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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 26, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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up next, jimmy kimmel. have a good ni >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- rebel wilson, randy rainbow, and music from lawrence. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, everyone. very nice. thank you. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching and for joining us on a special day in the united states of america. you know whose birthday it is today? the pride of slovenia. the matriarch of mar-a-lago. melania trump turned 52 today.
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[ laughter ] birthdays are tough for melania. she's made the same wish for the past twenty years and it never comes true. [ laughter ] the tears keep extinguishing the candles before she can blow them out. everybody knows that melania before she beed best started out as a model who was discovered by a photographer named jerko. this is one of the photos jerko took that launched her modeling career, which took her all way did new york, where she eventually married a much bigger jerko. [ laughter ] i don't know what kind of gift trump gave her, but he did send her a beautiful email today. it started," dear supporter." [ laughter ] birthdays are depressing for a lot of people, but can you imagine being melania? every year, they sing "happy birthday," then you spend the next ten minutes watching the gibbon she married wolf down a whole cake. [ laughter ] part two of trump's contentious interview with piers morgan was released today. piers morgan has been supportive of trump in the past. trump picked him as the winner on "celebrity apprentice" back
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in 2008. but trump did not like it when piers told him, directly to his face that he believes he lost a fair election and that he didn't take the pandemic seriously enough. and so their interview which trump assumed would be the usual slathering of his tangerine-colored buttocks ended like this. >> thank you very much, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> okay, let's go. >> that was a great interview. >> yeah, that was fun. >> thank you very much, i really appreciate it. >> turn the camera off. >> mics off too? >> jimmy: and good-bye. [ laughter ] like someone woke up on the wrong side of the toilet this morning. [ laughter ] i guess they're not friends anymore. either way, it's rare to see someone give an interview under a painting of his own crotch. look at that. [ laughter ] now that elon musk is buying twitter, trump finds himself in a very trumpy situation because he raised more than a billion
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dollars to start this promising new right-wing media platform, which looks exactly like twitter, but now that he probably won't be banned from twitter anymore, he's kind of stuck. trump has this truth social, which is such a disaster, he himself hasn't even posted on it for 11 weeks. [ laughter ] so it's going to be interesting to see, you know, he claims he won't go back on twitter, but he 100% will go back on twitter, and then this dumb new company he conned everybody out of their money for will become the social media equivalent of a radio shack. a radio shack that is run by devin nunes. >> we just opened this thing wide up a couple of days ago, actually on saturday. >> the president is not sending out tweets yet, right? >> remember, we just opened up, we've been beta testing. we are already getting more engagement, not only than twitter, also even instagram. >> jimmy: yeah. engagement means the four people who are on it have been liking each other's posts.
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[ laughter ] trump, who knows all the best people, hired this devin nunes, who as far as i know was a cow milker before he ran for congress, to run this thing. which he is doing so poorly, even the apple polishers at "fox and friends" are complaining about it. steve doocy said he can't even get off their imaginary waitlist and on to the app. >> he's got to turn his phone on and click on the app, he's been let in. >> due to massive demand, we've placed you on a wait list, i'm 621,000 still. >> that's because we're not letting you on. we have to -- >> okay. >> we're just not going to let you on. we're nervous about you. we think you're -- we're not sure if you're a bot yet, doocy. >> we're going to accept him, we're going to accept him. >> jimmy: oh, ha ha ha ha ha. [ laughter ] now there's a leader. that's the guy you want in charge of a major corporation. he will be fired by pick a date, guillermo. >> guillermo: tomorrow.
