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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 21, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"!live"! with guest host rupaul. tonight, hannah waddingham, phoebe robinson, and music from the interrupters. with cleto and the cletones. and now, rupaul! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> rupaul: hi, hi! oh! thank you! welcome to "jimmy kimmel live." i'm your guest host, rupaul. now, this is my second summer filling in for jimmy, and when they asked me to come back i said, sure why not, honey? i already host every other damn show on tv. [ cheers ]
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and i ain't going to stop until i'm on tv more than flo from them progressive commercials. [ laughter ] people always ask me, do i get nervous or something like this? the answer is, uh-uh, i'm a professional, honey. [ cheers and applause ] it's true, i do. a motto before every performance i tell myself the same thing i tell the contestants on "drag race." i say, "good luck" and what else, guillermo? >> guillermo: don't [ bleep ] it up. >> rupaul: there you go. [ cheers and applause ] that's it. if all else fails, just remember, it's just tv, baby. it's just tv. none of it really matters, right? right, guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right, honey. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: oh my goodness, i miss you, guillermo. >> guillermo: i miss you too, i love you. >> rupaul: i love you. and listen, i hope you don't mind.
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but i brought a little backup, okay? my best friend and sassy judge from "drag race" michelle visage. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. guillermo, you are in good hands. michelle has done extensive research with latin men. [ laughter ] >> you better drop that chalupa. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: you know, we are currently in production of season 800 of "drag race." [ laughter ] you know, our shows were nominated for 11 emmys this year. [ cheers and applause ] isn't that wild? 11. i got to tell you, i feel like the dick wolf of drag. [ laughter ]
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or maybe the drag wolf of [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] i should actually be so lucky. now of course, the big story today is that president biden tested positive for covid. but according to the white house, biden is feeling pretty good for a 300-year-old man. [ laughter ] joe said his symptoms are mild, and he'll be back to falling off his bike in no time. [ laughter ] he also put out this nice little video update. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. hey, there, buckaroos, it's your pal joey sack o' nickels. as you probably heard, i got a case of the covid. think one of the neighborhood kids sneezed in my ovaltine. but i'm doing a-okay. i'm vaxed and boosted. guzzling dr. mcgoose's vigor tonic. my only symptoms are a few sniffles, and i can't feel my right leg, but that's only because i fell asleep on the commode.
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kemosabe, this is nothing compared to the time my grandpappy caught shepherd's foot. had to take him behind the lumberyard, put him down. the point is, sure enough i'll be right back to fixing -- fixing the economy -- matthew mcconaughey? boy, he's something else, huh? good way to catch a cold. maybe that's why he caught covid, and i had to make this message for him. anyway, feel better, buddy. what was i talking about? [ cough ] oh-oh! [ applause ] >> rupaul: biden hasn't been this sick since the time he got scurvy on noah's ark. [ laughter ] you know, there's another big january 6th hearing in washington tonight. and look, i'm no fan of donald trump, but i don't want to put more negativity in the world. so i'm not going to go there. but michelle, on the other hand, ain't got no problem going
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there. michelle, you want to come over here and do some donald trump jokes? >> i thought you'd never ask. >> rupaul: come on over here. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. >> rupaul: that's right. >> okay. >> rupaul: take it away, girl. >> okay, here we go. tonight, the committee focused so what donald trump was doing when the capitol was under at attack. well, i can tell you one thing he wasn't doing. melania! [ rim shot ] [ cheers and applause ] thank you. apparently while the capitol was under attack, trump was glued to the tv watching events unfold with a massive insurrection. [ rim shot ] [ laughter ] massive? so i know everyone's upset about how trump tried to overthrow democracy, but let's not forget, he also has a tiny little mushroom penis. [ rim shot ] like a little tiny shiitake, itty bitty. [ laughter ] imagine what it would be like to have sex with donald trump. >> no! >> thank you.
