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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 22, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! with guest host lamorne morris! tonight -- dave franco, trevante rhodes, and music from tedeschi trucks band, with cleto and the cletones. and now -- lamorne morris! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lamorne: whoo! whoo! [ cheers and applause ] wow! wow. [ cheers and applause ] all right. welcome to "jimmy kimmel live." i'm your guest host, lamorne morris. [ cheers and applause ]
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i just want to let you know, jimmy, i'm honored that you asked me to fill in for you. i truly am. and also that all that stuff that was broken in your office it was broken when i got there. [ laughter ] okay? it wasn't me. that's what you get for turning your show into a damn airbnb. [ laughter ] seriously, i'm like the 800th guest host this summer. it's been quite the line-up. i don't really feel special. you know what i mean? they've had emmy winners, tony winners, a former u.s. senator. but only one guest host was nominated for a 2012 teen choice award. and can you guess who that person was, guillermo? >> guillermo: you, my friend. >> lamorne: you're [ bleep ] right it was. [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: yes, yes, yes! >> lamorne: guillermo, did you watch the new "game of thrones" show last night? >> guillermo: no, i did not see it. >> lamorne: you didn't see it? >> guillermo: no. >> lamorne: my gosh. me neither. [ laughter ] but it's called "the house of the dragon." when i first heard that title i
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thought, man, the chinese restaurant on my block is finally getting its own tv show. [ laughter ] i was very honored for them. but this show takes place before the events of "game of thrones." right? but here's an interesting fact, it actually doesn't, because this is all some made-up dragon bull [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] it's not real, you guys. it's not real -- i'm just kidding. i don't want to upset the show's core fanbase, which is men 18 to 49 who have never touched a titty before. [ laughter ] sorry, mom. my mom is here. my mom is actually in the audience right now. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. mom, you don't -- you don't like it when i swear on tv, do you? >> no, i don't. no, i do not. >> lamorne: no, she does not. this is true. i once said the word "ass" on tv and she called me up the next day and she's like, you know you
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don't have to say that, right? [ laughter ] but mom, if you don't want me to say "titty," i promise i will not say "titty" again, okay? [ laughter ] you won't hear me say "titty." not going to do p it. so folks out there for the rest of the night i will not be using the word "titty." [ applause ] i won't. i won't do it. i refuse to do it. the word "titty" will not come out of my mouth at all. not at all. noar will a titty come into my mouth. [ applause ] it would be problematic for me. very, very problematic for me. i'm joking, mom. you raised me right. my mom raised me -- look at her face. she is pissed! i'm so sorry. seriously, my mom raised me right and she raised me just in time because according to the commerce department due to inflation, i'm not sure if you knew this, but the cost of raising a child is now over $300,000.
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wow. that's very good to know. so next time my kid throws a tantrum, i can ask her, do you really think you're worth more than a condo in cleveland? [ laughter ] because you're not acting like it right now. actually, my 2-year-old daughter, she stayed up tonight to watch me. so hi, sweetie. daddy loves you. [ applause ] now go to bed. go to bed. is she gone? [ laughter ] is she is in a slumber right now? all right. because i'm going to be honest with y'all. she is possessed by the devil. [ laughter ] she really is. she's like a stinky little chucky doll. with err in fear in our household every single night. but if you're looking for an affordable activity to do with your kids, you should consider taking them for a ride on the giant slide in detroit. have you seen this? it's fun. it's only a dollar. right? but the contusions will last a lifetime. >> giant slide on belle isle now reopen and not as fast as it was on friday when it made its annual debut.
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people were bouncing on the slide, crashing back down. this is not how it's supposed to go. there's now a song about it. >> you might break your back on the giant slide. you might even break your neck on the giant slide. ♪ you could even broke your head on the giant slide ♪ ♪ >> lamorne: i am so sorry, beyonce, that is the jam of the summer. and is it my daughter ever acts up i'm taking her ass to detroit. [ laughter ] speaking of people falling on their asses, let's talk about donald trump. okay? he finally got some okay news this week. ever since the fbi searched his house a couple weeks ago, downloads of trump's "truth social" app have skyrocketed. i tried to sign up for truth social just so i could see what all the fuss was about and also to see what my mom's profile looked like. [ laughter ] she don't got a problem. i'm kidding, y'all. but when i uploaded my profile picture, i got this error message. it says "you're not one of the good ones." [ laughter ] and also "please upload a brighter photo."