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>> jimmy: no, not tomorrow, let's give him a little more time. >>:ex nt week. >> jmyim: gllerokay, great. by next week, devin nunes is back stacking buckets on daddy's farm. president biden today issued the first pardons of his presidency. biden pardoned several criminals, including his former campaign manager, his former senior white house advisor, and his former national security advisor. wait, no, sorry, wrong president. [ laughter ] that was trump. i had that wrong. [ cheers and applause ] biden pardoned criminals who didn't work for him. our vice president, kamala harris, has tested positive for covid. her press secretary, kirsten allen, which sounds like the name kirstie alley uses to check into rehab -- [ laughter ] says president biden is not considered a close contact since the vice president hasn't seen him since the easter egg roll on april 18th. i don't know, did they have a fight over a jelly bean? why haven't they seen each other in eight days? and speaking of covid, remember dr. deborah birx? scarf lady from trump's covid task force?
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well she's got a tell-all on the way. it's called "silent invasion: the untold story of the trump administration, covid-19, and preventing the next pandemic before it's too late." which is a lot of words for someone who never spoke up. [ laughter ] in the book, dr. birx says that press conference when trump told us to drink bleach was a "tragedy." it's amazing. all it took for these people to finally say something was an advance from a book publisher. [ laughter ] the streets here in hollywood are busy with visitors again. once again, our city is packed with disappointed tourists from all over the world. and some of those visitors, primarily the young ones, stay a couple of doors down from us at a youth hostel, the samsun hollywood hostel. these are -- some call them beds. they go for around $30 a night. but tonight, we are going to give a pair of young travelers the chance to compete for a free upgrade to a luxurious hotel and with that said, it's time to play "hostel la vista!" [ cheers and applause ]
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our announcer lou, hi. >> lou: hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: lou is with our contestants outside. that's quite an outfit they've got you in. >> lou: a little warm. i prefer to be a jamaican bellman next time, shorts and a little hawaiian. >> jimmy: i didn't know there were -- there was an outfit that said jamaican bellman, but we'll get you one. >> lou: thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: isn't a jamaican bellman a regular bellman who's stoned? >> lou: i wouldn't mind being that as well. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's meet our contestants. karla, hi, where are you from? >> hi, i'm from spain. >> jimmy: what part of spain are you from? >> from the north, from a little town called barbastro. >> jimmy: oh, yes, this is the part i pretend i have some idea where that is. [ laughter ] what do you do for work in -- whatever that town was? >> i was working in the travel industry. >> jimmy: in the travel industry. and are you here as part of your job? >> no, i'm just on holiday.
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>> jimmy: you're on holiday. you work in the travel industry and you've decided to stay in a bunk bed at a fleabag hostel? >> yeah, irony, yes. >> jimmy: yes, there is some irony. let's meet your opponent, harry, where are you from? >> london nuk. >> jimmy: what do you do in the uk? >> i worked in food and drink. >> jimmy: how are you like that ho hostel? >> it's interesting. >> jimmy: did you know it was going to be like that when you signed up for it? >> not a clue, no. >> jimmy: all right. so this is what you're playing for, a luxury room at the historic hollywood roosevelt hotel. [ applause ] you'll enjoy a 700 square foot suite, a king size bed, hardwood floors, i think they've got a sink and toilet and everything. you can order overpriced onion rings from room service on us. all you have to do is know more than your opponent knows about our town this place you're visiting. i'm going to ask questions about our city and state. whoever answers more correctly gets the room.
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your question is, which ocean borders california to the west? karla? >> pacific. >> jimmy: yes, that is correct, karla. the pacific ocean. you are in the lead. we didn't get that one, we would be off to a really bad start. next question. what famed l.a. tourist attraction west of la brea features pits of tar? harry? >> the tar pits. >> jimmy: that's correct enough, harry, that's right. the la bray ra tar pits. [ applause ] the game is tied. next question. in what california beach town does barbie have a dream house? who rang -- harry? >> is it malibu? >> jimmy: yes, that's correct. malibu barbie. [ applause ] harry's in the lead. this u2 album shares a name with which of california's national parks?
