tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 15, 2022 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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your time. have a good night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- sam rockwell. beto o'rourke. and music from death cab for cutie. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everybody, i'm jimmy. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. thanks for waiting in line to see us. you're making me feel like the queen of england is what i feel like. [ laughter ] there's a huge hours-long line
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in london today. the country is in a "period of royal mourning." people are lined up for four miles to see the queen's coffin. which is a box. they're waiting in line to see a box the queen is now in, i guess. [ laughter ] her majesty's casket is being protected around the clock by royal guards. and the stress of that work is taking its toll. i want you to keep you eye on that guy in the front. because -- down he goes. [ laughter ] ad none of the other guards move a muscle to help. [ laughter ] by the way, i tried that bit at the emmys, it doesn't work. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] they're stealing my bit, guillermo. >> guillermo: yes, yes. >> jimmy: miss magasty, donald jacqueline trump, now finds himself at the center of multiple ongoing investigations. there are five different probes penetrating trump's underbelly right now, and those are just the ones we know about right now. the department of justice, the fbi, the fulton county district attorney, the manhattan district attorney, and the new york state attorney general are all closing
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in on trump. even his lawyers have had to hire lawyers. [ laughter ] some maga faithful are worried that trump's legal problems could hurt republicans in the midterms, not to mention his own prospects in 2024. and this probably doesn't help. there is yet another tell-all book on the way, this one from reporters at "the new yorker" and cnn. it's called "the divider: trump in the white house." there's some fun stuff in this one. one of the tidbits says melania was very upset with her husband over the way he was handling the pandemic. she told him, "you're blowing this." and trump was like, "well, you didn't exactly nail it with the christmas decorations." [ laughter ] she also said, "it's going to be really bad, and you need to take it more seriously than you're taking it." coincidentally, that's what all of melania's friends told her about marrying him. [ laughter ] [ applause ] we also learn from this book, that remember when trump looked into buying greenland?
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well, he was serious about that. his aides kept bringing him more realistic options, like increasing u.s. military presence in the area to keep china in check, and trump said, "what part of i want to buy greenland are you not understanding?" [ laughter ] i don't know, all of it, i guess? [ laughter ] he also proposed trading puerto rico to denmark for greenland. do a swap like it's fantasy football or something. [ laughter ] you know a lot of attention is paid to how dangerous, impulsive and vain trump is. but we sometimes forget he's also very stupid. not very bright. [ laughter and applause ] they say during one meeting he was looking at greenland on a map, admiring it, and he said, "look at the size of this, it's massive." it's always about size with this guy. [ laughter ] honestly, the course of american history would be totally different if he'd only been born with an adult-sized penis. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the lie-atollah has been keeping a low profile. spending time with friends at
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his golf course/home, mar-a-lago. is that? wait a minute. is that -- no -- i think we might have the wrong videotape. no, that is not mar-a-lago. that is a nursing home in taiwan. [ laughter ] where i guess it was stripper wednesday, i don't know. one of the worst things about donald trump is all his dummy mini-mes. all the elastic-pantsed governors who are pulling their own little stunts to excite the stupid. the governor of florida, ron desantis, was bragging today about sending two planes full of immigrants to martha's vineyard. this is a thing they're doing now. guys like desantis and greg abbott from texas are using taxpayer money to ship these poor people looking for a better life to random places. and then they laugh about it. they think it's funny. greg abbott sent a bus full of immigrants to kamala harris' house in washington. and fox news was on the scene to confront these dangerous individuals. >> hola, como estas?
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>> bien. [ speaking spanish ] >> venezuela. [ speaking spanish ] >> as you can see, children coming across here -- [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: yeah. "habla inglés?" "me llamo a-hole." sticking a mic in the face of a child wearing pajamas, deadly news. you can see how dangerous those migrants are. lock up your tricycles! [ laughter ] in florida, ron desantis was very proud of himself for sending those planes to martha's vineyard. this little hate-cation he set up. he said, "the minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they all of the sudden go berserk." which is interesting because you know what the people of martha's vineyard did when these planes full of people showed up? they fed them. they gave them clothes.