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] not their type apparently. no, i'm not. are you guys following the drama with wnba star brittney griner? it's crazy, right? russia has sentenced griner to nine years in prison for possession of cannabis oil. that's right. cannabis oil. but help is on the way, because dnnis rodman says he's going to russia to negotiate her release. [ applause ] poor brittney. oh, my god. that's like getting kidnapped and then being told, don't worry, flavor flav is on the case. [ laughter ] if something like this happens to me, if somebody kidnaps me, don't send dennis rodman. send air bud. okay? i'll take anyone. show me in the rule book wahere it says a dog can't negotiate a release from a siberian gulag.
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anybody but dennis rodman. but listen, if dennis rodman frees brittney griner when the white house could not, president biden should have to marry carmen electra and get a [ bleep ] piercing. [ laughter ] i want you guys to imagine this right now. our president's penis. everybody just put it in your mind right now. bedazzled. oh, so many -- so many rings and things. zippers. it would be fantastic. is that gross? who cares? [ laughter ] i'm here. you're stuck with me. a lot of people have been asking me how did i prepare for my late-night hosting debut. well, i'll tell you, first i texted jimmy for advice. and when he didn't respond, i spent a day training with one of hollywood's all-time greats. and mom, you might want to cover your ears for this one. or get out completely. [ laughter ] >> what? >> you're late. >> i am? i thought the show didn't tape
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for like six hours. >> mother [ bleep ], i've been here since 5:15 in the morning. you? 5:15 in the morning. >> who are you? >> boo. see, you never know. yeah. i'm going to train you. you understand what i'm telling you? today is your training day. >> no, i'm good, man. i've done this show a few times. i got this. >> oh, you think you got it? that's what you're telling me? you the big man now? huh? am i to understand that you are the big man in late night now? >> well, no, i just -- >> i just -- i just -- i just what, [ bleep ]? huh? who the guests on tonight? what time do the cletones rehearse? what time does guillermo need his tums? huh? >> i don't know. >> i -- i -- i don't know. you don't know. exactly. you ain't ready to host no [ bleep ] jimmy kimmel. this is chess, not checkers. >> hey, hey, i swear to you, this is what i want. okay?
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tell me what you need me to do. i'll do anything. >> ha, ha, ha, ha. let's get to it. ♪ to be truly effective a good late-night host must know and love television. particularly this 60-inch 4k bad boy with dolby digital plus. i said dolby digital plus. >> wait, are you going to steal the tv? >> no, sucker. you are. >> no. absolutely not. i can't do that. >> you can't, huh? that's what you're telling me? you're telling me you can't? what, are you some sort of pretentious little bitch who don't watch tv? huh? you like to read books and [ bleep ]? little harry potter bitch? >> okay, okay, okay, okay. >> whatever the [ bleep ] -- yeah. yeah. [ alarm sounds ] >> oh, my god. what do i do? >> stay calm. stay cool. stay collected. >> it's the police. open up! >> here's what i need you to do. hold this. >> oh, my god.
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is this crack? did you put crack on my neck? >> crack? hell, no. those are guillermo's tums. >> how are you doing? yeah, axel, detroit pd. you guys having a party? >> i got this. i'm lapd. and it seems this young brother here took this tv from off the wall and he -- >> no, no, no. >> -- intends on stealing it. >> he's got a gun. >> a gun -- [ gunshots ] >> you shot me in the ass. [ gunshots ] [ distorted screaming ] >> guillermo: are you okay? why are you screaming? huh? >> lamorne: hey. yeah, no, i'm good. i was just -- i was doing my vocal warm-ups because i'm a
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professional actor. ha! >> guillermo: did the tv just fall down? >> lamorne: isn't that what it looks like, you stupid? no, it fell and then i caught it. >> guillermo: you're not going to take that, right? >> lamorne: no. of course not. why would i do that? >> guillermo: oh, okay. then i'll take it. [ laughter ] have a great show mr. lamorne morris. >> lamorne: guillermo, your tums. >> guillermo: oh. thank you, mr. lamorne morris. >> brought to you by tums. the official antacid of guillermo rodriguez. [ cheers and applause ] >> lamorne: we have a good show for you tonight. trevante rhodes is here. we've got music from tedeschi trucks band. and we'll be right back with dave franco. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by