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harry? >> joshua tree. >> jimmy: that's right, harry. [ applause ] that's an international question. all right, harry's in the lead. karla, buckle down. what is the name of the longest los angeles street? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: the longest los angeles river. go ahead, karla, give it a shot. >> los angeles? i don't know. >> jimmy: that is right, karla! [ applause ] the los angeles river. and all of a sudden this is a game! >> oh my god. >> jimmy: this is a movie question. >> okay. >> jimmy: the movie "the big lebowski" takes place in l.a. the lead character goes by what nickname? karla? >> dude? >> jimmy: the dude is right. [ applause ] oh my gosh, karla comes from out of nowhere to tie the game. and it's time now for our final question.
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>> the stress. >> jimmy: have white boards? lou has your white boards. all right, you're going to have 10 seconds to write down the names of as many kardashian-jenner family members as you can. you ready? go. okay, karla, 10 seconds. karla's off. as many as you can. then i will verify them. [ buzzer ] time's up. pens down. oh, okay, karla, you've got to stop writing. harry, let's see what you have. harry says? kourtney, kim, khloe. that is correct, yes. karla says? khloe, kim, kylie. then just the letter "k." >> sorry. >> jimmy: oh my gosh, we have a tie again? [ laughter ] all right, i'm going to give you one tie-breaking question, here it is. finish this quote. "there's no businesslike?" >> show business.
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>> jimmy: that is right, harry, there's no business like show business. harry, congratulations, you're on your way to the suite at the roosevelt hotel. lou will help you with your stuff. >> the loser. >> jimmy: karla, you're not going back to the hostel empty-handed, we have a love fa and a bottle of lite shampoo. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for playing "hostel la vista." we have a good show for you tonight. randy rainbow is here, we have music from lawrence, and we'll be back with rebel wilson.
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i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he how much their accident cget the best result possible. ♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: harry with his onion rings and a band-aid on his
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knee, all right. welcome back. tonight, his new book is called "playing with myself." randy rainbow is here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] then later, two siblings, very, very talented. this is their album, it's called "hotel tv." lawrence from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] you can see lawrence on the "hotel tv tour" wednesday night in waco, texas. tomorrow night, miles teller and ray seehorn, with music from the b-52s. please join are to us that. [ cheers and applause ] like their native dingo, our first guest tonight is an australian force of nature. you know her from the movies "bridesmaids," "pitch perfect," and her new one "senior year" premieres on netflix may 13th. please welcome rebel wilson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: very good to see you. >> hi, thanks for being here. >> jimmy: it's great to have you. i know you just came in from australia. >> yeah, i just came in. i had some family time back in australia. i have some old grandparents there in their 90s. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> i made a big lunch for them. then my grandfather bit into the sausage that i cooked and half of his fake teeth cracked open and started hanging out of his mouth. >> jimmy: oh. >> then he just kept eating like that. i'm like, "pop, you know, you've got to stop that." then i had to take the fake teeth out and put them in a bag and put them in my grandma's handbag so he wouldn't forget them. [ laughter ] so it's like, fun, always fun family time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: sounds great. what are your grandparents' names? >> bob and betty. >> jimmy: oh, these. those are good grandparent names. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you had fun. how often do i do are you go back home? >> not often, i live here now, i'm fully american now. [ cheers and applause ]
