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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  August 9, 2022 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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cancer. >> say the word. this word always freaks everybody out. it's just a word, you know. it's a word that describes your condition. strange it may sound it was probably the best thing that happened to me. >> reporter: tonight her co-star and long-time friend john travolta writing, "my dearest olivia-u made all of our lives so much better. your impact was incredible." her husbands john easterling writing "olivia has been a symbol of triumphs and hope for over 30 years, sharing her journey with breast cancer." >> olivia newton-john was 73. that's "nightline" for this evening. thanks for the company, america. good night.
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>> building a better bay area,
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moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> it's wrong. it's wrong. they shouldn't be doing this to him. >> it is high time we have seen the government take some action against this man. >> tonight, a crowd gathered outside the mar-a-lago resort in florida. people flocked to the resort as news broke that the fbi had executed a search warrant at the property. crowds stayed well into the night as police state on the scene to keep an eye on things. i am dan ashley. ama: and i am ama daetz. let's get more with what on the fbi -- with what the fbi were looking for. >> multiple sources confirming to abc news that fbi agents raided his mar-a-lago resort on monday. trump announced his florida estate including a safe had been rated by federal authorities. the circumstances of the search were not immediately clear but sources tell abc news the search was in relation to those 15 boxes of documents that trump
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brought with him to mar-a-lago after he left the white house. some of which the national archives said were marked classified. in february, the national archives confirmed they had received 15 boxes that were improperly removed from the white house when trump left office. the archivist said representatives were continuing to search for more records that may have been improperly removed from the white house. monday's search marks a dramatic escalation in law enforcement scrutiny of trump. a separate investigation is looking into his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and his actions during the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. in response to the raid, trump saying his home is "currently under siege, rated and occupied by a large group of fbi agent's," and said agents even "broke into my safe." trump was in trump tower, not at mar-a-lago, at the time of the raid. the fbi's activities at trump's
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compound are court authorized. that means the fbi would have had to present evidence to a federal judge and they have probable cause that a crime or crimes have been committed. the fbi and justice department declining to comment. >> it is actually not that easy, especially given who the target of the investigation is. therefore, we know that some judge out there in the southern district of florida found that there may be evidence of a crime existing at trump's residence. >> morgan norwood, abc news, los angeles. dan: we sent out this notification as soon as the news broke about the search. if you want breaking news alerts, download our app. just search abc 7 news bay area in the app store. ama: turning to your health, vicki porter -- the key part of building a better bay area. more federal help to combat the spread of monkeypox. as the san francisco board of supervisors ratifies an
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emergency declaration. jr stone joins us from the newsroom. the goal is to get help for people trying to avoid monkeypox and for those who have it. j.r.: exactly. lots happening here. california lawmakers will be talking about monkeypox in sacramento tomorrow. also tomorrow, san francisco will begin administering some 10,000 vaccines that it has received. there are still major concerns out there. david norman of san francisco is almost fully recovered after getting monkeypox. he says he is one of the lucky ones who healed quickly. just 17 days. optimistic about his situation, upset over the virus response across the country. >> it took seven or eight days for me to get my positive test result back-checks through my normal primary care doctor. j.r.: a rally was held outside the federal building on monday that demanded the government cut the red tape and get the vaccine out there, improve testing, and
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make antiviral drugs more readily available. >> after my first dose of taking it, the very next day, i was not fully recovered, obviously, but i was in a lot less pain and i did not have a new lay-ins -- any new lesions. j.r.: they ratified the public health emergency declaration on monday. the health officer in that meeting, just like protesters, pushing for more federal help with a virus that can infect anyone but one that is mostly impacted -- has mostly impacted men who have sex with an and or sexual networks. >> even though there is a federal declaration of emergency, no appropriation of money. that remains a challenge. j.r.: no one in the u.s. has died from monkeypox but those at this rally say that should not stop emergency action from the government. >> death is not the only terrible outcome here because if you have to isolate for two weeks to six weeks to wait for