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[ laughter ] this is coming from my mouth, i wouldn't [ bleep ] trump with marjorie taylor greene's [ bleep ]. [ rim shot ] it had to be said, it had to be said. donald trump is such a lying, two-faced mother [ bleep ] -- sorry. i mean, daughter [ bleep ]. [ rim shot ] [ moans and laughter ] the end! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> rupaul: oh my gosh. now you know, listen. good job, honey. i got to tell you, when they go low, michelle goes lower. [ cheers ] >> thank you. >> rupaul: go and keep guillermo company over there. [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: good job, yes. >> rupaul: now, it's very hot out there as you probably know. and not just because michelle and i are in the same room. [ cheers and applause ] all across the country thermometers are hitting triple digits. they say the temperature is
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almost as high as jimmy kimmel right now. [ laughter ] that's pretty high, yeah. you know, the heat makes people do crazy things. especially this lady from the sunshine state. in this new edition of "this week in florida." >> a central florida woman is accused of running around outside of a publix with a pitchfork, whip, and trying to sell teddy bears. sloan was reportedly trying to the store and at one point stabbed a man's minivan. [ applause ] >> rupaul: oh my goodness, child. you know things are messed up when donald trump is the second-craziest person in florida. [ laughter ] and the news is just so dreary lately, don't you think? i mean, i'm sure -- you know, i know what the problem is. i know what the problem is, it's just too straight, okay? [ laughter ] the last time i was here, i decided to spice up the hetero
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headlines and i'm doing it again tonight in tonight's edition of "gayer news." [ cheers and applause ] comic-con is under way in san diego. now, this is the first in-person festival since 2019. in gayer news -- ♪ forget comic-con, honey. if you want me to squeeze into a spandex suit and carry a whip? all you got to do is ask, baby. [ cheers and applause ] now, you think wolverine has claws? child, get my latte order wrong and i will cut a bitch. [ cheers ] call me professor xavier, because behind me i got a long trail of x-mens. [ cheers and applause ] "shark week" is kicking off its 34th installment on the discovery channel.
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in gayer news, move over, fashion week. make room for the zatties of the sea. just when you thought it was safe to sashay your freckled, misshapen ass back in the water, here comes a great white to snatch your leg off like a pussycat wig. and when i say great white, i ain't talking about thor of ranggerok. ragnarok. [ laughter ] these hammerheads going to be at the jersey shore grabbing up surfers two by two, like michelle visage in 1986. and '87 and '88. right, michelle? >> i'm still so full. >> rupaul: i know. toys "r" us will soon be back in business, which means that kids across america can take photos with jeffrey, the store's classic jolly giraffe mascot. in gayer news -- ♪ jeffrey, baby. with eyelashes like that, you
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don't belong at toys "r" us, you belong with me in palm springs. [ cheers and applause ] yes, come on. come on, tall bottom. i ain't never seen a giraffe with more mascara than kim kardashian. [ cheers ] honey, look. it's time to put them hula hoops down and get some real toys at the pleasure chest, baby. [ cheers ] batteries included. [ cheers and applause ] senator ted cruz says that the supreme court was clearly wrong about its 2015 same-sex marriage ruling. in gayer news -- ♪ child, [ bleep ] ted cruz. [ cheers and applause ] and finally, this week the royal air force base in england ceased all inbound and outbound flights
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due to melted runways in 115-degree weather. in gayer news -- ♪ you want to know where else you can find some melted runways? right after i walked it, bitch. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. meteorologist alicia keys regrets to inform you that this girl is on fire. [ cheers and applause ] this has been "gayer news." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we've got a fabulous show for you tonight. phoebe robinson is here. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from the interrupters. and we'll be right back with hannah waddingham. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> rupaul: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live." i'm rupaul. tonight, from the new show "everything's trash," phoebe robinson is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a great band from right here in los angeles, their album "in the wild" comes out august 5th. the interrupters from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is a very talented actress who's up for her second emmy. playing afc richmond's biscuit-bingeing boss lady on her wonderful show "ted lasso," seasons 1 and 2 are on apple tv plus now. please welcome hannah waddingham. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> whoo! >> rupaul: my goodness, look at you. >> i feel like we got the memo. >> rupaul: we certainly did. you're a lot of woman. >> oh, well, i try. [ cheers ] i try! >> rupaul: my goodness. now, we know each other. >> we do. >> rupaul: yes. because? >> i'm a guest judge on "rupaul's drag race uk." >> rupaul: that's right! [ cheers and applause ] >> i was giddy as all hell about that. i tell you, i was like, i'm here. >> rupaul: were you haunted by it at all? >> i was slightly haunted by the fact that i decided to -- that that was a day to run out a pink, pale pink latex rubber dress. >> rupaul: that's right. how do you get into a pale pink rubber dress? >> bottles of talc. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: very carefully? >> very carefully. >> rupaul: yeah, yeah. would you wear that again? >> hell, no.
