulations. not just on remaining alive, but also, you're getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame. >> what's going on? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and people can come to that. >> people can come to that. monday morning. >> jimmy: i don't think people realize, they can come to that. >> you can come. and there's just -- they just tear up the sidewalk, it looks like a construction site, but there's a whole bunch of people dressed up. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's the only difference.
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and then -- i don't know, something went wrong and they gave me a star. some dead-end street near here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: where is the star? >> they found an abandoned street. vine. >> jimmy: oh, vine's a good street. >> it's actually pretty good. >> jimmy: hollywood and vine, maybe the most famous intersection -- >> right around the corner right next to bryan cranston. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's nice. >> quite an honor, quite an honor. >> jimmy: nice. >> that's a great honor. because -- great actor who really got me dialed in. because first time i played saul on "breaking bad" was a scene with bryan. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> who is just amazing. and i'm sitting across from him at my saul desk thinking, wow. i better get good at acting in the next two minutes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it was announced over the weekend that bryan and aaron paul will be in this season of "better call saul." [ cheers and applause ]
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>> they will. i'm happy about that. i'm thrilled. you know, we've done such a good job, jimmy, of keeping secrets on the show. but it's so hard sometimes. >> jimmy: right. >> and those guys -- >> jimmy: especially when you announce it. [ laughter ] >> well, no, i'm glad we announced it, just get it out, get excited. because they're going to -- these two shows," better call saul" and "breaking bad" have never been as closely intertwined as this new season coming up. it's very exciting if you're a "breaking bad" fan. i think you'll enjoy this. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. and i wondered how they got those guys to albuquerque in secret. then i found out they've never left. [ laughter ] they've been living on the sets, waiting to play the characters again. >> jimmy: they love living there, why not? yeah, makes sense, of course they have to be in it. >> they kind of do. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i think it's worth telling people, because come on, what are you thinking? we got to tie these shows together. they do overlap.
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>> jimmy: i was thinking about that, i was watching the first episode of the new season last night. nd i was like, oh, yeah, i guess, know how this ends. >> right. >> jimmy: it's not like a lot of shows because it butts up against another show that we've all seen. >> yeah. >> without spoiling things. i can't talk about it. let's not mention it any more. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, we don't have to mention it. >> monday night," better call saul," check it out. >> jimmy: you were mentioning living in albuquerque. >> yeah. >> jimmy: where you, after bryan cranston moved, you lived in his place? >> i did. and then our cast became such good friends, ray sehorn, patrick fabian, michael, tony, carlo. but a couple of us decided to share a house. and we got a big enough house that we had our own space. shared a home for three years, three seasons.
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>> jimmy: you lived together? >> we lived together. patrick woke us up in the morning and made us go on a hike. then made dinner every night. he was the activities director. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> ray and i were the indulgent actors talking aboutalking abou late into the night "my character wouldn't do that!" "your character would do whatever we wrote!" [ laughter ] but really, it would have turned your stomach to hear the conversations. because it was a little too inside baseball. >> jimmy: it's weird, though, to be an adult man, now you suddenly have roommates. >> yes. >> jimmy: usually things have gone very wrong when that happens rchl it was a thought i had when my son turned 4. i remember seeing him in the hallway going, another man lives here, what did i do wrong? [ laughter ] but no, actually, it was so great. because you're away from your family. you can share the times togethe. memory, we rescued a dog in the
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desert. and she turned out to be pregnant. >> jimmy: the dog did? >> the dog did. >> jimmy: okay. >> so we had babies. dog babies. this is a picture -- >> jimmy: i think they call them puppies now, yeah. >> eight dogs. and i was not there when they were born. i promised ray we'd help. but patrick and i left for the weekend, and she was sitting there with a dog. popping out eight babies. she was freaked out. >> jimmy: what became of the litter of pups? >> we got homes for most of them. the crew, most of them wanted a baby. after 8 weeks we were able to give them good homes. >> jimmy: this is like a disney movie that happened during the f filming. [ laughter ] >> it's really true. it was a great time, the whole thing was great. >> jimmy: can i ask you about the heart attack? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what i'm thinking about it, practically, you had a heart attack on set. >> right. >> jimmy: you recovered, thank god. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then you come back. do you pick it up right where you left off? >> yeah. halfway through the scene.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is there any indication? >> well, i don't know. i'm going to have to watch it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, we shot half the scene, and then i died. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and then five weeks later, we cme back to shoot the other half of the scene. and i had to watch it because i don't have any memory of this incident or the ext eight days. so i had to watch the scene and think about, you know, whatever. how i played it. so we'll see. maybe the magic of cgi will make me look like the same guy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i think i pulled it off. >> jimmy: did you have kind of like a tom sawyer moment when you saw this outpouring of love for you? people publicly and privately reaching out to you? >> are you referencing the rush song? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. like getting a chance to see
