tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 25, 2022 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.visit] >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live" with guest host nikki glaser! tonight -- danny devito. jameela jamil and music from ingrid andress. with cleto and the cletones. and now, nikki glaser! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> nikki: hello! welcome. that's amazing. welcome. welcome to "jimmy kimmel live."
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i'm your guest host nicky glazer live. [ cheers and applause ] this is so exciting. i really, really hope this goes well tonight. but if it doesn't, they're just going to green screen jimmy onto my dress later on. [ laughter ] so everything's fine. i'm the final guest host for the summer. but luckily, as a straight woman, i'm used to coming last. [ cheers and applause ] or not at all. i'm kidding. i'm probably bi. [ laughter ] we got some major hollywood dirtbag news today. disgraced former producer and potted-plant ejaculator harvey weinstein has been granted an appeal. in 2020, he was convicted of first and third degree rape. which is very upsetting. also upsetting that rape has degrees. is it the weather? is it a dry raping? [ laughter ] rape is rape is. at the moment, weinstein is still in prison, and on around the clock suicide watch. meaning women come to the prison day and night hoping to watch
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him commit suicide. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i'm praying he pulls an epstein. a lot of you have probably seen me on the comedy central roasts where i make fun of celebrities. but since i'm hosting a late night show, i decided it would be appropriate to roast some politicians while i'm here. [ cheers ] thank you. there's a lot of freaks in washington who deserve a good roasting, and i don't have a lot of time, so i'm going to take them all down at once in the speed roast."ition of "nikki's - [ cheers and applause ] here we go. let start. what can you say about donald trump that he hasn't already heard at this point? oh i know, "yes, i'd love to have sex with you." [ laughter ] i can't wait to have your body on mine! look at him. at least now we know the answer to the question, "what if a bloated factory-farm pig corpse could grab your [ bleep ]?" [ laughter ]
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too specific? joe biden is so old, he had covid one. [ laughter and applause ] oh, biden. if he gets a second term, it will be very exciting. he'll be the first president in his 80s, and the first president to be assassinated by a slick bathtub. [ laughter ] so that's cool. mike pence. mike pence is so boring and white, cbs just picked him up for three more seasons. [ laughter ] i know we're having fun, but on a serious note, i do want to say kamala harris is still missing. if you have any information on her whereabouts, please contact her parents. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i have a theory that we haven't seen much of the vice president lately because she's sentenced herself to jail. she just missed the rush of putting an innocent person behind bars. [ moans ] have you done it? it feels great. lindsey graham.
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ugh. how is it possible that the name "lindsey" is too masculine for him? [ laughter ] he looks like the head of a group called "grandmothers against interracial marriage." [ laughter ] "graham" is not just his last name, it's also how much meth he gives his boy sex workers as a tip. [ moans and applause ] fun fact. one "graham." nancy pelosi. okay. it would be easy to make a joke about nancy pelosi's looks, but i actually think the embalmers did a really good job. [ laughter ] nancy pelosi, she's such a giving person, she even donated the extra skin from her facelift to reinforce mcconnell's jawline. [ laughter and applause ] let's see it. there it is. [ laughter ] good ol' scrotum neck. i've always wondered what that thing in the back of my throat looks like up close, and now i know. [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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now that i've seen that photo of mitch, my vagina is under severe drought restrictions. [ laughter ] he makes me drier than a mormon wedding, but let's move on. [ laughter ] pete buttigieg. what a trailblazer. he proves that just because you're gay, doesn't mean you're cool. [ laughter ] [ applause ] poor pete. pete, i'm so sorry you got stuck with overseeing transportation. ugh. i haven't seen a gay man that disappointed since i had sex with my first boyfriend. [ laughter ] matt gaetz. look at him. what a ladies man. right? sorry, i mean child's man. [ moans ] he's the only guy whose forehead is taller than all of his girlfriends. [ laughter and applause ] you'd think he'd have better hair for someone so good at grooming. [ moans ]