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loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's ♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lamorne: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live"! i'm lamorne morris. tonight, from the series "mike" on hulu, trevante rhodes is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later -- the fourth installment of their film and music project "i am the moon" comes out this friday. tedeschi trucks band from the mercedes-eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] and i'll be back tomorrow night too, with my guests regina hall, storm reid, and music from soccer mommy. now, our first guest tonight has scored himself quite the summer job. okay? this dude is hunting vampires. he's pissing his pants, and he's taking names. alongside jamie foxx and snoop dogg in the movie "day shift." it's on netflix now. please welcome the very talented dave franco. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ wow. look at you, man. >> are we wearing the same suit? >> lamorne: we might be wearing the same suit. this is double-team right here. >> how are you doing? you're killing it so far. >> lamorne: oh, thank you very much. [ applause ] what did you say, replace jimmy kimmel with me? no. [ laughter ] you guys are hideous and evil. come on, don't do that to kimmel. congratulations, man. >> thank you very much. >> lamorne: "day shift." >> yes. >> lamorne: "day shift." [ cheers and applause ] all right. this movie is absolutely -- i've seen it twice. >> that's one more time than me. [ laughter ] >> lamorne: you haven't seen it? >> i've seen it one time. one less than two. >> lamorne: is it too scary for you? >> no, it's just like i see myself and i'm like i get it. >> lamorne: i get it. i look good. but you and jamie, my goodness, you guys have this fantastic
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chemistry on screen. >> thank you. i adore jamie foxx. he is the most giving, wonderful actor in the world. i told my wife recently, i'm like i love you to death but no one in my life has hyped me up as much as jamie foxx. [ laughter ] and like for example, we were improvising a lot in the movie. and at one point, you know, you say a line, mowing down vamps with my best friend bud. and the director calls cut. jamie comes up to me, he's filming me with his phone. he says say that line again but say it like this. mowing down vamps with my best friend bud. so i don't think anything of it. little do i know he sends that clip to his music producer. within the hour his producer has turned it into a full song and jamie is now on set blasting it through his boombox backpack. and he turned me into a musician in one hour. i didn't even know what happens. >> lamorne: oh, my goodness. >> since then he's now had three rappers do verses on top of it. we've shot a music video. and it's like you say a line on set with jamie foxx and then you're on this rocket ship, you're just trying to hang on. >> lamorne: oh, m i goodness. this is a song i would like to
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be on. >> honestly, he will let you on it. we can keep revising it. if you call jamie right now, we've got a fourth verse on there. >> lamorne: i hear jamie has pitched you before. >> he has pitched me. yes. the first time i met jamie foxx, we were in a conference room at our agency and he was pitching me to this movie he was going to direct. and he opens the script to page 1 and he starts acting it all out, doing all the voices for every different character. and i quickly realize, oh, he's about to act out this entire script for me. and again he's got his boombox backpack, he's playing the soundtrack. and two hours later he performed the entire movie. i didn't know what to do. so i just stood up and gave him a slow clap. [ laughter ] but like he is the most entertaining man on the planet. >> lamorne: oh, absolutely. i ran into him once at a birthday dinner and he came to me and he pitched me a movie. he was like -- he was like, hey, man, i got this idea. right? okay. so it's me and you. and we go into a bank. uh-huh. but then all of a sudden michael b. jordan comes out. but surprise, he don't know
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this, i'm his father. [ laughter ] is that kind of how is it went? oh, my goodness. so you guys are buds. you do the movie together. and then you go on this tour. you go on this press tour. right? >> yes. >> lamorne: am i to understand that you went on spanish language tv? >> yes, we did. >> lamorne: this is a real thing. >> oh, yeah. >> lamorne: and i hear you guys did a little dance number, it was funny. >> you could call it that for me. it was -- it's one of these things, again, wherever you go with jamie, like he just breathes it. it's so easy to him. like we're going to these big screenings and they'll introduce jamie. and instead of, you know, going out front and like just giving everyone a wave he is running up and down the aisles. people are screaming, they're crying. he's hugging them. he's kissing them. five minutes of this. and then they're like -- and then dave franco. and i just kind of meekly shuffle my way out to the front. but on the spanish language show he comes out, he's got the salsa music blasting. all of them -- yeah. all of them start moving.