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america! >> jimmy: you were very successful back home. was it your dream to come to hollywood, to los angeles? >> well, yeah. when i first came here i came 12 years ago. i actually used a few street away from here. i came with one suitcase and the dream to make it in hollywood. i'd worked in the movie cinemas. i'd morked in the movies but in the movie cinemas, cleaned, made the popcorn and stuff. [ laughter ] i would watch all the american movies and i'd just love it. i'd get in trouble because i'd just sit in the cinemas instead of working. [ laughter ] i got busted all the time. they're like what are you doing? i'm like, oh, uh, i was just cleaning. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you ever gone back to that theater where you worked? >> yes. >> jimmy: seen one of your movies? >> the first movie i was in, i was still working there because i loved the job. a lot of free popcorn and soda, so i loved it there. and i was holding out the trash
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bag as people were exiting. they're like, "weren't you in that movie?" i'm like, "yeah." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] then i got too famous and i had to quit and move to hollywood, yeah. >> jimmy: this movie, as i mentioned, "senior year." you brought your senior yearbook from high school? >> i found it. i got it from australia. brought it all the way over here. i'm actually on the front cover. >> jimmy: you're on the cover, there's you right there. this is like mr. 100-year anniversary yearbook, right? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, no, that wasn't a joke. >> so i went to an all girls christian school. >> jimmy: same here. [ laughter ] >> very posh. oh. >> jimmy: you were -- >> yeah, so i found -- it was 25 years ago. since i was in high school. so yeah, dug up these archives. >> jimmy: you guys have high school reunions and everything? there you are on the inside cover too. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: it looks like the little girl's saying something
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weird and you're upset. >> and i'm the only one going, "ah." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what was your name in high school? it was different than your name now. >> i could't go under "rebel" because it's a christian school. it just wouldn't have been appropriate. >> jimmy: yeah? >> under my middle name, melanie. >> jimmy: st. melanie? >> yeah. >> jimmy: is there a st. melanie? i made that up, yeah. there you are, melanie. >> yeah, that's my -- >> jimmy: look at all these activities. >> i know. >> jimmy: this is unbelievable. >> i was an overachiever in high school. i did lots of sports and debating and mock trial. >> jimmy: tennis? basketball, softball, cricket, 12-voice choir, a capella, senior hand bells, "tom sawyer," plays and stuff. >> and musicals, yeah. >> jimmy: were you ever at home? [ laughter ] >> i did so much at school, i lived at school and became a boarder. i lived at the school. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: were you a good student? >> i was a good student.
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i got into law school when i graduated, the top law school in australia. and my mom cried when i said i'm going to become an actress. [ laughter ] she's like," all that studying, what is that for?" i never use 97 the studying now. >> jimmy: you never went to a minute of law school? >> i did actually graduate. >> jimmy: oh, even worse, yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> i did, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: were you good at sports? it seems like you must have been. >> yeah, so school basketball captain. and we actually had a coach, and he played two games in the nba. so i thought he was like the coolest dude ever. >> jimmy: for real? >> he'd come in a suit, yeah, and i was like, wow. this is, like, amazing. he only played two games. [ laughter ] it was the guy -- denver nuggets, i think, or minnesota. >> jimmy: if you play in the nba, that's pretty impressive. >> yeah, and he was really tall. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> we thought we were gangster when we walked in with him, but we weren't.
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we lost every single game. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: were you disruptive in class? >> i was, like -- i was smart at school, but i was also a little bit cheeky. so in the boarding house i would mastermind the escapes. there was a boys school next door. >> jimmy: oh. >> we had bars on our windows. it was that type of good christian school. [ laughter ] then i would organize the escapes. i'd work out all the passcodes for the alarms, like let's go, let's go. then one time i locked a teacher in a cupboard for four hours. >> jimmy: what? >> she was a mean teacher. [ laughter ] it was really good revenge. >> jimmy: how did that happen? >> well -- we, like, said oh, there's something in the cupboard, miss. then we pushed her in. [ laughter ] locked it. i know, it's a bit bad, i feel a bit bad now. >> jimmy: four hours? >> yes. she cried. [ laughter ] and she could never tell which girl it was that pushed her in.