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it's because of you. if i'm going to trot this look out, it's going to be once. >> rupaul: yes. are you like michelle and i, are you a manic shopper? do you shop a lot? >> no, i think because, you know, i'm a mama, and i'm always so busy. when i get these little moments, i dress kind of glam for work as rebecca welton. when i'm at home, i'm kind of comfy. but to come on your show i was like, got to bring out the big guns. [ cheers ] >> rupaul: you looked great. you're nominated for your show again. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, thank you. >> rupaul: have you chosen the outfit for that? >> we're just having meetings about it. >> rupaul: meetings? >> meetings. yes. yeah. what to go -- yeah. it's a massive privilege to even be in the blooming room. so i want to make sure i get it right.
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>> rupaul: michelle and i were there when you won your first one. >> with me talking nonsense. >> rupaul: do you remember it? do you remember -- >> no. in my head it was -- [ speaking gibberish ] >> rupaul: you look great. you were eloquent, or as >> eloguent.ld say?- >> rupaul: and you were statuesque. >> and shocked. >> rupaul: you didn't think you were going to win? >> hell no. >> rupaul: really? >> i genuinely thought when he said my name, i -- i thought that they had got to the end of the list because i'm "w." >> rupaul: uh-huh. [ laughter ] >> so i was like a meerkat, like a bleached meerkat. [ laughter ] if you look back i'm literally like, what was that? >> rupaul: you said a naughty word on television, didn't you? >> i'm english. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] you have no idea how much i'm controlling myself all the time. >> rupaul: really? >> yeah, yeah.
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i come from theater and i'm english, you're lucky you get anything but that. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: i love that. the show "ted lasso" is so genius. our cultures are different. americans are very optimistic. >> very different. >> rupaul: very different, very optimistic. >> we're gray and white as the sky. >> rupaul: i wasn't going to say it, i'm glad you said it. has the optimism of the character, ted lasso, rubbed off on you? >> i would say, particularly with my girl, juno, we are naturally sunny, half-full kind of girls. so not so much. but i think it has definitely rubbed off on the british community. 100%. and i think universally, globally, i feel like we had got into the habit of always roasting people. and that's always -- that's the funny thing. >> rupaul: right. >> instead of celebrating people. and that can be funny as well. >> rupaul: sure, absolutely. absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] that's the american way, you know? now, because of this show,
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obviously you were a stage actress for many years and you'd done some things. now because of "ted lasso" you're doing all these movies. you're in the new "hocus pocus 2." [ cheers and applause ] that's great. >> i mean, serious brownie points with my just about to turn 8 daughter. >> rupaul: wow. so she's familiar with the other one? >> she's obsessed with it, obsessed with kathy najimi. and i was as well. and i was kind of summoned to the set to meet this glorious triumvirate of witches. and i sat with the three ladies -- >> rupaul: bette midler -- >> katherine najimy and sarah jessica parker with them in their costumes. [ cheers and applause ] while they were having lunch. and i was literally sitting there like a competition winner. >> rupaul: now, am i allowed to ask you what role you're playing? >> i don't think so. >> rupaul: i don't think so. >> it's a blink and you'll miss me, second spear carrier from the left. [ laughter ] but it's an important one. important.
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>> rupaul: and you're -- there are some of the girls from "drag race" in this movie. >> they are. >> rupaul: are you allowed to say if you're in scenes with these girls? >> i'm not with the girls. i know what they do. and they are whoooo! i mean, seriously. [ applause ] >> rupaul: listen, i know you've done a lot of shows on the west end. i'm particularly interested in a show you did many years ago. i did not know that rod stewart had a jukebox musical and that you were in it. >> yeah. i played satan. as you do. >> rupaul: as one does. [ cheers ] head to toe black -- yeah! [ applause ] that's how i look in my head all the time. but i wanted to do it because it's meant to be rod stewart's kind of view of satan. it was the most amazing music, the most amazing voices. but the funniest thing was, we were doing a show, like a thing for the olympics.
