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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 25, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> we appreciate your time. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- bill hader, mo amer, and music from sasha alex sloan. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here in sunny, hot and sunny
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california. i'm tired. i have to admit, i'm tired. i got home late last night. i got home at 3:00 a.m. we were in washington this weekend presenting the mark twain prize to jon stewart. it was a lot of fun. but a lot of people there were worried i might get locked up being in the same town as the klan mom, marjorie taylor greene. who you may know reported am i to the capitol to the capitol police last week. i actually met some of the capitol police. i think i'm going to be okay. there was no a.p.b. put out. i was able to walk around freely in the city. she is about to get sued by her constituents in georgia. according to the 14th amendment, anyone who takes part in insurrection or rebellion is barred from holding office. so the green goblin had to testify under oath for almost four hours where she played even
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dumber than she actually is. [ laughter ] >> you think speaker pelosi is a traitor to the country, right? >> i'm not answering that question. it's speculation. >> you said that, haven't you, miss greene, she's a traitor to the country? >> no, i haven't said that. >> plaintiff's exhibit 5, please. >> oh, no, wait. [ laughter ] >> yes, i may have spray painted that on her car. i didn't realize there would be exhibits. is this a quarter or a museum? she had a hard time remembering a line she lifted from the movie. >> the last thing you say in the video is, we aren't a people that are going to go quietly into the night. do you remember that part? >> yes. >> that phrase, we aren't a people that are going to go quietly into the night, that's not something you came up with on your own, is it? >> i have no idea what you mean. >> well, that's something that you borrowed from a movie
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script, right? >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> you borrowed that line from the movie "independence day," right? >> no. [ laughter ] >> and then they did. of course, she quoted independence day. to her that's a history book. [ laughter ] >> when perjury -- i mean marjorie was asked if she considered participating in the riot herself, she said it was on her calendar, but she was busy preparing her case against the electoral college vote to the always. she conveniently failed to recall a great deal of what she said. fear not. big pharma is hard at work to make sure she never forgets the thing she didn't forget again. >> did you advocate president trump to impose martial law as a way to remain in power? >> i don't recall. >> you're not denying you did it. you just don't remember?
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>> i don't remember. >> are you or a loved one struggling to remember whether you incited a deadly insurrection? >> i do not recall. i have no idea. >> have you forgotten whose executions you called for? >> i don't remember. i don't recall. >> have you left the house and forgotten to turn off your jewish space laser? >> no, i do not remember that. >> do you find yourself getting confused or lost? >> okay, i think we're going to have to ask for direction. >> now there's help. treasonal. call a chiropractor if you wait longer than four hours for jfk, jr., to come back from the dead. from the makers of nasonex made for people. >> available at walgreens. [ cheers and applause ] >> you know the state of new york is finally getting tough on
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donald trump. this morning a judge is holding trump in civil contempt or for his refusal to comply with the attorney general. get ready for an email offer to join the president's exclusive gold medal diamond platinum plus -- can we tell the president you're with us? in the meantime, we're learning a lot more about what happened at the white house in the days leading up to january 6 thanks to a treasure trove of text messages from trump chief of staff mark meadows. cnn was able to get more than 2,000 of these text messages he turned over to the house select committee. there are texts from panicked lawmakers trying to reach meadows while the capitol was being stormed. most of them revolve around the same theme. wait, these crazy people we told to attack the capitol are attacking the capitol. those who texted meadows includes ted cruz, marjorie taylor greene, jared, ivanka, don, jr. nothing from eric.