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your own memorial before you die. >> jimmy, it was -- it was so affecting. i'm still -- it's still something i think about every day. i literally lay in bed at night listening to my heart. and thinking about all the people who responded when they heard this happened. and i just -- every chance i get, i want to say thank you to everyone. social media is a place of poison and evidently. >> jimmy: until something really bad happens. >> and in this moment, just beauty and love. from strangers. and i don't know -- i don't really have it figured out yet, except that it felt so damn good. and still does. and people aren't as bad as i thought they were. [ laughter ] they're really great. >> jimmy: bob odenkirk is here! [ cheers and applause ] here with us. have a look at a clip from the new season of "better call saul" when we come back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy
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think the cabbie will break a 100? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, there it is. back with bob odenkirk. "better call saul," the sixth and final season, is coming. of course, your book, "comedy comedy comedy drama" which leading up to the heart attack -- this was printed before it happened, y. >> yeah, i finished it a year before. >> jimmy: that will be a good paperback story for sure. >> yeah, i'll have to add it. >> jimmy: interesting in the book, you talked about wanting to direct feature films. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is something you wanted to do. you did it a few times and didn't have -- >> i bombed. >> jimmy: didn't have a great
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experience. >> i rot tonto ma toten tomatoe room. >> jimmy: i would argue there's some funny movies there. >> that's nice you say. "let's go to prison." "brother solomon." "ellen goes to dinner." i had a great time doing it, and i wanted to write about my failures. because otherwise there would only be three things in the book. [ laughter ] it's an important part of a showbiz career is to get your ass kicked a lot. and survive. you know, the movies, listen, i made them as good as i could, and there's some fun stuff in there, and there's wonderful performances. all the actors were so great. but i just wanted to write about making it through the hard times, not just the things that worked out. >> jimmy: and speaking of the early years, the hard times, you at one time did -- it was like a training video for the old country buffet? >> yeah. it's actually -- i thought some of my best work. [ laughter ]
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and they didn't use any of it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you were cut out? >> i was cut out of the old kun country buffet training video. as i became incredibly wealthy, as i am now -- [ laughter ] i knocked on the door and i said, can i get that footage? i will pay you anything, i'll do anything you want. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> they're just like, give us some money, get off the floor. and they gave me the footage. would you like to see it? >> jimmy: i'd love to see it. [ cheers and applause ] >> trying to win an emmy for this. >> here at the old country buffet, every conversation you hold with a guest should begin something like this. >> good evening. >> or -- >> good evening. find enough to eat today? >> boy, i'll say. >> you should never greet guests by saying something like this. >> welcome. are you ready to die? [ laughter ] >> or -- >> who's horny for beef? >> or --
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>> i'd say hi but my wife says i can't talk to prostitutes no more. >> once you greeted the guest, be sure to engage them in a brief but friendly conversation. >> did you catch the game last night? >> or this -- >> have you tried the lasagna? it's my favorite. >> you should never say. >> this beef or ham? ham gives me the poos. >> or this -- >> i was telling the guy before you that the jews control the weather. >> don't forget to hold quick conversations with our younger guests too. start conversations with children by saying something like this. >> what grade are you in at school? >> or this. >> have you decided what dessert you're going to have? >> you should never say this. >> what's the story with your mom, does she party? >> once guests have chosen their meat, we typically carve slices the thickness of a dime. if a guest asks you -- >> can i have a thick slice of that roast beef, please? >> say something like this. >> i'd be glad to carve you that. >> never say this. >> anything else you want to tell me to do properly, huh?
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raise my kids? how about [ bleep ] my wife? >> you will end each guest interaction with the same phrase. >> how's that for you? >> that's fine, thanks. >> never end a guest interaction with -- >> you ever see a hemorrhoid up close? >> or -- >> why don't you head back to your seat so i can watch you shake your tail feather, you juicy bitch? >> i want to speak to the manager! >> i am the [ bleep ] manager, mother [ bleep ]! i am the [ bleep ] manager! >> congratulations, you're ready to carve at the old country buffet. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, inknow you were great. the sixth and final season of "better call saul" premieres monday night, 9:00 on amc and amc plus. and his book "comedy comedy comedy drama." the great bob odenkirk, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, bob. we'll be back with anthony carrigan. i'm saying farewell to my expensive gym membership.
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the first ever triple action sleep supplement with 3 unique nighttime benefits to help you get a great night's sleep and wake feeling refreshed. live bountifully. nature's bounty. >> lou: here's what's poppin' next week on "jimmy kimmel live!" we've got -- earvin "magic" johnson. anthony anderson. kaley cuoco. marcus scribner. miles brown. vanessa bayer. naomi scott. giancarlo esposito. tracee ellis ross. and nicolas cage. plus music from orville peck and noah cyrus. that's next week on "jimmy kimmel live!" you "butter" tune in. i hate myself.
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♪ ♪ wh the uncomfortable, easy as target. it was four times. four times. it was three. wait! whew! okay, vamos. get any size soft drink for just a buck at mcdonald's.
