tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 12, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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i am larry beil. right now on jimmy >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" with guest host, anthony anderson. tonight, steven yeun, wiz khalifa, and music from hot milk, with cleto and the cletones. and now, anthony anderson! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: all right. thank you. welcome to "jimmy kimmel live!"
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i'm your guest host, anthony anderson. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for joining us on a big day in hollywood. the emmy nominations came out this morning. i've never understood why they announce the nominations so damn early. who are they, the cops? [ laughter ] it's like ah, ah, ah, open up! we're here to praise you for your outstanding work in a comedy ensemble!" the most nominated show this year is "succession." [ cheers and applause ] or as i like to call it, "white-ish." [ laughter ] but the really big news around the office today is that this show, "jimmy kimmel live!" was nominated for outstanding variety talk series. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ yes, it's that magical day when
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the staff imagines what it will be like to win before remembering they're gonna be crushed by john oliver's dainty british hands. [ laughter ] i actually heard "jimmy kimmel live!" was not gonna get nominated by the academy, but the academy saw me host last night and called an emergency meeting. [ cheers and applause ] and on top of the show's nomination, jimmy was also nominated for "highest dude on a jet ski right now." [ laughter ] [ applause ] but in all seriousness, jimmy, congratulations. [ applause ] there are, like, six late night talk show hosts, and you made the top five. [ laughter ] you did it, buddy. and look, i don't want to bring the mood down, but i do have a
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bone to pick with the academy. you know who did not get nominated for a primetime emmy this morning? america's sweetheart, me! [ laughter ] that's right, me, anthony anderson. and neither did my show, "black-ish" or my co-star, tracee ellis ross! can you believe that [ bleep ], mama? >> anthony: look, i'm not saying the voters were stupid for not nominating me or "black-ish" or tracee. i'm saying they're racist. [ laughter ] and you know what did get nominated for best comedy? "barry," a show about a murderer! and "what we do in the shadows," a show about vampires who murder people. [ laughter ] and "only murders in the building," a show about a podcast about a murder! so "black-ish" wasn't nominated. but we've been named the lead suspect in all of those white people murder shows.
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] to add insult to injury, look who got nominated for an emmy for outstanding actor in a short form comedy or drama series. a guy named "anthony a. anderson." the "a" stands for "ain't me!" [ laughter ] but whatever, i don't care. i don't need the emmy. you know who else never won an emmy? nelson mandela. i think. [ laughter ] can somebody google that [ bleep ] real quick and see if that's the case? at least i'll always have my oscar for "kangaroo jack." [ cheers and applause ] they can never take that away from me! right, guillermo? >> you're totally right.
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>> anthony: my man! you know what else they can't take away from me? my greatest tv moment, the time i got a shout out from the one and only judge mathis. hey, man, he has one of the best shows on television. >> no shows have done as much as "black-ish" in terms of dealing with social issues. i want you all to thank anthony. [ applause ] >> you're not anthony. what are you clapping for? [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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>> anthony: judge mathis may need to lay off the hennessy, but i appreciate his kind words. and wait a second, look who is in our audience tonight. it's none other than judge mathis himself. [ applause ] judge, you got one of the best courtroom shows on television. give him a hand, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ yeah, look at you. judge, get you some sun while you're out here, by the way. [ laughter ] we may also need to get judge mathis down to washington. there was another january 6th hearing today. the select committee focused on "the craziest meeting of the trump presidency" where trump considered seizing voting machines. personally, i think this was the craziest meeting of the trump presidency.
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[ laughter ] there they are, kanye and cray-zay. [ laughter ] we also heard testimony from a former member of the oath keepers, who apparently thought the hearing was taking place at a jimmy john's. [ laughter ] the big bombshell today was that donald trump tried to call a witness who was supposed to testify before the committee, but they did not pick up. can you imagine how good it would feel to look at your phone, see "donald trump calling," and send that [ bleep ] to voicemail? [ laughter ] [ applause ] according to a new poll, nearly half of republican primary voters don't want donald trump to be president in 2024.