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apparently eric isn't allowed to have a cell phone. ivanka sent a note to a group is that included meadows, her husband jared, hope hicks. you're warriors of epic proportions. keep the faith and the fight. ad she moved to an island never to be seen or heard from again. donald trump, jr., texted mark meadows on january 6th urging his father to end the attack. he wrote, this is one you go to the mattresses on. they will try to f his entire legacy on this if it gets worse. please tell him, he won't take my calls, mark. maybe the best was this text from mypillow mike lindell. that is 1 million characters long. [ laughter ] the text version of a cvs receipt. do you think mark meadows even read this? this is the kind of thing you thumb up and move on. we have texts from mark meadows. over the weekend kevin mccarthy got caught in a big lie. the one that could get his
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mar-a-lago membership revoked. he's been one of the big trump apologists. on january 10th of 2021, he told his fellow house republicans that he would tell trump he should resign. >> i had a discussion i just had with him is that i think this would pass, and it would be my recommendation he should resign. >> that's the opposite of what he's been saying. he called previous report he told fellow gop leaders he would urge trump to resign totally false and wrong. this is another thing he said on tape on january 10th. >> all right, i know this is not fun. i know this is not great. i know it's very tough, but yet i wanted you especially through here, i don't want to rush things. i want to have all the information needed. i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> that's right. but then three weeks later
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trump's prison pitch was back with a free cigarette. [ applause ] an altoid lasts longer than kevin mccarthy's conviction. i'm sure they're waiting for the right moment. elon musk bought twitter today, did you hear that? $44 billion. said he wants to transform twitter as a platform for free speech around the globe. that's the problem with twitter. no one can say what they think. they're holding back. even though elon likely will let trump back on, trump says he won't get back on, which is definitely a lie. he'll be right back. he's got a lot of money running on this truth social disaster he got a lot of dollars for and then abandoned. he hasn't posted there since the day it launched 2 1/2 months ago. he posted one time, that was it, but he did give a truth social at a plug at a rally he had this weekend. >> they can ban me from every social media platform.
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because of this digital tierney, we had to give the american people their voice back by building something called trump truth sential. >> it's a character on the mandalorian. let's try that again, donald. >> truth social. >> that's much better. that is the name of his latest failure. trump lies so much he can't even say the word truth. these rallies he has, they're the same characters following him around the same country. we've definitely seen them before. >> i remember a couple weeks ago this gentleman was criticized for having too many hacks on his head. jimmy kimmel called him out. he made fun of me for having three hats. now i have two hats. inflation is too high. i can only afford two. >> i know you don't like me. i made fun of you.
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will you please send me that jimmy kimmel sucks hat? i really like it. [ cheers and applause ] >> the thing that brings us all together. and that guy, by the way, wasn't even close to the biggest nut in the trail mix at this rally. that honor went to this young lady who put even the usually relaxed when it comes to rsbn news team to the test. >> do you think -- >> absolutely, 100%. do you? >> i didn't, but maybe you have something that you know that i don't know. well, you know god speaks to us, right? there's ways that we can figure these things out. so people start learning, a, b, c, 1, 2, 3 which michael jackson talked about how many years ago, right, he sung about. when people start understanding jematria, a equals 1, b equals
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2, 3 equals c. >> these new textbooks are a mess. a equals 1, b equals 2, 3 equals c. we're going to need some navajos to break the code. when you recorded the show, michael jackson was 11 years old. always the best people. trump's much hype interview with the former celebrity apprentice contestant, piers morgan. last week he claimed in his teaser that the interview got so heated trump stormed out, which made his nipples very rock hard. [ laughter ] and they had it out because trump offense-kin couldn't handle the truth about the election he lost which morgan confronted him about. if he were the queen of england, would he strip harry and meghan of their royal titles? trump is not a fan of meghan markle. there is a 100% chance he doesn't know the difference
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between meghan markle and angela merkel. it was a feisty exchange between trump and a gentleman he thought would be on his side. it it was a revealing interview as well. >> frank sinatra said the best revenge is mass success. isn't your best revenge rather than talking -- >> i don't talk constantly, but you brought it up. you brought it up. excuse me, you brought it up. >> we have a good show for you tonight. [ laughter ] >> i'm not seeing this many cover their eyes before. mo hammond is here with us tonight. we have music from sasha alex sloan. when we come back we'll be back with barry himself, bill haider. stick around. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: tonight, his netflix comedy special is called "mohammed in texas," mo amer is with us. then later, this is her forthcoming album "i blame the world," it comes out may 13th. sasha alex sloan from the mercedes eq stage. you can see sasha on tour starting july 21st in minneapolis, minnesota. tomorrow night, rebel wilson and randy rainbow, with music from lawrence. please join us for all that. after a torturous two year and 11 month wait, television's most well-mannered assassin is back and emotionally burdened. you can see new episodes of "barry" on hbo and hbo max.