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you see me awkwardly trying to stand aside. they actually -- they frame me out for a while. look at me. i'm saying i don't know what to do. >> lamorne: walk me through this part right here. if you freeze it right there. in this moment did you know, oh, damn, i don't know how to do this? [ laughter ] >> like everyone -- you see they're all grooving. and there's no winning situation for me here because if i don't dance i'm the a-hole who doesn't want to participate. but like if i do then i'm this. [ laughter ] and i'm just kind of -- [ applause ] >> lamorne: oh, whoa. we'll pause it right there. pause it right there. can we go back? >> we don't need to go back. >> lamorne: in this moment right here you're not even in the frame. >> yeah, yeah. everyone knew what was going on. the cameramen, they were like frame that guy out. >> lamorne: i'm sorry. they hired the wrong guy because i'm about to do it to you. >> you're about to do that? >> lamorne: i'm about to do it to you. get up, dance with me.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ you know people don't know this about me but i'm a dance instructor. and then rock your pelvis like this. yeah! [ cheers and applause ] oh, my gosh. >> i can confidently tell you guys that was not planned. [ laughter ] >> lamorne: but you looked good, man. >> thank you. >> lamorne: when in those situations you know what i do? the pelvic thrust. just thrust it around there all willy-nilly, no pun intended. [ laughter ] now, snoop dogg also in this movie. >> yes. >> lamorne: give it up for snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] now, he's a mellow guy, right? i spent time with the dude. and sorry, mama, i don't want you to hear this, but i may have
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i indulged a little bit with him in his studio. >> as you do. >> lamorne: as you do. >> yep. >> lamorne: i couldn't handle it. in his studio he has bleacher seats. and he told me once while he was -- well, i was struggling with the process. he said, take a seat, nephew, because that's what the seats is for, baby. [ laughter ] and then one by one everyone in the studio slowly started passing out and taking a seat in the bleacher seats. now, did this happen to you too? >> no, no. i didn't get to sit in the bleachers. but snoop is -- he's everything you want him to be. he is a national treasure for a reason. and so i recently had covid. i'm good now, i promise. it's been a couple weeks. did someone whoo for covid? [ laughter ] >> lamorne: shout out to covid in the building, y'all. >> yeah. so when i was at my lowest point i get a face-time call from a number i don't know. so i ignore it. and immediately the same number texts me. he's like hey, it's snoop, pick up. i'm like oh, god, i've been
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convalescing in bed for three days, i haven't taken a shower. so all of a sudden snoop's face-timing me again. i try to act cool. i answer, i'm like hey mr. d-o-g-g. he goes hey, i heard you haven't been feeling good. i just want to send you some love. as you can see in that moment, i realized snoop is the cure for covid. [ laughter ] look at me. like two minutes earlier i was just rotting in bed. and look how happy that guy is. >> lamorne: oh, my goodness. "day shift," folks, is now currently on netflix. and we've got more with dave franco right after this. [ cheers and applause ] injectable cabenuva. very-oth, for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider every other month.
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what do i do? i can't stop wiggling! oh, no. no! the gun's broken. my gun stopped working! ♪ oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> lamorne: welcome back. i'm here with dave franco. now, that was dave franco in the very flexible vampire lady in that trailer. dude, that looks insane. is all of that you? >> most of it is me, yes. we worked with one of the best stunt teams in the world. this is the men and women who
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taught keanu on the "john wick" films. so for me i played sports my whole life, and to be able to use some of those abilities toward acting, i have so much fun. but what i realized is i always push it too far. like, you know, when i'm working with the best in the world i'm like let's keep going. teach me more. to the point where by the end of the movie my entire body was covered in bruises. like my -- >> lamorne: really? >> i documented everything. our director called them my tiger stripes. >> lamorne: that just looks like plain old -- that's a massage. that's cupping. >> well, the cupping, yes. that was the result of a bad back. but yes, sure, we'll call it a massage. >> lamorne: some of it looks really strange. this one right there looks like an std. [ laughter ] >> yes. what std do you think that looks like? >> lamorne: i have no idea, man. i've been out of the weeds a long time. [ laughter ] shut up! [ laughter ] you're disgusting. this crowd.