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bernie sanders. he looks like the guy next to you on a southwest flight who eats hardboiled eggs out of a plastic bag. [ laughter ] rudy giuliani. rudy giuliani, 9/11 was your shining achievement, now it's your blood alcohol level. [ laughter ] god, man. no one has squandered a legacy more than you. you used to be a hero, now everyone hates you. but i guess it's nice that white people finally have our o.j. simpson. [ laughter and applause ] guilty and we all know it. ted cruz. ted cruz, everything is bigger in texas except your sad, soggy penis. [ laughter ] ted's put on a few pounds over the last few years, but honestly, that's what happens when you're constantly eating trump's ass. [ laughter and applause ]
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and finally, marjorie taylor greene is proof that the left and the right really can come together. just look at her eyes. [ moans ] i appreciate this woman. now i know what it would look like if i had a daughter with mickey rourke. [ moans and applause ] marjorie, of course, is anti-abortion and sadly, so was her mom. [ laughter ] am i going too hard on poor marjorie? marjorie, she's had a rough pwe. she actually -- i know, marjorie, you got swatted twice this week, which is so terrifying, and i'm so sorry it happened to you. but let me just say, it couldn't have happened to a dumber bitch. [ laughter and applause ] and that was "nikki's speed roast." [ cheers and applause ] that was so fun. ridiculous things are happening all over the world, not just in
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washington. down in australia, there is a nightclub that has decided to implement an unusual new policy. check it on it. >> a popular nightclub in sydney, australia, is cracking down on, get this, unwanted staring. the club has threatened that if anyone stares at another person without verbal consent, they'll be kicked out of the club. >> nikki: i really think the only thing creepier than staring at someone is asking if you can stare at them. [ laughter ] let me try it out. guillermo. can i -- can i stare at you? >> guillermo: yeah, sure. [ laughter ] >> nikki: nice titties, bro. [ laughter and applause ] that felt good. i think we fell in love. i've got to ask you, guillermo, what's the worst date
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you've ever been on? >> guillermo: oh my god. >> nikki: really? what? >> guillermo: i went out with this lady, and she invited me to her apartment. >> nikki: yeah? >> guillermo: so i was so happy, excited, i was going to get some action. [ laughter ] we got to her apartment. i take off my clothes and everything. and she brings this big snake. and she told me, guillermo, we're going to have so much fun. i said, oh, [ bleep ]! and i start running. [ laughter ] >> nikki: you didn't get to show her your big snake? >> guillermo: no, no. >> nikki: not fair at all. >> guillermo: my little snake, no. [ laughter and applause ] >> nikki: you're proud of it, oh, yeah. well, honestly, dating sucks no matter who you are. i thought as a public service to all the singles out there that i'd like to get a new perspective on courtship by talking to the next generation of hopeless romantics. mia, we are going to talk about dating. yeah, i feel the same way. what dating advice do you have for me?
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>> so, like, when you're dating? >> nikki: okay? >> you kiss lips, uck. and the man gives you a ring if you're a woman. >> nikki: i do want to get that ring someday. how do i get a ring? >> you say "may you please get a ring for me?" >> nikki: okay, haven't tried that yet. who should pay on the first date? >> the boy. >> nikki: what if it's two girls? >> the older one? [ laughter ] >> nikki: i like that. that's the rule. what's the perfect first date? >> june. [ laughter ] >> nikki: june what? >> 15th. >> nikki: june 15th. great day. should you kiss on a first date? >> yes. >> nikki: yes? okay. why do people kiss? >> because they think it's lovely. >> nikki: they think it's lovely? yeah, okay. what if your date is a bad kisser?
