tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 22, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" with guest host, sean hayes! tonight, tessa thompson, patrick schwarzenegger, and music from kevin morby, with cleto and the cletones. and now, sean hayes! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> sean: whoo! [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you very much. thank you.
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oh, you guys are so nice. welcome to "jimmy kimmel live." i am your guest host, sean hayes. [ cheers and applause ] before we get started, jimmy texted me right before the show. for real. he wanted me to tell you he loves you, he misses you and he can't wait until he's back with you after he's done with his vacation. [ laughter ] so -- yeah. just kidding, i haven't heard from him in weeks. [ laughter ] he's probably on a beach somewhere with a spanish-to-english dictionary looking up how to say "two more marijuanas, please." [ laughter ] [ applause ] true. one for me. we are coming to you from not-so-sunny california, where for once, we actually had weather to complain about. there was massive thunder and lightning for hours last night. thunderstorms don't happen a lot in l.a. usually if you hear a loud noise from the sky around here, it's just harrison ford crashing his plane. [ laughter ] [ applause ] never scratch on the guy, thank
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god, right? i don't know about you, but i find thunderbolts and lightning very, very frightening. me! galileo! [ cheers ] >> guillermo: no, it's guillermo. [ laughter ] >> sean: oh, forget it. hey, speaking of thunder, we have one of the stars of the much-anticipated movie, "thor: love and thunder," here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] tessa thompson is with us. so excited. and she brought along a never-before-seen clip from the movie, which is very exciting news for all our viewers who wear adult retainers. [ laughter ] so i was googling things to be anxious about today, which is one of my hobbies, and i saw this, "survey shows 3 in 5 americans say pandemic made driving feel less safe." apparently, people are more anxious in general right now and it's amplified when they're on the road. i agree. that's why i let my tesla drive for me. [ laughter ] "tesla" is the name of the monkey i trained to drive my honda civic.
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[ laughter ] [ rim shot ] so stupid. [ laughter ] driving in l.a. is like cleaning my house. i can only do it on massive amounts of cocaine. [ laughter ] have you guys -- by the way, have you been watching the january 6th hearings, guillermo? >> guillermo: a little bit. >> sean: a little bit? all right. one of my favorite moments happened after the hearings yesterday. republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin was asked about his alleged role in the scheme to overturn the election for donald trump, and he appeared to respond by taking a fake phone call. >> how much did you know about what your chief of staff was doing with the alternate slates of electors? >> i'm on a call. >> no, you're not, i can see your phone. i can see your screen. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> sean: yeah, well. once again, ron's caught with his johnson in his hand. [ laughter ] that's not how you pretend to
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take a call. this is how you pretend to take a call. "hello? yes, this is sean. uh-huh. hang on one second, i have another call. hello? [ cheers and applause ] that's how it's done. as you can clearly see, i'm a very talented actor, but i've also had my share of rejection. most people don't know this, but i was in the original cast of "ozark" with my buddy, jason bateman. we shot a few episodes, but ultimately, they thought i wasn't "the right fit" for the "show," so they let me go. [ laughter ] and bateman, to his credit, was gracious enough to give me the footage from the scenes i've shot. but you wouldn't want to see that, would you? [ cheers and applause ]
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>> sean: oh my god, you guys, that's so nice. [ laughter ] roll the tape! >> i'm just asking for your help. >> actually, you're not. you're going behind my back to expressly do what you know we are not allowed to do. >> because you won't help. >> do you not see a pattern here, teen wolf? you've done nothing. >> what would you have me do? >> i just had a very interesting conversation with frank. frank from kansas city. >> oh, yeah? >> yeah. >> i pleaded with you, please don't do this. please do not get us further in on this. >> oh, that is soooooooriiiich! >> i'm just trying to protect our family, that's it. >> yeah, sure, silver spoon. because you didn't get your way, you went behind my back to sabotage me, you sneaky little bitch. >> i'm asking you for [ bleep ] help on a problem that you created, and you're not helping, that's the whole story.