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please say hello to bill hader. >> very good to see you. >> good to see you, man. >> jimmy: it was good to see you on television as well. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: you know i've been anxiously waiting for this. >>we all have. we were like a week away from shooting when the pandemic happened, so yeah. we've been waiting very long. >> jimmy: a week away from shooting you had to stop and you had all these scripts. did you skip right to season 44? >> we wrote a little of season 4 and went back and rewrote season 3. >> jimmy: did you? >> yeah t was cool. >> jimmy: did you think about rewriting season 2 and season 1 as well? >> we tried to go back. >> jimmy: were the writers annoyed, since you got time, we're going to rewrite what we
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already did? you did a scene where the writers are annoyed. >> yes. >> jimmy: wow. did you have to work out to get back in shape? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you look pretty good. >> i had a trailer kim wall bower. she works with me, she's amazing and i immediately blow it. she's like, you have to keep moving after this. you can't just go straight to the couch and lay down. [ laughter ] and eat cookies and watch "true crime" shows and basketball. that kind of undoes what we just did. and i don't understand. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are your daughters aware now of "barry" and what goes on and your character? how old are they now? >> i have three daughters. yeah, 12, 8 and 7 -- no, sorry, 9 and 7. ooh boy, 12, 9 and 7. i always know when we pass,
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there's billboards all over l.a. a bus will pull up with my face on it. they go ewww, gross! that guy sucks. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's got to be weird. >> i mean, i'm like, all right. you guys are the boss. >> jimmy: it would be funny if your dad showed up on a bus one day. >> bill, [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: do your daughters still think i'm a sweatshirt manufacturer? >> yes, when you're a guest on the show, you get a sweatshirt. and i have -- i've been on the show a cup many time. i have these sweatshirts at home. i sent jimmy a picture of my daughter, when can we go to the jimmy kimmel store and get jimmy kimmel sweat shirts? they think it's a brand, like those abercrombie and fitch ads
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with hot dudes with jimmy kimmel sweat sherts, chasing a dog down the beach. >> jimmy: you told me funny stories about them. >> yes. so, so, yeah. okay. so i was eating dinner with my daughters. >> jimmy: um-hmm. >> all three of them. we're eating dinner. you know, you live in l.a., sometimes other celebrities walk in. chris pratt came in -- >> jimmy: to your house? >> no, at dinner. he has showed up to my house. just random celebrities show up and it's fun. no, but, yeah. so chris pratt, we were at a restaurant. i go, guys, don't freak out, but gardens and galaxy. my daughters are like, oh, my god. and then the 9-year-old who was 8 at the time, was like, i know his son. and i go, really? she's like, yes, i know his son.
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can i go over there and say hi? i'm like, he's eating. just leave him alone, please. so we eat, finish, pay. she goes, dad, we're walking out. can i please go over and say hi, please? so i feel terrible. we walk over there. i tap him on the shoulder, hey, chris, bill hader, "saturday night live." [ laughter ] uh, uh, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] and, and i'm like, "barry." [ laughter ] no? anyway, so i walk over, i go, hey, chris. sorry, but my daughter knows your son. and my daughter goes, i don't know his son. you wanted to meet chris
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow. >> and chris pratt's like this. [ laughter ] and then my daughter descends on his wife. are you a princess? they're like touching her face. and -- [ laughter ] and i'm going like -- and i wanted to strangle her, but i was also never more ploweroud o kid in my life. i go, why did you do that? i don't know. you're gonna make me so much money. [ laughter ] >> she's a criminal mastermind. that's like a solid burn. >> jimmy: that's like, just like what rickles did -- >> i was in my head going, did she see somehow -- did disney plus animate that bit or
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something? because i was like, how did you know to do that? >> jimmy: maybe your daughter is the reincarnation of don rickles. >> waking me up like, pick me up from school, hockey puck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he was here 2 1/2 weeks ago and said in a hollywood interview, you kicked a bad habit. do you know what i'm talking about, you would mouth the word -- >> oh, that. i thought you meant the other. [ laughter ] new yo no, henry is a monster. everybody thinks henry is the nicest guy. everybody thinks he's like, oh, hello and welcome. what do i owe? in reality, he's like, i played fonsi. he's a monster. but no, i do do a thing. it's true, he's the sweetest guy on the planet. i do a thing that i mouth along. i've written scripts with
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writers so i mouth along with what he's doing. and it's super annoying. >> jimmy: we selected a scene from the show. and i was thinking i would play henry's part, gene cusano and you would play yours. i had to make two copies. >> okay. this is a scene from barry. do you think i'm a bad person, mr. cusinow? >> jimmy: i think you are deeply human. you did a terrible thing. but do i think that defined you? no. that's why i don't think you should tell this story in front of the class. also, they will [ bleep ] themselves. they're children. >> i could see how that would be -- i could see how that would be -- [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: when we come back, we're going to see a scene -- you're going to break down a scene for us from the show that you directed. bill hader is with us. "barry" is back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by las vegas. go to visit las together or separate? uhh.. if you get this wrong, there will be no second date.