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>> maybe just break up. >> nikki: you break up? i have broken up with my boyfriend six or seven times. do you think it's going to last? we're together now. >> no. [ laughter ] >> nikki: thanks for shooting it to me straight. what's your perfect date? where would you take them? >> uh -- a concert of the jurassic world soundtrack. >> nikki: oh my gosh, that's every girl's dream. what's your love language? >> bacon. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> nikki: i think they just added that one, actually. when is it okay to ghost someone? >> when you die. [ laughter ] >> nikki: yeah, that is maybe the only time it's going to ghost someone. what's a red flag on a first date? >> he's ugly? [ laughter ] >> nikki: it's so true. colin, do you think i'll ever marry someone? >> no. >> nikki: why, what's wrong with me? >> maybe -- maybe be more like
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your outfit. >> nikki: okay. what about my outfit? >> maybe the shoes. >> nikki: okay, so you don't like the shoes? i would like to point out that you're wearing batman sandals. is that correct? [ laughter ] but you don't like my shoes? all right, colin. i think we're done here. >> yay! [ laughter and applause ] >> nikki: that is so triggering. [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: harsh truths. we have a great show for you tonight. jameela jamil is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from ingrid andress. and we'll be right back with danny devito. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> nikki: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live!" i'm nikki glaser. tonight, from "she-hulk: attorney at law," jameela jamil is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, from colorado, her new album "good person" comes out tomorrow. ingrid andress on the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is an extraordinary actor, director, producer, and history's greatest fictional philadelphian. you can hear him give voice to satan, yes, that satan, in the new animated series "little demon." it airs thursdays at 10 p.m. on fxx. please welcome the great danny devito. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> thank you! wow. you are doing it, girl. >> nikki: i'm doing it. you're doing it. >> you are kicking butt. >> nikki: thank you, that means so much from you. it's so good to meet you. >> very nice to meet you. >> nikki: your new show is so sick. >> "little demons." yeah, it's insane. >> nikki: it's a cartoon that is really dark. >> yes. >> nikki: and pushes the boundaries. >> we absolutely do stretch the envelope. >> nikki: it's not a cartoon you watch with your kids. >> no. >> nikki: it's one that you did make with your kids? >> yeah, i made it with my kids. my kids are -- you know -- >> nikki: they're 12? >> yeah, yeah. it's okay. it's going to be on fxx. >> nikki: yes? >> it's a 10:00 show. so you don't want your little kids watching it, but you kids can watch. [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: it's really funny. >> it's going to stream on hulu. >> nikki: yeah. >> it's really, you know, sick and twisted.
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>> nikki: does anything shock you anymore? >> just nothing. [ laughter ] >> nikki: i was shocked at how sick and twisted and so funny and dark this cartoon was. at this point, doing "always funny," do you feel it has broken you with having boundaries? >> i love it. i love doing that. you say, come out of the couch naked? i'm here, baby! [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: one of the best moments of tv ever. fun. mean, we've got to have - >> nikki: i want to know how many takes you did of that scene. how that process went? you coming out of the couch. i really want to know about it. inside the actor. behind the music. >> when i read that scene, you know, it's in the script. you know. "frank wants to see what his wife is like, what people think about him, he sew him into a couch, he comes out naked." you read that. and you go, okay, i'll do that. [ laughter ] know what i mean?
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then you get there. and you get on the set. right? you know. rob and kate, glen, charlie, everybody. but it's also a party. so there's, like, 50 people you don't know. [ laughter ] you don't think of that, you know what i mean? now, you go into the thing, they had this naugahyde kind of, whatever it was, with a slit in it so i could get through the couch. and back there, i'm in a little thing -- like this. because you can't go total hanging out. >> nikki: yeah, they didn't have a green room set up for you. >> you can't come out in front of 50 people you don't know with your wanger hanging out, right? [ laughter ] they put a little cap on it, you know? [ laughter ] and you go back there. and what they do, the makeup people, you know, the -- you know. they spray you with all kind of oil. >> nikki: uh-huh? >> now you're like back there waiting for your cue. and you're going to slide out of
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this thing naked. like a halibut. [ laughter ] and you do it. and you come out -- >> nikki: you did. >> all these people looking at you. and i have -- i'm going -- my line in the thing was "hot, hot, hot, hot!" >> nikki: yes. >> kaitlin's got the first line. there's a great thing on youtube somewhere, where kaitlin forgets to say her line. it's like, she just is looking right at me. [ laughter ] >> nikki: you're saying, "hot, hot." >> like a big blob of greasy flesh. [ laughter ] so i kind of like that, you know, when the chance came around to play the devil, take it, wow! that's good. >> nikki: you're playing satan. >> i'm playing satan. >> nikki: do you draw from anywhere? >> draw from me. [ laughter and applause ] >> nikki: really? >> yeah. >> nikki: the dark side of you?