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>> to you. to you! to you. to you. >> guillermo: you two are [ bleep ] crazy. [ laughter and applause ] >> ozark! >> sean: well. that. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. well. well, ozark's off the air and i'm hosting "jimmy kimmel live!" so who's the loser now, bateman? [ cheers and applause ] this is something fun that came from florida, also known as the monster energy drink of all states. it's our "unintentional joke of the day." >> florida police found a naked woman with a burning bush. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> sean: by the way, they have a cream for that. [ laughter ] the house passed a new bill yesterday, called the 21st "century president act," which revised old legal language to clarify that women and lgbtq americans can be president of the united states. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, it's true. however, i hate to break it to you but i'm pretty sure we've already had a gay president. our 15th president, james buchanan, was never married, but had a male "friend" named william he lived and brunched with for more than 16 years. and if you still don't believe me, then here's all the proof you need. he voluntarily wore this. a bow tie he made out of a napkin from a dinner party. [ laughter ] [ applause ] straight men just aren't that crafty. [ laughter ] they can't even eat a hot pocket without spilling it on their crocs.
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[ laughter ] i've been watching joe biden lately, and i think i could be president. how hard could it be? [ laughter and applause ] right? yeah. i know how to fall off a bike and forget stuff. [ laughter ] congress isn't the only one getting into the pride month spirit. a lot of major corporations are doing their best to celebrate the lgbtq+ community. some are doing their worst. like postmates, who came out with this actual ad for a special pride-themed menu. >> what are you eating this pride? well, if you're a top, it seems like you can eat whatever you want. but if you're a bottom, you're expected to starve? not this pride. introducing the bottom-friendly menu from postmates. there's no right way or wrong way to bottom. but if you're planning on getting peachy," the
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bottom-friendly menu has the kinds of foods that can keep you feeling good. >> are you working? >> uh-huh! [ applause ] >> sean: this raises some questions like, "are you hungry or do you want to get dominated by produce?" [ laughter ] again, that is 100% real. we did not make that up, but it did give us an idea to go out on hollywood boulevard and show pedestrians some fake corporate "pride campaigns" to see what people thought. and this is what we learned. >> have you seen a lot of pride-themed logos this month? >> a ton. >> what do you think of them generally? >> i just think it's very sad that, like, on june 1st everyone switches their social media logos to rainbow flags, and then boring normal. t's back to the - >> if somebody asked you, let's go out to tgi friday's, would you go there? >> probably not. >> no? so you're a customer they could ensnare with their lgbt
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marketing? >> that's true, that's true. >> there's potential here. they changed it just for this month to -- t.g.i. frigays. >> it's speaking my language now. >> would you still go? >> maybe, i guess. >> do you drink dr pepper. >> it's my favorite. >> why is it your favorite? >> it's sweet. >> yeah. okay, well, just for the month of june they're changing their marketing to gay dr pepper. >> oh-oh. >> how likely are you to pick up that can? >> probably not. >> do you own farming equipment this. >> i don't but my dad does. >> for pride month they're doing this one time only john queer. >> john queer? i don't know -- no, that's going to lose some people. >> pez? >> i don't like the candy, it's terrible. >> all candy? >> the pez, it's terrible. >> they're trying for a different angle. >> i like the popup they use. >> this is their new logo, lez candy. can you get into that?
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[ laughter ] >> maybe. >> general insurance changed their logo this month to the degeneral insurance, ellen degeneres signing on. what do you think of this? >> a few years ago i would have said, that's pretty cool. >> it's different. i can't say i don't love it, because i do. what's this lady's name? ella? it's a good feel. >> she's nice, you know. vry, you know -- i'd like to meet her, she's cool. >> you're into this but not john queer? [ laughter ] >> whole foods, do you shop there? yes. >> apparently gay men don't shop there enough, they're trying to reach gay men with glory whole foods. >> now will you try a pair? >> no, no. >> the new slogan is "get in, get out, oh, that feels good."