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so they lined us up. which one was it? and i'm like, "don't say anything." no one ratted me out. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you must have commanded a lot of respect there at the school. >> i was voted deputy head girl, which is kind of like the senlgtd second-most popular girl at the school. which is why i'm on the front cover. >> jimmy: deputy head girl? >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the movie rebel is here to tell us about, "senior year." we'll see a bit of that when we come back. rebel wilson is here! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by las vegas. plan your next trip at ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪
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♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ ♪ when you shop at target, you leave with what you value most. like healthy foods and brands that lift our communities. at target, the things that matter are always within reach. what we value most, shouldn't cost more. [ music ends ]
12:01 am
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what about, like, the music and the dancing and the flipping? >> no, no, we do not do stunts anymore. also, we don't do sexy dancing. >> we'd rather have people listen to our words than just our bodies. >> this cheer would be so much better if you made me believe you were seconds away from showing your tits. >> no, stop. >> yes. i had this signature move, you're going to move it, "lips." start on the face. fingers go down the body -- >> no, no, no. >> down the body -- >> no! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is rebel wilson in "senior year" on netflix. i love the idea. this is a really funny idea. explain this premise. >> yes, so in the movie i'm an australian girl who moves to america, becomes cheer captain.
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in a stunt gone wrong, falls on her head, goes into a coma for 20 years. i ■wakeupand i wanttoedo my senior year, try to win prom queen, have an awesome time for senior year. it was really fun. >> jimmy: it's a fantasy a lot of people have. not the coma part. >> not the 20 years going like that. [ laughter ] but yeah, like i've had that dream. what would i do if i was back in high school? what would i say? >> jimmy: did you gow to prom and everything like that when you were in high school? >> yeah, i did. out in australia it's called a formal. it's the exact same thing. people get wasted. [ laughter ] my date got so drunk, he ran into the ocean. but he had his wallet and everything. and i had to rescue so we could get home, his wallet. i was like, you go in the ocean if you want, i just need your wallet. [ laughter ] so it was actually -- mine was a disaster. >> jimmy: we mentioned a moment ago that you did hand bells. >> yeah, that was one of my extracurriculars. i kind of mainly just did it to
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have something musical on my resume because i can't play any instruments. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> yeah. >> jimmy: one of our producers, laura, told me that she also did hand bells. >> oh. >> jimmy: i'd never heard of hand bells before. now that i see them, i've seen them. >> it might be a girls school thing. >> jimmy: maybe it is. but whatever it is, we have some hand bells we were able to acquire. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh. >> jimmy: tournament hand bells. and perhaps you can show us how to do this properly. >> you've even got the gloves, jimmy. >> jimmy: isn't that the rule, you have to have the gloves? >> yes, when you handle all bells, you need gloves. you want to put on the gloves? >> jimmy: i'll put on -- yeah. you have to have two gloves? >> okay, yeah. so i haven't done this in 25 years, jimmy. >> jimmy: i've never done it. >> what song should we do? >> jimmy: let's do "happy birthday" for melania. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> jimmy: can we do that?
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[ applause ] >> okay, yeah. all right. what -- yeah, if you were going to say something like megan thee stallion, hm, i don't know. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't know. >> you take this hand bell at the end, and i'll give you a subtle gesture. >> jimmy: okay, great, all right. >> okay, all right. happy birthday, melania. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hi, melania, how you doing? say hi to donald in the other room. [ laughter ] >> you got to be serious. >> jimmy: okay, all right. >> yeah. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. beautiful. the most beautiful music i've ever heard. >> you were really good. wow, you've never done that before. >> jimmy: how gentle and lovely that is. thank you. rebel wilson, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "senior year" is the movie. it premieres may 13th on netflix. we'll be back with randy rainbow! ♪ i stand alone ♪ ♪ and the fire in the sky ♪ ♪♪ ♪ wait and see ♪ ♪ shadow down ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. randy rainbow and music from lawrence are still to come. but first, if you like live entertainment, you'll love my hometown, las vegas, the entertainment capital of the world, where our pal guillermo has been burning the midnight oil. >> any fun plans? >> las vegas. i'm moon whiting there. >> really? why would you -- >> shh! wait, i got to go, bye! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bonjourno!