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>> jimmy: we're back with bill hader.
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cocreator of the show "barry," star, of course, you directed five of the eight episodes. >> i directed them. >> jimmy: that's impressive. >> thank you. >> jimmy: by the way, there's one scene i know you directed. it's like all one take. it's like, right, am i wrong? >> yeah, we shot it all one continuous take of sarah goldberg. >> jimmy: it's a fantastic scene. how long is that scene without a cut? >> man, that's a good question. it has to be three, over three minutes. >> jimmy: you'd think you know that. >> i didn't pay attention to that. i wasn't in it. no, but it was like a very -- yeah, that was like a tough scene to do. that was the first day of shooting, first shot, first shooting was that big long one. >> jimmy: you have an encyclopedic memory for movies. you and your dad used to watch tons of movies together. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: your dad bought you a video camera when you were how old? >> i was probably ten. >> jimmy: you started making movies with your siblings. >> yes. >> jimmy: did you save those? >> they were terrible. they were rip offs of this movie "the evil dead." [ applause ] >> one guy is really stoked. >> jimmy: yes! it's actually bruce campbell. >> bruce campbell is up there. no, but yeah. so, i was obsessed with that when i was like 13. and i -- yeah, younger. so, yeah, i would chase my sisters around with a camera. they would have to make fake blood and dump it on their heads and stuff t. was pretty much the same [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: is it the same thing? >> yeah, like with henry winkler, sweetest guy in the world. >> jimmy: anthony kerrigan. great character.
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great actor, too. so, what we're going to see here is a scene, you might need to set it up a little. >> so, anthony character -- noah hanks is being interrogated. >> jimmy: he's excited about it. >> he's like, i'm less jet nervous. so he's being interrogate and had he's being presented with this piece of evidence that makes him realize that i, my character, framed him. so, what you do sometimes in movies, you do pickups where you say like, okay, in the script, you say, oh, my gosh, right? let's do a version, we say, oh, my gosh, one version you go, huh? whatever. i say, why don't we do one, you just go, wow. what i said was, say wow. and then i say cut. >> jimmy: let's take a look. >> can you tell me what that pin says?
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>> it says, the debt has been paid. >> do you know where we found it? >> a box back home. >> you pay your debts. >> we found that one in the trunk of a car next to a detective's dead body. >> wow. >> okay, okay. so, he said wow. and i'm sitting there next to the camera and i was going -- i didn't say cut. so he was waiting for me to say cut, but i, like, was just like lost in thought. >> jimmy: and so he keeps going? >> so he kept going. we left it in. >> well, we found that one in the trunk of a car next to a detective's dead body. >> wow. wow. wow.