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>> to the person who in, they got out. no, man, no. i'm nervous, my hands are sweating, dog. no, man, no. uh-uh. >> as a gay man yourself, this doesn't make you want to shop there? >> as a gay man who? >> yourself? >> no, i'm not gay. >> oh. do you ever eat ramen? >> yes. sometimes. >> i'll give you one guess as to what their marketing campaign is for this month. i'll give you one guess. say it. >> i'm -- i -- i don't know. i'm not thinking. >> it sounds like you have it. >> it -- it's -- it's -- nothing. i have no idea. i have no idea. i have no clue. >> flip the card. top or bottom ramen. >> yeah, that was it. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: we have a good show for you tonight. from "the terminal list," patrick schwarzenegger is here. we've got music from kevin morby. and we'll be right back with tessa thompson.
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♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪ >> sean: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live!" i'm sean hayes. tonight, from the show, "the terminal list," on amazon prime video, patrick schwarzenegger is with us. then later, we have a talented songwriter with us tonight. his album, "this is a photograph" is out now, kevin morby from the mercedes eq stage. i'll be back friday night, with my guests, natalie portman and b. scott, with music from meghan trainor featuring teddy swims. you know our first guest from "westworld," the "creed" movies, and "thor: ragnarok." now, she returns to the marvel cinematic universe alongside a bunch of nobodies like chris hemsworth, natalie portman, and christian bale in the movie, "thor: love and thunder." it opens in theaters july 8th. please say hello to tessa thompson.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> look at the back. wow. i don't know if you love or hate this question, but who are you wearing? it's gorgeous. >> i don't know the answer. it's called puppeted and puffets. >> i love their work. so nice to meet you. i can't believe i never met you. you're stunning. now, you're busy doing thor and west world, massive blitz like press. do you enjoy the press tour? do you enjoy interviews? what's the deal? >> i know. i'm so excited.
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this is a big summer. we had the west world premiere last night in new york city. [ cheers and applause ] >> you know, i'm proud of myself for making it here in one flight. but i got the other one, we got stuck in an elevator last night. >> in new york? >> yeah, had to call the fire department, the whole thing. >> you're joking. >> no, no. i like when everything goes to plan. typically it doesn't. i had one interview in new york which was fun. i wish i could make this a prerequisite for all interviews. it was with puppies. >> what? >> yeah, it was me and a bunch of puppies. i thought they would be really small but they were really big and they were peeing and pooping. >> as part of the interview they asked you to hold a dog as part of the conversation? that's why we have guillermo here. good luck. >> hi, how are you? you did good, right? >> it's like having a puppy
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around. >> whatever you say. >> yeah, well, you shouldn't have told me he was there. he's really distracting. [ laughter ] >> now, wait. so do you have a dog of your own? do yo do you have pets? >> i do have a dog called coltrain. he's part chihuahua. they're fun. he's 23% chihuahua which accounts for his size. he's an australian kelpie. >> that's a fish, right? >> no. [ laughter ] >> i thought it was a fish. >> that's guppie. >> i got it was kelpi. >> maybe they can do things under the sea. i don't know. they're like australian sheep dogs or herding dog. >> a sheep dog chihuahua? >> yeah. >> i have a dog named ricky. he's a golden doodle. >> that used to be my dream dog. >> you can have him if you want.