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they bought them pizza. e and they took them in. [ cheers and applause ] they showed them the spirit of america. i guess ron desantis doesn't know about the statue of liberty. desantis is that guy you went to high school with who desperately wanted to be prom king but didn't have the charisma. so instead, he just pulled the fire alarm and ruined the dance for everyone. [ laughter ] but some people like that, i guess. he's popular in florida. in fact, floridians from all over the state got together to be part of a campaign ad that shows just how much they like their governor ron. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor ron desantis. >> today we deliver, for the people of florida, yet again. >> he saved our jobs. >> and kept us going. >> you had our backs. >> and armed our service. >> you led by facts, not fear. >> you made sure my son didn't turn -- g-a-y. >> thanks to you, i'm sold out
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of horse enemas. >> you made sure i can teach my students that jesus rode dinosaurs. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, governor. >> gracias, governor desantis. >> thanks, governor desantis. >> ron desantis for governor. paid for by chart nuts. >> jimmy: now get out there and hunt me some pythons! i mentioned this last night. the mypillow man, mike lindell is up to his mustache in trouble. mike's phone was seized by the fbi this week while he was pulling up to the drive-thru at hardee's in mankato, minnesota. the fbi came in. mike said he was on his way home from a duck hunting trip. which is hard to imagine. when you hunt ducks, don't you have to be quiet for a few minutes? [ laughter ] authorities are reportedly looking into mike's possible connection to election fraud that went down in colorado back in 2020. the news of mike's situation caught the attention of another
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election denier, rudy giuliani, who tweeted, "breaking news, the fbi seized mike lindell's phone! fight back by shopping "rudy" at to support." [ laughter ] "fight back by shopping." like a real housewife. [ laughter ] rudy giulini doesn't even use pillows, he sleeps upside down. [ laughter and applause are ] mike lindell was busy on his website today telling all about his fast food encounter with the feds. >> we got nine ducks, it was a good quick trip down to iowa. o our way back we got hungry about mankato, minnesota. i said, let's quick go through a drive-thru. we went through this drive-thru. at a harddee's restaurant. >> jimmy: what's the opposite of a celebrity endorsement? i think that was it. i'm always very interested in mike, and would love to find out
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more about this. we got in touch and we're going to check in with the man himself, mike lindell stand big in mankato. can you hear me? >> geez, jimmy kimble again. i knew you was going too hassle me today. >> jimmy: no, i just want to know -- >> what can i get you? we stop serving breakfast at 10:30. >> jimmy: mike, i'm not ordering breakfast. why are you still at hardee's? >> number 8, the mushroom swiss, delish. number 6 u. the chocolate shake, they hand make them, did you know that? >> jimmy: yes, i -- >> now i'm stuck here at hardee's in mankato with no ride. >> jimmy: oh, no, that's terrible. >> you're sure the heck it is. good news is, donnie, the manager took pity on me. he said i could pull a few ships and save up for a bus ticket. thank you, donnie, you're a real life-saver. say hello to my best friend,
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jimmy crumbles. [ laughter ] >> hello. you've got a customer. >> oh, yeah -- he's a real task master, i'll tell you that. okay. hello? welcome to hardee's, may i take your order? yeah, okay. say it again, huh? what? will you make it a super combo meal? all right, okay. okay, cheap skate, get to the first window. [ laughter ] i need an originalenis burger, hold the grass! all right cheapskate, go to the first winda! tammy, i need one original anus burger, hold the grass! >> jimmy: i think you mean angus burger. >> no, i mean anus! a-n-g-u-s. anus. i'm reading it right here. >> jimmy: that's angus, with a "g." >> well, it's a silent g! as in jee-sus, smartypants. >> jimmy: listen mike, the reason i got you on the line was to ask about the fbi seizing your phone. >> they took everything! except for this. luckily, i keestered my lucky
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tamagotchi. [ laughter ] it's my only remaining link to the outside world! [ horn honking ] pull up! pull up dangnabit! take the whole darn bag for it. a side of fries, too. thank you for eating at hardee's, keep moving! >> jimmy: you seem irritated. has not having your phone been an inconvenience? >> hell yes, it has! it had all my contacts, my scheduled reminders to take my antipsychotic meds. so now i've gotta be safe. i've gotta pop a handful every few minutes just to make sure i don't kidnap another fireman. >> jimmy: when did you kidnap a fireman? >> i kidnapped one the time my alpaca kicked over that lava lamp and burned down my condo! c'mon jim, keep up! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm very sorry. how long are you planning to work at hardee's? >> i don't know. maybe i'll stay awhile! the benefits are great. i get 10% off onion rings when i'm working. they let me nap in the meat freezer. and i'm learnin' new things. >> jimmy: like what? >> did you know if you drop the