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[ applause ] >> what the [ bleep ] -- he [ bleep ] up, you know? [ cheers and applause ] >> i was sitting there going like, yo, dude, when are you going to say "cut?" i was like, oh, sorry, cut, cut, cut. and we were watching that. we were crying laughing. i was, let's leave the whole thing in. >> jimmy: i love the show. it's great to have you here. >> you get name checked next week. >> jimmy: i'm very excited. jimmy kimmel show on "barry." we name check the show. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you can see new episodes of "barry" sunday nights on hbo and hbo max. we'll be back with mo amer. o do? canceling plans, commanding a room, being your own biggest fan. who said you could do that? say no to settling,
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♪♪ come on. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ >> jimmmy: music from sasha alex sloan is on the way. our next guest is an actor, a comedian, and a mo. his standup special is called "mohammed in texas," and on
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friday night, he is a sold-out part of "netflix is a joke: the festival," here in l.a. please welcome mo amer. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: now, the last time i saw you was at 3:00 this morning. >> that's right. >> jimmy: as i mentioned to the audience earlier, the mark twain prize ceremony for jon stewart. >> correct. >> jimmy: you were a friend of jon's. how long have you known jon? >> five years. >> jimmy: i said i'm having this guy mo -- >> that's how fast he works. >> jimmy: we take his suggestions before he thinks of them. you have a remarkable story, though. correct me if i have any of this
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wrong. at age 9, you're from kuwait. >> palestinian background, born in kuwait, fled the war in kuwait. >> jimmy: rock in bay too late. you go to texas, of all places, houston, texas. >> it's a natural place of refuge for arab muslims, you know what i mean? [ laughter ] that's where we go, right, guillermo? [ laughter ] >> yeah! >> good job. >> you have to learn multiple languages. i learned italian and spanish a good six months. >> jimmy: how many languages do you speak? >> three. >> jimmy: that's impressive. what do you think you'd be doing if you stayed in kuwait, there had been no invasion and you stayed there? would you be a comedian now? >> i presume that i would be in the oil business. [ laughter ] that world of what ifs is really strange to me.
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i can't imagine something like that. my father was a telecommunications engineer. most likely we were going through the traditional routes potentially because, you know, stand-up comedy is an indigenous art form to america. like jazz, hip-hop and stand-up. who knows how long it would have been before i was exposed to stand-up comedy. >> jimmy: it's ramadan right now. >> it is. >> jimmy: what are the traditions? >> it's the three things essential for human survival. you can't have any of those. [ laughter ] food, water, sex. don't touch any of it. [ laughter ] from sun up to sundown. >> jimmy: is that hard from sun up to sundown? >> i'm parched, personally. >> jimmy: the water has to be the worst part. >> it is definitely the worst part. you know, for a comedian it's quite easy because we stay up till 5:00, 6:00 in the morning. we just wake up right before the sun goes down, so it's not really fasting.
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[ laughter ] it's just -- i'm just living my life. everybody is like, ramadan's coming up. okay. >> jimmy: maybe this is too touchy. i don't know. forgive me if it is. what if you just reach for a glass of water and drink it? >> then you just grab a knife and you stab yourself. [ laughter ] just to preserve your honor. that's the only way. no, it's nothing like that. you know, islam is a very generous religion that allows for mistakes, of course. >> jimmy: i see. >> you know. you just finish drinking the water because you already did it. [ laughter ] might as well finish it up, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: at one time, this is really -- an unusual job. you worked in a flag store. >> i did. >> jimmy: a store that sold flags. were they flags from all around the world? texas flags or what? >> i don't know want to get into
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how many historical flags were involved, but -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: were there snakes on any of them? >> there were snakes on some of them, jimmy. yeah, whenever you come as a refugee, you don't really have a choice on what jobs you should take as a teenager, you know. i worked under the table for quite sometime. i worked at this flag store. and it was right before 9/11. 9/11 happened, and flags sales skyrocketed. you know? george bush said, go fly an american flag to show your patriotism. well, you know, our store, which we usually was wholesaling across the country, all these texans were, i only need the american flag. give me an american flag! we sold -- we were out of american -- we sold -- flags was like john wayne on it, and flags with native americans on them.
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that's kind of weird. but just go ahead and do it. and then we were out, and this guy was like, but i need one. bro, we're out, what do you want me to do, man? i don't have any more american flags. and he just insisted so much, i was like, you know what? we have a liberia flag. it has red and white stripes. but they're flipped, order is flipped. blue square in the top left-hand corner with one giant white star on it. he's like, i'll take it. he walked out of the store like, america! it's west africa, you dumb bench. >> jimmy: were any of these guys surprised to be buying flags from you? >> well, they thought i was mexican. but there was one person that came in, and i stayed late for him. this was the last american flag i sold there. and the owner of the shop was arab and he had a thick accent.