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there was buckingham palace down there, admiralty arch there, and myself and rod standing on the stage. and he started saying to me, how's your acid reflux? sometimes it's a problem. he's giving me advice on what you can take for your stomach to settle it and not hurting your voice. and i was like, nobody would believe that i'm having this conversation with rod stewart. >> rupaul: wow. >> me dressed like a lunatic. >> rupaul: yeah, in that devil costume. >> that's what happens in theater. it's the glamorous with the very not-glamorous, talking about antacids with rod stewart. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: of his hits, what songs did you sing? ry a big rod stewart fan? i love rod stewart. >> i am, but my favorite ones weren't actually ones that i sang. i mean, i did the -- ♪ tonight's the night ♪ >> rupaul: oh, yes. ♪ gonna be all right ♪ all of that. all of those songs. but the ones i loved were like -- ♪ hot legs wearing me out ♪
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>> rupaul: there's a song called "love of touch" that's fantastic, from the movie "legal eagle," probably not in your show. >> it was. i also had the -- ♪ i don't want to talk about it ♪ >> rupaul: yes, yes. >> we did it in a different way, kind of trying to lull the main character to follow me with the fruity, sexy, satanic ways. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: most american audiences don't know that you sing. you're a beautiful singer. >> no, no. i know, 22 years knocking about on the west end stage and broadway, and yeah. [ cheers and applause ] i feel like i've been given -- in my mid-40s, you guys -- thank you. i feel like i've been given a second lease of life, trotting me out, out of the paddock in a different way. >> rupaul: you know, joan rivers used to say that her grandmother
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told her to hold on to your spoon. because dessert's coming. this is your dessert time. [ cheers ] >> it feels like that. >> rupaul: yeah, it is. this is it. >> yeah. >> rupaul: this is really great. >> yeah. >> rupaul: we're going to talk to you some more about things. >> yes. >> rupaul: all right, more with hannah waddingham after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ let me down ♪ ♪ ♪ let me down easy ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it was four times. four times. it was three. wait!
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whew! okay, vamos. get any size soft drink for just a buck at mcdonald's. [ distant horn honks ] [ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ my darling. >> rupert. >> my serious condolences.
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>> ooh. didn't think you were coming. >> rebecca, paul is family. >> no, because you weren't invited. >> it's lovely to see you. >> and introducing diane. >> oh. what a chubby baby. [ baby crying ] >> congratulations, mother, you've just fat shamed a baby to tears. [ cheers and applause ] >> rupaul: welcome back. i'm here with hannah waddingham. that, of course, is from your show "ted lasso." now, american audiences recognize him from these coffee commercials that used to be here. >> yes. >> rupaul: he's brilliant, brilliant. >> i have to say, people won't realize this. when you have somebody like him they better be a lovely person - in real life, and he is that in spades. >> rupaul: that was at your character's father's funeral. >> yes. >> rupaul: shortly after that you sing a rick astley song? >> i'm not going to lie, when jason sudeikis said you're going
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"rick roll" at your father's funeral and do it as a eulogy -- [ laughter ] i was like, i'm going to what? i tried to get out of it. i tried to break it down like i would with a song for a musical, like "send in the clowns" in "a little night music." i tried to make it into just the words. because rebecca needs to not be interested in the musical, the singing of it. as a singer, i didn't want to acknowledge the singing of it. >> rupaul: yes. >> it took a bit of time for me to knock that -- you know -- ♪ we're no strangers to love ♪ >> rupaul: i love that song. >> i love that song! i love rick astley! >> rupaul: i love rick astley. did he see it? speak to you about it? >> yes. he saw it. "thank you so much for using my song, i love what hannah did with it." i'm like, you know my name. [ laughter ] he's a massive, massive icon. is he as much here? >> rupaul: to me he is. my favorite pop song is his song. we're talking about all-time. "take me to your heart" by rick astley.