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bathroom key in the fryolator, it makes the chicken tenders taste like coins? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, i didn't know that. >> hang on, got another order here. >> jimmy: i don't think you're supposed to be eating the food there. >> okay, coming right up. i need a kids' bow wow, paint it red and make it cry! look, kid, we're out of toys. but i got something for you. here's what i'll do. i got a thumb drive right here with proof that the chinese stole the election from president donald j. trump. and a couple clozapine. [ laughter ] promise me you won't operate any heavy machinery! >> jimmy: mike, i don't think it's a good idea to give a kid clozapine -- >> and if you get sleepy and need high-quality pillows and sheets, go to my website and use promo code "anus burger!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, we will do that. thank you, mike. >> welcome to hardee's, may i take your order? >> jimmy: all right. that's mike lindell. [ applause ] we've got a good show for you tonight, beto o'rourke is here. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from death cab for cutie, and we'll be right back with sam rockwell.
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i believe prop 27 is the right thing to do. i had experienced being in shelters at a young age. having nothing. prostituting. we don't choose this life. i never knew what safe was until i came to city of refugee. people that's coming through these doors are trying to break the cycle. prop 27 will help provide more funding for places like this and help people get off the streets. it feels good to have a place to call home. support prop 27.
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>> jimmy: hello there, welcome back to the show. tonight, the democratic nominee for governor of texas beto o'rourke is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later they're back with a new album that comes out tomorrow. it's called "asphalt meadows." death cab for cutie from the mercedes eq stage. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we've got new shows with allison janney, john boyega, and johnny knoxville. with music from weezer, madison cunningham, young gravy, and blackpink. please join us for all that. also, we are taking our show on the road once again to brooklyn, week after next. we'll do five shows at the brooklyn academy of music.
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and blazing the trail, going ahead on a scouting mission, will be our goodwill ambassador guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] who's taking a cross-country trip in the guillermobus, or guillermobile, or whatever we're calling it. it's like the batmobile, but with a full bar. a moustache on the front. on monday, guillermo will be at lincoln financial field in philadelphia for monday night football. he'll be at the texas state fair in dallas on tuesday. federales bar in chicago on wednesday, and the cask & flagon in boston on thursday. so if you live nearby, come and say aloha. have some tequila with guillermo. guillermo is going to be a disaster. >> guillermo: it's going to be great, jimmy. >> jimmy: your blood alcohol content will be 3.8. >> guillermo: i'm planning to gain 10 pounds too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by the way, if you're going to be in the tristate area
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and want tickets to our brooklyn shows, we're releasing more starting tonight at our first guest is an oscar-winning actor who is great in everything he does. his new movie, "see how they run," opens in theaters tomorrow. please give a big rockwelcome to sam rockwell. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: here, hanging out, how are you doing? >> all right, all right, just hanging out. >> jimmy: did you meet beto o'rourke? >> yeah, i took a picture for my dad, my dad's a really big fan. >> jimmy: is he? has your dad met beto? >> no, he hasn't. >> jimmy: he wanted you to fake a picture? >> yeah, i sent him the picture. he's a -- like a matinee idol, a henry fonda type. >> jimmy: that's why he's here, we don't have unattractive people on the show. [ laughter ] >> i should hope not. >> jimmy: thinking about your dad, because i think you told me the last time you were here that
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he met his wife at a bernie sanders rally? >> that's right, yeah, yeah. he's basically a commie. [ laughter ] no. >> jimmy: i see. >> no. he's very liberal. and he taught me those values growing up. not to cross a picket line. he was a union guy. if you think of union, you might think of jimmy hoof may. he's more the woody guth re union type. [ laughter ] he's a good father, yeah. >> jimmy: politically minded, he thinks about this kind of stuff? >> he does. when i did "frost nixon," he helped me with the research, went to the archives, listened to the tapes in d.c. he's kind of obsessed with father great 0 gate. >> jimmy: is he really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: he didn't get blown out by all the trump thing? >> he's pissed about that too. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: watergate seems like the orange "king kong" compared on to "avatar 2."