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♪ figaro figaro figaro figaro ♪ arrivicce! >> i came here for a special purpose. ♪ ♪ >> i got to go! >> how was your night? >> it's okay. >> oh, yeah. >> my eyes are up here. >> lou: plan your trip to the entertainment capital of the world. go to
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♪ ♪ when you shop at target, you leave with what wha you value like healthy foods and brands that lift our communities. at target, the things that matter are always within reach. what we value most, shouldn't cost more. [ music ends ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ pringles. get stuck in. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake?
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the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. ♪ ♪ the number one longest-lasting ashhhhh..y. ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. music from lawrence is on the way. our next guest is a multi-talented, multi-hued entertainer whose very funny and catchy political parodies have been viewed more than half a billion times. ♪ girl you're a karen you're an obnoxious intolerant pain ♪ ♪ you're a karen you're such a
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karen and you appear to be missing a brain ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: please say hello to randy rainbow! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: i forgot to plug your book, there it is, "playing with myself." really, aren't all autobiographieautobiography s martabatory?pi don't know whyr greene didn't call the police on you. >> she's dialing as we speak, this is the worst nightmare of marjorie taylor greene, you and me together. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: rainbow is your real last name, which is crazy. >> i wouldn't make it up. it sounds like the corniest stage name ever, but i would not have done that for myself, it was a difficult childhood, read
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chapters 1 through 16. [ laughter ] and for the birthers, there is a picture of my birth certificate in the book. >> jimmy: are there people questioning your citizenship here in the united states? >> well -- well, yes. since i'm a kid, they think -- but it sounds like the corniest, you know, public access children's show kind of host. >> jimmy: yeah, randy rainbow. >> should an drag queen but it's not. tankfully i grew into what i've become. and i wasn't a quarterback, or whatever they're called. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's exactly right, i think that's what they call them. >> yeah, i don't know. >> jimmy: this is some quote you have on this book, "brilliant, as good as anybody writing lyrics today." stephen sondheim. >> you heard of him? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: even i've heard of him. how do you get into musical theater? how did that happen in your life? >> my mother really wanted to raise the gayest son on long island. [ laughter ] she succeeded. she'd put me to bed with the
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soundtracks to "oklahoma!" and "the music man" and episodes of "murder she wrote." i don't know how that played into it. it was really my mom. >> jimmy: your mom. >> are you a musical theater -- no? any kind of -- >> jimmy: no, i don't know anything, yeah. >> you like my stuff, right? >> jimmy: my brother went to musical theater school, and i do like your stuff, it's great, very funny. >> thanks. >> jimmy: it's hard to make that kind of stuff funny. usually it's like, ugh, please, stop it. yet somehow you manage to turn that corner and make them really good. >> that's so nice. i say in the book, they're not politically motivated, though that might surprise some people. it's just what -- they're politically themed, certainly. at the heart of it it's just me putting on wigs and playing dress-up and having a fabulous time. >> jimmy: which was the first of your videos to go viral? >> it was called -- it was in the musical. it was called "randy rainbow is dating mel gibson." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> we've since broken up, i'd rather not talk about it. but it was when, you know, those phone rants --
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>> jimmy: yes, yes. >> you remember. and i was thinking of, like what kind of comedy angle could i take? they were largely homophobic and anti-semitic. then i remembered i'm a gay jewess. [ laughter ] i walked around my apartment having romantic phone conversations to his tirades. >> jimmy: you never heard from mel or his attorneys or anything like that? >> maybe now i will. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you hear from people you sing about? >> marjorie taylor greene has not invited me to brunch. the moment she does, i'll call you. >> jimmy: please. >> no, not usually, i really haven't. after the fact, some of the trump, like the mooch. >> jimmy: scaramucci? >> scaramucci, things like that. >> jimmy: that's big of him, i guess. or he's probably just looking for attention. >> listen, you said it, not me. [ laughter ] he's a lovely man. >> jimmy: you have heard from carol burnett, who's quoted on your book. which is -- >> okay, but i don't have to tell you. when your idols reach out to you and become your friends, that's