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>> the dark side. you got a dark side, right? >> nikki: yeah, yeah. >> oh, baby, oh you do. i loved all that politician stuff. >> nikki: oh, thank you. >> whoo! [ cheers and applause ] man oh man alive. >> nikki: there's some stuff there, i'm going to fear for my life after this. >> no, no, those people are -- >> yeah. >> kaka. they run our country. >> nikki: yeah. >> [ bleep ]. you know what i mean. sorry. [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: thank you for co-signing on it. we'll be in prison together when he comes back. >> oh, absolutely. >> nikki: this will come back to haunt us. >> one favor. >> nikki: yeah? >> wear that dress. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> nikki: one favor from you. get oiled up. >> yeah, baby! [ cheers and applause ] yeah, baby! >> nikki: so there's a lot of cameos in this "little demon." >> yes, yes.
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>> nikki: that are specifically called in from you? >> yes. >> nikki: your buddy arnold is in it. >> arnold is in it. >> nikki: is that someone, do you go through his people, or is that a text you send? >> we're buddies. i call him up, i'm doing "little demon." i wouldn't have called if there wasn't a great part for him. there's a great part that voice of his, that big, you know -- that voice. you know that voice. [ applause ] so he did it. he did it. >> nikki: now, when arnold was here with jimmy awhile back, he told a story of a gift that he gave -- or that you gave him on the set of "junior." of a cigar. duren that? >> oh, yeah. >> nikki: i'd like to get your side of it. >> oh, yeah. >> nikki: because it was -- was it a gift? >> oh. well, you know. it was -- it was -- this is what arnold does. you know, he'll admit to this. we're on a diet. i'm always on a diet. i've been on a diet since i was 10. [ laughter ] okay? so we're doing "twins." and he's got a big truck.
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because he's a big movie star. he's got a giant truck with all this workout equipment in it that follows us around, wherever you go. right? so in the afternoon, lunchtime, i say, look, i'm going to come in there, work out with you. right? what do i do? i do the life cycle or whatever, level 4, for 15 minutes. [ laughter ] he does level 15 for a half hour. but he's pumping. we go back to my trailer. and i think i'm losing weight. he orders. a woman comes in. the craft service woman. she's got mounds of dessert. i said, what are you trying to do to me? oh, no, danny, go ahead, eat the dessert. he's putting weight on me. i just killed myself for 15 minutes. [ laughter and applause ] >> nikki: this is how he does it. >> one daynew the workload wasn't that big. we come to my trailer.
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we spoke smoke a stogie. i take stogie that i'm going to give him and i stick a little weed in it. [ cheers and applause ] he smokes the stogie, smokes the weed. all of a sudden we're walking back to the set, ha ha! he's holding on to me. i say, you never do this buddy, what's going on? anyway, we went to the set. he -- he was -- he's always -- he's great, he's great fun to work with. but stoned? he is like, whoo! [ laughter ] >> nikki: way more fun? >> off the charts, baby. oh, baby. look at you like this. [ laughter ] "it's your line, arnold." god bless his soul. he goes, "arnold, go ahead, say your line." he goes --
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[ laughter ] so it was -- >> nikki: he forgot english? >> yeah, yeah. it was an afternoon. >> nikki: well, we won't more with danny devito after this! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (vo) we are cyclists. we come from uganda, rwanda, kenya. we used tech to become team amani. show what we can do. make connections. we've gone far. but someday— when anyone can be in any room and everyone can compete— we'll go much farther. everybody will. (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire! turn up for the grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon trio ...and our hottest summer duo, steak and lobster! it's lit! don't miss red lobster's seafood summerfest.