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>> it is. he said a lot of smart things about it to educate me. when we did "advice," he could talk to adam. >> jimmy: are these things that boar bored you as kid? >> yeah, now it's cool. as a kid i had to go to union picnics. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did your dad do some acting? >> he did. he is in "sfwrost nixon." ron howard used to put his dad in flicks, put his brother in the movies. he put my dad in the movies. my dad had these awful coke bottle glasses that were very '70s. >> jimmy: harry caray style? >> harry caray style, yeah. he had a line. >> jimmy: he did? >> nice of ron howard to do that. >> jimmy: there's an interview, "the evening standard." you said this last week. "aging sucks, man action i've got injuries everywhere." where are they? >> well, you know. i got the typical after 50 tennis elbow.
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i don't know if you got that one yet. >> jimmy: don't play tennis. >> i don't play tennis either. >> jimmy: i want to get the first pickleball elbow. >> what is that? people are getting hurt doing that, pulling their backs. >> jimmy: very dangerous, yeah. >> you stay still, then you go door the ball? >> jimmy: i've thought about playing pickleball for hours and hours for years now. i've never actually tried it. but i think about it all the time. [ laughter ] >> i kind of want to google a video because i'm curious about it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> sounds -- not great. >> jimmy: yeah, i can sign you up with a youtube, you can see the whole thing. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> jimmy: it's an, i don't know, easier version of tennis? i don't know. >> you're still, then you go into motion, that's why people get hurt. >> jimmy: if you have a lot of injuries, you probably shouldn't be doing it. the rope i bring up the injury, you said you got it -- tell everyone. >> i got an ankle thing from bad break dancing in a club. [ laughter ] i might have had a couple of
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cocktails. i was doing a clint eastwood movie with jon hamm, olivia wilde, paul houser. we went to dinner then this club, there were kids there popping and breaking. i thought i could do that. because i did a little bit really badly in high school. so i went in and represented myself okay. then -- i might have had a beer, then i came back and did it again. then i did the splits and i hit my ankle on this pillar, and i was out for three months. >> jimmy: i want to rewind. imagining you in high school popping and locking. [ laughter ] what year did you graduate? >> please don't, please don't imagine it. >> jimmy: i'm imagining you walking "breaking 2 electric boogaloo." >> yeah, i did all that stuff, man. >> jimmy: were you part of a cry? >> no, no. >> jimmy: did you have a piece of cardboard that you walked around town with? >> we had the linoleum -- i didn't do sneakers, i did shoes like this.