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i love it, i listen to it all the time. i was told that the show has a surprise for us, that we can roll a tape or something? >> i want to say hi, i want to say massive congratulations to both of you on your emmy nominations, well deserved, by the way. and also -- ♪ take me to your heart ♪ ♪ if you knew what i'm feeling you would not say no ♪ good luck to both of you. [ cheers and applause ] >> well done, us! >> rupaul: wow! >> you know what that is? you know what that is? ♪ emmy nominees and rick ♪ ♪ emmy nominees da da da ♪ whoo! that's amazing. >> rupaul: love it. amazing, it's crazy. kids, we grow up, we want to be in show business. and we wish into fruition this
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idea of doing this. and it's crazy, isn't it? >> absolutely, absolutely. and to think that we -- the lovely thing is, it doesn't matter where you are, whether here or in london or whatever, we all have this mutual appreciation that then oozes out onto the people that watch it. and it's reciprocal. >> rupaul: it's an energy source, yes. i love it. what else do you want to do in your career? you're doing movies, tv, you've done theater. what else do you want to do? >> i've got a little -- a little thing going on at the moment. >> rupaul: okay. >> yes. which -- you know. classically, i can't talk about. very exciting and something that i've wanted to do for so long. and now is definitely the time to do it with me straddling two different worlds. now i'm going to stop talking. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: my guess is it's an album of some sort. do you have albums out? >> i don't. >> rupaul: but we will probably be getting an album soon? i love "ted lasso." it came out a few weeks ago that this will probably be the last season.
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>> well, yeah, but i don't know why that's come out so fervently. because we don't know that for definite. but what i think has come out is that jason always said that there was a beginning, a middle, and an end. at least, perhaps, to this story. >> rupaul: sure. >> you know? so who knows. i hope not. i mean, i literally want to play her until she's walking on a frame. [ laughter ] i do, i feel like she's my pal that i want to honor and i want to walk along with her longer. >> rupaul: she is a great character. you just love her so much. [ cheers and applause ] such a great character. fingers crossed, if this is the last season, fingers crossed there's a movie coming. you're filming right now? >> we are filming. even if we left it at this, jason has pointed out that that's just where we leave them for now. like you see "friends," you don't see them for a while, they go off and do their thing. that's how i'm going to have to think about it.
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otherwise i'll be an emotional mess. it's ridiculous that i get emotional about someone that's effectual. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: i get it. >> i feel her ripping through my bloodstream. >> rupaul: we all feel her. thank you for that. "ted lasso" is on apple tv plus right now. we'll be right back with "this week in unnecessary censorship." be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ d is still hanging around. younger zoe: i'm listening to music. younger zoe: you are a libra and he is a pisces, that is like a cosmic dungeon. older zoe: you know what, can you? younger zoe: cosmically, no. that's why i only date musicians. younger zoe: what are you guys eating? older zoe: it's lasagna. younger zoe: (chewing sounds) younger zoe: i love lasagna, that's you guys. so today, let's paint... ...with behr, america's most trusted paint brand, and make your home, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece... succulent, seared chicken... a secret aioli... clean ingredients... in a buttery brioche roll. made fresh, to leave you... speechless. panera's new chef's chicken sandwiches.
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$1 delivery fee on our app. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the 2022 tundra. toyota. let's go places.
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[ sleep app ] and the end. the 2022 tundra. you have now reached the end of the sleep app. you're the first person to actually do that. now i want to say congratulations, but it's also disappointing. what do you mean? that's it? i've got nothing left. hey if i were you, i'd try warm milk. enough out of you! hi! oh go.. is this really helping? good days start with good nights, so you may want to talk to your doctor about both. [ sleep app ] i'm still here. oh boy. we make sit-down chicken... ...stand-up chicken... backyard chicken... ...oops chicken... ...lots-a-time chicken... chicken. if there's one thing we know, it's chicken, chicken and chicken. more choices. more wow. more to love. tyson. -well, i'm not 100% sold yet. -okay, have you considered -- it's fine, flo. she's not interested. i get it. not everyone wants to save money. -what's she doing? -i don't know. renters and homeowners can bundle and save. for what? a trip to bora bora?