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[ cheers and applause ] of the top six candidates in the poll, four are men, one is a woman and one is whatever species ted cruz is. [ laughter ] here's how the poll broke down if the republican primary was tomorrow, 49% want trump, 25% would vote for ron desantis, 14% chose gargamel, 9% said polio, and 3% would vote for hitler's ghost. [ laughter ] [ applause ] guillermo, isn't "hitler's ghost" what you call your mother-in-law? >> only sometimes. [ laughter ] >> anthony: you guys know former football star herschel walker? >> yeah! donald trump's only black friend? [ laughter ]
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well, walker is running for senate in georgia and stuck his cleat in his mouth while trying to explain how the air pollution in china is bad for america. >> if we don't control the air, all the good air decide to float over to china, bad air. so when china gets all the good air, their bad air got to move. [ laughter ] so it moves over to our good air space. and now we got to clean that back up. [ laughter ] >> anthony: what the [ bleep ] did he just say? [ laughter ] and with that, o.j. simpson is now officially the second most dangerous former nfl running back on the planet. and while yes, that was a terrible political speech, it made a great stand-up set. >> so when china gets all the
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good air, their bad air gotta move. [ laughter ] ♪ [ applause ] >> anthony: but when herschel performs, they call it "slow time at the apollo." i'd like to take a quick moment to recognize some creativity that happened north of the border in canada. because i think this might be history's funniest way to mess with your neighbor. burlington resident linda lee says her morning routine has been disrupted by a display that cannot be missed from their kitchen window. it is decorated with various sex toys stuck to its roof. it was put there by a neighbor. it has negatively impacted their lives and their social lives, putting a damper on her mother's
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91st birthday. [ applause ] >> anthony: happy birthday, linda. go grab yourself a butt plug! [ laughter ] and one more thing. while i may not have been nominated for an emmy this morning, did i mention i wasn't nominated for an emmy this morning, mama? >> yes, yes, yes. >> anthony: not only was i overlooked for my acting, i was also overlooked for my game show and hosting. "to tell the truth" was not nominated which, to tell the truth is a bunch of [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] but i've got a new game show coming to abc next month that i think would really bring folks together. >> from the mind of anthony anderson comes the hot new game show where self-proclaimed allies get the chance to -- >> go for! >> black lives, a, exist, b, matter, c, drink scissor, or, d,
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dougie? >> b, matter, final answer. >> that is correct, kevin! yeah! >> what the dog? [ laughter ] >> but that is very incorrect. it's what we call cultural appropriation. [ buzzer ] get the -- up outta here. >> will these well-intentioned white people have what it takes? >> brittney, you wrote the post that says omg, 12 years a slave is my favorite movie ever. >> this is the star of your favorite movie ever. what is his name? >> i'm going to use my white privilege. >> of course you are. let's literally give brittney the answer! what's his name? >> chewbacca enchilada. >> get the [ bleep ] outta here. >> which of these caucasians has their eyes on the prize?
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>> what's wrong with your head? [ laughter ] >> you know, i would like to phone a black friend. >> do you have a black friend? [ laughter ] >> i would like to phone a black work acquaintance. >> okay. let's get your co-worker troy on the phone. [ phone ringing ] hello? >> troy, hey, it's anthony anderson for go for woke. i am here with keaton. >> who the [ bleep ] is keaton? >> we work together. i'm three cubicles over. >> oh, the mother [ bleep ] with the dreadlocks? >> that's the answer, yes! that is correct keaton. [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] now get the [ bleep ] up outta here. >> followed by the price is too damn high only on abc. >> you'd think with all my blackish money i wouldn't have to do this, but you'd be wrong.