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i like to slide like james brown. michael jackson. that was that spinning stuff. >> jimmy: did you do any moonwalking? >> i did. i did a little moonwalking, very badly. >> jimmy: okay. a good talk show host would ask you to pop and lock and moonwalk and stuff like that. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers ] >> is that slippery? >> jimmy: oh, wow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> notice i needed my hand to catch myself there. >> jimmy: are you okay? >> yeah. i might have pulled something. >> jimmy: did you tell clint how you got hurt? >> no. but he's a badass, man, whoa. >> jimmy: that's why i was thinking you shouldn't tell him. >> no, don't tell him about that. no, he's crash landed planes and fallen off horses. >> jimmy: he's very clumsy, yeah. [ laughter ] i like that that makes him a bas "yeah, he's terriblet dihter
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"and on things too." this new movie -- >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you play -- correct me if i have any of this wrong. first of all, you're playing an englishman, which means you have to do an english accent. >> yes. >> jimmy: do you have one english accent? or do you go around the regions and decide where your character -- >> you have to get specific but it might start around -- we went very posh, they want we went very cockney for east end. i had two dialect coaches and they both helped me. then you kind of mix them together. martin friedman tapes some sounds for me, eddie morrison taped my lines. he was in "donvan," great actor. >> jimmy: martin friedman is bilbo baggins. >> right. we did "hitchhiker's guide," so he taped stuff for me. i might return the favor, you know. >> jimmy: yes, sure, perhaps,
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yeah. you also play an alcoholic. >> yes. >> jimmy: who was your drinking coach? [ laughter ] >> good question. i am actor teacher, william esberg, who passed away, he said go to a bar and drink coffee and coca-cola and watch drunks. you don't get drunk on a set, i want to make that clear. [ laughter ] all the young acting students out there. it's fun to play drunk. you have to be very relaxed -- >> jimmy: what is your method? i've heard people say, to play drunk you pretend you're not drunk, whatever -- >> that's part of it. there's some tricks you can do. you can balance one way and try to walk a straight line. indirect where you look this way, then you go that way. tricks like that. but it's also like this thing called sloth. you get really relaxed. and i actually did it to prepare for this drunk scene with ray liotta in a movie. the great ray liotta. >> jimmy: yeah, sure.
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[ applause ] >> i was doing relaxation things on the floor, trying to get relaxed. and he was looking at me, getting mic'd. "day, daniel day lewis, come here." [ laughter ]go he was keivouysight goikis. u r. then yiz and that's a trick you can do. the great ray liotta, there you go. >> jimmy: you start casting ray re quota. >> exactly. >> jimmy: do we need to set this clip up? you and saoirse ronan. >> me being a drunk detective, she's buying very -- >> jimmy: buttoned down. >> yes. >> jimmy: the movie is "see how they run." >> the least we can do is talk to this other party. >> yes, sir. >> tell me, do you bring write everything down in that book? >> only if it's important, sir.
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>> how do you know if it's important? >> well -- i'll just sort of put everything in. as we go. down the line, when we know what's important, we'll know it's already in the notebook. >> so you do write everything down? >> yeah, everything. [ laughter and applause ] chrsla]y: sam rockwell and thanks, sam. "see how they run" opens in theaters tomorrow. we'll be back with beto o'rourke. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by cinna-fuego toast crunch, blasted with spicy cinnadust! try the "feel-the-fuego" challenge. ove with your strut ♪ ♪ day two, i'm in love with your strut ♪ (camera click) ♪ day three, i'm in love with your strut ♪ ♪ guess what, i'm in love with your strut ♪ ♪ i like your strut ♪ ♪ do you wanna go struttin', struttin' ♪ (camera clicks)
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♪ you like my strut ♪ ♪ do you wanna go struttin', struttin' ♪ (camera clicks) ♪ you like my strut ♪ ♪ then let's go struttin' right now ♪ ( ♪♪ ) (vo) red lobster's finer points of fun dining ♪ then let's go how to endless shrimp: swell. reat!less shrimp back th n pmesan-bacon shrimp scampi. welcome to fun dining.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. death cab for cutie is on the way. on november 8th, our next guest could become the first democrat and best skateboarder elected governor of texas in more than 30 years. [ cheers ] his new book is called, "we've got to try: how the fight for voting rights makes everything else possible." please welcome, el pride of el paso, beto o'rourke. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: first, may i say, it's a great pleasure to have you here. i admire you and the things that you've been doing.