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your lesions to disappear and resolve, i don't know a single person with six weeks of paid sick leave. j.r.: he worked remote as his -- at his hr job last week and will do the same this week. as for his health and the lesions he dealt with -- >> i have a big one on my nose that will leave a scar but i wasn't so much pain with the other places that that is all i was focused on was mitigating that pain. j.r.: there have been questions over san francisco's lack of contact tracing. the health officer said they have come back in that area after they found that many people were not able to or willing to talk about -- with them -- about the names of people who may have been exposed. norman, who you heard from, said no one even asked him and there were not even questions online about that. j.r. stone, abc 7 news. dan: thank you very much. in the east bay, oakland police
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responding to several fatal shootings over the weekend but they say they were not able to make it to some other reported crimes. the police chief says even with officers working overtime, a lack of resources continues to strain the department. abc 7 news reporter onto hassan -- our reporter has more on what might be possible solutions. >> armstrong says the more than eight shootings over the weekend, four of them fatal, had his department struggling to allocate resources to respond. >> we dealt with several incidents including homicides, shootings, illegal sideshow activity, robberies. >> two separate shootings after midnight on saturday left two people dead. >> this was a chaotic scene, one in which it airs clubs in the area had just closed. there were hundreds of people out in the streets. >> with officers responding to calls around the city, when a call came in about a cannabis business being robbed, chief armstrong says there just were
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not the resources available to respond area >> i apologize to the business owners. we did not have the resources to respond in a timely manner to their burglary. you cannot rely on the police department department to solve everything. we will not be able to do it. we just do not have the resources. >> three more shootings, two more dead for a total of 73 homicides. that is five less and the same time last year. chief armstrong says the recent spike in crime is draining resources. >> we would ask what amount is enough. >> james birch's policy director. it works to end police violence and committees of color. despite calls to defund the police, he points to oakland's increased police funding and officer pay over the past few years. he acknowledges opd staffing shortages and retention issues but blames department leadership. >> cannot seemingly get a handle on how to send people to the right place at the right time. that is their issue.
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they got more than $300 million a year and it is asinine to hear them claim that they do not have enough resources to dispatch appropriately to the relatively small number of calls. >> chief armstrong says following this weekends violence, they will be evaluate the strategy for next weekend and in the longer term, shift resources to violence prevention. abc 7 news. ama: san francisco district attorney brooke jensen made it official she will run to keep her job in november. she filed the paperwork at the department of elections this morning. mayor london breed appointed jenkins as the top prosecutor after they ousted -- in june. he does not plan to run in november. her top priority is cracking down on open-air drug markets, particularly in the tenderloin. dan: tomorrow, the san jose city council is set to consider a plan to build more than 300 housing units at ptas blossom hill light rail station.
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the transportation authorities have planned to utilize surplus land at some of its light rail stations. it developer wants to build apartments as well as commercial space. it could help san jose with its housing needs and allow them to raise an additional operating funds. >> it can pay for improvement, better connections, capital improvements. it can provide for basic maintenance and operations for the system. dan: officials estimate raising $30 million if they lease the 140 acres of surplus land. ama: a family is holding out hope after their teenager disappeared from a truckee campground. the latest on the massive search. >> coming out, the start of school and added stress of mental health experts weigh in on the unpredictability impacting california cool kids. dan: new video tonight of wild weather that left hundreds of people stranded on the palm springs aerial tram. >> i will take a look at what
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mother is terrified. >> my head is all over the place and terrified. it's hard to keep it but i'm trying to hold out hope that we will find her and that she will come home. dan: investigators have been searching the corridor from donner summit to the nevada state line. the placer county sheriff's office says keeley's phone has been out of service and support he. >> ♪ you are there when i want you are the one i want ♪ ♪ ama: the world is reacting to the death of olivia newton-john, who passed away today at her home. she was best known for her role alongside john travolta in the film version of greece. newton-john battled breast cancer for decades. tonight, there is a floral tribute at her star on the hollywood walk of fame.