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unearthly realms. think port authority but with much, much, much more urine and fewer bomb threats. >> if i call the shots, does that mean i don't have to listen to anyone? >> look at that guy, he's got a bird head and he craps bubbles. i thought that was pretty cool. [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: welcome back. i am here with danny devito. danny, that was you and your daughter, right? >> that's right, lucy and i. so much fun working with her. >> nikki: so fun. do you guys record lines together? >> yeah, we work together, yeah. well, you know. like in the pandemic when we were doing a lot of the -- we had to do it on swim and everything. as things ease up a little bit, you get into the booth together. and it's really -- it's really cool. >> nikki: that's so fun. >> it's the best. >> nikki: yes. >> you know, everybody who loves, you know, all of those wonderful things. >> nikki: it is so funny, "little demon." it's really great, really dark, really [ bleep ]ed up. [ laughter ] it really is. >> and fx, fxx --
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>> nikki: they let you do what you want. >> langraff and i go way back because of "sunny." >> nikki: which is in its 75th season? [ cheers and applause ] >> i think animated shows should be pushing the envelope. >> nikki: yes. >> especially, we're going to have fun with it. you're going to watch a little demon. there's so many little easter eggs and things in it that you don't know or -- it goes by so fast. i wish we had more time to do it. because it's like a 20-something minute show. it's going to be on fxx, two episodes late tonight, then it starts -- >> nikki: on hulu, yes. >> streaming on hulu. [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: it's so good. i want to talk about something. danny, are you aware that you are the king of memes? that you are showing up all over reddit, twitter, instagram, to represent people's feelings? >> i'm not aware, yeah. >> nikki: so many great
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expressions through the your career. [ laughter ] let's check out some of them. this one. "all right, everyone, we are going to go around and introduce ourselves: introverts." hilarious. this next one. "when the vitamin gummies kick in." [ laughter ] arnold sent that to you. great expressions. there's so often you have a feeling you try to express, you search for a memorandum, it isn't there. i wanted to know if you would create some of these specific circumstances so we could have memes for them tonight. >> yeah, yeah. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. i mean, stay right here. >> nikki: just stay right there, i'm going to give you a prompt, then you try to elicit that feeling expression-wise, and we'll take a picture and meme it. >> okay. >> nikki: ready, let's go. just accidentally sat on my balls be like? [ laughter ] [ applause ] when you thought it was a fart but you were wrong? [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] i like that you like it. you're like, ooh, more! >> got to keep it flowing. if it's a fart or [ bleep ] or whatever it is, it's got to get out. [ laughter ] >> nikki: i wasn't expecting the smirk on that one. that's why you're the best. okay. what about this one. when you're having the time of your life at the club but you're also dead inside. [ laughter ] [ applause ] all right, what about this next one. when you're an acting legend with an insane film grief and your life's work has been reduced to dumb memes, and you just sat on your balls. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: thank you, danny. dream come true. "little demon" airs thursdays at 10:00 p.m. on fxx. we'll be back with jameela jamil. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so with geico, we can easily bundle home and car insurance and save even more?
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to evil as the supervillain, titania, on the new marvel tv show, "she-hulk: attorney at law." new episodes premiere thursdays on disney plus. please welcome jameela jamil. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> nikki: damn, girl! you look beautiful. i hate to say that first. you look really smart too. [ laughter ] and capable and powerful. but you look stunning. >> thanks. >> nikki: congratulations. that's what danny did. did you meet danny? >> yes, i met danny before. flirty little sausage, isn't he? [ laughter ]
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>> nikki: i was flirting back, i couldn't help myself, intoxicating. >> sparks were flying, i was getting brangelina. no, i met him because i used to do what you're doing now, i used to be a tv host. 14 years ago. when i was just 12. [ laughter ] yeah, i got to flirt with him then. i flirted with him just now. >> nikki: you've done this before, which this is not as easy as it may look when other people do it. but it's not -- it's not that easy. was it your first -- did you know what you were doing? >> no. >> nikki: you kind of had to learn by doing it? >> i'd never been to my drama school. i didn't even want to be on tv. i was an english teacher. >> nikki: really? >> yeah i'm so bossy on twitter. [ laughter ] so yeah, i remember my first-ever day was live television. i'd been cast the week before. i was truly just literally discovered in a pub. i didn't shag anyone! [ laughter ]