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as you probably know, your state, texas, is in the news today because the xwofsher pulled another stunt sending -- busing people who came into this country up to kamala harris' house in washington, d.c. and doug doocy from arizona's been doing that. ron desantis has been doing that. what do you make of that when you see that happening? >> i just know that we are so much better than that. sending these migrants to d.c., to chicago, to new york, now to the vice president's house, isn't doing anything for them. it's not doing anything for us. it's not addressing the underlying challenge that we have in terms of our immigration system. the last time that we rewrote the immigration laws of this country, ronald reagan was the president of the united states of america. we know that folks are coming here to work, they're coming here to join family, they're coming here to seek asylum because to return to their countries of origin would mean certain death for them or their kids. how about texas, a border state,
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a state full of immigrants that has made us so successful and strong and also safe, what if we led the way on ensuring that if you want to come to this country, you have to follow our laws, but on our part, we will lead the way in rewriting our laws, they reflect our values, our interests, our needs. there should be a safe, legal, orderly path for those who want to come to this country to do better for themselves and do better for all of us by their very presence. [ cheers and applause ] take the lead on that. >> jimmy: i think some would argue that there is a safe, orderly path, the path just isn't wide enough. then there are people who are basically trying to flood the gates, which you can totally understand. but it's such a complex problem. how do you address that when you have people who are coming in without going through the proper channel in this. >> so i can be in la misa, texas. i can be in brownsville, the rio grande valley. i can meet with farm workers, very often undocumented.
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i can meet with the owners of those farms. it's so complicated to sponsor someone to work a job in texas that no one born in texas would take. the wait time if you want to join a family member and you live in mexico today is 20 years. if you want to do it the "right "right" way, get in the back of the line. a adjudication for an asylum claim is six years. six years, living in squalor with your child, hoping nothing will happen to them. lifting the visa cap so you're not waiting 20 years in line. instead of waiting six years for an asylum ecer to get an answer, how about six week in this if the answer is yes, welcome to america. if not, you've got to return back to your country of origin. the answers are there, we just need the political leadership and the will to get that done. and that's part of what this election in texas is about. we're either going to have these theatrics and stunts on the border that have done nothing to
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help anyone, or actually lead on an issue that we know better than anyone else. [ applause ] i think texans are going to choose me to address it. >> jimmy: i know one of the things you do is go door to door, you really talk to people. you talk to people who don't necessarily agree with you. i would imagine this is a subject that comes up a lot when you're knocking on those doors. how do you find -- what percentage of the people you visit say get out of here, i don't want to talk? >> it is so incredibly rare that people are unkind to you in texas. we're good people who want to do right by and for one another. and the things that i'm talking about, like an immigration system that actually works, it's hard to find the republican who will take the other side of that argument. or investing in our schools or paying our teachers enough so they don't have to work a second or a third job. expanding medicate. we're the least-insured state in america. and not only do we lead the
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nation in children who die of diabetes, because greg abbott has refused to do anything about gun violence, that is the leading cause of death for children and teenagers in our state today. there's not a republican, a democrat, or an independent in our state who's okay with that. and when you have the common courtesy and show the basic respect of being where someone is, having this conversation, speaking but also listening, i find that we have so much in common. people want to reinject the extremism of greg abbott and the leadership in texas. they want change. they want something better. they're going to vote for it on november 8th. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when you go into these houses, do people ever not let you leave? you're like, i've got to get out of here now? [ laughter ] >> i remember knocking on a woman's door in el paso. she invited me in. and made me a cup of coffee. and told me about her grandson who's a marine, who she's so proud of. her daughter, who's a schoolteacher, who's one of these teachers working two or
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three jobs to make ends meet. we never really talked about policy. i never laid out my plan or tried to persuade her to vote for me. but i knew something was working because i went into a diner the next week, this guy approached me, he said, you knocked on my grandmother's door. and when i and my 32 cousins were at her house on sunday, having menudo, she made each one of us promise to vote for you. [ laughter and applause ] so what we're doing is working. >> jimmy: you've knocked on so many doors, do you ever knock on the same door, "you again?" [ laughter ] we actually have 92,000 volunteers now. >> jimmy: unbelievable. >> signed up to knock-on doors. we're going to be knocking on millions of doors in the most voter-suppressed state in the union. it's harder to register to vote -- >> jimmy: why is it so hard to register to vote in texas? >> there's no online vote registration. there's no same-day registration. there's no automatic voter registration. the criminal code is extraordinarily punitive.