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i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he how much their accident cget the best result possible. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live!" i'm anthony anderson. tonight, his upcoming album is called "multiverse," wiz khalifa is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] then later, you can see them on tour and at lollapalooza this summer. their ep, "the king and queen of gasoline," is out august 5th,
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hot milk from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] i'll be back tomorrow night with my guests, henry winkler, marcus scribner from a little show called "black-ish,"that was not nominated for an emmy tonight. and music from sean paul with gwen stefani. our first guest is an oscar-nominated actor who spent six seasons dodging zombies on "the walking dead," and now has to watch out for whatever jordan peele has up his sleeve in the new horror-science fiction film, "nope." it opens in theaters a week from friday. please welcome steven yeun. steven. >> hello. >> we've never met before, but
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yet there's only zero degree of separation. we both did voices in an animated feature film called "the star." >> that's right. >> i did not see you at the rap party. where were you? >> oh, there was a rap party? [ laughter ] >> yeah. i wasn't invited to that rap party. wasn't i the lead of that movie? >> yeah, you were. i wasn't invited either. that's what i'm saying. now, you and your wife have two young children. >> yes. >> how old are they? >> they are 5 and 3. >> do they understand what you do for a living just yet? >> i can't tell. can you tell? do you have kids? >> i do. they're 26 and 22. [ laughter ] they completely understand what i do for a living. i bought one a house. >> they really get it then. god bless dad. i don't know if they get it. i mean, sometimes they're like what are you doing up on the screen? can we swipe it away? [ laughter ] to my programs? >> well, at that age i'm pretty
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sure they're not watching "walking dead." >> no. i mean, they could have seen it but they're just bored of my face. they see it every day. but they're just so precocious. they're like, i don't know, my 3-year-old daughter is already, like, yelling at me. >> well, what are you doing as a father? [ laughter ] >> i'm being decent. well, they're getting into a fight and i'm, like, hey, ruth, you can't just take something from your brother. and i'm explaining it. and she just goes like, dad, i know! [ laughter ] at 3. >> sounds like she gets that from her mom. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> hey, don't say that. >> i mean, i'm not putting anything together. [ laughter ] >> speaking of children and their age, how old were you when you started acting? because it's an interesting story about what you studied in school. >> yeah. i started in college actually.
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i didn't really touch it until college. >> why college? how were you bit by the bug then? >> our freshman orientation i saw our school's improv troupe. and i said you're allowed to do that? and i signed up. and they allowed me to do that. >> and what -- [ laughter ] >> sorry. >> what were you studying in zoo in you went to kalamazoo college. >> and i was studying psychology. i tried to get this little extra degree in neuroscience, but turns out you have to be smart. >> yeah, yeah. a little bit. >> so didn't get that. got the psychology degree. and then somehow found my way here. >> okay. well, has any of your college studies helped you in your
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career so far? it's either yes or no, steven. >> study hard. [ laughter ] [ applause ] do your best. no, you know what, college teaches you how to learn. >> it teaches you how to learn? >> yeah. so i came out and did that. >> okay, good. [ laughter ] what did you do before you got into show business? >> oh, i had a bunch of jobs that i was so bad at. in high school i had some pretty terrible jobs. i used to work at a -- my parents were, like, please go get a job. and i was definitely not cool enough to work at any of the cool spots. so i worked at build-a-bear.
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] >> i shopped at build-a-bear. i used to go there for my kids. >> it is a weird place. you're just dealing skins. [ laughter ] >> is that how you saw it while you were there? >> these kids just pick skins. [ laughter ] i don't know. >> and you fill that skin? >> you fill that skin and then you take it home. i went there because the girl to guy ratio was mostly girls. >> at build-a-bear? >> yeah. >> i was, like, oh, cool, there's girls. it didn't pan out. >> no, it didn't pan out? >> no. i just stayed single most of the time. >> let's move fast forward then. what was your first paying acting gig? >> my first paid acting gig in l.a. was -- i got this commercial for milky way.