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so the man was late, the man who was coming in to buy the flag was really late. and he walks in and he sees arabic writing on the wall, it was a prayer. and he immediately just uttered this racial slur. i won't -- definitely won't say it here tonight. it was really heartbreaking. and i just kept my composure. and he's like, you got that american flag? i said, yeah. it is, but it's really expensive, you know. it's a super polyester, it's really shiny. it's double stitching. it's rare. [ laughter ] it's $500 if you want it. he's like, yeah, i'll take it. this flag is $3 wholesale. [ laughter ] [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] honest to god. it gets better. he goes, well, i need a flag pole. i was like, well, i'm fresh out
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of flag poles, but i have one flag pole doesn't have the original base, but this flag pole was handcrafted. has a nice sheen to it as well. it will match the flag quite well. i was like, it's also $300. it's usually 500, but i'm going to cut off 200 because we don't have the wooden base that goes with it. he's like, i'll take it. great. i went over to the warehouse and i unscrewed the [ laughter ] [ applause ] a very american way to handle it. price gouging. capitalism, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: you have your netflix specially saw it today. very funny. mohammed in texas. now you're doing a show for netflix. you're going to shoot it in your hometown of houston. >> we already shot it. it's the first-ever narrative sitcom to be filmed in houston. which is mind blowing. >> jimmy: that is crazy.
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>> it is crazy. we already did it, yeah. >> jimmy: you love houston, you ove your hometown. we were talking on the plane. best food in the world is houston. >> i am. i'm an advocate. i love houston. it doesn't get enough credit it deserves. there are so many great artists that have come out of houston, like beyonce, lizzo, travis scott. my co-star of my show, you've had him on. >> jimmy: he was here on our show, yeah. >> during the pandemic. >> jimmy: what's the show called, do you know yet? >> you're putting me on the spot. it's going to be called mo. >> jimmy: oh. that's nice and easy. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that wasn't a crazy r reveal. >> we had a couple things going on. jimmy made the decision,
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netflix. sorry, not sorry. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. i can't wait to see the show. the show will be called mo, we know that now. >> jimmy: mo's netflix special is "mohammed in texas." we'll be right back with music from sasha alex sloan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes.
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♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪ and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: thanks to bill hader, mo amer. apologies to matt damon. tomorrow night, rebel wilson and randy rainbow with music from lawrence. "nightline" is next, but first, her album "i blame the world" comes out may 13th. here with the title track, sasha alex sloan! ♪ why fall in love if i fall out ♪ ♪ why get high if eventually everyone comes down ♪
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♪ why play the game if it ain't fair ♪ ♪ why talk to god if i ain't got any proof he's even there ♪ ♪ and why say hi if i gotta say bye someday and why get close if i know my heart could break ♪ see t g in all the bad can't make me happy when i'm sad ♪ ♪ i blame the world ♪ ♪ i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl can't see the silver in the lines ♪ ♪ can't make the best of a bad time i blame the world ♪ ♪ i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl ♪ ♪ why paint my nails if they chip off ♪
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♪ why try to find myself if i know i'll end up getting lost ♪ ♪ and why say hi if i gotta say bye someday ♪ ♪ and why get close if i know my heart could break ♪ ♪ can't see the good in all the bad can't make me happy when i'm sad ♪ ♪ i blame the world ♪ ♪ i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl ♪ ♪ can't see the silver in the lines can't make the best of a bad time ♪ ♪ i blame the world ♪ ♪ i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl ♪ ♪ oh i wanna run away
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oh i wanna run away ♪ ♪ can't see the good in all the bad can't make me happy when i'm sad ♪ ♪ i blame the world i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl ♪ ♪ can't see the silver in the lines can't make the best of a bad time ♪ ♪ i blame the world ♪ ♪ i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl ♪ ♪ i'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl ♪ ♪ oh i wanna run away ♪ oh i wanna run away [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight "rust" aftermath. how alec baldwin reacted. >> sorry, sorry. >> just relax. >> i'm scared. >> what all this could mean for the criminal investigation. plus, reprieve. the texas mother saved from death days before her execution. >> melissa, slow. >> her family's emotional reaction. >> yes, yes. >> how celebrities like kim kardashian could have swayed the case. what could have convinced the appeals court to spare her life. then covid chaos. behind t


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