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nasty. >> so not too fun. but i realized after doing this that i kind of do this on every job. >> lamorne: really? >> where i think about this movie i did with michael bay where i play a stunt driver in forence, italy. and i did two days of stunt driving training. and it was really fun and i felt pretty good. but i'm like they're never going to actually let me drive this car on the narrow streets of florence with ryan reynolds in the passenger seat. and i was driving every take. and i was driving fast. and it got to the point where i was doing donuts next to a world famous museum where if i hit something i'm literally destroying history. and just it gets to the point where it's just like, that's -- again, it's on me where you keep asking for it and they're like, dave, we can bring in your stunt double. i'm like no, no, no, i've got ryan reynolds' life on the line, i feel like i am handle this. [ laughter ] >> lamorne: now, do you take some of those special skills into your everyday life? like sometimes you get a little -- you feel yourself a little bit when you're in a movie and then you go home and you start, you know --
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>> oh. no. i don't think so. i think it is that thing where when you're on set and you almost feel invincible and you start doing things you would never do in your real life. yeah. >> lamorne: i know. i saw your bruises, man. you get weird. >> i get weird. [ laughter ] >> lamorne: speaking of getting weird, i hear you do impressions. you did a bit of a squirrel impression. >> another thing we did not talk about beforehand. [ laughter ] >> lamorne: i'm just saying land of impressions. let's hear it. [ applause ] >> again, we were doing a lot of improvisation on the movie. at some point my character's talking about a terrible memory with a squirrel talking to him. jamie says, how did the squirrel sound? a noise came out of my mouth that i honestly couldn't recreate even if i tried. do you want to do your squirrel impersonation, though? >> lamorne: everybody's got a squirrel impression. >> let's see it. >> lamorne: okay. y'all ready for it? i'm a squirrel.
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[ laughter ] >> no. >> lamorne: that wasn't it? >> no. >> lamorne: i'm going to give it one more try. i am a squirrel! [ applause ] >> what other impressions have you got? >> lamorne: me? i do them all, man. >> what do you mean? give us your best. >> lamorne: what do you mean? give us your -- that's right, man. [ applause ] i feel like as i'm looking at the camera we look a lot alike, man. >> we really do. >> lamorne: i think we can play twin brothers in the new movie "twins." that's right. [ laughter ] >> is this something -- is this job something that you've wanted to do for a long time? >> lamorne: ooh. the tables have turned. >> yeah. >> lamorne: actually, yeah. james corden, i'm taking over his job next. [ laughter ] no. but that is something -- you know, it's something i like to do. i'm an actor. i'm a performer. i used to host back in the day. >> what did you host back in the day? >> lamorne: for b.e.t. i had a shot "hotwired."
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and then i hosted a show on cartoon network called "brain rush." [ applause ] you knoll, weird stuff i did back in the day. but you know, the opportunity presented itself and i said wow, i get to sit here and talk to folks like you, this will be great. >> is this the first person that you've kind of talked to in this position? >> lamorne: yes. >> and how's it going? >> so far -- [ cheers and applause ] i think it's going good. guillermo, how do you feel like it's going? >> guillermo: you're doing a great job. >> guillermo, will you do the pelvic thrust that he just demonstrated earlier? >> lamorne: one more time. hit it with the band. come on. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> lamorne: slft"day shift" is on netflix we'll be right back with trevante rhodes! [ cheers and applause ] are cyc. we come from uganda, rwanda, kenya.
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♪dance! by christian a medice & elisha noll♪ ♪are you ready?♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪let's go♪ ♪♪ ♪ahh yeah♪ ♪♪ ♪step to rhythm like♪ ♪you're going out tonight♪ ♪dance get with the groove and♪ ♪dance get up and move let's♪ ♪dance kick off your shoes and♪ ♪show me how you♪
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♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ get a free storage upgrade and case with s pen when you pre-order. ♪dance♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: hi, i'm guillermo from tv. here's who's coming up this week on "jimmy kimmel live." lamorne morris, simu liu, and nikki glaser will host with their guests -- regina hall, storm reid, mandy moore, jimmy o. yang, danny devito, and jameela -- jamil?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> lamorne: welcome back.
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you know our next guest from the oscar-winning film "moonlight." next he steps into the ring as mike tyson in the limited series "mike." >> then every day i trained with cus at that gym. that was my life for the next three years. i wanted him to love me. but i was terrified of disappointing him. the reason i knocked everyone out so fast in those early fights is because i was so terrified of disappointing cus. if i wasn't winning, what good was i to him? >> lamorne: "mike" premieres thursday on hulu. please say hello to trevante rhodes. [ cheers and applause ]
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don't give me that. look how you walked. let me do this intro. this is how he walked out here. this is how he walked out here. ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] damn, bro. >> like they was saying, you are really good at this. >> lamorne: oh, thank you. >> you are really good at this. [ cheers and applause ] >> lamorne: thank you. thank you. off topic, but i have a question for you. when you walk down the street do people mistake you for me? [ laughter ] because we have a similar build -- >> they do. they do. >> lamorne: you're very welcome. i checked out the series. oh, my goodness. i saw the -- brother. >> thank you. >> lamorne: my gosh, man. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> lamorne: i've got to say, when i was watching it i was speechless because some folks, they do a mike tyson impression.