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i was so stoked. of course, like you're so excited. and then you show up and then they throw you in a vat of caramel. and then when you're done, they spray you like a zoo animal. [ laughter ] to get the caramel off. and then that's -- welcome to hollywood. [ laughter ] >> yeah, welcome to hollywood. well, you know what? we wouldn't be worth our weight in salt if we didn't find this commercial. ladies and gentlemen, let's go to the commercial. [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> not as good as chocolate filled with caramel. [ cheers and applause ] >> i want to know how long did it take to get the caramel out of those places. >> um, like the equation is how high the pressure was of the
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hose, which was very high. some skin definitely came off. they literally just sprayed me with a hose. it was great. >> as you said, welcome to hollywood. ladies and gentlemen, more with steven yeun when we return, after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by ancestry. bring your family story to life. want me to pay you back for the coke? i want to pay.
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♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪ now you can save big on supersonic wifi from xfinity. can it handle all of my devices? all that. and it comes with a 2-year rate guarantee. what?! ok! no annual contract. no equipment fees. oh, and a free streaming box. i like streaming. it's all just $50 a month when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. will you add a motorcycle? no. did you say yes?! the new xfinity supersonic bundle. it's kind of a big deal check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt,
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i mean, they pretty much nailed it better than i could. no? "saturday night live"? >> scott wolf is the host, he's me. but of course the star of the sketch is chris [ bleep ]. and he is undeniable. it goes like this. everyone's trying to celebrate gordy's birthday. but every time gordy hears something about the jungle, gordy katan goes off. and it's katan. he's just crushing it. he is a force of nature. he is killing on that stage. >> yeah, it's legendary. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> i saw the movie, steven. and i have to ask you, what the [ bleep ] does that clip have to do about the movie?
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[ laughter ] what's going on? can you talk about what's going on with your character and your because it has nothing to do with the film! >> there's connection. >> are you sure? >> yes. i don't know what i can talk about. >> okay. that brings me to my next question. are there things that you can't talk about in this film? >> there's so many things i can't talk about. [ laughter ] in general. >> what can you say about your character? >> i can say i play a character named ricky jupe park who is a former child star, and he owns his own theme park that is closely associated to the movie that he was a part of that blew him up as a child. that's really all i can say. >> and, ladies and gentlemen, in the audience and at home, has nothing too withhe t [ laughter ] but it's interesting and he's
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great at what he does. the movie was written, produced and directed by jordan peele. now, did you know jordan peele before you were cast in this film? >> i did. i got to meet him through mutual friends. actually michael key is also from detroit and from michigan. so we kind of knew each other in those worlds. and he asked me to be a part of this movie. >> jordan, i'm unemployed at the moment. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> let's do it. >> i didn't make it into "nope." but hopefully i can make it into the sequel "yep." so you're good at keeping secrets. you're keeping a lot of secrets away from the audience and this film just like you had to keep secrets while you were on "walking dead." >> right. >> how does the studio approach you for, you know, when you're out to sell the movie or the television show to the public to get them to watch.
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they give you a list of things not to say? >> the list is just don't say these things, which is mostly everything. [ laughter ] >> there's a lot of speculation as to what this movie is really about. >> right. >> and i pulled some things from reddit. "nope" is actually an acronym not of planet earth. blink twice if that's what the movie's about or -- [ laughter ] or don't blink at all. okay. the second one, the horses are a symbol similar to how chris saw himself as the deer on the side of the road in "get out." [ laughter ] no? i didn't make these things up. i'm just reading them. >> okay. >> all right. let's see here. the ranch owners are actual aliens themselves, and the ufos have come to bring them back home. that's not -- [ laughter ]