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>> nikki: you were actually discovered? >> these skills, i would bang my way down. [ laughter ] >> nikki: i don't believe it. but you were actually discovered? that's always what you hear. >> yeah. >> nikki: i always wanted to be discovered. i heard gisele was discovered at a mcdonalds in brazil so i used to just hang out at mcdonald's. [ laughter ] it happened to you? >> it did, while i was an english teacher. my first week i was on live tv, about to do my physical-ever link, the moment you talk to the camera. the only advice i was given was, when you see that red light on top of the camera, don't say the f word. >> nikki: yes. >> i had that in my head, that's fine. we go live. i deliver my entire link to camera. all the words on the teleprompter come out. i do a good job. i think we're done but i don't know anything about live tv. i don't know that something called the network has to take you. i don't know what that means. >> nikki: i'm still confused. >> what it means is you're still
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say so. television until they - now, no one had explained to me that this could happen. so all i hear in my earpiece is, "the network haven't taken us." [ laughter ] so i'm still smiling like an idiot into the camera. fill, fill, you need to fill, fill, fill. so i'm like, oh my god, i think they really need fill. [ laughter ] so i just am like, sorry, i think they're looking for phil? phil? are you phil? i was like, guys, they really -- he's like, no, no, fill! fill! and i was like, god, they really need phil! [ laughter ] finally i just go, to the [ bleep ] is phil? >> nikki: no. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: first time live on tv? >> first time live. thank god social media didn't exist. >> nikki: well, you have come
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such a far way since then. "she "she-hulk: attorney at law." you are playing a superhero villain? >> supervillains only. not a heroic hair on her head. >> nikki: you can tell i don't watch marvel stuff. this is honestly something that i can't wait to see. because it's super empowering. and also, is it so fun to play a villain? >> it is so fun to play a villain. i'm such a goody two shoes in real life. just let it out, guys, all right? [ cheers and applause ] it's like that i guess press, isn't it? "die on hero or live long enough to become a villain." you're only given so long for your demonizing anyways, might as well bag it from the beginning. [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: i do love you for that. >> no, it's really fun. it was such a fresh take on anything i've seen from marvel
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before. super funny, very feminist, but not trying to ostracize anyone. i play the biggest misogynist in the show and i'm a woman. we know about women being misogynists because we kind of were. you know. >> nikki: yeah. do you do action in this? are you pretty -- >> yes. yes, i do. i do action. i did try and talk them out of giving me the job. i refused to audition for it for ages. but they then lied to me and told me it was not an action role, and i was playing a cameo who had to poison people. so i was like, sick! and then i got to atlanta and they were like, surprise, you're a supervillain, you'll be learning jujitsu, kung fu, parkour, how to fight on a wire in the sky. it's my favorit character ever, i'm so happy, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. [ cheers and applause ] no one wants to see this beat
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someone up. >> nikki: i don't know, it's going to be great. did you have to learn all that stuff? did it come natural? were you surprised you actually picked it up? >> i was absolutely stunned. absolutely stun sghd so you can do things that you think you're scared to do? >> yeah, no, i feel way too brave in the back of an uber now. now try and stop [ bleep ], you know what i mean? >> nikki: yeah. >> i could beat you up right now. >> nikki: i feel it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and use my own strength against me? i don't know how it works. >> you'd need to know the exact opposite of the choreography, the limitation of all of my knowledge. i require that from anyone who plans on attacking me going forward. >> nikki: to rehearse first with you? >> exactly. >> nikki: did you do your own stunts? i know that's a thing. >> i did do my own stunts. the vast majority of them, i had to gain weight for the roles. i got big and muscular. >> nikki: sweet. >> yeah, it was -- >> nikki: that's the first time that -- >> actually, i thought it would be amazing, liberating. finally, they want me to take up more space.