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with you i felt like you were mike tyson. you understand? you were really him. you look like him. you sound like him. the tooth gap. the face tattoo. everything, bro. how did you -- what was that process like? >> i mean, it was beautiful, man. it was very soul-enriching. step into that space. it just felt great, bro. >> lamorne: me too. every time i'm putting on muscle. >> there you go. >> lamorne: i feel like the spirit is moving me. praise to god, for sure. [ laughter ] now, you spent all this time getting into mike tyson physique and you spent all this time, you know, getting into character. is this -- do you walk outside like that? do you go out and do you just -- >> man, i really appreciate the love, bro. i mean, yes. but i appreciate the love. i appreciate the love. i appreciate the love. >> lamorne: you would have to go outside like that. mike tyson, he's a scary dude. can you whoop people's ass in real life? [ laughter ] >> i don't want to -- you got
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mike tyson coming out here? >> lamorne: mike tyson's right around the corner. give it up for mike tyson. [ laughter ] >> no, actually, bro, before we got to shooting we were out in new york and craig was just taking pictures. i was walking around and i was trying the teeth on. i had the boxing pants on. boxing shorts on. and we were walking around and people -- we're in new york. and new yorkers were like literally screaming out, hey, yo, mike. hey jo,yo, mike. they knew the aesthetic. and that was before we started shooting. so it gave us just the most amazing feeling we were doing the right thing. >> lamorne: i'm not going to lie to you. i know the feeling. [ laughter ] i know the feeling. now, you said you had to go through this spiritual transformation, this physical transformation. how hard was the diet? how hard was the training? like walk me through that. >> honestly, bro, i just had to eat more ice cream and eat less cardio is what it was.
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[ laughter ] jeni's. i want to reach out. i would love a sponsorship, jeni's. [ applause ] >> lamorne: oh, my gosh. whenever i eat too much ice cream my belly just -- it makes certain parts of my body disappear. you know what i mean? [ laughter ] and i don't like it very much. but for you obviously you get in shape and you look like mike tyson. congrats to your genetics and your -- [ applause ] now, how does it work? i've never done a boxing film. i really have to fight people in projects. and with you you're in the ring. you're training. are these actors? are these, you know, boxers? who are you fighting in there? >> so some guys are ex-amateur, ex-professional boxers. a lot of the guys were just -- not just but a lot of the guys were stunt guys who were ex-athletes from college and things like that. so a lot of the times coach
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would just call out numbers and some of the guys who had some experience, were really able to get the core choreography down in five, ten minutes. everybody was to ready to go. >> lamorne: what is that like? are you getting hit for real? >> i mean, sometimes. with the cats who were a little bit less professional and less ready, those guys, they couldn't get the choreography down and they were just -- so i had to really be aware and be ready because sometimes they would just nick me, man. >> lamorne: they would nick you. >> they would nick me. it was crazy. >> lamorne: do you ever -- because again you internalize and emboldy the spirit of mike tyson. do you return to mike tyson and bite off a body why part? >> i'm being real calm. i'm being real cool right now because that's underneath. you see? >> lamorne: i see it. >> you see it right there? >> lamorne: there's an anger inside of him. he's ready to let it out. [ laughter ] now, clearly you're a very highly trained and skilled performer, but this wasn't
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always your career trajectory. you know, i heard there were some other things you might have wanted to do before you were an actor. >> so i was blessed actually to have an opportunity to intern at a pretty prominent petroleum company. >> lamorne: petroleum company? >> petroleum company. in my youth. >> lamorne: you were what do they call it, a petroleum man? >> petroleum land man. >> lamorne: when you came home did all the kids in the neighborhood go look, it's the petroleum land man? [ laughter ] >> the kids were jealous because i was making bank, bro. [ applause ] >> lamorne: oh, my gosh. >> so yeah. a land man is essentially like the middle man between the oil and gas company and the people who own the land. so they're like kind of a [ bleep ] salesman of sorts. >> lamorne: wow. >> wow. [ laughter ] >> lamorne: so petroleum land man right here, you guys.