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[ laughter ] >> maybe i can try it out. i like big dogs. i'm attracted too big dogs. but the size of the dog is also the size of the poop is relative to the size of the dog. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> my dog is 95 pounds, right? i'm like 100 so we're five pounds off each other. [ laughter ] he poops the size of children. >> it's a two-hand situation. >> two-hand. you have to put a doggy bag like a surgeon, two hands, and make it happen. my husband puts one bag to pick it up. i do the opposite. >> if i had a husband he would just do the poop. >> his only job. >> handle the poop and i can do everything else. >> speaking of poop, something fun and amazing, thor love and thunder. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is so exciting. everybody is freaking out about
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it. so tell us the story. like, you had -- fans are going so crazy with this. you had a slip-up. you took a photo, a selfie of you in your costume here one time. during filming is this? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> which we can now show. we have permission to show. but what happened? >> i sent it to my family. i sent it to my step-mom. she put it in like a end of year montage on instagram and somebody found it and they posted it on the internet. but i guess it's a big thing -- my costume change. it was a spoiler. it wasn't her fault. she didn't know. i said something about it and it made it a bigger deal. i'm bad at spoilers. >> really? can you do -- by the way i know a little about the marvel world. i'm not as massively into it as my husband scotty who is here. do you mind if we ask you some possible spoiler questions you
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may or may not be able to ask -- scotty, do you have some questions? [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, yeah. take your time. >> i know. i wrote my questions down to make sure. i'm going to put my thor's hammer down. >> it looks just like the real thing. >> so, my first question is, will this movie deal with the multi verse? >> oh. that's a yes -- no, that's a no. we don't know. >> that's a maybe. >> all right. your character is the king of new as guard and i've been hearing on new message boards the town's primary export is salmon. can you confirm or deny this? >> all sorts of tin fish. >> tin fish. >> yeah. >> by the way, i want to go back. sometimes the maybe question means yes. when i was in high school,
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people were, are you maybe. [ applause ] >> it's always a yes. could be. >> could be. >> what time is it? >> hi, sean. kristen bale plays in the movie, this is a spoiler. do they win? >> you mean do they beat the [ bleep ] out of him. >> we do fight. he was such a fantastic villain, christian bale. every time i'm knocked down, are you all right, are you all right? he's so conscientious. >> i believe that about him. >> one more. thank you, sean. this is a hypothetical question. so, if you're married to someone, right, that doesn't care at all about a movie franchise that you actually love -- [ laughter ] -- is that something you think the two of you could get past?
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the follow-up would be, what would you say to that [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> by the way -- well, first of all, would you like to answer that question? >> do you have any memorabilia around the house? are you that kind of fan? >> this guy is crazy. >> i'm wearing a thor love and -- >> this guy is crazy. he does have. [ applause ] >> do you do role playing? >> [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> all right. >> sean: more with tessa thompson after this. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by wendy's new strawberry frosty, for a limited time.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> sean: welco [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: welcome back. i'm here with tessa thompson. she's amazing. are you ready for this never-before-seen clip? [ cheers and applause ] >> ready. >> sean: let's get into it. let's set the scene. there you go. there you are. ready, and -- >> have i seen this clip? probably not. >> well, you were in the movie. let's see it. >> you were in the room. >> how do you know? >> it's unmistakable. >> if it's color we need, let's bring the rainbow. >> bring the rainbow, is that a catch phrase or something?
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>> she's only been with thor for a minute. the rest of it, she needs work. >> how many catch phrases are there? >> a lot. >> yep, jumped the gun. >> he moved the shadows and he's going to the shadow realm. it's going to be powerful. >> are you thinking what i'm thinking? >> i'm thinking it. >> what are you thinking? >> i'm thinking it, too. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: oh, my god, that is so cool. that is so cool. that's so cool, we got to see that first. isn't that awesome? >> i've never seen it. >> sean: you saw the movie. bits and parts. >> i've seen bits and parts. that's good. >> sean: you're in this thing. isn't it so huge? >> it's really huge. [ laughter ] >> sean: it's so cool. wait a minute, it looks like natalie can kick some ask there.