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the most exciting part of all of this. >> jimmy: how did carol burnett reach out to you? >> she's a fan like you. >> jimmy: i believe that. [ laughter ] >> she called me on my cell phone. >> jimmy: she called you, wow. >> she's since become a really good friend. now she will call or send an email every time i put out a video. whose life is this, jimmy? >> jimmy: that's pretty great. >> crazy. i've heard from -- not mel gibson, again.& >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> i've heard from barbra streisand. you know -- just all my idols. >> i like the oos and aahs. >> by the way, it's carol burnett's birthday. >> jimmy: i should have been celebrating hers instead of melania. >> i wanted to thank you for having me on the melania birthday special, a special honor. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's a story in the book about an experience you had with me. >> yes, jimmy. haunting me. >> jimmy: is that true? has it really been haunting you? >> i swear to god. it was the 2019 emmy awards, the
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creative arts emmys. >> jimmy: yep. >> i had been nominated for the first time, i was in shock, i didn't realize you could get nominated for an emmy for making videos in your living room, essentially what i do. i got the nomination. we showed up. and, you know, i kind of secretly thought it would be like a dinner party at applebee's or something. but then it was the real emmys. >> jimmy: this is the first awards show you'd ever been to? >> yeah. i'm in my apartment making videos with no pants on, what award shows are they inviting me? but i got there, it was a real red carpet. and we went into the microsoft theater. and i was in the front row. and there's kim kardashian. and norman lear was behind me. and rupaul. and i'm seated in the front row. next to me is anthony anderson, you dear friend, who asked my mother for a tic-tac, which was her emmy award. [ laughter ] she has not stopped talking about it. and then there was you. and i'm standing before the show, we're all standing, i'm
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talking to my mother, who is my date. i'm dating my mother. and i'm saying, can you believe this is happening? it's crazy. then i feel a tap on my shoulder. and i turn. and it's america's sweetheart, jimmy kimmel. [ laughter ] and i -- you're a pro at this now, but i'm sure in your early days, when you meet people -- i've loved you for so long. when you meet people that you have admired for years, like -- i put so much expectation on that moment. >> jimmy: oh. >> so jet lagged, i was exhausted, maybe a little drunk. i just -- i was thinking all these things going through my head, like this is my moment to shine for jimmy kimmel, if i make an impression he'll invite me home to -- to melania, i almost said, you're not married to her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: molly, but i'm going to start calling her melania now. [ applause ] >> don't do that, i love my molly. i'm going to have to -- >> jimmy: i changed her name in my phone to ivanka.
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>> you're horrible. i'm going to go on vacation with howard stern and jimmy kimmel. of course this is crazy. so everything just, like -- you know, you were very gracious to come say hello. >> jimmy: yes, i saw you. yes, i totally remember this. >> you do? >> jimmy: i 100% remember it. >> to me, and it might not be -- it's probably -- it was a blip. 20 seconds. for me it was like four hours. >> jimmy: i remember seeing you, oh, yeah, that guy's funny. i went over and said hello and you were there with your mother. >> right. i wanted to say all these things to you but i started vomiting word salad is what i remember. and i introduced you to my mother. and there was a lot of awkward pauses, i remember. and i wasn't saying any of the things i wanted to say. and you were so gracious, as always. but you wouldn't leave. [ laughter ] i wanted you to go. not because of you, because of me. i was -- i was -- i was bombing. >> jimmy: this all sounds right, yeah. [ laughter ] >> really? >> jimmy: about me being asked on to leave, yeah, something that happens to me regularly. >> i just remember, i didn't know what to do.