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that's not what this movie's about? okay. if none of these theories are correct, can we ask you what the [ bleep ] is this movie about? [ laughter ] why should we go spend our money in the theaters and go see this? >> because this is a fun ride from the mind of a brilliant artist jordan peele that will take you for a fun adventure, scare you, thrill you, and make you think a little bit. >> there you have it! [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, steven yeun opens theaters a week from friday. we'll be back with wiz khalifa. t it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: welcome back. since i'm the host of the show tonight, that means i can do whatever the hell i want. and what's jimmy kimmel going to do, wade out of the river and come yell at me? so, i'm gonna take a minute to tell you about a project that i've been working on that i am beyond proud of. i recently teamed up with world renowned historian dr. henry louis gates and the folks at ancestry to track down the living relatives of a man named hawkins wilson. hawkins was torn from his family and sold into slavery at 6 years
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old. after he gained his freedom, hawkins sent letters to the freedmen's bureau desperately seeking his siblings. unfortunately, they were never reunited. but thanks to the work of our team, we were able to follow hawkins' descendants as they went on a journey to reunite with their lost ancestors. hi, how are you? >> i'm kelly. nice to meet you. >> i'm lorraine. >> are you guys huggers at all? >> yes. >> and so are we, and we're good. [ cheers and applause ] >> anthony: it's a beautiful film called "a dream delivered: the lost letters of hawkins wilson." i cannot recommend it enough. we'll be right back with high-ass wiz khalifa. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪♪ is this where your grandparents cut a rug, with a jitterbug? or returned from war, dreaming of the possibilities ahead. ♪♪
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[ cheers and applause ] his new album, "multiverse," comes out july 29th. please say hello to wiz khalifa. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] wi z, before we get started, let's just talk about this album cover for a second. there are three ladies on here. >> uh-huh. >> one's holding a joint. who are they and who do they symbolize? >> they represent a lot of powerful women in my life and they take care of me. [ cheers and applause ] >> how high are you right now? [ laughter ]
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>> i'm freakin' stoned. [ laughter ] >> i had to ask because i got my mom here. my mom came in the dressing room before the show. she said wiz khalifa here because they lighting incense in the hallway. [ laughter ] who got you involved? who smoked you out first? >> well, my mom smoked pot in the house as a child. she didn't actually get me high as a child. but that was my introduction to being like, hey, you know it's not as bad as people think it is. she operated at work and she made sure me and my siblings were really good. so, um, you know, that was my first introduction to it with her smoking and listening to erica badu and lighting incense in the house. when i got of age, my partner showed me the medicinal side of it and the business side of it and the genetics.
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and that's what brought me to where i'm at now in the cannabis space with my own strain, khalifa kush. >> is it possible to be too high? [ laughter ] >> yeah, absolutely. 100%. >> and how do you know? [ laughter ] >> you know, i've experimented. it's all about finding the dosage for you. it's medicinal so you can't take too much medicine. you take just enough. >> speaking of just enough, now we can't show the clip on television, but i saw this -- >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> what the hell is this, dog? >> it's called a cannigun. so the thing about pot heads is we're really ingenuitive. [ laughter ] >> also the thing about pot heads, they make up words. >> yeah. you see that, you like that? >> yep. >> but let's talk about that.
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who was that you were shooting this cannon gun at because he was asleep. >> that's my little cousin ty. he had just got off a flight. and he was a little sleepy so i had to wake him up. >> now what is the purpose of the cannigun? what does it do for you? >> it gets you stoned. [ laughter ] [ applause ] now, i watched this on ig. how much product is in the cannigun? because it was blowing smoke that set off fire alarms. >> for sure. i can get you one if you want. >> i do. me and my mama going to get high. [ laughter ] >> i got you, mom. >> i flew my mother over to london and that was the first time we experimented together. >> perfect.