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did you workout together? >> we all worked out together. she got so buffed. she isn't just buff. in the film they make her like 6'3". she's basically -- >> sean: how do they do that? >> movie magic. practically they'd have to build these decks for her basically. when she would have walking scenes, there would be risers. they would be like, bring in the deck fortunately. >> sean: like they did with yoda and empire strikes back. they built a stage higher and yoda would be like this. [ laughter ] not even close, not even close. >> no. [ laughter ] they had these decks for her, but decks in new zealand or australian accent sounds like something else. [ laughter ] >> sean: can you do it in the accent and tell us what it is? >> you do it. >> sean: how's the deck? >> deck isn't long enough. [ laughter ] let's get natalie on that deck.
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[ laughter ] >> sean: boy, this deck is hard, yeah, wow. >> it was basically six months. you would have loved it. six months of deck jokes. >> sean: deck jokes. well, welcome to the jimmy kimmel show. i heard about, like, the cold, did you do that? >> oh, cold baths? yeah. >> sean: i don't understand it. first of all, i don't need to do that. >> you're just so svelte and hot? >> sean: i'm not. >> i mean, yes. [ cheers and applause ] look at that. [ laughter ] >> sean: oh, god, what have we started? i don't understand. i don't understand like the cold plunge thing. like, i don't need to -- if you're feeling in flamed and puffy, that's why they invented advil. i mean, you know what i mean? i don't need to get in ice cold water.
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i'll take a couple, pop a couple antiinflammatory. >> have you tried it? >> sean: i just said i don't need to. >> it's invigorating. sa >> sean: how do you get into -- >> your body feels shock. i'm a competitive person. the guys are in the gym. they talked about how hard it was. chris was like, i got up to two minutes, three minutes. i'm like, i'm going to get up to four. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: of course, you did. now your character in the movie, you were wearing, is that phantom of the opera t-shirt? >> yeah. >> sean: why? [ laughter ] >> because she loves musical theater. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: okay. >> this conversation basically like -- >> sean: that's really cool, by the way. >> if these gods come to earth, what would they like to do?
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she likes basketball and musical theater. it was a shout out to one of our writers, jen robinson, the first time she met our director she was wearing a phantom of the opera t-shirt. i thought valpre was into cats and phantom. those are her two favorites. >> sean: it's cool. it's a really cool idea they would have that character be that. are you a fan of -- >> sometimes i went to see pam anderson in chicago and that was -- [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: because when i think of song and dance, i think of pam anderson. [ laughter ] test a thompson, thank you. "thor: love and thunder" opens in theaters july 8th. we'll be back with patrick schwarzenegger. up? no, great checkup. aw, thank you, doc. for great checkups, crest has you covered... because crest pro-health protects 100% of your mouth for 24 hours. i mean we're talking dental hall of fame.
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a jelly bean that's good for you? try nature's bounty jelly bean vitamins. good-for-you nutrients in a tastier-for-you form. more sweet dreams. more flavorful immune support. get more with nature's bounty jelly beans. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> sean: welcome back. our next guest is a talented actor and terrific young man and
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i'm not just saying that because his mother told me to, which she did. i've had the plesure of knowing him since he was 4 years old. now he's all grown up playing a navy seal in "the terminal list." it premieres july 1st on amazon prime video. please welcome my friend, patrick schwarzenegger. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> sean: look at this, mr. powder blue man. >> it's summer. >> sean: this is so great. i'm going to start this off by reading a text. i'm going to read the text your mom sent me two days ago. read that. that's from your mom, for real. [ laughter ] >> okay, i heard you're hosting jimmy kimmel -- she's bad at
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texting, by the way. none other than patrick. you better say he's the greatest actor since brando or newman or mcqueen. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: which is true, which is true. it's so -- because we -- i've known you since you were like this little -- >> yeah. >> sean: you used to come over and swim in the pool and hang out. it's wild to see you grow up and become this not only actor, which you are killing it. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, but just -- i really mean this. what an incredible and amazing human being you are which is just a testament to your parents and you as a recipient. >> thank you. my mom didn't make him say that. [ applause ] >> sean: that's from this idiot right here. so, wait, who texts more, mom or dad? >> my dad doesn't have a phone. >> sean: what? >> arnold doesn't have a phone. he refuses to text. he has an ipad.