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bora boring. okay, you know what? i'm in. she's all yours. want some tacos? -eh, i'm not really in the mood. -yeah, you're right. so messy, all the napkins, those different toppings. -actually, i'm in. -yeah, you are. a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher so messy, all the napkins, those different toppings. doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent— that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum... ...with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. cascade platinum. buddy? maybe cooper? scout? titan ( dog barks ) together: titan! ♪ ♪ wherever you are... let's go for a walk, titan! ... be there... ... with starbucks® ready-to-drink coffee. this is antonelli's cheese shop, and we're the antonellis! we chose our spark cash plus card from capital one because we earn unlimited two percent cash bk on every purchase. and with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to our business needs.
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what's in your wallet? ♪♪ cheez-it snap'd! they're on a mission to save every sandwich from a boring bag of chips. noooo! sandwiches meet your cheesy, thin, crispy cheez-it snap'd savior. so cheesy! cheez-it snap'd. level up your lunch. goodbye chippies!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> rupaul: hello again. it's thursday night, which at "jimmy kimmel live" means it's
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time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week, whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> when american naturalist dian fossey moved to rwanda half a century ago to [ bleep ] mountain gorillas, their numbers were dwindling. >> president biden faced backlash over fist [ bleep ]ing the saudi crown prince. >> is this what we're going to have to get used to and what do we do about it? >> well, we need to [ bleep ] ourselves. >> what was it like to [ bleep ] albert pujols? >> it was amazing. >> i don't know if you're aware, we had guillermo come here a couple of innings ago. he was literally [ bleep ]ing [ bleep ]. >> beyonce is bringing her [ bleep ] to tiktok. >> this is how it's going to work. you wll disrobe, and you will show us your [ bleep ]. >> a zoo worker hospitalized after being [ bleep ]ed by a camel yesterday. >> next time over cocktails, [ bleep ] you both.
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>> go to and consider [ bleep ]ing my [ bleep ]. >> lena is like a sea otter when she gets wet. >> the ceremony will take place tomorrow night on the main stage where you'll take turns [ bleep ]ing each other. [ cheers and applause ] >> rupaul: we'll be back with phoebe robinson. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief.
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rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. want me to pay you back for the coke? i want to pay. did you do mrs. meyer's assignment yet? oh... get any size soft drink for just a buck, right now at mcdonald's.
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[ "back to life" by soul ii soul ] get any size soft drink for just a buck, what if you could change your surroundings with the touch of a finger? now you can. biometric id... inside the innovative, new c-class. (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire! turn up for our new! bbq bacon grilled shrimp with your choice of soup or salad and an individual starter all three courses for $18.99! hurry into red lobster. it's lit!
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kids don't always take the best care of school supplies. so save money shopping back to school on amazon. while they... 0oh... uh... figure their stuff out. ♪ when you're waiting for a kiss ♪ ♪ one second can feel like forever ♪ ♪ freshen up and make a move ♪ ♪ no more waiting just kissing ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> rupaul: welcome back. my next guest is a very funny comedian, best-selling author, and dope queen turned drag queen when she starred on my show "secret celebrity drag race." next you can watch her on her brand-new show called "everything's trash." >> you, professor, are trash. yeah. so's that lady and that dude. and these little meatballs on sticks. all pure hot and cold garbage. actually, everything's trash.
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it's only through acknowledging it and diving into the look that we even stand a chance of surviving a dumpster fire that is our world. or something like that, i don't know, i just host the podcast. [ cheers and applause ] >> rupaul: "everything's trash" airs wednesdays at 10:30 on freeform and streams on hulu. please welcome phoebe robinson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> rupaul: oh my goodness. >> hi! >> rupaul: you do so many things. you were on "drag race," the "secret celebrity" version of "drag race." do you have nightmares from that experience? >> no, it was good. i had to wear a little breastplate. >> rupaul: yes. >> because as you guys can see, i'm, you know, couture boobies over here.