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she was 73 years old. dan: kids all around the bay area are heading back to school. it is an exciting time. yawn school supplies, mental health experts are warning that an increasing number of children may also be carrying the weight of extra anxiety and depression for it at 11:00, amanda del castillo has more on how we can help kids cope. amanda: the first day of school typically comes with unexpected level of excitement, anxiety, and stress for students but mental health experts today are finding children between the ages of three and 17 are feeling so much more. >> when it comes to anxiety, depression, suicidality, it's not a put a picture. amanda: beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic, students are navigating limited in school resources, covid, active shooter trainings, and everything in between. dr. thomas plant says even stressors that may trickle down from adults. >> we have drought, fire,
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incredible cost of living. other parts of the country may not have those issues. it is bad everywhere. in some respects, that is the let's message. -- that is the meta message. amanda: the foundation found california kids experienced the second-largest increase in depression and anxiety compared to other states during 2016 and 2020, reporting a 70% spike in that time. >> i'm not surprised to hear it. i would venture to guess it is an underestimate. amanda: the doctor warned it is not going away anytime soon, pushing for critical mental health services for youth especially. >> we need to focus on this from a public policy level on how do we put the infrastructure in place to deal with this? amanda: at the area's child mind institute, the doctor sharing one of the greatest lessons learned from the pandemic. >> we have opened up this
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medication channel that it's ok to have someone on your side. it is ok. it has been a positive for so many people. amanda: as kids enter the new school year, doctors encourage we make it a priority for our personal lesson plans. >> that is what i said to my kids. you are a public health professor. don't you know what will happen next? sweetie, i have no idea but i do know that we will get through it because we have gotten through the worst of some pretty bad instances. amanda: i am amanda del castillo, abc 7 news. dan: remember to find an ally to help care for you and your families mental health area check out local resources by going to takeaction. ama: the warriors are teaming up to help get some bay area high school students through college. [laughter] ama: abc seven mornings anchor kumasi aaron hosted in oakland. the warriors provided us with this video.
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students headed to historically black colleges and universities received $1000 scholarships. besides the financial help, their families will be getting a pair of tickets to a game this upcoming season. dan: congratulations. a scathing report by the legislative analyst office details the dysfunction at the california employment development department. it says the edd delayed or denied benefits to around 6 million people during the pandemic because of state policies. 3.4 million workers had their benefits denied. 200,000 of them appealed and roughly 80% of them won their case. the report blames the state's design of its unemployment program for its inefficiencies. the edd says it is going over the report and is adopting some of its recommendations. we want to hear about both your triumphs and frustrations when it comes to the edd. go to sevenonyourside to share your story.
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it has been a dry day in the bay area but some parts of california are seeing wild weather area ama: mike nicco is here with the forecast but begins with dangerous flooding in palm springs. mike: last week, it was death valley, national park. today, it was palm springs. the aerial tramway, at least the road to it, washed out by a storm that only lasted about an hour to 1.5 hours and it kept the largest rotating tram at bay while the visitors were kind of stuck. they could not get out. at least, they were able to come back down the mountain but they could not get past that because of the road being washed out. tram was shut down for the rest of the day and they are going to inspect it before they open it again. here is what happened, a look at where the aerial tramway is from the coachella valley all the way up to near the peak of the mountains. between 3:00 and 5:15, one thunderstorm dropped a huge amount of rain. 1.5 inches of rain.