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only ipad or face time. >> sean: what about when you want to talk to him? >> he has the first phone, a flip phone. it's like a brick, this big, flips open. he can call -- >> sean: austria. >> i don't think it goes that far. he has like these speed dials memorized. that's it, doesn't have anything else. >> sean: that is so crazy. >> i think his thumbs are too big. [ laughter ] for the phone or something. [ applause ] >> sean: well, we're going to get to something right now because that's not the only thing that's big on him. he also uses something to cut your hair that's gigantic. you posted video with your dad. do we have that? look at this. >> let me see those scissors. [ laughter ] >> sean: i mean, what? what? [ cheers and applause ]
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those are like you can cut down a tree with those. >> yeah, they're hedge trimmers or something like that. >> sean: there was a cut on your forehead. >> yes, he did. [ laughter ] the kind of story is -- he always cut my hair growing up, him and my mom. and i mean -- yes. >> sean: they did a good job. >> the bold cut. my dad would be the one that would shave it for me. i never used to get haircuts growing up. i still don't. i haven't been to a place to get a haircut in years. >> sean: why would you, that large? >> the buzzer kept getting stuck in my hair. it was yanking my hair. dad, this really hurts. i was bleeding here. it was pulling out. don't worry, i got the scissors. and he walks out with these huge scissors. and he did it and my girlfriend was watching, just like -- and afterwards, he goes, it's perfect, it's amazing. she goes, you have patches
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everywhere. short, long. [ laughter ] short, long. he loves doing it. >> sean: did he do this hair tonight? >> i just came in from toronto. i've been filming the boys spin-off. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: i heard about that. that's so cool. tell us a little about that. that sounds amazing. >> um, i would tell you as much as i can. i can't -- like every episode, we get like we're about to film. i don't know what's to come. but -- >> sean: it's like secret scripts? >> yes. they don't even show me. it's that secret. it's such an amazing franchise. it's great. i'm honored to be part of it. >> sean: i can't wait to see that. i read something about it, it's amazing. you killed it in the staircase. have you guys seen the staircase? [ cheers and applause ] it's incredible. people are loving this. your performance is amazing. >> thank you. >> sean: it's based on michael
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peterson, right? >> yes. >> sean: were you aware of the story before it started? >> yes. it's an amazing weird crazy story about this prolific writer in durham, north carolina named michael peterson that finds his wife dead at the bottom of the stairs. >> sean: finds his wife -- >> yeah, finds his wife, exactly. i won't spoil it. there's more. more people are found at the bottom of the stairs. but i was a huge fan of this documentary. my mom was, my dad was, our whole family. we watched it during covid. all of a sudden one day, you know, whatever that was, year and a half ago, i got the audition popped up in my in negotiati-box for staircase. all these people, i'm like oh, my god. amazing. [ applause ] >> sean: i think it's a career changer for you. you are so set because you're so talented. but people were tweeting about your performance as todd, right.
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and i think it's so funny. we're going to read some of these. you tweeted back, which is great. first one is, the biggest revelation from the premiere episode is patrick schwarzenegger can act. [ laughter ] by the way, and you -- look at your emoji. eh. and the next one is, every single actor on "the staircase" ate collin ferth, emmy. i'd even give patrick schwarzenegger an emmy. i'll take it. what is ate? >> they crushed it, i guess. >> sean: when i grew up, ate is like you planted one on the floor, down the staircase. >> i think it's a good thing since it's referring to collin fe ferth. >> sean: have you heard of ate? [ applause ] i have something for you, a participation. [ cheers and applause ] >> you're amazing.