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[ cheers ] >> rupaul: there's a picture of you. >> i had to wear a breastplate, i didn't realize how heavy boobs are. [ laughter ] they always want me to be a "c" cup, and i'm a 36a, and i'm like, i'm happy with that. >> rupaul: but you know, listen. i don't have anything here, but with a few attachments, you know, i have -- actually, with just a pushup bra. do you ever wear pushup bras? >> i refuse. i'm just going to own it, i'm flat like a charcuterie board. [ laughter ] that is okay, you know what i mean? [ cheers and applause ] >> rupaul: i'm impressed you know how to say -- i can't say char -- >> charcuterie, you can. >> rupaul: i can't. >> ru, i believe in you. >> rupaul: no can do it. michelle knows there's so many words i cannot say, too many syllables. >> yeah, it's a lot. >> rupaul: where are you from? >> i'm from cleveland, ohio. [ cheers ] yes! >> rupaul: from shaker heights or something like that? >> from the suburbs, then i moved to brooklyn to go to college.
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>> rupaul: you live in brooklyn now? >> yeah, yeah. >> rupaul: where do you film the new show? >> all over brooklyn. carroll gardens, crown heights. a little, like sound stages and stuff, a dream come true. >> rupaul: this show so is funny. how long did it take for you to get it sold and bought and up and running? >> it's been a three-year journey. >> rupaul: people don't realize that. >> yes. it takes a minute. my show, jonathan groff, not the actor, but "black-ish," we started developing the show in 2019, and here we are. a long-gestating baby that i think is beautiful, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> rupaul: then of course, we all knew you from "two dope queens." is that an enterprise that's going to continue going? are you going to do tours with "two dope queens," merchandising, all that kind of stuff? >> i'm open to it. jessica is killing it with her acting career and i've got all these things going on, too. i'm always down to make money,
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ru, i mean, come on. [ applause ] i've got bills to pay. >> rupaul: the mortgage is not going to pay itself. >> exactly. >> rupaul: the new show is loosely based on your own life. >> yeah. >> rupaul: the one i saw, she was on her way to get a morning-after pill. >> yeah. >> rupaul: because the -- what did they -- it's not the morning-after pill. >> plan "b." >> rupaul: plan "b." >> you know, a condom broke. >> rupaul: okay. >> they need to, you know, handle the situation. so she could continue being a podcaster, eating dollar pizzas. >> rupaul: you kids today. >> yeah. >> rupaul: my goodness. laugh has your mother seen this dirty show? >> my parents, they see, they love it, my brother loves it, which is really great. he's like, "no more kissing guys." i'm like, "that happens almost every episode." i don't know what we're going to do. >> rupaul: there's a character loosely based on your brother. >> yeah, yeah. >> rupaul: so he's that kind of -- from the same parents. >> yes. >> rupaul: a little uptight?
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>> my brother, his name is philip, he just launched his re-election campaign in ohio. >> rupaul: what's he running for? >> running for state rep. so donate. >> rupaul: what is a state rep? >> you know, they just -- it's local politics, they're out there trying to represent the people like us, everyday people. the federal level is important too, but the local is what affects your life the most. where the school boards, guns, all those things. you need state reps to represent you. >> rupaul: when you start talking about it, my eyes glazed over. [ laughter ] >> i know. >> rupaul: i was thinking about -- >> you asked the question, ru! [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> rupaul: i was thinking about all of the outfits i would wear as a state rep. [ laughter ] >> yes. >> rupaul: you know, and the briefcase. >> yes. >> rupaul: you know. >> a little attache. >> rupaul: yes. >> my brother, he wears a lot of khakis and sweater vests. >> rupaul: oh, no, come on. >> he's a loveable nerd, i love him so much. vote for him.
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>> rupaul: have you ever been interested in getting into government or anything like that? >> i don't have the time. it's a really thankless job. but i did, out of college -- i canvassed for this politician, tom swaze, running against eliot spitzer. in new york people don't want you knocking on the doors, phone banking, they hung up on me. "hi, vote for this boring white guy." they were like, "no." no, he's great. >> rupaul: did he get elected? >> no. [ laughter ] he lost, boo-boo. not because of me, you know. because he was boring. >> rupaul: what made you want to sort of canvass for him? >> i just was like -- a friend of mine was doing it. i was like, this will be a really cool experience. and i believe that everyone should try to do something locally so you understand how politics work a little bit more. so that's what i wanted to do.