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when the ground is so dry and so hard, it can absorb all that rain so most of it runs off in the loose dirt and sediment on top of that. very hard ground, rolls on with it and that is why we had an issue there. not nearly as bad as the one in death valley. we are seeing those continue to happen in california. the greatest activity is to the east of redding, heading up to the north, and that will continue for the next hour or so and then kind of fall apart during the overnight hours. we will wake up at 9:00 tomorrow. let's go down to palm springs for you can see early activity as we get to moderate to high probability of lightning strikes and then you can see all up and down the spine of the sierra, that will fire up during the afternoon hours with the heaviest during the evening hours in the high desert once again but once we lose the heating of the day, it goes away. back here at home, we are watching the marine layer trying to reestablish some cloud cover and move it back to the east. it will be partly cloudy the farther inland you are tomorrow morning. mostly cloudy as we get closer
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to the coast. it will be comfy just about everywhere with minor inland warming. that weekend will be just a touch warmer than it was, the weekend we said goodbye to you that felt so great to be outside. i want to show you this neat feature that has been with us for the better part of a month or so, this dry patch of about 3000 miles from just west all the way to us and it is keeping any of those hurricanes that are popping up near baja california from making it to us so in that respect, it is doing some good. for us, it will bring more sunshine after you can see partly cloudy conditions night, mid 50's to low 60's. let's go down to the south bay. low 80's had apper 70's and most of it. made -- mid 70's to upper 70's for the peninsula and mid to upper 60's along the coast to near 69 in downtown. tour the north bay temperatures around 77 to 82 degrees. with good air quality in the east bay, how about 72 at berkeley, 70 or in hayward, 77
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in union city, and low to mid 80's as you head into the east bay. here is a look at what is going to happen tomorrow, and you can see a lot of sunshine even after the coast. breezes will kick in in the afternoon hours and make it feel pretty comfortable. tomorrow is our coolest day in the forecast. just warmer weather friday, saturday, sunday. low to mid 90's inland. nothing extreme in the seven-day forecast. dan:
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which attack bugs' biological systems. it gets rid of the bugs plus is safe for use around people and pets. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. ama: fans of chris mullen are likely to love an announcement made by the team today. the warriors will be bringing back the uniforms worn by him and his teammates during the late 1980's and mid-1990's. they will wear the classic edition uniforms during the upcoming season. dan: they will sell a few of those. we saw one of the best defensive plays of the year from the giants night. ama: larry beil is here with
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>> abc 7 sports, sponsored by river rock casino. >> the giants tried to land juan soto in a trade but lost out to the padres. the giants facing soto and his new team. this game was tremendous. another typical san diego sunset. spectacular. 6.3 scoreless innings, gets soto swinging. the giants clinging to a lead. bottom seven, this is the play. giants still up a run. luis gonzalez. ran injury coming around third. he is called safe. i got to see that again. looks like he applied the tag as the hand just came appeared overturned out. giants stay ahead. we are up 1-0.
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it's up to you. straight gas pier 1 hundred three miles per hour to end it. a thriller. they have won re-straight for the first time since the all-star break. a's and angels juggling their way through the final couple of months. only one run scored in this game as well. luis rengifo taking irvine deep and gone. where is my victory hat? after that, he had defense on the side. taylor ward, a grounder. great play. the a's only got two hits and non-after the fourth. jose suarez struck always career-high eight. the a's fall 1-0. the a's shortest game of the year. kevin durant will stay within matt's but only if the team fires it g.m. in coaches steve nash, the same steve nash that k.d. wanted to coach them in the first place. he told josiah he still wants
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out. he tweeted he supports the staff so the impasse continues. what if the nets say you are under contract for four more years? we will see you in training camp. drama awaits. the football team getting ready for their september 3 opener against uc davis. year six for justin wilcox, focusing on football on the field, not the politics of going to the big 12 in 2024 so where does that leave the future of the pac-12? >> totally out of my control, not something i spend a lot of mental energy on. i got the news probably like you did. when you sit back and look at where college football is an college athletics, nothing really surprises me right i understand it is very complex. understand it is very complex. larry:are you tired of clean cls that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load. and enjoy fresher smelling laundry.
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right now in jimmy happened and that guy anyway? you're watching "world news now."
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