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last year greg abbott signed a so-called elections bill into law that is keeping millions of people away from accessing a ballot box. more polling places of that closed in texas than any state. most of those closures are concentrated in the fastest-growing black and brown neighborhoods. our volunteers, those 92,000 heroes in texas, are on the doors of the people targeted for suppression and are going to make them the margin of victory when we win this thing in november. [ cheers and applause ] so there's some poetic justice in texas. >> jimmy: beto o'rourke is with us. we'll be right back!
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kevin: i've fought wildfires for twenty years. here's the reality we face every day. [can pops open] this is a crisis. we need more firefighters, more equipment, better forest management to prevent wildfires and reduce toxic smoke. and we need to reduce the tailpipe emissions that are driving changes to our climate. that's why cal fire firefighters, the american lung association, and the california democratic party support prop 30. prevent fires. cut emissions. and cleaner air.
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yes on 30. follow the law that's on the books that says you can buy not one, you can buy two or more if you want to, ar-15s, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and take that weapon that was originally designed for use on the battle fields in vietnam to penetrate an enemy soldier's helmet at 500 feet and knock him down dead -- up against kids at five feet. it may be funny to you, mother [ bleep ], but it's not funny to me, okay? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's beto o'rourke in mineral wells, texas. i love that, i do. because it makes me feel like somebody is angry, as angry as i am about this. and i think we all are, as you touched on before. the idea that people can walk into a store and purchase
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military-grade weapons and then bring them into a school. and then we see it, and we're all mortified, and still, i don't know how long it's been since that event in uvalde, which is in your home state, but we've still done little, little about it, little to nothing about it. >> it was 16 weeks and 2 days ago that those 19 kids and their two teachers were taken from us. killed. absolutely defenseless against a guy who was able to legally purchase two ar-15s, hundreds of rounds of ammunition. also defenseless against a governor who's done nothing, despite the fact that we've had five of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history in the last five years, just in this state. you and i were talking, i've got three kids. 15, 14, 11-year-old. they started the school year in el paso with nothing having been done to make it any less likely that they they or any other kid in the state of texas will meet the same fate as those children in uvalde. the answers are before us.
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we could, for example, raise the age of purchase for an ar-15 from 18 to 21. republicans, democrats, gun owners can all get behind that. a red flag law that allows law enforcement to intervene before it's too late. having universal background checks so when someone buys a firearm, we can make sure they're not going to be a danger to thimts or anyone else. she's are things we can do. but we can't do them when we have a governor who's more interested in the wishes of the ra than in the lives of our the kids. it's another reason we need change in the state of texas. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yes. speaking of lives and kids, in texas, they have very, very strict laws regarding reproductive rights. some of the strictest, i think, in country. and that's -- it's just crazy that people have to leave the state if they would want to get an abortion. it's just -- i never imagined in my life that we would see this. >> yeah. greg abbott's abortion ban begins at conception.
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there's no xeps exception for rape, there is no exception for incest. it's taking place in a state that's already at the epicenter of a maternal mortality crisis. you foreclose opportunities to make reproductive health care decisions, you're also foreclosing the opportunity to get a cervical cancer screening or see a family planning provider or a doctor of any kind in the least-insured state. women are dying, black women are dying at three times the rate of white women in the state of texas, and he's going to make it worse. here's the thing. texas women want protection for this right in the first place in '73. japan roe, sara weddington, her attorneys, prevailed on an all-male supreme court. texas women won it then, texas women are going to win it again. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you've got to vote. "we've got to try" is available now. i hope that people get angry enough about their rights being
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taken away, about the fact that their voting rights are being limits. nothing would make me want to vote more than knowing that people don't want me to vote. and i hope that that spreads and that people feel that and understand that. and thank you for bringing attention to it. it's great to have you here. [ cheers and applause ] beto o'rourke, everybody. this is his book. it's called "we've got to try." we'll be right back with death cab for cutie! this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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your romantic night out... involves a +4. you want your kids to have memories before they even have a memory. [sneezes] you travel with more medicine than a pharmacy. you know the most exciting part of la... is the hotel pool. you get to the airport three hours early... for domestic flights. you know the only thing better than this trip, is the next one. the delta skymiles® american express card. if you travel, you know. juliana, big mac no pickeles extra special sauce and jimena, quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles, no onions. thanks, dad! you got it! buy one favorite, like a big mac, and get another for just a buck right now at mcdonald's. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions,
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post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. every other month and i'm good to go. ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. so i said, "yeah you're saving hundreds with the home and auto bundle from progressive, but there's no saving that casserole!" [ both laugh ] i just love that word "bundle." it's so fun. two things coming together like a force of nature, like it was really meant to be, y'know? yes, yes, i do. and i'm so glad you wanna save money. rodney, set up a bundle for jon hamm. mm! of course! jon, is it still cool if i catch a ride home with you? i never said it was. but technically you didn't say it wasn't. it's not. yet.