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i was a curious 21-year-old. >> rupaul: okay. if the politicians were doling out plan "b," that would encourage people. [ laughter ] >> it might. you know what, listen. you got to support. >> rupaul: i want to backtrack. you have a little animosity that you didn't win "celebrity drag race." >> i did such a good job. my name was cocoatini and i was going for it. >> rupaul: did your parents see the pictures? you looked gorgeous. >> they thought it was so fun. they've never seen me like that before. i was wearing stiletto heels. i'm the queen of a kitten heel or a wedge. that was new for me. >> rupaul: too tall for you? >> i don't know how you do it. it's hard to like -- >> rupaul: keep this in mind, phoebe. flats are for quitters. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i get it. there it is. >> i have a little bit of a heel tonight. >> rupaul: let me see, let me see. oh, those are cute. >> that's a cute auntie looking for a second husband, yeah. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: no, that's great.
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so now what can we expect from your series? is it going to get nastier than what i saw? >> it's -- >> rupaul: it was nasty up in there. >> listen, tv phoebe likes to have a lot of fun. she's early 30s, out on the prowl. you know, she's down for adventure. but i really wanted the central relationship to be phoebe and jaden, her brother. show sibling love. we always show women, "am i going to get married?" i wanted a show like, what about a woman who deeply loves her brother, even though they're completely different? >> rupaul: do you have that relationship with your brother? >> yeah, we're so different. but it works. and we support each other. i love you. i love you! where are you? i love you! [ cheers ] >> rupaul: well, thank you, phoebe. you know, "everything's trash" airs wednesdays at 10:30 on freeform and streams on hulu. we'll be right back with music from the interrupters. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by
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mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. here's why tribal leaders urge you to vote yes on prop 27. the act provides hundreds of millions every year for permanent solutions to homelessness, mental health and addiction in california.
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prop 27 supports financially disadvantaged tribes that don't own big casinos. by taxing and regulating online sports betting for adults 21 and over, we can protect tribal sovereignty and finally do something about homelessness in california. vote yes on prop 27. all water wants to be oregon water. it's some of the deepest, clearest, and wildest. this stuff is so good you'll want to put it in everything. and we do. so drink it in, and you'll wish all water was oregon water too. ♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes.
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>> rupaul: that is all the time we have. i want to thank hannah waddingham, phoebe robinson, michelle visage, and my lover, jimmy kimmel. "nightline" is next but first, it's time for some ska music, bitches. their album "in the wild" is out august 5th. here with the song "in the mirror," the interrupters! [ cheers and applause ] >> "jimmy kimmel live," let's go! ♪ ♪ no matter how far i run i always end up back here no matter how far i go i always end up back here ♪ ♪ took me two years to write this song i wanted it perfect no wrinkles in it ♪ ♪ took me a long time
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to come clean to be honest the truth's so ugly ♪ ♪ took me a long time to come home i didn't think you'd get me i had too much explaining ♪ ♪ no matter how far i run i always end up back here no matter how far i go i always end up back here ♪ ♪ in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror only in the mirror ♪ ♪ i always felt so out of place in a crowded room
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i speak too soon ♪ ♪ yeah i put a big smile on my face i can't let them know it's all for show no ♪ ♪ took me a long time to come home i didn't think you'd get me i had too much explaining ♪ ♪ no matter how far i run i always end up back here no matter how far i go i always end up back here ♪ ♪ in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror only in the mirror ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm tired of running i'm tired of running
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i'm tired of running i'm tired of running ♪ ♪ i'm tired of running i'm tired of running i'm tired of running ♪ hi mom! ♪ no matter how far i run i always end up back here no matter how far i go i always end up back here ♪ ♪ no matter how far i run i always end up back here no matter how far i go i always end up back here ♪ ♪ in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror only in the mirror ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, a mother's agony. turning in her own son. >> how certain are you that your son would have been a mass shooter or a mass killer? >> i really can't say for sure. >> nicole schubert's gut-wrenching decision. >> it wasn't just about me, it was about a whole school. >> what she says all parents must do. plus, 187 minutes. inside the west wing as rioters overtook the capitol. >> president trump did not fail to act, he chose not to act. >> for more than three hours, despite pleas from his inner circle, the president refused to call off the mob.


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