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i put my hand on your shoulder and i remember petting you. [ laughter ] like a little bunny. and then finally i dismissed you. "okay, well thank you." [ laughter ] "that's enough." i dismissed jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: and i went on my way, yeah. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: i was probably -- probably my seat was there too. >> your seat was right there. >> jimmy: you've written this scenario of how you wish it had gone. >> i wrote a chapter called "not now action jimmy kimmel." and in it i kind of wrote the transcript of how i wish, when i'm standing in the shower in the morning shearing at the shampoo, how i wish this conversation happened. >> jimmy: let's make it happen. >> can we do it. >> jimmy: >> jimmy: let's rewrite history here. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: okay, all right. i go -- >> page 39 if you're following along. >> jimmy: chapter 15. >> thank you, okay. please start. >> jimmy: randy, randy, randy! >> jimble kimble, my man, how row doing? >> jimmy: looking good, friend. >> jimmy, i need you to really
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sell it, though. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: looking good, friend. >> well, hey, what can i say, i take after you, you handsome son of a bitch. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you write a speech? >> what for? you know "carpool karaoke" is going to steal it. >> jimmy: i wouldn't be so sure, you [ bleep ] national treasure. [ laughter ] >> takes one to know one, [ bleep ]. how's my girl molly? >> jimmy: on her way in, she can't wait to see you. save you a seat at the after? >> grab me a tito's soda -- then you come in. >> jimmy: splash of cran? >> you remembered! [ applause ] >> jimmy: you know it. then i say? >> then you do. >> jimmy: baba-booey. >> and a fafa-flow-fi to you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: randy rainbow! this is his book, "playing with myself." we'll be back with lawrence! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the s class from mercedes-benz.
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check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪♪ come on. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank rebel wilson and randy rainbow. apologies to matt damon. tomorrow night, miles teller and ray seehorn, with music from the b-52s. "nightline" is next, but first, their album is called "hotel tv." here with the song, "don't lose sight," lawrence! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this thing's gonna kill me ♪ ♪ but i won't let it and i try to give 'em hell but they don't get it ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night oh oh oh ♪ ♪ don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪
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♪ are you kidding me i'm getting sick of the industry ♪ ♪ i've had enough of the make believe oh please oh please here we go ♪ ♪ this thing's gonna kill me but i won't let it and i try to give 'em hell but they don't get it ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪ ♪ and they try to give me up but i won't give in ♪ ♪ and this life will get ya down but i keep living ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night don't lose sight baby don't lose sight go ♪ ♪ don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪ ♪ ♪ don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪ ♪ are you kidding me i'm getting sick of the in-between ♪ ♪ running in place
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isn't interesting to me to me ♪ ♪ am i good enough does that even matter or is it luck ♪ ♪ i'm checking the prices on giving up now what now what now what ♪ ♪ this thing's gonna kill me but i won't let it ♪ ♪ and i try to give 'em hell but they don't get it ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪ ♪ and they try to give me up but i won't give in ♪ ♪ and this life will get ya down but i keep living ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night don't lose sight baby don't lose sight go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪
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♪ and this thing ain't ever gonna change it ain't ever gonna change it ain't ever gonna change ♪ ♪ here we go ♪ ♪ this thing's gonna kill me but i won't let it this thing ain't ever gonna change ♪ ♪ and i try to give 'em hell but they don't get it ain't ever gonna change ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night ♪ ♪ this thing's gonna kill me but i won't let it ♪ ♪ and i try to give 'em hell but they don't get it ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪ ♪ and they try to give me up but i won't give in ♪ ♪ and this life will get ya down but i keep livin ♪ ♪ so i tell myself when i sleep at night don't lose sight baby don't lose sight ♪ thank you! ♪ we are lawrence! [ cheers and applause ] >> apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time.
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, "rust" tragedy. harrowing new video from the fatal shooting on alec baldwin's film set. >> everybody stop what you're doing right now, this is a crime scene. >> the tragedy unfolding through the eyes of those who were there. the film's armorer is visibly shaken. >> i'm scared, i'm sorry. >> you're all right, just relax. >> as the film's targets heartbreaking news about helena hutchins. >> we have some very unfortunate news to tell you. >> what? >> she didn't make it. >> no! >> yeah. rhino rescue. we're on the ground in south africa with one of the most majestic and endangered animals on the planet.


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