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what's for dinner? panera! it's not. freshly prepared with clean ingredients. it's not just a night off from cooking. it's a delicious night on... for everyone at the table. panera. $0 delivery fee for a limited time. want a permanent solution to homelessness? you won't get it with prop 27. it was written and funded by out-of-state corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations permanently. only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. and with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. prop 27. they didn't write it for the homeless.
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they wrote it for themselves. >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes e-q. all electric, all mercedes. >> jimmy: all right, now you get music. this is their album "asphalt meadows." here with the title track, death cab for cutie! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ your kiss was a lonely prayer when you slipped it into my mouth closed my eyes and held it in ♪ ♪ then i exhaled it out
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glow of the downtown lights casting shadows ♪ ♪ across your face as if all the buildings knew i could only ♪ ♪ know half of you and i was a snake under your flowers i just ♪ ♪ wanted to disappear to the understory of your beauty ♪ ♪ never to reappear there's a name writ on your caps above ♪ ♪ the bruised and broken bones tells everybody that you meet ♪ ♪ to whom the damage is owed we are a wave of white noise beneath the city ♪ ♪ sleeping i saw the train
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doors closing i felt your sorrow deepen ♪ ♪ here in the asphalt meadows there's only one thing that grows ♪ ♪ finding life through the concrete getting trampled under our feet ♪ ♪ you set all your bridges in rows they all lead to an end point planes ♪ ♪ drifting off into the sky all depart but never seem to arrive ♪ ♪ and there in the early hours lying naked in your unmade bed ♪ ♪ i was thinking of how to tell you what my ticket read your kiss ♪ ♪ was a lonely prayer
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a single candle slowly burning down but your ♪ ♪ light your light was beautiful then it's here and now ♪ ♪ we are a wave of white noise beneath the city sleeping i saw the train ♪ ♪ doors closing i felt your sorrow deepen here in the asphalt ♪ ♪ meadows there's only one thing that grows finding life through ♪ ♪ the concrete getting trampled under our feet we are a wave of white ♪ ♪ noise beneath the city sleeping i saw the train doors closing i felt ♪ ♪ your sorrow deepen here in the asphalt meadows there's only one ♪
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♪ thing that grows finding life through the concrete getting ♪ ♪ trampled under our feet getting trampled under our feet getting trampled ♪ ♪ under our feet getting trampled under our feet ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the "s" class from mercedes-benz.
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what??? ♪♪ ( folds in half.) you see i love my phone. i would never switch to samsuuu... (gasping) ♪♪ >> jimmy: that is all the time we have, and guillermo, you'd better get on that bus. >> guillermo: bye, jimmy! bye, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> j we did run out of time for him. [ laughter ] "nightline" is next. thank you for watching, goodnight.ppus
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, immigration showdown. the families caught in the middle of a political firestorm. florida's republican governor flying migrants to an exclusive and popular new england vacation spot. and texas sending buses to the vice president's residene. why some cities say they're at a breaking point. plus serial shocker. >> this is a prepaid call from -- >> a bombshell reversal in the case that launched one of the most popular podcasts ever. >> i'm not at this point declaring that adnan is innocent, be are declaring he's entitled to a new trial. >> and the woman who first got people to care. >> it's basically what we've been hoping for all these
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