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>> jimmy: music from stromae is on the ay. our next guest plays one of the great characters on television -- the charming chechnyan mobster known as noho hank on "barry." >> hank, somebody outside, they want to speak to you. >> well, we know this is going to happen. this one is for all the marbles. >> is your story straight? >> yeah. this is my first interrogation, you know? i'm like legit nervous. >> hm. we don't hear from you in two hours, we'll all take cyanide pills. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the long-awaited third season of "barry" premieres april 24th on hbo. say hello to anthony carrigan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: anthony, i know i'm
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getting ahead of myself but i hope that barry does what "breaking bad" did and gives noho hank his own series after the show is over. [ cheers and applause ] >> i would be okay with that. i would be okay with that, you know. following bob odenkirk's footsteps would be pretty sweet. i don't know, an hour of just hank, though? that seeps like a lot. >> jimmy: fine with me, i would take it. how did alec bergen, bill hader created the show. bill, of course, is the star of the show. is that what they had in mind what you do on the show? is that in the description of the character? >> initially what they based the character on was actually -- like you know those geniuses at an apple bar? >> jimmy: yeah? >> like someone who is just very, like, attentive, just wants to make sure that, like, everything is fixed, like no complaints. and i don't know, when i read the role i just saw it as kind of -- i don't know, i just saw him as this really bright and sunny and cheery kind of guy who
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just happens to be the head of a chechen crime mob. [ laughter ] just so happens, you know. >> jimmy: then once you get the part, did you do a ride-along with the chechen mob? >> no, i have not encountered chechen mobsters just yet, thankfully. >> jimmy: i assume there are chechen monsters? >> there definitely, you should youtube it. [ laughter ] or don't, it's absolutely terrifying. >> jimmy: oh, really? this is a tough mob? >> yeah, big-time. >> jimmy: this is not like the canadian mob? [ laughter ] >> no. >> jimmy: no offense, of course. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: then you're playing this character. do you do anything to get in the mind frame? >> i mean, yeah, i definitely like to, you know -- i like to listen to a lot of music. i'll definitely listen to, you know, huey lewis and the news. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: hold on a second. >> or is -- >> jimmy: that's how i prepare author this show. [ laughter ] >> you and me both, man.
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hank would call them huey lewis and the newsies, great band, even better movie. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's really interesting that that is the artist that you chose to listen to. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's maybe the last one i would imagine hank listening to. >> it's really kind of upbeat, from the '80s. i watched a lot of '80s action movies to kind of -- because i could see hank just as a kid watching, like, these 16 vhs tapes that he has of, like, you know, "lionheart." "blood sport." just, like, watching and learning english that way. being, "that is what i want to do in america." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. so you watch these movies. now i assume you get recognized all the time? >> i do. >> jimmy: yes. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: do people ask you to do the lines and that kind of stuff? >> yeah, they definitely do. they definitely do. i get a lot of, like, you know, "hey, man," you know. >> jimmy: right. >> " 50/50 with cristobal!"
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sometimes randoms in the street, i have no idea who's saying it. [ laughter ] i was out at dinner with my friends. we were out having a great time. and out of the corner of my eye i see this guy, he's giving me those eyes. you know, he recognizes me. and i do that thing where i make eye contact with him. and from that point on it's like a tractor beam, you know? it's going to happen. he's, like, going to stand up. >> jimmy: right, right. >> say something to me. he stands up and i can tell at that point he's had a couple to drink. he, like, saunters over to me. kind of drunkenly. and he's just like, "i want to thank you so much." and i'm like, "no, please, thank you, thank you." " "he's like, no, no. i have to tell you, amazon got me through this pandemic." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. [ applause ]
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>> and, like -- and i was thinking, like -- "barry's" on hbo. [ laughter ] maybe he just -- maybe he thinks -- and i was like, "well, i'm anthony." he just had this puzzled, d disappointed look on his face and he just walks out of the restaurant. >> jimmy: wow. >> i turn to my friends "he thought i was jeff bezos." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the only thing weirder than thinking you're jeff bezos is thanking jeff bezos. [ laughter ] >> i know, i know. he was just building up his courage to shoot his shot, you know? with jeff. but i guess i was, you know, the drunk man's jeff bezos. [ laughter ] after a couple of martinis, i'm the one who's taking blue origin into space, you know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i happen to know, a little bird told me you mention me in the second episode. >> i know nothing about this. >> jimmy: i'm very excited. i've done a lot of things in my life, for whatever reason, i'm
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extra tickled to be a part, a little tiny part of that. >> it's pretty great, it's a pretty great moment. >> jimmy: well, thank you very much, and it's great to have you here. the show is "barry," it's great. premieres april 24th on hbo and hbo max. anthony carrigan, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with stromae. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. i'm 53, but in my mind i'm still 35. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex. available at your local retailer and club.
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♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ available at your local ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: thanks to bob odenkirk and anthony carrigan. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, his album is called "multitude." here with the song "fils de joie," stromae! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪
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♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing in french ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, bail denied. new revelations as the alleged new york city subway shooter appears for the first time in court. plus no-knock ban? 22-year-old amir locke shot and killed by the minneapolis police in a botched raid. >> if he looked like that officer, i believe that amir would still be here. >> but no charges filed against the officers. >> we would want them to look at the circumstance through the eyes of the victim and not just through the eyes of the officer. >> now the national movement to stop this controversial police practice. >> the only thing in my mind was, i hope they don't shoot me. i was praying that i didn't die


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