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[ applause ] when you're getting all oiled up and stuff for a fight scene do you think back to your days as petroleum land man? so let's talk about this for a second. you were in "moonlight." >> yes. >> lamorne: this is a project that was fantastic. you can give it up for it. [ applause ] it won the oscar for best picture. i'm not sure if y'all knew that, but it won the oscar for best picture. [ cheers and applause ] and for those who don't remember, there was a little bit of a mix-up. i'm not sure if you remember. "la la land" was accidentally named the winner of best picture but then, you know, you guys were named the winner of the best picture. which makes it no longer the craziest moment in oscar history. [ applause ] but your reaction was amazing. i'm not sure if you saw -- walk
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me through this. what is -- you're touching the lapel of mahershala ali. >> that's my dog. >> lamorne: let's go to the next one. >> real time. >> lamorne: what's happening right now inside of you, inside of all the petroleum? [ laughter ] what's going on? >> that's good. honestly, bro, the whole experience really, it was kind of like when you're engaged with a young lady and she -- >> lamorne: been there. >> yeah. and she's got good game. and it's like you don't know whether she likes you or not. >> lamorne: yeah. mm-hmm. >> and then she walks away and it's like dang, i lost that. but then she comes back. >> lamorne: ooh. >> and that's what it was like. [ cheers and applause ] >> lamorne: there it is. she came back.
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she came back, you guys. can we recreate this pose? i just want to -- >> no. >> lamorne: i'm going to do it. i'm going to do it. oh, my goodness. >> no. >> lamorne: wow. there it is, folks. give it up one more time for trevante. "mike" premieres thursday on hulu. we'll be right back with music from tedeschi trucks band. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ the thing that's different about a vrbo vacation home. you always have the whole place to yourself. no stranger at the dinner table making things awkward. or in another room taking up space.
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it's just you and your people. because why would you ever share your vacation home with someone you wouldn't share your vacation with. ♪ ♪
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes eq. all electric, all mercedes. >> lamorne: that's all the time we have. i want to thank dave franco and trevante rhodes. apologies to damon wayans jr., we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first -- their new project is called "i am the moon." here to play "soul sweet song," tedeschi trucks band! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ after the tears
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and the spate of lonely days after the noon-born shadows slowly faded ♪ ♪ after your heavy stone was rolled away rolling rolling ♪ ♪ that's when it finally came to me ♪ ♪ now there's no use wishing for your sweet return 'cause i see you in the morning sun ♪ ♪ and i hear you in the whispering wind and i feel your rhythm moving me ♪ ♪ 'cause your soul's sweet songs still singing ♪ ♪
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♪ isn't it a wonder how things change i was cryin' now i'm laughing through the pouring rain ♪ ♪ everything that's old is new again oh that feeling ♪ ♪ i can't help but hear the harmony ♪ ♪ now there's no use wishing for your sweet return 'cause i see you in the morning sun ♪ ♪ and i hear you over the whispering wind and i feel your rhythm moving me ♪ ♪ 'cause your soul's sweet songs still singing ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ now there's no use wishing for your sweet return 'cause i see you in the morning sun ♪ ♪ and i hear you over the whispering wind and i feel your rhythm moving me ♪ ♪ 'cause your soul's sweet songs still singing ♪ ♪ in the memory of your melody when the dawn breaks out the birds all sing ♪ ♪ and i feel your rhythm moving me ♪
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♪ 'cause your soul's sweet song's still singing i see you in the morning sun ♪ ♪ 'cause your soul's sweet song's still singing you up on the whispering wind ♪ ♪ and your soul's sweet song's still singing i feel you on moving wind ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> announcer: this is "nightline." tonight, stunning discovery. the california teen who vanished without a trace. now the volunteer group adventures with purpose tracking down kiely rodni's car with human remains inside. >> all hope for her coming home was gone. >> how they achieved what law enforcement did not. plus, swimming while black. the life-saving skill with a disturbing disparity. >> is swimming a civil rights issue? >> i think so. >> why black children in america are drowning at an alarming rate. a reality rooted in racism. we go inside the country's oldest private black swim club. and the trailblazing olympian helping to shatter the stigma. >> black people swim.


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