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[ laughter ] >> sean: is this on? >> a speech. >> sean: this is an emmy predecessor. >> and the size, it's huge. thank you so much. >> sean: now, and then the other show, god, you have so much going on. it's so exciting. you are part of the terminal list, which i watched the first episode. blown away. like the first ten minutes, i know i won't spoil it, it's amazing. and chris pratt, your brother-in-law, our friend, is also starring and producing it with you. tell us a little about that. >> yeah. >> sean: i thought, i read the title. is this the terminator? no, it's terminal list. [ laughter ] >> it's called the terminal list. it's amazing -- it's actually a book, a huge franchise book by a
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great author called jack carr who actually was a navy s.e.a.l. >> sean: you trained with a navy s.e.a.l. i would last two minutes. >> maybe one. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> it's true, it's true. no, it was amazing. it was an insane experience. i remember when chris said, there's this young role donny mitchell. you'll be the youngest in the platoon. man, i need to like -- if you want to get this role, i need you to get into character and gain 20 pounds and get training, get tactical training, know how they move, the body language, all this stuff. it was kind of a dream come true to work with them and learn from them. i have such pride in our country, the men and women in our armed forces and work with them and work beside them in the actual show. i would say 80, maybe 90% of the actors in the terminal list were real navy s.e.a.l.s.
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>> sean: unbelievable. >> cool experience. >> sean: i completely believe you in this. believe you in staircase. so excited for everything you have going on. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: thanks, patrick. "the terminal list" premieres july 1st on amazon prime video. we'll be right back with music from kevin morby. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz, the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ ♪ from the mountains to the coast, ♪ ♪ el estado with the most. ♪
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♪ we do tacos from the city to every little town. ♪ ♪ best bites. best vibes. ♪ ♪ california, hands down. ♪ ♪ go on and check my drip. ♪ ♪ take a bite. feelin' fit. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado. live in the golden state ♪ and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes. >> sean: that is all the time we have. i want to thank tessa thompson and patrick schwarzenegger. i'll be back friday with natalie portman and b. scott, with music from meghan trainor and teddy swims. "nightline" is next but first, here with the title track to his album, "this is a photograph," kevin morby! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is a photograph a window to the past of your father ♪ ♪ on the front lawn with no shirt on ready to take the world on ♪
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♪ beneath the west texas sun the year that you were born ♪ ♪ the year that you are now his wife behind the camera his daughter and ♪ ♪ his baby boy got a glimmer in his eye seems to say ♪ ♪ and this is what i'll miss about being alive this is what ♪ ♪ i'll miss after i die my body ♪ my boy the sun now time's the undefeated ♪
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♪ the heavyweight champ laughing in his face as it dance ♪ ♪ like sugar ray used to be "c'mon c'mon" but now "no mas no mas" ♪ used to be "c'mon c'mon" but now "no mas no mas" ♪ ♪ a a window to the past of your mother ♪ ♪ in a skirt in the cool kentucky dirt laughing in the garden ♪ ♪ haha back where it all started with a smile on her face ♪
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♪ everything in its place got a glimmer in her eyes seems to say ♪ ♪ this is what i'll miss about being alive ♪ this is what i'll miss about being alive and this is what ♪ ♪ i'll miss after i die ♪ this is what i'll miss about being alive ♪ this is what i'll miss about being alive and this is what ♪ ♪ i'll miss after i die this is a photograph a window to the past ♪ ♪ of me on a front lawn ready to take the world on beneath the tennessee sun ♪ ♪ inside the kingdom got a glimmer in my eyeee and a]
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tonight, we of america's most dangerous cities, philadelphia. >> 14 people were shot, three of those people have now died. >> where the number of gun deaths has hit a grim new record. >> philly is supposed to be the city of brotherly love. but it's like you got brothers killing brothers. >> caught on both sides of the gun, young lives. >> i shot my first gun at 11. >> an entire generation scarred. >> show of hands if you know anyone who's been murdered. >> plus the hard reality as illegal weapons flood the streets. >> it's easier to get a gun than a driver's license. >> and the hard questions facing law enforcement. >> part of what i hear you say,think, is there are problem
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