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that's amazing. smoking with moms is the best. >> it is. >> i also hear that you're moving into mushrooms. >> yeah, the mushroom space is opening up a lot. a lot of people have been microdosing. it's been helping people with anxiety and depression. a lot of different mental things that some medicines that have really bad side effects, the mushrooms have been more acceptable to kind of handle those. so, we're starting overseas. the company's called mr. caps. and they're going to be available overseas. and then as the laws loosen up and change, you're going to see them start to come back over here to america. [ applause ] >> now, you're going on tour soon. >> yeah. >> i was looking at your tour schedule. you have a show like every other day. >> uh-huh. >> but you don't travel traditionally, you know, airplanes and all that. you're kind of old school. why the bus? >> um, it's just how i was
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brought up, sleep on the bus, it saves money. it's just more fun that way. i like to have it like more, you know, it's like summer camp. [ laughter ] >> have you ever driven the bus yourself? >> no. i don't operate the vehicle. [ laughter ] >> knowing how you like to enjoy your time and whoever's on tour with you, how do you keep the smoke from going to the front cab with the bus driver? how do we keep him sober? >> i never even asked. [ laughter ] >> now, we have mutual friends in common, and a friend of mine told me one time you guys were recording at a hotel in pittsburgh. and you were kicked out of the
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hotel. >> oh, yeah. >> in pittsburgh. >> yeah. >> why were you kicked out? and how long were you banned from that hotel? >> so this happened maybe 12 years ago. >> okay. >> maybe ten or 12 years ago. i don't remember, but yeah. >> of course you don't. [ laughter ] >> but this was like before social media was really, really popular. >> yeah. >> so i took a camera with me everywhere. long story short, we stayed in the hotel. i filmed me smoking and recording my album in these people's hotel and putting it on youtube and they watched it. and they were just blown away. they were like how the hell could you ever do that in our establishment, why would you do it? and they kicked me out. and i was just able to stay there again last year like when i went back to pittsburgh. >> for the first time? so it's been 12 years. >> it's been a good solid ten years i got kicked out for recording in the hotel. but it was worth it. that [ bleep ] made my career.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i got to ask you this one last question before we go. you're portraying george clinton in the movie. let's talk about that before you get out of here. [ cheers and applause ] were you familiar with george clinton and his work with funkadelic? did you grow up listening to him? >> hell yeah. my parents listened to all types of music in the house. and they made sure i grew up with the funk. there was some funk going on in the house. >> bwhat can you tell us about this film? >> the film is great. the story that they're telling is great. the actors on there are amazing. it was just fun to be a part of it. they really wanted me to be myself but as him. and i got to meet some of his grand kids and kids. they were just telling me how much i reminded them of their grand dad. so it was just fun as hell to be there and be on set.
12:31 am
>> that's dope. everybody, round of applause for wiz khalifa. [ cheers and applause ] "multiverse" comes out july 29th, and wiz's tour kicks off july 27th in irvine, california. we'll be right back with music from hot milk. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. my tribe has lived on this land for 12,000 years. we call it oleyumi.
12:32 am
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12:33 am
>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes. i want to thank steven yeun and wiz khalifa. apologies to matt damon. i'll be back tomorrow with henry winkler, marcus scribner, and music from sean paul and gwen stefani. "nightline" is next, but first, their ep, "the king and queen of gasoline" is out august 5th. here with the song, "teenage runaways," hot milk! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ i was born in restless bones raised in a soulless home ♪ ♪ are you uncomfortable coz i'm dysfunctional i'm a failure by design ♪ ♪ i'm not sorry coz you're the reason why we're all just ♪ ♪ teenage runaways we're all just teenage runaways ♪ ♪ i got propane in my veins and so what if i'm insane we're all just ♪ ♪ teenage runaways ♪ so can you really blame me now ♪ ♪ i just wanna burn it down wash out my dirty mouth coz i know i'll never ♪
12:35 am
♪ make you proud maybe i'll be my own martyr ♪ ♪ kill my idols coz all they do is lie we're all just ♪ ♪ teenage runaways we're all just teenage runaways ♪ ♪ i got propane in my veins and so what if i'm insane we're all just ♪ ♪ teenage runaways ♪ you left me for dead. you left me for dead. you left me for dead! ♪ ♪
12:36 am
12:37 am
this is "nightline." >> tonight, breaking news. inside the horror at robb elementary. >> get in your room! >> new surveillance footage capturing the chilling moment the uvalde gunman entered the school. communities outraged as parents demand answers. >> not one more child! plus, revealing testimony. >> the president got everybody riled up. >> a rioter at the capitol testifying he was following trump's orders that day. but first, testimony from the former president's top lawyer. what he said about attempts to overturn the election. >> at some point you have to put up or shut up. and finding strength. he's a real-life hercules who can heave a car
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