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but abwhen you eat that much -- they don't tell you about the farts. [ laughter ] that's the last i'm going to say about that. i just felt -- yeah. >> nikki: they heard it back there. >> i had a pretty good stunt. >> nikki: those are lethal, you could have used those. >> i had a pretty good stunt in the trailer and in the first episode that you have a video of. >> nikki: yeah. i've heard -- you told me about this. >> it's created a dispute between me and marvel, right? >> nikki: i know. why are you messing with marvel? don't you want to keep working? they're not going away. what did you do? >> i'm annoying everywhere. >> nikki: you're good at that. >> i democratize where i'm annoying. >> nikki: i love that about you, i really do. tell me what happened on set. >> let's first show everyone the stunt that they chose. >>. >> they chose the dignified one, i do the move, i get punched in
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the stomach, i get knocked out. i felt, we have seen so many men kicked in the balls on television for such a long time. >> nikki: yes. >> we've never seen a woman just socked right in the "vagine." [ laughter ] i believe in equality. i wanted, i begged for, i can't believe they're so cool they let me give them the take of what it would look like if she-hulk punched me in the [ bleep ]. >> nikki: yes. >> i go in, i go in, oh! [ applause ] i think we can all agree, thank god i am not in charge of editing marvel. they made the right decision. >> nikki: i don't know, that looked awesome. i'm worried about -- did your vagina get cte after that? >> no, she's fine, she's strong. [ laughter ] she's the real she-hulk. sorry. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> nikki: don't make it angry! mine does look like it's been inflated, some days. >> lovely. >> nikki: out of anger. but that was too much. [ laughter ] >> no, let's sit with that a second. >> nikki: hm. i just -- something i love about you is that you are so good at calling out hypocrisy, and just things that you feel deserve to be called out. and you're fearless in that way. it's inspired me in many ways. i'm wondering, do you ever worry about running into these people? >> no. >> nikki: no? oh my god. >> yeah, i don't really care. i said it with my whole chest, i meant it, i'd say it again. >> nikki: i love that. >> it is what it is, you know what i mean? [ cheers and applause ] >> nikki: so excited about "she-hulk: attorney at law." it premieres thursdays on disney plus. and the podcast, so good, it's called "i weigh." we'll be right back with music from ingrid andress.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. >> nikki: that is all the time we have. i want to thank danny devito, jameela jamil and jimmy kimmel. "nightline" is next, but first her album "good person" is out right now. here with the song, "feel like this," ingrid andress! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ its crazy how manipulation feels like a soft blanket holding you tight and every night sleeping next ♪ ♪ to someone's just as warm as the gaslight it's funny how jealousy ♪ ♪ sounds like somebody's worried bout y all that control ♪ ♪ takes on different roles don't realize the toll
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it takes on you ♪ ♪ i've been to pretty dark places stuck in toxic situations ♪ ♪ but you taste like stability and that's new for me ♪ ♪ yeah this feels like homemade cooking like backyard kissing like ♪ ♪ hold the door open and i laugh but it's nice like sunday sleepin' in ♪ ♪ baby i'm leaning in conversations i can tell that you're listening ♪ ♪ i thought i knew what i knew what love was ♪ ♪ guess i didn't know at all cause i don't know what this is but i think love's ♪ ♪ supposed to feel like this ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ funny how i used to make excuses ♪ ♪ excuses as often as i breathe defending them trying ♪
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♪ to defuse it and it would only blow up on me ♪ ♪ i've been to pretty dark places stuck in toxic situations ♪ ♪ but you taste like security and that's new for me ♪ ♪ yeah this feels like not just for tonight not some quick goodbye ♪ ♪ you tell me that you want me and i know that you mean it like ♪ ♪ sunday sleepin' in baby i'm leaning in conversations i can ♪ ♪ tell that you're listening i thought i knew what i knew what love was ♪ ♪ guess i didn't know at all 'cause i don't know ♪ ♪ what this is but i think love's supposed to feel like this ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh ooh oooooh ♪
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♪ tell me that you want me and i know that you'll mean it ♪ ♪ like sunday sleeping in baby i'm leaning in ♪ ♪ conversations i can tell that you're listening ♪ ♪ i thought i knew what i knew what love was ♪ ♪ guess i didn't know at all ♪ ♪ cause i don't know what this is so i don't know what this is but i think love's supposed to feel like this ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this is "nightline." ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, justice for kobe. inside his widow's legal battle to protect her daughter, gianna, and her husband, the nba legend's legacy. >> she fears she'll see the photos. >> how vanessa bryant turned her pain into purpose by taking on law enforcement over the sharing of graphic helicopter crash photos. >> she vowed to see this case through to its conclusion and to have the los angeles sheriff's department and fire department held accountable. >> the powerful message reverberating with this verdict. plus housewives and harassment. >> [ bleep ]. >> "real housewives" is all about the drama. but now garcelle beauvais is pushing back hard against the
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